HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-3-20, Page 27THIS, ORIGINAL UU(HMI-:NT LS IN VI';W1 l'oow ('ON'I)i'I IuN Page 22—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1985 CLASSIFIED 31. Service directory McQUAiD CARPENTRY LICENSED CARPENTER • RLNOV ATIONS•SIDING •ROOFING• ADDITIONS, ETC-, 482-3628 (Evenings) WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FoFr modern rotary rigs Phone Seaforth NEIL:527-1737 DURL:527-0828 JIM:527.0775 Chris Brooks Carpentry NO JOB TOO SMALL Call 482-3830 T . CIYMPLETE SHARPENING SERVICE In Clinton, Highway 8 west across from Elm Haven Motel Phone - 482-3305 JACK B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING Specializing In: •CUSTOM BUILT HOMES •RENOVATIONS • ADDITIONS •KITCHENS •ALUMINUM SIDING PHONE 482-9506 EVENINGS For All Your Plumbing Needs, Contact: CHRIS MIDDLETON PLUMBING (Licenced Plumber) Phone 482-72010r 482-3758 I Industrial, Commercial, �. Farm, Residential ' 1 Reasonable Rates 34. Personal UNATTACHED! Meet attractive cornpatible:per- son who shares your sane interests (oll ages). Prestige Acquaintances. Call toll' free 1:800-263- 9163. Hours 12 Noon to 8 p.m. 12o F35.Notice to creditors, i NOTICE 10 CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALL CLAIMS against tl,e Estate of Olive Marion Ives. late of the City of Sarnia,' in the County of Larnhton, who' died on or about the 18th day of January, 1985, must be filed with the undersign• ed personal representative on or before the 5th day of April, 1985, thereafter, the undersigned will distribute•the assets of the said estate hav- ing regard only to the claims then filed, . DATED this 11 th day of March, 1985. HUGH GEORGE IVES,' Administrator by his solicitor' Joseph A. Farina,, Barrister and Solicitor, 425 N, Chr istino Street, Sarnia. Ontario, N7T 5V8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF Robert Archie McNeil Deceas- .•d Ail clam,, against the Estate of Robert Archie "V1r Nell late of the Township of •Goderich. in the Lawny of Heron. who died on or about the 8th tiny of 1('hruury. 1985, must be filed with the ,in,Irrs,ynorf personal representatives on or h -•fury• thr• 26th day of April„ 1985, After that ,fnio 1h,r F•,ral,i will bre distributed with regard .„,/y 10 the r fairnh of which the undersigned shall ban hn.e notice and the undersigned shall not h, L•rhl,. to nr,y person.0f„v/hosr, (loirn it shall not ti„'r 1 H1./.! ,1C111( 11 1) i1t Gn1i„r,r h 0,1tar 10 this 18th day of Mor , •'. ra 5 E nlrn Alfit•do McNeil Executrix R,R. 3 Ctn;tonOrtano NOM 110 and Enu,,.I JCIU,(4,n Jewell Executrix R,R 1 Colton, Ontario NOR 1E30. ESy th,nr Solicitors irnyan&Finchr'r, Brnnst,rrs &Solicito,s I N''l•,on Srr,•;yt Fast 1' 0 Box 97 Coder ii h Ontario N7A'lY5 12 14nr 38. Auction sale 1 Plan to attend the AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MARCH 30 AT 12 NOON for William Monn, Moncrleff, Lot 35, Con. 16, Grey Township, one mile north of Monkton on Highway 23 then three miles west on the 16th con. SALE CONSISTS OF a well kept line of modern machinery all In excellent condition including tractors, combine, harvesting equipment, truck, Midland radios, 2500 bales of hay and miscellaneous Items. NOTE: illness forces this sale of a fine well kept line of modern machinery. This fine dairy farm Is for private sale. David Carson, Auctioneer R.R. 3 LISTOWEL 519.291.2049 GIGANTIC FARM EQUIPMENT Monthly Glearance & Consignment Auction, Friday. March 22, 1985. 10 a.m. sharp. Sales- held fourth Fridoy of each month. New & Used equipment including approx• imately 75 tractors, some industrial equipment, trucks, seeding equipment and over 200 pieces of all types of farm equipment plus lawn and garden tractors. Special Note; This sale features several consignments from area farmers plus an excellent lineup of our own inventory. Terms cash or good cheque day of sale. Not responsible' for accidents on property. Lunch booth and truck- ing avoiloble. Tractors to be sold, inside. Auc• tioneer Cliff Gilbert, One of Ontario's fastest growing rnonthly form equipment consignment auctions, Wayne Ward Farm Equipment. Highway No, 6, Wiarton, Ontario, Phone (519)534.1.638, or 534-2960.•.. 11,120 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Self propelled combine, three tractors, modern farm machinery, forage equipment, hay and straw, cattle squeeze, etc., to be held at Lot 1, Concession 7, Morris Township, approx. 2'T2 miles north of Blyth, Ont. on Highway No. 4 for Mr. Bill Fear. THURSDAY MARCH 28 AT 1 PM TRACTORS: International 1066 diesel tractor with cab heater, radio, front mount auxiliary fuel tank, dual external hydraulics 20.8 x 38 rear tires, 18.4 x 38 Tbar snap on duals with tires; International 684 diesel tractor with IHC 2250 quick attach hyd. 'bucket loader, external hydraulics, 16.9 x 30 rear tires, run 2370 hrs.; Oliver 770 gas wheat land model tractor with live pto. COMBINE: Gleaner K gas bean , special self propelled combine with cab straw chopper, KL335 -three row wide corn head and 10 ft, floating cutter bar head with pickup reel; Gleaner 240 nil two row Wide cern head to be sold separate. MACHINERY: New Holland 791 tandem manure spreader with hyd. tail gate; International 720 five furrow semi mount plow with 20 inch bottoms spring resets trip coulters; Interriational 470 trail 161/, ft. wiieg disc with dual wheels; International 45 vibra shank 181/2 ft, trail, wing cultivator w/Mid West harrows; International 400 fourrow cyclo planter with Gandy' insecticide applicator; New Holland 770 forage harvester with two row 'adjustable corn head and hay pickup; 2 New Holland No. 8 three beater forage boxes w/steel roofs on Horst ten ton wagons; 'New Holland 27 whirl feed forage blower; New ' Holland 80 three point hitch bale mover fork; two flat racks on wagons; 2 Turnco gravity boxes in need of repair; Lucknow 8' i ft. double auger snow blower; Lucknow three point hitch post hole digger; Continental 300 US gal. trail sprayer with plastic tank and 28 ft. boom; 2 Bruns 260 bushel gravity bins on Horst eight ton wagons; three point hitch blade; old side rake; 16 ft. pipe elevator; MY -D Han -D cattle squeeze with automatic head gate: Ford three furrow plow and NH66 baler for parts or scrap; 4 row rowcrop cultivator; 10 ,ft, chain harrow. TOOLS & MISC: Cement mixer with electric motor; Lincoln 225 electric welder; acetylene' torch and cart for small tanks; Webster portable air compressor: small wagon load of tools & misc. • HAY AND STRAW: 25 large round bales of wheat straw stored inside; 20 large round bales of straw outside; 400 square bales of hay. Plan to attend this sale of good equipment. FARM SOLD LUNCH BOOTH TERMS: CASH Auctioneer: Richard Lobb CLINTON, Ont. 519-482-7898 For information phone the owner Bill Fear, Blyth, Ont. 519.523-9369. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. �llilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllln11111111111111111111111111111111111111L E ES a s i B FZ- -17 Gigantic Handyman Auction This Sunday, March 24th, 1 p.m. South Huron Recreation Centre (arena) 94 Victoria St., Exeter Antiques household effects new tools rind equipment, carpet and linoleurnby auction. New carpet linoleum , rocker, gloss, china brrtss small tables curio cabinet, brass planter, brass and wood cocit racks marble tables desk, chairs, stainless steel howls, scissors Bentwood rocker, Neer steins, small brick. o hrcick etc 3 hp compressor 16 speed drill press 14' b 'hd saw 6 wood fainter 2 way metal hand saw, sand blaster 2 ton floor jack air paint guns air hose impact guns and sockets. I() carbide sow blades, bolt cutters air filter controls, drill bits, crit rachets 5 Makitct grinder, torque wrenches hammers. router hits tarps • D A sanders,. gear pullers, impact drivers,. flex rachets levels, punches, chisels air greose guns. Drill sharpeners butterfly rachets, hacksaw blades, soap, scratch polls cross slide vises socket sets, 4' x 6 sander grinder, band sow bfodes recoil air hose drill vises F 8 C clomps, 6' x 9' Snncfer, gander speed wrenches, tin snips. electric grinders. pipe wrenches ,crow foot wrenches 60 amp battery charger, ono ton chain block 'come alongs. quick Coupler. sets blow gun;, knives electric stapler plus 100's of other hobby home and fords related !terns TERMS Cosh M C Visa cheque. Auctioneer: Art Larivee Jr. Auctions Unlimited 268-8748 ' �lnlinnunnunn►untnnnnnnnnunnnnuunnnuuunuunununuununlnlnnnnuunnunnnnnnununurnurnnnaingnmiunnunl 38. Auction sale 1 i CLEARING FARM MACHINERY AUCTION Of farm equipment for K. & J. Elder Farms, located 6 miles north of Grand Bend on Hwy. Nq. 21. TUESDAY, MARCH 26 AT 10:30 A.M. NOTE: Refer to last week's edition, March 13, for full listing of tractors, machinery, trucks, and strawberry equipment. RATHWELL & ASSOCIATES INC. Hwy. No. 4, Brucefleld, Ont, 482.7181 or 482.3120 A Richard Lobb Auctioneer CLINTON • 482.7898, AUCTION CALENDAR SAT. MARCH 23 AT 10 AM - Furniture and appliances at Richard Lobb s barn, Clinton. for Orval Powell.' SUNDAY, MARCH 24 AT 1 PM • A modern furniture and appliances and household effects to be held at Soltford Hall, Goderich, Ontario for Mrs. Della McGee. THURSDAY, MARCH 28 AT 1 PM - 3 tractors, combine, modern form machinery, forage equipment, hay,and straw, 2' 7 miles north of Blyth on Highway 4 for Bill Fear. SAT. MARCH 30 AT 10 AM • Antiques. Furniture, etc. to be held •at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont, ° SAT. APRIL 6 AT 10 AM - . Antiques; furniture, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont._ for Glen Lockhort. THURSDAY, APRIL 11 AT '10 AM • Beef cows, Stocker cattle, truck,- combine, 5 tractors. swather, forage, harvesting and tillage equipment. feed, etc... to be held at Lot 19, Concession 5, McKillop township, 2'%7 miles north of Seaforth and 1'1 miles east for Wilfred Drager. Farm is sold. SAT,. APRIL 13 AT 10 AM - "Airless ,paint sprayer, power carpentry and shop tools', power mortar mixer, job site shacks, portable hooters, portable generator, used material, •etc. to be held at 55 Birch Street, Seaforth Industrial Park, Seaforth, Ont. for Wayne & Harold Smith Construction Co. Ltd. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 Arlo AM — Lobb Brothers -Spring Consignment Auction of, tractors & farm mochinery, Bayfield Rd., Clinton. To consign phone Richard 482.7898 or Fred 482-3409. • FRIDAY; •APII$, 1R/ 'JD 7700 combine, Versatile.4 wheel drive tractor, 3 JD tractors and full line of Cosh Crop form equipment, Lot 5, Concession 9; Tuckersmith-Township, 5'1 .miles south of Seaforth and 11/2 miles east for Rieny VanLoon, ESTATE AUCTION SALE Modern appliances and furniture, some antiques, new lawn mower and garden tiller, Chinese and Persian rugs, household effects, to be held at the Saltford Valley Hall, Goderich, Ont, for the Estate of Della McGee. SUNDAY, MARCH 24 AT 1 PM Admiral harvest gold fridge: Admiral harvest gold 30” electric stove; Moffat harvest ' gold automatic clothes waher and clothes dryer; Woods apt, size chest freezer; Zenith I Space Command 26 inch floor model colour TV with remote control (one year old); floor model hi fl; chesterfield and matching chair (new); nine piece cherry dining room suite including double pedestal table with two leaves, large buffet and hutch style china cabinet; antique love seat w/matching rocker arm chair and side choir in good condition; small modern kitchen' table w/two matching wooden chairs; ,antique sectional bookcase w/folding glass front; French Provincial style chesterfield; Kroehler chesterfield w/pullout bed: fancy knee hole desk with drawers on 'each side; matching coffee table and two end tables with inlaid leather tops; large fancy coffee table with matching end tables; fancy carved walnut pedestal table: unusual parlour table; four' matching dining chairs; upholstered swivel rocker; two large uph6lstered foot stools; electric sewing machine in stand w/stool; older three bedroom 'suite w/box spring and mattress; two wooden ice cream chairs; large oil painting by E.M, BLACK; large wall mirror; two wall mirrors; eight foot pool table; luggage; round card table & four chairs; wicker picnic basket; step stool; six good living room lamps; pots and pans; dishes and glassware including antique and collectable pieces; bedding; towels; fancy work; new portable radio with cassette player; carpet sweeper; floor Polisher: Honda lawn mower with bag nearly new; Honda garden tiller new; TV game; exercycle: oak shadow box; 4 piece youth bedroom suite; recliner chair; window air conditioner; RUGS FROM MISS BESS GRIEVE' of SEAFCRTH; 2 Persian Hamadoins rugs 42" x 74" and 49" x 67"; Chinese all wool hooked rug approx. 9' x 12'; Irfidian rug approx. 3' x 5'. ALL ITEMS MUST BE REMOVED FROM HALL DAY OF SALE. TERMS: CASH Auctioneer: Richard Lobb CLINTON 482.7898 AUCTION SALE Modern appliances, antique furniture, piano, portable TV, etc., to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. for Orval Powell of Goderich, Ontario. SATURDAY MARCH 23 AT 10 AM Admiral fridge; Woods 12 to 15 cu. ft. chest freezer; Inglis clothes dryer; Beatty wringer washer; Kelvinator frost free fridge 11/2 years old; Tappan 24" electric stove; Weber upright piano; piano bench; Lloyds 20" portable TV one year old; antique dresser w/mirror and bonnet compartment; antique washstand; antique bonnet chest; fancy old wooden extension dining table w/4 1 leaves; oak buffet w/mirror; flat to wall type cupboard; bottom for flat to wall In rough condition; , old oak record cabinet; modern chesterfield 6 chair; 2 sets of six matching pressback chairs; washstand w/towel bor; coffee tables; small tables; table (amps; 2 floor lamps; bridge lamp; oil lamp; wicket fern. stand; step stool; treadle sewing machine; small record player; vacuum cleaner; electric broom; enamelled scrub board; toilet pitcher; toilet basin; 2 old trunks; 2 huge back trunks; crokinole board; washstand; 3 wooden picture frames; picture frames; dishes and glassware including antique. pieces; 12 place setting of Alfred Meaken English Meadow pattern 18K gold Border dishes; 20 ft. extension aluminum ladder; 3 inch vise; a few hand tools; coal shuttle; plus our usual offering of small items. TERMS: CASH Auctioneer: Richard Lobb CLINTON 482-7898 39. Educational FREE Career Guide describes 200 learn -at-home correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Art, Bookkeeping, Business Management, Clerk Typist, Secretary, Journalism, Television Servic'. ing, Travel, Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto. 1.800.268.1121.-12o •- LEARN PIANO/ORGAN. New, Easy Chord Method! Instruction book, 3 'Cassette Tapes teach you Keyboard styles including "By Ear" and Simplified music reading. All family members can learn. Progress own pace. Low cost! Start chording immediately. Details free. Write: KEN'S KEYBOARD KOURSE, (as advertised on Televi• sion) Box" 3021, Station A., Moncton, N.B. EiC 9C2.-• 12o -----------_..___.-- FAMILY TAX PLANNING:, Learn loopholes to decrease taxes. Earn money preparing returns. 'For free brochure, write -U & R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina- Hwy., Winnipeg, Manitoba, ' R3T 2B6, ---12o CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time -to train for your Class "A" license, For pre-screening and job placement in- formation„contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training. London (519)432-1726.--12o 40. Lost &.Found LOST - Strip of chrome approx. 5” x' 12" off 1979 Chrysler New Yorker, in Clinton. If found phone 482.3514.--9tfnx - 41 . To give away HI! My name is Candy. 1 am a small house dog and especially good with children, I am port Dachshund and hove been spayed and have all my shots. My owners can't have me anymore so I'm free to a good home with lots of love. Phone any time 524-7106.-12.13nx 42. Death.notice WITMER At St. Joseph's Hospital,' London, on Thursday. March 14, 1985, Jean Evelyn Horner, of Goderich, in her 70th year. Beloved wife of the late Neil George Witmer. Dear mother of Judy (Mrs. Hector White), of London and Robert and his wife Keiko, of Hokkaido, Japan. Loving grandmother of 6 grandchildren and/1/sister of Harold, of Zurich, Greg, of Dashwood, Doris. of Zurich, Keith, of Parkhill and Robert, of Doshwood. Friends called at the Stiles Funeral Home, 77 Montreal Street, Goderich on Friday, from 2.4 and 7.9 p,m. A funeral service and com- mittal were held at North Street United Church, 56 North Street, Goderich on Saturday at 2 p.m. Interment Emmanuel United Church Cemetery, Zurich, ' COULTER At St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital Saturday,, March 16, 1985; Mrs. Frances Eva Coulter of R.R. 2, Aylmer (Port Bruce); in her 63rd year, Beloved wife of Bernard Coulter. Dear sister of Paul Cooper. London, Russell Cooper, Bayfield and Robert Cooper; Port Bruce. Also survived by a number of nieces and nephews. Rested at the H.A. Kebbel Funeral Home, Aylmer. for service Monday,. March 18 of 11 a.m. Interment Aylmer Cemetery STANBURY Carl, On Thursday, March 7. 1985 in Kitchener. Waterloo Hospital, dear husband of Olive and brother of Harold, Edith, Maxine and Fred Ston - bury. The funeral took place from the Edword Good Chapel ,n Waterloo on Saturday. March 9. 1985 WESTLAKE At South Huron Hospital. Exeter, on March 17, 1985. Charles W. Westlake, of 151 William Street, Exeter, in his 74th year. Beloved husband of Normo (Groves) and dear brother of Mory Westlake of Hensall, Williom Westlake of Exeter, Also surviving is a brother.in•low Jake Wildfong of Exeter, Mr; Westlake was predeceased by his sister Mrs. Wolloce Makins (Violet), 2 brothers Jock and Colvin Westlake, and an infant sister: Friends called at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home, William Street, Exeter, where the funeral service was held on Wednesday, March 20, 1985 at 2 p.m,. with Reverend Grant Mills, officiating:. Spring in•erment in Exeter Cemetery. Mr. Westlake lived in St, Cothorines for many years and retired from General Motors in 1971 43. Births SCOTT Jamie and Elizabeth ore happy to announce the bath of their first child. a son, James Denver Scott arrived March 6, 1985 at St, Joseph's Hospital. London. "Denny" is o greot grandson for Mrs Jim Scott (Jean) of Blyth. twelfth grand• child for Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scott of Goderich• and first grandchild for Major and Mrs Frank Golding, Seaforth • 12nx 43. Births MUSTARD Sheldon would like to announce the long awaited arrival of his baby brother Aaron Lee Reid on Murch 7, 1985 weighing 8 Ib. 2 oz. of Stratford General Hospital. Proud parents are Stewart and Barbaro. Proud grandparents are Jock and Mory Mustard, Brucefleld and Jock and Helen Lee of Londesboro.— 12nx MANNING Born to Murray and Carolyn (Aubin) Manning, at the Soldier's Memorial Hospital in Orillia, On- tario, on the 5th day of March, 1985, a doughter, Lindsay Louise, weighing 8 Ib. 12 oz. First grand- child for Lloyd and Mary Lou Aubin of Goderich, 'and, fourth grandchild for John and Muriel Mann- ing of Blyth- First great grandchild for Dan Hallohon of Blyth,-12nx WISE Don and Mari ore pleased to announce the safe • arrival of their first child, a son, Michael Ray, on March 5, 1985 weighing 5 lbs. 11 ozs. Proud grandparents are Roy and Estelle Wise, Holmesville and Arnold and Nora Keys, Varna. Proud great grandma is Pearl Eyre, Clinton.-12nx MOSS Ron and Kathy of Tiverton, formerly Londesboro area (nee Lyon) ore very pleased 10 announce the safe arrival of o wee son, Albert Jonathan (A.J.) 3 lbs. 1 oz., in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don on January 26, -1985. A.J, is home with his parents now and excited sisters, Laura Kathryn and Kerissa Joanne and weighs 5 lbs. Grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moes, London and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lyon, R.R. 1, Auburn: Great grand- son for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Easom, Blyth, and Mrs. Laura Lyon,londesboro.- 12nx BEACOM Bob and Angela Beacom ore happy to announce the arrival of/their fourth child, John Charles, on March 3, 1985at Clinton Public Hospital,---12nx MAASKANT ' "Know that the Lord is God. Itis He who mode us, and we are His." Ps. 100:3. A daughter, Jessica, was born to Rob and Lori Maaskant, February 25, 1985, at Burlington. 'A grandchild for Ann Maoskont, Clinton and Ken and Shirley Keller, Goderich, - 12nx 46. In memoriam CHAMBERS In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Gladys H. Chambers, who passed away 1 yeor ago March 21, 1984 Softly we speak of the one we love, And tenderly think of the past, Memories deepen as life travels on, But love and remembrance last. Dearly loved and sadly missed by husband, children and grandchildren. -12x FORREST • In loving memory "of our dear daughter sister, /Donna Forrest, who passed 'away years ago March 22, 1980i' Often in quiet moments, Donna, We sit and think of you, Your foce, your smile, The things you'd soy'and do. Though we can smile for good times, Sadness fills our hearts, Yo'u left us here for a peaceful land; Where loved ones never part. Memories are all we have, , Which we hold close to our hearts. Lovingly remembered and sadly 'missed by Mom and Dad, Ken and Jane Wildfong and brother Rick. ---12 • and five CHAMBERS In loving memory of a dear mother and grand• mother, Gladys H. Chambers, who passed away one year ago March 21, 1984. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell Of the Toss of one we loved so well. And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep. . 1n our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you. Sadly missed by daughter, Suzie, son-in•law Terry and grandson Curtis. --12x • HOLLAND In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Keith Holland, who passed away March 20, 1978. The flowers'still bloom, And the seasons come and go But it seems like yesterday That Keith went away. We never will forget All of us that care, Our eyes fill with tears When we see that vacant choir. Lovingly remembered by morn, dod, Harvey, Cliff and Marilyn. -12x • - • 47. Card of thanks P.E.P. Committee It is with sincere gratitude that the P.E.P. Com- mittee from Holmesville Public School wishes to _ / thank everyone who helped with their Fashion Show "Petticoats to ' Punk", Your kindness, generosity and support are appreciated and We are grateful to oll who contributed in any way to - help make our show a success. -12 KNOX Id like to thank oll those who sent cords and' visited me while in hospital. Special thanks to doctors and nurses on second floor Stratford Hospital. Bill Knox. 12x JANSEN We would like to thank all cur friends and relatives for the flowers, cards and gifts received while in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Salsbury and Steed and to all the nurses for their excellent care. Sandra and Derek Jansen. 12 WATKINS I wish to thank Dr. Lambert and the nursing slof!inik for their. excellent core: and friends an neighbours for their thoughtfulness and flowers during my recent convalescence Mildred Wotkins. - 12 GLIDDON I'd like to thank everyone for flowers, cards. visits and phone calls 1 received while in hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to doc• tors and nurses at Clinton Hospital and to Jim and Lois Turner for their help It is all greatly ap• predated. lee Gliddon. 12 VINCENT We would like to soy "Thank you" to our family, friends and neighbours for their cords. letters and gifts to Leanne. They will olwoys be ap- preciated, A special thanks to Auburn Booster Club for the -baby shower and to the United Church Women for their thoughtfullness. It is in• deed o pleasure to live in a community such as Auburn. Jack. Anne and Leanne. -12 STICKLE 1 would like to thank my friends, neighbours and relotives who so kindly remembered me with . prayers. cords. gifts, calls and visits following my recent surgery. Special thanks to Pastor and Mrs. Holley for their support and encouragement Helen Steckler -,- 12 1