HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-12-4, Page 84 4..14,1c, 'Tx , 4;14V:feat.: KrZkf, 4,1; ' `e."1 *:-. Ulasielastailla ming, ycs the s right, fall trade is just hurnmirN with us' no kicic cotning at all, We are ri,9,-ht up On top of theagaMe, the best fall trade we have ever had. It must be cash and one price that does it. Of course you would expect better values here than the regular old time credit stores could offer, and then all business is done on the level, everybody used just the same, and furthet, your money back every time if goods are not just to your liking when you get them home. We are men for any quantity of farm produce. We guar- antee the highest possible price for Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, and all Rinds of poultry. Don't iinagine for One Moment, that, because this is a cash store we don't pay as much for produce as our neigh. bors. Why we are did people that are always going them one better. Bear this fact in mind, we belong to no combination. We run our own little show. Bring your-prodnce to us, and take home more goods than its passible for regalar dealers to give you Come in and get our prices.. Furs -We have an awful big stoc so big that our oppeents are thinking of going out of the f ur busioess together. They are simply scared , when they see our spread. We show nearly a hundred fur coats. Yes, we have the fur trade of the town. Men's prime Caea,dian (loon Coats, we have just ten left, and can get no raore this season. The prices have gone up so high that we can't reach them ; however yoa take your choice of these ten beauties for 542.00. k Men's natural silver Wallaby fur Coats, large whole skins, soft tan, well furred, the best cheap coat in Canada. - Our bargain priee $15.00. Ladies' swell electric seal Fur prime dark mink collar, and facing, a beeetifin coat, and only $50.00. Ladies' choicest plain electric seal aze coat latest out prime fur. A swell coat, our price $35.00. Ladies' black Boltharan Fur Coats, small tight glossy cuel. The kind I that look well and weer well.. Every., fe coat sold under e uara,utee, , er Ladies' special black Boklutrau .Ftee 1‘/! large storm collets, combinatio n front, Coats, small and medium bright cure, I nzauey saver, $35,00 Ladies choicest black astrachan Fur Coats, beautiful bright curl, largest storm collar, combination front, rare values, $20.50. Lathes' black astrachan Fur Coats, bright glossy elle!, good strong hides, $ e2rroto.wearers, and good lookers, Only Ladies' black astrachan Far Coats, large fall curl, well furred, good lookers, but not sold under guarantee, $19.00. We have some .extra large ladies' sea Fur Coats, and some extra, small , 1 • ' ar oats. It yousare hard to fit, come and give us a trial. Men's Beaverised Fur Coats. This is a new line with us. They are made from large, whole hides, strong as buckskin, svvell lookers, and great wearers, We know of no se& coat for the price. Only $82,50c, alelen's black corsicon lamb Coats, A big lot to choose from. Lovely bright earls, Welt furred, no better wearing coats, oar choicest quality for $25.00. aien's dark Rassiaa calf coats, all aatural hides, no dye. Every coat a money saver. Our best ones for $23.00. The great Bishap Ooat for men, so well knosvn that we need not say a word about it. Our price for them. $17.00 —'91"00^,atavp m‘,x3c.E .R104r1 Etwortley i.ey41 aim rry are visiting ie Alburre (ch. Mr, N. D. liurdon bee returned from hs week's ebooting et White - Mrs, Fowler, of Peterbormagh, is a guest of her niece, afrs. P. W Glad- man. Anderson is at Present erecting senamer cottage at the Parkhill side, Grand Bed. Miss C/orrigall, of Acton, is making an eXteptiel. Visit 'with her friend, Mrs. R. S. Gurney. Mrs, D. A. Ross spent the forepart of this week with Mr. and ars. Will Ross tit Clinton. Tern Totes from /low till the end of 1903 foe $1.00 take it yourself and send another copy to a friend. Mr. Win. Hoskin left It week far Bedford Quarry, England where he expects to spepci the winter, alias Vera Hawkshaw has returned from London 'where she spent the past season with a millinery firm. Total Gardiner, son of Moses; Garda leer'left on Monday for Stratford, Course. where he will take a Business College The Ladies Guild of the Trivitt Memorial church will bola a sale of Fancy and Domestic articles in the sabool ball on Friday Dee, 12th, Free Will Offering, - Mrs. A. Hicks, of Riverside, Cele who has *seen visiting her brother, Mr. 3. Coabledick, left this week for Chat- ham where she will spend some time with. her broeher, Rev. Geo. Cobble - dick. Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Saylor (nee Miss ennie .Armstrong) of Sara" P a w days of last week with ilea _Hob - t Spicer and are this week visiting r. and Mrs. Wesley Armstrong, tomes Road. Mr. Herrn Brown, of Maine as been appointed°cat agent for the McCormick implement Co., bore,- to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Wes. Saells' appointment to the general agency. We bespeak foe Mr. Brown much success, and congratulate the company on their selection, Messrs Thomas and Asa Williams returned bome on Saturday last from the Northwest where they have spent the past summer in the vicinity of Woolsely and Virden. They expect to return to efanttoba next spring and will locate on. their land of 800 es ieh they have taken up m Assa. e Weekly Mail and Enzpire is offering the choice of two handsome artogrevure pictures"The Doctor" and "Contentment" to their subscribers. Our subscribers can secure either of these evvo pictures and the Mail and Erapire to the end of next yeae for only 75 cents by ordering direct from us. We have not advanced the price of -our tobacco, Amber sraoking tobacco, Bobs, Currency arid Fair Play chew- ing tobaccos are the same size and price to the Clonsurner as formerly. We have also extended the tirae . for the redemption of Snowshoe tags to January lst 1901,—Tien EAEPIRE To Remo Co. leenTan. Mrs. Skelton and Miss Bryant, who, with Miss Alward hay& spent the summer the pleasant guests of Mr, and Mrs. Will J. Beaman, len on .Monday morning for their home in St. Paul, Minn., Miss Alward will remain for a still longer visit. The ladies from 'Uncle Sam's domains made many friends daring. their stay here who will be pleased to have them re- turn again to our midst. v, Dr. Gandy, of Strathroy, has invited to become pastor of the sham Methodist church at the encenient of the next Conference and Rev. R. Hobbs, who is now fourth year as pastor of the b in 'Wingham has been invited rathroy, and has accepted, re the approval of Conference. Dr. Gunder was a former pastor in st. church. This i$ an Opportunity of a Life Mime, Dont miss We are Civing Away a beautiful new mine Reirdzman fano EE" .1,acs.zzm.ftKassa.a.a.uob.omaaaas•Ke.vruvm,,r.acetaamcoacoaa.uawaraoMFnee.SMK.a.M.K.Uooaa•.......,'..,..... YOU MAy become a competitor for this instrument by simply purchasing $3,00 worth of g either cash or produce at either of onr stores. areal' Bargains in Ail Department to new highly graded porceleari 97 piece Dinner Sets i colorirxgs and designs, worth. regularly $13,5o., Special for $ro.so 50 new Berry Dishes, hand decorated, various colorlpgs, heavily gilded, special.values at 35p, 45c, soc, 73c and $r 00 15 only Ladies' Sample Suits, coat and skirt, in home spuns, venetians and Viceunas, regular prices would be from ro so to $15 your choice for $7.5o .....,...........,,,............,4 .1, CA LING ,BROS Is the place to deal when you want fair dealing and no hum bugging. We beg to remind you that we do no fake business Stith AS lottery, 8zo. We do an up-to-datebusiness. This week we are offering the following., viz!: , Men's dark grey cheviot Overcoat, a long lose fitting.ga,r.m.-- , PianoYouth's long loose fitting Coat, blue grey beaver, made with a • ma.de with Velvet Collar, slaah pockets aid cuffs -aka 34 ' to 42, very stylish, only $8.5o, -elvet collar and slash pockets, sizes .29 to 33. A beauty for I th Boys' Pea jackets in brown and navy Freize, and navy Napp o sizes 22 to 33, at 2.50,,2.75, 3.00 and $3 $o. Men's Waterproof Jackets in grey arid fawn,. corduroy collars, beautiful a great coat for out door work, sizes 36 to 46, at 2.00, 2.50, $3.50. oods for A full Iine of children's, boys' and men's Suits A jcb lot of boy's 2 -Piece .Auits, sizeS 22 to 30. at I.50, 2:00 and $2.50. n various GROCERIES GROCERIES 2 cans best Red Salmon ... • • 7 pounds Tapioca for 25c helsea, .... . . . . , for 25c 4 pounds best uncolored Japan Tea .... .... for $r.00 4 pounds new Seasans black Ceylon Tea .. for Loci 4 pounds finest re -cleaned Currants , • for 25C 3. packages Corono Oats . ..... „ • ....for 25c Best Royal Oxford Cheese . per pound 14c STORE J STD/WIRT Sovereign Bank of Canada, 12ralAD OPPICE aonmeTo. Capital Authorized.......$2,000,000.00 Capital paid up $1,031,000.00 H. S. HOLT President D. M. STEWART, Gen. Manager. DRANCEIES Aroherstburg ltfount Albert Stirling Clinton. New 1VokrIcet Stoufeville 23seter Ottawa Sutton:Qua Milverton Perth. Toronto Montreal, Que Si. Catharines Unionville Waterloo, Que. SAVINGS DEPAIITMENT----raajaagsliesaba interest paid on deposits of $1,00 and upwards, Compounded half -yearly, Deposit Receipts issued, Money loaned to' Peiterners on their Own Notes, at lowest rates. • Drafts bought and sold, Money Orders payable anywhere in Can- ada, issued at very low rates. Collec- tions made at reasonable rates. We make a specialty of Ne ff York and Sterliag Exchange. Get our rates before buying or selling. A. general banking business tran- sacted. EXETER BRANCH F. W. GLADMAN, E. WARN, Solicitor. Manager, Children Cry for CASTORIA. WI For Marriage Licenses; lirccitaing Ring s, Watches, Cloc ks Jewelry, Spectacles Etc oAla, ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. 11=lezimwatjacannalsca TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual adveseisernente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Re beers THURSDA.Y, DEO 4, 1902 COMM Win year, Locals in his ehure to St Don t forget to pay your taxes. see The Xmas office is the Mace to get at 1%aRev, your job printing. The Three weeks from to -day will be in fav Christmas. • for pu Mrs. Munroe spent a few days of last liP"' week with friends in London. grows Miss Pringle spent Sunday with Mr. scalber think greatest and strongest argument or of a newspaper as a medium blieity is found in the hold it has its readers. The newspaper upon the affections of its sub- s, who give it a personality and of it as something tbat lives and essed of virile strength. Each as a particular newspaper of his to which he goes for counsel, ectian. What he sees in that he believes,. He pities others •not esteem it as highly as he and Mrs, johanEssery, at Eden. Is poss Miss Louisa, Sweet, who has been on man h the sick list has some what recovered, choice, Miss Yager has retarned from a ,f,c'erecleeir pleasant visit with friends in Sarnia. who do Mrs, 'Vasil, of Sarnia was the guest does of Mrs. Munroe the forepart of the week. Mrs. Frank Willis, 'of Forest is at :4 4"'1" present visiting Mr. and Mrs. .Tas w -n- 4.- T 4. * 4. 4: TECIS AD. CECA.NEES EVERY INTEEK .1t.,„ 4. _____• + + Prudent buyers buy ea,rly .t. + and always get the choicest a at goods and Patisfacktry Litton- : 4: tion. We strongly advise ehis es *e• coarse„aat thee some of our + 4.. custorriers cannot get here * 4,s until . ii + t: -Christmas Eve. i + and to such we would say- that .4.- *+ we shall be pleased to attend 4* to their Wants Matil TER NEED e • nelaeataneeSee IMP Mailln....nream1. 20 dozen toen't Winter Cloth Gaps. in very new styles of the Hartford College, Windsor, yacht, golf and other shapes bought from Mete Cap . Co., at redueed prices. Our prices 25c to 50c. 5 dozen men's 'Undershirts and Drawers, bought at a big cut. These goods are all wool, unshrinkahle, full sized and plain greaawere 75e now ,690 7 dozen men's Undershirts and Drawers, extra heaVis, sofb goods with small aitieunt of cotton mix, plain grey, wet,: 50c, now 40c, Knit Tap Shirts, Penmatas goods, dark and light colors, heaviest made' tat air colors awn tin - shrinkable, were $1,25 and $1.00, new 75c, Knit Top Shirte, vern fancy, feet colors, full siZeti, good lebgax, weve 75e, now 50. s Tweed Top Shirts dark eol „ vy 'weight, loug lengtha fall width, sises from 14a to 17a, Were $1.25, now 05e, r faX111110 Ladies' black aIl-wool Vests and Drawers) 60 fold jersey knit, fast colors and willSnat shriek, were $1'.25 now 90c. Ladies' natural wool Vests and Drawers, Penman's make, fa,shioned, best valise in the trade,. were $L25 now 75c. Children's Combidetion *Suits plain grey, knia open beck, buttoned,. at 750 and 90e. bite Tams at half price, trimmed with white feathers, and. rosettes of white, with red, pink, blue and gold, were 50c, now 25, "'Woolen Hoods- in cardinal, navy, garnee, wool lined and. wadded, were 75c, now 50c. Umbrella shawls in white, tehunied with black, blue and plain white bor. dere, wete $1.50 DOW negO: Ladies' Fele Shoes in plata tele also with kid, gaiters and 'laced, Eloise si•No for $1.25. ****Relongerw.k•morwimm.8100444/snoi$0.~4, 'yam ........alsopraftlpinrani.M.a.Olosnam.... dot's Bazaar Xmas Handkerchiefs 7 fine Cambric hemstitched Handkerchiefs. ...... • • . for 25c 6 extra fine, heavy hemstitched Handkerchiefs ....... ... • . • for 25c 9 fancy worsted hemstitched Haridkerch. f Beautiful New Design, Fancy Handkerchiefs, at rOc, I2a4c,, , • .. for 25C 20C, 2_5C, 35C. 40C and 50c. ,... Dress Goods 56 inch wide, heavy weight, hon -ie spun, in grey and i black, great value at 75c 54 inch Ziberlines in all new shades, special at $r 00 44 inchBasket Cloths, all leading colors, special at 5oc. Another case of thoso Heavy Blankets, 57c Queen °totality Shoes for ladies, all the latest styles. ..„ $3.00puachase Remember you get a certificate on the piano with every We r-- 1,4-ntest °prices for Farm Produce.. Butter .1.% .1"90, Dried Apples fic, Turkeys 10c, Geese 6c, Chickens 6c. Dark Grey C.heviot Overcoats, made to order, at $14,75 EEr See our grey and navy Cheviot Suitings. Highest Price aid for Produce, CA mgoimir FUR ITURE U 1 LIFR and Our big stock of Furniture is up-to-date in every way. If you have furniture needs prepare to fill them now. Styles and select now. 'creed' never prettier nor prices so /ow.” Inspect our stock Bedroom Suites , Fancy Chairs Iron Beds Dining Chairs • Parlor Suites Extension Tabies Sideboards Pictures Couches and easy chairs at easy prices, Curtain Poles and Trimmings. Give us a call, and if we have not got what you want we will soon get it for you. es. C. Hiustori Furniture and Undertaking Rooms, Gidley's Block. their friends. The plant is for sale from thenarae plate to the ink trough. . After having for thirty -ye years fed and started many a printet'seelevil, supplied the wants of many a needy editor and sung the requiem of many a citizen in language that surprised the Gods, we now sing our own in three short words — Requiescat in Pace.' ALMOST A BLAzE.--What might have proved a very serious blaze was averted at the Molsoras Beak. on Mon- day afternoon last. While Jackie, youngest son of Mr. N. D. Hurdon, manager of Molson's 'Bank, was play- ing around in the house he discovered smoke in the rooms. He •called his mother who upon opening a closet door fouud that there was a blaze' and with great presence of mind she ran for water and soon bad the blaze under control. It was evicleiat, that fire had been smouldering for some time as nearly everything in the closet was a charred mass, If it had occurrred later when the family were all in deep sleep it is hard to determine what serious results would have folio d. The only known cause for the fire was the evi- dence of a hole where ' couldce go in and out and it is believed they may have had access to matches. DEATR OE MRS, Sneer. -- There passed away at the residence cif her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Bawden, Eliza Shaw, relict of the late Wre, Shaw, formerly of Clinton, Deceased came to Exeter about three weeks ago from Manitoba, wbere she h d he R. Pickard Co Direct Importers. — Mr. Edmund Sipple and Miss Mc- j The ballot that will be used for the ......., Cort, of Zurich, were united. in mar- ; Referendum 'vote on Dec. elth, is as ria,ge, on Wednesday, at North Lan- !follows: sing, Michigan, We extend congratu- lations. I Are you in favor of Yes No lations. I the bringing into Messrs George Schelgel and. James force of the Liquor Kellar, who have been operating the Act, 1902? --- Exeter North evaporator, left for their home in Webster N. Y. Friday evening last. e We are pleased to state that Mr. B. I. Higgins, who has been so seriously ill for the past few weeks is improving and possible hopea, are now. held out for his re The evords ayes and "no" ocour the spaces where voters usually mark, and parties shoald make a cross below eithhi er word, ANNIVERsARr SERVICES. --Ort Sun- day, Dec.1.4th the James t e - °dist church bold their auniver- Miss MeTaggaets of Exeter Worth, sary services in connection with their picked from her garclen last vveek sev- church, The cone 't a ripe stravvberries also a number of rosebuds. Surely we do not live in the frozen land:- • + The monthly horse fairs for Bruesels Will be resumed and will be held. dur- ing the winter as forraer seasons. First fair will be held on Thursday, Dec. lith, a week later than the usual date °vying to the first Thursdsy being the date of voting on the prohibition question. For the balance of the fairs the date will be the Thursday before the lst Friday of each month. Mr. Asa Williams, of Exetet North, while in the vicinity of Viroolsley, • Amt., met with an accident, which Eleventh Hour t ‘"Yes and te the avvelfth if needs 4t + be, Wet claim that we stand + in a eats all by ourselves .1, the line of 4/. •0 ys * .0a a Ira ess 4; Dofls * Chitta 4.. In a few days our stock will la be found replete with new and * 4: up-to-date novelties, anti we a. ea will be pleasedto show intend. -4.. 4. it ing buyere theough. ae t $ We Can Interest You en We sell the game of Ping 4,.i.* ei Peng It is. certainly a raging se ..,,t game: You must have one to * ..f.: be up to date, Ask for it. aro a *le trouble to explain, 4* Is •• See -our south window for + .a. . + chase today. . Talbot's Bazaar f ee Wedding Freesias a Specialt a, 0144044444++444444444.4444++++ as Jar special contrileations 'on Sunday in view of the eact‘that the annual teat • ,meeting in conneceloaAbeasawith has been dispensed with. Salaraat 0. W. Brown, B. .A. B. D., of maw, will (D.V„) preachat both servicea! ' ANNEVERSART AND FOWL SithPER. —The-annue, Sversary services in connection . e Main street Meth- odist church WI "k 4aleeld next Sunday, December 7t13, wheilalse Rev.R.Hobas of Warigharn will preitali both morn- ing and, evening. OW the Monday evening foIlovving a sneciel feature of' the fowl supper will be the rendering of several solos by Miss Eva -Roblyn f n,, 3e celebrated vocalist, ave pz oved more serious., He besides music by the church choir. in company with evvo others went out There will be a mass ineeta0 of the for a days sport with the gun and Sunday School on Sunday afternoon svhile seated in the buggy in some ac- at 2,45. , eidental way one of the guns was dis- charged striking Mr. Williams in the ORITVARY.—Deathlas again been in arra near the elbow. The sleeve of his our midst and removed one of onr and the fleeti torn from his arm to the coat was completely rent into ribbons of Mrs. Elizebeth Kuhn beloved wife most respected citizens in the person of Mr. Conrad :Kuhn who departed bone. He was laid up for several this life on Monday Noy. 24th, at the weeks but now his anti is perfectly healed and he experieaceis no bad re- age of 49 yaws, 9 months and 8 days, Mrs. Kuhn had not for wine time been pules, in the best of health, yet her death zriaSeliWinie"in gMooAdenoirNL—Porinsgaelte. sewing fl'aarnneYTefrriY6;dins!PSebeetecilelYaltetso thaelair aviTili at We °face, .. her loss a husband, three sons t WANTED, --Thoroughly campetent daughters, brothers, and sisters besides general servent, $10.00 a month. a, lar o friends *also have Three in family: Apply at ooce by the sympathy of the ecoraubity in mail, to Mee, jamas Maxwell, Sa this their sad bereavement. trek re - Marys, One. mains were interred in the CreclitOn We have not advanced the price of eetneteey 011 Thursday last. out tobaceo. Amber striokitig tobacco- thafaeala Acaraaasea, in aaaaaaaaag as A Tmitmixo VA.rommotx-r. — The Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew, ing tobaccos are the same size and .i. willingness to become the property of peke to the Consurnev as formerly. atlY• aspiring newspaper proprietors We have ale° extended the time for who have sufficient of the genuine the redemption of Snowshoe tags to coin of the realm, says in its "lot (Unitary lee 1004.—Taz Velextve To, issue:. "At the request of two thous. gAcco Ca. InenTIsze, and subscribers We repablish last week's . paper for the edificatiott of Special Bargains in FU ITIME! To reduce our extra Jars° stock we will offer special bargains for‘ the balance •of 1902. Remember Christmas is Coming Undertaking a Specialty R. N. ROWE •77-777 .GO T oiler Mill ly after het, arrival she VNIO taken ill spending some years with members of winter with her daughter, when short - her family. iritending spending the baffled wheatiet (Breakfastfoo been Family Floar '(stai) Pastry (Princess) For Pure iViamitoba. upsed-away on Sunday -last at the all that medical skill could do and she conselOtis state. Her disease and for the past week vvas an un- cl) sof 71years. Death loafing du• e to e fie 'anal growth on the spine. The late Mrs. Shaw was beloved by all who knew her, and has many friends vats° regret to learn of her decease. The deceased was born in. Larrington, Devonshire, England. She came to this country when she was tvventy-oile and was shortly afterwards married to her late husbaosa. The remainder of her life was miTaly spent in Clin- ton. .She is survived by a family of six, three sons and one daughter, Two sons and one daughter in Manitoba, one son in British Columbia, the other claugliteta being Mrs. Shipley, of Clin- ton and Mre. W. Basvden of Exeter. Her remains Were interred in tlie Exeter cemetery on Tuesday last, The certificates for volunteer sold - lees entitled to land grants are all ready, and have been issued froin- the Crown. Lands department,' Some 20,- 000 blank forms were sent out, and of the applications, received about 8,000 • have been passed, and the ueceseary certificates made out. at is the inten- tion tea:Gail all of these at the same., time in order 'that all may have an equal chatiee in making their loca- tions. " ALL -noun REM/last MO. HVnnen, liflisearth :Man., wearer ; "I have utlecl Elarvard's TallOW Ott for Sons Teams, Out% Sols and larostbites fee a long tintle and &made? it the hes t. house,h0la remedy ea , Pricc 25 ccns, uII doalej•a, - • ere see. A good supply of Mill Feed, and Chop, always on hand Give our Flour and Feed 4 Trial, 'atid be convinced that it• " is all right. Roller and Plate Choppers in use to stilt customers. fifiR.VEY BR.05 MILLERS /1hciater, Dec 1 i002, wheal) ter litigate neW ' '65 ta ay. Oats fleas' .."it to° in Ilg Eggs bo • not Turicoya 8 ta 8 Chickens per ib bucks - • • . IA% tito Dried 5 te • Perk live Weight KOkiee,e •