HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-3-13, Page 20J JJ a ,I, _r ::. ' ' , y1'.i'. i . 1 1 V 1. if I'1 s Nw:•F}:d " :v f•Y_ � if Yl V 911 ff I.. I G i t -II ,ti ..a..tli..s.�tk�4,M11�.:Sa°,,.Il-.. °r'✓'+� fl r. i r��„)r •)� iv.i,. i-,. � �...Pr •-•.h..e, Page 16--CLJNTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 113, 1985 1. Articles for sale" YOU CAN GET your out -of -Canada Medical In- surance at C.A.A. Travel' Agency; 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton. Phone 482.9300.--44tfar STEEL BUILDINGS Manufacturers' clearance. Limited quantities. Buy Now. while supplies last. Substantial discounts during sale. Widths 30' to 120'. Call toll free 1-800-461-7689. Area code 807 call (705)335-5972. 8tfo 1982 KAWASAKI 440 LTD. 12,000 km., bought in May, 1983, $1100.00. 482-7318. -- l0tfnx STEEL BUILDINGS, Best Prices while steel 'buildings last - factory direct - 20 year warranty - Unlimited sizes - as low as $1.81 square ft. for complete building. Phone Brad • Collect (416)678- 1585. • llo ie WHOLESALE STEEL BUILDINGS Factory direct prices. No Middleman. Quonset and straight wall huildings. Won't be undersold. Guaranteed best •- c,lue on market today. Call (416)221-7353. -110 APPLES, fresh cider, potatoes, apple butter, bulk cookies, pork & beans, ketchup, onions, oranges, head lettuce, radishes, cauliflower, celery, green onions, English cucumbers, tomatoes. Closed Mondays and Tuesdays. Art Bell's Fruit Farm 524-8037. -100 • WINTER CLEARANCE ON ALL STEEL BUILDINGS. Different sizes some 20 to 100. wide. First come first served. Miracle Spon Steel Buildings toll free 1800-287.4910. 10.12o • CHOICE LEAN BEEF by the side. Ready for freezer, government inspected, farmer's prices. Phone Frank Falconer 482-9128. 5eow HUMANE LIVE TRAPS, cedar fence posts, cedar l•'ndling, snowshoes. Phone 482-3842.•• 2eow • PRESSURE PUMP. motor and tank: stock racks for Chev or GMC pickup: tool box and fuel tanks for ct pickup. 262-3033. 1 1 ,12 BRENTWOOD combination washer,- spin dryer, in excellent condition, $150.00.,• Phone days 524- 7362. ask for Marg and evenings 565-2934. 11 ONE KROEHLER English style high -back chester- field and matching chair, smoke -glass top coffee table', matching lamp table and one 6' x 9' gold ug. Complete lot $500.00 or will sell separately. Phone 524-8812. 11 'iLIDING patio door, thermal pane. 6'10", never been used outdoors. 5550.00. Phone 482. :1489, filar NEW ADD:ON wood boiler, Jeffrey SFB-3. 120 000 - 140 000 BTU 'onnects to existing hot .eater heating system CSA approved qualifies !or COSP Grant 51295.00 Pkone. 5267597 11, 13 4 H.P. ARIENS rototiller: 4 h.p. Toro lawn mower tractor. Both recently overhauled. 565-2518. 11 1984 HONDA ATV Big Red. Excellent condition. 523 4205. 11 1 QUR cylinder 2000 motor and transmission to til small cor. engine in excellent running condi- tion. Can install. 482-3592. 11 x WEEKLY SPECIALS'! see .our ad in "FOCUS" Clin- ion Boxed Meats just off Hwy 4 north of Clinton. ' mile south of Londesboro watch for our sign. all collect 523 9508. 42tfor WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quantity. Will deliver. 482-9250 C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY '/2 mile south on Hwy- 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT FOR SALE •2 Deep Fryers (Electric) • 1 steamer •2 -single head Milkshake Machines •2 Burner Hot Plate .Exhaust Hood *Stainless Steel Tray Runner • Food Trays • Coffee Cups •Tec Weigh Scale •Silex Coffee Machine •2 Cosh Drawers • Hat Chocolate Machines •4 Tables PHONE 565-2166 LASSIFIED THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAYFIELD BUGLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising`... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 Yard solo 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for sale 5 Cars for sale 6 Trucks for sale 7 R. V -'s for sale 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rant 20 Room S board 21 Cottages for rent 22 Lots for rent 23 Commercial property for rent 47 Cards of thanks 24 Wonted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wanted Igon©ral) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wonted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educational 40 Lost & Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In memoriam 50' DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE '1 PAPER DATE. PHONE 482®3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY. 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale THINK SPRI 1n1: Hill NG! iq Tlv New bink Fnr Ynu, Kitr fun Or Bath r hnr•q, 1hr• (-1,,11,, Of Vr,iir 01r1( ®HAVE THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS* Bnnn'y R Flegnnrr• of Wood Grein f)urnhJity 8 Ensy Corn of Formica Prn•.r•d Prtnel Donn• Are AvntInhlr- . •1 (,rnut f)r•suln, 171 1 Dot ornti,rr• Inser 1•. INTRODUCTORY MARCH OFFER 1,.• i n,ir,•-, Uvrr 5501) rtr'• F: rr, Cat"'", 1„It u, n F1 ii, length Approx. 7.10 Day Delivery KEN'S CARPENTRY "Serving You Over 20 Years" 4 •2-7676 UPRIGHT Doherty piano in good condition asking $800.00. Please call 524-8423 after 6:00 p.m.- 8tfnx • GUN BARGAINS - Save up to 40% by subscribing to "The Gunrunner" the Canadian , monthly newspaper for; buying, selling andtrading modern and antique firearms and accessories. Subscription: $15 per year. Gunrunner, Box 565X, Lethbridge, Alta. T1J 3Z4. Sample copy $1.50. Don't delay - Get on our,subscription' list today. 110 FARM fresh eggs for sale, .90c per dozen. Phone 482-3518. -11,12. • TABLE potatoes for sole. Phone 523.9430 Blyth. 11 WALLY pool table, 4' x 8' and accessories. Bell piano. Phone 482-7419. Ken Gibbings.--11 • 14A. Vacations THREE BUOYS HOUSEBOAT Vacation on the Trent Severn Waterway. Sleeps 6-10 people in com- plete privacy and luxury. As low as $130 per per- son per week. Includes waterskiing, windsurf- ing, jetskiing and parasailing at no extra cost. For information and reservations, call collect (416)440-01.65.-110 AUSTRALIA/ NEW ZEALAND Specialists. Toronto to Sydney $1565. Selected departures April thru August. ANZA Travel Limited, Toronto (416)591- 6886. Toll free 1-800-387-2621, Ontario and Quebec. --Ito Attention Farmers A. For Sale READY to lay 20 -week-old pullets; 1 day old chicks (white or brown). Call Rooseboom's Poultry 519-236-4102, R.R. 3, Zurich.-10tf FOR SALE - Double cut red clover seed, power cleaned, priced right also Mingo barley and mix- ed grain both suitable for seed. Contact Robert Fotheringham, 482-9096.-- 10-12 LEDGER barley suitable for seed. Phone 482- 3354.. 11 BALED hay and•baled straw for sale. Phone 482- 3340.--11,12x QUANTITY of Ledger barley suitable for seed. Phone Stan Johns 482-9124.-11,12 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30 P.M. A1) classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargre Barry Allille,r WeS Clinton - 482-7311 E sorter - 235-1717 Bclrkton .- 229-62115 Gregory Hargreaves 462.2679 B. Custom Work CUSTOM bulldozing • manure piles, snow, etc. 1 A. Snowmobiles. Also custom chainsawing. Call J.D. Carter Truck- ing, Londesboro. 523.9405, -8-11 1984 SHADOW 500, 2,400 kms, with shield. like new, Phone 262-5708. 11-13 5. Cars for sale 1980 CHEVROLET CHEVETTE, 2 door hatch back, bucket seats. 4 speed, beige with gold pin strip- ing. Original owner, excellent condition. 52„950.00 Certified. 527-0759. - 10,11 6. Trucks for sale 1 1976 CHEV von. heavy duty, 350 motor, power steering and brakes, needs work, selling as is, best offer. Also several electrical. motors. 220 volt 3 phase 5 8 7 h.p. Call 'at noon or supper time 482.3813 11 1972 DODGE half ton, 59.000 original miles. as is. $600 00 Phone 523-4387. 11.12 8. Marine TIME SHARE a completely equipped 26' sailboat from Bayfield and enjoy 40 days of sailing throughout 1985 For details contact Brion at Boat Shore 519 433 9473 evenings 51.9.681.8573 or write to 102 Josephine St. London. N5Z 3P3. 7- 12 12. Real estate for sale FARM FOR SALE Lot 11 Con. 10, Stanley Twp 100 acres c hoice clay loom. modern frame house, excellent deep well (mineral rights to be retain- ed) Contac t John Robinson. Box 419, Clinton, Ont NOM ILO or 482 3444 or 482 7784. • 10tf COUNTRY SETTING' Remodelled home with 3' 7 acres ,orated on paved road, 4 bedrooms. 2 baths main floor laundry. new kitchen barn •.uitnble for pigs Separate garage. Please reply lo P 0 Box 88 Hensall NOM 1X0 110 ESTATE FARM 99 Acres, House and Implement Shed. Located at Lot 20, Conc. 11, Stanley Township. For more information call: 565-5343 DUCHARNIE ESTATES Bayfield 236-4230 1 bedroom bungalow nt '49,900. -Lots from '13,500 & up f man( mg nvnilnhlc" '1000. down will hold your lot nr rirw home for spring or summer construction C. Wanted WANTED to rent, cash crop land. Bob Hayter. RR 1, Varna, 262.2421. 11,12 D. Livestock BABY CHICKS: 12 varieties: 3 -week-old capons, and heavy meat . types. Delivery: Parcel post, rail. Send for price list: Bonnie's Chick Hatchery, Box 154 Elmira. M38 2Z6 (519)669-2561. --8-110 FOR SALE: Dekalb Pullets, 20 weeks first week of April. Available in small or big lots. Please order now. G. Heyink. 262-5708. - 10-12 HERD REDUCTION. Registered polled HEREFORDS 40 cows bred to P.R.1425E Klipper 20 cows bred to Justamere 317G Spitus. Cows to calve April, 'May. 10 heifers bred to•Forders Justa V Nero will calve May. 20 open heifers, 10 service age bulls. Free•listed Harold Hawthorn, Foresters Falls, Ontario (613)646-7693. -110 16. for rent PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J. 'Corriveou. Zurich 236- 4954 .---16tf a r 12. Real estate for so'Ie GODERICH • BAYFIEL r •LUCKNOW • WINDHAM LYTH NTON !N-$EAFORTH *MITCHELL *ZURICH EXETER STRATFORD 18. Houses for rent MAURICE GARDI`NER REAL. ESTATE LIMITED 34 STANLEY STREET GODERICH 524-2966 'We May Be Number One! But - /L,jll�l We're Still Trying Harder!' necetee CALL US • TO WELCOME • YOU HOME NEW LISTING LAKEFRONT -STAN LEY No. 15 3 bedroom, 7 yr. old angelstone bungalow with full basement, fireplace in basement, deck across back facing the lake, main floor family room. $105,000. - Vendor Take Back Mortgage of $65,000. or will take a straight cash offer MOVED - MUST SELL HAMILTON ST., BAYFIELD - $89,500.00. - 5 year old angelstone brick, aluminum •soffits,- fascia, windows, 4 bedrooms, 23' x 18' family room with fireplace, his & her closets in two of four bedrooms, chandelier in dining room, built-in dishwasher, central vac. and many more features. OPEN TO OFFERS DIANNE ALEXANDER 565-2513 E. Farm Services FARMERS WANTED who are paying too much tax or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today, Appointment times available to process 1984 tax returns in your home. FARM BUSINESS CONSULTANTS, 2109 Oxford 5t. E., London, N5V 2Z9 Coll toll free 1--800-265-1002. In business year round. 110 RELIEF maker and chores. I have experience in beef dairy pig and poultry farms. any type of relief chores. 5239739, ask for Rich. - l ltf BROAD SPECTRUM SWINE PROTECTION. Use the Mecadox and Pro-8anminth team in your starter grower feed and obtain broad spectrum control of scours, roundworms and ascaris pneumonia. 1 l o BERG Sales-Service•Installa_ tion •Born(leanersaBunk Feeders •Stohhing •Manure Conveyors FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives R R 2 BLYTH 887-9024 FARMERS For your spring application of grass seed with a Herd Seeder and Suzuki ATC, CALL NOW FOR EARLY BOOKING BILL McGREGOR 482®7539 F. For Rent FOR RENT 100 or 200 acres cash crop land by tender Tenders may be submitted by mail to John E Robinson, Box 419, Clinton. Ont. NOM 1L0 Highest or any tender not necessorily accepted 10tf 83 ACRES of cosh crop land for rent, north of Auburn. Phone 482-9973. 11 GK REALTY & INSURANCE INC. 14 Isaac St., Cllntnn 482-9747 482-3721 Also Goderich, Exeter, Grand Bend. BILL COUNTER 482-3687 HAL HARTLEY 482-3693 RECENT SALES INCLUDE: 1 - 3 bedroom brick bungalow 1 - 3 bedroom frame and brick bungalow 1 - 2 bedroom local cottage 1 - 2 bedroom rural cottage with garage. WE ARE PLEASED TO OFFER FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING: 3 bedroom brick bungalow with exceptional rec. room; forced air gas heat, large landscaped lot. 3 bedroom brick bungalow, main floor family room, large rec. room with natural fireplace, attached garage, electric furnace; all this on a large lot in a conforming neighbourhood. ONE OF A KIND: for those who want luxurious living provided by this custom-built beauty. "Dream" kitchen, formal dining room, huge living room with cathedral ceiling; all this and more over 3 bedrooms and bath and access to patio d private yard overlooking the river. Words defy description! Call Hal or Bill. AND NOW TO ADD TO THESE QUALITY OFFERINGS WE HAVE THIS NEW LISTING -An exceptional 3 bedroom Ranch Style, 19 x 27 attached garage, rec. room with fireplace, formal dining room. ensuite bath with Master bedroom, electric furnace with heal pump; conforming neighbourhood. Call Bill. As spring approaches we anticipate more demand for Real Estate If you ore contemplating selling your home small holding or form we ask you to please give us o call We offer our soles record of the post yeor as the best reason to list with G K REALTY WE LIST AND SELL RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURAL -RECREATIONAL AND SEASONAL PROPERTY MEMBER HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD (Multiple Listing Service) WELL MAINTAINED two bedroom bungalow located in one of Clinton's most desirable areas. Would suit quiet, mature couple. 5320 monthly plus utilities, available March 18. Reply to Drawer No. 8, c/o Clinton News -Record, Box 39,4♦ Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0.-10,11 TWO bedroom house for rent in Clinton, available immediately. References. Apply to Drawer No. 15, c/o Clinton News -Record, Box 39, Clinton, NOM 1L0.-11,12 TWO bedroom house for rent in Clinton, available April 1st. Phone 887-9024--11 JOHN L. DU D.DY 11 ACRES Edge of Town; 4,200 sq. ft. modern steel building set up for farrowing; Good 5 bedroom house carpeted throughout. 582,000 List. 31/2 ACRES Modern 1 floor home with 2 full bathrooms, family room and living room, 1380 sq. ft. Fenced paddock, large barn. 552,500. 31/2 ACRES Building site, overlooking river. 510,000. $2,500 DOWN 3 Bedroom brick home priced at 527,500, recently renovated. 0.6 acres includes choice building lot. 10 ACRES Near Pine Lake Camp. Hardwood bush. 528,000. with terms. LARGE MASTER BEDROOM 15'/2 ft. by 17 ft. Master Bedroom in this Brick Home on an 82.5 by 132 foot lot. 539,500 with - possible Vendor Mortgage. COMMERCIAL BUILDING Retail or office space with Apartment above. Core Area of Clinton. 537,500. POOL & AIR CONDITIONING 3 Bedrooms, Heated garage or workshop, Built-in dishwasher, sundeck. 553,000. 4 LEVEL SPLIT 14 Gordon St., finished family room, 3 bedrooms, electric furnace. Corner lot 541,900, minimum 10% down. BUY NOW - DON'T RENT Easy terms with 52,000 down, 3 bedroom house in Vanastra. Full Price 519,000. JOHN L. .DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR MEMBERS OF THE HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD John L. Duddy 482-3652 Russ W. Archer 482-3733 or 9428 Office 482-3766 Culligan L ERFASTATELTD MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 BRIAN POTTER 357-3622 CLINTON & AREA PROPERTIES 181 MARY ST-. - Excellent starter or retirement ome i mint condition, main floor bedro , s cious living room, full basement, 3'be rooms, gas heat, garage. '30's. ONTARIO ST. titi) bedroom home, full basement _ garage on 1.3 acres. 10 ACRES - STONE HOME - Completely redone, main floor family, laundry and master bedroom. Leads onto rock garden area. • 31/4 ACRES - McKILLOP - Hobby sized barn with a 3 bedroom home. List price in the 30's 50 ACRES NEAR CL • ` . 100 sow farrow 10' finish, brie ?' • arvester silo, Goderich towns VANASTRA DUPLEX - in good condition, Well rented. List price '39,500. WILLIAM ST. - COMPLETELY RENOVATED - 1' , storey home, only one block from downtown. Must be seen to be opprecioted. 150 ACRES - McKILLOP - Excellent buildings on this cash crop land. 140 workable. Reduced, 2 ACRES - 1'r, miles from town on paved road 3 bedroom 1'/2 storey aluminum sided home. Steel shed 24 x 32 plus hobby barn. '60's. WE HAVE SEVERAL OTHER PROPERTIES TO CHOOSE FROM IN SEAFORTH AND BAYFIELD AREA. •