HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-3-20, Page 15Daff�dils for mothers By Blanche Deeves MIDDLETON - Mothering Sunday was celebrated at the Morning Prayer Service at St. James' Anglican Church on Sunday mor- ning, with Rev. A. Bell officiating. James Storey greeted the congregation, while Ed- ward Deeves, peoples warden, handed each mother entering a daffodil. At children's time the rector explained how Mothering Sunday was started. The rector introduced June Taylor, Direc- tor of Friendship House in Goderich for bat- tered women. June said she is in need of women to answer the phones, babysit and help with varied jobs for about two hours a month. Merl are also needed for gardening and many odd jobs. June also asked for food Wboxes. There are 24 safe houses in Huron County. She is also in need of homes for women and children for two to nine days. June thanked Middleton Church for having her. Rev. Bell thanked her for coming. Ray Wise and James Storey received the offering. Lynda and Bill Steenstra brought Simnel cake to the altar to be blessed. Rev. Bell read a St. Patrick's Day poem. Follow- ing the service mein. on i Cimnol nokt+ friendship was much enjoyed. Thanks goes out to the la 'es who made the Simnel cakes. On April 7, join the Goderich Township Sesquicentennnal Easter Celebration at Holmesville Hall on Easter Sunday at 2 p.m. to hear the ecumenical choir from all the township. Congratulations to Don.and Marjorie Wise on the arrival of their son Michael Ray, and to the very proud grandparents Ray and Estelle Wise for their first grandson. On March 28, every couple of Middleton Church is invited to an old-fashioned box social at 8 p:m. at Bill Steenstra''s home. The fun will include a evening of cards and the men will bid on the pretty Easter boxes of lunch. • Rev. A. Bell has been invited for the se- cond time by Bishop Derwyn Jones to attend a start-up workshop for recently moved clergy. He will be joining seven other Huron clergy as well as clergy from Niagara and Toronto at Ancaster from March 26 - 28. Sympathy goes out to Adel Jervis on the loss of her sister-in-law Jean Whitmore and aunt of Audrey Middleton. Medley of Irish songs played By Isabel Scott was won by Beatrice Stoll, Jean C. BRUCEFIELD - Unit I of the Brucefield Henderson, Madeleine Rathwell and Isabel UCW met recently with Mrs. Ivan Scott. Wightman and Mrs. Jack Henderson in Penny contest losers will be in charge of charge of the worship. Elsie Henderson was the April meeting to be held on the 9th at the pianist. 6:30 p.m. It will feature a pot luck dinner. Mrs. Cliff Henderson gave the treasurer's Plans for the April bowling banquet were report. The March praiect: a Dutch aut tion, alsoEldiscussed. se Henderson played a medley of Irish songs and Irish poems were read. People report Sharon Pine and family of Brampton visited last week with Grace McBride. Glenn Swann spent the school break week in Florida. Violet Ross accompanied by Dorothy Boughen and boys of Clinton spent the week with Don and Betty Jean Lee and family at Brooks, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Don Moffat and family had as 'their visitors last week, her mother Mrs. P. Colwell and sister Mrs. Janet Blondeel and Mrs. Kerry Colwell and children of Wallaceburg and her aunt Margaret Pridmore of Windsor. Resident tours museum, skis By Margaret Hoggarth KIPPEN — Debbie Kyle and Anne Mader from Halifax, Nova Scotia visited during the school break with Mr. and Mrs: Emerson Kyle, Mrs. Alice Thiel, Dr. Doug Thiel, his wife Lois and family of Zurich. Mrs. Pearson Charters ' has returned home after spending two (weeks in Battle Creek Michigan with her sister-in-law, Jessie Thompson. Janet Hoggarth spent six days during the March break in Ottawa visiting her brother Greg who is staying with Doris and Donald Smith. While there they went to' Mont Cascades, Quebec, for a day of downhill ski- ing. They also toured'theMuseum of Science and Technology in Ottawa, and' enjoyed a play entitled "Terminal Blues" at the Na- tional Arts Centre. United Church News. Pastor Don .Moffat presided in the pulpit at St. Andrews on March 17, with Frances Kinsman accompanying the hymns at the organ. The ministry of music was provided by Cheryl Turner atthe piano playing "Mor- ning has broken". Pastor Don Moffat's ser- mon was entitled 'Standing close to the Cross". 'Bulletin reminder of the Commu- nion Service on Sunday,'March 31. Smocking open house MAKES THE GOOD LIFE BETUR FREE ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP WHEN YOU ENROLL AS A NEW MASTER MEMBER SAVE $20.00 Now you and any member of your family who lives with you can enjoy over 80 Benefits and Services for only $40.00 a year Offer expires March 3111985 Applies to New Master Members Only. u 7 RATTENBURY ST., EAST, CLINTON 482-9300 Easterrific Values at Triangle Solid Huron County residents are invited to, a smocking open house on Thursday, April 11 in the auditorium at the Clinton Town Hall; Clinton from'2:00 - 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Numerous smocking groups across the county will have on display their ac- complishments. • Items include. smocked stockings, blouses, bibs, night gowns, and much, much more! Admission is free so bring a friend along" and experience the beauty of smocking. For ' more information call Mary Ann Yaromich at 482-3428 or 1-800-265-5170. • Knights have Euchre Party CLINTON - On March 13 a Euchre Party was held at St. Joseph's church hall, spon- sored by the Knights of Columbus. Winners were - Ladies' high, Rita Flynn; Men's high, Gerard Brand; Ladies' Lone Hands, Barbara Thom; Men's Ione Hands, Agnes Carbert; Ladies' Low, Irene Heipel: Men's Low, Greg Dinning; Lucky Chair, Doug Freeman; Door Prize, Bert Gliddon. An FBDB .representative will be in your area soon. Come and meet him or, her: There is no obligation and no costs and your business can gain a lot from it. , 1f you're looking for financial aid in the form of oans,. loan guarantees or even selling an equity position in.your business, come -and discuss it with us. We. have experienced counsellors who can help you plot a course for growth and success for your business. And we can provide you with direction 'to get government assistance, both federal and provincial, as well as' other vital information. For an advance appointment, call: DAVE COLEMAN (519) 271.5650 (collect) Or write: 1036 Ontario Street P.O. Box 878 STRATFORD, Ontario N5A 6W3 La Banque oflre ses services dans les deux langues olficielles. BACKING INDEPENDENT BUSINESS 40 Federal Business Banque tederale Development Bank de developpement anad With the 5,000 Hour LIGHT BULB (2.5 vv., 40 anis, 60 Wo, 100 w,, 150 watt) Ideal for farm use! Be sure to drop in today while quantities last. 35 Ma y Thee(, Clinton -97.92 • CHOCOLATE EASTER BUNNY 200 9, ® 99 Paas EASTER EGG COLOURING KIT 1. e 99 Smiles n' Chuckles 20 g. 9 9 EASTER EGGS Rowntree EASTER 3 I O O CREAM EGGS 33 g, Crest TOOTHPASTE 1 .49 100 ml. & 50 ml. FREE Pert SHAMPOO 2.4 9 300ml. &150mi. FREE Scope MOUTHWASH 3069 750 ml. & 250 mi. FREE Always 3.99 MAXI MAXI -THIN PADS 30's T Th N� LE DISCOUNT. 172 The Square, Goderich/Main Corner, Clinton/Main Corner, Seaforth In the matter of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 337 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DESIGNATE Take notice that the Council of the -Corporation of the Town of Clinton intends to designate the property, including lands and buildings, at the following municipal addresses as properties of architectural and/or historical value or interest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 337: BUILDING: W. DOHERTY/SHERLOCK- MANNING PIANO FACTORY ADDRESS: EAST STREET DATE: 1898 SIGNIFICANCE„ The Doherty/Sherlock- Manning piano factory is recommended for designation on architectural and historical reasons. Architecturally the buildings are a good example of late Victorian factory architecture. The exteriors are composed of brick with heavy timber columns and beams in the interiors. The facades are composed of three bay sections with raised brickwork between and a cornice of decorative, brickwork. The main doors and entrance tower are of particular interest. Although the entrance tower has had the ornate cupola removed, the tower remains as one of the few flamboyant touches that are typical of its builder, Samuel Cooper. Two examples are thg two different colours of brick used in the front pillars and the double front doors which have been unusually decorated with a star on each door: The two main buildings, boiler room and large chimney stack frame an industrial courtyard which allows an unusual direct view Of ,the owner's home. Historically the factory is of major importance: It is the only Clinton indiustry which has been in continuous production since 1875 when William Doherty founded his organ factory. Not only has it enjoyed world-wide fame because of 'the fine organs and pianos manufactured there and shipped all over the world, but the factory has been an integral part of the history of Clinton'and of Hurorf County. • Finally the buildings show us a "slice of life" from earlier days that is still intact and ongoing and it is the only piano factory in existence in its original buildings in all of Canada. Any person may, within thirty days of the first publication of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Clinton notice of his or her objection to the proposed designation together with a statement of the reasons for the objection and all relevant facts. If' such a Notice of Objection is received, the Council of the Corporation of the town of Clinton shall refer the matter to the Conservation Review Board for a hearing. Dated at Clinton this 20th day of March, 1985. " C.C. PROCTOR Clerk -Treasurer Town of Clinton SAvE$ 2 REGULAR PRICE WITH THIS COUPON When you buy our delicious 15" Square Pizza. (1 coupon per Pizza) Expires MARCH 31, 1985 Eat in ® Pick up* We Deliver 28 HURON ST., CLINTON 4823924 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 11 A.M. - 12 MIDNIGHT OPEN FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHTS TILL 2 A.M. 28