HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-12-11, Page 6NIVI AND STRINGB selleaetvencestreefeleteetiesteleeteeee ," The Mete e leas hone been, degraded to the employnient of assistane to the organ „feeinder ; the itinerant 1/11,1Sieiall hakea Metor attathed tee the haudle ef hie pieno organ to relieve hiM of 'the ,grixtding, Old newspapere can be.turued lute Vela presting paper by protese inyeeted by 'a Geremn, professor. The 'process s hapid; the paper iSi reduced to ptak 'and freed frorn iuk ua Short spaCet tiMe. A French Military efecer has in- vented a method of renderiag in- audible the report of trearme, even that of big cannen ; the scene de - Vice hidea the fleeit and the smokc. invention is now being tested by; the Terence. Government. A new machine now being set in Operation in Indiana is inteaded to eupersede Oa:es-blowing by hand and mouth. The Mayhemsblow any de- scription of glass and g•lass vessels, and perform the work much more quickly thaa the most skilled opeta- tives. By a new electrical apparates. .,tpres one-; any cipaque material are projected on a screen. Eyed' a. view of the object itself may be magnified and thrown on the screee without any lantern slide. This will adect the business oe lantern slide pro- duction. A new look -stitch for sewing ma- chines fs the invention of an 'Ve- er/can convict while undergoieg long term of imprisonment. The idea. aceordieg to expert opinion, vemake lock-stm :tch achines xauchi other medi il cinea dia.ve failed. L. more simple and eoasiderably cheap-: Lussier" a well -known navigator of er and give them greater efficieucy. I Sorel, Que., gives his experience for the benefit of other. stteererse He A Dutch clock maker has produced saes several year I suffered a clock that winds itself. This is & ve,ry much from kidney trouble. The manneed by the use of alcohol,: symptoms usuailydniede thediselves which expands and 'contracts a.ecord-: inanifest by severe pains in the back inp-, to the rise and fan of the temed and kidneys, and Sometimes they perature during the twenty-four would be so bad that I would be hours. The 2noveniera of expansion" confined to my bed for eeveral days and contraction actuates the winding: at a time. I tried a number of tiff - gear. ferent reedieines, recommended for 1, the trouble, but got no relief, and The latest proposal in connectione finally became so discouraged that 1 with electrical waves is to steer thought a cure was impossible, and balloons by their means. A British: stopped taking medicine. Shortly scientist declared in Berlin recently after this I read in our local parer OquL.A.TIoN .x"rnAoniu.N'AnIr.•. The, , Ooveinmeiat elf the Preetieee of india, under• Sir Charles, 'owe, just ereclerteken weat ,''eseey as jut ,the 'Wee gest beeteriolagicet euterpriee the worle IMO Yet seem Convinced that inoculateion is- the ,eonly effeettsal means of egliting the'lttagne, it has undertaken 'the gig -antics task of in- oeulating 7,000000 'sof the peoele during the sleet five Months, Sur- geon-UO/1'; Oteeeeripan, Superiuteade mit of the Covernineat Laboratory at Dombay, has eeeeived iustructions to be ready t� suPply Plague serene at the rate cif 5o,000 doses deer. KIDNEY TROUBLE, A DISEASE TPLAT. OFTEN TEE.- UTONT'ATES FATA.LLY. Mr. L. Lussier, Sorel, TTel.ls How He Overcanne the Teou- ble After Repeated Fail- ures. There le no trouble more clatgereus to life than. d.iseese of the kidneys, for t.he reason that before" any spe- Results from ebmtnon soaps.: eczema, coa.rse bands, ragged clothes:, shrunken flaunel§. KEDUCiS EXP*.t.NISX .fiitk !Dar the Oettisgen *or poured, and dry gravel and, cement turned from the mitside the ring to the centre. This will .be pulled out agstin from the eentre and more wa,ter added until the inixtere be- comes of the consisteeey of till& porridg,e, so it will ,run clown but.not ebe soft, The 'proportions in which gravel or cementcanbe used cleeends soinewnat on the strength of the cements With good Portlaed cement, oee part of cement, to six or sevee of gravel. could be used for the lower part of the floor, but this sbouicl be covered, With a veneer of eial symptoms have made themselves One Part of cement to two of clean . manifest, the disease has usually to-- sandIf au extra. fine hard finish is sunned a ,formidable charactek. The required use equal parts of cement '• -' symeiteans that fust nianirest theme and sand. setves are usually- \Neel:nese in the Before laying the stable floor a e, small of the beck, epains in the re- good founchteion lmuld be prepared gion of the loins. The urine is some It should be made - exam and solid b''thetee highly colored, while In other the addition of gravel or small s cas,es it is extremely pale, frequently tones thoroughly pounded down and depositing a. sedimentAs the the nom. Shaped as is trequired for '. teem- _ ble progresses these symptoras grow It is test to have a the stable more severe, and frequently tannin- slight slope from the manger to the . ate in dropsy, Bright's disease or gutterThe plaa of eow stable diabetes. Dr. , Williams' Pink Pills which is generally preferred has a ere a. specific for all kidney troublessquaic gutter two feet wide and and have cured many caees after all , eight incites below the level of the stall Miters.. ethis gutter is first made and the cement laid in it. Then a. ,board naould is put up And the cement put in behind the boards and the boards left there until the cement .gets erne IN LAYING CONCRETE oply as much as can be conveniently reachede.say a piece four feet equare should be laid at one time. All the .studding necessary in the construc- tion of the stalls should be set on ilat 'stones and the Lemont. put round them. Great care should be taken when laying cement to thoroughly pound it down, After the floor is finished it should be sprinkled with water especially if the weather is that it would be possible to steer an ; of a case of kidney trouble cured byldry. This should be done every day unmanned balloon by working en the use of Dr. WilliamsPink Pills. }for o. month. It will probably take these waves, sending the balloon; and this induced me to try thisifreln a month to six et -eel s for a fifty miles and bringing it back to . ineencine. I soon. felt that' these .Roor to harden Properly and suit. - the starting point. • pills were not like the other niedi- eines I had been taking, for in the The new electrical target is made course of a few weeks I beeemn to up of metal plates, each specially ; •experienee great relief. I continued connected witi an electric battery. taking the pills for a couple of used in the consteuction of a eon - 'ben the target Is etruck on any months, by -which time all symptoms erete wall, if pains are taken to see ore of its meny plates a circuit is of the troubie had disapPeared, and that they are covered with at least echeeleted, and the exact spot struck I have not since had the slightest two inches of cement on either side. by the projectile is shown on a , return of he disease. These pills A concrete wall one foot thick is separate annunciator. The targets= also strengthened me in caller ways sufficiently strong to carry any are made to represent human beings. and I believe them to be the best 01 barn. This makes a thoroughly dry eiently to use, and it will not be- come thoroughly bard for six or seven months after having .been, put in. Large stones can and should be all medicines." and warm stable wall. Fine stone A. novel method of getting rid of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills enrich' and black sn:oke, and, at the sante time, nourish the blood and strengthen the turning it to practical use, is :aotv i nerves. It is thus that they cure being adopted in some Belgiau face] such troubles as dyspepsia, kidney torics. The smoke is driNen by fans: ailments., rheumaeism, partial pare - into a eorons receptacle oeer wlech! Ivsis, . heart troubles, St. Vitus' flows- a stream of petroleum or sim-1 dance and the ailments that ina.ke ilar liqidd ; the smoke is thus i the hives of so many women a caught, and turned into gas that source of misery. Do not take any gives great heat, and can be '.sed fori pills without the full name. "Drwhich would form the ceiling- of the running gas enginee. !Whams' Pink Pills for Pale Pee- etory -below. The sleepers should 1 ple," en the wrapper around the preferably be nestle of iron, and laid In the direction of new and strange sld b 11 im.dic'tn seafficienily close to make - the struc- ture solid. Such a door prevents any leakage through the .space be- neath. • F. W. HODSON, Live Stock Commissioner. from a stone crusher is an excellent material from which to make con- crete. A barrel of rock cement will lay 55 square feet of 4 -inch floor. Good qualities of Portland cement should do more than that. By the use of corrugated sleepers made like railway rails it is quite practieable to make a good floor ideas the following takes a foremost' place : To obtain steam without; the aid of coal, it is proposed to; sink two iron cylinders, five miles in length, parallel into the earth, malse ing a channel at the lower end to eonneet teem. Water is to be pour- ed into one cylinder, and the inter- nal heat, of the earth at the bottom of the huge tube will turn the water into steam, which Neill rise from the other •tube. Bent post paid at 50 eenis n box or slx boxes for. $2.50 by addressing the Dr. n'ilIiams' 'Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 100NORETE ON THE EARN • The musical chandelier is the latest novelty. It.is a well-known physical fact that when gae is burnt in a cylindrical chimney of certain dimen- sions it produces a, musical note. The idea is to have a chandelier with: about thirty gas jets ' in suitable thienneys, so as' to arrange a chro- matic scale. When the chininey is tilted so as to alter the angle the singing ceases. A keyboard is se- creted in a corner of the room, and is electrically connected with , the cblinneys, and by manipulating this leyboard it is easy to make the gas jets play; a TAIne, octhe astonish- ment of visitors. HABNEST MOTORS, Harvesting in Lincolnshire, Eng- land, has been condueted with the aid of a. petrol motor Specially in- vented for farm tise. The motor, attached to a reaper and binder, cut a field of barley at Tinwele in ex- eellent style. The machine also draws the laden wagons from the field', and is ovally adaptable for cutting chaff, pulping roots, arid grindieg corn. It has aIso been tried successfully with a double -fur- row plough. Its; advantage over horse labor is that there are no de- lays, and the eost of fuel is consid- erably cheaper, COSTLY HANDKERCHIEF. The moat valusible handkerchief he the world belongs to Queen Margher- ita of Italy, It is made of the pur- est old Venetian late, atid it is in perfect eondition in spite of the feet that it was made in the filteeneh eentury, It is probably worth $10,- 000 or $15,000. -- "There is very little difference be - (Veen yott and the old bon, Scrib- bler. You both set -etch for a lee- ing." ”Yee, but the eld hen. seratche ee for eta arid gets it -- Mother -- "Why are yen riot as po- end conelderate as little Tommy Dodd?" Small Son — "I s'pect, litieterbe he wee olight op in scree etreet witere the other boys was bigger OW0 hite!," FOR WALLS AND FLOORING OF BARNS IT IS INVALUABLE. Synopsis of Address by T. C. Ray-' nor, Before at. John, N.B., Farmers' Instittite. Wherever a farmer isbuildingnew bares, or changing his stables, the question of the use of concrete • for floors and walls is a live one. ln a country where lumber es cent- parativety cheap, concrete is not likely to come into general -use for making walls of barns, but for floor- ing it is withouteepiesticei the. best and cheapest substance that can be employed. The first grea,taquality is its durability. Properly put down it is practithely indestruetible. Then it is water tilt, and will help in saving all the liquid voidings of the animals, and this in !man practice to -day is a most important matte. Fully 50 per cent, of the fertilizing value of the manure is in the liquid portion. By having concrete floors, and ueeng pleaty of absorbents ,this can all be •saved ancl put • on the land where it will do the most good. Concrete is a inixture of clean gravel or pure sand and Cement. There are several kinds of cement, la Ontario. they have natural rock cement, which is inanufactured at • Quesinston and Thorold, and this while not as strong as the Portland eement, is -cheaper and does * very welt, la some mations the Portland cement vein be the best to use. LAYINC- CONCRETE FLOORS deice not require skill which an in- telligent farmer cannot supply. First make, a solid smooth floor, 12 feet equare, two in.ch lumber pre- ferred. Then a box without a bot- tom seotild be made le which to mix the gravel and cement. This can be rneide cif smile a Sire as to accurately Measure the gravel or sand. The gre,vel and cement aro then put into tbis box in the peoportiors required, the box taken offawl the Mixing Of eexnent arid gravel or sand , thor- oughly done with. a plicivel, It should be eboveliect over tiviee' at gay rate, while it is dry, and elio- veiled up lute e ceme ; then before applying the Water the tone ehould be pulled dowe Making Use miXtUre in the form of a ring, leaving a hollow in the eentre bare to the Int'o this Weter should be Deafness teannet be Ctleee by local aplien,rions, as they cannot resell the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way t's cure dsatness, and that, is by constitu• tional remedies. De.fnran caused by an in flamed condi, ion of she mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in.. flamed you have a rumbling sound or 'miser fect hearing. aud when it is ent roly closed deafness in the result, and unless the intloan, Avalon can be talc..n Gut and this tribe restored to its normal condltdi n, bearing will be do. stroyed forever; uino cases out of ten avs c..used by citarrh, which is nothing but an In. flamed condition ot the mucous surmee . We willeive One Hundred Dollars for any ease ot Deafneas (oo,uged by cat rrh) that can ss it be oared by flall'is Catarrh Cure. Send tor circulars, free. F. T. CHENEY St 00., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggh;ts, '75e. Tian's Faint y Pills aro tho best. Of the Sovereigns of Europe, 21 have no direct male heir. RHIN'S 1,i1111116111 usOfillB1 III COWS. 880 pounds of wheat and 150 pounds of meat is the average con- sumption of food by a 13riton m one 1..10IMMNIM.1111M01,1101, rn-sporselmesseslweereweeseemeawier.i.esasms.nems, 1 20 MILLION. BOTTLES i i SOLD EVERY YEAR. i 1 z ; i 1 I - -x• i 1 I 1 ,e ..„...-lry . TRADE . I, VIARK. 4,1 1 r -i - Happiness is the absence of pain, and mil- i I lions hens been made happy through being. I cured by Sr Jacons Oa of RH SUMA'TISM, YIEUR,41,01A, TOOTHACHE, PI EA 0 - thrown away their crutches, being cured after eared Ineurable at bitha and in hospitals have I ACHS, "LAMENESS, SCALDS, BURNS, SPRAINS, SRUISES and all pains for which an eitternal remedy' cab be seeled. ft never falls•to cure. Thousands who hive been de- , siting 8.r. JACoss ate, Tercet:me In eleven : i languages accompany every bottle, 1 S 1 41.11411,1*41.60.14411.4(.41.111.50,1PdiA016,11416111 0.0416/ P 0 11151 Peyton Tea is;the finest Tea the World ',reduces,* and,. is sold only In had. packets. Black, Mixed and Greer. `even tea deiniers try 4Sala_cla" Green Ult. asstemsietnisenannesensinesenisiMisseweescanneemonnescansta L — ECAPED .OW' S D A WETTeNG. Under eiicumstances which, the Live erpool Post reports, Professor Blenk who was horn dry-, ana is prone to thrust his dryneas upon. others, re- cently achieved, additional dryness foe bilnself• .• He Was among a laic party shootieg on the .moors of, Seotland. Suddenly a heavy storm' of rain eame on. No ehelter was at hand, cunt the sPortsaten were drenched, Mle at leest, but Professor Blank. He had mysteriously disappearocl when the rain came on, and rejoined the portly, when the eun was shining again,. To their amazement, the erudite ciee was as dry, Els.one of hie own books. ' "How, Oid, yeti manage- to escape - wetting?"' growled one of the drip- ping • eport eaten. "As soon as the rain came on„, I went off by znyeelf," returee.d Peo- feseor Blank, learully, "slipped off all my, clothee, and sat down on them till the shoe-er was over." ., • ct• CASH ONLY. lee a certain Gauen the other day, a, badgering eaunsel found a tartar In the person of a witness' iu a .case where a clothier seed a custoneek for a suit of clothes. The 'counsel's point. was that the action was irrelevent, and his client was entitled to at least three months in which to pay the bill, and it was bare -y that time since the clothes were got. "Now, sir," said tho. counsel to the witness, "bad I got the clothes instead of 'my client, would you have summoned me to court at this stage?" "No, sir.", “Ahl Any why, pray?" ."Simply because in your case the transaction would have been a cash one." No more questions were asked. SOUTH VIA WASHINGTON. Philadelphia, , Atlantic 'City, Balti- more; Washington, Old Point Com- fort, and the South via Lehigh Val- ley Railroad ..and its Connections. Four fast express trains daily for Washington, Asheville, Southern Pines, Chartereen, Sal -mole Jack- eonN llle, St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Tamp. Miami, Nassau, Cuba and all Florida and winter resorts south. Excursion tiekete, now on sale. For' full particulars, 'illustrated literature, :naps. etc., cell on or address Robt. S. Lewis, Canadian. Passenger Agent, 38 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. The earth is gradually losing speed owing -to the friction of, the tides. The days are now half a sec- ond longer -than. they wereiin 1802. HOW. ADVERTISING GROWS.' N. W. Ayer- &o Son, the "Keeping Everlastingle- ..At It" Advertheing Agents, of Philadelphia, have found It necessary to neeve into new, and larger .quartees.4.1.t.e90-308 Chestnut street in that city. This announce- ment 'will interest many publishers, because- & Son are so widely known as promoters of newspaper publicity. They . began, .business thirty-three years ago, with two people and an- ,annual business • of $15,000.. They now have one -hun- dred and ninety employeesI::ttd have. for years done the largesteadvertis- ing business in the world. The dif- ference between': then and now ise they say, simply the result of Mg newspaper •and `magazine advere eising pay their customers. ' The -average ItusSian loses 21 clays in a year from illness, an English- man less than 11 days, and an Aus- tralian onlyeS days. , ' For 0 v P S gy. rears. A/ Of.to 'ASD. Wira.r.-Tauto Romany. - Airs WInslow`adoothing Syrup hat been used for over sixty years hy millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gemo,allaisalt pain, curesi wind cora,mind is the best remedy for Diarrittnit., Is plemant Ito the Iasic. sold by drugghts in. every part of tho word. rtrenty-live cents a bottle; Its value is incalculable. Be sure andask for Mrs. Winstow's Soothing Syrup. Ind take no ether kind. Britain:s .Largest, lighthouse Is the Skerryforeit contaies 4,308 toes OL -masonry and cost se90,268. Ib wits built in 1844. Monkey BrandSoap makes copper like gold, -tin like silver, crockery like maeble, . and. windows like crystal. • • Marie -."Why is Mr. Puffer in such a hurry to emery. Maud 7" Arthur —"He promised h,er he wonldn't Smoke While they were engaged." Messrs, C. 0. Richards & Co. Gentlemen,—My three children were daegerously low with, diPlitheeia. On the advice of oue priest my wife be - (Tan the use of MINAIM'S LINI- MENT. Tii two hours they Were greatly relieved, and in five days they were corapletery well, and I firmly believe your valuable Lint - Ment saved the lives of my chil- dren. Gratefully yours, ADELttehaT LEfehilieTRE, Mair'e Mills, June eOtle, 1899. A full-sized cigar contains as ma& as two grains of nieotirte; a pipeful dI tobecco not more, as a rule, than tWo-thirds of a grain. MInard's Liked Cures Distemperi STORY or LORD DONDONALD, When Lord Dueeoneld .exiteeee with thoe mounted tf-oops elate Laelysailebe a portion of thei.'garrieon went out to welcome, the .releovieg fercee end the advanceepereer.,1,:ygo ',u4ger the cone:need of a young efileer noted throughout the Household ilrigade $0r his calmnes's,, of den:ea:nor: • While the relievers and the relieyed cheered wildly as they met, this deicer rode quietly forward, and, after -saluting Lord letindonald, said," as coolly as though it .heel beer: a mere ealepal greeefele in 'Bond street, Londone"- "IIallo, Ditialonalei how are you ? Pleased to eee you, White ise sebeut somen-here." Fee sheer stoicisni. this wents emee beating, TEE STORY OF A PRISONER. tc. S. BARNFeS, OF RAT PORT- AGE, TELLS OF THE TRIALS OF THE EARLY SETTLER Suffered Terribly From leidn.ey Complaint, but Was Speedily Relieved and Cured by Dodd's leidney •liat Portage, One, Dec. 1.-e(Spce. ,tial)—leveryliody in= Rat Pertage enows , S. Barites,-- father of • e lormerenayor, and one O±. tete, bldestre fahalettente of elm metropolis Of New elnte.rio'.. 'Though seventyenine' years el tige mr. 1.3arnes looks -younger.' :baieenany mcn of litany fewer years, tied isc'ebssessed -of -Wheclerful vital-, ley "aacl activity. A pioneer.. of .• this dietriet,. ,Mr. Barnes tolls many tales of early life hallo wilds of New Ontario, but none more interesting thee the fele lowing. : • • • "I was terribly troubled with reichiey Complaint. I suffered severe- ly with pains across my back, and with a seeldieg, 'burning sensation when urinatieg that was very pain- ful. "Though I had little. faith in pro- prietary medicines, I had a box of Dodd's Kidney Pills 'in the . house that I bad procured for my wife, and zolinnenceti talcing thane with good effect. . . "It was not long till. ray •acquaint- rtnees started. t ereet 'me on - the street with 'Hello, t'Mr. Barnes, how young you are looking.' They were not astray. 1 felt smart too, and Feel younger and in better health than I have -been for years. My Kidney Complaint was • completely cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills." On January lst the earth is about three million miles nearer to the sun thau it is on the 1.st of 'July. • Minard's Liniment CtliCS Colds, etc, Sheffield uses two million ring- bones of oxen yearly for knife handles. ENGLISH SPAWN LINIMENT reins -tees all hard; soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splines, Ring Bone, Sweeny, Stifles, e. pee s, Sore' aucl Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc., Save $50 by use of one beetle. 'War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. by all druggists. The more perfect a piece of work the more imperfections the mind can see in it. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, The Liverpool docks will hold 20,- 000 -vessels of ordinary dieiensions; -those of London about 2.1,000. , The best way to cure indigestion is to remove its cause,' This ie best done by the 'prempt use of Dr. Koenig's Harabierg Drops; which re- gulate the stotatich 'he an effectual Manner. ' Young Sprigg—"Me. Didcelick, ani worth $25,000 'end I love your daughtor." Mr.- Didquick (retired auctioneer)``Sold I" E 10OST .POPOLAR DENTIFRICE; OALVERT,'S OAR1-`,01-10 TOOTH- POWDER Preserves tits teeth. Sweetens the breath, Strengthens the gums. A YOUNG SOLTglileee • . The youngest scattier wile has served at the front, Dienenner-boy Willie Sturgess, yourigest son of Sergeant -Instructor, Sturgess (prin- cess of Wales' Own Yorkshire Regi- ment) has just returned to P-orth- allerton, England. He was only 18 years old when he event out last December. AN ADMIRABLE FOOD FON MAINTAINING ROBUST HEALTH IN eeeeT•Oleiteheea, „OUR BRANDS. King Edward .asra— Aght " Nor-- • —111572-20c, "Vistoria" Little Cornet ' Pfl HULL, ,••••21•*••••••011101.01.....0 eARLOk 9ATCliV 0. Y. CANADA Don't Experiment with other and Inferior brand* (USE EDDY'S Tho best holiday gifts are the enteral gifts. Every home should have it good Dictionary. This year why Set giro ttome ono 71r WEBSTER'S International 'Dictionary of ENGLISH, Biography, Geography, Fitter', etc. The Otte Great Standard Authority. Tub NewPalltion has is.7,000 new words. ISM. pages. liseS Ninon anona New plates throughout. ILet Us Solid You FREE "A Testin Pronunciation" Affords pleasant mid instructive entertainment. klso Weitate Oil C,. oliegi,t de Victionnry "u?I'F'1`4erglnt1ZTn'e .A1?1q,,.Y.t,:itPs• ILY., ()Alit JT all rains:tars etso Vntia G. & G. MERRIAM GO., Pubs., Springfield, ease ....m66.11.0a=131=4:1=911.1Ertist.r....... 4±1-!: F...14.1 ÷.1 -i -i -1- I •I 4-1-4-1-1-4- + t ALL WHO HAVE OOHS OR ElAUGHTERs Oil 1.1 -I Preparing for it 'University Course .should make enquiries about • UNIVERSITY TRINITY • + Residential University + Pin -'t THE LEAD/NG .Z OF CANADA. TrinlCy offers the longeleered escape 4 T- from the dangers incidental to send- ▪ ing youne lads or girls straight • from the High Schools and from home life to the lonely conditionslifof boarding. .house e in a strange city. lee —0 -- in order to •ntake its A:RESIDENTIAL COLLEOEV* ; as complete as possible, and to place 4the Education afforded. by Trinity • Unlvemity in the very front rank of * the business men of Ontario are ex - elm Universities et Canada, some of 1- • pending the sum of a quarter of it T • million dollera for these purposee,' 4.4 it win -interest von to ktuiw -how this • moneyisbeinp expended in the interests .44 of Val4r sons and &molders, and to have information about the valuable Bursaries II -f" and Scholarships, including the J. "ltlaels.enzie Bursaries " for Prcsbyt cran j Students, and many others which are 1. • opt,n to students et all creeds and of both It? 01. -et Apoit-eard, addressed as below. will 41 bring you by return mail an Blow rated „To Book (free) showing the University and 4, Co' lerce Buildings and Grounds, and .Kivirg much Va uable Worm:aim: about ÷ the cour4s of study. The Untvereer ▪ Calendar may also be obtained by ad- dreating, - X r T. C. STREET reAlifLEM, M.A., LL.D., D.D. TORONTO. x. +44+++:1444 -744+444+444 -ft ACEIITS.WANTED yra'.'sts'eggrahols w.,0.D. 62 Adelaide St: ta„ Toronto, Otit tion se an dw'Sr tot tot ttho rAtorelicna4n, loitii.0%vicpayn.!tiLii:":52/5:900,12:04:02" • • Turkeys ky Geese, 2,000 DLITC011 1' ' .1T0fl ' !° CI 4/ • our- orders.' • If W you have any it ✓ will pay you to; py ship us. W We also wank' Chickens 1 W / any 'quantity et. if new laid eggS. Tho Dawson 'Commission Co.,.mmitoil TostoNro, Ceese D cks To send for our -Com. , plete Sheet Music Catalogues arid Special Rates. pto We are equippca nchere supply every Music a Teacher in Canada. 4./.. 114 VIAINTE g Limed WHALEY, ROYCE 356 Main Street, 158 Yongo WINNIPEG, MAN. TORONno. ONT. 'HATCHES osrenindonigio.gebryzaVonwotfl mall you a niao nickel -plated wateheauarea- teecl for 024 year. Both von and poor use ib end are pleased with ie. McKenzie It Co,. 91 Et. Peter St, Quebec, Oanudes. Dominion Line Steatnskille Montreal tc Liverpool. lieston to Liver- ' pool. 2 Fortland to Liverpool. Vita Queens- town. Large and Pasit Steamships. Superior accommodation for ail classes of pamengers. Saloons and Hints/Vast ire amidships. Spoolol attention has beott given fii the Second Saloon and Third -Class accommodation. Vls* h ien of passage and all particulars, apply to any men; of the CoMpany, or Richards, 11111s & Co, D. Torrance &Oa.. II State 55 .Boaton. Montreal isnel Portland. Men and boys send you' fultna ue and poa office address on a postcard, *lad receire by return nisi something that will ipterekt you, 601110. thing y a an want Thi3 is no fate, bun some- - thing you. will be de- lighted to• know and have. Write to -day. Address. Dept. EL VIM SUPPLY CO, Hamilton, Ont. CHENILLE CURTAINS and all kinds of house Hangings, also LACE CURTAINS D OLIRANED DYELINE NEW, Write to us about yours. B itiTISH 1W5RICAN DYEING 00., Box 158, WOOD 8 PHOTO. ENC.R.AVPHL, L.JONESJESIG.C9:•14.---- -168 13AV• STREET — TORONTO to FREICHY PAID AND PACKED FREE any station In 'Ontario, proportionate :allowance to all outside points. MM.< AV-2,12CE-2,2041:M2242tan Y BUYING. DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER - • You save the middionan's profitsget your goods at city peices, and have no packing or freight charges to pay.. e V15nSbO TU*14IS1 COUCHES • MI Freight Charges Paid. et -eaei ttoifflE,*Clar4. ' T;lex •e :re ee • :4 u - it MOSlagani Upholstered in the best French 'Velours bun tufted, with the best patent clamp buttons which never come off. Besttempered steel springs all over, head, seat and edges, soft es a cushion,. best qua ity feinge all round, beautiful roll head-piece,malting asi exceptionally handseme as well as one of tele most clurable and useful pieces of fur»iture. MEMBER we pay eel froight charges and guarantee to deliver same Xmas Eve if desired. $6.00 HI:holstered Easy Chairs Fit510510T PMD, 1L 11. Basted() & Coo /7 knees et, EAST, •rdnOttro, 30 Years in tills: Fur Trade In l'neont .1fiOntifO011Ird18 of Furs of every itind. FOS LAD158, AND limes VIZA11, eleed,fer Cestalcie eforobento will flee it efty VS sort th Wo pay highest pricea for RAA -v runs and 011IN ereiept returns. Shill by exerets, Send tar Prim) Llot. " Upholstered en, best English Tepee try, spring seat, bun tutted backs and terms ; extra strong and com- fortable. Delivered XMad Eve if 6e- zdred. Freight Pd, S4.39 „ COBBLER -ROCKERS, reziatie PAID, 3,29 Selld Oak and Mehogeny finielme freezes, beet leather co b b ler se at se neatly carved,. well braced; Melting it most meltable chair for any room In the home. Delivered Xhia,s Eve it desired. Freight Paid,.$4,:29 THE OLIFPAT ,FURNATURE GO. LIMITED • 341 vevog 611EAT ante 24. 40, 04 13, 10 ard9.12. GOULD $711204 Tonoprro. IgOTts,—SetiO for aur Ciatalegue' Of Xneas Pureitieree: e•