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For,Getting a Beautiful Watch
6ilid Chain Irree.—No Mon-
Woman, Boy, or Girl has
the,same Opportunity un-
der our System.
In order to have Dr. „Arnold's Eng -
Rah Toxin Pills placed in. the hands of
all persons suffering from bad health
11" We make the following most liberal
• offer :—
If you will send us your name and
address and agree to sell for us twelve
• boxes of Dr. Arnold's English Toxin
Pills at 25c. per box, we will give you
absolutely Free a beautiful
Trier, tiodericin itisahe • Thome
Shannon, 8nring1le2d, Illinois, and
RObert Wallace, Tuckereinith, vagran-
cy ; Francis 1V1eyers, IVIoareal, vag-
rency ; Joshua, Craunt, Montreal, vag-
rendY T. F. Nunro, Cleveland, drunk
and diem derly. '
Mr, Coates, inspector of.. the House
ot Reftige,reperted the following.etuns
as having been received for mainten-
ance of certain inmates of the institu-
tion From .Alestander SteWart,$14.25
Keith Hewett. $32.25' James Smith,
$30 ; Miss MargaretBrown, 8500,
These sums, together with $380.50
received from produce sold, have been
paid oyer to the treasurer. The fol-
lowing are the products raised on the
House or Refuge farm this year: Oats,
470 bushels; barley 260 ; heans, 12;
onions, 150 ; raangolde, 1,350 bushels ;
turnips. 605'tomatoes, 5 garden car-
rots, 25 ; garden beets, 20 ; parsnips, 8;
potatoes, 278 ; table turnips, 55 ; sugar
beets, two acres ; cabbage, 1,100 heads
cauliflower, 150 heads ; celery, 240
heaces ; red raspberries, 1,800 quarts ;
Watch arid Chain in either Ladies apples, 10 barrels ; hay 24 tons ; fodder
or Gents size, or your choice of twenty, corn, one acre. There were erected 78
other premiums such as fine sets of rods of wire fence and 50 rods of four
Jewelry, •Rings, Violins, Mandolins, inch drain tile put in.
Tea Sets, Sateen Skirts, Cameras, etc. Dr. Shaw physician of the House of
Remember we• don't want any Refuge, reported: Thers were nine
money until after you sell the Pills deaths during the year, the average
and you don't have to sell any more age being 75. Many inmates are sent
than 1 2 bokes to get the premiums. for the purpose of operation. On be -
This is a bona fide offer front a reliable ing fitted up with trusses and applian-
concernthat has given thousands .of e,es, and as soon as cured, skip out.
dollars worth of premiums to agents As many as six came under this class
all osier the eountry. Remember also last Year. Those cases should be ex-
tbat,Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills
• are a well known remedy for all dis-
eases of the kidney and bladder,
Bright's dipease, diabetes„rheuntatisin
nervous troubles, arid female com-
plaints, and are for sale byall first,
• i
class druggists and dealers n medi-
cines in air -parts of the world. You
have only to show them to sell them.
Yon, are not offering something that
:,14111ese, people don't know. Our watches
•"are the regular standard size for Lad-
ies or Gentlemen in Nickel or Gun
Metal Oases with handsome illumin-
ateddials and reliable time keepers,
watches such as no lady or gentlemen
need be ashamed to carry, and
they will be sent absolutely Fre
to all who sell only twelve boxes'
of those Vsoneerful Toxin Pills, Write
at once and be the first in yourlocality
to earn one of those beautiful watches
and 'chain. As soon as we receive
your letter or post card we will send
you post paid twelve boxes, together
with our Illustiated Catalogue and
beautifully colored card with your,
es—nnanae and address on as our authoriz-
ed agent. Bear in mind that you will
not be asked to sell any more than the
12 limesand we don't want any
rnoneY until after you have sold
them. We bear all the expense and
are only making this liberal offer as a
methoe of advertising Dr, „Arnold's
English Toxin Pills. Don't delay,
write.at onee and earn a beautiful
present, for yourself for Christmas.
Dept. C. 1.
50 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont.•
The Decembernnee tin g of the county
council opened at Goderich, on Tues-
day and closed Friday afternoon. All
the members were present and the
Warden in the chair. The Warden,
in addressing the council, stated that
the simerstructures of the bridges con-
tracted for last January have not been
put on and the reason for the delay
will he explained in the engineer's re-
port to be laid before the council. The
question of a grant to the 33rd Huron
13attalien will also have to be consider-
ed. The question of a county system of
good roads will also be a matter for
the consideration of the council, and
Mr. A. W, Campbell will address the
ounciason the subject.
Cornmunicaaions were read from the
secretary of the Molesworth public
library, asking for assistance; from
A, M. Todd, president of the Huron
Poultry and Pet Stock Association,
asking that a grant be made ; from
Robert Leech, of Auburn, stating that
his horse had been hurt by"a defect in
• the Manchester bridge and 'claiming
damagesns frem Allan McLeod, of,
Lucknow, claiming damages for in-
. as -jury to a, horse ; from Lieutenant Col-
enel Ararcoe, asking for a grant to the
Huroinregirnent. These several com-
munications were, referred to the
• executive committee.
A petition signed by 17 residents of
Fordwich was read, asking that that
village be erected into a police village.
Referred ,to the executive committee.
The council adjourned until ten
o'clock Wednesday.
. ,
The council met pursuant to ad-
jourment' on Wednesday. A corn-
snunidation from the elerk of Baa field,
complaining that a certain Mrs.Brown
• who had been in the House of Reftige,
bad been remossed from that -institu-
tion without the tonsent of the Bay-
fieldnouncil, at whose instance she
had been placed there, Waa referred
to the House of Refuge committee and
that .committee repotted; recommend-
ing DO action. ,
The„ gaoler, reported the 'following
prisonets' in jail ! Michael O'blera,
Goderich Township, inane; Robert
iti.t in the Back
Are symptonso of a weak, torpid ,or
• stagnant: GonditiOn of the kidneys or
liVer, and are a warning it is extremely
hazerdous to neglect, so impo dant is
a healthy 'action of, these mane
• They are comitonly attended by less,
of energy, lack of courage, and some-
times by gloomy foreboding and de-
allsendency. '
" / was taken ill with ri'idney trouble, and
me so vsmak 1 could scarceiy get around.
ok medicine without benefit, and finally
idod to try Ifood's Sarsaparilla. Alter
the first bottle 1 felt so much better that 1
continued its use, and six bottles made me
qsiew weinan. Whmi, my little girl was a
Mithy,:sixe could not keep anythinron her
wtOrtmela, and we gave her Itood's Sarsapa.
. rills which cured her," Mits. TnottAsIrr.
nils, Wallaceburg, Ont.
Hood's, Sarsaparilla
Carte kidney and liver troublee, re
genet; the heels; aad builds up the
Whele system, '
eluded We have not the aceommoda-
tion nor appliantes for such work.
Two of the deaths, due to exposure,
would have been avoided if we Lad
better. a,ccommodation for the insane
as soon as admitted, Now it seems
impossible to get them removed to an
asylum. There is one case at present
in' the House, a young man, with a
non-united fracture of nine weeks
standing when aamitted, that will
require a Major operation to correct.
This case is one suitable for a hospital
and shouid not be sent here at all.
There were fee/ accidents during the
year, the chief one was a fractured
arm. One birth in April, and both
inother and son are still in the' House.
Dr. Shaw made 56 visits during the 11
months. •.
Tbe House of Refuge committee
reported having visited the House on
Dec. lst and found as usual, the House
clean and well kept and everything
satisfactory. At the present time the
House is filled to its utmost capacity,
there being 82 inmates. It is recom-
mended that the rules regarding
the admission of inmates be made
more specific, as at the present time
there are some inmates, one especi-
ally, who should have gone to the
hospital instead of to the House of
Refuge.' A mowing tmachine had
been purchased for use on the farm,
and instructions were given for
the purchase of a washing machine
for \use in the house. It is_ also
found, from the inspector's report
that the cost per day for maintaining
inmates for the past year has been un-
der 12 Cents, and the general cost of
maintenance tor the past year has
been somewhat less than formerly.
The county clerk reported that he
had let the contract for 75 cords of
wood to Mr, Goldthrope, for $4.34 per
cord. Thus far no contract for coal
supply for county buildings has been
let. and it will be necessary to get coal
at once. He also asked for authority
to purchase half a dozen pairs of hand-
cuffs. This conanattuication was refer-
red to the executive committee.
Mr. Ainsley, county engineer, re.
ported having met the road and bridge,
committees of the counties of Lamb -
ton and Middlesex, for the purpose of
making arrangements about erecting
the Aux Sauble bridge over the river
at the boundary of the three intersec-
tedeounties. We were informed that
the county of Bosanquet had not yet
secured the right of way for a road to
connect with the proposed station on
the west side of the river, therefore,
we could not take any filrther action
in the matter. The Kincardine Bridge
Company have failed to execute their
cOntracts for the two bridges in this
county, and they have been notified
to furnish the council with reasons for
their failure -and to explain the cause
.for delay. The abutments for the
Stanleybridge were Completed early
in the fall and the approaches have
been made and it has been standing
ready for the superstructure since:
The old bridge • is still being used.
With regard to the abutments for the
lower Wingham bridge, the work has
been completed as far as it was safe to
go without reMOVing the old bridge,
which will probably carry the traffic
for this present winter. About the
usual amount of repairs has been done
to the bridges and approaChes this sea-
son, and they are in a very good state
of repair. Some county bridges that
are now 20 feet between abutments
Might be shortened when resimilt,a, nd
still be long.enough to suit the stream.
It would be advisable for the council
to have the Benniiller bridge rebuilt
during the year 1003.
. Mr. A. W. Campbell, Conimissioner
bf Highways for Ontario, addressed
the coimcil on the question of a county
system of good,roads and the Act sett-
ing aparb 81.000,000 by the Prov,incial
Legislature for road inaproyments,. A
vote of thanks was tendered Mr.
Campbell for his able address,
• The council adjourned, until Thurs-
day, at 8.30
Tiaino pals
The Council met on Tbarsclayt at the.
• appointed hour, A. communication
was read from the Hunter Bridge,
CJompe,ny, of Kincardine and was re-'
ferred to the road and bridge commit-
tee. This letter stated that, the firm
intended carrying mit their contracts,
for the Stanley and Clinton bridges,
and their delay had been occasioned
by tbei inbiflt te proeure certain
kinds of material required,- on account
of the overcrowded tondition of the
factories and consquently their inabili-
ty to, fill their orders. They now have
most of the material ready, anti hope
te be able to complete the sv,ork very
The cooncil adjourned sushi Friday,
to permit members Who felt so diepos-
The .matter of feed is of
tremendous importance to the
farmer. • Wrong' feeding is
loss. Right feeding is profit.
The up-to-date farmer knows
what to feed his cows to get
the most milk, his pigs to get
the most pork, his hens to
(yet the most eggs. Science.
But how about the children?
Are they fed according to
science, a bone food if bones
are soft and undeveloped, a
flesh and muscle food if they
are thin and wealcand a blood
food if there is anemia?
Scott's Emulsion is a mixed
food; the Cod Live -r Oil in it
makes flesh, blood and muscle,
the Lime and Soda make bone
and brain. It is the standard
scientific food for delicate
Send for free
`Be sure that this' picture hi
the fonn of a label is on the
wrapper of every bottle ,of
Emulsion you buy.
Toro*, Ontario.
50c. and $I; all druggists
T M .8) DOJt 18th 190.2
be held on December 20th 1002, With
remmenedhat a ranof $25dtgt
Wtn' WIthere as returning "neer' $HE
It isco
be given to the Poultry Association.
Respecting the grant of $000 wide to BORE DISGRACE
the 33rd regiment for annual drill and
not paid, owing to change in orders so
that officers were drilled instead of
privates, it is recommended that no
action be takes 08 to paying the
amount. As to claina of Robert Leach
for horse sincl to be injured at Man-
chester bridge on June 17th, 1002, and
asking for, $55, it is recommended that
this xnatter be laiU oyer till January
session, as the necessary information
is not now to be had. In reference
to the visit of Dr. Matheson and Mr.
'Box, -Con cerning Collegiate matters at
St, Marys, respecting the payment of
fees forginron county pupils attend-
ing there, it is recenamendecl that no
action be taken at this session, as
these.school matters will come np for
Donsicleration at the January session
of comity council.
ed to visit their homes and vote on the
The council met on Fridr,y, as per '
adjournment. The following report
of, road and biidge committee was
read and adopted: We advise that
the recommendation of our engineer
respecting Benmiller bridge be accept-
ed, and that tenders for same be asked
for and laid before the council at the
corning January session; thet the
bridge be built of steel andiron with
concrete abutments tenders to state
Price for concrete floor and also for
plank floor. With reference to all
important contracts in the future,
we advise that a deposit of 5 per cent.
of the contract price be made with our
treasurer, to secure if possible, the
completion of the work, As to com-
munication from Hunter Brothers, in
reference to Clinton and Wingham
bridges, we recommend that the mat-
ter be left in the hands of the Warden
and county solicitor to deal with, wibh-
out delay.
Dr. Mattheson and R. S. Box, rep-
resenting the St. Marys Collegiate
Institute, waited on the council in
reference to attendance of pupils from
• the county of Huron at the St Marys
Collegiate Institute. The matter was
referred to the executive committee to
report on.
The engineer was, on motion, in-
structed to examine the stone wing on
the north side of the Wroxeter bridge,
which is s now in an unsatisfactory,
condition and report at, the January
• The finance' committee's report, !
recommending the payment of a nunis
ber of dem:lists was adopted.
The executive conainittee reported ,
• as follows.: In reference to the letter I
from Clerk Lane the committee aprove
of his purchase of wood for the jail.!
It is also recommended that ten tons I
of coal be purchased for court house
and jail; also that the handcuffs
askedfor be purchased, and in the
opinion of the.cornmittee it should be
the duty of either the reeve or clerk
of municipalities to see that handcuffs
are left in their hands when constables
remoye from the county. Regarding
the request of Molesworth public lib-
rary for a grant, it is recommended
the matter be left over to the January
session when such 'matters are dealt
• with. Respecting the letter and ac-
count of Allan McLeod., of Lucknow,
asking $12 for daIDageS to hcirse by
breakingthrough, nine -mile river
Midge, on bcietidary of Ashfield and
West Wawanosh, the Conamittee, hav-
ing made careful inquiry, recommend-
ed that $10 be paicl foe loss of uss of
horse, without admitting liability.
With,reference to the request Of the
citisens of Fordvvich to have that place
made a pelice village, it le recommend-
ed that.the council pass a -by-law to
that effect, and that the first election
A: Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach, a bad digestion, a
bad liver. Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. They cure con-
stipation, biliousness, dys-
pepsia, sick headache.
M. All densest,.
' Want your.moustoebe et beard a btUul
lariron or rites black? Then tie
u•••••), optLP. MIA ACM, I5tMttM.H
The county property connnittee re-
ported having visited the jail and
other connty buildings, and found
them all satisfactory and in fair re-
pair. They recommended the piecing
or a long distance telephone in Mr.
D. McDonald's office, for general use
in the Court House building, The re-
port was adopted,
After passing a couple of by-laws,
the council prorouged at 2 o'clockp. m.
OS VE nil rfs
C fE" •
I haye used Strong's Pile Remedy in
my practice and would cheerfully
recommend it to the general public as
One of the best remedies for piles on
the noarket ;knowing its composition
makes anemore inclined to recommend
it as a first class remedy for piles.
JOHN R. Fthore M. D., Acting Physic-
ianLondon Jail. ,
Price $1.00. For sale by druggists
or by mail on receipt of price.
W.. T. STRONG. Manufacturing
Chemist. London, Ontario.
The following is the latest sum on
the Legislative slate:
Seats in the Legislature 08
Liberal members 48
Conservative member 46
North Renfrew (L).
North Grey (L).
North Norfolk (0).
North Perth (C).
Lennox (C). :
East Middlesex ,(L).
Centre Bruce (0).
Sault Ste. Marie (C).
North York (L).
and if not checked becomes a chronic
condition. No remedy compares with
Neryiline, which is prepared specially
for stomach and bowel troubles. As
a radical cure for cramps, Colic, Gas
in the Stomach, Summer Complaint,
Nerviline excells everything in the
medical line, is an indisnensible house-
hold staple, and costs only 25c. Buy
a bottle to -day.
Try Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake Pills.
The stock holders of the National
Portland Cement Co.. wilt be pleased
to learn that the works at Durham
have been completed and for the first
time were set in operation on Noy,
24th last. This is the largest. beat
equipped and most extensive cement
mill in Canacia•and promises to be a
profitable investment to its share-
"It gives rae great pleasure
to write you and congratulate
you on havhig put upon the
market such a valuable medi-
cine in a minute form. It has
done me so much good that as
soon as one box is gone I pur-
chase another. I have been
somewhat constipated and my
liver has been out of order,
but Iron -Ox Tablets have put
my whole system right."
59 Grove Street,
•New Haven, Conn.
Fifty for 25 Cents.
: Winter Term Opens Jan. 5 s
• A largo, progressive school and ono of „1
the best; on this continent. This Is a sea
• strOng statement but It Is a triad one
• nevertheless. The reason our schbol has
1, a large attendance is because It is a wide- .7
▪ awake, hustling. Working', result-predue- r,;°
• ing wheel. Recent graduates have ac-
• cepted POsitions at ealaries ranging from 1,1
$la a month to 8800 por atmum. Write ow
0 for our now catalogue.
2 • w f. ELLIOTt ;
• Principal.
a •
A Sad Letter from a lady whose
Husband was Dissipated.
Bow She Cured Wui With a Secret
"1 had for year's patiently borne the disgrace,
' suffering, misery and privations due to my
husband's drinking habits. Hearing of your
marvellous remedy for the cure of drunkenness,
which I could give my husband secretly, I de-
cided to try it. I procured a package and
mixed, it in his food and coffee, and, as the
remedy was odorless and tasteless, he did not
know what it was that so quickly' relieved his
craving for liquor. He soon began to pick _up
flesh, his appetite for solid food returned, he
stuck to his work regularly, and we now have a
happy home. After he was completely cured I
told him what I had done, when he acknowl-
edged that it had been his saving, as he had
not the resolution to break off of his own
accord. I heartily advise all women afflicted as
I was to give your remedy a mei."
A Lady who cures her husband Of
his Drinkingliabits writes of .ber
struggle to save her home
A Plueky Yonne LY,cly takes
Hersoeflfthteo LOrgrueorn.Kera'iat.ther
"I had for a long time been thinkingof trying the
Tasteless Samaria Prescription treatment on my
husband for his drinking bablts, but I was afraid lie
would discover that I was giving him medicine, and
the thought unnerved me. I hesitated for nearly a
week, but one day when he came home very much
intoxicated and his week's salary nearly all spent, I
threw off all fear and determined to make an effort.
to save our home from tlte ruin I saw coming, at all
hazards. I sent for your Tasteless Samaria Pre-
scription,and put it in bis coffee as directed next
morning and watched and prayed for the result.
At noon I gave him more and also at supper. He
never suspected a thing,and I then boldly kept right
on giving it regularly, as Ihad discovered some-
thing that set every nerve In tny body tinglingwith
hope and happiness, and I could see a bright future
spread out before me—a peaceful, happy home, a
share in the good. things of life, an attentive, loving
husband, cotnforts and everything else dear to a
woman's heart; for 'my husband had told me that
whiskey was vile stuff and he was taking a dislike
to it, It was only too true, for before I had given
him the full course he had stopped drinking alto-
gether, but I k.ept giving him the medicine till it
was gone, and then sent for another lot, to have on
band if he should relapse, as he had done from
promises before. Be never has ant I am writing
you this letter to tell you how thankful I tun. I
honestly believe 0 will cure the worst cases."
A portion of her letter reads as follows :—
" My father had often promised mother to stop
drinking, and would do so for a time but then
returned to it stronger than ever. One day
after a terrible spree, he said to us It's no
use. I can't stop drinking.' Our hearts seemecl
to turn to stone, and we decided to try the
Tasteless Samaria Prescription which we had
read about in the papers, Vre gave Iiiin the
remedy, entirely without his knowledge, in his
tea, coffee, or food regularly, according to
directions, and he never knew he was taking it.
One package removed all his desire for liquor,
and he says it is now distasteful to him. 1 -lis
health and appetite are also wonderfully im-
proved, and no one would know him for the
same man. It is now fifteen months since we
gave it to him and we feel sure that the change
is for good. Please send nte one of your little
books, as I want to give it to a friend. '
FREE SANIPIL.E and pamphlet giving full particulars, testimonials and price sent in plain
sealed envelope.0 Correspondence sacredly confidential. Enclose stamp
for reply. Address The Samaria Remedy Co., ea Jordan Street, Toronto, Canada.
DR. W. H. GRAHAM, Late of 19S):
King St. West.
No. x Clarence -square, corner Spadina avenue,
Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases, and makes
a' specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Ulcers, Etc.
PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari-
cocele, Nervous Debility, etc., (the result of youthful
folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture ot Long Stand-
ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without
pain and all bad after effects.
Diseases of Women—Painful, profnse or suppressedgmenstruation,
ulceration, leucorrhoea and all displacements of the womb. Packs of Cards Free.
We have unlimited private funds for invest
ment upon farm or village property at lowea
rates of interest.
• Exeter.
I have a large amount of private funds
loan on faun end viliage 1.3-q.ertic s 111 )1 NY -
of interest.
Barrister Main St. Exeter.
OFFICE HOURS -9 a, m, to:8 p. se.
SuUday 1 to hp. no.
The Canada North -Wes% Land Com-
pany sold during the month of Nov-
ember 28,100 acres of land for $171,300,
For the corresponding xnonth of last
year 11,400 acres of land were sold for
$61,000, The average price paid this
year is over six dollars per acre being
an advance of about sixty-five cents
over last year.
Four Feeds For One Cent.
Be it known to all Farmers and
Stock h'eeders that WORTHINGTON'S
is guaranteed to be the greatest ani-
mal regulator of the age. The best
Tonic and Feed Saver ; acts by cor-
recting all disorders of the Blood,
Liver and kidneys. and keeping them
in a healthy condition ; will fatten an
animal rapidly and save one-third the
10 -lb, Box, 200 feeds, 50c; 50-1b. Sack
The Worthington Drug Go.,
For Sale and Guaranteed by:
'WARM FOR SALE. -150 acres in
the township of Usborne, good
soil, large brick house, heated by hot
air, bank barns, with power vsindmill,
plenty of good water, 12 acres good
bush, a mile and a half front Wood-
ham. Apply, A. FULLER, Woodhans.
eTRAYED.—There strayed from lot
.60 15, con. 14, Iiibbert, on or about
the first day of November, a light red
steer, coming three years old, a ring
in the right ear, and long white horns.
A liberal reward will he given for any
information as to.the animals where-
abouts. Address, WM. TOWERS, Far-
quhar P. 0.
"Christmas Box"
Full of V% onderful Things
25 AittAltigvaTirPi2dat,ur Purx
' Experinaents, Love'S Puzzle, 20 Ilebutice, 100
Funny Conundrums, Book of Love, Game o
Letters, Magic Writing, 324 Jolly Jokes
Receipt for Moustache Grower, 100 Money Mak
ing Seerets, ICO Toilet and Cooking Receives, 205
Selections for Autograph Albums, 10 Model
Love Letters, How to Tell Fortune% Dictionary
of Dreams. Guide to Flirtation, Magic Age
Tanks Lover's Telegraph, and our new Cat. or
Xmas Toys, Books end Notions. S.11 by mail
FRE E. for Be, silver to Day, pegage.
A , KINNEY, lilt T..
Yarraeuth . 13.
Children Cry for
Forest Gitu
BOSINSS Shilligal
London, Ont,
One Pack, "May I. C. U. Home," One Pak
• "Escort" One Pack, "Flirtation' One Pease
"Hold -to light." One Pack "{Jur Sofa Ju
Ilolds Two." Sample of 21 other styles, with -
book full of notions. Send 00 ally& for postage,
• YatraelIth. s.N.
Business Law, Writing Correspord-
ence, Typewriting, etc., thoroughly
taught by experienced teachers at the
Forest City Business and Shorthand
College, London, Ont.
We have no difficulty in placing
competent pupils in good positions.
College re -opens Sept. 2. Send for
PANY, of Toronto; also for the ThisacNIx FIRE
NSURANCE COMPANY, of London England
M ;
T W.B10W1W1+ LD. M. C.
EY • P.GradJn
Graduate Victoria iv ersity
office and reaid °nee, Dominion Labora-
tory, Exeter.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers,
Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons
• Bank, Etc.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
(Successor to Elliott & Gladman)
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public,
Conveyancer, Etc.
Money to loan on Farm and village
properties at Lowest rates of interest
D. S. D. D. S.,.Honor Graduate
of Toronto Uversity, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after efforts. Office' tn Fan,
son's block. West aide of Main
and send it to no with 5 cents in silver and you
will get by return mail a GOLDEN BOX 01
GOODS that will 1)6g you in moan MONET
in one month than anything_ else in America.
A. W. XENNYi E. T.
Yatmcuth, N,
EXETER—We offer for sale On reasonable
terms, that very desirable residential property
known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated
on Lot No' 88, south of Huron Street, Exeter.
There is erected upon the land, a comfertablo
and commodious brick &Welling, also the
necessary outhotises. The hens° is in good re.
pair and has 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre
of land and is excellently adapted for tnirden
Ing or fruit growing. There if, a. plentiftil SttP.
ply of hard and soft water, The property is up
to date, and the terms easysfor partiettlars s-
ly to DterrsON St CARLING barristera Etetfir
or to A, E. HOOPER; Revd' Ut
D.A. ANDERSON, (D. U. 8. L.D.S.
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University
and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario, with honors Also Post•graduate of
Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with
honorable mention.
Everything known to the Dental Profession
done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al-
luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in
the neatest manner possible. A perfectly
harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac-
Office one door south of Carling tBro's storm
Exeter. Ont.
Do you Want a Buggy?
We have the finest stock in town
All the latest styles, in the newee
prices are low as can be found
for first-class material and workman-
J F Russell
Two Doors South Town Hall.
Two second hand Upright
Pianos and one Square Piano
for sale cheap.
New Pianos and Organs
always in stock.
SeWillg ma6tfilles
Our experience irrthe Sewing
Machine Business, (12 years) is a
guarantee of our goods. We
carry in stock the best the mirket
affords. Needles and Repairs for
all kinds of machines always in
stock. Music in Sheet and I3ook
Call and See us,
It will Pay You: