HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-12-25, Page 1TklIIi7'IET7[l: YEAR ---NO 9
*++.i'+ +l .1.4 x+ `:++++++•1"++++,i- a ++.3 relief a+++++++4.+++ '++++++
lt: .
Steel Ranges
Coal, and
Wood Cook
Air Tight
Stove Mats
1�11.•R�p�,,, "���t�ll .'fig.
fi 4
Furnace Work a Specialty
'i flWkriS 4R Sort *
I=1 ensal'I
G, J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Oonveyan-
oer, Commissioner., Fire Insuranoo Agent, and
Iesurer off Marriage Licenses, Legal documents
'`` carefully. drawn at reasonable rates. Money
'il, to loan on real estate at low rates of interest, licit Office at the Post Office Hensall your vote and influence on xay be-
.;. half. Yours respectfully,
4' 331ME'Fs.-•Miss Fulton, of London, is Rooms MoMoaDIE
home for the Christmas holidays.- ,Kipper!, Dec. 23rd, 1902
:l, Mr. J. Willis, of Hensall, who hae _
4. been in the hospital at London, taking gruoefield.
1' X-rays treatment, has returned home. ___
.p. He is much better, though mending BRIEFS, --Mr, John Watson, son of
+ slowly,. Should he continue to im- Mr-. John Watson, who resides just
Er:,noTXON OArtD.-Gentlemen, As I
have been nominated as a candidate
for this division torepresent you in
the County Council I respectfully so-
+ prove he may after some time. reganii south of our village, underwent a
,l, his wonted health. -Miss Lillie 1VVyec•
surgical operation at the Clinton hos
Ewen has returned halms after spend- pita,' last week. Although; -in a most
• 4.d• 4. 4.4.444.444.4.444.
Are what. ' every . one is
looking for. .Nothing 'makes
a more pleasing present than
a 'nice
sir 'oft Slippers
We have three delightful
1's Slippers.from 60e to $1.25.
men's Slippers from.40c to $1.00.
es slippers from 25 to•60c, •
fall and Chose before they are
all gone,
We Can
—In Exchange
—For Good
ter Meat Mallet
that our stock of Fall
and Winter, goods is
unequalled. See for
ing a few weeks inToronto visa ing critical condition he is now slowly
friends and relatives. -Mr. Isaac Bu- recovering. -Messrs, Jacnes and John
chanan, of the Agricultural College, Aikenhead left for Grand Rapids,
Guelph, is home for a, few days. -Mrs. Michigan, to attend the funeral'of
D, B.:MeLeatri3 spending the holiday their uncle, Huh Ross, who died
season with friends in; Toronto. -Rev, recet3t]y.-Miss Metall 0£, Scotland, BRIEFS, -The flax mill is now ie full.
Wm. Quance, Springbank, ' occupi .d who has been visiting in the neighbor- operation the strike being settled
the pulpit of the Methodist church a hood, has gone to Hensall to visit whereas the employees now receive
Sunday last and will also take charge lull. e. .She is nits taken up with $120 per day in place of fa1.00. as former -
of the services next Sunday, -Mies r +'The Lady of the Snows." She had ly.-Rev. R, W. and Mrs. Knowles are
Jean Dick, trained nurse, is Koine on her first sleigh ride a week ago, and spending -the Christmas holidays in
avisit.-The sacrament ,of the Lord's her
it a very pleasant recreation. London the guest of'Mrs. Knowles'
Supper was' dispensed in Carmel -Mr. Charles Sewers is engaged to mother, Mrs. Silk, Talbot street. -The
church on Sabbath morning last. The teach school in Salton county next , concert on Friday evening last given
ublic school was
afternoonrprevious weices e conducted bn the y year. -Mr; James McQueen is confin- a great the pupils
ss.. The program consist-
a sore knee.
the Rev. Mr. Smale, of Auburn, -Mr, ed to the house with ed of solos, recitations, dialogues,
Wm Peart, who has been in the West •--� — drills, etc.,,,, and each. part was well
for the past year, is home for the win- Sharon rendered. Meeh credit is due those
te> -The Misses Henderson, of Wind- -ea- who had the entertainment in • charge.
sor, who hays been visiting their (Too late for last issue.) -The choir and Sunday school, of the
brother at the Manse for the past two Suwon REPORT. -The following is Evangelical church, held their annual
weeks, returned home on Monday the correct report for the pupils in Christmas entertainment on Wednes-.
morning last. -Mr. and Mrs. John S. Sharon school at the close of the year day evening and was thoroughly en
Wren, of Dundas, are spending Xmas. 1002. Names are in order of merit, joyed by all. present, -A Xinas. festi-
vacation with their relatives in Hen- Class V., Freeman Morlock, Arthur val was held in the German church
sail andyicinity: Mrs, Wm. Moir is in Amy, equal ; Sr. IV., Elgin Amy; Al- on Xmas. eye. -The Sovereign Bank
Toronto visiting her daughter, Mrs. mina Yaeger; Jr. IV., W. Roeszler, directors have sent a safe to the
J. S. Case. -Mr. Robert G. McCloy is Nora Brown, W. Smith, .Ezra Wein, Sovereign Bank of this town. - The
home from the Forest City Business Herbert Morlock ; Sr. III., Wilber safe is stationed in Mr. Walter
College for the Christmas holidays.- Morlock, Della Kestle,
Mildred Either,
Clarke's confectionery
Our local butchers are getting in fine C. Clark, Della Smith, W. Wein ; Jr. Clara Heist, who has been on the sick
displays of meats. -n -Mr. and Mrs. John III., Idella' Schwartz, W. Preszcator, list for the past two weeks, is recover-
Zuefle and children, of Harriston, are D. Dietrich, Merner Either, L. Sch. ing. - Mr. Levi Heist and fano-
here visiting Mr, and Mrs. B. Kaiser, wartz, Minnie Kestle ; Sr, II., Gladys ly of Elkton, Mich., are visiting
1 Morlock Elite Wein, Mende here, overShristmas,- tr.
parents. -Wood and. coal Kestle,S be la £ s r ., � .
Mrs Zuefle'sy
are very . scrce commodities in our Ethel Sestle, E. Wein, A. Wein Jr. Geo, Motz, and arr. and arrs. Eli. Law-
aw-village.Miss Vera Murdock has re- III., Nellie Amy and Lorne Morlock, son, of Manitoba, are visiting friends
turned from London, where she has H. Wein, Percy Lawson, H. Schwartz and relatives here. -Mr. Chas. Sweit-
been on a couple of week's holidays.- E. Schroeder, Clarence Eilber ; Sr. Pt. zer and daughter from Kilmanagh,
Miss Alice Petty, of London, . engag- II., :Mervyn Brokenshire, C. Wein ; midi., are the guest of Mr. Tobias
ed in the millinery is home for the Jr. Pt. II., Arva Brokenshire, M Fahner, sr., and other friends.- ?err.
winter months, -Miss Manly engag- Klutnpp, B. Smith, Clinton Brown Samuel Wuert;z, of Pigeon, is the
ed•as milliner for the R. Pickard Co. L. Schroeder, Herbie Kroft Pt. L. guest of his parents, over Xmas..-arr.has returned to her home in -Southam- W. Schwartz, Mabel Coxworth;, Lulu Edward Eilber, and Miss Prussian, of
ton for the winter months. -Skating trestle. .rich., are visiting Dir, Chris=
opened for the first time on W.ednes H; W. MAY, Teacher, . tobher Eilber, for a few weeks.- Mr,
day evening. last. .'There was a,large .o- and airs. Fred. Guenther, of Elkton.
attendance, -Our merchants are' mak- St. Marys Mich,, who arrived here on Saturday;
ing fine displays of Ohristmas Goods morning will spend Christmas with
and have very attractive„ windows.- NUPPL.'s,s.-Mr. James W. Graham, their many friends here, air, George
St, Paul's church was lighted on Sab- barrister, and Miss Annie.McLaren, Eilber and Ed. Warm, who have been
bath evening last for the first time by one of St. Marys most estimable young at the Soo; since spring,. returned
electric Iight.-Mrs. Richard. Wright ladies, was married on Wednesday, home on Saturday evening.—Miss Car -
is visiting. her daughters in Gorrie.- Dec. l7th. The wedding was celebrat- rie Fahner, of Howard City, Mich.,
A family re -union was held at the, ed at the home of.tj.e bride's parents, is the guest of Mr. John Fahner, ani
home of Mr. Joseph Hudson last week, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McLaren, North other friends, over Xmas.- arr. John
when all the members : of his family, Ward, the officiating minister being Brown, of Kilmanhage, Mich„ is visit -
including no less than five sons-in-law the Rev. T. A. Cosgrove, pastor of the ing his mother and ober relatives
spent a very enjoyable evening and First Presbyterian church. The bride here for a few weeks. - Mr. August
made Mr. Hudson feel quite at home was attended by Miss Lottie Small, Hill spent Saturday in London,- Mr.
in his new home here. -Miss Bell,of of Hamilton. Mr. R, S. Graham David Fahner, and John Wein, who
.Glasgow,. Scotland, has been visiting
the bridegroom's brother was groom. have been at the Helen mines
Mr. and Mrs. John Bell and family Only a few guests, near relatives,- were spring, returned home on Monday
during the past week. -Our curlers in- present at the interesting event. After evening. -Mr. George and Adam Fink-
tend putting in good work this wintercongratulations a sumptuous wedding beiner, who have been in Detroit the
and will make a strong effort to hold dinner was served the table decora- past few months returned to their
the silver tankard that they, won last tions being pink and white. Mr, and homes on Saturday evening,- ;Miss
here this
winter.--Miss Gil an left Ida Finkbeiner, who has been in
i er. 1b
w nt g.Mrs. Graham left on the evening train ,
week to. spend a few weeks at her old for Detroit on a honeymoon trip, They Zurich the past two months returned
home at Tweed, near Belleville. -Rev. will;have the best wishes of a host of to firs. Wm. Fritz
Dr, Medd, who .had been confined, friends for a lung; happy and prosper- ■�
through illness, for the past mouth at ous life. The bride will he at home to Whalen
his brother's home in. Clinton, recov- her friends at their residence Queer • --'-
ered sufficiently to permit of his re- street east on January 7th and 8th.BRIEPS.-TOnl Morley starts for
and EUUs..WallteU
—. --•,_
Laving purchased pd the Butcher
Business from Mr, J. T. Manning,
'five solicit a share of your patron-
,age. We keep the
Ilast, of Mats'
both .fresh and salted, always on
hand. Orders delivered. promptly.
`': . GIVE CAUL,,
akrrnvl Isa-QLD 'AND,.
era -resume .rererwere_a,
• • h •,
.J se
St o
Bnanne.-plias Mable Jennison who
' lies just grad fated at the Goderich
Model School has secured a' situation
for the coming year at scbool section
1o. 10, Stephen.= -•Mr, E'.Becigneul has
Vemoved from the Queen's hotel but
We'have not learned who his successor
Is to be -Mr. D. Smith is visiting
-friends in Hamburg this week.—Miss
MacLeod has
Flo resigned her P
"",of S , S. No 11 Hay. We are sorry to
lose Miss MacLeod, but such is life. -
.Mr. Leon JefEroy moved. here this
week from the farm he recently, sold
eto the St. Joseph Co. We welcome
•Mr. Jeffroy to our midst. -Mr. N. M.
Combine spent several days in London
:on business last. week.
Chlidren Cry for
Highest Prices paid. New
Goods arriving daily.
Candies and Confectionary for
the Xmas trade.
dress of white and carried.a bocluet of
Ohrysanthemuins and was a ttendedALB �
by her sister, Miss May White, who w9R1
was also handsomely attired in a simi This ad• changes ever. week. Open. till 10 • m. even nighttill Xmas.
lair dress. The groom was supported g y P P y
by Mr, Nelson Watson of the 3rd.
line, BIai shard. The bride who was
given away by her father, entered the
parlor to the beautiful strains of music
played by Miss Ella Oamm. After the
knot was securely tied, the couple, to-
gether with the guests, to the number.
of about fifty .sat down to partake of
the wedding feast 'which was.. a credit
to those who provided it. The re-
mainder of the evening was spent in
the usual genies, dancing etc. The
happy couple have the best wishes of
all fir their future happiness and pros-
• Crediton
Case's Old Stand, ' HENSALL.:
At the last meeting of the Tp. Coun-
cil of Biddulph the following resolu-
tion w: aanun.:.tlausla Russ -ch '.-2iCtove'd"
by. F. A. Ryan, Seconded' by Jas. Too-'
hey. That this Council take this op-
portunity at this' the last meeting of
the.year of expressing to our . retiring
Reeve, Mr. Geo. Westman our sincere.
thanks for his kind courteous and gent-
lemanly conduct to every member and aunt, Mrs. W. Lindeufield, and other
official of this Council during the year relatives.
in which he
now drawing to a close
has presided as the chief•executive' Lumley
officer of this Council as well as during
turn home on Monday afternoon last. Michigan on Wednesday morning to
Mrs.: Medd has also returned, and we Russeldale visit friends. -The Trustees have en=
are pleased to learn that, althoneli in, -• _Yr,_ gaged lir. John M. M; Torrance to
very weak condition, he , did not ex- BRTEFs.-Jno. pole, . Jr., jr., arrived teach in our school for next year. -F.
perience any, bad,effects from hie' trip 'hone from the West last week and Marley attended the County Council
and we hope, now that he Jain his own intends returning,. in .the spring. He Nomifiation at Exeter on Monday. -
Christmas shopping is h
home -and 'his mind consequently. more is much .pleased with the country. otv the order
at ease, lie will begin to improve much Mr. Martin Baird, of:.Kansas, is visit- of the day.
more quickly than he has" duringthesister,Mrs-: o' """ = "� nD a `� ?n PzzEsntvremrON. Tale
q y . inghis �, rianaon. rue
past four weeks: -Mr, G.0.' Petty; of coceri„.i' i' . S. go, 5, Hibbert, under school closed for'Tilt.
istrnas vacation
+iaa.Y"grkshire Packing Boone_ is.hlti, 4.:�'t, .management of their teacher, Mr. on Friday evening. Oa iday after.
ing larg tar bins of caressed hogset--f 154e Dow, was a splendid 'success. noon a very large number of Gee r:i,te
of the section
Mr. Wm. Carlisle, from Winnipeg, His pupils shpwed .excellent. training payers , witli.their grown
accompanied by his wife, are visiting and skill in performing their drills and
up sons and daughters, whose school
Mr. Carlisle's parents and friends. -Mr. other parts. Mr. Fred and Miss Clara days are over, assembled at the school
and Mrs. Sheeck, of Michigan, were Francis, of 1+tillarcon, and Miss' Irene house to take part in the closing exer-
here last week visiting Mrs. Sheeck's Facey, of Russeldale, assisted in the else. The teachers Mr. Wm, Ryder,
concert.--Fullarton intend holding assisted by Messrs McDougal and
their entertainment ,on Xmas • night. Parkinson an
Miss .Halls teachers
from ueighbnring
--Mb.nt Pleasant anniversary servises
were conduct ed on Sunday, Dec. 21, the pupils in reading, geography his -
at 2.30 by the pastor and at 7 p. rn. by tory and other subjects, and the ready
Rev. J. Graham, . of . Avonton.-'rhe answers proved the efficient work of
the teacher and satisfactory
a e actor
r ow match between Fullertonand
spary done b the pupils in the various clas-
Russeldale resulted in a victory for p p
Russeldale by a score of 410 to 441. ses. After the examination was over
The victory was celebrated by a swell Mr. F. Morley was called to the chair
Mr. Jos. T3armer's on
and a lengthy program of recitations, supper at
Wednesday evening,•dialogues, songs etc was rendered' in a
manner that was pleasing to the visi
•Anderson tors, Near the close of the program
Mr. Ryder was called to the front and
BttXEFs,-Mr. Russel Otago, of St, the following address, was read and a
Marys, spent Sunday at Jas. Robin- beautiful vatch•chziin and locket
son's. -Mr. ttobt. Ratcliffe, is suffer- Presented to hien by the pupils, to
ing from a severe attack of measles, show their appreciation of his labors
Miss Sarah Atkinson has returned in their behalf and their regret at
home, after spending some weeks parting with him,
with her sister, Mrs. R. P. Bilyea.— To Mn. WILLIAM J Y» ER.
Mr. Richard Birtcli has purchased the DEAR TEACSun,-It seems sad to
farm lately owned bq Mr, Dave Wiles. think that the joyous, rnei�ry- Christ-
er sand -Miss Mary Annie
was times so
w near n r at hand, Can be
spending the Christmas holidays at 'mixed with circumstances that cause
their home, townline.- Miss Maggie sadness and regret, hilt such we assure
and'Sarah Anderson yisited their sis- you are the feelings aroused in its,
ter, Mayne last week. -Mr. W. H, S when we think that our relations to
Brown is horine for the holidays. -Mr each other as pupils and teacher must
John Gowan has . rebought his farm now come to an end, and we cannot
from his brother Walter. -Mr, R. P. let the occasion pass withoti.t express-
Bilyea, Sundayedi with Mr. Robert ing to you our regret at parting with
Atkinson. -Miss Emma Robinson is you. For the past 17 months you have
spending the Christmas holidays un- patiently and faithfully guided us in
der the parental roof. - Mr,' Less the paths of knowledge and by pre-
Wight is visiting with 11is cousin cent and example, tried to fit us for
'Wight of l3nwmanvalle, the duties of life that lay berore us.
the ten years he bas, occupied a seat at (Too late for last week.)
this Council Board.We would also BRXErS-
The manyfilends of Mr.
express our high appreciation as well A. Neil are pleased to see him around
as that of the people of Biddulph of again. -Mr. Fred Ellerington is home
the able services he has -rendered this from the 6i est looking hale and
township in his capacity of Councillor hearty. -Miss Ada Horney is visiting
• or Reeve during the ten years he has friends in this locality, -Miss Hannah
filled a seat in. this Council and we , Horney, of Bervie, is home for Xmas.
would further cherish the hope that holidays. -Our mucb beloved teacher,
when a favorable opeuing•should arise
that this township will still continue.
o .enjoy his services either in the
Council or in a larger sphere of useful-
ness in the county.
Miss Ford is leaving the school baying
taught over four years faithfully. and
t p r s well. Herdeparture is much regretted
rants: Bank
;APITAL (all paid up)
REST. , .. .. i•
!i'liOS.:F Y STIE
general Manager
by all, both parents and pupils.
BRXEFs.—The annual entertainment
of Hotly Trinity Church, Lunen, will be
held on the evening of January lst,
1003, TheMemorialChurchOrchestra
OfLondon, will assist in the evening's
program. A very interesting pro-
gram alone of local talent is arranged,
-Mrs, J. A. Ayearst, who has been in
•$6,00 00
,00.. Walleceburg for nearly two months
$2,700,000 waiting on her father, who has been
E F. ilP> BDPN. very ill came home on Monday last.
Superintendent of Branches.Her father is somewhat bebtet and
hopes are ndw entertained :for his re-
covery. -Mr. Thos. Hodgins had the
misfortune to run a prong of a fork
through his foot one day last week.
He was laid up for a day or two but
is all right again now.—(Jbristmas ser-
mons and special music appropriate to
the Christmas occasion were held inthe Methodist church on Sunday last,
Jas. Carter has improved the
appearance of his property by ,cutting
down sortie of the shade trees in front
of his residence, and trimming the re-
s werefar
maining os u . The free
maxi ones P
too thickly planted there, and as a re-
sult of the pruning, lily, Carter will
get a good deal more light and air
than before.
r . s at most favorable current rates allowed on
Interest ,
Sayings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts.
Letters,ot Credit issued available in China, Japan and
other .foreign' countries,
ise people do their shopping early. It is gratifying
to know that we are living among a class of wiSO
people, All along we have argued tor early buying, and the re-
sult has been that last week was a phenominal onewith us as far
as sales were concerned,
Sweet strains of music can be heard and they seem to put the
finishing touch on this up-to-date store,
Everything to excite the fancy here, We cannot enumerate.
Glance at our windows, is all we can say.
I Coil ! Holly! Holly!
We'havebought a large batch of hollyat a very low figure, and
as a consequence will pass it out to• our customers at the very
Iow price of i5c per pound: This will pe pleasing news for many,
Buy it now, It can't last long,
We sell PING PONG, Get in the game for Christmas,
Again extending the compliments of the season to all.
We remain, yours to command,
....�'.`.t�.°..:i�..'bu.ilrv� t+^nm •uc.�;i:.li.�•ni'$)t+w v. � .:. .. �...
Our clearing sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots , and Shoes,
Crockery, Etc., still continues. Every person who makes :a pur-
chase is well pleased. Such values were never before offered in
Have you taken advantage of
the opportunity.
We would again remind you of our bargains in Clothing. We
are disposing of a great many Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats
at extremely low prices. But we still have several lines to select
from. Come at once and make your selection
Ycu will find a nice assortment of Staple Goods still on hand
that is being cleared out at your own price.
SEE OUR DINNER SETTS. ---We have several nice setts that
are to be sold below cost.
This week we are offering our grocery stock at a sacrifice.
1 -lave you tried our Teas. They give universal satisfaction:
They will be sold at cost price.
Maple Leaf Salmon 2 cans foi , .... , 25c.
Large tin, Pork and Beans ...... . .... . . . •, 8e.
Lombard Plums in Syrup ...... .. ...... . . . . . 8c,
But no needto quote prices. Everythng to be cleared gi4 in a
short time at bargain prices.
antspenttimes in
this school
o that you maylongbe sed We
ed in
health anstrength twear, and
that your efforts may be crowned
with success in whatever sphere your
future lot may be cast, Signed on be-
half of the pupils.
The address was read by Mary McGee
and the presentation made by Oscar
Morley. Win. Ryder in a few words
thanked the pupils for the gift, and
flattering address, assuring them that,
it had been a positive pleasure to go
o the school each morning
and do
�v�iat;.iQ could, for children that �v�^•,;,
so ready o'.::t'? him in his r&4s by
ns in their power. Mr.
everymea ►
taking a course at
Ryder intends
Chatham Business College.
Though we niay.have often tried our
es ea
W incft patience by our indifference, We hope
�---� you will attribute it to the thought-
hou �ht-
lessness of.. ou l l-
tian gee
d not to :iu f
'WEnDnio.-�•'A very pretty wedding. , �, . Y
was solemnized et the residence of Mr. ing of ill w ill toward your sit. We
Thos. White, on Dec, kith, when his ask you to accept this chain and
youngest daughter, Miss Nellie, was locket, as a small toketl of. the esteeirl
unite in ties of wedlock to Me, Win. Ifl which•you are held by us and our
I+a'lliott a prosperous young far. nisi .of gratitude for your fe,ithful efforts 'ta
va ce our ,l s,
ad n we ft rz.. i �' s t
Blanshard, The ceremony was pre. l�0 1i t at cep
formed by ' the Rev. O. Fletcher, it fur the maney value ,itf the
bride was gowned in a handeoine thattpronlpts the giving and the pleas
• This month in
Over -coating
Fancy Vestin
A lade-' • aaato:larraa•
._S sele-ct from.'
Wo W. Taman.
V' i'
Ntaa-cilia cant Tedfor.
Xmas Oitts
We have a full line of Hockey
and Spring
Spring Skates, all sizes, 50c. to $1,00
Hockey Skates, all sizes, $1.25 to. $2.25
--AN D
Specials for Xmas ty+*ers
Nickle Silver Tea Spoons ...50e. and up
Nickle Silver Dessert Spoons.. . . . .75c. and up
$100 and up
Celieloid Table and Dessert Knives.51.50 and up
Table Knives and Forks........ .$1.00 and u
13 s' Jack Knives . , ... 5 10 15 and 2oc
Girls' Peri 1 nives, . , . , , • . , , . , . • ..15 20 slid 25c
Ladies' Pen Knives •25 to 50c
Men's Pocket Knives .25 to 50c
Good Rarors. .. , , 11, . , .. ,. . ,
Bread Knives. •••• • ..iSe
Bread Boards. • .. ,. r•••11,04••••••1,4“444414•0•44••• ,20e
Caret Sweepers.. , , . . , .. ... $2,45 up to $3.25
p ..,. •.,,85ci.ti in $2,00 N, R Sad -Irons..... , ,
Basin Seeder. ...... , .: .... , - , ...... 7:, ; up to ¶1.2o
' Food e. , o...... , .05e up to 1.40
Cliop er .
' l.l}0
Decorated Granite Tea Pots. � l>
A:rrd lot- of other lines to select fr-otn at
Nickle Silver Table Spoons
[tIMfIN'S titRD'VtR'