HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-12-11, Page 5IRMENSE OPPORTUNITY or Getting a Beautiful' Watch ,Chain Free. --Nb, Mon- ey Required.—Every Man, Woman, Boy, '•or Girl has the same Opportunity un- der our System. In order to have Dr. Arnold's 13ng. Deb Toxin Pills placed in the bands of all pereOns saffering from bad health We make the following most liberal offer :-- If you will send us your name and addresa and agree to Sell for us twelve boxes a Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills at 25c, per box, we will give you absolutely Free a beautiful Watch a.ncl Chain in either Ladies or Gents size, or your choice of twenty other premiums such as fine sets of jewelry, Rings, Violins, Mandolins, Tea Sets,,Sateen Skirts; Cameras, etc. Berneinber we don't want any money until after you sell the Pills and you don't have to sell any more than 1 2 boxes to get the premiums. This is a bona, fide offer from a reliable concern that has given thousands of dollars worth of .prenalums to agents all over the cellarRemember also that Dr. Arnold's . nghsh Toxin Pills are a well knewo, remedy for all eases of the kidney and bladder, Bright's disease, diabetes, rheumatism nervous tronblei, aid qernale com- plaints, and are for sale byall first Claasi ,druggiste and dealers n medi- cines in all pats of, the world. You have only to show them to sell them. You are not offering something that the people don't know. Our watches are the regular standard size for Lad - jos or Gentlemen in Nickel or Gun Metal Cases with handsome illumin- ated dials and reliable thne keepers, watches such as no lady or gentlemen need be ashamed to carry, and they will be sent absolutely Fee to all who sell only twelve boxes ef those wonaerful Toxin Pills. Write at once and be the first in yourlocality to earn one of those beautiful watches and thain. As soon as •we receive your letter or post card we will send you post paid twelve boxes, together with our Illustrated Catalogue and beautifully colored card with your name and address on as our authoriz- ed agent. Bear in mind that you will not be asked to sell any more that the 12 boxes and we don't want any money until after you have said them. We bear all the expense and are only making this liberal offeras a method of advertising. Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills. Don't delay, write at once and earn a beautiful present for yourself for Christmas. Address ARNOLD MEDICINE CO., . • Dept. C. 1. . 56 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Sale Register 'WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17TH, 1902. -Auction sale of load, stock, house- hold fur niture, etc., at Centralia. The property of Mrs. E. Bowslaugh. H. Brown, auctioneer. THE CHRISTMAS'DINNER. k•liktF.4 In spite of the foot that the word dyspepsia Meads literally, bad cook, it would not be fair for many to lay the blame on the cook if they begin the Christmas Diener with little appetite and end it with distress or nausea. • It may not be fair for any to do that - let us hope so for the sake of the cook! The disease dyspepsia indicates a bad stomach, that is a weak stomach, rather than a bad cook, and for a eawk stomach there is nothing else equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla, It gives the stomach vigor and tone, cures dyspepsia, creates appetite, and makes eating the pleasure it !should be. , Usborne • eathocen.---Council met at Township Hall, Elimville, on Saturday, Dec., 6th. All the members were present. Min- utes of the last rneeting ,were read, ap- proved and signed by the Reeve.The report of the engineer on the drainage work known as the Scott drain, Town- ship of Elibbert, was read and consid- ered, a large number of owners of lands affected in the Township of, Us - borne, being present. After careful consideration the council resolved to -adopt the report and take the necessary steps in the proportion of the funds necessary for the completion of the said drain, according to the provisions of the Drainage Act. The nomiria, tions for Reeve and Councillors for 1903 will be held at Township Hall, Elimville, on Monday, Dec. 29th, 1902,, at one o'clock. Jn case none than, the necessatYnuniber are nominated, 'polls u ill he held as follows, on Monday, January 5th, 1903,: Div. Township Hall, Elimvilleatt Morley, D. R. O. ; Div, 2, Lot 6, N. T, R., John Homey, D, R. O. ; Div. 3, Lot 2, Con. 10, Matt Bentley, Jr., D. R. 0, '• Div. 4, Public • Hall, Farquhar, Alex. Duncan, D. R. 0. The votes for County Councillors • Itching Skin • Distress by day and night - complaint of those who are so uhfortatota 'as to be afflicted with Eczema or Salt newt --and out- ward applications do not • cure. They carOt, , The source of the trouble is in the blood -make that pure and this scal- ing, burning, itching skin disease will • disappear. ' "1 was team with an itching on hay areas Which proved very •disagreeable. 1 Concluded it was salt theulaand bought a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. In to days after / began taking it 1 eit better and it Wee not long befere I tuna cured. IlaYe never had any eain digease sine." MuS. IDA E. WARD, COve Feint, lYfd, flood s Sarsaparilla ride the blood of all impurities anti 'cures all eruptions. to be taken at the eatne, time and 00P0tY aletorning Officers fledn plenve,, By -Law '102. SPPolot' thee and places of notnination,13Q111144' etc,' was past, bigned and sealed bYathe 'Reeve and /seal attached. The account of the Hoard of Elealthjoogieroicea anFl. expenses', 20.0;$and the M. 11: O. ay,. count for vaccine points, $b.25 were -Paid to the. clerk - for. clistribotiO4. ,Otbee O000ttlits an:104001g to .V7212 were passed and Orders issued IR pay - went. Connell •therfadjourned to meet onMonday, Dec. 15th, at one o'clock. , . • . P. MonnBer, Clerk. • C red ItOn BRIEFS. -We stated in last week's issue that the Merchant's Bank bad placed in their bank a safe weighing 3i tons. It should have read 5 tons actual weight,- Mrs. Dr. Hoist re- turned home, after being in Toronto for several weeks. -Rev. J. G. Litt, of Waterloo, was visiting friends here on Thursday last.- Mr. Jacob Finkbeiner, of Usliorne, spent a week in renewing old acquaintances here.- The voting for the aiquor Act on Thursday last. did not stir the citizens of Crediton 'very much, although they polled a much larger 'majority for the Act than they did at the previous Plebes - cite election. -Miss K. Virgo, of C. Zwicker's rnillinery rooms returned to her home on Tuesday morning. -Mrs, Adam Gaiser, of Buffalo returned home after visiting friends here for a tew weeks. -The last •council meeting for this year will b'elield On the town hall, 'OD Monday, Llecember'15th.=Me. Eli,Sweet has beep. .engaged as, clerk - in W. W. Kerr's •store.-- The em- ployees of the rWilerth & Waist fax nil wi3nt on strike ,la.st >: week, •hav- ing signed an agreement not to go back 'until their grievances have, been redressed. • Exeter Municipal Council l••••••••4•6 Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment at Town Hall, December 50. Absent Councillor Davis. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. A petition signed by a number of the residents of Huron street , asking for an electric light to be placed near the railway track was presented and on motion of J. Wood seconded by Wm. Harding the request of the petitioners be granted and that Mr. Snell be noti- fied accordingly. --Carried. Muir -Wood --that the following persons be appointed Deputy -Return- ing Officers for the following named polling sub davisions.-J. T. Westcott, at No, 1 ; Wra. Weeks, at No. 2 ; E. S. Howard, at No. 3; G, H. Bissett,. at No. 4. -Carried. Harding -Muir --that the following accounts be passed and orders drawn on treasurer for sanie:-J. W. Dennis, account, $8.25; J. T. Westcott, Truant Officer, $10.00 ; James Willis, lumber, $8.77; Hugh Spackman, account, $4.35 e F. R. Knight, coal oil, north end fire hall, 18c.; Geo. Anderson, Firemen salary, $240.00 ; H. E. Huenton, Insur- ance, $4.50 ; E. Hunt, labor, $aw ; T., Welsh, do, $9.31; Alf.' Taylor, do. 62c.; W. Anderson, db, $3.'75.; Thos; Flynn, do, $7.50 ; Geo Atkinson, do, 81.00 ;J. Gillespie, do; 51.00; W. Westcont, de, 54,80; D. Rumohr, do, $1.00i Fred Hawkshaw, do, 51.50 ; Rd. Dayis, do. $1.50; Geo. Ford, part payment on gravel, 5500.00; W. J. Bissett, part salary, $85.00 ; Tremaine & Snell, elec- tric light, $89.60, less $63.50 for water. -Carried. , • Wood -Harding ---that the .14th De- cember being Sunday the time,for paying taxes be extended to Deeettiber 15th. -Carried. Harding -Wood -That the council adjourn to meet Dec. 15th, at 7.30 p. m. -Carried, • GEO. H. BISSEIT, Clerk. THE REFERENDUM The latest returns frora the various ridings, while still uncomplete in a number of cases, show a .considerable increase in the majority for the Li- quor Act, of 1902, on December • 4th. The total votes polled by the Prohi- bition party still falls far short of the •number to make the Act- effective as to destroy the hopes ot the most san- guine. The following 'are the official re- turns for South Huron :- STEPHEN, 6 • g g g t GODERICH, ee EXETER, SEAFORTII g g 6 CBBORNE No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No, 5 No. 6 No. 7 • NO. 8 No, 3 No 4 No 6 No I No 2 No 3 No 4 Yes" No 23 31 • 37, 47 47 78 48 13 81 26 73 58 '71 15 23 26 395 3-02- 81 0 40 s • 50 9 177 17 47 28 45 34 41 • 19 69 25 202' 106 No 1 "99 40 No 2, 25 30 No 3 42 • 30 , No 4 18 20 No 5 28 12 203 132 No 1 73 20 No 2 '' 80 - 9 No 3 106 7 No 4 81 8 352. • IIAT, No1. 30.• No 2 ' 37 • No 3 51 20 No '4 16 17 allo 5 23 ' 23 No 6 20 71 No 7 80.. 13 NO 8 27 32 ' 210 , .196 TtICH'SMITH Nol 38 33 " b2 11 30 No 3 60 7 No 4 os. 5 No 5 ,65 9 No 6 48 18 — 815 102 4 4 6 •Feed pale girls on Scott's mulsion, • ••• We do not need to give ay the reasons why'''.• Scott's Emulsion restores the strength, and flesh. and color of. good health to those who ' suffer from sick blood. The fact that it iS the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil, rich in nutrition, full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion as to why it does what it does. Scott's Emulsion presentsi Cod Liver Oil at its best; ' fullest in strength, least in taste. "s • 1 1 Young women, in their "teens 'are permanently cured of the peculiar disease of the blood vv-shich glisowi itself in'. paleness, weakness and nervoui: ness, by regular treatment with Scott's Emulsion. It is a true blood food and is naturally adapted to the cure of the blood sickness from which so many young women suffer. We will be glad to send a sample to any sufferer. Be sure that this picture in the fbrnt of a label Is on the' rapper of every bottle of s rnulsion 3 3+. .•. SCOTT & BOWNH. Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. SE.w.ttle K4on;i1n..-$13ager sewing machine in good order for sale'. Apply at' this ohice, Mrs, Albert, VVIliteeides, of Hensall, is visiting leer slater Alra, Geo. W. Miners, Huron Bt. • sHE PATIENTLY BORE DISCRAg miss .atagglio Macdonald returned A Sad Letter from a lady liVIPSO • to her. ,hotnO on the Thanies road Sat,- Husband was Dissipated. arelay after a stay of a few months in town, Mr. and Mrs. R. T, Johns and faMily HoW She .0f ElinlYille have movedto town and have taken OP their residence on Her- on et, • Mr. E. H. White a,nd bride, of Bran don, Mane and Mrs, W. J. White, • 0 Owttit9tett., arethe- mteots of Mrs. Joh Mr. Harry Huston resigued bi pOsitiOn in the Sovereign Batik. W tincleretand his place will be filled by Mr. E. Christie, jr, • Mr, E. S. llowaed left on Wednes day for Point Edward to visit hi mother, who is very low and not ex pected to recover, ' The remains of Emma &Annan, wif of Mr. la Male pti, ef Nerili breech 'r - '-i thie ,:(1'hursday) mornin awl were interredin the Exeter cerae tery. Mr. E. J. Spapkiitian Grand Patri arch of the Inclependea Order of Odd fellows, paid an official visit to -th Ingersoll- Encanapinent, on Tuesday evening. • Rev. (); W.:Browne B. A., B. D., of will preach the anniversary sermons at the James street Methodist church on Sieeday. next, Dec, 14-th, Al come and eamy the services, - The pastor and Mrs: Hannon will give an "At Home" to. the young people -of the James etreet League and church on CV eduesday evening -Dec. 17th. A gobd time is expected. AGENTS WANTED. -Reliable Lady Agents wanted to take orders for the best custom made dress skirts and walking Skirts in Canada. ' VVrite quickly. Doetremee GARMENT CO., GUELPH, ONT, Box -209 °Wing to the freight delay in the forwarding of our regular weekly supply of paper which usually reaches here on Tuesday but did not arrive until Thursday noon we are unable to go to press as early as usual: AT Beam -AND SALE OF The Ladies Ladies Guild of the Trivitt Mem- orial church will hold an at home and sale of work in the. school hall on Friday Dec. lab. Refreshments will be erved, orchestra will be in attendance ilver collection at the door. REMOVED. -Ain Saturday last the books and belongings of the Molson's Bank were removed to the now building recently erected by the bank, south of the post office. They have now a modern up to date building. The family of the manager, Mr. N. D. HUrdon, will not move in for some weeks yet. We have not advanced the price of our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco. Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew, big tobaccos are the same size and price to the Ccuisinfier as formerly. We have also eitteneed the time for the redemption of Snowshoe fags to January lst 1904. -Ta EMPIRE To- BACCO CO. LIMITED. We have to crave, indulgence from our readers if the "Teams" this week has not the arno'hnt of newsy matter. Our advertising colemns are crowded and the Merchants e'ach have some - interesting to annoence the perusal of which could be lielpfel in,, guiding you in the choice of -Christ:mad gifts and where to S:eciwOlitip. • • • L. 0. Le 924, met in the Oddfellow's Hall on Friday evening last for the Purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year. Mr. W. J. Davis, Dis- trict Master of Biddulph, occupied the chair in his most efficient manner following is the officers. elected. - N. I. Oke, 0. M. ; Jas. Britnell, Dept. M. ; Geo. W. Miners,. Rec. and, Fin. Sec. ; H. Lambrook,' Treasurer; Ince Spackman, Chaplaine Chas. Dew, D. of 0,; Samuel Stanlake, Thos. Higgins, Jas. Sanders, Samuel Sanders committe. STANLEY No 1 o2 No 3 No 1 No 5 52 0 62 9 101 8 ' -50' 5 • 44 21 312 • 46 BAYFIELD 62 • 14 HENSALL t.,,,' • , 102• , 37 , Total ineeiding - • 12360 998 Total in 'riding 2360 for, and 969 against, . With 23 rejected ballots, making a 'total vote polled of 3389. There are 5961 names on the poll books leaving 2575 voted not cast. The following table of the percentage in favor of the Act is shown below. % of votes % polled votes on list. in favor Act. Tiickeesiiiith; - 43 , 77 Stanley 50 -87 Usborne 50 88 Exeter 40 65 Stephen 32 56. Hay 26 55 Hensall 44 73- Seaforth • 35 60 Hayfield 41 81 Goderich tp. 54 91 A very noticeable feature in the re- turns was, that there were two polls in the riding that cast no ballots against the Act; No. 3. Goderich tp., and No. 2. Stanley. ' • THE SAVINGS BANK -OF HEALTH. Is lots of red and vitalizing blood to nourish and invigorate the, body, If your blood is thin and watery use "Ferrozone." It' mipp/ies the necessary elements such as phosphorous and iron; and quickly restores lost Strength • and spirits. Ferrozone is an unequal- led restorative for the tired, the sick, and the down ; it stimulates aPPo" tite, aids digestion, soothes the nerves, and makes the system too healthy for disease to exist. No tonic does so much good in a short time as Ferro - zone. Get it to -day from any druggist for 50c. per box, or six boxes for $2.50. By mail from N. C. Poison At Co., Kingston, Ont, Dr. Ha,milton,s Pills. cure ConstiPa- tion. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Weddieg bells will ring shortly. , • Read change of ad for Sovereign Bank in another column. Mrs. W. C. Hueston spent a few days of last week in London. Mr. Fred Gould, of Seaforth, spent a tew'days of last week at his home here. • Mrs. Alex. Box after a pleasant visit with friends in London returned Mon- day. Mr. Ambrose Smith took part in the Curler's coticert at Hensall on Tuesday evening. , • Dr. Stanburyea of Hayfield, spent Saturday the guest of his son, Mr. J. 44 G. Stanbury. sautrennowamormansommr.m.a.,6.1•66.memstaeonese'somerawammoommelem Sick -Headache ? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite' poor? • Boiveli constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver! Ayees Pills are liver pills; they cure dys,,, pepsia, biliousness. 25c. AS druggists. Want your ntoustsche or beard a hes' utlfel brown or etch black? Tbrai vas ' BUCKINGHAM'S DYEttiiitstrott se mi. es tenesolsro, Cc P. Wee. co., ressieti, %O. • CONSTIPATION IRON -OX TABLETS FOR INDIGESTION' *as .rutt dowti *verk mud % but I ani thankful ioisay that Iron -Ox Tablets new,Iite into me,. My liyife, fait* the Tablas. She finas great benefit from them." STOM 32 Brock Aira, Parkaale, Ont. ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••• :Intend the BOSH:t Palls ; CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. A a Recent graduates have accepted good 2, • positions at $40, $45, 50 and 0 per g re month; and a few days ago an applies.. 0 • don Was rectivod offering one or our g • graduates Of last term a salary of $800 0 • per annum. This is the kind of evict/meta 0 • you are looking for as to the best schtiol e to attend. Catalogue free. Enter thia 0 month if possible, 20: W. J. 111141:pIOrrue;• pat • oessesemposeesetoosiiiiilisi Cared Etird with a secret, Remedy, "1 had foryears patiently borne the disgrace, suffering, misery and privations due to my husband's drinking habits. Hearing Of your marvellous remedyfor the cure of drunkenness, which I could givemy husband secretly, I de- cided to try it. I procured a package and mixed it in his. food and coffee., and, as the remedy was odorless and tasteless, he did. not know what it was that so quickly relieved' his Craving for liquor. He soon ben to pick up flesh, his appetite for solid food returned, he • stuck to his weak regularly, and we now havea happy home.. After he was completelyaured I told him what I had done, when he acknowl- . edged that it had been his saving, as he had not the resolution to break off of his own accord. I heartily advise all women afflicted as I was to give your remedy a trial." HER HUSBAND WAS :A DRUNKARD 0 Ak. iady /to mire's ber husband, of • his g fftolts votes, of bet, • 4010 lOsave, het home A PATUTIO LETTER ‘4,1""'' ‘3 atoe ea r.- o1 had for a loag time been thinking of trying the Tasteless Samaria Prescription treatment: op my husband for his drinking habits, but 1 was afraid be would discover that I was giving bite medicine, and the thought unnerved me. I hesitated for nearly a week, but one day whetrhe same home very much intoxicated and his week's salary nearly all spent,' darew off all fear and. determined to make an effort to save= home front the ruin I /few corning, at ell hazards. I sent for your Tasteless Samaria Pre- scriptton,and put it in his coffee as directed neat naming and watched and prayed for the result. At norm I gave him more and also at supper. He never suspected a thingand I then boldly kept right oil giving it regularly, as I had discovered some- thing that set ,every.nerve in my body tingling with belle and happiness, and I could sea A bright future spread mit before me -a peaceful, happy- home, a sharein the goat things of life, an attentive, loving husband, comforts and everything else dear to a woman's heart; for my husband had told me that whiskey was.vile stuff arid he wastaking a dislike to it, It was only too true, for before I had given him the (ua course he had stopped drinking alto- gether, but I kept giving him the medicine till it was gone, and then sent for another lot, to have on hand if he should relapse, as he had done from promises before. He never hes and / am writing you this letter to tell you bow thankful I am. I honestly believe it will cure the worst cases." 11EN FAMES • WAS A DRUNKARD •ilgair'iParroLia,liz clt of the LIcluor ROW , STORY Op RR qppggs, bun • • A portion of her letter reads as folleaa My father had often promised mother to stop drinking, and would do so for a time but then , returned to it stronger than ever. .0ne dey after a terrible spree, he said to us : `It's ,qo use. I can't stop drinking.' Our hearts seemed. to turn to stone, and we decided to ay the Tasteless Samaria Prescription which we had mad about in the papers. Wre gave him the remedy, entirely without his knowledge, in his tea, coffee, or feed regularly, according to directions, and he never knew be wastakipg a. One package removed all his desire Air BOOT', and he says it is now distasteful to him. 1 -lis health and appetite are also wonderfully Mt - proved, and no one would know hint for the same mac. It is now fifteen months since we gave it to him andwe feel sure that.the change isefor good. Please send me one of your little books, as I want to giveit to a friend." , FdREE SAMPLE rticulars testimonials and price sent in plain. sealed PdaelrinPvhelleotpgie.voinCgorfraleispPoandence s'acredly confidential. Enclose stem for reply. Address The Samaria Remedy Co., :23 Jordan Street, Toronto, Canada, ••••••••••e1•11••••••••••1 • • DR. W. H. CRAHARill Late orKinSgS).st. west. No. r Clarence -square, corner Spadina avenue, Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases and makes a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, • PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari- cocele, NervOus Debility, etc., (the result of youthful • folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture ox Long Stand- ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without pain and all bad after effects. • Diseases of Women -Painful, protege or suppressedlinenstruation: I MONEY TO LOAN We iaave unlimited private funds for inveeti ment upon farm or village property at loWee rates ofinterest. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter. rIOINTEY TO LOAN. have a large amount Of prive.te funds Joan op farm and villagerattertice at ltav ' of interest. F, W. GLADMAN, Barrister Main St, Exeter. ulceration, leucorrhoea and all displacements of the womb. 5 Packq of Cards Free. 1. - OFFICE Rous -9 a, m. to:8 p. Sunday 1 to 3 p. m. piLEKONE A 0 T VE n• • iLES OPINION OP LEADING PHYSICIANS I have examined the composition of Strong's Pilekone, and used it for ex- ternal and internal piles with the best results. J. D. • WiesoN, M. D. Ex - Mayor, London, Ont. Price $1.00. For sale by druggists :or by mail on receipt of price. W. T. STRONG. Manufacturing Chemist, London, Ontario, Four Feeds For One Cent :,-Ore„,,aotaa. ate:4-nea-",- • • I3e it ,known to all Farnaers- and Stock Feeders that WORTHINGTON'S CANADIA.N STOCK TONIC AND FEEDER is guaranteed to be the greatest ani- mal regulator of the. age. The best Tonic and Feed Saver ; acts by cor- recting all disorders of the Blood, Liver and kidneys, and keeping them in a healthy condition ; will fatten an animal rapidly and save one-third the feed. 10 -lb, Box, 200 feeds, 50c; 59-1b. Sack $2. • 'The WOrthington Drug Go.• , 131,JEL,P1-1, ONT. For Sale and Guaranteed by: CABLING BROS., Exeter. 0 ON, & s Henson: E. Saimaa, Lucan. cTRAYED.-There strayed from lot 4" 15, con. 14, Hibbert, on or about the first day of November, a light red steer, coming three years old, a ring in the right ear, and long white horns. A liberal reward will he given for any information as to the animals where- abouts, Address, War. TOWERS, Far- quhar ' 0. : "Christmas Box" Pull of NA onderful Things irik Portrait/ad Active/1% 20 POpulareSengs G Magic Telescope /tad Pietures, 50 Annie- ing EXperitnents, Love's Puzzle, 20 Rebuses,100 Funny Conundrums, Book of Lev% Game o Letters, Mateo Writing, 324 Jolly Jokes Receipt for Moustache Grower, 100 Money Mak ing secrets, IGO Toilet and Cooking Receiries, 235 Selectielas for Autograph Altana% 10 Model Lore Letters, How to Tell Fortunes, Dictionary of Dreams. Guide to Flirtation, Nagle Age Table, LOYer's Telegraph, end our new Oat, or Xmas Tovs, I3ooks and Notions. All by mail FRE E. for 5c, silver toaylpostege, KINN/a , E. Yarinotith, N.S. Children Ory for . CASTOR IA. Forest Gitu BONS 8110IMEM 6011EGE London, Ont. SHORTHAND, BOOK EEP IND Business Law, Writing Correspord- ence, Typewriting, etc., thoroughly taught by experienced teachers at the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. ' • - We have no difficulty in plating competent pupils in good positions. College re -opens Sept. 2. Send for Catalogues. 1 W. WESTERVELT, • Principal. INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agen for the WESTERN Assort/4/MB Co/a- ntes:of Toronto; also for the Plicieux FinX EsTIRARCE COMPANY, of London, England; ALLI450B INSURANCE COMPANY, of Er and MEDICAL W BROWNING M. D. M. C. • ie 8, Graduate Victoria Jniversity Office anti i en o e. Dom Mien Laborse tory, Exeter. LEGAL. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitor% Notaries, Conveyancers, • Commissioners, Solicitors for the Maisons Bank. Eto. . Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE :-/JAIN STREET, /EXETER. El. R. CARLING, Tt. L. IL DICKSON F. W. GLADMA.N (Successor to Elliott & Gladman) Barrister, Solicitor, lotary Public, Conveyancer, .Etc. Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER . DENTAL KINS3LaN, L. D. S. AND H. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S. D. D. S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University', Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effeots. Office in Fan - son's blOck. 'West side of Main treet,'Exeter' One Pack, "May I. 0.03. Horne," One Pak "Escort" One Pack, "Flirtation" One 'Pace: "Hold -to light." One Pack, "Our Sofa Ate' Holds Two. Sample of 21 other, stYles, wlbh book full of notions. Send 5o silver for Postrifter KENNY,,E, T'; vatirioutin s.N. i 1).A. ANDERSON; D. DENTIST, Honor Graduate of the Toronto University' and Royal College of Dental surgeons of Ontario with honors .A.lso Post -graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. Everything known to the' Dental Profeasion done in this office. Bridge work, crowne, luminum,gold and vulcanite plates all done in the neatest manner possible. A perfeetlis harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac- tion. 011ioeonesdoor south of Carling iBroat stem Exeter. Ont. BUGGIES! BUGGIES!• Da you Want a Buggy? We have the finest stock in town. All the latest styles, in the newea colors., • Our prices are low as can be found for first-class material and workman'. ship. • BEFORE YOU BUY OfiLL fiND SEE -US, J F Russell Two Doors South ToVen: PIANOS AmmiNmemm Two second hand Upright. Pianos and one Square Piano r for sale cheap. New Pianos and Organs ' always in stock. leesstgemegggsemmolom • SOIN1110 Ma6111116S GUT THIS OUT and send it to us with 5 cents/ in silver and you will get by return mail a, GOLD)IN BOX OP GOODS that will bring you in 1VIons Momer in one month than anything else in /merlin. A. W, Wily, E. T. • Yarmouth, N. FOR SALE—BRICK RE SIDENCE WITH AN A.CRE OF LAND EXETER -We offer for sale on reasonable terms, that very desirable _ residential proPer known as "The Hooper Homestead" eituat on Lot No- 86, south of Huron Street, Exeter*. There lc °rooted upon the land, a eoinfortable and comxteadieus brick aisci tho neeessera oothouses, The bowie is in geed. re- pair mid has 9 rooms. The lot crantains acre of land and IS oxceueritor adapted for garden Ing ()Strait groWing. There is a plentiful sim- ply Of aera end sett water, The property is up to date, oud the terms (moo. for particulars apo Pin to DiessOrT & CARLING barristers ItIretke or to A. E. Boolean, Row P. Oe Poeta, 13. A4 proprietot. Our experience in the SeWing Machine Business, (02 years) is a guarantee of our goods. Wo carry in stock the best the market affords. Needles and Repairs for all kinds of' machines • always ' stock. Music in Sheet and Book form. Call and See us, It will Pay 7011.1 artin. u •