Exeter Times, 1902-12-4, Page 5• THE E", 11 TIME S, DEOEMBE.R Ith IIIMENSE OPPORTUNITY For Getting a Beautiful Watch and Chain Free.—No Mon. ey Required.--Evey Man, Woman, Boy, or Girl has the same Oppoirtunity un: An.,pur Syste9/, In erder to have Dr. Arnold's Eng- lish Toxin Pills placed in the hands of all persons suffering from Ina health Ive make the following mest liberal offer If you will send us your name and address and agree to sell for us twelve boxes of Dr. Arnold's English , Toxin Pills at 25c, per box, we will give you absolutely Free a beautiful Watch a.nd Chain in either Ladies O! Gents size, or your choice of twenty other premiums such as fine sets of Jewelry, Rings, Violins, Mandolins, Tea Sets, Sateen Skirts, Cameras, etc. Remember we don't want any money until after you sell . tbe Pills and yeas don't have to sell any more than 12 boxes to get the premiums. This is a bdna fide offer from a, reliable concern that has given thousands of dollars worth of premiums to agents all over the country, Remember also that Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills are awell known reinedy for all dis- eases of the -kidney and bladder, Bight!.disease, diabetes,-rheumittiam nervous troubles, and -female com- plaints, and are for sale by all first class druggists and dealers in medi- cines in all parts of the world. You have only to show them to sell them. Yon are not offering something that the people don't know. Our watches • e the regular standard size for Lad- es or Gentlemen in Nickel or Gun Metal Cases with handsome illumin- ated dials and reliable time keepers, watches such as no lady or gentlemen ' need be ashamed to carry, and they will be sent absolutely Fre -to all who sell only . twelve boxes' of those woneerful Toxin Pills.. Write at once and be tbe first in your locality to earn one of thoeabeautiful watches and chain.- As soon as we receive your letter or post card we will send you post paid twelve boxes, together • With our Illustrated Catalogue and beautifully colored card with your name and address on as our authoriz- ed agent; Bear in mind that you will not be asked to sell any more than the 1 2 boxes and we don't want any money until after you have sold them. 'We bear all the expense and are only making this liberal offer as a metbbd of advertising Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills. Don't delay, write at once and earn a beautiful present, for yourself for Christmas. Address ARNOLD '1VIEDI0INE 00. Dept CI. 1. 50 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. y•••••••• FARMERS' INSTITUTE. The annual report of The Farmers' Institute for the province for 1902 ha• s just been issued, and from it we take the following statistics in connection with the institutes in this county, to- gether with the regular and suppli- • mentary meetings to be held, with the speakers who have been appointed to attend each meeting. The total mem- bership to June, 1002, was: East Hor- eb, 597; South Huron, .205; West Huron, 324. Number of meetings with the total attendance : East Huron, 12, attendance 3,221 : South Huron, 5 at- tendance, 1,235 ; West Huron, 14, at- tendance, 2,4o5. The total receipts were: East Huron, $878.85; South Huron, $271.73 ; West Huron, 8119.09, .700,et whin. $150 was from from, an excur- sion. The total expenses, including cost of meetings, advertising, etc., was $269.27 in East Ruron, leaving a bal- ance of $100.88 ; South Huron, 8107.85, balance $168.88 ; West Huron, $321.75, balance; $97.34. The West'Huron In- stitute held the largest number of Meetings, namely 11, and had the largest nsernbeiship to July, 1902, namely 324, but East Huron had the largest attendance at its meetings, .3,- 221, at 12 meetings. In East Huron regular meetings, to be addressed by T. H. Mason, of Staffordville, and E. C. Drurey, of Crown Hill, will be held. . at Wroxeter, on january, 20th; Brus- sels, January 21st; Harlock, Hallett, January 22ad ; Manley's school house, McKillop, January 23rd; Murdie's •school house, McKillop, January 24tb. The same speakers will address West Huron meetings at Cilinton on January • 26th, and Dungannon, Januar y 27th. • Regular meetings in South Huron, to be addressed by Os C. Caston, Craig- hurst, and,F. C. Elford, Hohnesville, • will be held at Exeter on January Oth, and at Brucefield on January 10th. • , The following supplementary meetings will be held :South Huron—Elimville, February 16th ; Dashwood,"1 ebruary, 17th ; Zurich, February 18th ; Hensall, February 19th ; .13aylie1d, February 20th. Supplementary meetings were held in East Huron this week and in West Huron last week, The speakers for East Huron meetings were Andrew Allintt. Galt. arid bliss Maddock, ; for South Huron, F. M. Lew- 10,Burforti, an o ert Thoroption, S. R ' • Oatharines, and Miss MaddAck, • Guelph. Meetings under the auspices of the Smith Perth Institute will be held at Fullerton on Febraary 12th * Staffa, February 13th, and I,Cirkton, February 14th, to be addressed by the eame 'speakers as will attend the eolith Ham meetings. A GOOD QUARTER DOLLARS' • WORTR. • • a-res—assas contained in a bottle of Polson'is Nerviline, which cures Rheumatism', Neuralgia, Sciatica, Toothache, Head- ache, Cramps Sick Stomach and Indi- gestion. Mothers find Nerviline is first class liniment for children's sore throat, hoarseness, cold in the chest, 'and taken in hot water before retiring' is a splendidremedy for colds. Don't be without Nerviline ; it is the most economical, potent and reliable house- hold liniment made, and costs only 25c, Dr. Hamilton,s Pills cure Constipa- tion. Ross Cabinet on Referendum. POOR LOOKOUT FOR PROPER EisvoRozs MENT PROM THEM • The Toronto World last week inter- viewed the members of the Ross Gov- ernment in connection with their po- sition on the referendom. The ques- tion put to-eaoh one was. "Will you, following theslead of the Premier, state whether you will or will not sup- • port th'i Liquor Actn'. .1lere are the answers:.. Premier Ross—Yes. • . Hon. E. J. Davis—Nothing to say. Hon. John Dryden—As his consci- ence directs. Hon. Richard Harcourt—Refused to say. Hon. 3: R, Stratton—Declined to be interviewed. Ron, F. R. Latchford—Coulcl not be seen. Hon, S. M. Gibson—Could not be seen. In every case the answer was prac- tically the same, They were all as d.unabse the proverbial oyster and re- fused point blank to give any inform- ation as to the attitude they •would take. Hon. E. J. Davis, commissioner of Crown Lands thought for a moment, and then informed the rep,orter that he was always very pleased to give any inforroation be could, but in this case he had nothing whatever to say one way or the other. • Ron. Sohn Dryden, Minister of Agri- culture replied to the question by ask- ing -another. "What is the ballot for ?" he inquired. "Is it not fcir the .purpose of giving a man the privilege of privately expressing his opinion and - of voting honestly and to the best dic- tate , of his conscience? Well, then, :that is what I intend to do—to vote on the question as my conscience prompts me.". Further than this Mr. Dryden. had nothing to Say, and was rather in- clined to think that the question was out of place, although it was pointed out to him that answering embarrass- ing questionwasone of the disadvan- tages of being a public man. Hon. Richard Harcourt, Minister of Education, was just as non -committal. He would not say how he would vote on the Liquor Act. Hon J. R. Stratton; Provincial Sec- retary, and as such, head of the License Department, obviously anticipated the question, and from his private office sent out word that he worild not see the reporter. Hon. F. R. Latchford, Commissioner of Public Works, was out of town, and accordingly could not be seen. Hon. 3. M. Gibson, Attorney -Gener- al, could not be got at to a_sk about his position. • Aching joints In the fingers, toes, 'arms, and other parts of the Body, are joints that nrc inflamed and swollen by rheumatism.— that acid condition of the blood which affects the muscles also. Sufferers dread to move, especially after sitting or lying long, and their condition is commonly worse in wci weather. "I suffered dreadfully froni rhetunatiem but haVe been completely cared- by Metre Sarsaparilla, fOr which I ant deeply grate- ful." MISS 1P,RANCES SMITH, Prescott, Ont. "I had an rata& of the grip wkdoli lett me ' Weak and helpless and suffering frOM rhoti- matiten. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa- rilla and this medicine has entirely cured me. X haireem hesitation in flaying it saved rny life." M. SiciDorrann, Trenton, Ont. Hood's Sarsaparilla ReMO•VeS tildeauSe Of rheumatism—no ••eutward application can. Take it,'" OPINION OF LEADING PHYSICIANS I have used W. T. Strong's Pile Remedy in my practice with most satisfactory results, and can . safely recommend it, JAMES 'SUTTON, M. D. Price $1.00. For sale by druggists or by snail on receipt of price. W. T.. STRONG. Manufacturing Chemist, London, Ontario. WEEDS ,Consumption is a human weed flourishing best in Weak lungs. Like other weeds it's easily destroyed while" young ; when old, sometimes im- possible. Strengthen the lungs as you • Would.. weak land and the weeds will disappear. - The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion, Salt pork is good too, but it is very hard .to digest. • The time to treat consumpu tion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself. Others See it, you won't. • Don't wait until you can't deceive Yourself any longer. Begin with. the first thought to take Scott' S Emulsion. If it isn't really consumption se much the better; you will soon .forget.it.and be better fOr- the treatment. If it is' consump- tion' you can't ekpect to be cured at once, but if , you will begin in time and will: be rigidly regular in your treat- ment you will win. - • Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat all you can, that's the treatment and that's the best treatment. We will send you a little of the Emul- sion free. • Re sure that this r?ictirre the form of a label Is on the tiKa,pusrlon ro)fou buy.evebottle of SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, •- Toronto, Ontario. soc. and $1; all druggists. REFERENDUM QUESTIONS ANSWERED. The following are answers to vari- ous questions touching the referendum which have been received during the last few days:— The minimum 'vote necessary to carry the measnre is 212,723. Besides this a majority of the Totes cast on hursday is required. All may vote who are on the lists for the last Provincial election provid- ed they have remained domiciled in the province. Any who have moved to any other part of Ontario may vote in the place for which they were enter- ed on tbe lists. The law, if carried, will conae into effect on May let. 1904. It prohibits the retail sale of liquor as a, tkeverage, but terinits importa- tions ii,nd licenses the—drug store to sell for medicinal, mechanical, and sacra- mental purposes. The former votes on • prohibition in Ontario Were as follows: —In 1894, for prohibition, 109,439; against prohibi- tion, 110,720 : Majority for, 81,769; in 1808, for prohibition, 154,489 ; against prohibition, 115,284 ; majority for, 39,214. The total receipts • from the liquor traffic in Ontario by the license owe, missioners weie $629,23S. Of these $3041676 was. paid to the province, $250.482 to the municipalities, and $74,079 was the cost‘of administration. By the Royal Commission it was re- ported that the average annual expsn- diture in Canada fOr liquors, not in- cluding native wines andcider, for the five years preceeding 1893 was $80.870,854. • The Canada Temperance Act is at present in force in 27 different places. It, has heed defeated in 55 differant places. 1902. We have an object lesson in the Doulthobors, who *Were brought into the errantry atheavy cost, who it now turns out are tit,terly worthless as settlers, and who are now giving, and will continue to give an infinity of trouble. . We have .also to caution us the experience of the United States, where the desire for immigration in past years bas resulted in filling large • areas with most undesirable settlers, and has left the government with scarcely an acre of public land worth owning, to give or sell to the sone of the older citizens of. the country. As it was with them so it will .be with Canada if . the same policy is fol- lowed, Our lands will be Occupied by people . whom it will take gener- ations to develop into good citizens, 1 and we will lie hastening the day when we will have no free farms to offer to. the sons and grand- sons of the old settlers who have made this country what it is, Let Us make the si rongest endeavor to induce ()an- a,dians whol are now liviog in the Tjnited States to return and assist in the development of Canada, • Leo us - (sive the u atineet WeleOme to iromis grants from the borne lands, England, *Ireland and Seotland, but let us watch withibe closest caution any schemes devised by foreign promoters, lest they end in foisting upon Canada a population of • undesirables from foreign lands, that this conntry would be better off without. • The Duncan Act was introduced by Christopher Duncan, Conservative, in the old Parliament of Canada in 1864 during the (Sanfield) MacDonald - Sicotte Administration. The Scott Act was introduced by Hon. R. W. Scott, Liberal, now Secre- tary of. State, in 1878, during -the Mac- kenzie Administration, A WONDERFUL TONIC AND STRENGTHNER. Said a druggist to -day, "No doubt about it, the tonic that gives best re- sults is the biggest seller, and that is FERRozearn. It enriches and purifies the blood, restores strength and energy to the feeble, and. is a scientific recon - constructor that was always popular. In Chlorosis, Anaemia, Tiredness Lan- gour, Brain Fag Indigestion and Dyspepsia its 'action is prompt, and satisfactory cures always follow. Yes I recommend Ferrozone t� my custom- ers because I believe it is the best tonic and strengthening medicine that money can buy." Large boxes cost Soc. 0.61•••••••••••••••••••• A SCHEME TO BE CLOSELY WATCHED. • The Sarnia Observer of the I4th inst. devotes considerable space to an ac- count of what it evidently considers to be a grand scheme on the part of the Ontario Government to ,fill up some of the vacant lands of this Pro- vince with settlers brought in by a colonization company organized in the United States. The Observer, and the Government it supports, appears to think that any plan by which the unoccupied territory of our Province should. be settled, no matter by what sort of people, is one that should com- mend itself to the citizens of this country, But it may well be question- ed whether the scheme thus outlined is a wise one. especially when nothing is known of the class of people which this colonization company would locate. We have, no desire to see the Province of Ontario overrun with foreigners of all classes and nationali- ties. We have seen too _much of the ill -effect of undesirable -immigration to the -republic to the south of us to be anxious to follow that example. ibis said that the Provincial Government is to have complete control as to the class of settlers which the colonization coMpany will bring in; bat, is there any one so simple as to suppose that the Government will troublajtself to inquire into the character or Stand- ' ing of the persons whom the Ameri- can syndicate send in to occupy the lands they ha,ye acquired? Any whom the operators can induce to • ptess the price will be good enough' for them ;and these will be -Very likely to be such as bave failed to become desir- able citizens of the United States, • We cannot see any good reason for this anxiety to fill up the unoccupied lands of this country, no matter how undesirable the immigration may be. • Liver Pills hat's what you need; some/ thing to cure your bilious.;; ness and give you a good' digestion. AlTer's Pills are liver pills. I„ They cure con- stipation and Jbiliousness. Gently laxative. midgfitios. Wnrit our menttaehe et begird*• beigitifttl brown or rich 111114? Then hie • BUCKINGHAM'S DYE (8111111?), rig „„ eta. er IONAGIO NLP* . HLL 41 CO. !SAWA • Ma GENERAL. NEWS Dr. Francis D. Clarke, founder of Christian Endeavor; will address •ir mass meeting in London on Dec. 17. There is nothing better for children% Coughs aud Colds than Dr. Wood's Norway eine Syrup. It is very pleasant to take and always cures the little ones' coughs 'promptly, IThe election petitions in Glengarry. North Wentworth, Frontenac,Halton, East Wellington and North Waterloo have all been dismissed. On accoont of Justice Lount's illness the non -jury sittings at Stratford have been postponed till Tuesday, Jan. 13th loos. There are savemseats in the House of Commons vaeant because they have no occupants, and many more vacant because the occupants represent the Government rather than the ...people who sent them there. It has been stated with great posi- tiveness that an arrangement has been reached whereby the Grand Trunk will acquire the Canadian Northern line for its extension through the North-West. A box of Milburn's Rheumatic Pills, will be sent free to tiny one who suffers from Rheuma- tism, Sciatica, Lumbago or Neuralgia it they tie.ve.never tried these pills before. Send 20. stamp for postage to the T. Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto, Ont. The trial of the North York election petition has been postponed from Dec. 16th to some date in January to be fixed later, The date of trial of the election petition against the return of H. Clark (Con.), as M.P.P., for Clentre Bruce, has been fixedfor December 20, at 11 a. m. at Walkerton. . J. S. Willison, editor of the Globe, has resigned. In Toronto it has been rumored for some time that be conteroplated this step, though the public announcement comes as a sur- prise to citizens who have so long identified him with the direction of the senior Liberal organ in Canada. Milburnts Sterling Headache Powders contain neither morphine nor opium. They promptly cure Sick Headache, Neuralgia, Headache, Headache of Grippe, Headache of delicate ladies and Headachefrom any cause whatever. Prtce 10o. and 25o, The term of five year as Lieutenant Governor of Ontario of Sir Oliver Mowat expired Nov. 18, he having been appointed to that position on Nov. 18, 1897. Re will continue to be Lieutenant Govornor of the province until his successor is appointed. YOU NEED NOT BE AFRAID TO --USE mweeenacm. TABLETS misommvo....ammezi Every day of your life, as an aid to di- gestion, as a gentle laxative, or as a ton - :ie for the nerves. misamionas They are Absolutely Sale. They are Invariably Effective. 50 TABLETS FOR /5 CTS. ilITING OF THIS HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The council of the Corporation Of the County of Huron will meet hi the council chamber, in the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday the 2nd day of December next, at 3 o'clock, r. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated at Goderich this 15th day of NOvember, 1002. tiellossowacese eon OCHISSOrps :RUM tile Best -it PHs • CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Recent graduates have accepted good') • pesitions at so, $5, 00 And $00 per 0 • month, and a few days ago an aptilie.a. (Ion was received offering ono of our ▪ graduates of last term a salary of $800 0 ▪ per annum. This is tho kind of evidence 0 • you aro Woking for as to the host school et to attend. Catalogue free, Enter this 0 month it possible. Principal, • 41414000OOOOOOO1110008011410.1**: W, J. ELLIOTT, BORE DISGRACE A Sad. Letter from a lady whose Husband was Dissipated. Haw She Cured Him With a Secret Remedy, "1 had for years patiently borne the disgrace, suffering, misery and privations due to my husband's drinking habits. Hearing -of your marvellous remedy for the cure of drunkenness, which I could give my husband secretly, I de- cided to try it. • I procured a package and mixed it in his feed and coffee, and, as the remedy was oderless apd tasteless, he did not know what it was that se quickly relieved- his craving for liquor. He soon began to pick up flesh, his appetite for solid food returned, he stuck to his work regularly, and we now haven happy home. After he was coinpletely cured I told him what 1 had done, when he acknowl- edged that it had been his saving, as he bad not the resolution to break off of his own accord. 1 heartily advise all women afflicted as I was to give your remedy a trial" HER HUSBAND WAS A DRUNKARD A Lady Who cures her husband of his Driniring flabitS writes of her struggle to save her home A PATHETIC LETTER 0 "1 had for a long time been thinking of trying the Tasteless Samaria Prescription treatment on my husband for his drinking habits, but I was afraid he would discover that I was giving hire medicine, and the thought unnerved me. I hesitated for nearly a week, but one day when he came home very mueb intoxicated and his week's salary nearly all. spent,' threw off all fear and determined to make an effort to save our home from the ruin I saw coming, at all hazards. I sent for your Tasteless Samaria Pre- scrIption, and put it in his coffee as directed neat morning and watched and 'prayed for the result. At noon I gave him more and also at supper. He never suspected a thing,and I then boldly kept right on giving it regularly, as I had discovered some- thing that set every nerve in my body tingling with hope and happiness, and I could see a bright future spread out before me—a peaceful, happy home, a share in the good things of life, an attentive, loving husband, comforts and everything else dear to a woman's heart; for my husband had told me that whiskey was vile stuff and he was taking a dislike to it. It was only too true, for before I had given him the full course he had stopped drinking alto- gether, but I kept giving him the medicine till it waagone, and then sent for another lot, to have on hand if he should relapse, as he had done from promises before. He never has and I am writing you this letter to tell you how thankful I am. I honestly believe it will cure the worst cases." HER FATHER WAS A DRUNKARD APlucky Young. Lady takes on • Herself to Cure her Father Of the Liquor Habit, • STORY OE HER SUCCESS. A portion of. her letter reads ats follows ;— " My father had often promised mother to stop drinking, and would do so for a time but then returned to it stronger than ever. One day . after a terrible spree, he said to us : It's no use. I can't stop drinking.' Our hearts seemed to turn to stone, and we decided to try the Tasteless Samaria Prescription, which we had reed about in the papers. We gave him the remedy, entirely without his knowledge, in his. tea, coffee, or 1 ood regularly, according to directions, and he never know he was taking it. One package removed all his desire for liquor, and he says it is now distasteful to him. His health and appetite are also wonderfully im- proved, and no one would know him for the same man. It is now fifteen months since we gave it to him and we feel sure that the change is for good. Please send me one of your little books, as I want to give it to a friend," FRE SA PLE 'and pamphlet giving full particulars, testimonials and price sent in plain sealed envelope. Correspondence sacredly confidential. Enclose stamp for reply. Address The Samaria Remedy Co., 23 Jordan Street, Toronto, Canada. DR. W. H. CRAHAM, Late of 1.98), King St. West. No. i Clarence -square, corner Spadina avenue, Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases, and makes a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Ulcers, Etc. PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari- cocele, Nervous Debility, etc., (the result of youthful folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture oi Long Stand- ing, treated by galvanism, the only Method without pain. and all bad aftereffects. Diseases of Women—Painful, profuse or suppressedgMenstruation, ulceration, leucorrhoea and all displacements of the womb. OFFron Hotoes-9 a, n. to:8 p. rn. Sunday 1 to 8 p. ro. 11.1111911SMILIZAZ.O, VINO•011111•60. The Toronto Board. of Trade Council have passed a resolution in favor of a Toronto old home week for next sum- mer. instead of an Ontario old home week. It is expected that Toronton- ians from all parts of the world will visit their former home on this oc- casion TRAYED.—There stin,yed from lot 15, con. 14, Hibbert, on or about the first day of November, a light red. steer, coming three years old, a ring in the right ear, and long white horns. A liberal rewar& will he given for any information as to the animals where- abouts. Address, War. TOWERS, Far- quhar P. 0. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Of David Mitchell, late of the Town- ship of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, farther, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., 1897, Chap. 129, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said David Mitchell, who died ou or about the 1th day of Novem- ber, 1902, are required to send on or before the 10th day of December. A. D., 19C2 by post pre- paid to J. G. Stanbury, B, A. Exeter P, O., Solicitor for the Executors, oi the said David Mitchell. their names, addresses and occupa- tions with particulars of their claims and a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. And notice is hereby given that after the last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among those entitled thereto,, hav- ing regard. only to the claims_ of which notice shall 'have been given as above required, and the said executors shall not be liable for the said assets nor any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the date of stich distribution. .1. G. STANBURY, Exeter, Ont. Solicitor for 'Executors, Dated at Exeter, Nov18th,1902. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Of Samuel Madge, late of the town- ship of Usborne, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. NotiCe is hereby given pursuant to Chapter, 129 R. S. 0„ 1897. that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Samuel Madge, who died on or about the 1st. day of Nov., 1902 are required to send on or before the 10th day of December, /002, by post prepaid or deliver to S. G. Stanbury, B. A.. Exeter P. 0., Solici- tor for the Administratrix of the said Samuel Madge their names addresses and emu a - tions, with particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities (if any) held, by them. And notice is hereby given that after the last mentioned date the said Administratrix Will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shell have been given as above re- quired. and the said Administratrix shall not bo liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received at the date of such dietribution. G. STANBURY, Exeter, Ont. Solicitor for Administratrix. 'Dated at Exeter, the 13th day of November, 1902. "Christmas Box" Full of .Nrionderful Things 25 4c4rMottiOrae,OPi2olifrcr rIgigas- ing Experiments, Love's Puzzle, 20 Re Mules, 100 Funny CoPundrunis. Book of Love, Gime o Letters', Magic Writing, 324 Jolly Jokne Receipt for Moustache Groveort 100 Money Mak ing Secrets, 1CO Toilet and Cooking itecelpeg, 255 Selections for Autograph Albums, 10 Model Love Lettere, How to Tell Fortunes, Dictionary of Dreams. Guido to Flirtation, Magic Age Table, laiver's Telegraph, and our new Cat, or Xnias Toys. Books and. Notions, All by mail FREE. for Go, silver to pav, postage, KIN_NEY, E• T.„ Yarmouth, ,Ohildren Cry tor CASTO R IA. Forest Gnu BilSilleSS S11ffi11[11111 COttEGE London, Ont. , ONEY TO LOAN We have -unlimited private funds for invest ment upon farm or village property at lowes rates of interest. • DICKSON & CABLING Exeter. .r'1ONEY TO LOAN. I have a large amount of private funds loan on farm and e Wire st;tv r SHORTHAND, BOOK EEPIKO Business Law, Writing Correspond- ence, Typewriting, etc., thoroughly taught by experienced teachers at the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. We have no difficulty in placing competent pupils in good positions. College re -opens Sept. 2. Send for Catalogues. 1 W. WESTERVELT, Principal. INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agen for the Wesrmai ASSURANCE COM - of Toronto; also for the Pam= FMB NSIIRANCE COMPANY, of London, England; AL LUXOR INSURANCE COMPANY, of Er' and MEDICAL _T .BROVNINCi M. D. 11.0. r./ • P. S, Graduate Victoria .iniversity °Dice and reel d e ce, Dominion Labora- tory, Exeter. LEGAL. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, F Russeli Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsone Bank, Eto. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest.' OFFICE :—MAIN STREET, PEXETER. $ . R. CARLMG, B. A. L. H. DICKSON of interest. F, W. GLADM AN, Barrister Main St. Exeter. 5 Packg of Cards Free. " One Pack, "May I. C. U. Home," One Pak i "Escort" One i'Etok, "Flirtation" One Pawl I "Hold -to light.' One Pack Our Sofa Ju." i Holds Two." Sample o121 other styles, with book full of notions. Send Sc silver foepostagei A.W. KENNY, E, T. Yarmouth, S.N. D.A. ANDERSON,- (D. D. S. L D.S. DENTIST. Honor Graduate 91 the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Postgraduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Profession done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al- lurninum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac- tion. Office on,e door south of Carling ;.Bro's store Exeter. Ont. BUGGIES! BUGGIES! Dom Want a Buggy? We have the finest stock in town. All the latest styles, in the newes colors.prices are low as can be found our for first-class material and werkman. ship. BEFORE YOU BUY OftLL fIND 8 EE p W. GLADMA.N (Successor to Elliott & Gladman) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Eta, Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER DENTAL TT KINSMAN, L. D. S. ANID "Lj-' DR. A. B. KINSMAN, L. D. S. D. D. S.,Honor Graduate of Toronto 'University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effents. Office in Fan - non's block,. West side of Main trod,' Exeter* .1,111•14.•WMPrenexinisplimiellergemonsto OUT THIS OUT and send it to no with 5 oents In silver and yot, will get hy return mail a GOLDEN BOX 01 GOODS that Will bring you in aVionis MoNRY 151000 month than anythipg also in America, A. W. ICENNY, E. T. Yoln:roth, 12. Two Doors South Town Hall. PIANOS ilatESSIXHISMEMOMEESEEM§EfalaillialIIPtERILIOP Two second hand T.Tpright Pianos and one Square Piano for sale cheap. New Pianos and Organs always in stock. 421011001•90..ensieriNrOrealn• * S6W111U Md6111 lleg Our experience in the Sewing Machine Business, (12 years) is a Ignarantee of our goods. We carry in btock the best the market affords, Needles and Repairs for all kinds of machines always in stock Ausic in Sheet and Book form. • • Call and See us, It Will Pay You. goR SALE—BRICK RE 1". STERISCEWITR AN ACRE Or LANE IN EXETER—Wo offer for Rale On ream:amble terms, that very desirable residential property known as "The 'Hooper' HomesteEd" situated On Lot No' 88, stlaith of Huron Street, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a comfortable and eikninedious brick dwellingalao the neoessarsr euthousee. The hone() la in good re- pair and lutS 9 rooms. The let eolitains abadre of land and ill exteneatty adapted for garden ing or fruit greewitig. There is &plentiful sup- ply of hard oma soft water, The property is up t� date, and the tering easy, for partictilare ap- ply to Maalox ta • CArt1gNO barristets Eireter or to A. E. 1100een, ROW P. 00 Penna, U.. A.., Proprietor. eroommewenweasemeram artin.