HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-11-27, Page 7AB LUTE
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
Sco Par...Simile Wrapper Bekaa
Vol small med as easy
to take as sugar.
16i CONSTIPATiell.
irrcirto 1 tijaz v.zz.
Dyspepsia, Boils,
Loss of Appetite,
Salt Rheum,
and all troubles
arising from the
Stomach, Liver,
Bowels or Blood,
Mrs. A. Lothangue,
a Ballycluir, Ona,
writes: "1 believe I
-would have beeii ia
illy grave long ago
had it not bean for
Burdock Blood Bit.
tors. 1 VMS rundown
to such an extent
that I could scarce-
ly move about tho
house. I was subject
to severe headaches,
backaches and dzzi-
xn7 appetite
was gone and I was
unable to do my
housework. A it or
using two bottles a
• B. B. B. 1 tonna my
health fully restored.
it to all tired and
worn out women,"
Are a True.11eart Tonic,
Nerve Food and Blood Enricher. They bulid
up and renow al0 tho worn out and wasted
tissues a thebody. MA restore perfect health
and vigor th the entire systean.
Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Narvons Pres.
tration, Brain Fag, Lack of Vitality, After
Effects of La Grippe, Anannts, Week end
Dizzy Spells, Loss, of Memory, Palpitation of
the Heart, Loss el Energy, Shortness of
Breath, etc., can all be cured,by using
Milburn's Heart add Nerve Pills.
Price 50e. a box or 3 for $1,25. MI dealers or
Tar Tadiurtnor Co.,Lnumno, Toronto, Ont.
Backache may strike you at any
time. Comes when you least ex-
pect it. Comes as a warning from
the kidneys.
A sudden twitch, suddon palm
The Kidneys cause Et MI.
If you don't heed the warning,
serious Kidney 'Troubles are sUre.
to folloW.
Ctrre VOUS' Backache by talcirtn
'There is not a Kidney Trouble,
frorn 13ackache to Bright's Disease,
that Doan's Kidney rills will not
relieve promptly and cure more
quickly than any other kidney
06. per box or 3 for $1,25. An dealers
or Tun Doo,t Itnnstxr Pna, Co., Toronto,
It Implies That
Christ Will Be Supreme Ruler
of the World.
..4214Pd, accords], to ate owi of
441M,%ut the yeir one Thoucked slue Huh.
ered puct Two, by wmitm tflyot Toronto, at
the Deportment or saulcuiture, tamale.)
A. dosnatch from Chicaao says:
Rev, Frank. De Witt Talmage preach-
ed from the following texts Luke
xxiii, 8S, "And a superscription also
was written over him in lettere of
Greek and Latta and Hebrew, This is
the King of the Join's."
Capital punishment has been in
vogue among ail nations, both civil-
ized and barbaric. 13ut of all modes
of eapital punishment, whether by
the hangman's noose, or by decapi-
tation, or slow strangulation, or by
burning at the stoke, the moat hor- /than, • when all peoples shall a.c-
rible way for any eriminal to die is claim
by the crueifixiea mode - that form
of public execution which wee prac-
ticed among the Jews. -Yet we see
Christ as a compoo crimaial, hang-
ing upon the cross and dying by the
Most hitense cind agonizing ferns •or
Seierice and eevelatien are 7becosai11g
mote andmore harinoniaeda: Every -
Where we .see that Jesus in the
Greek stipersbriation is appealingto
the brans or to the intellectual part
of man as well as to his feelleos, or
to the sentiments of his heart.
One nigbt some years ago, after a
day spent dinong the ruined palaces
of Roam, I had two visions which
brought before my imagination to
vivid contrast the beginniog and the
coostinunation of Christ's kiogdom.
In one I saw the helplessness of the
few Christians in that great city
during the period following the cru-
cifixion; in the -other I saw in. im-
agination the time of the
Scene the first. -1 was atandlog in
a dark Remit' duegeon excavated on -
der another dungeon, It .is .ealled
Basil's ., dungeon. Thole) is a little
suffering, •mental and physical. . bole in the roof ab'out "two feet
But though Jesus Christ is dying square. Through this little . aperture
upon the cross as a el:motels erims., the priacmer used to be lowered by
inal there is one vivid distinction ' I. jtapses. IS.).:Stretecl into tha .8tone wail
whieh singles his death out ... from'
among ail the cracifixions. That ' ex- ' less
an. non ring, to whaell the help-
: SN mtim. could .be .elsained. The
'eciption is the style of the superscrip-' wails' of that @storm:al, even on that
tion nailed above the 'cross. It- was •
customary among the Jogs to Pi-isi [hot • suziemer day, were damp •and
above the heads of the dying n, wriailu..., neolld„ As I stood. there I wanted to
ten statement deseriptive ol the i ''ac-e-mysell. as nearly as possible in
•crimes for which they were being 1.Paul's.position. 1 bado my guide
exeeuted. But instead of cleclarieg;'1°":" In° and take away the; light. 1
thet Jeses Christ was dying nn ; wanted to be alone, As the guide
ignowiniass death for the sin of mur-; left the loneliness ,became appalling.
der, or of blasphemy, or of insarrecg loan the echoes of the departing
loon against the throne of. Caesar, 1 foetsteps seemed. to make those
the board over the head of Christ ; prison walls the more .awfully and
had written upon it hi:three different in.°4 11°P°1°sslY grties°m°' As
languages this one striking. se.nt-; light disappeared the darkness ruallec•1
ence: . "This is the King of the ,..",'• and, seemed. to press my •.eyeballs
3 ewe." Even in this degradation,. shli
like •ving coals • of lire into my
huonliatioo ana death God seems to i throbbleg brain. Then io imagina-
have so ordered events that the Very i tion 1 thought I could see crouching,
man who condemned him to death i by. the iron ring riveted into the
should have acknowledged his rens ; wall a: little old Jew. His shriveled
alty, and - thus proclaimed to all.; limbs were drawn, up by themnatism,
generations •of all times.. the greot ; the result of his prison confinements.
Ilis weak eyes were now ' straining
themselves to catch a glimpse of •tho
executioner, who came nearer and
nearee to tho. aperture above, as my
'guide with the lantern approached
tbe hole. Then in imagloation as
my guide spoke I seemed to tear the
executioner call out in" a harsh, cruel
voice : , "Paul, - Paul, coam up !
Caesar says thou .art :to die. Come
op, come up !" Then the little old
J eW answered - in a weak though
firm voice, "And now I am ready to
be offered." The vision was one ca.
the elsoquest of wrong over right.
The vision was that of one: of s Sa-
tan's hirelings triumphing:over
purpose for which Christ was born
as a babein Pethlehem of Judaea,
for which he lived as •a boy in .Naz -
math, arid - for Which he died upon
the cross foo the •
. But though. the superscription over
the cross had the sentence, "This is
the King of the Jews," written in
the Greek language, there are thous-
ands •and tens of thousandsof•
dal scoffers who continually sneer at
Christ's name and at the word of
God. They. pretend to think, that
the religion of the Lord Jesus never
appeals to the brain. They assert
that the gospel.is only a relic of the
superstitious and barbaric ages fit
only for shallow, effeminate men,
Scene the Secona.--It is inidnoon.
sentamentia women and sick child- I am: standing upon the top of the
ren. They .assert that the Bread of goe„;.; Coligeunto Before me aro
Life is only fit for the one purpose of crowded together 100,000 men and
beleg rolied. up iota small tinniness women, a, great mais of .humanity;
pellets to be fed to invalid's le calm their,
2. tier above tier, anc. height
eeti.evses%rwlAingthey leli;cesevesreyofisilnelgc
height. Yonder,„ sits the em-
peror, surrounded by his chief •mili-
iundela seem 'able to study every set -
tans officers and the members. of
ence mid law, calmly and deliberately
not the famous Senate, There is • the
and in.telligently, and yet are
place. reserved for the vestal virgius.
able to intelligently investigate the
Here are the rooms of the peasants
religion of the Lord Jesus Christ ..
the and the middle classes. All the
lf.the Bible -does .not satisfy •
.m1. sight -seers save flushed and excited.
intellect, hONV Pan you account
The roses in the youug girls' cheeks
the fact that it has commanded the
achoira•Lion of the greatest thinkers blush even to a deeperred than the
of the ages? If• this book, which ac- -drunken Bush on the face g of their
claims Christ, does not bear the in- intoxicated :lords. As the entertain-
vestigation of the mind,. lion, was it meat goes on thebodies of the slain
that Sir William J come, the greatest begin to accumulate. . Attendants
'linguistic hunnm beirg who ever Bs-- now rush in and drag the bleeding
ed. "I have carefully and regularly corpses out of the arena. Then the
perused the Scriptures and am of the: blood soaked sand is sprinkled with
opinion that this -book, independent Preciotia powSlers to allay the Odor,
of its divine °visit, contains- more Now an awniag is drawn over the
sublimity, puree morality, MOM bit- ;assembly to proteat the nobility
portent history, and finer strains ..of- from the rays of the fiery eastern
eloquence then cao be collected from. sun. Now the air is redolent With
all' other books, no matter in nbat aromatic perfumes. This is a ta
language they May have been. --
writ- tionholiday.' -Caesar is celebrat-
• ing the victories .of • the Roman
That the Bible and modern scien- arinios. Now; the arena is flooded
WM statements ore being more and with water. The ships float itt.
more harmonized by recent investi- peorc •
is a naval battle. •Now the
gations and discoveries is illustrate gladiators cut and slash and wrestle
ed. by' an incident whiett 'happened. and die.
some years ago in the city of Piths-. Afters. awhile even this sport . be -
'chile 1 wus preoching:there. comes
le r w
tae. Fohar
at e they
%vatting ? They are saving the, best
AO the last. They are now going
thnn =meg n ny other body oyoutig 1 let loose the wild beasts upon the
11 you ever had any dealings m 1. 1
medical students, you know that
there is proportionately more infidel-
ity amorig them as a c ass
Chrisltans. Tim twilight is coining
men. Most of this infidelity, I be-
on. Some of
the Christians are
lieve is cause(' by tho evil influences bound and fastened to rsoles and
of •
Ono day, when a medical professor, torches leap and splutter and play in ,
while lecturing upon tho body quot- ; the Mitre of the' tuana are huddled!
ed the well known passage in Job, I together scores of men and women I
"I am escaped with the skirt of my ;who are about•to die. While the
teeth," a titter , of derision :"-- i n 1
, merciless multitudes look on, the
around the classroom. ; 'The eollege doomed Christians all kneel, except
professor teused hia band for silenc., One old patriarch with long, white
aad said: "Tut, tut, tut, gentle- 1 i boarc,
who stands in their midst to
men; there is no need for laughing. I t
lead in prayer. Now the hen gates
am not a minister, nor a son of,1
a are
swung back. With one mighty
covered. with pitch and set afire to
make human toeches with which to
light the dusk, While these ilamiers
a .youog. girl . toecalzia my arms
turn and. lOble at her. She has
sweet face. She says,. "Yeti do not
know. Ma "No," I answer, "I
have oever seen You befere.'';
00 says, "I; knoW you. I saw you
adieu ; You read ray epitaph this
morning in the eotaeombs, My
father and;Mother were eaten hi this
iliaE3eacre, bot they are not dead.
COme, 'let Me show you soniething.
The Oollteton at this time is deserts'
ed." But its the young girl speaas
suddenly a 'strange light - aPPPara.
The walls of the Gellman begin to
0Silarge. They grow so high that
they lift themselves above the clouds;
they grow so wide that they are
larger thou two bemispheses. Then
this huge Coliseum begins to fill op.
Angels and archangels asid all the
redeemed of heaven fill the galleries.
Men mid women of all nationalities -
white and; biota: and yellow and
brown -crowd into the seats which
fill the arena.
Would that- we might ono and, all
be, able to interpret the three super-
scriptions over the cross in the way;
that the dying' Christians tried to
interpret theta, The watcher by' the
bedside heard her mother whisper :
"Bring ! Bring I" The daughter
said; to the dying woman, "Mother,
what shall 1 bring ?" "Oh, ' answer-
ed the dying womara "bring forth
the royal diedetis and crown him
Lord of all." May we one arta all;
by the bleed of Jesus Christ, which
was shed for sin, crown Christ gleg
of the heart, itaing of the need, and
King of the two hemiep.heres. May
we mama him a King of heayenand
of earth, esen as the superscription
over the cross declared in three
different languages that Oblast Was
the King of the Jews.
The report that the American
Bankers' .Association has decided to.
pay a salary of $5,000 a year to
Charles Becker, the famous forger, 11
bo. will simply live the life of a good
citizen, bring's to mind an old story,
whfch is well worth repeating. A
southern judge who had a fine lot
of hogs, one clay met a colored man
notorious for stealing, and said to
hint: "Uncle -Jack, natal you what
I'll do. You pick out two of those
hogs you. like best, and ru give
them to you,, provided you won't
steal any of the others." The ne-
g•ro pondered a while and finally
said : ".3edge, you've always been a
good neighbor; an' I likes yell, an' 'I
wants to do right by yell, an' so ac-
cepts , de offer yob. makes, but
wants you to; know east Ill lose
meat by it." .
The .election "barker" is at pre-
sent peculiar to Wrench soil. at
critical moments ia a candidate's
speech the "barker" puts him out by
imitating a dog, and a really efla
cient man at the besiness is worth
good money at such thaes. Half a
dozen in Paris are reputed to earn
enough at election times to last
them for a year.
"Do You know," said the rabbit,
'I believe, we must be related' /, We
resemble each other Sci much as to
''That's so," agreed the mule,
".And I think iny owner is. going to
introduce you to another relative of
mine, alr. Shotgun, one' of these
days. Mr. Shotgun has about the
same kick as I have, and he also has
a muezie,"
Egg shells may be used to advant-
age in starting delicate plants for
transplanting. The half shells are
filled with earth and set in'a box
°Solstitial, but 1 here had now .want]ent 1, a huge lion lands upon the, alSo containing dampened earth. A
minister, nor am " &'
to state that the, more study that, • •• ; . • --° oallung.,.. emetics foie is made in the. point of the
. , , .sande, At first th 11 • '
blind Ju s eyes and. compel hith to shell to allow drainage. A single
Bible the More it appeals to my in -
blink. Then he. lOoke around lopOn Seed is then planted in each sbell,
telligence as an inspired .book, X the 200,000 human eyes watebing I which is easily broken when trans-
om as firmly convinced that the :Bi-
ble is insPired as WriS the centeriae him. Then the staring brute sud- planting is done, without the slight -
convinced of the diVinity of Christdenly sees tin: trembliog Christians est dieturbadee of roots. This use
wheG4t1 at the foot of the dross he in the centre of the arena[To of cgg shells is the discovery of a
crieciaout in awe, 'Truly, this Man
was the son of God."This very pas-
sage just, quoted displays it knowl-
edge which could tot have been
acquired by the men who wrote it in
any other way than by revelation.
For canto v i es sctezutiS ls rid tooled
bob's• simile about the' skirt of the
teeth. But, a few years ago it noes
roseope was invented with such pow -
ltd lenS that, =lett to tlio surprise
of the scientists, it WaS found that
Job was eigait. Oyer the teoth
there is a thin skin, thelannitesitnal
part of an inch in thiekneee. No-
body was over able to see this skill
with the naked eye, yet Job saw it
in inset ra t on tit o u ean cis ctl years
befove Om microscope WaS invent-
ed." Thus everywhere we Ond that
squalS. His claws begin to work,
convulsively. He crawls riettrer and
nearer to his Prey, ,
Tbere's ri woMaa's screain. Then
with savage ferocity the African
monster ch•ags off the body and be-
gins to intinehathe bOnOS,
A goi n the sport grOws tem°, The
peopla are beginnihg to disperse ;
the hurnita torches are going out,
daaktiesei is blotting out Glary
thing. With folded arnis 1 turn to
g0 (101.17111 thesitepe, saying to mySelt
its I go, "Is it Oat awful that all
those Christiane Should have been
lain foe nothing ; that oil thiS
blood should have been. wale:tear
spilt ? But LIS 1 eoliloquized Oita
French gardener, who elauns that
they are vastly superior to the little
pote generally used for the purpose
by florists
XN=111\i',411101V,A1,4 LESSON,
'NOV, 30.
Text of the Lesson, .1udg, skitt
Golden Text Bs exviii.,
• 1, 2. :Aad ,the Lord said unto Gid-
eon, Tho people that aro with thee
aro too many' for me to give . the
Midianites- into their hamis lest la;
reel Yalta themselves against Ma
•3111itio Mine own band heti) Ktved
Gideoh, the Son of oasii the Abiez-•
rite, WAS- one of thos•e whom, God
raised up: to Cleft'sec Israel from iher
Oppress:0as. - story. is found :111
ahapter vi, 1140, where we learn his
own estiMate of himself cold s•ee his
streogth in these Woyds from • the
Leeds ''Go in this thy might, Tinvo
not I -sent thee.? Surely- 1' will be
with thee." Thee ehaptee vi, 84,'
we read in the revised version mar-
gin that the Spirit. clothed Himself
with Gideon, so that whatever •wae
dello was by the SPirlt through. Gid-
eon. TheLerd alone, must be ex-
alted, and no flesh may glory in Ilia
Presence also. 17; xlii, 8; aleiSis
11; 1 Cot. i, 20, 31; jet-, ix, 28;
8. Whose°. WO is fearfel and afraid
let him retura.
By 'this proclamation. the Lord
%Ironic' test and sift Gideon's; army
of 82,000. men, and it 'SUSI; have
been greatly to Gideon's amazement
when 22,000 Cowards returned haute.
Gan, it be poss'ible tiott• couong ; the:
professed follOwers cif Clo•Let to -day
two-thirds ;or More are.. 'cameras;
afraid to confess Him before ; the
world, afritia to aelemewledge their:
firm faith, in 31is promises, afraid
to follow Hilt fully, afraid of the
post of being. whole hearted disci -
Pies, afraid of the call to go forth
„in His mime to some distant land
-With ihe glad. ticliMas ]lis ealva-
tion? Ib is greatly to be feared
that it is even SO.
4-7. And the Lord said ,.into Gid-
eon, The people are yet too many.
Brits.,, theta down unto the water,
and I will try them for tima there.
Prom this test only 800 of the re-
maining 10,000 came forth as quali-
fied in tbe Sight of the Lord. What
it siftiegl It is the Lord'S own
searching of hearts, and He finds
but 800 out ;of 32,000 whom He can
use. it istiot it tenth and scarcely
a'hundredth part that the Lord
gets as •His own. the first test
took out the fearful., the people who
were afraid. But who are these 0,e
Taking the length of the peeman-
ent railtvays on the silence of the
globe at nearly sixty thousand geo-
graphical miles, with a daily average
of ten trains, it is estimated that
the total lass by wear and tear each
day by the Manilla rails Of the
earth is about six hundred tone. The
six hutaired tote are lest in the
lied bit& to the earth in the shape
form of a fole powder, and are etus
of soluble /I'M Stilt8,,
tVlitit 5T • Vifiq°
if4-1"4111:430 lc-
alsndomEn3 aicon
•',-.. Notre . 805t.
flDruqoi5t5 &Chem
Pricein Canada: $1.00;
Six bottles for $5.00 is
A remedy which acts through the
fonetions a nutrition, by the building
up of new and healthy tissues is not
to be expected to manifest its action
in a fewdays.
When the disease is a recent ori -
gip, this early aud immediate action
will often be met with. Qtherwise,
'when it has already lasted gpme time,
the, action of the remecbr must be
chronic like the disease itself. ,
'Phis is why the length of the use
of $'r. JAMBS WAVBRS Will vary with
every individual. case; but it is a fact
which no one will now deny that in
the treatment or general debility ST,
JAB/MS I,V,AmRs produce remarkable,
and in some cases, immediate effects.
Sr, jAivMS WAFERS help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accomplishes
"Int diseases tithe stomach St,
James Wafers are almost if not
it specific. T, have great
tulth in them," I
Dr. lt dward A, Robinseas
Cork, Ireland.
St: fames Wafers are not a secret
remedy : [calm numerous doctors re-
commending them to their patiotts
we mail the formula upon request.
Mere des.lcrsare not seilingiee
wafers, they are maned upon re-
ceipt of price at the Canadian
branch: St. James Wafers Ca, 1728
St. Catherine St., Montreal.
g FOR T.11„13 110
for the housekeeper, .
easegtheeg000sotosiD moo
Cranberry jelly With Berries, -
Select half a, cup of fine, firm cran-
berries, put them over the fire arid
Bake for about twenty minutes in
a quick (Arai; take out ol oven, and •
brush over with Milk. Sift .sugar
over them; return taem to the oven
for one minute.
Recipes for the Kitchen. HINTS TO HOUSEKEEPERS.
hygiene and Other Notes
For apple elly, cut up the fruit
9 j ;
a without paring or coring it. If the
skin is red it will. help give a, beau-
tiful color to the jelly. Cook in a
very litt1e. water till tender, strain
the juice, allow a cup of sugar to a
cup of juice and proceed in tb.e usual
"5.`0 restore ostrich feathers throw a
big handful of salt on the fire, and
then shake your feathers as the heat -
of the blaze, being careful, of course.
not to singe them. They • will look
lapped of the water as a dog japs; this the day before the icily, is • to not quite, but almost' new after the
i'e,l' he Matic• For the jelly , taste a Process.
'700 who are esked to return home? steam till they begin to get soft,
They are not afraid. What is their or about ten minutes. Add to them
trouble? They bowed down upon
half a cup of sugar and cook them
petit. Just it littl•e self inchlgenc
their knees to drink, while the NO I this for tweaty-five minutes. Do
a little of their own pleasure ratite; wout in the lia and sunshine at least
quart of
cranberries and half a pint All woollen dresses should be bung
er than aeal in Ilis service. Wbat a, 01 ater- Cook ten Or fifteen rain -
very little thing! And 'et yet it was
should go or stay. He is ever utes, or till they are well brokenonce 111 a fortnightThis will not
Squeeie through a jelly bag, put only render them. fresh and sweet,
the juice back in the saucepan t"
wiI nothing else except a tailor's iron
,, , but it will also take out creases as
1 i
I .
their tes•t. it decided whether
ing us in the little-, ordinary things two cuPs of sug,,ar and cook fifteen
of our . daily life, and we are not apt minwill
after it begins to boll. Set i
to think of it. 1 aside to cool. 'When it begins to
s, Wren wet the inside of a. mold, Put ng with more or less anxiety of All mothers of families are think -
8. 16. And he divided the 800 !tooter simply. A simple teat, easily
• t tl • s d li y• :my one, is arsen in a. osa-
in the firmest of the preserved ber-o tying b
ries, pour the jelly on them. and put
put a trumpet in every man's hand,
a cold Place to harden,
with empty pitchers and lamps with-
1121untplciu Pies.--s-The best pumpkin
in the pitchers.
Pies are made of Hubbard squash. It
,As to the rest it is written in
verse 7 that he let them long ago, should be stewed, and passed
!no through a sieve. To two cups of
"every man unto his place."
this shottal be added three cups of
fearful went to their place of safety
one cup of sugar, four well -
and the self' indulgent to their ,ease.
beaten eggs, and a half teaspoonful
But the 800 with food, 'trumpets
and torches, are readof cinnamon. Beaty for service. ting into the crest. well before plata'
As we go against the enemy day by
1 Oyster' Pie. ---Make a, geed, 11011day we _must be strong, our testi-
ertist, and with it line a deep pud-
many must be clea.r and our light
ding dish. Fill with dry bread
brightly thining, for the trumpet
crusts, lay on 'top, lightly, a cover
suggests testimouy and the lamp or
of the pastry and bake. While it is
torch (margin) a light. It is 120- 01
put into a saucepan two
cessary that the leader bo a man of
tablespoonfuls of butter and. two
great courage, calm, confident, fear-Iteapd tablespoonfuls of flour. When
less. In addition to all that the
it Dabbles, pour in half a clip of the
Lord had said to Gideon and bad
strained oyster liquor, and the same
shown him He further encourages
quantity, of &cam. Allow four or
him by ca.using him to bear some
N."0 oysters for each person and Coob.
things that their enemies are saY-
ing among themselves (Verses 0-15), them 1 this until they begin to
to Mille nd aplump, then add very
It is not safe or wise to listen
what others say at you unless
gradually, .and stirring constantly,
two wellabea.ten eggs. Then season
have as. clear guidance to do so as
don had. with a heaping teaspOonful of salt e
17And he seal unto then, Look " and a quarter teaspoonful of pepper
. i
when I -come to the outside of the
behold,' (while), and send to the table very
on me and do likewise, and,
camp, it shall be that as I ao so 1 Oatmeal Pudding will be found
shall ye de.
very acceptable to young people, es -
So alao said Abiinelech in chap- pecially when there is a clair3r and
ter ix, 18, "What ye have .seen inc cream may be used plentifully. Stink
do make haste and do as I have half a pint of beat lino cosemeal in
done." Outleaflet, wbom we follow ; Water over night; next day pour it
is the Lord of Hosts, , the Son of over one pint of boiling milk flavor-
od, the Great Head of the Church, ' ed with lemon rind, add it little
the King Of Israel, the King of sunlit' anti place in a well buttered
Kings, and Lord of .Toords, raid it is basin just large enough to hold it.
written of Him, "He saall not fail Tie the padding over with a floured
nor be discouraged" (Isa. xlii, 4). cloth, boil for nearly two hours; and
We are to follow Prim, to walk as He 'serve with whipped cream or sweet
walked, to sun Noah patience, look- cornflour sauce flavored •witbu sherry,
ing unto Jesus, to see no man. save and lemon juice.
Jesus only and to let Itis mind be Seams Ingrodients.---One pouad
'in us, bumble, self emptied, seeking of fleur, two ounces of lard, two
only* the glory of God (Matt. xvig ounces of sugar, two ounces of cur -
26; 1 John it, • 6; Heb. ail 1 2
-;• rants (well cleated), one teaspoon -
Mark ix, 8; Phil, ti, 578). " 1 ful of carbonate of soda, one tea-
' 18-21. And the three cornpanieS spoonful of tartar, halt a pint of
blew the trumpets and brake the milk, a pinen of salt. Rub the lard
pitchers and held the lamps in their and the sagar Well into the nom.;
left hands, and she trumpets in their' add the 'tither ingredients except the
right hands to blow withal, and theg• sugar, and Mix in the milk, knead
cried, The sword of the Lord and of lightly, end divide into two pieces;
Gideon. roll each out ancl cut into Aix pieces.
Tbe result was that the Lord set ; noa
every swoed against his Iola!
low ,throughout all the host of the ;
eteety,, and the; Lord wrought a
great victory fea isrooi. As the re-
deemed of the. Lord we are in tlie
World btit not of it. We are not
to be in any ,way Conte rmed to it,
for •the Whole world lieth itt the
wicked one (John xvii, 14, 1.11;
xii, 1, '2;‘, T John v, 10, V,); but
We ktre to be, overcomers by the
blood of the. Lamb and the word of
ont tostimeny and by faith in, our
Captain, inaaifesting His life it these
mortal bo;aies to the glory of God
the Fatima (Rev. tdi, 11; 1 John Y,
6; II Cor 11; Phi1 . ii„ 11). Whert
ih felloWship with. the World and
eVerCoine by it, We are, like Israel
by the Midianites, oppressed and,
enslaved; , but when by it •consistent
1110 arid a clear, rieging testimony to
the blood ef the Lamb (feral% acl
trainpeta we. honor God We are then
like i deo 'S 800. Remember it • 'IS
the Lord end Gideon, the .Lcird bee.
ill cowl s pre-eininent, ,
lentific paper as safe and efficient.
1 Draw a tumblerful of water from the
1 '
• uncertain. well or faucet, put in it a.
1 piece of white lump sugar, and let it
stand over night itt a room where the
temperature will not be under 60 de-
grees Fahrenheit. In the morning
the water, if pure, will be perfectly
clear; if contaminated by sewage or
other impurities, the water will be
Cakes require icing, and for this it
soft kind is preferable to a hard •
one. Slightly beat the white of an
egg, and add to it, by degrees, a,
quarter of a pound of king sugar
and 1.wo tablespoonfuls of cold wa-
ter . Beat well together until per-
fectly smooth. Lay the icing on the .
cake, and spread with a broad knife
clipped in hot water.
1===.152SCIr =ECM
Sprains* Strains, Cuts, 'Wounds, 'Ulcers;
Open Sorts, Bruiscsr Stiff Joints, Bites and
Stings of Insects, Coughs, Colds, Contracted
Cords, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronctitis,
Croup, Sore Throat, Quinsy,* Whooping
Cough anct all Painful Swellings.
/1 vie ever contracted an7 blood disease yott are never sale unless tile vires or
poison ites beett eradicated Itexit the syhtent. ZIaVd you any of the following symp.
tome? Sore throat, meets on the tongue orth the motillt hair falling oat, aching
ealus,itchiness of the skirly sOted or blotches 011 the hody eyes red attd timatt, dys-
peptic stomach, sextial weekness-italleatleas of the secondary stage. Don't ruin
your syst-int with the olcl fotfy treatment-ineteury and .patash--whielt only sup-
presses the symptoms lot it tints only to break out agate' whee happy in denultue
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for over 20 years. No estate used without writteta consent.
Mr. R. A. 0. writes: 4' Your tetuedies 'nave 4,eue tue moth good
time Bet Spritms and. all the detects and medicines 1 had pre.
viouslytried. I have not felt any of those pains or seen any
uthats or blotches for over seven years and the outward sy niptoms
()film ioathesonte disease have entirely disappeared. My hail
has grown. in Inuit again and tam tita.trted and happy"
notiouLTA-riora 51455.- ooxe FRItE+ WfirrE FOR OtTESTION BLOM
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;IKIt' '14"