HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-12-4, Page 4le le
The Moisons Bank
(lexcereeratee be. Act, a rovliament
Read Oetere,Ileoetreale
casette tail patilem) 42,%0,000
ftsserve Fund ele,250,01/0
aa fitanebee in Ontario, Quebec', Alberta,
Beitelli Columbia and Manitoba,
Open Every Lawful Day from 10 a.
to '8 p. nee except
Saturdays, 10 a. en, to I p. m.
Farmers Sale Notes easbed or col-
lected. Forties supplied on application.
Drafts on all points in the Dominion.
Great Britain. and United States
bangle, awl bola at lowest rates of
eer elange.
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards receiv-
ed. Interest compeuncted half yearly,
Mad added to principal Jure 30th and
December 81st. Deposits Receipts also
issued and highest current rate of
interest allowed.
Advances noak.e to faxmers, stock
dealers and business meu at lowest
rates and on most favorable terms.
Agents at Exeter for Dominion
oecESON ec CABLING, K. D. HtatDoN,
be k,rxeler q. ayes
Calendar for December 1902.
7 le 21 28
MONDAY 1 8 15 22 29
TossDAY 2 0 10 23 SO
WEDNESDA.Y... 3 10 17 24 31
TECURSDA.Y.... • 4 11 18 25
FJIDAT 5 12 10 26
SA.TIIRDA.Y 0 18 20 27
THURSDAY, DEC kie, e902.
Rev. Mr. Little, of Birr, has been
notified by telegraph of the death of
his daugliter, Mrs. Carmichael, in
Ileanitobae and at a meeting of the
London Presbytery a resolution of
condolence with the bereaved family
was passed. Mrs. Carmichael leaves
twin daughters.
• a •
Suspicions are thrown out that be-
fore the Grind Trunk project of e
transcontinental line gets through
Parliament an enormous subsidy grab
will materialize, despite all statements
to the contrary. Politicans who have
a pull could hardly allow so gigantic a
scheme to go through without the
ways and means being provided of
helping along the old machine.
e •
The following militia changes were
gazetted on Saturday :-33rd Huron
Regiment -To be Medical Officer, with
the rank of Surgeon Captain, J. W.
Shaw, M. D., Tice Honorary Surgeon
Lieutennant-Llolonel. W.R. J. Holmes,
retired, to be Medical Officer supernu-
mery with the rank of Surgeon -Lieu:
tenant, A. C. Hunter, M. D.
• • •
' Hon. G. W, Ross has announced
that he will vote for prohibition at the
referendum. It must be a great com-
fort to the other prohibitionists to be
assured that your vice-president is
. going to vote with them in an election
which he has carefully fixed in advance
so that it shall not do the cause of
prohibition any good. -Sarnia Canad-
The Opposition leader in Parliament,
Mr. R, L. Borden, observes that the
recent speech of Mr Prefontaine,
Minister of Marine and Fisheries,
leaves the country still in the dark. •as
to the Governments tariff policy. He
says it is apparent that the Govern-
ment is not prepared to announce any
polley on this most important ques-
tion. Mr. Prefontaine declares him-
self in favor of protection to agricul-
tural interests. His colleague, Sir
Richard Cartwright, declared last
session that such protection is 'repos -
Me except, by a system of bounties to
farm products.
• • •
The editor of "Toronto Saturday
Night," who is a strong Liberal, says
of Mx. Prefontaine's elevation to the
Laurier cabinet: "Hon. Mr. Prefon-
taine is knownto be a swift man, but
is said to be a somewhat tricky, one. It
cannot be adopted that Sir 'Wilfred
was wise in his choice if what he desir-
ed was a politician, not a statesman.
It is difficult, however, to predict the
future of any Cabinet made up simply
of politicians with the ignoring of that
higher class of administrative ability,
which the people desire to see at the
head of affairs, The country may be
very smartly run, the Ministers may
be able to make clever apologies for
what seems to the onlooker either
crooked or clumsy performances.
There may be a warmer clasp of the
hand and more jollying of good fellows
when they go to Ottawa, but the sick
feeling at the heart of those who long
for the best things possible cannot be
removed by the joyousness of a Minis-
terial reception."
"One of my daughters had a
terrible case of asthma. We tried
almost everything, but without re.
'lief. We then tried Ayer's Cherry
•'Pectoral and three and one-half
bottles cured her." -Emma Jane
Entsminger, Langsville, o.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
certainlycures m any cases
of asthma,
And it cures bronchitis)
hoarseness, weak lungs,
whooping- cough, croup,
winter coughs, night
coughs; and hard colds.
Thros utast 25o,, enotigh for an ordirrtry
cad; soct„,itist rtOr bronchitis, linertie-
neell.:bned bolds, etc.; $1„ moo decifsioni
lOn *triune oases itud to keep on baud, •
4, 0. ATKA CO., Loweil, Mats.
fill the News ot intere$t to
Times Readers Happening
111 tileSe Goanties
Mrs. W. Gorden and sisters, Misses
McKay, of Briacefielcl have moved to
Kippere where they purchased a rest -
deuce fur $1,100.
It is likely that a byea,w on the
question of doneeetie waterworks and
sewerage will be submitted to the rate-
payers of Wiughtun at the January
On Friday of last es eek,eas P. Cam-
eron, of Brucefield, was cutting, straw
on the farm of ells McGregor, he had
the misfortune to have the end of one
of his fingers injured,
Councellor Holmes, of Winghane,
while engaged planing a board on a
bugg plauer had the four fingers of
hie left hand severely injured a portion
of each finer being taken off.
Mr, Taylors who has for some time
b.een operator at the G. T. R. station,
Ve Ingham, has been promoted to the
position of Station agent at Park
Head. Mr. Craig, of Ailsa,a Craig has
taken his place at Wingham.
A by-law was voted upon and ale
most unanimously passed in Walker-
ton, granting assistance to a biscuit
factory, a bobbin factory and a
hosiery factory. In Seaforth, only
ten ratepayers voted against aeloan to
a woollen milL
A quiet wedding took place last
Wednesday p. tn. at the home of Mrs.
Margaret Mayze when the Rev. M. L.
Leith united Miss Mary Mayze to mr.
John Battersby.: The bride was attir-
ed in white organdy trimmed with
lace and was given away by Mr, John
McCarthy an old friend of the family,
Mary A. O'Connell,Middlo Stewiacke. N. S.,
have used Laxa-Liver Pills for serious liver
complaint and they have done me aworld of
good making mo smut and healthy.",
The last Gazette contained the offic-
ial announcement of the appointment
of Dr. Shaw as surgeon of the Huron
Regiment and Dr. Hunter as medical
officer supernumary, Crept shaw has
always been one of the most efficient
and popular officers of the regiment so
that his promotion is received 'with
On Wednesday afteruoon last, there
was solemnized by Rev. Dr. Stewart,
at the residence of the bride's father,
Jas. Ferguson, the marriage of his eld-
est daughter, Lillian, to Wm. Carter,
fireman of the stave block, Stapleton.
The ceremony was witnessed by a few
intimate friends only. The bride wore
a leeautiful suit of blue lionlespun,
white silk waist and. black picture hat.
They will take up housekeeping at
There was considerable elation in
Godcrich on Friday night lasteover the
successful end of the campaign in fav-
or of the electric railway by-law, and
the by-law granting $25,000 in favor of
of the Goderich Organ Co., which late-
ly suffered a severe loss in the destruc-
tion of their factory by fire. The
Huron. Bruce SD terey Electric Bailway
which is to run from the southern
boundary of Huron county to Owen
Sound via Goderich, asked for a bonus
of $5,000 from the town. The railway
by-law was sustained by 444 to 101,
and the organ factory by-law 512 to
e.he best remedy for sore, weak lungs,
is the soothing yapor of Catarrhozone
which traverses every air cell and pas-
sage of the breathing organs, It treats
-remote parts that cough mixtures and
sprays can't approach, and. kills thou-
sands of germs at every breath. Ca-
tarrahozone drives away pain, conges-
tion and inflammation; it makes
breathing easy and regular, and exerts
a marvelous influence on Coughs Colds
Sore Throat, Bronchitis. Catarrh,
Deafness and Lung Trouble. Catarrh -
ozone cures at once, is delightful to
inhale, and simple to use. Price $1.00;
small size 25c.. Druggists, or Poisons
see Co.'Kingston Ont.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Constipa-
' Middlesex
For any case of nervousness, sleep,
lessness, weak etomach, indigestion -
dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Nerve
Pills. Relief is sure. The only nerve
medicine for the price.
The argument in the East Middlesex
election petition against the return of
Dr. Ruthledge (Liberal) will be heard
at Osgoode Hall, Dec, Oth. The evi-
dence was taken at London.
Mrs, Wm. Graham, Sheppardton, Ont., writes:
"I have given Dr. Low's Worm Syrup ,to my
boy time and again and find it a good worm
medicine. It is nice to take and never makes
the child sick like powders,", Price 25e.
Dr. Charles Stewarb, of Ailsa Craig,
who has held the position of superin-
tendent of the Ottawa Protestant
Hospital, has left for England to fur-
ther pursue study. Dr. Win. Hack-
man, formerly of the London Asylum,
succeeds him at Ottawa,
Mrs. Dr. Susie Carson Rijnhart, who
lost, her husband over four year go
le Thibet, will leave London n a feW
weeks for Thibet again in hope of fitid-
ing some trace of herhusband, dead
oe alive. It will be retoenabered that
they were attacked by brigands and
she never saw bine since. She will
also. vieit there the grave of herlittle!
babe, wbo died iti tbo course a their
The Toronto World says: -The
Attorney -General's Department does
not know yet how to deal with Edgar
Morclen the man who it is said, Was
ito a greet, extent responsiole for the
verdict of the jury who declared Ger-
ald Sifton not. guilty of murder. It is
said diet eyidence is being collected
by the Crown and that Morden will be
brought to Toronto to stand trial on
the charge of attempting to probate
a forged will. But as to thee the
A ttorttey-Gerieral's Departnaent has
no knowledge either,
"Great cry ancl little
Great appearance
and little service 1
Beware of false
window shoes"!
Look for the symbol
of responsibility -the
Makers' price and
pledge, on the sole of
"The Slater shoe
oodyee Vilelted
E. J, SPACEMAN. Greneral Agent
TIMES, DECEMBER 4th. 1902,
The opening of the new Baptist
church, St. Marys, will take place on
Dec. 2Ist. Feller particulars will be
given later.
The congregation of Christ Church,
Listowel, has decided to ask His Lord-
ship the Bishop of Huron to appoint
Rey. 0. U. Buckland, of Graverihurst,
for the rectorship of that parish.
Who will get the post -mastership P
These are questions repeatedly asked
at Listowel since the death of post-
master Hacking. There are a large
number of applicantsfor the position.
Rev, E. N. Baker, M. A., B. D., of
Sbratford, Will ill all likelillood succeed
Rev. Dr. Chown as pastor of Broad-
way Methodist Church. Toronte. His
acceptance of the cael is confidently
expected, and hoped for. Mr. Baker
has been stationed at Na,pauee, Belle-
ville, Port Hope and Chatham.
The Stratford Peat Feel Company,
in the township of Ellice, . near Brun-
ner was destroyed by fire on Friday
morning last, The main building con-
taining the engine, boiler and press,
was totally wrecked. The drying kiln
was saved. After long inaction, the
works were turning out about ten
tons of peat daily, and this occurrence
is most unfortunate in the present
state of the fuel market.
Every day in the year. The Chicago,
Union Pacific and Northwestern line
runs through first class Pullman and
toutist sleeping cars to points in Cali-
fornia and Oregon. Three through
trains daily. The route of famous
"Overland Limited." Personally con-
ducted excursions from Chicago to
San FranciscoeLos Angeles, Portland
and. other Pacific Coast points, leaving
Chicago on Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
Thursdays and Fridays, lowest rates.
Choice ot routes. Finest scenery. Maps
illustrated folders, etc„ furnished free.
Rates quoted, AddressB. H. Bennebt,
General Agent, 2 King street, east, To-
ronto, Ont.
SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is
a correct report of the standing of the
pupils of S. S. No. 3, for the month of
November The names are arranged
in order of merit. -Sr. IV., Hattie
Willis, Willie Triebner, 1Tiola Penhale,
Clara Beaver, Roy Parsons, Sadie
Willis; Jr. IV., Herbie Beaver and
Minnie Sanders, equal, Mitchell Willis,
Lizzie Sanders, Eddie Willis, Edith
Parsons • Sr. III., Thos. Sanders, Sam
Hicks, Alfred Weurth, Earl Box; Jr.
III., Harry Triebner, Annie Hicks,
Fred Beaver, Cecelia Ford, Tom Pen -
hale, Hilda Preszcator, Garnet Craig,
Ralph Willis ; Sr. II., Levine Cookson,
Earl Parsons, May Sanders, Edith
Whittaker ; Jr. II, Sherman Willis,
Eddie Triebner, Gladys Dearing, Geo.
Hicks, Fred Preszcator,•Sarauel Stan -
lake ; Pt, II., Preston Dearing, Geo.
Whittaker, Earl Shapton and Chester
Parsons, equal, Johnnie Willis ; Pt. 1.,
(b) Ada Willis, Gorden Sanders, Al -
mer Willis and Florence Triebner,
equal, Eno, Box; Pt. I., (a), Edgar
Weurth, Olive Preszcator, Garfield
Stanlake, Fern Box. Best spellers for
the month. -Sr. IV., Clara Beaver;
Jr. IV., Herbie Beaver; Sr. ITL, Thos.
Sanders; Jr. III., Annie Hicks; Sr.
and Jr. II., Sherman Willis. No. on
roll, 50; average attendance, 43.
BRIEFS -Mr. W. W. Leigh has pur-
chased the Post Office store from Mr.
John McCurdy and intends opening
out a new stock of goods March 1st. -
Mr. David. Roger has purchased Mr,
John Cameron's farm of 50 acres for
$3,200. -Our teacher, Mr, P. McNaugh-
t on will move into Mr. Roger's house
Lt Jan. -The mill is doing a big busi-
ness at present grinding grain for the
farmers. -Mr. F. Ssvitzer's new house
will soon be completed. -Mr. Joseph
Kirk lost another valuable horse last
week this being the second in a month.
-Mr. Wm. Mack. of Granton will
move into the village as soon • as Mr.
McNaughton vacates the house he is
uow occupying. Mr. McNaughton
will moye out, into the couutry to re -
Rab and sweat
ism no d ffe ct on "
harness treated
with Eureka MAX.
nese Cll. It re -
lists the damp,
keeps theleitth-
er soft and pli-
able. Stitches
do not break.
No rough sur -
rice to chafe
and cut. Tho
harness not
looking like
sew, but
weent twice
as toughy tho
use of Etireka
Harrow OC.
iht cans -
/Mt sizes.
Stade by
Imperial al
side. --Mr. Woe Balfour, who reeent-
ly pureliased the fann from Mr. N,
,Leigh is busy moving as lie wantto
Make use of the fodder on , the ferm
and be ready for the season he spine'
tie. -Mr. end Mrs. Win, Hazelwood
sr. are visiting friends' ip Mich. -Mrs.
Millar, of Kineardine,who hasbeen visit -
lug. Mrs. Taylor of the "Vicearia," re-
turned to lier home on Friday last.
-Ales. 3, Brooks sbipped her house-
hold gooda to Calgary on Monday,
Mrs, Brooks will not go out till March.
--Mrs. Jas. Tufts is iudieposed at time
of writing. -Mr. Albert Switzer is
moving hato tee house he bought
from Mr. J. Brook and F. Taylor will
occupy the house vacated be. Mr.
Switzer, --Mr. J. L. Kirkton, of Lon-
don visited his inOtber bere on Tiles -
day of last week he is looking well
with the same smile. He has given
up duties as policeman aud has entered
the car shops, -Mr. .ivin Reesor,
who for two yeaes past has been en-
gaged in the Skimming Station here
left, ou Monday to take a situabion in
the Central Creamery, Sb.Marys. Mr.
Dobie. of Guelph takes Mr. Reeser's
place. - •
Mrs. Robert Knight was in London
this week,
Mise Lillie Robinson; of Goderich,
spent Friday at her horne. here, „
Miss Ade Treble, ' of Dorchester, i8.
visiting at her honee on Huron street.
Miss Edna Da,vidsole, of London,
spent Friday in town and took in the
eveniug concert,
• Mrs. 1 W. Browning attended the
funeral of Miss Lilly Percy, at Port
Huron this week.
Mr. Fred Davidson, telegraph oper-
ator, at Wiarton is holidaying at his
home on Andrew st.
Rev, C. W, 13rown, B. A., B. D., of
Mitchell, will preach the Anniversary
sermons in the James st. church on
Dec, 14th,
Miss Ida Fulton. daughter of Mr.
Jno. Fulton, of Farquhar, was married
to Mr. Chas. Charters, of Seaforth, on
Wednesday Dec. 3rd,
Miss Millie Bissett has been confined
to her home this week, owing to a
severe bite on the leg which she re-
ceived from a cross dog. Persons hav-
ing such animals take warning.
Miss 5. M. Robertson, of ' Public
School staff, has resigned. her position,
resignation to take place at Christmas
she has accepted a similiar position in
the Public School at Wallaceburg,
LARGE SlitiemENTs.-171L1r. A. Q. Bob-
ier has been gathering up and export-
ing large numbers of fowl during the
past week including turkey, geese and
chicks, both to the European and
Manitoba markets.
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Hannon will give
an "At Home': to the young ladies
and gentlemen of the James street
church on Weanesday evening next.
As the parsonage would not adroit of
all the young people, the reception
will be held in the besemept of the
Tuesday eyening last Mr. D. A. Ross
was in the act of hanging his hat up
be did not notice a trap door which.
led to a cellar was left open. He fell
into it in the darkness receiving a
severe shaking up besides severe,
bruises on his thigh. It is a miracle
that no bones were broken. We con-
gratulate Mr. Ross upon his narrow
on Friday night, last was well atteed-
ed, and. was also a financial success.
The drills by the children, and. the
different musical selections were well
rendered, and enjoyed by the very
large audience present. The com-
mittes in charge deserve credit for
their earnest work in making the con-
cert a success.
day afternoon last at the Opera House
a large crowd assembled to hear an
address on Temperance by Miss a
Wiggins, ot Toronto, Miss Wiggins
held the attention of her hearers
while she spoke on "Our Nation's
Duty" and the duty of every elector
to pole his vote on Thursday,
December the 4th. Miss Wigging has
an even fluency of speech and a bril-
liancyiof thought, as well as a magne-
tism u her voice that holds her
bearers, In the evening sheespoke
in the Main-st. Meth. church, when
the seating capacity of the church
was taxed to its utmost by thoee
desirous to hear her.
Virinslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fcr
over sixty years by millions of mothers forthei
children •while teething, with perfect success'
It soothes tho Child, softens the gums, allays al
pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy
for Diarrhon. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold '
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing
syrup and ask for no other kind.
It is a, revelation to, thousands of
Canadians, as it must be alurpriee to
the civilized wbrld, how fir northward
Canada opens a field for the settler.
Eight. hundred miles north of the
bounuary line it is tonnciethat nearly
all the cereals can be produced as
abundantly as in Manitoba, and ordin-
ary garden products are equally fruit-
fn'Capt. J. W, Mille, of elle Hudson
Bay Company's Steamer,*Wrigley,
plying c,n the Mackenzie River, is in
Ottawa after being ten years in the
nottle his home, at the junction of the
Laird and lid ackerizie Revere, At Fort
Sinopsore the proposed terminus of the
Gitancl Trunk Pacific Railway, the
whiter temperature falls very low, but
the summer seasons are as warm as in
Ontario. North of •that, point are
• grown cereals, other than wheat, and
all garden vegetables, including cu-
cumbers and pumpkins. This it the
land that has been described -in Yankee
school books "as a narrow strip of ter-
ritory on the northern border of the
United States, eparsely populated."
Still, since the couetry far north has
been "discovered" at its real value -
time and the world's attention drawn
to it, there seems no valid excuse for
selling it off in million -acre patches to
American syndicates, on pretence of
early settlement. It is the mineral's
they are afte',rnore hkely .
We ha,ve completed clubbing ar-
rangements for 1008 with several of
the leading newspapers, All of the
following with the exception of the
dailies, will be sent to any address from
now until jaeuary lst, 1904, for amount
named. The rates will be as follows:
The Teems and Family Herald
arid Weekly Stax from nem to
January, 1904, for ' $L75
"Purity" and "Alone" -two beauti-
ful pictures -are given to all subscrib-
ers for the above price, See sample
pictures at this office.
The Teems apd the Weekly Globe
for........... ...... ...... $1.60
The TIMES and Montreal Witness
from now to Jan. ist, 1904, for$1,65
The Tim= and Weekly Mail and
Empire from now to Jan. let
1904, for $1.75
The above includes a choice of two
handsome pictnres entitled "The Doc-
tor" and "Contentmenb". Samples of
which may be seen at this office.
The Teem and. Daily Mail and
Empire, morning edition, for
one year for $4,25
The Teams and Daily Mail and
Empireasevenidg edition, for
one year for The TIDIES and the Presbyterian.
for one year for $2.25
The Trams and The W eekly Sun
from now to Jan. 1st, 1904 for..$1.75
The TIDIES and London Daily Ad-
vertiser for one yearefor $2.50
The TIMES and London Weekly
Advertiser for one year for $1.50
The Teems and Toronto Daily
Globe for one year for •$4.25
The above includes a beeutiful cal-
endar in colon, that is easily worth
fifty cents.
The TIMES and Toronto Daily
Star for
The TIDIES and Toronto Daily
News for 2.50
The Teems and Farming World
for 1.85
The Thew and Farming for 1.75
The TIDIES and Christian Guard-
ian for 2.00
The Tarns and Free Press, morn-
ing edition, for 3.25
The Teems and Free Press, noon
or evening edition, for 2.75
The Teems and Free Press, week-
ly edition, for.... .......... 1:75
NOTE -Our list is root yet co in plete
Anyone wishing a paper or magazine
notin the above list will please inquire
at the office for subscription price.
The Ring of Kanges-
"Ducll's Happy Thought"
From the worst worry
to the highest satisfac-
tion. One stepping stone
The Ventllated Illandnated Oven.
Leave your culinary troubles,
worries and expense behitid
yqu ; enjoy the economy, the
convenience,. the absolute
reliability of The " Happy
Thought. " The best friend the
careful housewife can have.
hist a touch to the patented
dampers and it is ready for any
Its efficiency will be a revela-
tion to you if you are Whig the
common kind.
Is this not worth investiga-
tion ? Send for booklet to
co., Liznistedelixo Brantforcl
or call aid see the agents.
so oustoosossuisilliMINDinsioloonissoonoss.
Costorls is put up in one -size bottles only. It
is not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone to sell
you anything else on tho. plea or promise that it
is "just as good)/ and "will answer ovary pur-
pose." .50I &o that you get 0 -A -S -T -0 -R -I -A.
1-‘4,e4, °2
4. wrapper.,
*Pees eeielesseeeeeteese eeeseasieeeseseieeefeeeseeee.e
:ti" -.284 "N.:'.f';;;;!..`f
New Gerieireal Store
Having opened up a general store,
consisting of
We solicit a share cf the patronage of the north-- end
and surrounding country. You will find we sell as low as
any store in. country or city, not ineticling some special lines
which others sell at cost or below.
I also intend to handle Eour and Feed. All orders.
promptly filled.
Terri s Strictly Cash or 'Trade
have a Telephone in connection with the store for the convenience of
all, I might also state that I have one of the heaviestand best set of weigh
scales in the village, weighing from one pound to 10,000 pounds, guaranteed
gorrect. I will now handle the scales from my store, and charge only hale
price, Sc per weigh. Anything not going to market weighed free.
P. Sea -Shoemaker Wanted. A good opening for a good shoemaker. .1
will furnish shop and living rooms free of charge, until such time as he thay
work his trade up to pay. Address L. McTAGGART, Hay P. 0.
London, Huron and Brucc.
- Passenger.
Lopart 8.15 A, T. 4.40P. Y.
Centralia ...... 9,1 5.50
HExAneprealrill 9914 • 66;2616
9.68 6.38
10.15 0.55
WCiiinngthn am arrive 11.10 rasse&ng00
6,53 A. ar. 3.15 P. m
8.06 4.69
Kippen 8.15 I.67
.22 5.02
London 9.37 6.12
A co-operative furniture factory will
in all probability be.shortly erected in
Berlin, if present indications are a
criterion. Ten thousand dollars'eworth
of stock have already been spbscribed
by the local finishers and woodwork-
ers, and no shareholder is allowed to
purchase more than ten shares. lb is
said the majority of the shareholders
are strikers, lately employed at the
King Furniture company, and mem-
bers of the Berlin union.
Toronto, Out., Dec. 1.-J. S. Willi.
son's resignation of- the managing
editorship of the Globe takes effect to-
night. Mr. John .Lewis, for some time
chief editorial writer, has been en-
trusted with the conduct of the paper
Fred Walters, son of Mr. James
41 alters, of town, who left here some
months ago for the Soo, has captured
the reward of $100 for finding the
body of Noah Hale, wbo murdered his
son, Frank, and attempted to kill
his wife on October 3rd last. Fred and
an uncle were out in the bush hunt-
ing Northwest of the Own, when Fred
came upon the body. Judging from
appearances, the finders say death
must; have taken place some time ago
and are inclined to think the cause
was suicide, as his gun Was found be-
side the body with a string attached
to the teiggen
YELL0 SAr-JORY- Ill Stephen, on Dec,
8rd, by the Rev. T. Kestle, uncle of
the bride, Miss Louisa, fourth daugh-
ter of Mr. andMrs. Elijah Joie., eo
Mr. joseph Yellow, of Exeter.
SODIDIER--VALL-At the James street,
personage, Exeter, by the Rev. Dr,
Hannon, on Dec. 8, John H. Sum-
mer, of the State of Ohio, to Caroline
Wall, of Logan Township._
Sin:W-4n Exeter, on Nov. 80111. Eliza
Shave relict of the late 'WM. Shaw,
formerly of Clinton.
"An Ounce of
Prevention is
Worth a Pound
ot Cure."
• Why not cure that cough of --
yours now ? Do not let it
go on and get worse. A
bottle of one of our own,
Cough Medicines will cure
you. We carry a large as-
sortment of
Cough Medicines
Cough Lozenges
Act wisely and get some of
our remedies.
••••••• 11•II.••••
Dfug 8tore
Roller Mills
We .are giving excellent sa-
tisfaction itt. lour since re-
modelling our mill
Dry Soft Wood wanted,
Grigilln aild, Glionlw
Dom Frollintli%
vO4 P
I i 11,, i, ,, d I IIIII ,I
, 1
11101111111111,111111119.,11,111,01 .11111,11111111411,1 tiloma
similating tiffoodandRegula-
iiit'lhe.8 Whacks saidDowels of
./S4AIN-1$rit1L.jj'It., V '
oTIC.,tsaic ()TIC.
in Safri- ,
of Senna'4•
,ifign &NZ>
riiiit .,
liap,ced -
thadSagar •
Aperrect Remedy for COBS tips -
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
ties.S. and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
At 6ci: 6.nlAt', :•514,(1 '.
35 D o gits,-.35c-t ..1...r.s.,
Costorls is put up in one -size bottles only. It
is not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone to sell
you anything else on tho. plea or promise that it
is "just as good)/ and "will answer ovary pur-
pose." .50I &o that you get 0 -A -S -T -0 -R -I -A.
1-‘4,e4, °2
4. wrapper.,
*Pees eeielesseeeeeteese eeeseasieeeseseieeefeeeseeee.e
:ti" -.284 "N.:'.f';;;;!..`f
New Gerieireal Store
Having opened up a general store,
consisting of
We solicit a share cf the patronage of the north-- end
and surrounding country. You will find we sell as low as
any store in. country or city, not ineticling some special lines
which others sell at cost or below.
I also intend to handle Eour and Feed. All orders.
promptly filled.
Terri s Strictly Cash or 'Trade
have a Telephone in connection with the store for the convenience of
all, I might also state that I have one of the heaviestand best set of weigh
scales in the village, weighing from one pound to 10,000 pounds, guaranteed
gorrect. I will now handle the scales from my store, and charge only hale
price, Sc per weigh. Anything not going to market weighed free.
P. Sea -Shoemaker Wanted. A good opening for a good shoemaker. .1
will furnish shop and living rooms free of charge, until such time as he thay
work his trade up to pay. Address L. McTAGGART, Hay P. 0.
London, Huron and Brucc.
- Passenger.
Lopart 8.15 A, T. 4.40P. Y.
Centralia ...... 9,1 5.50
HExAneprealrill 9914 • 66;2616
9.68 6.38
10.15 0.55
WCiiinngthn am arrive 11.10 rasse&ng00
6,53 A. ar. 3.15 P. m
8.06 4.69
Kippen 8.15 I.67
.22 5.02
London 9.37 6.12
A co-operative furniture factory will
in all probability be.shortly erected in
Berlin, if present indications are a
criterion. Ten thousand dollars'eworth
of stock have already been spbscribed
by the local finishers and woodwork-
ers, and no shareholder is allowed to
purchase more than ten shares. lb is
said the majority of the shareholders
are strikers, lately employed at the
King Furniture company, and mem-
bers of the Berlin union.
Toronto, Out., Dec. 1.-J. S. Willi.
son's resignation of- the managing
editorship of the Globe takes effect to-
night. Mr. John .Lewis, for some time
chief editorial writer, has been en-
trusted with the conduct of the paper
Fred Walters, son of Mr. James
41 alters, of town, who left here some
months ago for the Soo, has captured
the reward of $100 for finding the
body of Noah Hale, wbo murdered his
son, Frank, and attempted to kill
his wife on October 3rd last. Fred and
an uncle were out in the bush hunt-
ing Northwest of the Own, when Fred
came upon the body. Judging from
appearances, the finders say death
must; have taken place some time ago
and are inclined to think the cause
was suicide, as his gun Was found be-
side the body with a string attached
to the teiggen
YELL0 SAr-JORY- Ill Stephen, on Dec,
8rd, by the Rev. T. Kestle, uncle of
the bride, Miss Louisa, fourth daugh-
ter of Mr. andMrs. Elijah Joie., eo
Mr. joseph Yellow, of Exeter.
SODIDIER--VALL-At the James street,
personage, Exeter, by the Rev. Dr,
Hannon, on Dec. 8, John H. Sum-
mer, of the State of Ohio, to Caroline
Wall, of Logan Township._
Sin:W-4n Exeter, on Nov. 80111. Eliza
Shave relict of the late 'WM. Shaw,
formerly of Clinton.
"An Ounce of
Prevention is
Worth a Pound
ot Cure."
• Why not cure that cough of --
yours now ? Do not let it
go on and get worse. A
bottle of one of our own,
Cough Medicines will cure
you. We carry a large as-
sortment of
Cough Medicines
Cough Lozenges
Act wisely and get some of
our remedies.
••••••• 11•II.••••
Dfug 8tore
Roller Mills
We .are giving excellent sa-
tisfaction itt. lour since re-
modelling our mill
Dry Soft Wood wanted,
Grigilln aild, Glionlw
Dom Frollintli%