HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-12-18, Page 701.1101".11..11
Little Liver M1Is.
fst Bear Signaturci of
See Fac-Similo Wrapper Bei OW
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'Farmer compelled to 'stop
clearing up his farm.
Mr. Sob Costein,Mininegash, P.E.I., writes:
"In the Spring of 15001 started to clear up a
piece of land, but had not worked many days
before I was taken with a very lame back, and
was conapelled to stop work. The nimble seem.
ed to be down in the centre of my back and
my right side and I could not stoop over.
I got a box of Doan's Kidne.y Pills and before
1 had. taken the whole box I was completely
cured and able to proceed with my work. I
take great pleasure in recommending thorn to
all farmers who eke troubled as I was."
60c. a box, or 3 for $1.25. All dealers or
'MC Doan Kidney Pill Co.i Toronto, Ont.
- •
• . . 3.
, We
time to read, When he had flaiehed,
Mr. 11004:ham, loelting up, „totted
that Mr. Truelove's eyes were fixed
"It's true,." said Mr. Truelove,
"every Nord nibo under Laker
groaned. "I ought to knOw. I tried
to keep • the, thing. Twenty thou.,
Stuld poundS---such 41, prize as that
I didn't think there was any harm,
Or The ilystery of a Brother's 'Legacy. The time I've had with it
wouldn't go through another such a
fortnight, no t f�r twenty million
4.4 '1 pounds."
4444444.++444401444.1444,11014401444"74444+44+++++,14; Lir , uookha ,,
m s as le plied to the undertaker, Whose
moral standard, to say the least of
it, seemed a little vague, was crush-
ingly severe.
"Your conduct, sir, lias been =dis-
graceful. You have not only detain-
ed and opened a leiter not addressed
to you, but you have actually en-
deavored to steal property of the
value of twenty thousand pounds.
Your conscience rut nbar to your
dishonesty ; but you can hardly
have the presumption. to expect me
to, pay what yoe are pleased to call
your bill."
Rising from Mr, Hookham's arm-
chair, Mr. Truelove began to rub his
thiak you'd better pay it," he
observecl--"I think you really had.
Mind --I don't ask you to -I don't
say do or don't ; but I think you
relly had''
"1 am of a different opinion, sir.
I not only think, under the circum-
stances, that l'd better not, but I
beg to say, plainly that I won't 1"
AS Mr. Truelove stood with the
Mr. Samuel IiloOkham was seated
hi his chambers in the Toneple..
Amman; the aecount books which
littered the table Wae a potideroue
ledger.. Over this he wasa poring with
the ',affectionate air with whieh e.
bibliomaidae pores over Ms most
prized :black -letter. The sun was
shining without, said the voices of
thelsirds la the Tomei° gardens were
heard 'throtigh the dust -gained win-
doees. Obviously he was not the sort
of Man to care for sanshine-or for
this* I might raise those rents
in Badger's Buildings threepence a
'week, or even sixpence. IL's twelVe
months EITICO last I raised them,"
He lifted his eyes from the columns
of his ledger. "That's the best of: 'that31 1 ,g4" 71." this 3r" 7°1114
weekly properties'; " You needn't give see that hay bli. was
Mr. ffooleham took the parcel with.
any notice before :yen raise ;year
rents. Those who don't 'wato a distinctly doubtful east of countena
pay can go." 116 stroked hie' chin. "cc'. But. • when .he oPcned 'it he
''Aad as there is generally nowhere ga" a 8.4irt or SUrPri" And 116
wonder ; for it7 co n I al nod, with no,
else for them to gd to, they have to
stay. l'Petv- better, investments than
a good weekly property in the East
End of Londonseven 1 these.
cialistic days."
Mr. ' Madman looked down again
at his. ledger With something very
like a grin. Dirt hapdly had he re-
commenced the absorbing study of
its contents than there came train
Without the unmistakable sound 'of
someone coming up the steeirs.
: "Whet fool's that ?"
As Mr. Ilea:ham asked himself
this hospitable question, it was
obvious that, whoever the fool was,
he was in a great harry to reach his
journey's end, Ile appeared to be
bounding up the stcefts three at a
them, as though a mad dog were at
his heels. Mr. Eookham, who was
not fond of promiscuous visitors,
was.. Meditating ,locking his door -
there was not time to sport. his
oak -by way of suggesting that he
Was not at home, when he was saved
the trouble by somebody fliaging tbe
dobr wide open, and 'entering the
room as though he were flying for
his life, and dropping, without the,
!least regard to ceremony, into arr.
HOokham's own particular chair.
The visitor was a portly gentleman,
Clad in black from head to foot, who
seemed to be. in considerable agita-
tion• of..mindand body. Mr. Ilook-
hain stared at him with not anna-
tural surprise, and, under the eir-
eunistances, not unjustifiable irrita-
"May I ask, sir. what you mean
by entering a gealleman's chambers
in this extraordinary manner ?"
The visitor seemed vault of breath,
which was not remarkable.' For
person of his habit of body the haste
which he appeared to have mesde west
, Have Restored Thousands of
Canadian Women to
Health and Strength.
eral Funeral Undertakers in 1798."
"Mr. Truelove, :I have not seen
My brother Mattheer for sixteen
;Sears. We parted -or -owing to a
slight disagreement. What on earth
ha§ he been doing all this time ?"
"I min guess." Mr. Truelove Sigh-
ed, "Particularly after the last
fortnight, I can guess." •
"But ho was a man of ,means.
What has heconie of property. ?
Are you ctottuainted with his testa-
mentary depositions ? Of course • I
am his natural heir. What has he
" that' he has left is ,
Truelove peeduced, very gingerly,
between his finger and thane!), a'
small paper parcel from the recesses
of his waistcoat pocket. , ''Ile said
protection but •the piece of coarse
tissue paper, a crystal, which. ghee handle Of the door in his hand, pre-
paratory to, taking his departure, he
murmured a lest profier of his ad-
tered and gleamed -like a veritable
mcluntain of light.
"What -what is • this .9.
mond ?"
"Ah, I should say it was a dia.-
'mond, and something like a cliemond
•Loo- ; year brother send that it was
Worth' every Penny of twenty- then -
sand pounds."
"Twenty thousand pounds ? You
cl mean t ta that he: sank the
oxi o y,
whole of his fortune' in a Single pre.
cious stone ?" •
"1 expect he did ;' anyhow, ' said,
it had ruined hini.".".
him 1 when you say that
is worth twenty thousand: pounds. A
man is not ruined who has twenty
thousand" poundal"
'1 can only 'tell you what he told
me. He was lodging three doors off
my place of busines'se When he was
dying he sent for me. 'Mr. True-
love,'. he -said, 'I want you to give
me a' gentleman's faneral. have
no money with which to pay yeti, -
when I am dead there will be. only
just enough to pay, my landlady's
bill, -but I want you to give thie to
my brother,' and with that he gave
nue the diamond, wrapped in a Piece
of paper. just as you .see it there.
Lt's worth tweaty thpusand pounds.
You'll find his address upon this
envelope. I want you to give him
this letter too.' "
Mr. Truelove , took: an • envelopc.
from his pocket : it was not in. the
Cleanest condition, and it had 'Seen
opened -Mr., Hooleham perceived that
fact at once.
"Who onereed • this eavelone ?-
you 1 • , the institution is to be known, was my mind the coast seems clear as mid-
" Yes, me. And evesh hada' t.' tepened with appropriate ceremonies. day," returns the dude,: wondering
poeitieeiy daegerous. •• And again Mr.: Truelo-Se sighed. •
Lord Kitchente was there to declare what has come over the •usual
"Are you Stoned. Hookhant ?" be The envelope contained a letter the college. open. In doing so he osophical .Jack, and laying - his nee -
gasped. : written on one side of half a sheet • said that while thee is still required vousness at love's door.
• "Well, sir,. and what if f am ? of note paper. HereIfor the complete development of the "I don't know. peern to feet it
"You'd better pay it ! you're sure
to send it to inee-I know you wilL
and then you'll' wish you'd paid it
tiow, you know"
But as Mr. :Hdokbaui 'still swilled
to be of a different opinion, Mr:.
'Truelove disappeared.
(To 13e Continued.)
DR. A. W., CHASE'S g,
is seat direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh end Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or. Dr. A.. W. Chase
Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo.
— ,
Built for 12ohammedan Boys at
Khartum. A few seatences pass between them,
In 1899 Khartum. was again. made and Jack understands that all is In verse sets before us a night scene or
. so that noses to save them. from the de'
, e ier s a na .
whith was told them, eoncerning this..
the ca.pital of the Egyptian Seudan. readiness, waiting for the signal. The earth, sh pl cl W 'Lehi cr over their
The • British.began at Once the re- men are dressed. like Teaks, child. ,
while, under. the direetion of Lord stroyer. The little babe laid in the troy filled their • own hearts, and
building of • the ruined. ,eity; and should they be seen it will be believed
Kitchener, thousands of cartloada of
Now, there are times when it does
not do for man to disagree with a
frJuncl's opinion of himself, and •Nvhat-
ever jack may think be wisely keeps
to himself, only saying :-
::II°IweeT 1:wilit111'faorix.7a9a.o tiler telegrana
from un the road, regarding the train,
and meant to call for it this evening,
but, bless ray soul, I forgot all about
he laments, diesnally, though
e0n$01011S Of having lost prestige.
" Never raind-we'll guess at it. Say
the old slow poke express will be feat
hours late -that means two e..m. What
do you call it ?"
"I'd make it daybreak, judging
froin the experience we've 'heal," re -
Plies Larry.
Both wrong, fsentlernen. Since laet
heard from the:, • delayed train has
broken the record. The pasha has
bought the officers in charge body and
soul, and the rails have become am-
tually hot under the flight of the ex-
press eastward. From this time on
It will be known as the Plying Turk,
The whistle that our friends hear in
the distance as they halt antler the
wall actually announces the arrival of
the express within three miles of Stara-
boel. It will draw up to the station
exactly on time. This gives a chance
of eomplicating matters. • There is a
prospect of a lively time ahead.
Jack and the two with him mount
the wall in the same way as on the
preceding night, the rope serving them
a good turn. Instead af, going direct-
ly toward the palace, they term in the
quarter where Jack and Aleck wrestled
wile the Turk's janizaries on the oc-
casion of their former visit, whim
Aleck Was captured.
• In a short time they reach the
shore, where the little waves are chas-
ing each other oyee the pebbly beach
with a gentle lapping sound. • Jack
looks out over the darkened water,
but can see no • yacht. • If she • is
anchored at the •buoy still she has
doused, her riding lights, so that her
position may not be known.
Is the boat's crew ashore ? He
walks along a "short distance, until a
boat turned bottom up is sighted.
This is the place agreed on as a ren-
dezvous between them. Jack gives
a signal, and a dark figure rises up
from behind. the overturned boat like
a goblin.
"That you, captain," asks Jack, in
loW tones.
" Yes, sir," comes the guarded re-
rc"uoINtigli-ramuTei051411gH6 3"
5TRENGTH TO Wrinnia.
an DMA'S S a Chen11• :41:
Price in Canada : $1 00;
Six bottles for $5.00 e
When a baby iS COMillg the or-
peetaut mother Deeds to take special
care a herself, for upon her h•eplth
depends tO a great extont the health
O f the 1.111bOrn ba,be. If diet,
etc., etc., is not watched,., the statt itt
life of the future off,spring will not
b0 a satisfactory One. it 'IS a mistake
to take liquid medicines at this time,
for they all contain, alcohol. Their
steady we has the same efTect as'
habitual liquor taking, consuming the
vitality and hardening the tissues.
If you are weak you need a tonic,
not a stimulant. Don't take Medica-
ted *ine or alcoholic medicines ; but
take ST. TAams WAVERS, they area
tissue builder and a reconstructive.
S. JAMES WAVERS help stOmach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and Strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accom,
plishe,s41Mhallveelit: se d
tat. j'amen wafers
for years. None bdtteZ.,'
• Dr. It. J. Maddox,
X4022E1013, 1011g.
.51,james Wafert are not a secra
remedy: to the uunarous doctors, e -
commending them to ilteirpalieuis
we mail the futinuaz uton request.
Where denial% are not selling the
Wafers, they are maned upon re-
ceipt of price at the Canadian
branch: St, James Wafers ea, i723
it. Catherine St., Montreal,
DEC. 21.
Text of the Lesson, Luke ti., 8-20.
Golden Text, 'Luke ii., 11.
. 8. And there were in the seine
things as the Lord's messenger haft
said. Elizabeth said of Mary,
"Blessed is she which believed that
there shall be a. performance of those
things -which were told her from the
Lord" (Lake i, 45, margin). Paul
said concerning the angel's message
in the storm at sea, (`I believe God,
that it shall be even as it was told
me " and so it came to pass (Acts
xxvii, 25, 44). • I do believe
country shepherds abiding in the that all that is written in this bless -
field, keeping watch over their flock •
ed book which ii, is not yet fulfilled
shall be fulfillecl'aa literally as • were
The previous . verse speaks of the all the prophecies • concerning- the
by night.
under the law (Gal. iv, 4); the ful- humiliation and first coming of our
blessed Lord. Every purpose of God
shall be fulfilled in Christ (Isa. xive
Son of God, made of a woman, made
fillmeat of Ise.. vii, 14, "a virgin ea; Jae. ea 29),
shall conceive and bear a son and .
1'7. And When they had seen it
shall call His name Inunanuel." This
they made known abro.act the saying
they °erne fro:n Stamboul, and are
thither bound again.
rubbish were :being removed and a Satisfied with this, Jack again seeks good, great and chief Shepherd of
lied into -effect, the foundations of toward the palace. Somehow he seems Scripture who came to give His life exceedingly joyful by the glad ticl-
new plan of street; was being car- bis two companions, and they turn
the Mohammedan College were laid. to feel a. heavy weight upon his spirits ...Tat' He mig,ht save His sheep from ings concerning Jesus so •that we
Euncis for the building of this insti- -he cannot tell what causes it, but eae, ea, ill).
se destroyer (John x, 10, 11; Ileb. cannot but speak of it, how far we
tution had been provided by the the uneasiness is there. must he from the experience of those
manger beea.use there was no room
in the inn is none other than the
joyfully they spread the tidings and
told simply what they had seen and
heard. If we hae•e not yet been made
• 9-1'). Fear not, for, behold, 1 shepherds and of those of whom eve
inunificent gifts of Sir William Ila- "Larry, are you armed ?" he asks, bring, you good tidings ef great joy read in John iv, 28, 29; Acts iv,
ther and Mr. W. Enema° of Great quietly. • which shall be to ,all people, for un- 20; Viii, 4; 1 John 1. 8, 4 ?
Britain. . ' "Yes, but you don't think we're go-
. to. you is born this day in the city 18, 10. And all 'they that heard it
Two weells ago 'Gordon College, as Ing to have a evumpus, do you? To of Da.vid a Saviour, which is Christ wondered. * * * But Mary kept all
,Although the angel of :the. Lord itiletie.sieletarilitngs and pondered them .131
the Lord.
was sent from heaven to these hum-
ble shepherds with these great, glad
tidings, the world neither knew nor
't C'' d d
Though I muy mention that from • "Dear, Samuels -I have told Mr. 'project ha had. never hoped for more In my bones that we won't get outeXte
of d
anything about 1 . eo ma e
stt•augers l'm accustomed to the Pre- Truelove to give yoa the diamorid, !rapid progress than has been made. this without seine excitement, and 1 the world's. rifler to take pert in ful-
fix Mister.. Alia' pi•ay, Sir, who are which you will haVe with- this, after I ITe said it was e.xpected that the believe in being ready. Yonder loom filling Hie win to bring about the
you ?" I am dead and be has buried me. ;college would be the center of the up the palace walls. Forward all, to birth Of this child at Bethlehem, but
an undertaker." • Be good enough to pay his bill. Mr. I more advanced scientific training and rescue Aleck -then we're oft on the he was wholly unconecious of it. The
Mr. llookham rose from bit; seat; world in its blindness a.ncl madness is
to- going its own way, as it
coed stared even MOTT ,th all he had .
stared before.
"A What ?"
Truelove is a, perfect stranger to
me. It would seem. a •rash thing to
entrust Such a commission to a, per -
education of the youths of • the- bon -
clan in literary and technical 'knowl-
edge. It was exPected that the sta-
fect stranger ; bat I have uot the 1 dents would be fitted to 1111 many
• "Alt i mutest ulcer," • slightest doubt, that you will get I posts in the Soudan for which they
"And ina.y ' I osk, sits to what ' 1 the diamond Aiooner or ittter,-cer- are already- required.
Owe the pleasure of this visit ?• 1 Willy quite soon enough for. you. An interesting fact about the col -
suppose you haven't come to burY lt is called the Devil's Diamond, and lege is that 00 effort will be made
Me 9" -. is worth, at a trade valuation. at to turn its students from their faith
- "Not to bury You. I burled your least twenty thonsend poundS, • It i13. Islam. ileeligion is net to be i
brother." tanght in the College. It is expect -
Mr. Hoolchton started. ed that before very long the school
"'You buried iny brother l" ' will ha.ve at least 800 stndents and
"This day fortnight, in' Nei -Mead ' • ' • • .1 - 'ti
Cemetery. ramily grave', .with fees,
411 3. 'Improved funeral car or hearse
drawn by four horses, two modeen
carriages with pairs ; elm ehell,
covered, lined, etc., " stout case of
polished oak, fiaiehed with best
bro ss mediaeval 1 u rn i tare. and en -
blue sea.
Not so fast, Doctor Sack -some
things are easier said than done, you
The bells have rung out the hour be-
fore Jack and his friends leave the
beach, so it is a little after ten when
they come in sight of the palace walls.
At this very rhoment a vehicle is be-
ing driven from the 'railroad depot to
the palace of the rich pasha as fast as
Better to ponder than, meeely to •
wonder. It is not 'wonder, bat
faith, that brings the blessing. The
word preached does not profit 'unless
it is mixed With faith in them :that
bear it (Hob. iv, 2). Maty, like
Daniel, Rept the matter in her heart
(Dan. all, 28). If the truth is laid
up in the heart and prayerfully
pondered, we shall receive the light..
thinks, and seemingly does as it in due bum.
pleases, but God in heaven is work- U0
20. And the shepherds returned,
ing things after the counsel
ge glorifying an.d praising God for all
His own will and making all thin
the things that they had heard and
ready .for the coming again of Hina
who was the Babe in Dethlebera. His seen, as it was told unto them.
throne • on earth will be David's
throne at Jerusalem, and all kings
and nations will honor Him (Eph.
11: jer. iii, 17; Ism. ix, 6, ,1; Ps.
leeell, 11). I trust that all who
teach this lesson win speak of these
has the pleasing property, of briegmg
ill -luck to its rossessor. It has
brought tha devil's . own luck to use,
I am a beggar ' now, besides whom they wia• be closely aSsociated a fee of a dozen gold medildies can things and show to all whom they
I was a rich man when 1: first hacl a u s - 0 ,6 - ,
ha,virige lived the devil's 'own life 'during their four to six years of col- urge' the ,driver to hasten- In this can .reach that unless all believere
into the bargain. If I were to tell lege life. . carriage three' men are seated -we are 'doing all they can to make the
c SaVi01.1r who
you the pranks fluit cursed stone .,a,„ ,,a.s,,,, „.„,„„ have seen them all before-Abdaliah tidings known of the
has 'played me ! It has at last sue- . iv.12 -ii • "1-I i" L' ''''' 4'''' .--. i'""4"'"' " ' . Pasha,: Don Carlos,. and the matador, has come and of His great salvation
ceedect in bringthig me 1 o an early - During thc siege .01 Ladvanith one Pedro Vasquez. The last has 'come a they arc not interested in Plis com-
long way for revenge, but be has en- ing again..
I have only had it twoyears of the officers organized a concert totered the service of the Turk .
graved inscription . p]at(', will). all ;end i.t has done for me already: By keep up the men s spirits. Ile heard ,' and bid- 13, 14. Glory to God in. the
necessary attendants : complete in29. the way, it posseSses another pleas- at a sergeant •ia. the Gorcions who den farewell forever to Madrid, whose highest and on earth peace., good
TOtal ,e8S. Fee brought the bill to ,
ing property, -it is impossible to was a good. performer, and asked .fi,ekie populace would never greet him will ,toward men.
aye w-ith Jeers after that last un- - Thus said a •muititude of ,the Ilea-
you.'' sell it. Nirhoever encleaaours to clo him. .1 o contribute his, services.
fe,:semate engagement with the black verily host who accompanied the en -
• The visitor • handed Mr. Hookhcan so have the best of reasons for "I'm awfully sorry, els; said the toro that Senor Jack slew. gel who spoke to the, shepherds, and
a blue docoment of portentous size.
. Mr. Regnant could scarcely believe
his ears. and eyes. •
"Do 1 Understand you to any that
my brother Matthew is dead ?"
'Dead 11S a CO fr111-11/1i1 001.11dill'f'
i There is no need for so maxiy women to
suffer pain and weakness, nervousness,
sleeplessness, rummies, famb and dizzy
s ellaraird the numerous troubles which
ren er thelife of woman a roand of sick.
ness and soffering.
• Young girls buddieginto womanhood,
who stiffer with pith's and headaches, and
whose face .,le• pale mad the blood. watery,
will' find MIlhurriea Hear* and Nerve
•Fills help them greatly clurilig this period,
Women at the change of life, who are
nervous, tiobject to hot flushes, feeling of
pins and needles, palpitation of the heart,
etc., ere tided over the trying time of
their life by the,, use of this Wonderful
lb has a wonderful efiect on a 'women
system, reekes pains and aches vanish,
brines color to the pale cheek and sparkle
to d'le eye.
They build up the system, renew lest)
vitality, linprove the appetite, make rid',
red blood and dispelthat weals, tired,
no,arnbitien feeling,
Gee, Otil OPX, OR 3 ron 91.25
Alt. 0:ALCOR,
Tilo T. tillibarn CO., Linil 'led, Toronto, Orat
being pony that he over tried. It.
can only be given away, Knewing
your character as T. do, I am aware
that you will never be able to give
away a stone of the value of twenty
• thousand pounds. It wet; Illipossi hie
have had a handsomer funeral for lee ; how :still • more impossible
London bad been there to see. 1,Te will it he for you I 11 ghosts are
instrocted me to bring elm hill to allowed to revisit these earthly
YOu.'" plains, I hope 1 shalt be permitted
Aft.. Tifoolcham became quite exeited. to See the Dm -there will he fuu, I
"But,• my good sir, -your name,
I presume, is -eh" --glancing at the
headline of the 'document he h el d -
"rfruelove ? You are the Mr.True-
love mentioned here ?"
"The. same. Established as Gen -
"Your affectionate brother,
The letter, which was written in
the finest possible head, tools some
sergeant, 'hut I Canna."
"Whr" asked the officer, in a
Voice of surprise, "You eihey some
st t, cl on ' t you?"
"I did, sir."
what was it?"
`"Plie bones, sir; but I've eaten
them!" ,
Ithough the diameter of the earth
has been roughly known for many
years; it has only been accurately
ascertained after thirty years' labor;
and at. a cost, of $500,000. It ,is
7,926 miles at the Equator axed 7,-
899 from Pole to Pole.
And You Need Have No Fear of Appendicitisj Peritonitis and Other Dreaded
• fils.—Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills, the Great Fanrabr Medicine.
When the bowels are constipated or
eluggish itt actioa the Monett body
seems an ettay pecy-, to nearly every
ailment to Whick human beings arc
The immediate result of inactivity
of the bowels is the clogging and
obstruction .of the action of the kid-
neys and liner, the upsetting of the
digestive organs atel, the forcing
beck into the systeth of peisollous
ineyeerities whith ontain the germs
of disease.
Not only eee eolds and all con-
tagious and infeetiouS diseases more
likely to attack a person Sabjected
130 constipation, but appendicitis,
peritonitis; inflamniation of the
boWels and chronic dyspeNict are
the direct meta of neglecting to
keep the bowels regular awl active.
In health the bowels should ntove
about once a day, otherwise, the
egecte are soon felt in the way of
indigestion, headache, • dived ne,se,
bodily pains and feelings Of une
easinese, Itteguor and depreesiole,
The Most peompt relief as Well at
the most thorough cure fOr consti-
pation is Dr,, Chase's Kidney -Liver
NO Merely cathartic medicine can
dO mere than relleVe' constipation.
The bile which is poured into the
intestinee by the liver is nature's!
Cathartic and coesequently healthy
liver action is esteheial to regularity
of the boWele. Dr, Chase's Kidney -
Liver P1110 iusv-e a dil'ect action on
the liver and kidneys as well as •the
bowels, end for this reasOtt cAect a
thorough cure of eonStipation.
Dr. Chase's 1<1ciney-Liver Pille ate
of ihestintable value as a family
medicine. One pill a dose, 25 cents
a box. At all dealers or itdmansois,
Zates & CO., TorontoA.
Unleos our friends are exceedingly we think of the millions of angels
active ea their work, -they will hear who will yet say, "Worthy is the
something drop. The furious Turk is Lamb that was slain to receive pow -
rushing home as If some intuition has er and riches and wisdom an
warned him` of danger. .When he ar- strength, and honor, and glory and
-rives at his own a whirierind will blessing (Rev. v, 12). The aim of
in all things
it, so that a minute later he bends 31; I Pet. iv, 1:31 Phil. ii, 11).8e.al°rItl
palace wan. lie has noticed particul- are so to live that God.
• lilisdeltvhiecereiscle'eltebdrinogn
Doctor Jack is the first to reach the. VOl, Gadolgd!
break loose.
ariy where the spot is, and marked may he gloeified (1 Cola vi,, 20; x,
• down to feel for the grating. There 15,16. Let us now go even unto
it is, sure enough, just as he believed. Bethlehem and see this thing which
How quickly the athletic American is come to pass, which the Lord
bath made known unto us.
There vies no questioning, there
were 110 doubts, there was .no hesita-
tion in acting out their faith. They
believed all that • was told them;
they went with haste and found all
secures a strong Clutch of the bars -
he braces himself for a grand effort
-no man in Abdallah Pasha's employ
could accomplish such • a. feat, but
Jack's greatest power lies in his hips
af o7ins ebArEtecialltiltleid rtalascrit 1 alit ri?..o- ne °Ler uht •thhaes
brought for the purpose, they hear a
crackling sound.
" What's that 1" demands the dude,
'1 Italie torn the grating from its
socket," replies jack, breathing hard,
awl yet speaking as though it were
nothing of much consequence,
"'Pon 'elude now, thet's hardly fair,
Oki hose wobbin' inc Of 111Y laurel.
V:011 should have let •nie have it.
" Hark, man 1"
v3:01.4e comes from the depths,
and thrills them. Aleck is still alive
-their mission promises to be a. sue -
cess -at any rate, they heve Made a
grand start, which means much. So
Dootor Jack bends down and calls
s°,r‘tAl3cele-lt-/ *say, old man, we're have
-all'S well. Come up the stairs and
eee us.
00 e Contleiled.),
A Pleasant, Prompt atd.Perfect Cure for '
and, call Throat %Bond Lung Troubles.
Obstinate Coughs yield to its grateful
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sistent cough oiten.present ia consump-
tive cases it gives prompt and sure
Mrs. S. Boyd, Pittston, Ont. writes :
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head and was greatly troubled with
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Norway Pine Syrup completely cured
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tee SEXXJA14 ORGANS mutt be vitalized and developed, the BRAIN must be
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