HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-12-11, Page 1• TUT4ETH Y,F+ AR --^No i IRON ;i IDDL ESEX GAZEIT E EXETER, O'+TT, C N, .A.; /, 'HUBSDAY HORNING, DECEMBER, 11.' 1902 +.444+++++++++++++.14+++,-.14:++ 4•4444444+44444414++4144.44+44+ 4.. McClary's • Steel Ranges Coal and Wodd Cook Stove`s: Air Tight Double Heaters $tPve Boards. Stove" Mats Fturriace Work a Specialty H onsal I • * G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Coliveyan-. j.yoeel'. Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, a>,i4 +i+ Insurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal doownente carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Mopey +II+ , to loan on real estate at low rates of ipterost.. Office at the Post °face Rowell BRIEi"s.-Mr, David McGill sang it, �l+ solo in Carmel church in Sabbath eveningg last, which ' was very much:; en'o ed.- The orae canxiection nxl'llt' at Exeter, -v. W. J. Waddell ,called onfrietlddain, 'the burg last Thursday and also polled his vote for prohibi. tion. -Mr. R. T. Johns and family' are movingto Exeter this week to reside.. -Mr. inclair, of Woodham, has start- ed to learn the blacksniitliing with J. Johns, ' Whalen ks.--The past election and the +1+ with the Referendum, on .Thursday pre ent winter;has liveried things up ,1, last; for our village, was ,102 ami favor around here; the prohibitionists are a .1, of the Liquor Act, or no bac-room, little; down. n .U1e month. -Mr. and d+ and 37 in opposition to the Act.- We: Mrs. Dap H"od son spent Saturday in + have fairly good sleighing, and had, the Forest (lit -Mr.. and Mrs, Fred 4. not such high wind accompanied the Delbridge,of ,limville spent Sunday ,+ 1+, snow fall, there would have been th. , an -the latter's home here. -Miss Sarah +l+ ;t, +t+ +3+ +1+. 4. 4l+ t + 1414,4.3++++ 4 +++f++T+++4+ +i4+f +++++ ++44++++++++++++++++++++++ Ir. Hawkins& Soni You 6d11 have a Warm Time All winter in one of Taman's Suits and Overcoats. Never a better line of Real Good Ones, Never a better line of Moderate Priced Ones. Never a better line of LOW PRICED ONES ''hen there is this certainity, if you buy a Suit and Overcoat of me, you get as good a one as the price you pay can buy, and if the fit and workmanship don't prove satisfactory you get your money back. Price , go from $10: • • Upwards We want your Clothing Trade. I We Can Convince • You that our stock of Fall and Winter goods is unequalled: See for yourself. FOWLER BROS. THE CLOTHERS, HENSALL. ?oi1trLDtt8r W. W. Taman.aid 8. Wanted �g Marchant Tailor. --THE— Exot6r Meat. ManKnn FREsNANDSillo.TED M1RTS Having purchased the Butcher Business from Mr. J. T. Manning, Vv-e'solicit a• share of your keeppatron- age.. We the Best of Meats. both fresh and salted, ''always on 'hand. Orders delivered promptly. • ?SIVE US A CALL F• .WOOD & t1:t,• FUKf • PROPRIETORS: ,BIANNING'S OLD STAND. Anderson 'BRIEFs.-Mrs. Jno. Malloy is visit- . ing with herparents in Bond: -Miss L, J. Lane has gone to Toronto to :sppend the. winter.- Mr Arthur of Missouri visited with friends at And- erson Sunday .:-Miss Sarah and Mr. Ebb Atkinson spent Sunday with their sister Mrs. R. P. Bilyea. Mies Zouch, Miss;Haynes. and Mr. Russell Crago, Sundayed at Miss Alice Cam- erons. ,Sruce field. EXET,L'R LUMBER YARD. 'Large stock of Lumber -pane and hemlock, 170,000 feet of .hemlock lumber for barns etc., also .,shingles. laths" and cedar posts. prices reasonable. -JAS WILLIS, Yard : East side of Main;sb •: .BRIEFS. - On Saturday last the anniversary of the . Presbyterian • ,church was held, Rev. Dr, Murray In.Exchange -For Good -Fresh —Groceries.. Highest Prices paid. New Goods arriving daily. Candies and Confectionary for the Xmas trade. G•. Case's V V O T 1 Old Stand, HENSALL. of Kincardine... preached both morning and evening and on Monday evening gave an address on the subject "My Impressions of Scotland." -Mrs. P. Mc- Gregor is at present very low. -Jos. Grey is improving slowly. -Mr Hagler, formerly of Hill's Green, ,has moved into B. R. Higgins' house. -Mrs. John Jamieson, of Edinburgh, Dakota is visiting her mother, Mrs. Nevin, who is ill. Ful aawe ton At the family residence, Fullerton township, Richard James Selves aged 79 years, departed this life and entered the life that awaits the day of the resurrection, on Friday, Nov. 21st. Mr. Selves was one of the early pio- neers of Fullerton, and bore the char- acter of industry, honesty, and integ- rity, and was a loyal and pious mem- ber of the church of England. Children Cry for . , 5T R I A _ ants Eank ofOanadi HEAD Ori ICE, MONTREAL, Ci REST—. : PITAL (all paid up) .... ..'.. ,.... '1 1oS.IrySED General Manager $6,000,000. $2, 700,000 E. 5'. IIE8D111N, Superintendent cif Branches. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts. Letters of Credit issued' available in China, Japan and ether foreign countries. REDITON ONTARIO W. S. CHISHOLM best of sleighing,- Miss Murray speak. last Saturday with frieirds.up north -- Messrs. Brown and Clark; ;carriage makers, this week sold Mr.Wilson. Carlisle, of the township of Hay, a handsome cutter and fine set of. sleighs -Miss Hatton. of Clinton, formerly"of Hensall, was in The village on Tues-; day, renewing acquaintance°. Mr. John Knox, of Auburn, was here this Week visiting Mr, G. F. Youngblut and family. --Miss Constance Carroll, of Beachville, is visiting her aunt, , . MrsJasSutherland. - Wood is at present a scarce article in our village,. and the little that is brought in is shipped away at fancy prices.- Mr. G, C. Petty, pork packer and meat dealer, was in Goderich this week at- tending as Grand Juryman. -Mr. T. J. Berry, horse dealer, has purchased a very handsome sett of single har- ness from Mr, W. J. Millar. Mr. Berry likes the best of everything.- The curlers' concert held here in Millar's Hall, , on Tuesday evening, was a great success. The spacious hall was crammed to its utmost capacity many being obliged to stand in the passages. The programme was a long and varied one, and was very much enjoyed, in fact the entertain- ' chell, is the guest of her daughter, ment throughout was equal to that Mrs. F. Taylor. -- Mr. Roy Jameson given in very much larger places. has taken aposition with the Max - The orchestra composed of Messrs. well firm, in St. Marys.- Wedding Trott, S. Steacy, first and second bells are ringing in our midst and it violinists, Messrs. Ambrose Smith, will surely materialise e're the "New and W, Lancaster, ,cornet and flute, Moon' appeali.-- Mr, Wm. Brown is and Miss Jessie Mow. as pianist, ren- disposing of a number of beautiful dered most delightful music. which cuttens:4A his own make. They are a was greatly enjoyed, • while the solos manic) his workmanship. Mr. J. by Mr. David McGill, who is so well Collen has started his year's work' and favorably kniawn here..as a popu- . with,Mr. D. Roger. -Mr. Albert Swit- lar singer, never failed. to. call forth zer has moved his butcher stall to the encores. The male quartette club premises he purchased recently. from Hamilton, rendered a. number of. fine selections, each one of which was Thames Road well received as was shown by the repeated encores they received, Mem- bers of em-bers•:of .the; -club also . sang_ein,-good forth some ffne solos, while of era gave exhibitions of step dancing, which delighted the audience, But if there was one part of the programme which was appreciated amore than the rest was it the dancing • of the father of the Curling Club, Mr. Robert Bonthron; in Highland costume, and his sword dance, and other steps, which fairly brought down the house. Mr. Bonthron, although considerably past the middle prime of life, danced, with all. the grace and agility of a young professor, and -more than pleas- ed the audience as • was- evidenced: by the deafening applause given. :The programme was brought to a close by the Hamilton club rendering the play "The Haunted. House," which afford- ed much amusement. The curlers are to be congratulated on the success of this concert which webelieve they intend making an annual one.- A. number from here went to Stratford on Wednesday to, attend a meeting of the Grand Lodge of Masons., roster, of Granton, visited here the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Morley. -Mr. John Clark, of Clandeboye, and sister Clara spent Sunday here the guest of Mrs. Willson. -Mr. W. Free- man spent, Sunday in Granton visiting friendi•s.-Mr. Anthony Lamphier is busily ,engagecl hauling home the brick to put a bank under his barn. - A number of our farmers are attend- ing the fat stbek show at Guelph` this week. -Wm ;ltannah of Kirkton, and Harry Rodd, f Woodham have been here cutting straw with their 'big blower during the past wesk.- Karkton BruEws.--Mr. Alvin Reesor called on friends.in the village pn Thursday last. -Three of our local sports shot 15 black squirrels in one afternoon last week.-Mr.,George Farthing returned to the village on Saturday last, hav- ing spent the summer in Manitoba. 'He looks, as though the country had agreed withehiln, - Miss Bryans, of. Static, andyher sister, Mrs. Pollen, of Farquhar, spent Friday last with Mr. R. Bryan`s, Miss Bryans remaining over. Sunday. -Mrs. Denison, of i+lit- Usborrle Se1ruoc REPIORT.-The following is the report of the examination held in S. S. No, 2, Usborne, in the month, of November. -Sr, IV., total number of marks required, 520. -..Wesley Johns 866, Martin Madge 861, Edgar Hnnkin 715, Claris Snell 609 ; Jr, IV., marks required 520. -Edgar Monteith 777, Edmund Kay 74S, Clara Stewart 729, Gordon Brown 4S4 ; Sr. 111., marks required 4125. -Wesley Stone 681, Wil- lie Westlake 594, Alfred Hunkin 542, John Bray 502 ; Jr. 111., marks requir- ed 375.-Almer Stewart 578, Linnie Gardiner 597, Tommy Hodgert 563, Jennie Monteith 544, Walter McNicol :�., Foster Bray 427, Willie Hay 394, Myrtle Runkle 387, Orca Snell ' 325, Vera Coward 287, Flossie Passmore 9pQ9; Second Class, marks required 270, -Willie Monteith 475, A nna Allison 4405, Johnnie Turnbull 356, Bert Brown 303, Maud Miller 264, Elmer Coward 2044 Zurich BRIEFS—Mr. Abel Schilbe killed two Yorkshire hogs, 9 months old, dress.- ing 361.lbs and 348 lbs. These hogs were bred by Mr. Schilbe's brother John at.the 14th con. and are consider- ed extra good ones. -Mr. John Hey's evaporator, on his Goshen line farm, was burnt early Sunday morning, - Mr. and Mrs. John Kiefer moved yes- terday to Mr. Daniel Bell's farm near fIeueall.-Mr. Jacob Meyer, of the Zurich road, moved to his father's farm near Wagner's corner, this week. Messrs'6!ohn and Robert Williams left Monday afternoon to attend the funeral of their mother Mrs. Williams of Ormstown, Quebec. -Miss Lizzie Greb is home from Detroit at present. -Mr. John Preeter, merchant, is on the sick list this week.- Miss Ella Gib- son, who has been engaged as milliner With D. S. Heist, returned to her home near Blyth, -Miss Lizzie Ratz, of Parkhill, who has been visiting her uncle, Rev. Yager, Left for her hone +en Saturday. -Miss Ella Rennie is visiting at Dashwood this week. -Mr. William Oswald, of the Bronson Line Iowa, returned home. -A grand musi- cal concert will be held in the town hall, Zurich, about New Years Eve under the management of Miss Minnie Doan and F. W. Hess. The best tal- ent will be procured. -Miss Katie Truemner gave her young friends a merry evening last week. The young folks enjoyed themselves with pro - • Hay Council• CAMpnELL-Mo.1.mmu,-A verb 3� gressiye pedroand other games, after .teresting•and happy event+took plass . which lunch was served:-btr.. and on Wednesday'December the 10th at Mrs. Paulin, :of Dashwood, visited at tbe'home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mr. S Rannies on Sunday, Mr, and Monteith when their daughter Marion Mrs, Ortwein, of Hensall ,spent Sun- day married to Mr. Andrew �ampbeli day with Mr. and Mrs. Wagner, -Mi. William Uttly purchasedMr. M. a prosperous young farmer of -Logan" : . Meid- township, the Rev. C. Fletcher offici fingers dwelling and will take posses- ating. The ceremony was preformed ion shortly. -The regular meeting of in'the presence of about 120 invited the W. C. T. U. ,•was held Monday guests. The bride wore a dainty gown Dec, 1st. in the Baptist church with, a, niftilirie and was assisted targe attendance, The devotional of white be by her sister, Miss Ella who also wast Part was led by Miss Mina Doan, after attired in a beautiful gown: of white which Mrs, F. D. Merner Ied the educational part which organdie. The groom was assisted was -very help - by his brother' Mr.' Wilfrid Campbell, ful and instructive, then the business The,marriage ceremony over and the was taken up by the president. It usual congratulations all repaired to wasdecided to hold a Christmas enter - the dining room where a sumptuous. tainment on Christmas night. The repast was served, The evening was next regular meeting will be held in spent in dancing music etc.afte"r which the Baptist church on Dec. 15th. the happy couple drove to their home 82yfield in Logan followed by the -best 'wishes of,p host of friends who wish them every prosperity and many years of 1 ILFs.-Mr, H, F, Edwards was happiBR ness . The host of valuable pre- i visiting friends at Lobo and London .,� sents received attest to the popularity last week and while there purchased a' .j`011N:WHITE . TALBOT'S BA This ad. changes every week, Open till 10 p. m. every night till Xmas. We find it necessary to keep open late these evenings• in order that intending buyers may look through our largo and varied stock and make selections before the rush begins. Wise buyers do this sort of thing and are therefore better suited that; if they had postponed their buying. Glad to see you any time. ' You will find us away in the lead in the way of Dolls, Gaines, TOY'S, China, Etc, We have just received another consignment of the now famous game of PIING PONE and will place it on sale on Friday, Get in the game. See our Coronation Playing Cards at $1.00 per pack.. Other lines from 5c. to 60c. Calenders Beautiful Art Calenders for 25 Cents Something Decidedly New Plaques, representing German Castles on the Rhine 25c and 50c. In Window to -day, Shaving Sets, Manicure Sets, and Ladies' Companions, in a variety of styles. Thes e make nice Christmas Presents. See them. DOLLS' G O CARTS DOLLS' CABS DOLLS' CRADLES ALL PRICES Chatelaines Make Nice Presents. we' .nave Them. Christmas will soon be here so be ready, We have the following games in stock now, Lost Heir, Solitaire, Old Maid, Parchesi, Ping Pong, Fort, Sheba, Checkers+ Dominoes and many others. Come and see. TfILBOT'8 13/1ZRF1 New General Story AT NORTH EXETER Having opened up a general store, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARES ETC. We solicit a share cf the patronage of the north end and surrounding country:. You will find we sell as low as any store.in country or city, not including some special lines Which,opthers self at cost"'or bbelbw. " I also intend to handle Flour aid ' EPod. 411 o ' e s promptly filled. Irernis Strictly Cash or 'trade I have a Telephone in connection with the store for the convenience of all, I might also state that I hay. one of the heaviest and best set of weigh scales in the village, weighing from one pound to 10,000 pounds, guaranteed. correct. I will now handle the scales from my store, and charge only half price, 5c pea weigh. Anything not going to market weighed free, L. AAcTfiGGART P. S. -Shoemaker Wanted. A good opening for a good shoemaker. will furnish shop and living rooms free of charge; until such time as he maywork his trade up to pay. Address L. McTAGGART, Hay P. O. Blue and Black Of the happy couple. Stephen 'The .Council -.met at the. Town .Hall, Covrwcln. The council of the. Town - on Monday, December 1st, all mein - hers ,present..:_ An engineer's report, re the repair- ing and cleaning out of .the Zurich Drain North - (Schwalem, Drain), was read to the interested parties present and after mature consideration the re- port was adopted. Accounts to the amount of $1290.92 were passed and ordered to be paid. An itemized statement of these ac- counts as all other accounts will be is- sued in due time for perusalof the ratepayers. Council will meet again on Monday, Dec. 15th, at 1 o'clock p. nne, FRED Hrss, Sr., Clerk.' Centralia SCHOOL REPORT,—The following are the names of the pupils of S. S. No. 1 Stephen, who have taken the highest marks in the various classes for the • month of November: -V. class, H. Mitchell, Edna McNaughton, Warren Mitchell, Rose Wilson ; Sr. IV. Ver- non Wilson, Laura Sims, Alvin Baker, Allie Haggith ; Jr. IV. Harold Duplau 5, McCoy, Winnie;Essery, Frank Mit- chell ; 'Sr. II1. V. Sheardown, Joe White, Gladys Essery, Czar Wilson, Jr. IIr Willie Sims, 0 Grafton, Murray Elliott; Gordon Wilson ; Sr. in1I. Lillian Ro so b son Maly in C ffae otifopse Beaman, John White Jr. SII, Mervin Elston, Margery Hepburn, Archie Robinson, Flossie Mortimer ; Pt II.. :Hazel Hicks,' Florrie Hearnan; Eddie Sims, Roy Callfas ; Pt. I Fred Fair - hall, Harry Windsor, Anthony White, E, Callfas. J. A. McNAUGtliTorr Teachers. L. M. SMITH DRS. ORME & ORME Office hours 10 a, m, to i p. m. Telephone connection with main office in Lucau.-Cent talia, Ont. Elimville BEGD;'s.-Winter, winter and the bells are beginning to jingle but Rev. Irl. Hick's prophecy that, we were to have July weather in December judg- ing from the weather of the past weeks we conclude he is just a little wrong.. -blr, and Mrs., 1. H. Spicer left for their home in Denver, Col., on Thum, Mall° el' vis ting relative and frr+iends here and ship of Stephen, convened in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, -December 1st, at 10 a. nn.. All members 'present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Resolved that the Clerk write Thos. Follis, requesting him, to attend the next council meeting to give an explanation re James'Cronyn's statute labor, and that Stephen Webb examine the complaint re blocking of water nn cons. 20 and 21. Moved by Yearly, seconded by Wuerth that Jno. Brokenshire be appointed Township auditor. The Reeve appointed Henry Doyle, as theother one. Moved by Wueeth,.seconded by Webb that "By- law No. 4, of 1902, to appoint •Deputy- Returning Oflisers and polling booths for Municipal Elections, being read, the third time, be passed and signed, by the Reeve and Clerk." -Carried.. 1oyd by Yearly, seconded by' Vtiertl% tl ati c•By-Law<No: 5; to :appoint' Andi- tors for the Municipality of the Town= ship of Stephen,•for the year 1902, be- ing readthe third time be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk." --Car= ried. The following orders were pass- ed :-Henry Willert, $4.00 ; Jos.''Gui- nan, $4.00 ; Henry Silber, $4.00 ; S. M. Sanders, $4.00 ; John Houlahan, $2.00; H. J. Kuhn, $6.35 ; Thos. Whitaker, $7.00 ; Municipal World, $17.40 ; Ex- press Company, .40c. ; Robert Sceli, $27.54 ; W. Brunner, $15.76 ; W. H. Morlock, $2.50 ; I',i. Flanagan, $1.50 ; S. Stanlake & Son, $11.36 ; Wilson Anderson, ,75c. ; Jacob Link, $7.00 ; Henry Fahner, .50c. ; Dr. McLaaghlin, $11180 John Kerr 8s Son, :$12.10 ; John Meknes, $37.20; Henry Shank, $2.00; Jos. Heist, $28.00 ; J. G. Wein, $7.00 ; Alonzo Hodgins, $1.25 ; J. Finkbeiner, $4.60.;. Chas. Wolfe, $1.25 ; J. Quarin, $23.50 ; J. K. Goetz, 566.81; :Geo. Kel- lerman, 512.16 ; Wm. Ryan, $19.92 ; Hy. Carruthers, 54,32 ; J. Edwards, $L50 ; J, Rollins, $50,45 ; 0, Stady, $1.50 ; Capt. Howard, 510.00 ; John Madden, $2,00 ; Archie Morrison, $12.00 ; B. Cunningham. $2.25 ; Frank Triebner, $157.85 ; Wm. Brown, $3.00; Thos. Kestle, $47.75 ; Jos. Lawson, ,50 Jamas Hill,' $1.50 ; Fred Heist, $11.00. Council adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall, Crediton; on Monday, Dec. 15th, at 10 a. in. 11t/Mx Erra nit, Clerk. 'Chilaren cry for CASTOR A. driving horse. He returned home on Saturday last accompanied by Mr, John Mitchell, of Lobo, who spent a few days with Mr. Edwards and .returned , home on Tuesday, -- Mr. Daye Gardiner spent.. Sunday last at his home in Clinton. -Mr, Aberhardt of. the E-.. blic School visited friends a t Seaforth and Mitchell onSunday last+ -We are sorry t o state that Mr. Wm. Brandon is under the weather at present but hope to soon see him around again. -The members of the O. Y. B. lodge No 31 held their election of officers on Saturday night last the following officers ware elected: - Ben Spencer; W. M. ; Chris Parker, D. M.; Percy Parker. ,Sec.; A, E. Erwin, Treas.; John Spencer, D.• of C.; Wal- lace Johnston, Chap.; Chas. Warnsley, Tyler; Committeemen, Lorne John- ston, John Warnsley, Jack Howard, Henry Evans and Wm. Halstead. - 'The ,,evaporator closed its season's work last week. -Mr. T. Atkinson, who has been confined to his bed the past week is able to be around again. -Died on Saturday morning last, at the River Hotel of this place, Mr. Geo. Greenslade in his eighty ht g y thiryeas Deceased had been ailing abottwo weeks, having taken a severe cold, settling on his lungs which turned to Pneumonia which resulted in death. The funeral took place on Monday at two o'clock from the. Methodist church where the Rev. Mr. Yelland preached the funeral service. The friends have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. -- Mrs. Case, of London, has been in the village for a week packing up furniture at the Queens hotel, which she moved to on Tuesday last. -Mr. Ed. Reid return- ed home on Monday last after spend- ing the summer on the Government Sarvey Steamer Bayfield. Miss Wright visited her home at Seaforth on Sunday last, -The young folks of town and vicinity held a social hop in the town hall on Friday evening last and spent a most enjoyable time,- The English church Sunday school intend;holding their annual Christmas trees on Dec. 30th and are sparing no pains in getting up a choice program, Particulars later on, -The Presbyter- ian congregation intend holding their Christmas tree on Christmas night and will no doubt be up to date with songs, choruses, recitations, Drills and dialogues.-The'beautiful chimes of the sleigh bells are heard this week since the tall of snow came, making busi- ness livelier itrthe village, make dressy and service- able clothes. We have an excellent stock of Serges in now. Come in and look them over. • JOHNS f ' Next Senior's. Genuine Castorla always bears the Signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, When Baby was sick, we gave her Castor:. When she was a Child, she cried for Oastoria. When sbe became Miss, she clung to Caston°. When she had Children,she gave them Castoria, BOOTS IIND SHOES AT COs Big Clearing Sale --OF— Boots shoes and Rubbers Our entire stock of Boots Shoes and Rubbers will be cleared out at great. ly reduced prices. The goods ax,3 all new and up-to-date, all to ale Cleared Out This Month. Now is the time to secure your Fall and Winter Footwear at prices that' cannot fail to interest Yon. • CALL EARLY AND GET A BARGAIN, H. SWEET The . Thing You Need When YOU Want It. International Stock Food Having secured the agency for this Valuable Stock;Producer' • • we will be pleased to supply your wants. Actual Cost -3 -Feeds One Cent International Stock Food in 25 pound Pails';$3.75 International Stock Foods in Packages, 50c International Poultry Food in °Packg es 25c - International Heave 'Cure in Packages 50c International Gall Cure in Packages 50c International Silver Pine healing oil bottles 25 & 50e These Goods Do all the Work* Buck's Stoves and Ranges A Pull Line. tIEflMHN'� tIflRDWHi 6XBTBR.