HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-12-4, Page 3EnERIMENTS,
VVhere Migrating- Birds Spenethe
• Winter—Experiments WIT -
a e
The Seel t luron jail Ins ti (al te, lw.hich
b 610(
<ee for America, the sane° rk
which the South Kensington 'esetim
fteeomplishes in England, iseenasing
au attempt to solve tip g 'ant pro;'
e ,
. b4nn oi.. where, mrat
igie ra birds $pen
says d
Eon Answers.
Orni Lit o I °WAS- ow ligt little about
the subjett. For ' inStaace, though
We are aware that our swallows go
to Africa in, September, yet we do
'not know within several thousand
nines. how far south 'they travel. Of
American omigeants still less . is
known. The a ti Lh o ri ties at the
Smithsonian . are having 40 fewer
than re million aluminium tags -made.'
• : These are to be sent to correaniond-
• ents all over the country, with the
I' (quest thut they miter be Distened to
-the legs -0f• youngWild birde ...before
they 'axe able to fly. The t• age aro
to be marked' 'and' dated, so that
when the birds are recaptured. or
killed . it will be pereSible to obtain
records of how for they nave ranged
from their; birthplitee . The plan ie
far the biggest of its kind which ikas•
ever been fried, and will, it is es-
timated, cost at least .615,000, and
employ a staff of ten cerrespondence
-clerksfor several years;
A ; eoinewhat 'silailer eXperiment
wae tried .some yeate. ago by the
. British fisheries authorities.; They
caeight- and marked with dated metal
tags over. 10,000 . salmOn, with a
View to seeirig Whethtfr all crane
back'Sinto the sante riverrile which
they had been hatched. The "eXprri-
:anent:proved that a. very large ',ma-
' jority did So. It also afforded evi-
, dance that salmon increased in
weight more rapidly -than.
. . . .
•CI:he Royal Statist:haat Society is at
• present engaged upon a very -big
• undertaking. For scientific reasons
•.- connected writ.' the growth of the
general -weight and stature of the
British nation it has long been de-
sired to Rad out what the actual
consumption of meat and milk is in
this country. The society has under-
taken itho task, and is printing hun-
th-eds. of thossands of circulars,
which are to be sent out to fariners,
butchers, and householders all over
- *the kingdom. In these forms - blanks
are:left for the honseholder to fill in
the quantities of beet, mutton, veal,
. bacon, ham, cheese; butter, and
fresh milk used by his family.
Di:Mc:boas are asked for the average
ago and weight Of •alt the animals.
passing through '•their hands ; far-,
niers for the products arid I iVQ stock
on their farms.. llestilts will take
, at least •lavciyears t� tabulate' and
publish. .
a.- ----!"-e A most curious and very dangerous
series of experiments has, lately been
conducted by pr. Lindsay Johnson
upon the eyes of wild animals. It
• has Jon been known that the hu-
man eye possesses a peculiar yellow
Spot in the center, of vision. which
- es used in reading. This spot, known
as the• "macula, lutcca" was for long
'supposed to be peculiar to man.
Dr. Johnson, looking one clay at
- seine ruciukeys. in Jamracan's collec-
tion, found that they also possessed
• this spot. Ireprdceeded to Make a
thorough examination of the eyes of
all other animals he could get, at.
In each individual case it •was neces-
eery to darken the cage and, put-
• ting a lamp behind the animals!
. „. head, to look through the ophthale
moscope at a distance of half an
inch only from the animal's eye for
not less than two. beers at a time.
' The total time spent • over each tun -
mal was from eight • to sixteen,
hours ! Lions, tigers, bears, worves,
-elephants, . even fish and monstrous
• pythons, were exembeed in this way.
' In all, no fewer than one thousand
•'animal's • were examined, some • with
• the greatest .e
, Special buildings and four inetru-
manta, costing several thousands or
dollars, have • recently been erected
at Greenwich for the accommoda-
• tion or a staff of FrencIi estrono-
niers, • including • PecSessors Dennn
and • Digourcian. At the eaerm time
•Illesees. Dyson and Hollis, Of Green,
: wich ObSer vatoky, have „,mcne to
Paris, where they also. have beep
' provided with special instruments
and a aumber of expert French ma-.
themeticians. . The reason , of these
large raid expensise peepatations, is
that a •final attempt is to be dado
to reconcile the discrepancy of. time
'existing between the capital cities of
England and France. ' The difference
ishut eleven4ixteeilihs-Of a second,
but, slight though this seems,. it
meet: be remembered that the far-
tber south one gets' the greater the
error• heroines, -until at the Eguator
it will tint to miles, and might very
likely cause- serious treuble overthe
boundaries of colonies or countries.
, the lieeessary,..019Servations will take
months to coniplete, .then the' :cal-
..eti-i.s.tions wilt be made -and mutually
checked by the two obseevateries.
The result will not be known until
the end of: 1903, and the creel. . will
I'Litt to oeer $50,000.
• It' is tilee at''Pari$ flail a sorY'ine
terestinganti costly seieeLiflo expeei-
neent has lately been in progrees„ An
-enormous pendultint has been hung
in the Pantheon in wake to prove -by
ite movements the rotation ' of lelid
ea..1.1,11., The pendulumis a bait -of
lead .weighieg 56 pounds, and it
Swung by a wire 210. feet in lengtil,
tho 1onest piano wire ovee drawn
The swingtakes eight full secoads
in °ether divectioa, and the pendiduia
apparently displaces. itself in the oti- '
poeite direction to the imeth's -spin.
The experiment 121151 0 eel tp led for sia V- '
oral months the eieetelee at 151 toitioil
Or al 080 VC.1.14.13 OW11 SCJCUI.i $.1 LS Me.6811ri,
Camille Iflamitmeion and BelgetS and
affeeds the -most mageifleent lesson
la 'estrOnemy O'er given- LO ' the
Mitts ARE ivrEgoiNG INTO
Marked by Pale Paces., Heart Pale
pitation, Loss of Appetite end
General Lassitude —now- • to
Overeeme Tltis Conditten. •
After babyhood the most perilout
time' in a young. girl's lifo is when
she is just entering Womanhood...Pt
is. then. that SILO i sybjeet to head-
aches, dizziness, heart palpitation,
feeble' appetite and •bloodless cheeke
and' Bps. This condition may easily
develop into eonsureption, and lei
prevent this—to keep the .young girl
in good health and stgerigth, moire
10 lpSIS Up011 tllolr tultinj
a blood making tonic, such as 'or.
Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. Ilenree
McIntyre, Port Dalhousie, Ont.
, -
gives sound advice. to other mothers
in ceses of this kind. She says
"About three years ago the health
of my daughter, Bertha, began to
fail. S3he grew weak sind seemed un-
able to stand Lhe least exertion, She
suffered from 'distressing headacheit
and fainting ; her appetite Jett
her and she lost flesh. 1 spent nweh
money one medicines, but they did
not help her. Then 1 took her to a
doctor, and although his treatment
was peraisted in,for a long time, she
Seemed to be growing worse,' and .1
began to fear she vas going • into
Consumption.1.'Then I took her to a
spedialist, •but his treatment was
Have. Yen Played at This. New
i‘alrior b
The organd
ilar entertainments, not to speak of
the average family hostess in the
Country whert the long evenings
pine, is alwaySon the look -out for
new forms of emptirasa geld to such
may be commended that most anitis-
iitnrtne 1 adios only,
This same ''hainmering" owes its
origin.- to • Australia, where it le
anui.eingly • popular at church ba-
zaars and eittertaituneuts in general,
First of all a, prize is offered, and
then throe or more ladies—the cont -
put ore—step 'uposi the platform. To
each ono is given a hammer 'and half
a -dozen naile, these artieles being
exactly the same in each case. In
addition, the competitors are given a
place ,of varyhard wood, and the
object of cacti lady is to drive her
'Supply of mails tato. the WOOtl iti,
given time and with o. certain amount
of accuracY.
The contestant who does the nail -
driving in the' neatest and mosb
efficient way within a given time gets
the prize.' These contests aro • pro-
vocative of a great deal of fun, but
sometimes a very eager lady will
show some aniount of temper When
, she hammers her thumb instead of
the nail, and this causes unsyMpa-
,thetic onlookers to laugh the more.
!Often enough the prizes are. sufficient-
ly snluable to CA4lSO girls to spend
!many an hour in practising nail -
driving; and Sydney boasts of a
!lady 7110 proudly accepts the title
of "Champion Hammerer of 'Aus-
likewise ursuceossful 1 inaily upon I tralia.'' Iler photograph, with neheld
the advice of a lady friend, a, doctor 'array of medals and cups, figures
practising in, Chicago, Bertha began amongst the pietuims of celebrities
using Dr. Williams' Piak Pills, and sold in the shops.
before long there was a decidectim-
provement in her condition, and by
the time she had taken nine boxes
she was once more enjoying the best Ring George 1117., of England, who
1 of health a,nd had gained fifteen made Weymouth fashionable by go -
pounds in weight. I would strongly ing ...there to reside occasionally,
advise all similar sufferers to give used frequently to Make excursions
'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.a, fair trial„into the rural neighborhood about
as her caSe 'seemed cis hopeless as 'the' town. On one of these rambles
coend be." he passed a field where only one WO -
All weak and ailing girls and wo- man was at work and asked her
ellen, sufferers from backache, head- where the rest of her .companions
aches, -indisposition to work or ex- wore. With ' much naivete the evo-
ercise, :who show by their pale and man. replied : `'They have gone to
sallow cheeks that they are in ill see the king.'" "And why did you
health, wilt find preexist relief, bright.not go with them ?" rejoined is
oyes, rosy cheeks and active health Majesty. "I would not give a ptie
in a fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink see hint," replied the peasant. "Do -
Pills. You can obtain these pills cause the fools that are gone to town
from any medicine dealer or.by mail, to see him will lose a day's work by
postpaid, at' 50e a box or six boxes it, which is more than I can afford
for 52.50, by writing direct to tho to do,, for I hae-e five children to
Dr. Williams! Medicine Co.,. Drocke Work for." "Well, then," replied
vine, Ont. Never accept anything George, patting some money into
else which a dealer may say is "juet her hand, "you- may tell your com-
as good," • ; panions who are gone to pee the
rik--- king, that (ho king came to see
200,000 Riaies or Electric Wire Un-
der the, Ocean.
Tho submarine telegraphs of the
A Dying Patient Recovers Through
world • number 1750. Their aggro- the Interposition of a numble
gate length is nearly 200.000 miles; G erman.-
their total cost is estiinated at•
£55,000;000, and the •number of Chicago, Nov. 15.
messages annually transmitted over eSome weeks ago, Dr. 0—, a very
thorn is more than 6,000,000. 'reputable and widely -known phy-
Adding to the subrattrine lines the shaken, living on 0—e-- street, was
land telegraph. systems by •which called to attend a veey complicated
they are connected; the total length ca.se of Rheumatism. Upon arriving
of telegraph lines of the world is at -ehe house he found a man about
1,180,000 'masa, the: length of their forty years of itge,• lying in a pros.
single wires, or conducLors, 3,890,e tented and serious condiLion, . with
000 'miles, and -the total number of hip whole frame dangerously affected
Messages annually sent over them with the painful dieectse. He pre-.
about 4,00,000,000 -71-r an average of scribed for. the patient, but the Man
more than 1,000,000 oath day. eoutinued to grow worse, and on
Li the short halt century since, the senility • evening he was found to
practicability .of' .submierene tele- be 'iv a very alarming condition. The.
graphy was demonstrated the elec- kneesitt isi elhows and larger jointe
tric wires have invaded every ocean were greitLly inflamed, 'and could ncit
except the Pacific. Nearly a score he moved". it was only with eXtreme
of wires have been laid across tho analey that the patient could
Atlantic:, of ,Which no less than 18 lea turned in, -bed, with the aid of
now suecessfully eperate between the 1hree o"i• nitre persons. The weight of
13nitecl -States and Europe, while the clothing was So painted that
three others slain the comparatively . •
means had to be adopted to keep it
short distance -between South Amer e from the patient's body.
ica and the Aielear„ and South Eu-rsaw that his assistance.
ropean coast theoughout 'the wa.a1:11ill?ct:c)1
J.li3. no a vaila.cued le f t the
Indian Oeean'lines' 'connect the 'Far houses. the members Of the family
East with Europe and America, via
riWg t .
the Red Sea, he Mediterranean, She eltnhim o e emi, weening.
western coast of Europe, arid -tho.Amost immediately the grief strict -
great Transatlantic lines. The Med- en ones were addressed by an humble.
, (lemon. no had hoard _of the de -
is -creme(' and recroseeu . •
spair -of the family, and now, asked
in its entire length.rind :breadth by.
numerous cable lines,- • them 10try his remedy, and aecord
Along' the eastern -coast ofAsia -
ily brought forth a' bottle of St..
• ,itg
eable lines -loop frm '
o,port to • port !."'").''Oil„,Poor wire aPPlicd
and island to island, receiving thee- LhiS Halle Ely. ',Me first applicetion
paticnt Veni. much ; after
Sages overland from Eastern En- eased. the
rope, .vin, the Russian -Siberian land few they used it itgaisanrl.
lines, arid forwarding them to. Ja- wonder of wondei's,. the pain vanish -
ed entirely' ! Every subsecinent ap-
China, Australia, New Zealand,
the Straits Settlements, Hong Kong„ plication improved the pat:Rene and
and the Philippines, and receiving en two days he WAS Well. aria -out.
others he return • . • When elm doctor ,cailed a few days
• - •—+ . after, he Wes Mcleod surprised.
Tim Trouble Not Due to Original One useful element of a literary
Sin,stylotis suggestion. The author does
• pot tell a laborious story. He repro-
Tliere is no 131 tilt like a teething seats .ft picture in AS -IOW It7Or CIS as
lethy. Ills temper isn't, due to or- possible, allowing the reader to CU
(913101 11, 11 OWeVer ; -the tyi•ant eta -
fees more Llian the rest of the fam-
ily. Ile dont enow what is the
inalter. They do. The trouble is
they tlo 33.1 always know what to
do for his lordship. ...An Ontario
mother. writes to 'tea what is .,hest
te do. "When my. baby was teeth-.
ing,” site says, '"Iie was SO el'OSS and
Tost less Lhat i [lordly knew what to Prompt reply, "I will tak-e one or
de with hin1. Ile hail a pooe ap- tWo. Sugared almonds are favor-
peaite -and ate hut little, and WAS i1°54 Of
or owing ,,1 got it box of Baby's '1 ell which le the most frevoretes,.
•Owti 'tablets lied they madd a great the pink .ones or the whiteones?"
clin ego. Ite now l'eS Ls svel I; has a' "I will take the White 01108, Please;
splendid 111)1let,i1x, 1333(1 gives ins 110 that i',,. if yore don't mind."
teoleee Lake thoeirt hat'll just be tight, aunty. You
Hence eei, 013a, of mai, le, lee talm •the white ones and I will keep
the pink epos. They were alt ' pink
at firet."
. .
A tencher wes instructing a elless
of hoys, ansi had spent halt an hetn.
trying to drtvq late theft heads the
difference between man and the leav-
er animals, but apparently with- lit-
tle PolleCOSS. '1'1311)311y," he said,
emixingly, to a little chap, "do you.
know the dirk:some between, -Say, me
arid 0 pig, or any Other brute?"
writher direct, to the Di . eigo," replied Tommy, inaocentey,
Medieine Co., Brockville, Cnit„, or 'but another teacher standing by
Schenectigly, NeY, laugtockt
Iii the details himself. This was. the
unconscious method of little Mar-
garet, who had had a present of 1
some sugared almonds, and was la-
bel:jug under an impulse of genet -eta-
'; • . •
"Atnity,'' said sho, "don't yoti
weat some of my almonds?" .
' YOu; dear," was • the
Sclifeieder, el _Irene\ er, Ont., but
oleo -of thous:wile of inoLluare 1111
over the Dinnertime A baby leething
is ernes leicavise 1) Is blood or •itrated
pm; hia 130Weir3 (31.
relteecail, las systea,
lientied ley the' effort ofgetting the
treat 0 h rough the gums. DiebY's Otvit
Tablets act like magic 1105 ontsr
this, 53 1. in nil ttilinei.t.s 'Of lilt le
ones. t•-1 ()l)t hy druggista 01' k0I1
POSt Paid nta. 25 cents a. box be
Result of Now York Eiport's
- Analyses of
Canadian -Made Soaps,
h. Deineel laiaen-Mesh Co„ writes;
" We sent samples of the leadieg
"seeps amide in Canada to an expert
"Ln New YOrk, and had them thor-
"oughly analyzed, As a result of
"this analysis, we find your 'Sun -
"light Soap' to thoroughly cleanse
"without danger to the claim, and
"we are therefore pleased to reeOre-,
"Mend wearers of the Dr, Deimel
"Underwear to use Sunlight Soap
"for washing."
. Try Sunlight Soap—Octagon Br—
and you will Flee for yourself. 224
Oysters cannot .live in, the Baltic
Sea, The reasonis, that it is not
salt enough. They can only Jive in
water that conlatina ttt least thirtye
seVen Parts ofealt, in every 3.,000
parts of water.
Minard's Liniment for Beumatism,
Teacher --"Why, °wig(); John tells
yea knocked him clo'cvn. Did
you'?" Oeorge (happile remember-
ing one of his lessons)— No, ,misS,
it was the force of gravitatioa that
made hint fall. I only pushed him."
Vor Ores, tiixty 'rears.
Winslow'A o1ik1tlgS3111D has been wed for over sixty
years by millions. of mothers for their children white
teething, with perfect auccat,, 11 soothes tho MAUL
softens the gums allays all 31010510500wind collo, and
Nth° beat romed:i for nierrigee. eiereetit Oho
las, a. Sold lay finglAta in every part of tho wor
Twanity-lirceents a bottle. Ito rtano 15 b calculable.
So sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,
and take no other ifind.
"What caa Ido for your!. the phy-
sician asked.the good woman wIto
heel catered his coneulting room.
think I should have ,a commis-
fil Oil, she returned, respectfully but
firseey, "Every child la 'Our street
caught the ateaslee None MY baby."
Cannibal Chief — "What was that
I had for dinner?" Cannibal
'"111:e was' a bicycle rider; your Ex-
caellency," "I thought 1 detected ,a
buret testa." ''Yes, your Excel-
lency, he was scorching when we
caugli I. • '
!IOW'S .11.118
• Wo offer One erundeed Dotlare newest(
kr any (MED 01 Catarrh that cannot, . be
cured by flaIl's !Jai:tilt Dine
1.21 & 00., ToIcdo, 0.
We, the Undersigned, nave known 10.
.1. (Smiley for the test 10 years, and
believe him perfectly honorablo in all
enehiess tru3153a01ie3)8 Atla lluancially
able 30 carry out any oblIgationo innflo
by 311011 11!':V1
11511 A f, w1101,,s3L La _Druggists.
l'oleale, 0. AVA .1,01N 51, I", I :!•1 IV A Pi &
eialt.VIN, wholeeuie Druggists, Tolotio,
• Hairs Catarrh littre is taken inter-
.eetiy, acting direetty upon tee bleed
and mucous surfaces of the system
VeTtlmools.ls )cut free. l'idee 75e. per ,
vottIo. Mold by all druggists. '
• llittl's tiro the best.
A queer lookthg ciistoiner inserted
his,•head into an auction morns and
looking gravely at the knight of the
hammier, ermplired, "Can I bid, sir?" ,
"Certainly," replied the aactioneev,
"you can bid." • "Well; thee," said
tho wag, walking off, "1 bid you
good -eight." ee
• Lever's -Y-Z (Wise Head)Dislefect-
ant Soap Powder is a boon to any
home. It disinfects and cleaes at
the same time.
• a
First. Actor — "I 'thought your
mixt tour was to have been through
South Africa." Second Actor—"It
was, but the company struck. • One
of them had read that an ostrich
egg often weighs two ' or three •
Take the Lehigh Valley Raileoad
route of time Black Diamond Expresse
Everything strictly first class.
Sumptuous Dining Car Service,. o la
carte. Through- Pullman. For
ticket,, Pill:Imams, tithe. of brains,
and further particulars, call at
Grand Trunk ticket . °thee or on,
Relit. S. Lewes, Passenger Agent, 38
YOnge. street,. Board of Trade build-
ing, Toronto.
• —as
. NO •SEiralLifilS DRAWBACK.
Bridget was engaged to be married
to a young plumber, Terence Dolan
by nattie,..and when, two weeks be-
fore the day set for the wedding,
she fell down the cellar stairs, she
was in. the depths of .woe.
"I've beblee, out one o' my front
teeth," she wailed ;to her mistress,
"and my teeth bas been my best
beauty, ram'aml lifitnnY's the time
Terence has had me shove 'eineto his
friends, .and remarked how fine they
were! 011, what'll I do? What'll I
—run Termite all about it when he
comes to -night, and sure he'll
say he's only glad you *ere not
more severeler' injured," saki her mis-
tress;- but Bridget shook her head
and refused to be comforted.
"Twould' be better for me if .I'd
broke some o' my bones.," she said,
gloomily, "and maybe all of 'ani,"
That eveuing, after Terence bad
come and gone, Bridget -appeared be-
fore hor Mistress, the glociin gone,
'ansi her face set int a broad smile.
'I towld him all about it,'' she
said, gailY, ."and he' says .to
'What's a tooth' more or lees when
it comes to cooldn'S' he sags, care-
less like, ancl. passed on to Ca.ssitly's.
wake" as if 'twos no matter at s(11 1"
--- I
Dame Aime Moreau, Postmistress
of Weedon,'" Tells of Eer Com-
plication of Troubles and Plow
Easily She Got Rid of Them. All.
Weedon, Que., .Nov. 24,--(Speri])
.-Dame Aime Moreau, Postinistres:i
here.„ tells a. story ,of her cure of
complicatloii of ailments arising
from, diseased Kidneys that would
be considered wonderful if similar re-
ports were not coining from different
parts of • the country almost daily.
However, the Postmistress' story is
so well 'authenticated that it will
prove interesting to all those who!
are 'suffering from :Kidney •ContlainC
in any form,
"I fell a -victim to several Ridney•
male clies," says haute Moreau, "the .
most severe was Heart Disease, but
I also suffered from. Baeliache, Bled -
der ':Protible and Rheumatism.. I took I
medicine, but nothing end me anY
good till I tried. Dodd's, Ridney
Pills. •
"l'hitice takett three boxee alld DOW
I feel like a yoseg woman I feel
no pain and am so well that ,in my
advanced age'I do all. My own Work.
I say that Dodcl's Kidney. Pills are
goad. for 01 Ridney Diseases. I re-
conimencl.Doeld's Kidney -Pills as :the
beet remedy for Me that I have ever
"All the persons who, would like to
get informatien can apply to me. I
shall always be 'disposed to give
1st12, all the infOrMa14011 they de-
DOdd's ,Xidney. Pills Cure all It''Sd
May CoMplaints. They enake the old
feel young again!, •
When, a women asks you to stay
for supper her mind goes off on a
lightning viait to Inn cupboatel, and
if her manner geows more cordial it
means thr,tt the mental trip was sat -
ideate ry.
SOMETHING TO ItEluvarzmil..
.„ When travenng you should bear in
1)2511131 the road and the trains; that
take you to your destinntion in
thefastest time, and in the • most
comfortable manner. The .Grand
!,Erank service excels in both pare
ticulars and passengers from To-
ronto to -Montroal, Buffalo, No*
York, Detroit and Chicago, will find
the day trains ecinipped with wide
vestibuledcoaches, handsome Cafe
Parlor and Dining Cars serving
neeals '!te .1a 'carte." The night
trains carry Pullman sleeping cars to
all above points. You .can leave
Toronto .for Montreal and cast at
9 a. DI. and 10 p. ne. for Beitralo and
Nev York at 9 a. 111., 4.50 and 6.15
and to Detroit and Chicago at
7.85 ae in, 4.50 P. in. and 11:20 .p.
in. Tickets, reservations, etc.,- at
city office, northwest corner King
and eage streets.
revey Patettic — "Mister, kin you
help me with a little money? T. ain't
got a friend on 'mirth." Mudge —
"If you have no friends, there is no
reason why you should not be able
to keep your money. Move off."
Messrs. 0. C. Diehards & Co.
Gentlemen,-7Theoclore Pantie, a
Customer • of Mine, was completelzi
ottred of rheumatism a.ftor five yearS
sufTet ing, by 'Olt; judicious use: of
The ahove fact can be verified by
writing to him, to the parish priest
or any of his neighbors.
- A. 00TEe
Merchant, St. Isadore, Que,
May 12th, 1893.
A man turns 112,000 spadefuls of
earth in digging, au acre of ground,
and the soil he has moved during
his work weighs 850 tons.
removes 1111 herd, soft or callonsed Lamps
nud Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin,
Curbs, Soli its, Ring Done, Sweeny, Stifles.
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Tureat, Coughs.
etc. SaVo .1.50 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure
ever known. Sold 1:,y all druggists.
Crabbe—"To-day, for the first
time, I was really delightecl to hear
my neighbor's piano goiteg." Friend
—"Something worth listening to, 1
suppose?"" ,Crabbe "I should shy
so, :r heard the hire purchase men
taking it acee3es14..
Minard's Liniment lifeS La Grippe
• Gent is rarely known among the
working classes or Ireland. Their im-
munity from this complaint is
thought to be due to the fact that
their food consists. larg,elea Of po-
Is the great wipter tourist route to
the south and WON t, ,I1Chiditig the
felliOSS n Oh Springs, Ark., Old
• Mexico, the Egypt of Americo, Texas
and California, the lande• of sun -
thine and, flowers, Your pal ticular
attention is called to the fact that
pees:gagers g lie. Detroit and
over the Wabash, reach their des-
tination hatirs 1 advanee of other
lines. The utesv and elegant trains
on the Wabash are the fiuest in this
country, everything is first class in
every respect. All round trip winter
tourist tickets are now on at
lowest rates.
Time tables, maps, and all ireSerma-
aboat thee wonderfulrailroad
cheerfully furnished by oa'j tickeb
agent, or J.. A. Richardson,. District
Passenger admit, northeast corner
King &JYonge streets, Torl°, and
St. Thomas, ont. ,
viehwire "volt , ought to be
ashamect of the way you encourage
that .Mre. °nestle to call here. Do
really enjoy hearing your neigh-
, hors talked about?" Mrs. Wickwire
—"No; X 'can't sayqhat I do. ' But
I as icing as I keep her here 1 know
' 'she is not talking a'bout ine,"
oniivik.nr•-e.rsa.ne., .0 - •
14,/ 7/174.,ct ite;x4.4
eft.477t, er--(71,‘ r",
MECDmat;E:e Narcomtx-&-.
Wo want the mangoes nf
203(3803 (11 realities to 0)
Iraltann fOr nO rt hone,
whole 03 epara (hoe. 'WO
furnish 915 rartelsine and
supply Um yarn free and
pay fOr tho worts aa sent in.
DleAM26 no lenceenee.
57 to SU n week made
auaording to thne devoted
Lo the ,w, -k. Wr!to
oneo for earth:Ada a
twt Name reftrenco..
VIA Domirgoa Emitting Co.,
Dept. 11, TORONwo, ON'n,
At the height of one mile the aver-
age velocity of the wind is four
times as great as iet the surface,
Millard's Liniment Is the. best,
• A French physician, has announced
that not onbe Is yawning' healthful,
but it •should be resorted to artillele
ally in case of sore throat.
Minarrl's Liniment the best Flair Restorer
A wonderful -echo can. be heard in
a. room in the - castle of Simonetta,
near :Milan. A loud noise, such as a
pistol shot, is repealed sixty times.
Preserves the tooth. Sweetens the breath.
Strenxlhens 'the unnie.
1p3 SAY • 51' REET.101101110
AGENTS WANTED .ccrcieniategfott‘.
Mon, and South airieen [Var. -115 t staying manes
pins. :Write for.terms. 'UNDERWOOD t
WOOD. 62 Adela,do Toronto. Ont.
QS sS frs, 'To send for our CcA...
tjitis picte • Sheet Music
Catalogues and
Special Rates.
356 Main Street,
1 2r-aXearTh7Ms
We are equipped to
surOly every Music
Teacher in Canada.
g Ca,
158 Yonge
Standard American Wicks
Sarnia lamp OIL
whmesale only.
e...venust 50GEno•FmES.TOROnriii:
Dominion Lino Steamships
hiontroal tc LiverpooL Boston to Liver-
poot Portland to Liverpool. Via Queens.
Largo and Fast Steamship:I. Superior accommodation
for all clansea of naasengers. Saloona and Staterooms
are amidships. Special attention has been given to the
9econcl Saloon end Third-Cinas accommodation. For
'Yates of pasaage and all particulars, apply to any agent
of the Company, or
Richards, Mills 1c Co D. Torrance to Co..
77 etato 51. itcaton. Montreal and Portland,
We use the best
lean beef, get all the
essence from it, and
.concentrate it to the uttermost.- In an ounce
of our' Extract there is all the nutrition of
many pounds of beef. To get more nutriment
to the ounce is impossible.
Our Booklet, "How to Make GoodThings
to Eat," matted free.
LIBBY, &NEILL & LIBBY, C1110100,
C eaning and Curling and 15131 Mom cleaned Tb
um be sant by peah lo per oz. the heat place la
0 fh
t I:I ifTWO1=1071:3efigregil,
.311 you a gentleman s wato
with handsomely engraved case, and hear
gold plate, open face, stem wind and stem s obi'
fully gmeranteed a rellsble timekeeper. 4.4
really. goal watch. Ordyr now before thel
December rush is on. By mail postpaid,
Dept 8, V111.1 SUPPLY CO.,
Hamilton, Ont.
We want eceeme
Turkeys, 2000
Gees e, 23000
Ducks, & io,000
Chickee,g te
our orders. It
y.ou have any it
will pay you to.
ship us.
We also want
any quantity of
new laid eggs.
The Dawson Commission Go.; Limited
( anacia Permanent
Toronto Street, Toronto
Inaeceou, J. HERBERT MASO.N.,
anti upwards 01141 +;:n, ;.1
1'taz.11,Ittio:on.T ,
1 rem iTeA
1 153600,00a
...........^.1.21.129. • /.210/..0113/01...1.1.14/MA
deposit we will lay aside either cif these lines and clolivee same Xina0'.
Eve, or sooner. it desired, 0.0.1). for the 'balance.
Proportionate allowance to all outside points.
Thoroughly made, and beautifully upholstered in 'the best illainarcH
Velours, I.est twill:cared steel speitig scats, fringe. •alt round, handsome -
toll ',Turkish Head, exceptionally comfortable. Upholstered ire the follow-
ing shades : Crimson, Blue, Green, Terra Cotta, Golden. Brown, and
Olive. Remember 'we 'paek 'free and prepay all freight charges..for.$619S
$35.00 Five -Piece Parlor Suite $23.55
ITandeomely upholstered in Silk Tapestry, Mahogany finished -frames,
Wegantly (Sieved, best tempered steel feeling seats, ehaped legs, braced
hackS, et:, Ott. TidS slutCOil8i33t5 Sofa, Platform 'Seeker, Arin
Chair ail& two Reception Chair. This °EMI% a splendid opp Or td
P331 5113 SO a handsome 5-pieee ria,rlor stiiicaat less than city prices,
Packet] Free and Freight Paid to Your Station.
Remittance can be made by either P.O. aloney forder, Expreais ordere
registered letter, 01. marked check.
341 YONCt $111tET and OA 4, 6, 6, 10 Dna 1'2 (WAD SYREET, TOflOttillOi
110110.--Sond for our Catalogue of Xmas Furnitecee