HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-2-27, Page 3Mews and featares
Police officers' involvement is not as easy as it looks
As more and more people come forth with the problem of family violence, police officers
like Sergeant Jerry Hilgendorff, face an increasingly difficult job. Sergeant Hilgendorff,
of the Goderich Police Department, is involved with the Survival Through Friendship
Sgroup located in Goderich. His role is to explain what an police officer's involvement is
with family violence cases. (Anne Narejko photo)
Goal of group is to help
families in times of crisis
A request for financial support for the
Survival Through Friendship House in
Goderich was sent back to Huron County's
social services committee for more infor-
Two representatives of the group, Rev.
Gordon Simmons of Clinton and George
Zolob of Goderich, asked for financial aid
at county council's February session.
The group operates a network of 24 safee,.
homes across the county for battered
women and their children. They are asking
the county to donate $7.50 per night for
each person staying in a safe home. Coun-
ty councillors, however, want an estimate
on the total annual cost before giving the
matter consideration. 1'
Simmons told council the goal of the
- group is to help 'women and children in
times of crisis. The safe homes are scat-
tered across the county from "Huron Park
all the way up to Fordwich and Gorrie."
The exact locations are known only to one
The group plans to open a hostel in
Goderich where victims of family violence
can go for fellowhsip, conversation, crafts
and family -life skills. In the case of an
emergency, the hostel would be used for
temporary shelter but is basically design-
ed for day use only.
Group director June Taylor said the idea
of the volunteer safe homes is a pilot pro-
ject modelled after a program in
Manitoba. She said safe homes are prac-
tical.in rural areas where distances make
it hard for victims to get help from a cen-
tral area.
The safe homes have been running since
July and in the last six months of 1984, 63
women and 90 children have required the.
shelter provided in safe homes.
'Social services administrator John
MacKinnon'said more public awareness of
family violence has made this type of ser-
vice necessary. "People are corning out of
the woodwork," he said.
Bayfield reeve Dave Johnston asked.the
social services committee to again look at
the question after he wondered what con-
trol the county would have in this group.
He suggested an employee of social, ser-
vices sit on the group's board of directors.
Helps to talk about it
• from page
Friendship and its network of safe houses
throughout the county.
While women are readily seeking out help,
assistance for men has been limited .and
inany men will not voluntarily seek help,
unless they are urged to by lawyers and
judges. ,
Ms. Thomson hopes that the self-help
group for men will help to change that, "It is
our hope that as the public becomes more
aware and less tolerant of family violence,
more men will seek out help before police
intervention occurs."
Dr. Reberg said he is confident that the
men's self-help group could develop into an
on-going community service. He would like
to see men who have, been in the program
orm the nucleus of a group that would "Spin
off into the community and continue on their
own, with minimal contact with the Centre."
With this goal in mind, the pilot project
has encouraged men to exchange telephone
numbers, to talk among themselves, to form
a network of ongoing communication and
' support between themselves.
The proposed program would run for 40
weeks and would be structured as an open
group format, allowing new members to join
at different times. The in-depth program
would also include extensive follow-up
sessions, including written evaluations and
telephone contact with the wives, to ensure
their safety and the success of the program.
By Anne Narejko vival. In the near future, the organization
GODERICH - "It's not that the assaults will establish a transition house in Goderich.
are on an increase, but the number of in- It will act as the main office with 25 safe
cidents reported are increasing." homes funnelling from A.
When Sergeant Jerry Hilgendorff, of the Only two people on the executive know
Goderich Police Department, agreed to help where the safe homes in Huron County are
the Survival Through Friendship Organize- located. When the police have women (and
tion in their work with family violence, he children) who wish to be taken from their
had no idea how time consuming and com- homes for safety reasons, they contact one
plea it would be. of the two people. That person takes the
"I never realized what I was getting into. woman to a safe home located in a different
It has really expanded and taken off," he area of the county so the husband will have
said. less chance of locating his wife.
Survival Through Friendship was formed "Not too long ago 18 of the homes were fill -
about one year ago to help abused women in ed, and as soon as they were emptied, 12
Program clients would come on a voluntary
basis, . through referrals or by court
. mandate.
The format of the pilot project developed
in three phases. The most crucial first phase
Iooked at individual incidents that led the
men to violence. The second phase
attempted to reduce violence by alternate
behaviors and the third phase focused on the
development of. personal skills and energies
in positive, less destructive, patterns.
Dr. Reberg said that the program, "will
rely heavily on community support," for
both staffing and accommodation for
While it is yet impossible to determine the
demand for the program, Dr. Reberg
suggested, "The demand will rise as the
program picks up steam. The demand will
far outweigh the availability."
Huron Centre Director Don Keillor noted
that program staffing and location have not
been solidly determined, but he also
stressed the need of community support.
This, he explained, would give the program
a strong sense of permanency and noted,
"this is a longtime goal that's important."
Final details and funding are the only two
areas that are preventing the program from
moving ahead at this time. Co-ordinators
are confident that the project will be well
underway within a few months time.
Huron County. The group doesn't offer
counselling, but provides information regar-
ding the alternatives that are available and
where to go for legal help.
Sergeant Hilgendorff's involvement in the
group is mainly as a lecturer but he also sits
on committees.
"During the lectures I explain what the
police end of it is. The old adage is to go in
the house and speak to the people, if they
don't throw you out first. Until recently it
was up to the person being abused to lay the
charges, but now the police lay the
When it was left to those being assaulted
to initiate action and lay charges; the cases
either got lost in the courts or, as Sergeant
Hilgendorff explained, "the husband sud-
denly becomes an angel and the charges are
"It was frustrating for police officers
because we'd be called back to the same ad-
dress.three to six months later andyou know
that it's a domestic. Even though we are in
small towns, policemen can't say 'I've
known so and so for years.' The situation
can be very dangerous; you walk into the
middle of the fight and tempers flare. As far
as I'm concerned, there's no way you go into
a domestic situation until you have some
By having the po ee officers lay the
charges, the • frustrate n of having them
withdrawn has been eliminated. Now, only
the police can withdraw the charges.
London psychologist and executive direc-
ami o i ic, Peter
Jaffe, is a firm believer in the system of
charges being laid by police. At a family
violence conference held in Ottawa recent-
ly, he said. studies have proven that the
chances of a husband repeating his act of
violence is cut in half when police lay the
charges. He also said research shows the
average victim is beaten 35 times before
seeking ,' help, therefore, the police could
help her take the first step.
After charges are laid, lawyers become
involved. Assault cases are now being
handled in criminal court instead of family
court, but Sergeant Hilgendorff feels that
some lawyers still are not treating the cases
as seriously as they should.
"Some people see , a domestic as a dif-
ferent type of assault...they think it isn't
really an assault, but an assault is an
assault. Some lawyers also treat it lightly
and can swing it back into family court. But
there have been some people sent to jail."
People involved in family violence cannot
be classed in age groups. According to
Sergeant Hilgendorff, physical abuse can
start at the girlfriend -boyfriend stage anti
spread to marriage orlcommon law relation-
ships. It could also start at any of these
stages. He also said that there have been
cases in Ontario where 70 -year-olds have
been involved in family violence. Just as
each of the people .involved are unique, so
are the circumstances.
"No domestic can be treated the same
because they all have different cir-
cumstances, but a lot of the time it involves
alcohol," explained Sergeant Hilgendorff.
The majority of calls concerning family
violence are phoned into the police depart-
ment by the wife or occasionally by a
neighbor. The person who reports the prime
is asked to leave their name, bot Sergeant
Hilgendorff said, if at all possible, the name
will not be divulged.
"There are cases out there where the hus-
band is the victim, but it is very rare that he
will call," Sergeant Hilgendorff said.
Help and support for abused women is be-
ing provided by Friendship Through Sur -
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tor of the London F mil Court Cl rt
more were filled," commented Sergeant
During the first week of January, all of the
county's safe houses were filled and women
and children had to be taken to crisis cen-
tres in other communities.
In the future, Survival Through Friend-
ship hopes to set up satellite programs
throughout Huron County. In the meantime,
the Goderich transition house will be the
main centre of the organization. The propos-
ed house will only be used to house victims
in emergency situations, specifically when
safe houses are full or when the weather
conditions don't allow safe travelling: When
someone is staying at the transition house,
security measures will be taken.
The transition house will be primarily us-
ed as a gathering place for women. For the
past 18 months the parish hall at St.
George's Anglican Church in Goderich has
been used as a transition house. Now the
programs have outgrown the facilities
available at the church.
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Weed control
Weed control and soil erosion costs about
$17 million in Huion County alone, says Nor-
man Alexander.
A well-known conservationist, Mr. Alex-
ander told the annual meeting of the
Maitland Valley Conservation Authority the
new weed act does not control some of the
problem weeds. •
Mr. Alexander said his figures show that
Women have been meeting there regular-
ly and are involved in programs that offer
support and build self-esteem. The women
learn crafts, cooking, health care and are in-
volved in a variety of other educational and
social programs. A children's nursery ser-
vice is also provided.
Their new location will be used as a
meeting place, and will offer laundry
facilities and information where to get help.
Workers will not be encouraging women to
separate from their husbands, but will offer
advice where to seek help and explain all
available alternatives.
Through police aid, like that offered by
Sergeant Hilgendorff, Survival Through
Friendship is gaining greater exposure and
Local police forces are also becoming
more involved with family violence. Yet,
even though the police role in family
violence is changing, officers do not have
any special training. And although many of-
ficers say they're not social workers, some
situations demand that need.
"We are telling the five departments
(Clinton, Seaforth, Exeter, Wingham and
Goderich) to treat domestic situations the
same as in the past. Where there is an
assault, the police lay the charges, when
there's no assault we become a social
worker. We advise the woman of her alter-
to leave the house or where to get
legal help. The next step will be to inform
them of the transition house.
• 'The police role isn't as easy as it ap-
.pears. I always have to find the lighter side
of the situation. I'd break if I didn't," said
Sergeant Hilgendorff.
is costly
about $7.3 million was spent last year in her-
bicides. being applied to control weeds in
Huron County. -
"They're not working well," he said.
Mr. Alexander has said many times that
$10 million worth of Huron County soil is go-
ing into Lake Huron.
He said students, the farmers of tomor-
row, have to be educated about weeds and
soil erosion today.
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