HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-12-18, Page 1' 1.1 urrITTI1. YEAR—N-o 9
Steel Ranges
Coal and
-Wood Cook
Air Tight
Stove Wats
Stephen Council
The council of the township of
u -x
1 % ,gQ;.,
Stephenhonconvened in tie town ball,
Crediton, on Monday, December
15th, at 10 o'clock a. m, All members
Minutes of the previous meetingwere
read and adopted.
Anderson—Webb—That the sum of
+ one hundred dollars be set aside from
,i, the township funds for the use of the
+ Board of Health of the township of
.g, Anderson—Yearley.- That Gottlob
-i• Brown, collector of taxes; is hereby
4. instructed and authorized to continue
the levy and collection of the un -paid as supArintendant ot the Sunday
taxes in the manner and with the School in our .ilia e.—Mr. Luther
Hicks, of Moosejaw Assa. North
West Terr, is visiting his parents Mr.
and Mrs. R. Hicks,—Miss Maggie
Handford, o£ ,Zericle is upending the
holidays at heir home here.—Mr. Wil-
bur Land leaste'turned home from the
North West.—Mr Robert Walker, of
London is, viS'iting in the village.—
Tiles Elston has .has chopper in opera-
tion and is preprred to attend to the
wants ot the farmers in that line of
Alloway sweetly cell asleep in the
arms of Jesus, at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. E. Bowslaugh, Cen-
tralia, on Dec. 5th 1902, Mrs. Alloway
had reached the ripe age of 82 years.
She was born in Sornersetshire, Eng-
land. She married her first husband,
Charles Hooper, on Oct. 18th 1844, to
whom were born a family of 9 child-
ren two of which died in England.
In about 1350 Mr. and Mrs. Hoo e
emigrated to; Canada and settled in
Furnace Work a Specialty
T. Hawlli'is Son
ler leli1• l4++ +++4 44444»: + 4444 rte ++4443� ++++++4. 44++++4 4
Are what every one is
looking for. Nothing makes
a more pleasing present than
a nice
Pair of .Slippers'
.We have three delightful
J[en's Slippers from 60c to $1.25.
Women's -Slippers from 40c to $1.00. ,
Misses slippers from to 600.
Call and Chose before they are
all gone,
We Can
• Convince
that our stock of Fall
and Winter goods is
unequalled. See for
?oll1trU, Butter
auOE Eggs Wllt6tl
—In Exchange
—THE— —For Good
ex6t6r Moat UM
fl Esf1 !IND S11i,TED MOTS
Having purchased the Butcher
'Business from Mr. J. T. Manning,
we solicit a share of your patron-
age. We keep the
Best of Meats
- —Fresh
Highest Prices paid. New
Goods arriving daily.
Candies and Confectionary for
the Xmas trade. and Mrs. Russell Skinner, of Elimville
were the guests of her brother, Mr.
Daniel Hodgson, on Sunday last.—The
missionary collectors were appointed
to go their rounds and a big amount
0 C7 • er is expected in this vicinity.—Mr, Sam-
"`✓✓✓ nel Millson, of Westminster, visited at
Old Stand, HENSALL. his brother's here on Friday. —Mr. Jas.
Shipley of the tenth is preparing to
erect a new brick dwelling next sum-
mer.—Quite a number of our neighbors
have been on the sick list with bad
colds but are able to be out again.—
Mr. Newton and Miss Ada Millson
spent Sunday at Clandeboye.—We are
pleased to learn that our :old friend
Jerry McGee will run for one of our
both fresh and salted, always on G°
hand. Orders delivered promptly. Case's
. MOOD Sc t .L. FUKE
and hemlock,
o nibs,- ins
Large stock f Lu p
170,000 feet of hemlock lumber for barns eto.,
:also shingles. laths and ceder posts. ?rices
teeaaeoon h le. --JAS WILLIS, Yard : East aide of
Main BRIEFS.—Mr. and Mrs. R, Northcott
intend bolding the 25th anniversary
,of their wedding on Friday evening
next. -Quite a number of our young
people attended the Exeter Main street
Methodist church tea-meeting.—Louis
Aldworth, of Bayfield, called on friends.
here a few days ago. --Albert Geddes
has purchased the 25 acres on the cor-
ner from A. Coxworth.
BRIEFS.—Rev. Cooper and McDon-
ald are holding revival services at the
Zion appointment.—The council met
,en Monday and wound up the business
took a business trip to London on
W'sd sada .--Remember the concert
to be given in the Town Hall New
Years Eve ,�. on't miss it.—The W.
i ar meeting
U. et. ox their re 1
C, T. m ,, gu n e a
Monday ni ht at the home of Mrs.
Steinbach,iss Ross, who has been
for the past season milliner at J. D.
Merner's retterried to her home at St.
Marys on Wednesday.
C, Atralia
BaIEF$.—Anniversary services will
be held in the Methodist church on
Sunday next.—Mr. Norman Mitchell
will be successor to Mr. W. Anderson
power provided by the b -law for' the v g
general'levy and collection of taxes.—
Orders to the amount of $110$,07
were passed by the council. A de-
tailed statement will appear in the
treasurer's report.
Council adjourned for
on Monday, December 29th, at 1
o'clock p. m.
HENRY +�ILBER, Tp. Clerk. •
BRIEFS.—Mr. Dan Spencer, who has
spent the summer, in the North West,.
returned home on Monday- last.—Mr.
John Erwin having finished the sea-
son sailing returned home this week,
The member of thel, 0. F. are arrang-
ing for a grand ball on . San. 9th.
Particulars later.—Mr. A. E: Erwin
attended the funeral of his uncle, Mr.
John Blacom, at Ilderton, on Monday
last to Mounc Pleasant cemetery, Lon the locality of Centralia where they
don, Deceased had been ailing for endured the privations of pioneer life.
some time with a growth inwardly On April 7th 1869 brother Hooper died
below the throat and had been living in the triumph of faith in Christ leav-
with his sister at Clinton for the last ing Mrs. Hooper with a family of
month or more, where he was feeling
better. He intended having a sale or
his farm stock at Ilderton on Dec. 9th
and then moving to Clinton on Mon-
day Iasi but he died on Friday night
leaving a wife and three small child-
dren to mourn the loss of a kind husb-
and and father.—A number of the
young people of town were the guests
of Mrs. Blake, Varna, on Tuesday
evening. — Mr. Eberhaedt, of the
Public school visited friends at Pont
Albert on Sunday last. - Mr. Fred
Baker returned home- from Goderich
on Friday last having finished services
on the Dredge for this season,— Don't
forget the date •of the Presbyterian
Christmas tree, to be held on Christ-
mas night, choice program, Every.
body cone.—Rev, Mr... Stewart, of
Clinton, occupied the pulpit in .St.
seven children the greater part of
which were small but she battled
with the cares of life and the responsi-
bility of the family with untiring
energy, endeavoring at all times to in,
struct the family in paths of righteous-
ness and to induce them to lead christ-
ian lives, and 'we have every reason
to believe hex teaching her example
and her influence was not in vain.
She worked hard to see each of her
children comfortably settled down in
married life, 'In after years she mar-
ried Mr. Thos Alloway, of Centralia
who passed . away some two years
alter, she then settled down with her
daughter with; whom she spent her
remaining da s. For some months
she had felt her strength giving way
bat in the
latter part of Nov. she con -
Andrews ,.church on Sunday last tainted a cold which turned to la -
morning and evening. grippe and in her advanced age she
was unable to stand the strain of the
disease, which carried her off on Dec.
Whalen 5th. Previous..to her; departure she
gave her frien4e the blessed assurance
BRIEFS.—Not much news for this that her peace Was made with God,
week everybody is busy using the that she was resting on the arm of her
snow some are drawing: out their grain Saviour, every now and again as her
others drawing wood and in fact it friends entered her room or sat by her
looks as though old Ontario in ten bedside they could hear her (when too
years will be a prairie and everybody weak to spear audibly) whispering
burning coal.—Some of our farming some favorite ;hymn or prayer. She
seniors attended the Fat Stock Show repeatedly sai I am in my Father's
at Guelph. Among those that went hands and He will do what is best for
from here were Messrs. Solomon Jac- me. She rested there until without a
ques, John Peart and Jabez Millson, groan or struggle or any indication of
They report having a good time.—Mr. pain she peacefully passed out of this
life to wake in Heaven. We have rea-
son to believe she could fully realize
the truth of the words of the poet
when he said ;
Jesus can make a dying bed,
Feel soft as downy pillows are,
While on His breast I lean my head,
And breathe my life out sweetly
Her funeral was largely attended on
Dec. 7th her five sons and grandson
being pall bearers. Her remains were
laid to rest in the Exeter cemetery.
She leaves a I& rge circle of outside
friends who are willing to testify that
she has been a neighbor in the truest
councilmen, eve hope he will repair sense of the term, willing to assist in
for the year.—Mr. Steve Ellis, of St.
Marys, was in the village on Monday
settling up accounts and business in
connection with Cement Tile and
Bridge , Building Co.—Mr. ' Walter
Hern went to London on Saturday
and returned with a load of goods.—
Mr. and Mrs. John Rowcliffe celebrat-
ed the 43rd anniversary of their wed-
ding on Tuesday evening last by invit-
ing their . sons and daughter and
friends and treating them to an oyster
supper.—The Epworth League purpose
holding a literary entertainment in
the course of a couple of weeks.—The
Sunday school will hold their usual
Sunday Xmas services on Sunday
next at 10,30. The election of officers
of C. 0. C. F. will take place on Fri-
day evening and all the members are
expected to be present.—Mr. Fred
Miners spent a couple of days of last
week under the parental roof and left
on L3'riday for London, where he has
accepted a position as mechanic in one
of the shops there.
Chitaren cry for
--TH rc E----
• nt� - ha
OAPITAL fall paid up) ... ..$6,000,000.
T1104. F3tSEE E. F. BEIBDEN,
denoral Manager Superintendent of Branches.
Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on
Savings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts.
Letters o1p
f 'edit issued available in China Japan and
oth er foreign .countries.
W. S. CHI Hi, LI� tug acquaintances.—Miss n fawn Friday relieve, " A
our walks from the village to the sickness or in health, day or night
school as it is neither lit for man nor
beast. The Perth County Council
have been in Stratford at the yearly
session discussing business we wish
these county fathers and Biddulph's
advisors would meet near here and ar-
range to repair the road along here
before the next season's mud.—Mr.
Richard Lingard returned home last
week from a visit to Mr. Saml. Peart
at Guelph.—Home Mission Work is to
be taken up in the near future in our
churches to furnish New Ontario,
Manitoba and the Northwest with
preachers and churches, $50,000 is ask-
ed for by our conference.
Zurich ,r
BRIEFS.—Mr.. Paulin, of Dashwood,
spent Monday in town.—Miss Theresa
Axt returned from London on Satur-
day. She had been sick in the hospi-
tal there for some time.—A shooting
match was held in connection with the
Dominion Hotel, on Wednesday, Dec.
17th. Every sportsman vo`as invited,—
returned nrned home
Kr. J. A. 'Williams
Friday after a yisit with relatives at
Quebec.—Mrs. W. H. Hoffman hes re-
covered from her recent illness.—Rey.
Yaeger is having a furnace put into
the parsonage.—Mr. Frank Beaver
visited in town on Sunday.-- Word
was received. by friends announcing
the death of Miss Myrtle Hardy, sec-
NoTxen.—Owing to the 0bristrnas
holiday net w e e
d y x week we would be pleas»
ed to hear from our correspondents
not] to than later Tuesday if possible.
All cases of weak or lame back
backache, rheuumatisrxl, will find re
lief by wearing one of Carter's Smart
Weed a Belladonna Backache Plas-
ters. Price 25 cents,
Miss Annie Weekes returned home
on Tuesday evening after a pleaoant
visit of a ninth at the home of her
brother, Mr. George Weekes, of
Watertown, N. Y.
PIGEONS 4\"ANTED,-500 live pigeons
wanted before December 21th, 15c a
pair.—W. JOHNS, next Senior's photo
If you are nervous,or dyspeptrytic
Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia
makes you nervous, and nervousness
makes you dyspeptic ,, either one ren-
ders you miserable, aed;these little
Pills cure both.
The sale of fancy articles, etc., under
the auspices of: the Ladies' Guild, of
Trivitt Memorial church, on. Friday
evening last was a decided success all
the articles were sold realizing the
gross receipts of about $70.
Palpitation of the heart, nervous-
ness, tremblings, nervous headache,
cold hands and feet, pain in the back,
and other forms of weakness are re-
lieved by' Carter's Iron Pills, made
specially for the blood, nerves and
Mrs. H. Parsons entertained her
Sunday School class, Thursday even-
ing to a tows supper. After which.
illuminated instructions were given
them from the Royal Scroll on our
SaviourfromBethlehem's manger to
the Cross, His resurrection and as-
cension. The pictures bringin the facts
vividlybefore the children. A
profitable evening closed by all sing-
ing "God be with you 'till we meet
On Monday evening last at a special
vestry meeting held in Trivitt Memor-
ial church the resignation of the rec-
tor, Rev. J. W. TenEyck was read and
with many regrets accepted. Circum-
stances which have forced themselves
upon him owing to recent bereave -
went, necessitates his continued- ab-
sence from his work here for some time Will
hence he deemed it advisable to tender
his resignation. Mi . Ten Eyck will
take charge of St. Johns church,
Hamilton, for the next three months.
After which he- contemplates taking a
University course to further equip
him for his chosen profession. He
was beloved by -all his parish and
much regret is felt at his removal.
During his residence were be has won
the esteem and respect of not only his
own people but of the sister churches
as well, the kindest feeling of sym-
pathy existingg, Next Sunday he will
i all robabilit his farewell
jQX N X ii rE
This ad. changes every week: ' Open till 10 p. m. every night till Xmas,
A S Christmas drawswe cannot too strongly' ur 'e
A in
intending d
g buyers to make their selections early.
Our store is now stocked to the roof with novelties: of every
description. We are laying aside articles every day for; customers -
to be taken at Christmas. Why not you? You cannot hope to
get as good a choice if left till the last minute. Be wise.
To attempt to enumerate things would certainlybe a faint.
t? � a
hearted effort, so suffice it to say that our store is:noted for its
variety and it surely will be no exception at'this time of: the year.
I have just placed an order with a London firm for a goodly
supply of Candies, Nuts and Oranges, so we will not be behind in
this regard. •
See our windows for Christmas trade. They will fascinate.
This is the last time be#ore. Christmas that a e shall be privil-
eged to talk with you through the medium of this paper; so await»
ing your early favors and wishing you all a very merry Xmas.
We remain, yours to command.
Tt 1 lam+ - ^'
W. L TALBOT, Proprietor.
New eral Store
Having opened up a general store, consisting of
We solicit It share of the patronage of the north end
and surrounding country. You will find we sell as low as
any store in country or city, not including some special lines
ch others sell at cost or below.
I.aiso intend to handle Flour and Feed. All orcterz
promptly filled.
Terms Strictly Cash or Trade
I have a Telephone in connection with the store for the convenience of
all, I might also state that I have one of the heaviest and best set of weigk
to 1 440 pounds,elL
scales in the village, weighing from one pound. 0,g
correct. I will now handle the scales fromy store, andcharge only half
price, 5c per weigh. Anything not going to market weighed free.
n p y preachP. S.—Shoei&ikeii Weeited. A. good opening. fora good shnenla;ker.
sermons. will furnish shop and living rooms free of chaege, until such time as he may
HIGH TARIFF vs. Low TARIFF.—The work his trade up to pay. Address L. McTAGGART, Hay I?. 0.
great question before Canadians to-
day is tariff. From oue end to the
other of this broad Dominion the
question of a high or low tariff is being
discussed. Honest discussion is what
the people of Canada want. It will be
interesting to know that the Family
Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal
has opened its columns for a full and
free discussion of this important ques-
tion. The leaders of both political
parties to give their views. Farmers,
manufacturers, importers etc., will
have an opportuuity to express them-
selves, The Family Herald, being a
purely non-political paper, absolutely
independent of all political parties or
interests, is the one paper in Canada
where in an open discussion can be
carried on. With the Family Herald
and Weekly Star's immense circula-
tion at every post office in the Domin-
ion, this will be a splendid opportunity
for the leaders of both parties to air
their views on the tariff question, and
lc wi na urs ex ec
the publ"
t fly p t to
hear from them through the Family
Herald and Weekly Star. The dis-
whenever an opportunity presented. cussion will be watched and read with
RS 0
Office hours 10 a. In. to 4 p. m. Telephone very pretty events of the season was
connection with main office in Lucau.—Cent solemnized on Dec, 10th at the home
ralia, Ont. of Mr. Laud Mrs. Watson Kilbourne,
235 Donald street, Winnipeg, when
ADDITIONAL LOCALS their daughter, Edna Louis. was un-
ited in marriage with Mr. Aquiila
The public school closes on 1f riday, Snell of Exeter. The ceremony was
for the Christmas term. performed by the Rev, Archdeacon
Frank Hunter, of Denfield is engag- Fortin. The bride looked charming
ed here with the Sutherland Innis Co, in white crepe de chene over' white
Georgie Brown, of Mitchell, spent taffeta, with veil and orange blossoms
Sunday and Monday the guest of Mas -
carrying a beautiful briquet of
ter Harry Carling. white bridal roses. She was escorted
Mrs. R. Hoskin,of Kirkton, spent to the altar by her father, who gave
Monday with her mother, Mrs. Wm. her away. She waso assisted y her
Treble, Huron street. sister, Miss Ila Kilbourne, who looked
very pretty, handsomely gowned in
Miss Edith Sanders pleasantly en- pale blue crepe de chene and carrying
•tertained her associate employees on a boquet of pink roses. The groom
Monday evening last, was assisted by Mr. James Black, of
Miss M. Elston, assistant milliner Winnipeg. After the ceremony a
with J. A. Stewart, left for her home dainty wedding repast was served and
ill Centralia this week, the happy couple received the cougrat-
Miss Dovington, of Uxbridge, has ulations of those present. Mr. and
been engaged far the High School Mrs. Snell lett on the Northern Pacific
trip Chicago,
six weeks' t 1 to C
for, a
train ,
departi5ent in our public school. Toronto and other pastern cities. The
Mr. Harry Duston has accepted a many costly and beautiful presents
position with the Molson's Bank and received were an indication of the
entered upon his duties on Tuesday. popularity of the bride and those who
Mr. Frank Snell has returned home knew her will wish her a very happy
from St, Marys: and will spend a short future. The groom has many friends
time with hie mother, Mrs, Wnt, here where his boyhood days were
daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Solomon Snell. spent with whom the "TI�riEs" loins in
Hardy, of Carsonvalle, Mich., formerly Miss Lilly Robinson, who has been best wishes for the future prosperity
residents of Zurich. Myrtle had not attending the model school at Gode- and unalloyed bliss to the happy
been in geod health for a number of l
yearn, p richmPduring, the last term has returned.couple. Mr. and Mrs. Snell Will visit
but it was hoped that owing to 1 ho at the home of his parents, Mr, and
PIGEONS WANTED. --500 live pigeons Mrs. John Snell, at Christmas,
wanted before December 21th, 1,5e a
Bair. --W. JOINS, next Senior's photo
gallery, nlso;suelearn anuhoit naapllt;nputic:joaq,q.
Tile Wiarton Beet Sugar It'aetory eateiseo o; Siena e'er 'st111 scannas( oq5 rt, cirri
began opperations on Friday last and zl. awe; los papa ails'pttgo n si:nz axis na,r,ly
daid out 33 600 as first � ,,. � tsni .r a uai
last week at her ]ionic in Mensal]. ---Mr • payment on beets alone.
her youth, she might regain her
strength,• bet all that could be done
for heriproved of no avail. The funeral
took pace at Carsonville Saturday
afternoon, The parents and family
have the sincere sympathy of their
many friends in and around Zurich,-
Mrs. Dr Canipbell spent a few days of a
on Mon y p $$,ver1aq ann3 ant 'PIs s q ff 1,1i
Joseph ✓eft l hasp been quit° ill for
rapidly.-.-Mr..Arthur Benedic , of#����� or
some time and is not progressing very Children i Malta .oil' ..TOR1A
r. I n, a I
llfixinie Dciarx
eeileeele'q `mtle to
mei; usiske, egl..s.ses4 oeirecjs vine i onineta0
This month in
Over -coating
Fancy Vesting
A large assortment
to select from.
W. W. Taman.
Merchant TalEor.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertainour opinion free whether an
Invention is pros ably patentable. Communica-
tionastrictly ccnt:mentiai. Handbook onPatenta
sent free. Oldest agency for securing phtents.
Patents taten through Munn & Co.-reeetve
specie/ notice, withoutcnarte, in the
scientific American.
A handeomelf Illustrated weekly. Largest oir-
culation of any scientific journal. Tema, $3 a
year ; four months, $1. sold Dyaii newsdealers-
MUNN & Ce.361Broadway, New York
Branch Office. 625 5' St.. Washington, D. C.
Sultalilo toy Xmas Gift
Specials for Xmas Buyers
Nickle Silver Tea Spoons .50e. and up
Nickle Silver Dessert Spoons 750. and up
Nickle Silver Table Spoons $1.00 and up
Celleloid Table and Dessert Knives,.. $1.50 and up
Table Knives and Forks • .. 5 $1.10 00 aand nd up
Boys' Jack Knives 15 20 and 25e
Girls' Pen Knives
Ladies'Pen Knives. .........:.......... 25 to 500
Men's Pocket, Knives `25 to 50c
Good Razors 75c
Bread Knives.. , 7 7 7 7 7 to ..150
Bread Boards •— ....20c
Carpet Sweepers .$2.45 up to $3.25
N. P. Sad -Irons .: • . 85t up to $2. u00 per $1.,sett
Rosin Seeder . .75c p to '25
Food Choji ora. ... ..�: .. •65c tip to $1..40'
Decorated Granite Tea Pots. .. ........... ..750 up to $1.010
And lot of other titles to select from atill
We have a full line of Hockey
and Spring
Spring Skate3, all sizes, 50e. to $1.00
Hockey Skates, all sizes, $1.25 to $2.25