Exeter Times, 1902-12-4, Page 10i
THIRTIETH, YEAB ;+"-••1,\ o:
1014..'; "a. SU**,
*V+++ +ii'}+g':A i 1. ++++++.H.+ + +444 ++44 +++++++++++4 ++ +i¢+
-+•'- Stove Mats
g� T I-Iawkhis +'r
[s•' .,k „g.,g,+, +g++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Steel Ranges
Coal and
Wood Cook
Air Tight
r _ e
Pirriaa.ice Work a Specialty
You 6a11 haus
a tdrll1 T1�6
All winter in one of Taman's
Suits and Overcoats, Never a
better line of Real Good Ones.
Never a better Iine of Moderate
Priced Ones, Never a better
line of
Then there is this certainty, if
you buy a Suit and Overcoat of
me, you get as good a one as the
price you pay can buy, .and -if
the fit and workmanship. don't
prcive satisfactory you get your
money back.
3?rices go fr.cirosrri $12
We want your Xllothing. Trade.
W. We Taman.
Merchant Tailor.
Fresh and
Salted fleets
Having purchased the Butcher
Business from Mr. J. T. Manning,.
we solicit a share of your patron-
----like. .We keep the
Best of Meats
both fresh and salted, always on
band.. Orders delivered promptly.
BRIEFS. ---The past season has not
been a very encouraging one to our
flax growers, owing to the wet weath-
er.—Mr. August,.Kuhn has accepted a
position with the Sovereign Bank, as
clerk.—There was a union service held
in the German church on last Sunday
evening, Reva Knetchel, of Berlin was
the speaker and he delivered a very
Interesting discourse. -The Merchant s
Bank have placed a three and a half
ton safe in their office.
F3rucefield. •
There appears almost to be an epa
demi° of accidents in this' vicinity
- lately, The latest victims are Mr.
Peter Cameron who had his .finger
badly lacerated by coming in contact
with.some part of the gearingof a
We Can
that our stock of Fall
and Winter goods is
unequalled. See for
PollItru Bllttor
anU Eggs Wdllt6tl
. —Iii Exchange
—For Good
Highest' Prices paid. New
Goods arriving daily.
Candies and Confectionary for
• ithe Xmas trade.
Case's Old Stand, HENSALL.
straw cutter which he was operating.
Also Mr. Joe: Gray, ' G, T. R. agent,
while splitting some wood one evening
last week, slipped and dislocated his
knee. 'Both of these parties are doing
askwell as can be expected.
BRIEFS—Mr. Russell, the .respected
Reeve, of Fuilarton, bas decided to
withdraw from municipal politics for
the present. This will be deeply re-
gretted by the ratepayers, as he cer-
tainly proved himself a mostconsci-
entious and popular representitive.
An effort will be mabe to get him to
allow his' nameto go before tbe_people
for a seat at the county council. Mr,
Oliver Harris will be a candidate for
the Reeveship.—A very pretty wed,
ding was celebrated at 6 p. m. Noy. 19
at' the residence of Mr, and Mrs. John
Campbell, lot 18, con. 7, Fullerton,
when the Reis. Mr, Graham, of Avon -
ton, united Mary E., eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, to Mr.
William J. Jervis, eldest son of Mr.
John Jervis, Little Lakes,
—THE ---
Merchants Bank of Canada
CAPITAL (aII paid up). .
REST. ........... .....�. ..
rsos•Iri v°z E
denoral Manager
• •..••.$6,000,000.
Superintendent of Era/idles.
Interest at most favorable current rates • allowed on
Savings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts,
Betters of Credit issued available in China, Japan and
otheraforeign countries.
G, J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Conveyan-
cer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, and
Issurer of Marriage Licenses, Legal documents
carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money
to loan nu real estate atlow rates of interest,
Office at the Post Office llensall
BRIE11'S,—The Misses Henderson, ;of
Windsor, are visiting their brother,
Rev. Mr. Henderson, — Mr. George
Brown and. Mr. Wm. Stoneman were
in Clinton on Sabbath afternoon call-
ing on the Rev. Dr. Medd, who, we re-
gret to learn° continues so ill that he
is unable to return to his home as was
expected. We hope howevert, he will
soon take a decided change for the
better. -- Miss. Kate Bonthron, of
Exeter, was in the village the first
part of -this week spending a few days.
with friends.—Mrs. Million, of Goder-
ich, was here visiting her sister, Mrs.
,las. Ellis, and niece, Mrs, F. Smalls-�
combe,—Mr. James Petty. familiarly
known as "Uncle James" who has
been in the Old Country, visiting his
relatives, for the past 7 months, re-
turned home on Tuesday evening,.
looking hale and hearty, but reports a
rough passage on his way home.—
The friends of Mr. Frederick Bonth-
roe, youngest son of Mr. Robert Bon-
thron, of this village, who was in
Salt Lake City, will be pleased to
Learn that he is recovering nicely
from his late very serious illness. —
The LaDell concert held here on Mon-
day evening last, was very . well at
tended•and much enjoyed.—A concert
will be given here, on Tuesday, De-
cember 9th., under the auspices of the
curlers and promises to be a very
popular one,, and to be largely attend-
ed, Among the attractions for the
evening will be that of Mr. David Mc-
Gill, of the Soo, and who was well
known here as precentor in Carmel
Presbyterian church. — Mr. aPeter
Melville has added to the appearance
of his dwelling en Oxford street, by
the addition of a brick kitchen.—Miss
Mattie Ellis was in Goderich for a
couple of days during the past week
visiting relatives and friends. —Mr.
Cook and sister, of South Bend, were
in the village last week visiting their
relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cook
.and family.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc-
Dougall left here on Tuesday morning
for Toronto, where they intend spend-
ing a few weeks with Mrs. McDou-
gall's daughter, Miss Annie Popple.-
Mr. Stephen Troyer, of• the township
of Hay, was called to Bayfield, DU
Monday evening, owing to the serious
illness ofhis father-ino-law, Mr, Geo.
Greenslade: --Mr. Alex. McMorran, of
Paisley, was •here during the past
week, visiting his sister, Mrs. James
White,—Mr. Albert .Whitesides has
moved into the dwelling he recently
purchased from Mr. Hawk, on Oxford
street.—Mrs, A. Brandt, wife of Mr.
A. Brandt, G. T. B. agent here, was
in Ailsa Craig, her former home, dur-
ing the past week.—Mr, D. A. ()ante -
Ion shipped a large consignment of
turkeys for the Old Country market
this week.—Mr. J. M. Robertson, of
Drayton, spent Sunday the guest of
Rev. Mr. Henderson.
HAPPILY WEDDED, --On Wednesday
afternoon, of last week, at the hour of
1.30 a very happy event took place at
the residence of Mr. Thee. Hemphill,
of Wroxeter, when his eldest daugh-
ter, Miss Minnie, who is one of the
most popular young ladies of that
place, was united in marriage to Mr.
Cornelius Cook, third son of Mr. Henry
Cook, of the Remelt flouring mill, and
who is one of our smartest young busi-
ness men. The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev. Mr. McKelvie. The bride
was beautifully attired in white silk
trimmed with applique and carried a
briquet of roses. The bride was given
away by her father and the wedding
march was played by Mrs. T. Hemp-
hill, jr. The ceremony was performed
under the lights and the room was
beautifully decorated with palms,
ferns,, flowers and. smilax. After the
happy young couple had been warmly
congratulated by all the guests,a move
was made for the dining room, where
a sumptuous dinner was spread and
after all had done apople justice to the
good things provided a short time was
spent in social intercourse, the bridal
party drove to the Wroxeter station,
where•they took the train for the east,
followed by showers of rice, slippers,
etc. The groom's present to the bride
was a handsome, upright, Palmer piano
and in addition to this the bride was
made the recipient of a large number
of costly presents. The relatives and
friends from a distance were Mrs.
Cook and daughter, Miss Lovina. and
Mr, Norman Cook, mother,' sister and
brother of the groom, of Hensel' ; Mr.
Alvin Hemphill, brother of the bride,
of Walkerton; Mr.H. Johns, of Guelph ;
Mr. and Mrs. Wood, of Lindsay. ; Mr.
O. McGuire,. of London ; Mr, Milton
Cook and sister, Miss Ida, of South
River ; Mr, and Mrs, Evans and daugh-
ter, of Teeswater ; Mr. and Mrs. John
Jackson, Miss Amy Jackson, alratalios.
Jackson and Miss Renton, all of Har -
Liston. The young couple have taken
up their residence in the neat dwelling.
on Oxford street, recently purchased
by the groom. We join with their
many friends in wishing themlong
and continued happiness.
Ansa. Craig
Briars.—Rev. S. Knott spent . a
couple of days in Toronto this week,
where Mrs, h.iiott is undergoing treat, f
meet for her hearing. -Miss. Catharine
Thomson, daughter of Wm. Thomson, Laura
died last week after a brief illness.
1bliss Thomson had been in her usual
health until three weeks previous to
her decease, when she was suddenly
stricken with paralysis.—Mr. Patrick,
of Ilderton, bought up a car -load of j
sheep in this vicinity Oh Thursday and.
shipped them to Chicago for slaught-
ering purposes —Mr. Young, of Port
Huron, was in town least week in the
interests II the p oposecl Portland Ce=
nient works at W iarton.—Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Hodgins were called to Lucan on
Sunday evening; owing, to the serious
illness of Mr, I odgine sister, Mrs. 'Geo.
Sodom Stanley
Bata -s ..- Mr. .Arthur Ford, who
went out to the North West on the
Harvest excursion returned home
last week.—Mr. .Leland is visiting
friends in ..and around London.—Miss
Hazel Prouty spent a few days with
her cousin Miss Gladys Green, of Hen-
sall.—Mrs. John Perdu(' airs. Samuel
Stanlake• are visiting the former's
daughter in Detroit.—Mr. Abram
Deering has moved into Exeter. Sorry
to lose you Abe.
BRIEFS.—Rev, B. L, Hutton preach-
ed a stirring temperance sermon to a
large audience on Sunday evening
last.—Mr, Harvey Lane and Walter
Baynham returned home from the
North West on Saturday evening
last.—Miss Emma Abbott is the gues
other sister, Mrs; S. Davis. —The
Misses Wilson and Short, of McGilli-
vray spent Sunday last the guests of
Miss Rachel Wilson. _ Mrs. Thomas
Alloway, of town is very ill a
present. '
Office hours 10 a. m. to 4li. in. ielephon
connection with main office in Luoan.—Cent
ralia, Ont.
We are in a position to announce
this week that our respected reeve,
Mr, John McNaughton, will be a can-
didate for the position in the county
council to be yacated by Mr. John Tor-
rance. Mr. McNaughton has been seven
years. in aur municipal council, two
years as reeve, and has done excellent
service for the municipality, That he
has consented to accept of nomination
for the county council is due to the
solicitation of friends all over the divi-
sion who' would not take no for an
BRIEFS.—Mr. Harry Westlake has
purchased the farm of Mr. Wm.
Wilson at a Ilandsonie stun. • Two bad
Harry that it isn't leap year,—Mr.
John Marden is on the sick list, we
t hope for his recovery very soon.—Mr.
Oephas Pyni has ;mechesad a valuable
house from Mr. Johu Tierney. — Mr,
and Mrs. Saylor, of Sarnia, are visit-
ing at Mr. Armstrong.�•,
t OYSTER Suppnn. — On Thursday
evening of last week, the friends 'and
neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. William
Wilson assembled at their home to
e spend a pleasant time before their de-
parture from the neighborhood. The
evening was spent in games of all
kinds, ping pong taking the lead,
besides vocal and instrumental music.
The gentlemen provided oysters for
-- the occasion while the ladies made the
i�. groan with the good things provided
by them from their baskets. After a
most enjoyable season spent in this
way the company joined in singing
the appropriate song "Auld Lang
- Syne" and breaking up at an early
hour with best wishes for the future
t happiness and prosperity of the host
f and hostess.. feeling sorrry to lose
them from our midst, Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson always proving genial and
t kind neighbors.
BRIEFS—James Goald succeeded in
getting a couple of fine deer, while i
Muskoka this fall—We are sorry to
note that Mr. William Warren is on
the sick list at present and hope that
he will soon be around again. --Mr. and
Mrs, Morris Wilsie, of "Tedford, visit
ed friends in -these parts last week.—
A. Wildfong was in St. Marys las
week.—Mr. and Mrs. A. Eacrett, o
Seattle. Wash., are home on a visit to
their many friends in these parts.—
John Penhale has rented the fifty -acre
farm of James McMahon for a shor
term,—Mrs. John McMahon intend
leaving shortly for Buffalo, where she
will reside with her daughter, Mrs.
John Vasey.—Mr. John Rice, of Hib
bert, is visiting at Mr. Wm. Northcott's
at present.
H illsgr•een ,
A. very pleasant event took place a
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hud
son, Parr line, on Wednesday of las
week, it being the marriage of thei
youngest daughter, Miss Eva Alice
to Mr. Benjamin Wilson Carlisle, of
Hay. The bride was attired in a hand
some dress of cream albaross, trimme
with applique trimming and create si1
ribbon. The flower gird was Miss An
na. Hudson, -of Marlette, Micb.• Th
groom's present to the flower girl was
a, gold bracelet. Miss Eva is one o
Hillsgreen's most cultured young
ladies, while the groom is a prosperous
young farmer of Hay. The presents
received were both costly and numer
ous, testifying to the esteem in which
Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle are held.
Thames Road
BRIEFS.—Biddulph has lost one of
the oldest and most respected resi-
dents, in the person of Mrs. Mary A,
Atkinson, who died at the family resi-
dence, 2nd concession, Biddulph, on
Saturday, Nov. 29th, at the advanced
age of 85 years. Her family consists
t of eight children, forty-four grand-
children and twenty-nine great -grand -
t children ; over eighty in all. Her
it sons are James, of Exeter ; Edward,
of Detroit ; Thomas J., of Stephen ;
Joseph, of.Killarney ; Sharles, of Lon-
- don, and Robert, on the homestead in
d Biddulph. Tier daughters are : Mrs.
k R. Atkinson, Toronto, and Mrs. John
Hodgins, of Killarney, Man. Her re -
e mains were interred in St. Tames
cemetery. on Monday last, and the
f Rev, Mr. Stout, who prea2hed her
funeral sermon, refered to the fact
that she won the esteem of all who
knew her by her Christian example
- and kind disposition, and she was fol-
lowed -to her last resting place by a
large concourse of sorrowing friends.
—Mr. Edward Atkinson, of Detroit,
who attended the .funeral of his
mother, the late Mrs. Atkinson, is
visiting his friends here, at present.—
Mr. Bloomfield, of McGillivray, who
has lately sold his farm there, has
purchased the splendid farm of Mrs,
McTavish, 15th. concession, London
township, one of the Ernest farms in
'the county, for $6,500.
Sways—Rev. Mr. Fletcher a,nd Mrs.
Fletcher left on Monday morning for
New York on receipt of a telegram an -
flouncing the deatb. of Dr. Agar, who
was a brother of Mrs. Fletcher.—Miss
addressed a fair sized audience in the
Presbyterian church on Friday even-
ing last. Miss Wiggins is an inspiring
speaker, full ot conviction for what is
right and hope for the cause so dear to
her. Should she again favor us with
her presence we bespeak for her a
crowded house.—Invitations are out
announcing the marriage on Dec. 10th,
of Miss Marion Monteith, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monteith, to Mr.
Andrew Campbell, of Ilsborne.
(Too late for last issne.)
has been on the sick list for some time
is sufficiently recovered. to be able to
be out again.—Mr. Thos. Sturgeon, of
our village left Monday for a visit with
friends in Lambton cmanty. He intends
passing some months there.—Mr. An-
derson, of Exeter, was in the village
on Tuesday evening attending the
meeting of the Independent Order of
Foresters.—Rev. 0. McLennan
seems to be in excellent humor now.
There is a daughter. We wonder- if
this is the cause of it or if it is on ac-
count of the number of marriages. --
Mr. and Mrs. Al. Harvey attended the.
wedding of the latter's sister, Miss
Eya Hudson, on Wednesday after-
&ROOD REPORT—The following is
the correct report of S. S. No. 10,
Stephen, for the month of November.
The report is based on tbe result of the
monthly examination and owing to
the non-atteridance of seveval pupils
their navies do not appear. The names
are in order of ineria—Sr. IVa Jennie
Hayter, Lydia Sherritt, Millie Sherritt,
Jr, IV., (flambe' Taraer John Shank
Clifford Sherritt, Adelbert Webb',
Lloyd Baker ; Se, III, Earl Oliver,
Irene Oarrutbere, John Armstrong ;
jr. M., Janie Carruthers, John Hob -
Albert MaLinthey Abner Mollie,
Hickey, Frank Turner, Mabel Green
First elass, Pt, Selbourne English, I
Rose Mellin, Eva lia,yter, Della Isaac, ,
Olive Isaac ; Sr. Pt, I., Addle Hickey-, I
Pt. I., Gertie Main:whey, Elsa Love,
Walter McPherson, Soo Carr-L.611w,,
Average attendance for the month, 84§
Children cry for
Large stook of Lumber—pine and hemlock,
170,000 feet of hemlock lumber for barns, etc.,
also shingles. laths and cedar posts. PriceS
reasonable.-3AS WILLIS, Yard : East side of
Main st
BRIEFS.—Mr. Sam,Peart; of Marden
has disposed of his 150 acre farm on
of the 7th con. Usborne, for the sum
of $9,000. — Invitations are out an-
bounciag tbe marriage of Miss Nellie
White, to Mr. Wm. Elliott of Kirk ton
for the 16th of December: We hear it
r unmoral that other young ladies in
this locality may soon follow snia.
Smoot, REPORT—The follotving is
the correct report of S. S. No. 6, Vs -
borne, for the month of November.
Names are in orderpf merit.—V., May
Jones, Mabel Sawyer ; Sr. IV., Ethel
Brown Hazel Hagar, Maggie Coward -
burn, Ale 13 Oh Heywood; .1r. III., May
Sr. IthsaylZtor Sawyer Vera Washl
Cooper, Present Penwarden, Everett
Skinner. Promoted to Jr, III., Nella,
Heywood, Virda, Berryhill, Annie El-
ford, Ella Heywood, Jno. Kellett ;
Promoted to Sr. II. Lulu Godbolt,
Lille Heywood, Earl 'Johns ; Promot-
ed to .Tr. IL, Pearl Johns, Amite Wil-
son, Ella Veal, Ella Washburn, Hubert
Janes, Almeria 0oultis, Alex Berrybill,
Rai Fletcher • Promoted to Pt.
Lillis Godbol 'Clara Kellett.
D. McDottent,a, }Teachers.
(Too late for last issue.)
Miss Nellie Oard, wbo has been home
from Toronto on the sick list returned
to the city on Taesday last —Mr. EL
E. Edwards is visiting friends at Lobo
this week,— Rev, Mr. Yellancl, of the
Methodist church and Rev. Mr. Mc-
Neil, of the Presbyterian church, ex-
changed loulpits on Sunday evening of
last week both preaching' tern peranee
sermons.—Messrs. 'Wm. Bailey, Mur-
dock Ross, John Toms and Louie Mc -
Lem" arrived home Awn Pt. Frank
last week, where they have been fish-
ing the past, two mon ths.—Mise Edie
Beker, of Goderich, visited friends in
the villa last week.—On Wednesday
evening, ov. 10th, Mr. Henry tiarrah
and Mrs, Lizzie Pollock were united in
the holy bonds by the Rev. Sohn Mc.
Neil in the presence of a few of their
relatives at the residence of Mrs. Pal,
lock. The happy couple left on Thurs.
day morning for a trip to tlast Sagiw
naw, Niagara Valls and other placed
nodglps. and returned on Wednesday o lasb
H a ria, d s o
sizo Portrait Youreli
You may secure the above offer by buying $5 . oo worth 0
goods at our Special Cut Prices as advertised, For sarriple Frame
and Portrait see our window. It would be very appropriate as a
present to your friends 4. for X'mas Our grocery lines are
complete and goods are A r.
We give 3 lbs best Raisins for 25c.
4 lbs Cleaned Currant§ 25c.
9 lbs Rolled Oats 25c.
2 packages of Malta Vita or Force 25c
2 cans Red. 13rand Salmon, 25c,
Try our Japan .Teas 25c and 40e lb
Our customers claim them to be the
best they ever purchased for the
5 ids our 25c Japan for 1.10. Just
wholesale price today.
All kinds of Produce
wanted. Get our prices
before selling.
Do .you want an Overcoat P We
have just got in Raglans and, Black
Dress Overcoats. Extaa good quality
that were bought at a big redaction to
clear lines. Will give you a bargain.
See them betore yon buy.
We would like to call your attent-
ion te the fact that we have a variety
of Men's and Boys' Overcoats that we
are clearing oat at about half, price.
In Men's th.ey are going from $3 to $5,
Boys' $2 to $3. They are real good
coats and you will be eurprised to see
the bargains we are giving. Dan'b
miss this offer.
We Polf 9c for 'Nesse(' Tolley, 10c Mr Ueese, Tc Duck. Brilig Mem. Moog
week to the Commercial Hotel, where
they will be at bome to their friends,
we unite in wishing them success.—
Miss Nellie Haines, of Holly Rood,
who was ate guest of her sister, Mrs.
H, Drehman returned home on, Satur-
last—Albert Walters, of Colborne, is
visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Card
here at present,—Miss Lena Erwin
entertained a large number of her
friends at her home on Friday evening
last.—Miss Anhie Whiddon left last
week to attend the Conservatory at
London for a terra.—The Evapora,tor
is dill running in full blast until the
weather freezes up.
Rooms and 11.—Olass (A) It‘ Mar-
tin ; class (B) W. Carling, D. Dickson ;
Snell, Vera Rowe, M, 47ood, No, on
roll, 40 ; average attendamce, 40.
H. N. ANDERSON', 1 Teachers,
Room III.—Sr. 4th., Flossie Taylora
Elmore Senior, Harvey Gardiner ; fr.
average attendance 44.
Rene IV.—Sr. 3rd., Ethel Vesper ;
Jr. 3rd., Jenny Heaton, Gladys Bis-
sett, Viola. Welsh. No. on. Roll, 33 ;
average attendance, 28.25.
Sophia Werry, Mary Rowe, Lula
Martin, Margaret 1VIakins, Arthur
Lernme Millyard, Emma Hail. Katie
Collins, (Lillia,n Farmer, Vinetta
Lang, equala Loney Heywood. No.
on roll ; 40 ; average attendance, 35.1
Gardiner, W. Amos, C. Pickard, G.
Acheson, A. Pickard, V. Sweet ;
Boyle, 0, Ma,kins, H. Carling. No on
roll 43 ; average attendance 40.
BOON VIL—Sr. Pa IL, May Jewela
Ida, Welsh, Minnie Jewell ; mid. pt. II,
Luella allesdell, Willie Ford, Latimer
Genuine Castoria always bears the Signature
of Chas. H.Pletcher.
when nahy was' sick-, we gave ter Casiort4,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she. dung to Castorin..
Clearirm Sale
Boots 81106S -arid Rubbers
Our entire stock of Boots Shoes and
Rubbers will be clearer' oat at great-
ly reduced prices. The goods aa
all new and. up-to-date, an co oe
Cleared Out ThiS Month,
No-sv is the time to secure your Fall
and Winter Footwear at prices that
cannot fail to interest you.
Blue and Black
make dressy and service-
able clothes. We have
an excellent stock of
Serges in now. Come in,
and look them over.
Next Senior's.
Greeve, Lottie Delve, Clarence Hey-
wood, Lulu Snell, Mabel Sutton ; jr.
pt. II„ Reggie Bissett, Fred Brock,
liermie Elliott, Roy Cole, No. on roll,
Sweet, Young Creeth, Willie Snell,
Elmore Harness, Gordon. 'Taylor,
Bella McKay, Nellie Pickell, Paul
Phippen ; mid. pt. II, Harry Fake,
Elva Ford, Stella Southeott ; jr. pt.
David Hall, Oliver Hodgert, Fred.
MCPherson. No. on roll, 42 ; a-verage
attendance, 86,57.
neamlyornowasfemamf =Mk
The Thing You Need When fon Want It.
I t r
F d
Having secured the agency for this Valuable 8tOck Producer
we will be pleased to supply your wants,
Actual Oost-3 Feeds One Cent
International Stock Food in 25 pound Pails $3,75
International Stock Foods t‘'`i Packages 50c
International Poultry Food in PaokAges 25c
International Heave CL1.1"0 in Packages 50c,
International Gall Care in Packages 50c
International Silver Pine healing. oabottles 25 Sc, 50c
These Goods Do ail the Workt
Buck's Stoves and Ratvioes
A Full Line.