HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-3-13, Page 24II. Pais 7D- CIAO TON NEWSRECORD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1986 Entqrtainment Community Calendar PETERSON-ELSTON DINNER March 19, 1985, Knights of Columbus Hall, Hwy. 9, Walkerton, reception at 6 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m. Guest speaker David Peterson MPP, Ontario Liberal leader and leader of the official opposition. Tickets are $25.00 each, available from Vern In- glis, Formosa: David MacKenzie, Kincardine or Murrey Elston, Wingham.-11 BRUCEFIELD UNITED Church Strawberry and Ham Supper, June 19, 1985. Beef supper -October 16, 1985.-11 RESERVE Morch 22for the Clinton Christian School's Musical Variety evening, featuring the group "Latter Reign" and local talents. Storting at 8 p.m. -11,12 "THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, held at the Health Unit office, Huronview, Clinton on Friday, March 15, 1985 from 9:30 • 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance; 2. Anoemia Screening; 3. Im- munization; 4. Hearing Screening; 5, Vision Screening; 6. -Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 years, Adult Immunization will also be offered at this Clinic".-11ar CLINTON FIREMEN's Dance, Clinton Legion Hall, Saturday, April 20, 1985, 9 - 1. Music by Whiskey Jocks Musir Co. 515.00 per couple. Lunch. Prizes. Tickets available from any fireman or Groves TV. 482-9414.-11,15 BLYTH FESTIVAL SINGERS present a concert of sacred music on Sunday, March 24. -NOTE CHANGE OF DATE - at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m., Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. Tickets are available from the Box Office (523-9300) and the Blyth Sago (523-4331).-9,11,12 EUCHRE PARTY sponsored by Varna L.O.L. 1035 at Stanley Complex, Friday, March 15 at 8:30 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. -11 PANCAKE SUPPER: Thursday, March 28 from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Knox United Ch,urch, Belgrove, $4.50. Children 12 and under 53. Preschoolers free. Maximum charge 515 per family. --1 1,12 • EAST WAWANOSH Federation of Agriculture An- nual Meeting and Beef and Pork Banquet, Th',rsday; March 21, 1985 at the Belgrave In- stitute Hall, 12 noon. Guest speaker Dr. George Brinkman. Tickets available from Township directors. Tickets $7.50 per person. --11, MEAT MATTERS: 2 hour cooking demonstration of beef, pork and lamb, Recipes may be sampl- ed. Admission $3. Tuesday, March 19, Wingham Armories, Wingham and Wednesday, March 20. Victoria Public School, Goderich, 7:30,• 9:30 p.m. For more information call Clinton Agricultural Office 482.3428.-11 DESSERT EUCHRE: Goderich Twp. Community Centre, Wednesday, March 20 at 1:30 p.m. Spon• sored by the women's -groups • of the Township. -11 SINGLES DANCE:. Saturday, March 16, Stratford Fair Grounds (Upper Hall). Dancing 9 - 1. Music by the Wildwoods. 11 NOTICE to Fish and Game Members and Guests ST. PATRICK'S DANCE Saturday March 16 SMORGASBORD SUPPER 6:30-8PM S7. PER PERSON DANCE 9PM - 1 AM $3. PER PERSON MUSIC BY "Tumbleweed" LUNCH • DOOR PRIZES SPOT DANCES NOON LUNCHEON Wesley -Willis United Church THURSDAY MARCH 21 Two Sittings: 11:30 am and 12:30 pm Adults $4. Children S2. TICKETS FROM UCW MEMBERS OR MARG COVENTRY 482-3508. MelEO0 FISHERIES Bayfield FROZEN FIN Store Open: Friday, . Saturday and Synday 11 am - 5 pm or phone 565-2470 ST. PATRICK'S DANCE Sponsored by Blyth - Clinton K of C Saturday, March 16, 1985 Clinton Legion Hall Music by: "EXPRESSIONS" 9pm-lam $15. per couple -Prizes -Lunch Tickets available at the door or in advance from any member df the K of C or at Bryan Levis Ins. office. - EVERYONE WELCOME A MEETING of the Huron Bruce Federal Liberal Association will be held Thursday, March 21st of 8:30 p.m., at the Seaforth Public School. Delegates and Alternates will be elected to represent the Association at the Annual Meeting of the Liberal Porty of Canada (Ontario) to be held of the Harbour Castle Hotel, Toronto, April 12th to 14th. --11 HURON COUNTY Health Unit will offer a "Nutri- tion for Peak Performance" workshop on Satur• day, April 13, 9:30 a.m. - 12 noon. Fitness leaders, coaches and others -interested in learn- ing about nutrition and basic fitness should pre - register by Wednesday, April 10 by calling Cathy Thomson at 524.8301. -- 11,12ar EUCHRE: Wednesdoy March 13. 8 p.m. St. Josephs Church Hall, Clinton. Admission $1.50. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Knights of Col- umbus. Ladies please bring lunch.-- 1 1 x SOFTBALL ONTARIO Umpires Mechanics Clinic. March 23, Exeter High School, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Pre -register now to ovoid disappointment. Call 235-2544 or 234-6426.• - 10.12 BINGO every Tuesday evening at Vanastra Cen- tre, R.R. 5, Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card 51.00. 15 regular 520.00 games, three share -the - wealth jackpot 5200.00 must go' Admission is restricted to 16 years and aver. • 1 tfar -COME• WITH the Enterprising Seniors March 28 for a visit to Schilbe's sugar bush. Meet in Holmesville at 2 p.m. or join us at the Community Centre 0t.4 p.rn. for pancakes and sausages. Price $2.50 per person. Please phone for reserva- tions 482-7595, 482-7203. 482-7456.- •11 12 LENTEN PROGRAM: Family Life". St. Joseph's Church, James St., Clinton. Sunday, March 17, 1985. Guest speaker Dr. Jim Schmeiser. Topic: 'Spiritual Life of the Family -.'Time: 8 p.m.'. - 10 p.m. Admission free. Everyone is welcome to attend. --11 - MIXED EUCHRE: Bronch 140 Canadian Legion, Clinton in Ladies' Lounge, Saturday, March 16 at 2 p.m. $1. per person. Prizes. Everyone Welcome.. 9-1 1 or POTTERY CLASSES available in private studio 'in Bayfield beginning March 19 and 20. Contact Ad- dy McPhee 565,2572. -10, 1 1 KLOMPEN FEEST parade entry forms available at Town Hall, Ball & Mutch Furniture, Campbells Men's Wear, Clinton News -Record, .Clinton Chiropractic Centre. Seven categories. 5125.00 first prize in each; 575.00 for second. 10.20ar • Energetic comedy thriller at Blyth Daisy, played by Linda Bolen and Rafe, played by Jeff Christensen, stars of One Night Stand, a Theatre Circle production performed at the Blyth Memorial Hall March 7 to 9, celebrate Daisy's birthday. By James Friel BLYTH - The Theatre Circle of'Blyth has chosen a hard course to follow as it is com- mitted to travelling theatre during the dull days of fall, winter and spring. And for its first production this spring, the theatre tackled a difficult play from a dif- ficult genre, the comedy thriller One Night Stand, by Carol Bolt. Their efforts resulted in a production full of energy which pleased audiences attending the four shows in three days. Linda Bolen plays Daisy, a pretty young woman whose best friend has forgotten her birthday and whose married boyfriend is tied up with duties at home. She decides to pick up a man at a bar, as an adventure to vary her dull bank teller's life and have her own birthday party. Rafe is a drifter with a lot of quirks about his nature and the first part of the play delops their relationship and some of the Playhouse gets $33 00 grant Huron Country Playhouse is pleased to an- this year include: Anne of Green Gables, nounce a $33,000 operating grant awarded at a meeting of the Ontario Arts Council. This money represents a 10 percent in- crease over that received in 1984. The money is allocated towards the. productions on the Main Stage and Playhouse II. which ST. PATRICK'S DAY LUNCH "ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Saturlday, March 16, 1985 11:00 am -2:00 pm "Irish Stew, Homemade ,Bread, Pie, Bake Table. Sponsored by: "THE NEW DIMENSIONS" Adult Tickets: Advance -'4.00 At Door - '4.50 Children's Tickets: Advance - '2.00 At Door -'2.25 Advance Tickets Call: 482-7860 Move Over Mrs. Markham, Star Spangled Girl, The Sound of Music, Blue Champagne and Sleeping Arrangements. -The Playhouse will be making further an- nouncements on a regular basis now that the operation is in full swing for this year. Goderich Township Recreation Board ST. PATRICK'S DANCE Saturday March 16 Dancing 9 pm - 1 am otthe GODERICH TOWNSHIP COMMUNITY CENTRE -HOLMESV ILLE- MUSIC BY "Eureka" S10.00 PER COUPLE LUNCH PROVIDED ALL PROCEEDS TOWARD MINOR SPORTS, SUPPORT GODERICH TOWNSHIP 150 THIS WEEICSxFEATURES THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SAT. MAR. 14.- 15 - 16 "Irish Stew and Dumplings" WITH HOMEMADE BREAD $325 ST. PATRICK'S BUFFET ROAST CHICKEN Glazed with our own 0% special sauce $695 • - SUNDAY MAR. 17 ROAST SIRLOIN HIP OF BEEF (r; Both served with choke of potato, veg., and dessert EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT IS "All You Can Eat Fish Fry" "Steak Night" BLACKBEARD'S OPEN: 7 DAYS A WEEK 7 AM • 8 PM 2 MILES SOUTH OF CLINTON ON HWY. 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • THE SQUARE P�RI�T ° EA R • GOO4RKM • S14•71111 • • PLAYING TIL THURS.: Wednesday & Thursday 8 pm • • • • • SHOWTIMES • • Friday & Saturday • • 7pm&9pm STARTING FRIDAY •. "�" r�► t Sundaythru Thurs. ,t •�,� t tic• 8:00 pm • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • Every Tuesday night is... $2.00 night • Adults & Children pay only '2.00. • •.•.•.•.••••••••••••••••••••••1•••••••••• aspects of his character begin to show themselves to a sometimes scared Daisy. He's an inveterate liar - does he come from Kapuskasing or Detroit, is he a com- puter programmer, a loans officer or a drifter, did he go to prison and was it for homicide or not - and at times anticipates what Daisy is about to say with uncanny ac- curacy. He's a skillful manipulator, a classic paranoid schizophrenic. Daisy is alternately scared silly and using all her feminine wiles to drag the handsome Rafe to bed. Both Linda Bolen and Jeff Christensen, who plays Rafe, inject huge amounts of energy into their parts. Ms. Bolen portrays' Daisy, edging into spinsterhood and developing a sharp tongue to keep the real involvement she longs for at a safe distance, with an understanding of Daisy's daily rut and her wacky sense of humor which she periodically allows to escape. Mr. Christensen's interpretation of the psychotic Rafe must have required a great deal of insight. The dangerous feel generated throughout the play comes ex- clusively from Rafe and his swings from winning enthusiasm and knowledgeable in- sights into Daisy's character to the childlike fascination with violence and death which gradually stimulates the viewer's horror un, til the conclusion. The unique role of the third performer in the play is filled by a number of Blyth and area residents. That is of Sharon, Daisy's best friend and competitor, and is an ad- mirable attempt by those of 'Theatre Circle to make theatre more accessible to as wide an audience as possible. Sharon is played variously by Sheron Stadelmann, Sylvia Stevenson, Shelley Dee, Bonnie Tobin and Cindy Brewer. One Night Stand is playwright -producer Keith Roulston's first foray into directing and he seems to have handled the intricate assignment with confidence. 'l'he set for the play could have been better built. Some of the action in the play, which is set on the seventeenth floor of a downtown Toronto apartment building, causes the walls to wobble and the spectator to wince. Because the company focuses on travelling the constraints of portability are probably responsible .for . the unsteadiness and simplicity of the set. The Theatre Circle takes One Night Stand on a circuit that includes Chatham, Sarnia, and Owen Sound to fulfill its goal of bringing theatre to audiences during the slow periods of the year. - The next production is a collaboration of Roulston and Uwe Meyer called T.G.I.F. or Thank God It's Friday. "It's a show full of fun and music as these four (the major characters) struggle to make a living, battling problems you'll recognize from your own life." It runs in Blyth from April 19 to 20. IRISH P1111 NIGHT r-liircll 16t11,,:1985 9_1)1n- 1 a111 VANASTRA BCC CENTRE Featuring: PAL 1, BRoTIIIEIZS,, AND SHIRLEY $5.11►er person IIOT LIJNCII PROVIDED shuns ,rel q \•unnst rn ,-Incl 1 )i l I•jCi 1-imics-tultll,i,rii 11 °.l FAMILY RESTAURANT AND DINING LOUNGE FAMILY BRUNCH SERVED EVERY SUNDAY 10:30 am -1:30 pm Includes several salads • fruits - hot dishes - desserts. All you can eat. ADULTS $4..95CHILDREN L. WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT IN THE PIRATE'S DEN MARCH 15-16 "Mike James" PUB MENU AVAILABLE 'TILL 1 AM CLOSING TIME FULL MENU WITH DAILY SPECIALS Including'20 Item Salad Bar HIGHWAY.21 BAYFIELD 565-2992 OPEN: 7 days a week 11:30 am -1 am, except Sunday open 11:30 am -7:30 pm NOW OPEN WEEKENDS OPENING THIS THURSDAY MARCH 14 OPEN THURSDAY TO SUNDAY THURSDAY 5 PM - ,11 PM FRIDAY 5 PM - 2 'AM SATURDAY 5 PM - 2 AM SUNDAY 12 NOON - 11 PM MAIN STREET BAYFIELD 565.2166