HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-3-13, Page 13THIS ORIGINAL. DO('UMVN1' IS 0 VF,Iti POOR ('ONU1'I'ION Page 12—CL1NTON NEWS -RECO , WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1985 From petticoats to punk fashions HOL MESVILLE - The storm on March 5 may have thrown the organizers off schedule, but the large audiences were unable to tell when the show went off without a hitch the following afternoon and evening. The impressive Petticoats to Punk Fashion Show was held at the Goderich Township Community Centre on March 6. The show took the audience through the fashion scenes from 1835-1984 with clothing contributed to the show by area residents. What's to come in 1985 was presented by"My Fair Lady and Campbell's Men's Wear of Clinton with the shoes donated by Wuerth's Shoes. The show was presented by the Playground Equipment Project Committee of Goderich Township as part of their ses- quicentennial celebrations. One of the many organizers, Carol Wam- mes, felt that the show was a great success. Approximately 250 people showed up to watch the afternoon show, with line-ups starting almost two hours before the show began. There were 300 people in attendance for the evening show. "Our husbands have put up with us for the last few days and the last six weeks," com- mented Mrs. Wammes on the work that the organizers put into the show. The fashion show opened by taking the au- dience into Mrs. Pollock's (played by Betty Feagan) sitting room. The show's set, designed by Tim St. Louis of The Raintree, had Mrs. Pollock's room decorated with an- tiques. The theme of the show was Mrs. Pollock's dream about fashion over the years with commentator Phil Main Jr. describing fashions from 1835-1985 for all age groups. The fashions covered everything from casual wear to clothing worn at the grand ball. As a finale before the up and coming fashions, wedding gowns dating from 1913 to 1984 were modelled. The wedding gown contributors were: Marg Cole, 1913; Florence (Trewartha) Cox, 1917; Marie (Bodily) Clark, 1929; Mrs. (Cardiff) Davidson, 1937; Kay (Cameron) Lockert, 1939; Estelle (Cox) Wise, 1952; Lynda (Peirson) Steenstra, 1978; Eleana (Razza) Morgan, 1980; bridesmaid dress, Anita VanDerHaar, 1980; Dawn Parks and Eleanor Blair, 1984. Modelling fashions from 1835-1984 were Karen Bird, Eleanor Blair, Kim DePutter, Potty 'wen Ian* pjapsiv FI, and ft itemingway, • e Mc Clinchey, Brad Morgaj, Suzanne Mcllwain, A>licc , Bodges, Kim Bothwell, Lyx� Phyllis Thompson, Mary Ellet fi►, Sally Walker, Joanne Wammes a day Vandenberg. • Models for the 1985 fashions were ula Leveille, Linda Meade, Sandy Hayter, Per- cy MacDonald, Florence Miller, Sheila Richardson, Pat Higgins, and Brad Morgan. Kim Rathwell, Mary Ann . VanAaken and Nhan Tran provided the "punk" 1oc4 . Wedding gowns from 1913-1984 were highlighted during the fashion show on March 6. The gowns were donated to the show by local contributors. ( Anne Narejko photo) No fashion show would be complete in 1985 without the '`punk" look. Kim Rathwell, Mary Ann VanAaken and Nhan Tran gave the audience at the Goderich Township Community Centre a look at what their generation is wearing. The show, Petticoats to Punk, was presented by the Playground Equipment Project Committee of Goderich Township. (Arnie Narejko photo ) R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH 524-7661 Brad Morgan was one of the many models who presented fashions from 1835-1985 • (Anne Narejko photo) Business and Professional Directory REPAIR JOHN LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00-5:30 Saturday 9:00-12:00 noon Closed Wednesdays BY APPOINTMENT Free parking on premises S (AO i`,f0 r`g , \e -c'` cvctyth� • ECONOMY . QUALITY • SERVICE "Big jobs or small, we guarantee them all" 482-7374 CLINTON OR CALL 1-800-265-9255 ASK 0778 OR PAGER O. 266 Clinton Electric White -Westinghouse 111111t p t Appliances Sales and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE 90;ALBERTST. 482-3646 APPLIANCE and REFRIGERATION REPAY SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482-7032 NSURANCE - GAISER-KNEALE INSURANCE BROKERS INC. Insurance Real Estate Investments Isaac St., Clinton Phone Office 482.9747 Len Theedom 4827994 Hal Hartley 482-3693 Bill Counter 482-3687 JOHN WISE INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. General Insurance Guaranteed Investments Clinton Office: 4823401 Res.: 482-7265 `BAILEY ' P 0 BOX 29 Mil l SI8111 HF NSAI I ON I NOM. xu HFA1IN(., * AIP(()NDIfIONIN(, * S11111 MI !Al SALES * SFRVICF * SATISF A( 11(10 BILL BAILEY 262 2070 Spr.r,nH .i'..n Pohl• (ntnhu&.Iinn Hr.,,, ..,I ACCOUNTANT W.L. BUTLER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Trustee in Bankruptcy Farm Financial Statements -OFFICES 19 Victoria Street, North Goderich 524.2834 or 524-8658 325 Lambton Crt., Kincardine 396.7088 5 Ontario S1., Clinton 482-7541 (at 148.8 Block) WELDING, STELARC METAL PRODUCTS *Iron Railings *Portable Welding *Trailers & Hitches Equipment *General Fabricating ONE 482-9010 GLASS/ALUMINU1i See us for your building projects •Glass and mirrors •Energy-efficient replacement windows *Window & screen repair -•Plexiglass •Door service and repairs *Complete range of aluminum siding and building products clinton 4\00 mirror and akiimirtum products 24 Princess St. West, CLINTON 482-3322 INSULATION GODERICH ENERGY SEAL AND INSULATION Complete insulation of attics, basements, walls Sealing & removal of UFFI Ener -seal draft -proofing of home CaVERNMENT GRANTS AVAILABLE replacement windows ventilation of attic humidity problems solved FREE ESTIMATES 37 KINGSTON St, GODERICH 524-2311 out-of-town call -collect FARM . PUIZ 'SALES and SERVICE , I andIParts n KEITH SIEMON FARM SYSTEMS LTD. RR 4 Walton Phone 345-2734 FOR FREE PLANNING AND ESTIMATES Give us a call at 482-3443 or 482-77411 and we can help you make odds 'n ends disappear by using the Classified Want Ads! clintor,Newotecole Incorporating The Bayfield Bugle The Blyth Standard MAKE HOMEMADE WINE AND BER We have all the equipment \'Oil ll(, Cll t1) tilak.c y()111' ()\\'.11 beer anti wine. We rent out 1)()t t le corkers and coppers. VARNA GENERAL STORE VAIZNA, ONTARIO t82-9161 To Aniannette Carter cllnton Emily Parr Clinton David Hilt; Clinton James Rhynard Clinton Jeff Lobb Clinton Kimberley Farquhar Elmira Andrew Ball Clinton Kimberly Atkinson Clinton Colleen McAdam Holmesville Kelly Lynn Renner Sioux Lookout Lindsey Bartliff Clinton Robbie Crich Goderich Jason McAsh varus Jeffrey Oestreicher Walkerton Robbie IjtacAulay Clinton Michael Kaastra Clinton Shannon Duizer Londesboro Teresa Wammes R.R. No. 1 Clinton Rick Cook Clinton Jeffrey Heipel cllnton Kevin MacKay cllnton On March 13 March 13 March 14 March 14 March 14 March 14 March 14 March 14 March 15 March 15 March 15 March 16 March 16 March 17 March 17 March 17 March 17 March 18 March 18 March 18 March 19 A PLACE FOR KIDS St. Patrick's Day Riddles 1. What's green and flies'.' Super Pickle. 2. What has green ears but can't hear? Corn. 3. What did one' evergreen tree say to another evergreen tree? I'm pining for you. 4. What do you call a little green man that's disappeared? A lepregone. 5. Why did the elephant paint its toenails green? It wanted to hide in a bunch of grapes. 6. What did the melon say when the green bean asked it to marry it? Sorry, I canteloupe. 7. What did one plant say to another when they were arguing? Let's get to the root of this matter. . 8. Now does spinach sneeze? Spinach000000. 9. Why did, the kid stay at the table to eat his vegetables? Ile wanted some peas and quiet. 10. What kind of salad should be eaten in the basement? Salad with celery in it. 11. What did one tree say to another? Leaf me alone. 12. Why did the gardener go to the doctor? He had a planters' wart.