HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-12-18, Page 8ART'
ST,•—A magnificient assortment
suitable and useful Xmas. goods. Xmas. Boxes for old and young.
Xmas. Boxes for rich ,and poor. Useful suitable presentb and all at
prices so easy to reach, Come every one, come and sed the im-
mense display, We want, your custom, • We :Will treat you well.
Come and try.
$17 for a very swell Seal and
Thibet combination Caperine. The
finest we have had this season—a
choice present.
$10,00 for a lovely Seal and Black
Opposum combination Caperine, long
front and collar. Its right an to date.
$12 for our choicest Anierican Sable
Neck Boa. A beauty.
$6.75 for a genuine Sable Neck Ruff
trimmed with full tails. A sure Xmas
46,00 for American Sable Neck Ruff,
shaped and trimmed with tails. .A.
good looker.
$6,00 for natural Silver Fox Neck
Ruff, trimmed with natural head and
tail, A beauty.
$2.00 for Black Fur Neck Ruff,
trimmed with natural head and tail.
A bargain.
Girl's Grey Lamb Fur Caps, Grey,
Lamb Collars, Grey Lamb Mitts. Cor-
rect and useful Xmas boxes. 'Values
are in your favor.
Ladies' Fur Gauntlets, Fur Muffs
and Fur caperines. Big stock, big
Fur Coats for men, Fur Coats for
women, Nearly a hundred to pick
from. Every coat direct from the
maker to us. You save all middle
profits when you buy your Furs from
25c for a lovely bohefximan glass
Vase, 18 inches high, hand painted, a
lovely present.
30c, for a beautiful French china
candle stick, the cutest thing out,
15c. for Bohenliman glass. Bon Bon
dishes, assorted colorioge, They're
$3.75c for the swelIest lot of shaded
and gold traced toilet setts that we
have ever shown. Quick if you want,
one. — green, blue, pink. rose and.
20c, each, a swagger lot of shaded'
glass rose bowls. You should see
theca. They're all right.
50c. each, for ladies' Chatelaine
Bags, nickle plated mountings, and
handkerchief pocket on side.
98c. for ladies' lovely curl Gauntlets,
swell Xmas. gift,.
88c, for 6/4 chenille Table Cover, all
colors, lovely new designs. Some
merchants ask $1.00 and $1,25 for the
same cover.
1.50 2.00 and $2.50 the dozen for a
fine lot of pure linen Table Napkins.
What better Xmas. gift could you
75c. and $1.00 the yard for our great
leaders, in bleached Table Linens.
Just as white as snow and as pure as
they can be ' made.
Xmas. Groceries and Fruit.—We are
right on top of the trade, with choice
fresh goods at correct prices.
Nuts, Candies, Oranges
Figs and Dates. Piles of them, heaps of them, Bring along the
little folks and let them help themselves. They are
welcome to all they can eat.
Sovereign Bank
of Canada.
Capital Authorized $2,000,000.00
Capital paid up.... $1,031,000.00
Crediton and Exeter
on deposits of $1.00 and upwards.
Special attention to farmers business,
to England, Ireland, Scotland, France,
Germ any, United States, Australia,
South Africa. Safest methods, best
rates. All kinds of Banking Business
done. Prompt attention and courte-
ous treatment to all,
Solicitor. • Manager.
C. W. GILMOUR, Manager. Crediton.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisemente accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
THURSDAY, DEC 11, 1902
Only one week till Christmas.
Oranges at all prices at O'B rien's
Mr. Hugh Spackman will again he e,
candidate for county councillor.
Have you tried O'Brien's Home
Made Bread.
S t The LIMES office is the niece to get
. your job printing.
Xmas. groceries—Stewart has a
most complete stock; fresh, clean and
values in your favor.
For Marriage Licenses,
Wedding Rings,
watches,. Clock
.Spectacles Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Getyvour Bon -Bons at O'Brien's.
Miss'Elliott milliner, spent Sunday
the guest of Miss Essery, at Eden,
Ten Nights in a Bar Room to -mor-
row, Friday night, Dec. 19th.
Mr. Wesley Armstrong spent Sun-
day with his mother at Sarnia.
Candies, Nuts and Oranges for Xmas.
best values will be at Stewart's.
Miss Ethel Bissett, milliner, has re-
turned home from Wingham for the
Ten Nights in a Bar Room carry 12
people. Don't fail to hear them, Fri-
day night, Dec. 19th.
For young stock, fatting stock,
young pigs and poultry, no food equals
English Stock Food. Sold by C. Lutz.
Mies Handford, who has held the
position as milliner at Zurich is spend-
ing her -holidays at her home in Cen-
Mr, F. A. Holtby, who is manager
of the Merchants bank in Lucan spent
Sunday in town the guest of Dr, and
Mrs. Anderson.
Do your Christmas shopping early
yon will be guided as to where to
purchase your holiday gifts by consult-
ing our advertising columns. fi
Xmas. presents.—Stewart's is the
spot. A complete range of fancy china;
fancy handkerchiefs, purses, chafe=
laine.bags, Suitable presents for every-
Owing to the illness of Rev. Dr.
Medd, of Hensall, Rev. Mr. Quance, a
former pastor of the EIimville circuit
is taking his work at the Hensall and
Bethesda appointments.
Try Winan's Cough Balsam for
coughs, colds and bronchitic troubles.
a Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. Sole agent
4for Dix Lung Syrup and Dix Cold
Men's black beaver Overcoats, velvet collar, fly front, box back, umbrella skirt'
Italian lined, were .$12.50, gut to $9,50
Men's black beaver Overcoats, velvet collar, fly front, Italian lined, sewn
with silk and linen were $8,50 now $7.00.
Men's black beaver Overcoats, vel vet collar, fly front, good linings, se wn with
linen and silk, were $6.50 now 35.00
men's grey cheviot Overcoats, silk velvet collar, mohair and Italian linings,
Telma pockets, umbrella skirt box back, were12.00 cut to
$ $9,50
Men's .Oxford grey Overcoats, velvet collar, Talma pockets, cuffs on sleeves,
Raglan style, were $9.50 cut to $8.00
Men's Cheviot and Frieze Overcoats,-yelvet collar, raglan style, talma pockets,,
cuffs on sleeves, twilled Italian lining, linen and silk sowings, were $8.50
for 44444 •„.'....,.:...... ..• 4 .:$7.00
Men's frieze Overcoats, Oxford grey, storm collar, wool lined, strap on back,
linen sa winge, were $6.50, now.. Y .. . ...................... $5.00
Boys' ad youths Overcoats in best cloths, latest style sand lowest prices.
Boys'reefer Coats and Pea Jackets in blues and greys, lined with rnatellic
Sateen and wool linings, all at cut prices.
Our prices can't be beaten, our styles surpassed and no
goods are made better
roceries:a $peoielt . One ne IJOOr North of P'oetofl'ico
XBI E 1, Ti S, : ?FA 0 M ER 18.th 190
('call at. O'Brien's for your Xi. v,.
Bandies, outs, etc., largest assortment
lit town,
Air. W 111 Yager of North Dakota is
spending a fe x weeks here with his
Perrin's Cream Soda Biscuits, 31h -
cardboard boxes 21c,--31b•tin boxes 250.
at. Stewart's, fresh every week. Y
„ Turkish Scalp Food is the best Bair
tonic and dreeeing un the market,
Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter, 50e, a bottle,
Coming ! Ten Nights in a Bar Room,
Friday night, Dec, 19th. Plan of Hail
at C. Lusz's Drug Store, Seats, 15,
25 and 35 cents.
Rev, 0, W. Brown B. A., B. D„ of
Mitchell, was the guest of Dr, and Mrs
Anderson during his stay in town-
over Sunday.
&fr. Geo. Hill will leave this week for
Buffalo where he will spend the
Christmas and New Years holidays,
with his son Mr. Will Hill.
What better Xmas. box than furs?
Stewart has the bulge on the fur busi-
ness, fur ruffs, mitts, muffs, caperines
nd coats, just the thing for Xmas
Mr. Lionel Howard, who ha`s been
in the employ of Mr. Geo. Bawden,
builder and contractor, Lucan, has re-
turned home for the winter.I
Invitations are out announcing the
wedding of Mr, Gordon Manns, of Hen-
sel!, to Miss Lette Jones, of Exeter,
which event takes place on Dec. 24th.
Mr. Fred Miners, who has been in
Collingwood for the past two years is
spending a few days at his home in
Elinlville this week after which he
takes a position in London.
Hereafter all Ontario Government
officials from whom bonds are requir-
ed must give guarantee companies'
bonds instead of bonds of private indi-
Mr. A. Q. Bobier is mentioned as a
possible candidate as county councillor
in district No. 4. He ran two years
ago and came within a few votes of
being elected.
Nomination for county councillors,
Dec. 22 ; nominations for town and
township councils,•Dec, 29th ; election
for county, town and township coun-
cils, Jan. 5th.
Friends ofMFather Valentine, Zurich
will regret to learn that he is not im-
proving in health, but seems to be
gradually growing weaker. He is still
in London.
Miss Anna Martin, who is attending
the model school at Goderich, has been
engaged to teach in the Winchelsea
public school for the coming season,
ber duties to commence after the
Christmas holidays.
Mr. A. W. Campbell. manager of
the Merchant's Bank at Lucan, has
been transferred to Stratford, and Mr.
F. A. Hollby who has filled the posi-
tion as Accountant in the Bank at
Mitchell has received the appointment
as manager at Lucan.
The Weekly Mail and Empire' is
offering the choice of two handsome
artogravure pictures"The Doctor" and
"Contentment” to their subscribers.
Our subscribers can secure either of
these two pictures and the Mail and
Empire to the end of next year for
only 75 cents by ordering direct from
We have not advanced the price of
;our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco,
Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew-
ing tobaccos are the same size and
price to the Consumer as formerly.
We have also extended the time for
the redemption of Snowshoe tags to
January 1st 1904.—THE EMPIRE To
We have to crave indulgence from
our readers if the "TIMES" this week
has not the amount of newsy matter,
Our advertising columns are crowded
and the merchants each have some-
interestiug to announce the perusal
of which could be helpful in guiding
you in the choice of Christmas gifts
and where to secure them.
Dr. Ovens, of London, Surgeon, Ocu-
list and specialist of diseases eye, ear,
nose and throat will be at the Com-
mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Tuesday,
Dec. 30th, 1902; Wednesday, Jan. 7th ;
Wednesday, Feb. 4th ; Wednesday,
March 4th ; Wednesday, April 1st ;
Wednesday, May 6th ; Wednesday,
June 30th, 1903. Spectacles and eye-
glasses properly fitted, Next visit will
he Tuesday, Dec. 30th.
The remains of the late Emma Bal -
man, beloved wife of Mr. Jas. Mahon,
arrived here from Northbranch, Mich.,
on Thursday morning last and were
interred m the Exeter cemetery. The
deceased had been suffering from
cancer of the liver, for some time .and
gradually became weaker until she
passed away on Dec. 9th, at the age
of 58 years. Mrs. Mahon, was a daugh-
ter of the late Thos. Balman, of Us.
borne, and was well known and highly
respected by all with whom she came
in contact with.
SEWING MACHINE—Singer sewing
machine in good order for sale. Apply
at this office,
SPECIAL`' OFFER.—During the next
two months or up to March 1st, we
will give subscribers a special club rate
for the TIMES and London Daily Ad-
vertiser for $2.25 in advance. Sub-
scribe now.
AGENTS WANTED. --Reliable Lady
Agents wanted to take orders for the
best custom made dress skirts and
walking skirts in Canada. Write
GUELPH, ONT, Box 209
We have not advanced the price of
our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco -
Bobs, Currency and Fair Play, chew,
ing tobaccos are the same. size and
price to the Consumer as formerly.
We have also extended the time for
the redemption of Snowshoe tags to
January lst 1904.—THE EMPIRIC To-
having decided to leave Exeter offers
his entire stock of Dry Goods, Cloth-
ing, Boots and Shoes, Crockery etc.
at greatly reduced prices. The stock
must be sold so you may now get
bargains heretofore unheard of, See
posters. •
of the directors of the South Huron
Farmer's Institute, hold in Hensall a
short time ago, o itwas decided , to hold
a supplementary meeting at Shipka,
in Stephen. There will, also be meet-
ings held. at Exeter and $rucefield in
January and at Bayfleld, Hensall Zur-
Dashwood, Shipka and hliinyille
r 9
6kard • DA.SflWOOD
Our stores will be headquarters for Christmas supplies
and anything you purchase at any of our stores carries.
this guarantee with it »your money back if you are not
satisfied ii fter making purchase and the article is returned
in good order."
This has been the best Fur Season' we have ever had,
we have just opened up a beautiful new lot of Robby furs for
the Christmas trade and can suit you, try us
Ladies' Astrachan Jackets wellmade and 'lined, good glossy black cure
splendid fitters, special at $25.
A great line of Ladies' Black Astrachan Coats, special satin linings, fash-
ionable lenghts, beautiful garments at 30.00, 35,00, 38,00, 40,00 and $45.00.
Ladies' choice caperines in all the combinations that are popular from
2.25 up to $15.00.
4 pounds good recleaned .Currnts 25c
2 pounds Cross & Blackwells Lemon
or Orange Peels for .... 25c
7 pound box extra fine Select Valencia
Raisins for. -75c
1 3 lbs, fancy ginger Biscuits for 25c
I2 lbs1 best mixed Nuts 25c
cans best Red Salmon for.. ,25c
Good, large, Messina Oranges per
dozen 25c
566 our Simla' Displap ot Gli istmas Gaudin
2 Ibs. regular 20c. a lb. chocolates for 25c
1 pound regular 40c a lb. chocolates for 25c
1 pound regular 40c. creams for 25c
1 pound"regular 25c. Taffy, clear, and Nut Taffy for 35c
2 pounds regular 25c -•a lb. Maple Cream,' all flavors for 35c
Special line of Bon Bons in boxes, 15, 25 35 and 50c
All these candies are being made, specially for our Christmas trade. Don't
buy your candies until you see our display.
2 lbs, regular 20c a lb.dreams for
Quality Shoes
—A pair of
—Queen Quality Shoes
—Will make a
—Beautiful Present
—Useful too.
Handkerchiefs for Xmas
5 ladies' good hemstitched Handker-
chiefs for 25c
3 ladies' worked, Sem stitched Hand-
kerchiefs for...... 25c
A great range of ladies' fancy Hand-
kerchiefs at, 10, 125, 15, 20,25,35,50c
Ties for Xmas
All the newest things in men's Neck-
wear may be found here in strings
bows, puffs, four-in-hands, knots,
etc. A great range of the nicest
goods at 25c and 50c
A Certificate on that Beautiful $45o Iieintzman Piano
goes with every $3,00 Purchase for either Cash or Produce
Crockery, Lamps and Glassware
We have a Beautiful Stock of useful articles in both China and Glasswear.
97 piece Porcelain Dinner Sets, in a
number of different colorings,
heavy gilt decoration, a big snap
at $10.50.
50 new Berry Dishes at 250, 35c, 50c,
75c and $1,00.
30 Glass Pitchers, special at 25c.
25 Glass Pitchess, special at 35c.
25 Glass Tea Sets, special at 25c.
• 20 Glass Tea Sets, special at 35c.
A great variety of Glass Lamps at
25c and 35c.
Silks and Dress Goods
500 yards, French dye, pure Silks, 27 inches wide, in all shades, suitable
tor fancy work and waists, special at 50c.
300 yards, 23 inch Japan Silk, all new shades, special 25c.
200yards, latest patterns, Frncy Blouse Silks, at 50c, 75c, 85c and $1.0 0.
100 yards 56 inch home spun, Dress Goods, in blacks and Greys, -special,
heavy goods. 75c.
44 inch Hop Sacking Dress Goods, all colors, special at 50c,
We pay highest prices for Farm Produce
Butter 17o, Eggs 20e, Dried Apples 5c,
Turkeys 10c, • Geese 6%c, Chickens 6c, Ducks 7c.
H and kerch
Fancy Embroidered and Lace Edge Handkerchiefs, gveat value
at 5c, 7c, 1Oc, 125c.
Lace edge Handkerchiefs, insertion to match, different styles,
beauties at 15c, 20c and 25c.
See our Embroidery Handkerchief at 15c.
Childrens Fancy Jap Silk Handkerchiefs, in white and colored
silk, embroidered, it 8c, 10c, 125c, 15c and 20c,
A great assortment 'of men's white Jap Silk Handkerchiefs,
hemstitched, in plain and initialed, at 25c, 30c, 50c, 750,
White and colored figured Silk Handkerchiefs at all prices. •
Memo's Ties
Newest styles having end strings and puffs, nobby goods, also
a nice assortment of Windsor Ties.
We carry a full line of Men's and Ladies' Gloves in all styles.
See our Ladies' i ilk Lined Mocha Gloves in grey and brown
"The Adelaide" at $1.25.
price paid for produce, Dried Apples 5c, Turkeys Ioc,
Geese 6c, Chicken 6c. Ducks 7c, Eggs 20c.
C A, R L I N- G
Our big stock of Furniture is up-to-date in every way.
If you have furniture needs prepare to fill them now. Styles
were never prettier norprices so low. Inspect our stock
and select now.
Bedroom Suites
Fancy Chairs
Iron Beds •
Dining Chairs
Parlor Suites
Extension Tables
Couches and easy chairs at easy prices, Curtain Poles
and Trimmings. Give us a call, and if we have not got
what you want we will soon get it for you.
Wes. C. Huston
Furniture and Undertaking Rooms,.Gidley's Block.. -
church officials over $178' being raised.
Special music was provided by the
choir. Mr. Bugg, of Wingliam, ren-
dered a, solo at the"evening e s rvice
which was well received.
regular meeting ot Lebanon Forest
Lodge No. 133, A. F. A. M. held on
Monday night of last week, the follow-
mg officers were elected for the in-
coming year, viz: W. M., Bro. L. H.
Dickson ; S. W„ Bro. T. A. Amos ; J.
W., Bro. H. N. Anderson ; Treas.,
Bros. B. 8, O'Neil ; Chap., Bro. G. A.
K. McLeod ; Sec'y., B/Co, 0. H. Sanders,
A special feature of the meeting was a
visit from V. Wor./Bro, M. Eacrett, of
Brantford, an hon rary member of the
Lodge, being his #first visit since he left
town, over four years ago, Bro. Eac-
rett is one of the most enthusiastic
Masons in Canada and his presence
was indeed much appreciated. ,During
the evening Bro. Eacrett presented
the Lodge with a very ancient docu-
ment, being the certificate of member-
ship to his mother Lodge in Virginia,
dated 1861. Thus it will be seen that
Bro. Eacrett is an old Mason over 41
r 1. 1 . ec•
Gollntu. GounGil Motion.
_-- ----_
Special Bargains.
To reduce our extra large
stock we will offer special
bargains for the balance of
Remember Christmas
is Coming
Undertaking a Spacial mow.:,
Roller Mill
—`�'— For Pure Manitoba
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a
meeting of the electors of County 'Division
No. 4, composed of the Municipalities of the
Townships of 'Osborne and Stephen, and the
Village of Exeter will be held in the -
• ON MONDA11", DECEMBER 2•Z.vu, 1902,
e • f i c iia i ® at the hour of o'clock, r. t [., for the purpose
of nominating candidates to represent them in
the Council of the County of Huron for the
Years of 1903 and 1904, and that in case a po11 is
of January 1903, in each uolliug sub -division at
the time and place fixed by By -Law of the
Municipalities is the said County Division.
dlbo. H. BrasETT,
Nominating Officer for
• County Council Div. No. 4.
Dated at Exeter this IOth day of;December 1902 .
Direct Importers• emlis will be opened on the fifth anded,poday
in February. The dates of the meet-
ings will be given in due time.
OBITUARY—There passed away here
on Dec. 9th at the residence of his
son-in-law Mr, Geo. Manson, Mr, Dun-
can McGregor in•,the 84th year, of his.
age, ` Mr ;McGregor was,. a ;native of
Stanley, Perthshire, •Scotland, and
for several years conducted a clothing
business in Glasgow. In 1858 he emi-
grated with his family to Canada,
settling, in Ro$erville after remaining
there a Short time he moved to Wing -
ham where he lived 25 years. He then
moved to Highgate, Kent County,
where he lost his life partner six years
ago. He decided to retire from busi-
ness and spend the remainder of his
days with hie daughters Mrs, Manson,
and Mrs. Buchanan of Alymer. While
at the letters home he contracted a
cold which resulted in pleurisy, and
other complications setting in he was
advised to go to the hospital, but not
receiving much benefit' he returned to
Exeter.Everything was
th done to
relieve and restore hire ut all of no
avail and on Tuesday evening he
breathed his last rejoicing in the God
who had been his guide through a
long and useful life. He leaves four
sons, two daughters, thirty grand and
two great grand children. He was a
man of sterling character kind and
generous to any one in need. His re-
gales were taken to Ridgetown his son
niad"son•in-law aceompaninga;ifd •was
joined at London and St. Thomas by
other members of the family, A large
number of friends met them at Ridge -
town station his six grandsons acting
as pallbearers.
SAx.Y.-Large congregations attended
the anniversay services held in the
James street .Methodist church on
Sunday last, and which were a grati-
fying success m every respect, Rev.
C. W. Brown, 13, A., B. D., of Mitchell,
the -former pastor of the church,
preached both morning and evening
and his discourses were marked by
that fluency, forcefulness and earnest..
ness which be is known to possess.
The usual Mondayevening yen ng supper was
dispensed with and a special collection
Was asked for, the contributions ex-
ceeded the expectations of even the'
oiler} Mills
We are giving a cerient sa-
tisfaction in flour Since 1'e-
modelling our mill.
Dry Soft Wood Wanted.
aril Guopp � in ..
Gristly, a
Don n- Fromntli,.
. _
' Family Flour (Star)
WheatletPastry (B(Princerea. fastfood)
A. good supply of Mill 'PeQ
and Chop always
on hand
Give our Flour and Feed a Trial
and be convinced thatit •
is all right.
Roller and Plate Choppers 'disc
to ;suit .customers.:: .. .
tif%C 'VEY E113.O&
Exeter, Doc 4 1902.
Whheo ew r bushel new.,4Y.. 65 to 67
Oat..21i 0 g40
Peas.. , .. .... , 70
Butter.... a,.. to 10
• , te. 36
'Chickens per tb
Pork live relights tai.i
• 6 to 8
Y.,7 to 7
.t .. 444,4 16bo 19;