HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-3-13, Page 12• Bayfielcl firefighter By1Doris Hunter Patrick Brandon is the newest member of the Bayfield Fire Department. Due to the resignation of Tony Hutchings, a vacancy was created. Six officers, after intensive screening of the several ap- plicants for the post, decided to appoint Patrick, as best qualified. He is marTied, 27 years old, has one small baby and i;# the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brandon. He is' well acquainted with fire department procedures as his father has given 37 years of service to the Department. Retiring in 1984, Ken is described as an t "outstanding Fire Fighter". He was decorated by The Ontario Fire Marshal, five years ago, with a long service medal. The Fire Department wishes to con- gratulate Patrick on his appointment and to assure the community that he will new undergo intensive training to meet the high standards maintained by the Bayfield Fire Fighters. People of my generation called the force firemen, but sensibly now the term Fire Fighters is the proper name since that is their object and our local team is one of which to be very proud. Seniors to make bush trek By Blanche Deeves HOLMESVILLE - Worship Service in Holmesville United Church was well attend- ed. The choir provided music for the ser- vice. Rev. J. Bechtel officiating and Wayne Tebbutt and Don Harris received the offer- ing. Join The Enterprising Seniors on March 28 for a visit to Schilbe's Sugar Bush. Please meet at 2 p.m. m Holmesville or join the group later at the Community Centre in Holmesville at 4 p.m. for pancakes and sausages. For reservations please phone 482-7595,402-7203 or 482-7456. ,_,482-7595, The Enterprising Seniors met in the Com- munity Centre m Holmesville on March 7 with John Semple in the chair. Charlotte Norman played the piano for the opening ex- ercises and read the rninutes of the last meeting. The Seniors agreed to make a crib quilt at the public school in July during the school week: The 1-5-0 autograph quilt was put in the frame by the ladies and on Friday 14 ladies turned out to start to quilt, while four ladies were in the kitchen serving. At the seniors' meeting Bert McCreath gave a talk on the stars while Fran Powell showed accompanying slides. Congratulations to P.E.P. for their great Fashion Show again this year. OI TONisIEWS-Rfi:f O1W, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1;19 A" : —Page 11 Joan Clint and a bonspiel. The only. ( Anne teammate try to get the rock going just right during the Bayfield mixed bonspiel, held March 10 at the Bayfield Arena, was for Bayfield members Narejko photo) .. a«"w. ;3;4•vR?;y • Fridays & Saturdays 11:30 am - tam Mondays -Thursdays 11:30 am - 11 pm .. • ' Sundays 11:30 am 9 pm . ,' 1+ WILL BURGER STOP HIGHWAY 8 WEST, CLINTON TAKE-OUT ORDERS PHONE 482-5055 Try our new WILLY BURGER •1/2 Ib. pure beef *Double Cheese *Double Bacon and the works We'd like to apologize for any holdups during our opening weekend. We're "getting the bugs out" of our system and are speeding things up. 1 ns t � O Co n ra t u a 9 We did the excavating and supplied gravel for the new building. -Willy And while we're et it, we'd like to apologize for the condition of our parking lot. It's being done as soon as the warm weather comes. , r0' 0, THE FOLLOWING EXTEND THEIR CONGRATULATIONS TO WILLY'S BURGER STOP MERNER CONTRACTING LTD. R.R. 3 - Clinton 482-9212 482-9926 1, ,. #: ows:.v,.y :'^.:fsy` rz:: h':?:ss'M� ; r;.• y;. y-i:,wi ?��s,E�if'ini'�'k.'��'3',... `�5.::.:!fia:, :.�ac�; � x�_3?' �: CONGRATULATIONS from the management and staff of Wallace's. We are proud to be one of your suppliers. CONGRATULATIONS We supply Willy's with fresh daily bread and rolls We supplied ready -mixed concrete for Willy's Burger Stop. WALLACE TURKEY PRODUCTS LTD. BLYTH 523-9251 Al Finch DEMPSTER BAKERY PRODUCTS R.R. 1 - CLINTON 482-91$3 Congratulations! Flooring and Paints for Willy's from a<> Congratulations to Willy's Burger Stop. Plumbing by NORHOLME DECORATING CENTRE CLINTON 482-3528 CHRIS MIDDLETON PLUMBING 482-7201 ' or 482-3758 TUCKEY BEVERAGES HURON PARK 2284503 Best Wishes to Willy's We supply Willy's Burger Stop with Beef Patties, Sausage Patties and Bacon. Best Wishes to Willy's! We supplied the new freezer. GROVES T.V. AND APPLIANCE CENTRE ' 10 Huron St. CLINTON 482-9414 CONGRATULATIONS TO BILL TAYLOR We did the electrical installations for Willy's Burger Stop Suppliers of Pepsi - 7 Up and Canada Dry products to Willy's Burger Stop, VEAL'S MEAT MARKET AND ABATTOIR BILL BROMLEY ELECTRIC RR 3 EXETER 235-1123 LONDESBORO 523-4506 Congratulations to Willy's Burger Stop We were pleased to have supplied all the building materials, LANGFORD TER NR CLINTON 482-9342 Bayflald Read CLINTON 482-3995 OPEN: Monday to Friday. II a.m. • 3:30 p.m. Saturday, f! a.m.. 4 p.m. Suppliers of Maple Lane Dairy Products to Willy's Burger Stop. St. James to , honor mothers By Blanche Deeves MIDDLETON - Morning prayer was held in St. James' Anglican Church on Sunday morning with Rev. A. Bell officiating. , y Wise and Jim Storey received the offering. Next Sunday at St. James' Middleton ex- pressed the wish to hold a special service on March 17, Mothering Sunday. Ladies, please come for your surprise at 11:15 a.m. Also this day, June Taylor will speak on the Crisis Centre for abused women. News and notes • A 1-5-0 meeting for No. 10 School Com- munity will be held at Don and Audrey Mid- dleton's home on Monday, March 18 at 8 p.m. March 28 is the St. James' A.C.W. meeting and card party and box social at the home of. Lynda Steenstra. Congratulations to the ladies of Middleton Church who took part in the Fashion Show in Holmesyille. Join The Enterprising Seniors on March 28 for a visit to Schilbe's Sugar Bush. Please meet in Holrpesville at 2 p.m. or join us afterwards at the Community Centre at 4 p.m. for pancakes and sausages. Please call for reservations, 482-7595, 482-7023 or 482- 7456. Jim Middleton and Janice Webster called on Tom Arkell and family near Houston, Texas. While there, they went to Billy Bob's Bar and South Fork. the farm on television's famous Dallas. Congratulations to Len Mills, who has coached the Greenwood Bomber of C.F.B. Greenwood, Nova Scotia. They won The Canadian Forces Atlantic Region Cham- pionship and will be playing in Petawawa, Ontario for the National Championship. Canvass nets $113 By Mary Chessell VARNA - Members of Varna and Goshen churches will be interested to know that the manse now has a private telephone line. The new number is 565-2760. Prize winners at the last' Orange Lodge euchre party were Clayton Ellis and Anna Wilson, high; Bob Welsh and Lorna Ellis, low. Draw winners were Ed Strachan, Clayton Ellis, Margaret Dowsori, Anna Wilson, Marg McClymont and Glen Dowson. The Heart and Stroke Foundation canvass in the village realized a total of $113. Can- vassers were Bill Reid, Doris Laycox and Mary Chessell. The Red Cross campaign takes place this month with Mildred McAsh captaining Varna and the surrounding area. The amaryllis is a spectacular plant in bloom, but Wilfred Chuter has one that is really putting on a show! It has two stalks, each With five large blooms which will all be out at the same time by mid -week. He also has a hibiscus which produces beautiful but short-lived. blooms. Wilfred's grandsons Kevin and Mark Brubacher of Brantford spent Sunday with him, with Mark remain- ing for a holiday. Tom and Barb Consitt returned from a wonderful week ,in the Bahamas , to bad - weather ontheir trip home from Toronto a week ago. They were in a party of 10 and did a lot of fun things like para -sailing. The Varna and Goshen United Church Women joined on Thursday evening for the World Day of Prayer service "Peace Through Prayer and Action". Barb Consitt, Carol Simons, Helen Keys and Joan Beierl- ing led the service, which was prepared by women of India. Carol gave the meditation on peace. An invitation was received from Kippen UCW to attend their thank -offering meeting on April 9. Gwynne Whilsmith is the speakr. Mrs. Olene Dennis of Walton will be the speaker and show slides of their trip to Australia -at Varna's thank -offering meeting on April 4. A box is being placed in the church to receive donations of non-perishable foods and disposable diapers for the Survival Through Friendship House organization. Donations of mirrors and good used carpet and runners for the cabins at Camp Menesetung, linoleum for the washrooms and lamps and chairs for the staff room were requested. A vacuum cleaner is also needed. Anyone wishing to donate one of these items may call Mary Chessell. A Campsite Experience is being planned for either June 13 or 20. at Menesetung this year, with a program for children being ad- ded. This is a popular outing for women with young families as well as older members. • The Board of Stewards has been asked by the UCW to get an estimate on the cost of carpeting and panelling the Sunday School and meeting room• to make it warmer and more comfortable, now that the water seems to have been overcome. .Euchre winners By Isabel Scott BRUCEFIELD - Winners at the Oddfellow euchre party on Friday evening included: ladies' high, Mary Broadfoot; lone ha -ids, Doreen Baird; low, Mrs. Ernie Brown; men's high, Mac Wilson; lone hands Walter Pepper; low, Joan Caldwell. The lucky draw winners were Wallace Jackson and Ernie Brown. The next euchre party will be held on March 22. Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wade of Newcas- tle, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Bolton of Peter- borough. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Triebner of Chesley and Mr. and Mrs. D. Burkhart of Lucknow visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. David Triebner. First garnient (One HOLMESVILI.E - The third meeting of Holmesville II Sensational Seamstresses was held March 6 at Beverley Van Ninhuys. We opened the meeting with the 4-H Pledge, and all members werepresent. We then checked ur patterns and our body measurements to make sure they mat- ched up. If they didn't we made some altera- tions to the pattern. Some members finished pinning their patterns to the material, and one senior member had completed her first garment. We closed the meeting with the 4-H motto. The next meeting will be held on March 19 at 7:00 p.m. at Beverley Van Ninhuys. We should bring our garment cut and (narked, or pinned to the fabric and ready to be checked by our leaders at the next meeting.—Diane Bradshaw, Press Reporter, Holmesville II. evvp