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Clinton News-Record, 1985-3-13, Page 21
ate 4 Yi MAKH *3, -19l 16. forbrfnt give yourself a IIft n one of our fine $ 95 0.8r$ V0111$ trucks prices start el ®weekly & weekend rates available •20' van truck available INCLUDING FREE 100 KM ON CARS ONLY ®12' van truck available olid 24.841 TRICKLAND 334 HURON RD., GODERICH 18. Houses for rent 1 THREE bedroom house, $350.00 monthly; barn $100.00 monthly. Can be rented separate or together. Highway No. 8 near Clinton and Seaforth. 527-0191.-11 tf THREE bedroom house for rent in Blyth, available April 1. Phone 523-4332 or 523-9539.-11 ONE MINUTE to school, large three bedroom, avail,pble April 1st. Phone 482-9550.-11,12 20. Roomy board ROOM TO RENT with kitchen privileges. 482- 9651.-10,11 12. Real estate for sale i 100 ACRE B/1i� , .le, house & .arn riverfronta ���• VERY CLOSE TO TOWN, 3 bedroom split, nice shape, shop, river ,"iaw. SEAFORTH -, toOframe home, fair condition, sm BRICK & FRAME HOME, apartment, double car garage. BRICK 1 OR 2 FAMILY STATELY HOME, large garage. SEMI DETACHED brick building. 7' ACRES, 1 floor home, 1 floor barn, shed, highway location. Near Clinton. 37 ACRES ALL WORKABLE in.Tuckersmith. 62 WELLINGTON ST. - Well kept 1 floor cottage, could have 3 bedrooms.'27,900,00. BROILER QUOTA, Beef barn, 250 acres, 170 workable. TUCKERSMITH - 78 acres, 75 workable, '100,000.00. LAYER QUOTA, modern home, 75 acres. COMMERCIAL . ZONED .LARGE LOT, highway locotion. FARROWING BARN, good house, small acreage. Near Clinton. '82,000.00. ATTRACTIVE 4 BEDROOM HOME on 1 acre, paved road, in the 30's. HENSALL - 2 bay service station, ideal commercial location. BLYTH - 3 bedroom home on a large lot., 52,9, 500. 1.000 HOG OPERATION, 1 floor home, 3 acres. '97,000.00. TRUCKERS WORKSHOP and modern horne with pool near Clinton. DAIRY FARMS -several available LARGE STEEL BUILDING zoned industrial, on a paved rood. MARY ST. - 3 bedroom 1 floor home, large lot. 529,000.00. INDUSTRIAL ZONED LOTS - '/ acre, 1 1/3 acres,.3 acres & 22 acres. INDUSTRIAL ZONED LOT with brick office type building. INDUSTRIAL ZONED 5,000 sq. ft. building. in Vanostra. RESTAURANT FULLY 'EQUIPPED, going concern. COMMERCIAL ZONED PROPERTY near the post office. 40 ACRES with bush near Holmesville. 50 ACRES WITH BUSH near Boyfield. WORKABLE ACREAGE & BUSH. river fron- tage, near Auburn. '21/4 ACRES, house, barn & shed near Clin- ton. 80 ACRES WITH COTTAGE, some bush near Bayfield. NEAR THE ARENA - 4 bedroom home, large lot, '24,900.00. 122 HURON ST. - 3 bedroom home', garage, '26,900.00 201 HURON ST. -nice 2 bedroom 1 floor home, carport. 175 HURON ST. - cosy 3 bedroom home, treed lotti 103 JAMES ST. - duplex or single family home, close to downtown. 98 PRINCESS ST. W. - 4 bedroom home, large lot, carport, $29,500. 4102 HURON ST. - 3 bedroom home, dining room, large lot. 133 HURON ST. - elegant 4 bedroom home, many extras. 56 GIBBINGS ST. - 4 bedroom brick , garage, very attractive. 49 HURON ST. - Brick duplex, very nice in- terior, zoned commercial. 260 ALBERT ST. - Raised bungalow, family room, double garage, plus. MODERN HOME, a lot of square ft., ex- ecutive style large lot, 1 FLOOR HOME, separate shop. 1 .3 acres, outskirts of Auburn. RANCH STYLE HOME, double garage, 1 acre near Clinton. MOBILE, SLEEPS SIX, set up at Pine Lake. EXECUTIVE STYLED 1 floor home in Blyth, large lot. EXECUTIVE STYLED HOME on river in Bayfield. 20 QUEBEC RD. VANASTRA, a deal at '22,900.00. 76 VICTORIA BLVD. VANASTRA, open concept '22,000.00 37 VICTORIA BLVD. VANASTRA. Florida room, '2490000 15 VICTORIA BLVD VANASTRA, 5 bedrooms, '28,000.00. Harold Workman FARMS, HOME & COMMERCIAL Clinton 519-482-3455 Peter Damsma FARM REPRESENTATIVE - POULTRY SPECIALIST RR S Clinton 482-9849 ,r 21. Cottages for rent HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, E4oshkung Lake, '/, price June and September. Ideal for families and seniors, sandy beach. The Homestead Cottage Resort, Hwy. 35, R.R. 2, Minden, Ontario KOM 2K0 1-705-489-2550.-110 23. Commercial property for rent BUILDING for rent, 1200 sq. ft., Princess St. For information call 1-800.266-4999. Available immediotely.-51tf COMMERCIAL BUILDING, 1000 square feet suitable for retail sales or offices in Dashwood. Immediate occupancy. Phone 1-237-3212.-11 24. Wanted to rent WANTED TO RENT, three or four bedroom house in Clinton area. Phone 482-7266.-11,12x WANTED TO RENT, house in Clinton - Holmesville area by June 1st. Phone 482-3295 after 6:30 p.m. -11-13 25. Wanted to buy L. & M. AUTO Wrecking. We buy scrap rads and batteries and scrap. Phone 887-9561 ,-27tf 26. Help wanted WANTED ; person to care for a 3 -year-old boy in Blyth area two days per week. Phone after 6 p.m. 523-9441.-11 SEAFORTH LAW FIRM requires -additional secretary. Legal experience preferred but not essential. Knowledge of. word processing • an asset. Please forward resume to Paul Ross Bar- rister & Solicitor, Box 758, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1WO. All replies kept in strict confidence. -11 • MARINE ENGINE REBUILDER/MANAGER - Im- mediate opening. ' New modern marine rebuilding facility, Southern Georgian Bay, On- tario'area. Applicants must be fully experienced in all,aspects of marine engine, transmission overhaul. Excellent compensation, benefit package to successful candidate. Resume to Box 52 c/o Listowel Banner, P.O. Box 97, Listowel, Ontario, N4W 3H2. -11a PART-TIME HELP WANTED Apply at - Harold's Shell Clinton 482-9023 ENTER'THE WORLD OF THE SELF-EMPLOYED I'll set up an honest ambitious person or couple, in a high income sales and service business for motorists. This business repeats year after year. No money required to start. Big commissions and bonuses. Car needed but no overnight travel. Full or port - time. Apply in person to MR. BAUER at the CEDAR LODGE MOTEL Goderich, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13 at 2 P.M. or 7 P.M. SHARP WANTED - Experienced person to do general housecleaning. Half day per week, preferably on Thursday or Friday. Must be able to supply references upon request. Phone 482-9333 or 482-3827. L28- Business opportunity 12. Real estate for sale Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 HOMES CLINTON: 118 Isaac Street, Clinton. 1 'e floor frame.home on double lot. Gas heat. BLYTH: 2 storey, 4 bedroom executive class home, heated workshop and many extras. BLYTH: Victorian Style Home. King Street at Gypsy Lane. ' 1 acre lot. Nicely treed. BLYTH: Morris Street. 1 floor home, close to school. Excellent condition. CLINTON: 213 Victoria Street. 4 bedroom frame, gas heat. Under 520.000.00. Try an offer. BLYTH: Large brick home on Dinsley Street. must be sold to settle estate. NEW LISTING: 3 bedroom bungalow large lot, finished basement, gas heat carport quiet street. COMMERCIAL RESTAURANT AND GAS PUMPS on 1'.0 acres. Hwy. No 4. Three bedroom apartment above. COMMERCIAL LOT: Albert Street. Clinton. FARMS & ACREAGE 101 ACRES: Village of Blyth. 85 acres workable Vendor will sell all or port. 100 ACRES: M nship. 94 acres workable, goSrfor cattle or hog's. F.C.C. mortgage. 95 ACRES: Hullett Township. good cropland, all drained, no buildings. 4.2 ACRES: Exceptionally good 3 bedroom home. Auburn area. Priced very reasonable 20 ACRES: Morris Township, good frame home hog finishing barn liquid manure system. Easily converted to farrowing barn. 50 ACRES: East Wawonosh, 25 acres workable. good frame home, large born. silo and drive shed. Priced very reasonable. FARROWING OPERATION on Hwy. No. 4 near Clinton, 72 sow capacity. good home, priced right. 75 ACRES: Hullett Township. born for 600 hogs. Good house. F.C.C. mortgage. 100 ACRES: 6th Line Morris Township, 95 acres workable. owner very serious. IPA ACRES: Blyth. Fronting Hwy. No. 4. 4 ACRES: Morris Township. 2 floor home. electric heat. Lot nicely treed. DISTRIBUTORS: HQT-PRODUCT! Dehumidifies homes, R.V.'s Boats! Profitable for Amway - distributors, Gas -stations, Marinas, Campsites. Mail stamped self -addressed. envelope: HydraPex, Box 80157, Burnaby, S C. V5H 3X5.-110 WANTED STRAIGHT COMMISSION AGENTS To sell a completely Canadian calendar line, adver- tising specialties, pens, greeting cards and top quality printing line. Experience not necessary but desirable. Earn as you learn. A creative mind a definite asset. Top commission paid weekly. Full or part-time openings available. Protected territories. Phone B.A. Gowe - (416)823-1894 or write: Commonwealth Advertising Company Ltd. 2157 Royal Windsor Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5J 11(5.-119 DEALER AND SALES opportunities exist in all areas of Ontario to sell Agricultural SOFTWARE. IST distributes software for Agri -Business and for the farmer offering quality products that cover a wide range of micro computers including I.B.M., Apple and Radio Shack. IST offers a lucrative dis- count/commission package, along with sales and technical support. The sales positions need not be on a full-time basis, and may be of in- terest to Agricultural Graduates with a degree or. diploma. wishing to earn an additional income off the form. Write or phone: Ron Guille, P.Ag. IST Inc. 200-250 Dundas St. W, Toronto M5T 2Z5 (416)977-6181.-110 29. Tenders MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY Tender Reference Number S.F.T. (H.C.) 85-02 For Landscape and Site Maintenance at 134 Sanders Street, Exeter, Ontario (OH -1) Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time Wed., March 20, 1985 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5, (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED,. 31. Service directory KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboords, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports, flooring, windows, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone: 482-7676. Ken McNairn.-8tfar PHIL'S refrigerator and appliance service. Pro- mpt dependable service to all makes and models of domestic appliances. Phone 887-9062.- 27tf PIANO TUNING and repairs; used pianos bought and sold. Coll Michael Lipnicki (Wingham) 357- 1049.---34tf NEED SOME pointing done, interior or exterior? Reasonable rates. Experienced. Contact Steve Cook 482-9335.-9-13x MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY Tender Reference Number S.F.T. (H.C.) 85.04 For Landscape and Site Maintenance at, Queen Street, Blyth (OH -1), Ontario. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time Wed., March 20, 1985 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario: N7A 1M5, (519) 524=2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. COMPLETE SHARPENING SERVICE in Clinton, Highway 8 west across from Elm Haven Motel Phone - 482-3305 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS Four modern rotary rigs Phone Seaforth NEIL:527-1737 DURL:527-0828 JIM:527-0775 MCQUAID CARPENTRY LICENSED CARPENTER *RENOVATIONS= SIDING• ROOFING* ADDITIONS ETC. 482-3628 (Evenings) HURON CONTRACTORS Phone 236-4230 New homes, cottages, barns & renovations. Book your spring building planning with us NOW and avoid spring increases. MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY Tender Reference Number S.F.Y. (H.C.) 85-03 For Landscape and Site Maintenance at Alexander Street, Brussels, Ontario (OH -1) Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a,m. local time Wed., March 20, 1985 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1MS, (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE. LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. REFRIGERATION SERVICE REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING PLUMBING OIL & GAS HEATING MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE BRYAN FINK 114 RICHMOND ST. S. HENSALL 262-3334 31. Service directory STOP! If you need cabinets for kitchen or bath in an old home or new, give us a call. CANAC KITCHENS For free estimate and friendly service. Representative In your area Deb Vandecamp 565©5036 JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING •Farm and Residential Buildings • Additions and Renovations •Roofing, Siding, Soffit & Fascia PHONE CANADIAN SOMERS A�SSOOATT MEMBER 482®3063 JACK B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING Specializing In: •CUSTOM BUILT HOMES *RENOVATIONS •ADDITIONS *KITCHENS •ALUMINUM SIDING PRONE 482-9506 EVENINGS 31. Service directory NEED WORK DONE? We do it all. Renovations, roofing, siding, dry -walling and all repairs. Free estimates. Jim Carrick Construction. Phone 524- 4338. -7tfar JIM COOK Furniture Refinishing, also floors, woodwork, doors, etc. Phone 523.9284, -- 12eow SPACE AGE INSULATION -All types of Insulation Polyurethane Foam Fiberglass, Rock wool, Cellulose FOR MORE INFORMATION AND FREE ESTIMATES Ron Kassies 523-9484 AFTER 6 P.M. STOP! If you need cabinets for kitchen or bath in an old home or new, give us a call. CANAC KITCHENS For free estimate and friendly service. Representative in your area Deb Vandecamp 565-5036 35. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE - ESTATE OF WALTER EVERETT OSTER ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-mentioned, late of the Township, of Hullett in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on December 21st, 1984, ore required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 16th day of March, 1985. After that date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to• the claims of' which they shall then hove had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 22nd day of February, 1985. CRAWFORD, MILL, DAVIES & ELSTON P.O. Box 1028 WINGHAM, Ontario NOG 2W0 Solicitors for the Administrator 9.1 lar 38. Auction sale CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE Tractors; farm machinery; etc. to be held at Lobb Bros. Machinery Auction Yard, Bayfield Rd., Clinton, Ont. SAT., MARCH 30 AT 10 AM TURN YOUR UNUSED PIECES OF EQUIPMENT INTO CASH! PHONE Richard Lobb Fred Lobb 482-7898 482-3409 OF 80 TRACTORS AND OVER 250 PIECES OF EQUIPMENT Saturday, March 16th 9:30 A.M. SHARP Brindley Auctions Dungannon 13 mi. N.E. of Goderich 519-529-7625 AUCTIONEER: GORDON H. BRINDLEY YOUR ONE STOP VACUUM CENTRE Sales -Repairs FILTER QUEEN -EUREKA BISSELL SERVICE CENTRE NEW & USED VACUUMS Electro, Kirby, Hoover, Compact, Royal, Kenmore Central Vacuum Systems Bags, Hoses, Belts Repairs To All Makes We take trade-ins (SAFETY MATS) Goderich Vacuum Centre 52 Wett 8t. Goder ch 524-4112 Richard Lobb Auctioneer CLINTON - 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT. MARCH 16 AT 10 AM - 1980 Chevette car (only 7,000 Kilometres), furniture, ap- pliances, etc. -at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. • SAT. MARCH 23 AT 10 AM - Appliances, furniture, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn. SUN. MARCH 24 AT 1 PM - Modern appliances. furniture, etc. to be held at Salford Valley Hall. Goderich. Ont. for Mrs. Della McGee of Goderich. THURS.. MARCH 28 AT 1 PM - Self- propelled combine, three tractors, modern machinery, forage equipment, hay and straw. 2'/2 miles north of Blyth on Hwy. No. 4. for Bill Fear. SAT.. MARCH 30 AT 10 AM - Tractors, form machinery, etc. at Lobb Bros. Spring Consignment Auction, Bayfield Rd Clinton, Ont. Electrical Problems? Call ED'S� ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician IND FARM / RESIDENTIAL IAL 24 Hour Emergency Service Electric Heating Soles and service of Katolight alternators R.R No. 1 - CLINTON ED ROOSEeOOM 482®7441 AUCTION SALE Modern appliances, furniture. 1980 Chevette car run 7000 Km. etc., to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. for Mrs. Mildred Gardner of Goderich and Estate of Rae Houston of Seaforth. SAT. MARCH 16 AT 10 AM 1980 Chevette 4 door sedan car 4 cylinder automatic, radio run 7000 kilometers, only selling as is (a fine looking car, selling at 11:15 am). HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS upright piano, upright freezer, Kelvinator Supreme Estate fridge, Kelvinator 30" electric stove, Atlas chest freezer, floor model colour TV, 12 inch portable TV, modern curlo cabinet, chesterfield w/pullout bed nearly new, 2 modern chesterfields vv/matching chairs, tea wagon with large wheels, Electrohome air condi- tioner, sewing stand, phone answering service, modern drop leaf kitchen table w / four matching wooden chairs, large dresser w/mirror, chrome oval table and four chairs, 2 - three drawer chests, oil lamp, modern wooden bed frame, night table, upholstered chairs, vacuum cleaner, foot massage tub, upright vacuum cleaner, humidifier, table lamps, odd wooden chairs. small cabinet, coffee & end tables, 3. single box springs : mattresses. baby stroller, high chair, TV trays, vanity. artificial fire place, camping stove, cooler, pole lump, table lamps, 20" fan, lawnchairs & lounge. step ladder, 3 small Cables, adding machines, table saw, 4 Inch lointer planer, wheel barrow, doll cradle, plus good offering of small items, dishes, etc. PLUS MANY ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION TERMS CASH Auctioneer Richard Lobb CLINTON 482-7898