HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-2-27, Page 8'1'111- OR 1(;INAL I)O('IIMI N1 IS IN VI'.R . I'OOI: CON I)1.11ON
Deputy District Governor John McInnis recently presented the Master Key Plaque to
Blyth Lion Chas. Shaw, and Membership Key Awards to Lions Lloyd Sippel, Larry
Walsh and Gord Jenkins.
Feb. 28 meeting in Blyth Lions Club Ladies' Night
The Feb. 28 meeting of the Blyth Lions
Club will be a Ladies Night with a guest
speaker on Diabetes.
This meeting is open to anyone from our
area at 8:00 pm. The Lions wish to en-
courage the public to attend this meeting to
find out more about the causes and effects of
Diabetes. Anyone wishing more information
can contact Lion Larry Walsh.
The Blyth Lions Club held a Farmer's
Night at their Feb. 14 meeting. Twenty
Blyth Lions, three Zurich Lions, two Mount
Forest Lions and 14 guests were in atten-
dance. The Anglican Church Women served
a roast turkey supper. I)ue to weather condi-
tions, guest speaker Giselle Ireland was The 'lyth Lions and the Blyth snowmobile
unable to attend. Club are holding their annual St. Patricks
Lion Ken Dewar of the Mount Forest Dance on Saturday March 9 at the Blyth and
Lions Club spoke on Lions New Member District Community Centre.
Lion Andy Ives volunteered to act as
ticket chairman for the Blyth and
Londesboro Lions Vegas Night at the Blyth
and District Community Centre on Saturday
April 6. Tickets are $5.11 each which in-
cludes admission to the Community Centre
and participation in the Elimination Draw.
The winners of the Blyth Lions Saturday
Night Hockey Draws were: Feb. 2 - Phil
Black; Feb. 9 - Steve Robinson and Don
Shiell; Feb. 16 - John Elliott. •
Orientation and the Lions USA -Canada
Forum. Lion Ken is a candidate for the of-
fice of District Governor for 1985-86.
Lion Lloyd Sippel reported that the Blyth
Lions share of the Feb. 2 Poker Rally was
$606. The Lions wish to thank all those who
donated prizes and all those who par-
ticipated in this event.
The Blyth Lions Novice Hockey Tourna-
ment will be held on Saturday March 9.
Eight teams from the area will take part.
Walton School Choir guests at Duff's United
By Betty McCI
WALTON - The Walton Se oo1 Choir were
guests at the Youth Sunday worship at
Duff's United under the leadership of their
music teacher and vice-principal Rob Snell
assisted by the principal Gary Jewitt. The
school choir children sang three numbers.
Rev. Charles A. Swan•spoke on his sermon,
"Youth in todays world".
Donna Godkin gave a presentation of her
visit to Toe Alpha. Reading the scripture
Coveted award won by the Youth Group
By Dora Shobbrook
LONDESBORO = Rev. Dave Snihur and
Gordon Shobbrook welcomed Londesboro
United Church goers at the morning service
on Feb. 24. Ushers for the day were Stephen
Duizer, Russell Nesbitt, Rob Radford and
David Whyte. The Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
from Blyth and Londesboro and their
leaders occupied the front centre pews.
The flowers on the memoriurn stand were
placed in memory of Ida Coleman by the
Hoggart family.
Rev. Snihur announced that a baptism
would be held on March 17 and a World Day
of Prayer Service on March 1 at 8 p.m.
A church skating party will be held on
March 3 at 3 p.m. at the Clinton Arena.
Refreshments will be served at the church
after the party. Also on .display was the,
coveted Golden Sneaker Award won by the
Youth Group.
• The junior congregations -presented a Bi-
ble to Ainanda Mead and Pamela Salverda.
Junior teachers were Deanna Lyon and
Darlene Hulley. •
The Beavers, Cubs and Scouts each
repeated their vows.
The choir director was Marsha Szusz.
Lisa Duizer was the organist.
UCW meet
The Feb. 18 Londesboro UCW meeting
was attended by 17 member.
Marsha Szusz played the piano and the
devotion was led by Helen Lee and Florence
Cartwright. A scripture recipe cake was
made by Betty Hulley. Each ingredient was
taken from a verse. in the Bible. The cake
was baked and used for lunch. • .
Mrs. Lee --introduced the guest speaker,
Mrs. Gordon Coleman, who demonstrated
how to shape scarves into smart -looking ac-
cessories. • Everyone was given a scarf to
practice on. She was thanked and presented
with a gift of•a pot of African violets by Mrs.
Business was conducted by President
Brenda Radford: Audrey Thompson read
the minutes of the last 'meeting and the
treasurer's report was from Margaret
Good, who said there was a balance of
$1641.28. 'Thank you notes were received
from Isabel Airdrie and Russell and
Margaret Good.
The next meeting will be held March 1 at 8
p.m. The World Day of Prayer will be open
to all.
Mrs. Lee reported that two crib quilts had
been sold and another was requested.
June Fothergill was selected as the
delegate to the Westminster Weekend on
May 26.
Work Day was discussed foci March 26.
Betty Hulley is to be the convenor for the
April 27 wedding dinner. About 150 guests
are expected for the meal and 300 for the
There were 17 attending shuffleboard on
Feb. 20. Tying for high score were Glen
Carter, Lorne Hunking and Watson Reid.
4-H Actronwear
The.4-H club held its first meeting Feb. 14
at the home of Sandra Mayberry. The topic
for 'this year's project is about making
clothes and garments. leaders are Marjorie
Duizer and Sandra Mayberry. Officers were
voted in and Lisa Bosman is president,.
Christine Potter, secretary and Kathy Ken-
nedy, press reporter.
Members talked about different. kinds of
knits and what was to be brought to the next
meeting. Membrers took part in a no -sweat
word scramble. Reported by Kathy Ken-
. WI Cards
There were five tables of euchre in play at
the Feb. 22 WI Card, Party. The winners
were ladies' high, Ruby Dolmage; lone
hands, June Fothergill and low, Dorothy
Daer. The men's high was taken by Bert
Daer; lone hands, Harvey Dolmage and
low, Lorne Hunking. Romana Jameison was
Postgame- Lonrles)orO 1-11 meeting held
LONDESBORO - On Feb. 20 the first of-
ficial meeting of the Londesboro 1 4-H Club
began. It was to be held the week before, but
was cacnelled because of the weather. It
was held at 7 p.m. at Mary Buffinga's.
The club consists or the -following; Presi-
dent - Frances Greidanus; Vice - Angela
Vanden Elzen; Secretary - rotation Ione
member for each meeting I and Press
Reporter - Julie HcuruneI. The other '
members are; . Darlene Buffinga, Teresa
Van den Elzen, Kelly Rummel, Linda Van
Spengen and two new members, Beth Szusz.
and Debbie Gerrits.
The meeting was started by saying the 4-H
pledge and leaders Mary Buffinga and Amy
Gerrits welcomed us. We went through the
first meeting. We discussed the different
kinds of knits, what kind of material is bet-
ter for sewing and did a word scramble. Our
home activities for the next meeting which
is to be held on Feb. 27 at Amy Gerrits'
place. We are to bring our sewing box with
equipment and if possible, bring three dif-
ferent kinds of knits for the roll call. Press
Reporter - Julie Hummel.
Attention Corn Producers!
The Ontario Corn Producers Association
[Huron, Bruce and Perth Counties]
Thursday, February 28, '1985
GUEST SPEAKERS: Art Lawson, London; Tino Bruer, Cooke, Hensall;
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in charge. The next card evening will be on
March 8. •
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Don
McGregor on the birth of their daughter
Elizabeth on Feb. 11.
Debbie Shaddick, of 'Toronto, visited on
Feb. 20 with her grandmother Mrs. Joe
Shaddick. •
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Anderson, Beth Knox
and Hazel Reid attended the Flower Show in
Toronto on Feb. 20.
Barbara Paterson and Katie of London
visited on Feb. 21 with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Burns.
Mabel McLeod, of Mitchell, spent
Thursday night with her sister Olive Pen -
Mrs. Bill Andrews, of Toronto, spent the
weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
win Woods.
Rev..Dave Snihur visited in Kitchener on
Feb. 24. Caron and Gray returned home
with him after spending the past week with
her sister Sharon Reitzeli and family.
Margaret Taylor and Dora Shobbrook at-
tended the Clinton Golden Radar Club
euchre party on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen returned home on
Saturday from an eight day trip to Monaco,
France and Italy_
Please note the change of date and time of
the WI citizenship meeting at the Hullett
Township office rooms at 1 p.m. on March 5
to attend the council meeting. The roll call
will be name a bylaw passed by Hullett
lessons were Glenda Carter and Manny
Taylor. Margery Huether and Phyllis Mit- .
chel presented an organ and violin prelude
prior to the service. Mr. Campbell Wey
greeted worshippers.
Euchre Held
The 'l'uesday night euchre was held at the
hall with four tables in play. W.I. members
Berva Watson and Annie Reid were in
Prizes winners were - High Lady - Rena
Watt, Blyth; low - Elva Bolger; high man -
liarold Bolger; low - Lawrence Ryan; most
zeroes on card - Earl Watson.
The next euchre to start at 8 p.m. Tues-
day, March 5. Please bring lunch. The W.I;
will serve another noon luncheon at their
hall Wed., March 6.
W.I. meet •
Kate Moriarty of Bayfield was the guest
speaker at the Walton . Women's Institute
meeting on February 20.
Family and Consumers Affairs convenor
Mary Humphries introduced Mrs. Moriarty
who is a registered nurse and is director of
community psychiatric services in Clinton.
She had worked at the Dulwich Hospital in
London, England before coming to Canada
in 1968 with her husband and three children.
She worked in Cornwall for two years before
obtaining her Canadian nurses registration,
then carne to Goderich where she worked in
the Goderich Psychiatric Hospital until it
closed aoina from there to the Marine
Hospital, Goderich.
hi 1981 the Sertrir•as started in r'linton
where Mrs. Moriarty is director. She outlin-
ed the work they do for those in need in the
central and southern area while the one day
program helps those in the northern com-
This was followed by the financial state-
ment with a good report of most of the bills
being paid for the renovation in the hall. The
rest to be paid as soon as possible. Another
successful luncheon had been served that
day with another one in two weeks, March 6.
Plans were made for the noon luncheon
next Thursday to cater to Ryans. It was
voted to have tarts for dessert with each
member to bring one dozen. Elva Bolger
donated a $2.00 gift to be sent to the National
Convention in June in London.
Anyone wanting to go for the Monday,
June 17 are to have their money sent in by
Feb. 27 for registration and luncheon.
It was voted to give the usual donation to
• Rodger and Carol Humphries who had a fire
in the kitchen of their home last Tuesday
The nominating committee to bring in the
new slate of officers to the next meeting are
Berva Watson, Marjory Humphries, Maxine
Marks and Leona McDonald. -
second tournament
Marys and South Huron (Exeter). 'They
were defeated in all six games. Listowel was
Ole to outplay Clinton with scores of 15-8
and 15-3 as was St. Marys; 15-3 and 15-5 and
South Huron; 15-1 and 15-3.
The Girls were on the road again on Feb.
20 to Goderich where they challenged
Norwell and Madill (Wingham) to four en-
thusiastic games of exciting volleyball.
CHSS was able to split their games against
Norwell; 15-11 for Clinton and 15-13 for
Norwell. During a short break, the girls
relaxed and geared up their confidence,
determined to have a strong showing for
their next two games against Madill. This,
proved successful as Clinton was able to
defeat Madill 15-8 and 15-6. The girls play
their last scheduled games of the season on
Feb. 25 in Stratford.
CHSS junior Girls host
By Heather Bauman
CI,INTON - On Feb. 14, CHSS hosted the
second league tournament of the season.
Mitchell, Goderich and Stratford Nor-
thwestern travelled to Clinton to play an
afternoon full of competitive volleyball.
Clinton's Junior Girls were able to win one
of their games against Goderich 16-4 and
were left with one loss 3-15. Mitchell was vic-
torious in both games against Clinton with
scores of 15-5 ail 16-14 as was Stratford Nor-•
thwestern with scores of 15-6 and. 15-12
despite Clinton's valiant efforts.
The Junior Girls were to travel to
Wingham on Feb. 12, but as a result of bad
weather, they postponed their visit until the
Feb. 18.
• The girls from CHSS played Listowel, St.
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