HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-3-20, Page 7Japtized at Unit.ۥd cI.:turch
By Dora Shobbrook
pakippliQgp - Harry Snell joined Rev.
Dave Snihur in welcoming worshippers to
Londesboro United Church
onaMarch 17
while Larry Gross, Larry
Radford and David Whyte performed the
duties of usher.
Rev. Snihulr's announcements were on the
March 31 Palm Sunday confirmation and
ebmmunion and the Aril 5 Good Friday
service at 8 p.m.
Other announcements included the
Sunday School crokinole party on March 22
at 8 p.m. and the UCW work day on March 26
at 9:30 a.m.
Baptism was held for Amy Elizabeth,
daughter of Allan and Barbara Bosman,
Elizabeth Jannett, daughter of Don. and
Kittie McGregor and Earl Bradley,
Benjamin Franklin, Peter Glen and Joseph
Patrick, sons of Brad and Trish Thompson.
A rose was presented to the mothers by
Laura Scott, chairperson of worship.
Sacrament certificates were presented by
Gordon Shobbrook, the clerk of the session.
Junior teachers were Margaret Medd and
Laura Hoggart. The anthem was sung by the
men's choir with Marsha Szusz as director
and Lisa Duizer accompanying on the
Shuffleboard and WI
Sixteen people attended shuffleboard on
March 13. High scores were from Beryl
Reid, Betty Hulley and Jack Lee.
WI cards will be held March 22 at 8 p.m.
Everyone is welcome.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee
on a new grandson, Aaron, born March 7 in
Stratford General Hospital. to Barbara and
Stewart Mustard, of Stratford and a brother
to Sheldon.
Mrs. Tom Allen and Karen Scruton
attended the funeral of their cousin Mrs.
Barry Collins on March 13 in Guelph.
Visiting last week with Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Shaddick were Mr. and Mrs. John Scratch
andlJonathan and Catherine, of Goderich.
Oh the weekend of March 10 with Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Carter were their family Mr. and
Mrs. Larry Carter, Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs.
Kevan Broome and Wade, Egmondville, and
Colleen Carter, of Exeter.
Clara,Riley returned home Monday from
spending a week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Garon.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaddick spent the
weekend with Jeff and Karen Shaddick,
Danny, Stephen and Krystal, of Brantford.
Mr and Mrc norrinn Shnhhrnnk nninveri
bus "trip on the 'weekend to
Frrankerlimuth6 Michigan.
3ev and Bette Jewitt, Craig, Trent and
Lindsay, of Mic►den, spent four days last
week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Sunday visitors with Barb and Allan
Bosman, Lisa, Kelly and Amy were Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Snell, Mr. and Mfrs. Ross Jewitt,
Lori and Scott, of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Bev
Jewitt, Craig, Trent, and Lindsay, of
Minden and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bosman,
of Belgrave. All attended the baptism of
Visitors with Dora Shobbrook for two days
last week were daughter Mrs. Ross Millson,
Sarah, Darren and Karen Gray, of
Woodstock. On Thursday ..;night,
granddaughters and great grandchildren
Valerie and Marsha, Vicki Colquhon and
Chastity and Kennie, and Doralynn Blake,
all of Clinton, also visited.
George Collins, of Byron, visited.his uncle
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burns. Sunday visitors
with the Burns' were Mr. and Mrs. Colin
Paterson and Katie, of London.
Jack and Helen Lee, Beth Knox, Lillian
Cowan and Daisy Gilfillan visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Mary Robinson in Hanover.
Flint and
Help requested for planting trees
Morning worship at Knox United Church announced that the annual meeting of the The president, Glenyce McClinchey open
last Sunday commenced with an organ- Synodical of Hamilton and London would be ed the meeting with the 4-H pledge. The roll
piano prelude by Mrs. Barry Millian and call was answered by all members and how
Miss Lori Millian. There was a good atten-
dance and the minister Mr. Gary Shut-
tleworth spoke on the theme - When Pain
Comes, continuing his Lenten messages.
The senior choir sang the anthem "The
Cross was His Own". In charge of junior
congregation- were Mrs. Ross Dobie and
Miss Lori Millian and ushers were Keith
Hallam and Steven Millian.
Unit I of Knox United Church Women, had
an interesting study on Korea introduced by
Miss Betty Marsh last week when they held
their monthly meeting in the Sunday school.
room of the church. She was assisted by
Mrs. Ross Robinson and Mrs. Maurice
Bean. The worship service was led by Mrs.
Ross Robinson and Mrs. Marjorie
McDougall was pianist.
President Mrs. Ernest Durnin chaired the
business session and reports were received.
Requests were received from Friendship
• House and Camp Menesetung and donations
will be given to these projects. Ar-
rangements • "were completed for the
Thankoffering meeting on March .27 at 8
p.m. Mrs. Coultes of Belgrave will be the
special speaker and Easter music will be
given by the Junior choir. Easter baskets
will be packed April 4 and members are ask-
ed to leave donations with Mrs. Beth Lans-
ing before that time. '
Steven and Kristen Vanderburgh of
Guelph spent the winter break with their un-
cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Mansuetta
Renon, Tracy, Robert and Catherine while
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vander -
burgh were on vacation at Nassau,
Knox 'United Church, Auburn will hold
their annual Bible School - July 8 - J.uly 12.
The superintendent, Mrs. Sandy. Andrews is
asking all to register by March 23 for $3:00
so they can order supplies.
The Presbyterian Women's Missionary
Society held it s March meeting at the home
of Mrs. Viola Raithby. The president, Mrs.
Eleanor Bradnock gave the call to worship,
The Way of the Cross Leads to God, followed
by the hymn, There is a Blessed Home,
beyond the land of • woe. The devotional
period was taken by Mrs. Donald Cart-
' wright with the theme, Prepare for Easter.
The minutes were accepted as read by the
secretary, Mrs. Lillian etherland and the Centimeters, meters, inches and feet wereTammy Shuttleworth. The leaders Mrs.
financial statement giv n by the treasurer, discussed when the members took body
Mrs. Frances Clark. An invitation to attend measurements to determine the size of pat- Rick Archambault and Miss Marilyn Ar -
the Knox . United Church Thankoffering tern at the second meeting of Auburn 2, 4-H chambault demonstrated and taught the
meeting on March 27 was accepted. It was club on March 8 at 6:30 p.m. members about alterations.
held on April 23 at 24 at Elmwood Avenue
Presbyterian Church.
Bees and their importance to Horticulture
was the theme of the Auburn Horticultural
Society when they met in the Auburn Com-
munity Memorial Hall with the speaker, Mr.
Louis Stadelmann of Goderich. He told
about the good things bees do in plant life
and showed pictures to illustrate their work-
ings in the hive and out in the world. He was
thanked by Miss Betty Marsh and presented
with a !gift:
The president Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock
was in charge of the meeting which began
by singing 0 Canada with Mrs. Marjorie
McDougall as pianist. The minutes were ac-
cepted as read by the secretary Mrs. Jack
Vincent and Mrs. Ross Robinson gave the
financial statement. The village trustees re-
quested assistance in planting•maple trees
and anyone wishing some please contact the
village trustees. Mrs. Dorothy Grange and
Miss Betty Marsh will be delegates to the
district annual on April 13.at Ripley. The roll
call was answered by naming a new
vegetable or flower you were going to grow
this year. Door prizes of honey were won by
Lloyd Barth, Mrs. Robert Arthur and Mrs.
Eleanor Bradnock.
Unit 2 of Knox United Church Women met
on Wednesday evening March 13 in the Sun-
day school of the church. All unit members
visited area shut-ins before attending the
•meeting, which was enjoyed by all. Mrs.
Jack Armstrong and Mrs. Fred Armstrong
were in charge of the meeting. The roll call
was answered by donating an item to the
layette. The business included planning for
donations of clothing for battered women;
furniture donations to go to Camp
Menesetung and Easter baskets for area
shut -(ins.
Winners at the Silver Tops euchre party
last week were; high lady, Mrs. Clarence
Allen; low lady, Shelley Powell; high man,
Ray Hanna and low man, Murray Rollinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Haines and family of
Niagara Falls visited for a few days last
week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Williams of Toronto and
Miss Lorie Cartwright of Toronto spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cart-
wright and Mr. David Cartwright.
to choose pattern, fabric and notions was
discussed. Jolly Joggers was the name the
girls chose for their club. Glenyce McClin- 1
chey designed the cover of the record books.
The next three meetings were arranged
with the lunch committee being Anita
Gross, Tanya Boonstoppell, Nancy Siert-
sema and Glenyce McClinchey.
After the meeting the leader, Linda Cunn-
ingham, and some of the members went to
Mary's Sewing Centre, Clinton to pick out
pattern and material. With the help of Mary
they decided on colours and fabrics. The
•members expressed thanks to Mary for her
Winners at the recent mini -lottery draws
were Kim Baer and David Kibble.
I would like to thank my granddaughters,.
Christine and Jennifer for taking care of me
last week after I pulled ligaments off the hip
bone recently. Also my neighbours and
friends for their many calls and concern.
Auburn Lion's Club is holding another
pancake breakfast on Sunday, March 24 - 9
a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Community Memorial
Auburn Silver Tops have had to change
their meeting to March 28 at 12:15, Mrs.
Helen Johnstone, Owen Sound, of the New
Horizon program will be the guest speaker.
The Auburn 3 M club went bowling at the
Little Bowl, Goderich and all .had a very en-
joyable time. The winners were Mrs. Barry
Milian, Gordon Gross for high and Mr. and
Mrs. Elliott Lapp shared the low prize.
Business was conducted by Mr. Marinus
Bakker at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott
Lapp. Mr. Bakker expressed thanks for the
veryuccessful soup and sandwich luncheon
recently. The Members decided to . do the
window painting themselves and to begin on
April 18. Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer and Mrs.
Maurice Bean were appointed to purchase
the paint. There will be no meeting in May
and Mr. and Mrs. Marinus Bakker *ill be
responsible for the June meeting. Lunch
was served by Mrs. Gordon Gross and Mrs.
Elliott Lapp and a social half-hour was en-
Auburn 1- 4-H club met for it s 3rd and 4th
meetings. They opened with the 4-H pledge
and answered the roll call by telling how the
fabric should be cared. for. The minutes
were approved as ;read by the. secretary,
About 30 people attended a Sunday School teacher's workshop on March 17 held at
Wesley -Willis Church. Events for the day were co-ordinated by Hilda Bell, Bayfield, Deb-
bie Doyle and Peg Archibald, Owen Sound, and Ann Cracknell, Paisley. (James Friel
photo )
Bakeless bake sale to be held
By Betty McCall
Theme on Lent
WALTON — The March meeting of
Walton Unit was held last Wednesday with
the Worship Theme on Lent. Berva Watson
was in charge of the meeting. Doreen
Hackwell accompanied the hymn on the
piano. Elva Wilbee read the scripture
followed by Berva giving prayer. Mitchell
gave the meditation followed by prayer. Of-
fering was received by Doreen and
dedicated by Phyllis.
Janie McEwing spoke about lent, bringing
many thoughts for this time of year.
Viola Kirkby chaired the business open-
ing. Audrey Hackwell read minutes and
took the roll call. Doreen Hackwell gave the
treasurer's report. Viola -then gave out in-
formation from the general meeting held
the week before.
Night Changed
The music night at Duff's has been chang-
ed to April 21. Tickets to be sold. Camp
forms are available for anyone wanting to
go to Camp Menesetung,•Goderich.
Duff's Thankoffering is set for April 28
when special guests will be Rev. and Mrs. •
Wittick, formerly of Blyth.
March 31 is Palm Sunday when Commu-
nion will be held.
It was moved to have a bakeless bake sale
next month and the copper contest money
has been -requested to come in at the June
meeting. Several Easter Lilies to be pur-
chased for Palm Sunday to go to shut-ins.
Annie Reid reported for the quilt committee
and said several more quilts are to be done.
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