HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-2-20, Page 231!§ Page2Q--CJTON NEWS ,-RECORD WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 20 1985 Entertainment r. Cornmunity calendar BINGO every Tuesday evening at Vanastra Cen- Ita, R.R. 5, Clinton. 8 p.m. First regular card $1.00. 15 regular $20.00 games, three share -the - wealth jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission is restricted to 16 years and over.—1 tfor BLYTH FIGURE Skating Club presents "It's A Small, Small World", Friday, February 22, 8 p.m., Blyth Community Centre. Admission at door. -7,8 CHRISTMAS TREE burning to celebrate Scout/Guide Week and 75th Year of Guiding, Sunday, February 24, 6 p.m. Blyth Community Centre. Everyone Welcome. -7,8 BLYTH FESTIVAL SINGERS ,present a concert of sacred music on Sunday, March 3rd, at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. at Ontario Street United Church, Clin- ton. Tickets are available from the Box Office (523-9300) and the Blyth Saga (523-4331).- 7.8ar YOU'LL LAUGH until you scream at "One Night Stand", a comedy thriller presented by Theatre Circle, Blyth Memorial Hall, March 7, 8, 9 at 8:30 p.m. March 7 at 2 p.m. Reserve seats by calling 523-9713. Tickets $7.50.-8ar LENTEN PROGRAM - "Family Life", St. Joseph's Church, James St., Clinton, Sunday, February 24, 1985. Guest speaker Mr. Don Keillor, Director of Huron Centre for Children and Youth. Topic "Communication and the Family". Time: 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Admission free. Everyone is welcome to attend. ---8 • REGISTRATION forms for the Tuckersmith Ses- • quicentennial' Beard Growling 'Com.petition will . be available until Thursday, February 28 at Bob Bell's residence; Brucefield Variety; Township Office; Egmondville Store or any of the commit- tee members - Ken Moore 527-0508; Eric Mcln- tosh 527-0317: Ray Hutchinson 527-1937. Registration $2. Shaving permit $5.-•-8,9x LEADERSHIP TRAINING Workshop, (Phase 1). Special emphasis Sunday School, Sunday, March 17, Wesley -Willis Church, Clinton. 2 - 8 p.m. Adults $3.00, teens $1.50. Register with Elaine Bechtel 482-9696 or Hilda Bell 565.2825.-8x HATS OFF: Free film program featuring STAGES with guest speaker Katherine Kpszas, •artistic director,- Blyth Festival. Tuesday, February 2'6 at 8 p.m. Clinton Branch Library. Everyone welcome. - - 8ar CARD PARTY: Summerhill Hall. Friday. February 22, 8:30 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. —8 EUCHRE PARTY: Thursday, February 21 • 8 p.m. Clinton I.O.O.F. Hall. Princess St. Sponsored by Oddfellows and Rebekahs. Admission $1.50. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. --8 HURON COUNTY Family Planning invites you to attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Huron County Health Unit, Public .Health Wing, Huronview, Clinton. Counselling and medical services provided. —1e.o.w. ' • • EUCHRE: Wednesday. February 27. 8 p.m. St. Joseph's Church Hall. Clinton. Admission $1.50. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Knights of Col- umbus. ladies please bring lunch. •8 THIRD ANNUAL fund raising dinner and auction for the Clinton Public Hospital will be held Satur- day, April 13. 1985 at the Goderich Township Hall. Guest auctioneer Jack Riddell. Bar THE LAMPOON PUPPETTHEATRE presents The Princess in the Iron Tower. Wednesday. March 13. 1985. 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the Vanastra Recrea- tion Centre. A Township of Tuckersmith Ses- quicentennial event. Co-sponsored by the On- tario Arts Council. A show for the whole family. Admission charge $1.50 or 57.00 per family.----8,9ar PANCAKE AND SAUSAGE Supper Friday, March - 1. One week before beginning of March break, the Clinton and District Christian School will hold its annual pancake supper. Enjoy delicious pan- cakes, sousu9es, d_cssort arid' 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Test your skills in the game rooms. Everyone welcome. Adults 53; children of elementary school age 51.50; preschoolers free. 8.9ar IRISH PUB. NIGHT: March 16. Vanastra Rec. Cen- tre 9 • 1. Paul Brothers and Shirley plus singing D.J. $5.00 per person. Hot lunch provided.-8,10ar --- CARD PARTY at I.O.O.F. Hall, Brucefield, Friday, Feb. 22 at 8:30 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. Admission $1,50. 8x GODERICH TOWNSHIP Women's Institute card party will be held February 28, 8 p.m., at the Goderich Township Hall. Ladies please bring lunch. •8 Comedy, drama, music at The Blyth Festival's 1985 season combines comedy, drama, music and adventure - 4 new plays (3 of them premieres!) plus last year's blockbuster hit Garrison's Garage,. announced Artistic Director Katherine Kaszas, of her first and Blyth's llth season. The season opens - on June 21 with Polderland by Bryan Wade. A story of suspense and adventure set in Holland dur- ing World War II, Polderland is the story of three Canadian soldiers, caught behind enemy lines; who take refuge in a,Dutch far- mhouse. They're unlikely heroes: a tough - as -nails sergeant, a wise -cracking corporal, and a new recruit fresh from the farmlands of southern Ontario. Moose County is another zany comedy by Service club roo i b l ' t Ili na tient sett go Break Dancing Cake Decorating Attention break dancers! The Recreation Good- news! The Clinton Recreation Com - Committee will be offering break dancing lnittee will be offering a Cake Decorating lessons for youth ages eight to 16 years. Two . Course in March. Should you be interested classes will be offered, both six weeks long in participating in this course, please con - as follows: Mondays 7 to 8:30 p.m., youth tact the recreation office as soon as possi- ages eight to 12, February 25 to April 1. ble. Wednesdays, 8 to 9:30 p.m., youth ages 13 to Calligraphy 16, February 27 to April 3. Plans are now being finalized for a • 'All classes will be conducted at the Clinton Calligraphy ( Beginner) Course to be held in arena. Registration is limited to 20 students April. This course will be open to individuals per class. All registrants will be eligible to ages 13 and over and will be held one even win a free break dancing tape or album. ing per week for four to five weeks. Please Fit Five contact the recreation office at 482-3398 if in - The Clinton Recreation Committee is still• terested in enrolling. making available The Fitness Ontario Fit Public Skating Five Program to Clinton and area residents. Clinton Arena Public Skating this week This free personal fitness program involves will be as follows: Friday, 1 to 4 p.rn.; Sun - recording the amount of time you as an in- day, 1:30 to 3:30 p.rn. and (i:30 to 8:30 p.m.; dividual spends participating in ,your Monday, 1 to 4 p.m.; and Wednesday, 1 to favorite fitness -related activity. This five 3:30 p.m. level program also awards people with at- Broomball Tourney tractive certificates and a lapel pin in Attention Broomball fans! The Clinton recognition of their fitness activities. You Optimist Club is staging their Annual Ser - can pick up your level one form at any of the vice Club Broomball Tourney on Friday, following locations: Clinton Arena, Recrea- February 22, 7:30 p.iri. to 12 a.m. at the Clin- tion Office, Town Office, MacLeans or the ton Arena. Come on out and cheer on your Clinton News -Record. For more inforrna- favorite club. See you at the arena. tion, please contact the recreation director. March Break Program Congratulations to the following in- Attention Clinton and ar`ea students. The dividuals for successfully completing their Clinton Recreation Committee will be stag - Fit Five Levels: Marilyn Bruinsma - Level ing a March Break Program from March 8 One, Maureen Peet - Level One, Pauline to March 17. Most activities will take place Bell - Level Three, Gwen Johnston - Level at the Clinton Arena. More information next Three. Good work ladies! week. - Lard for Fe 2l CLINTON - The Oddfellows and Rebekahs had another successful euchre party on Feb. 7. Winners were: lone hand - Clark Ball; high' lady - Ida Godkin; high man - Alden Crich; low lady Myrtle Taylor; low man - From your children and grandchildren PANCAKE and SAUSAGE BREAKFAST Sponsored by Clinton Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24 '85 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Clinton Legion Hall on Kirk St. TICKETS AVAILABLE AT DOOR ADULTS `3.00 CHILDREN 5-13 YEARS '2.00 PRE-SCHOOLERS '1.00 Frank '1'hom. Draw winners were Marjory Caldwell and Elizabeth Medd. The next euchre party will be Thursday February 21. Everyone is invited,' please come_and ,join us. HAPPY 29th ANNIVERSARY MOM & DAD Love Deb & Larry, Heather and Denis, John & Brenda, Bob and Jackie, Ken and Tanya Colleen Curran, who wrote last year's big success, Cake -Walk. Teresa Pond - working woman, farm wife, mother - lands in trouble when she protests the marketing of a dangerous agricultural chemical by a local company. Her daughter disowns her, the local busybody wants her fired, her husband wants her muzzled, and her best friend - who turns up unexpectedly after several years - manages to make things worse. Moose County opens on June 25. Both Polderland and Moose County were commissioned by the Blyth Festival and were workshopped here at the beginning of February 1985. Beaux Gestes and Beautiful Deeds, writ- ten by Stringband's Marie -Lynn Hammond, A special wedding fashion show was staged at Huronview last week. Gowns dating from 1908 to 1982 were worn by models, staff members at Huronview. Residents John McTag- gart (left) and Stewart Taylor (right) were grooms for the day. More than 30 dresses were shown and models included Mary Gibbings, wearing a 1908 gown, Debbie Elliott in a black 1931 wedding dress, Ettie Huggill•in a 1968 gown and Debbie Cuthill, wearing her own wedding gown. The Huronview auditorium was decorated with candelabra loaned by Cooke's Florist and a wedding cake, loaned by Bartliff's Bakery. (Shelley McPhee photo) Iniernational hit at Blyth. in, the part of Sharon, Daisy's rbolrn- mate in the production that will be presented Mar. 7, 8 and 9. Tickets for the play are now on sale,at the Theatre Circle box office. Reserved seats are $7150 and reservations can be made by calling 523-9713. Rehearsals for One •Night Stand, the comedy -thriller from The Theatre Circle have begun in Blyth. Starring in the production will be Linda Bolen, who appeared* in The Shortest Distance Between Two Points last season, and Jeff Christensen, a newcomer to the Theatre Circle company. One Night Stand, which has been an inter- national hit . for Carol Bolt and has been made into a television movie, tells of one adventurous night in the life of Daisy who brings home a complete stranger to her bir- thday party and soon realizes just how little she knows about him. Rafe is very funny, often romantic and now and then a little weird. Audiences across North America have found themselves laughing right up"to the shuddering climax of One Night Stand. As well as the stars, local people will be r)( (1 l I r o non() l�(�O )',1 1n ofigoino_ 1't �111111 HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY BAILIE PARROTT The family of Bailie Parrott in- vites friends and net •;hbours to an OPEN HOUSE at the residence of his niece Larry and Rhea Jones, 269 Town- send Street, Clinton. SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 1985 2-5 p.m. Best Wishes will be a fond remem- brance. COMING EVENTS wt Ontario Street United Church March 11 - Cord Party March 23 - Square Dancd April 27 - Good Used Clothing Sole April 28 - Thank Offering Service May 9 - Caffee,Pgrty November 9 - Bazaar Festival FAMILY RESTAURANT AND DINING LOUNGE FAMILY BRUNCH SERVED EVERY SUNDAY 10 10om 1 30 pm Includes seve.ot salads fruits hot dishes desserts All you con eat �250 ADULTS s4"CHILDREN WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT IN THE PIRATE'S DEN FEBRUARY 22.23 "Mike James„ PUB MENU AVAILABLE TILL 1 AM CLOSING TIME A FULL MENU WITH DAILY SPECIALS Including 20 Item Salad Bar HIGHWAY 21 BAYFIELD 565-2992 OPEN: 7 days a week 11:30 am 1 am, except Sunday open 11:30 om 7:30 prn iyth is the third play of the season, opening on July 16. This is a musical about two grand- mothers: randmothers: Elsie, a rebel from a wealthy English family, and Corinne, a working- class French-Canadian mother of 10. Their passions and prejudices emerge when they are reluctantly brought together by thglik marriage of their children. Told through thRIF eyes of their granddaughter - who has in- herited "an English head and a French heart" - Beaux Gestes and Beautiful Deeds is a warm, gentle play which has received critical acclaim in Toronto and Winnipeg. A small Ukrainian farming commltnity m Manitoba during the Depression is the scene for the fourth play which opens on July 23. Primrose School Distriet 109 is the story of Rose Brenowski and the impact she makes on the community when she arrives as the new teacher. After capturing the hearts and minds of her unruly students, she must then win over the all-male school board - who re- sent a young woman telling them what to do. The Chairman is a bachelor who has designs of his own on the new schoolmarm. This • heart-warming story about hopes and dreams in a new land is by Ted Galay, author of After Baba's Funeral and Sweet and Sour Pickles. Polderland, Moose County, Beaux Gestes and Beautiful Deeds, and Primrose School District ' 109, will play in repertory until August 24. Opening August 27 and playing through to September 14 when it goes on tour, is Gar- rison's Garage by Ted Johns. Garage played to ,packed houses at :each perfor- mance last summer and line-ups for rus seats started several hours before ticket could be released! When Blair Daniel's car breaks down near a ramshackle garage, the Revenue Canada tax man seems to have un- covered an easy target for an audit. Romance and religion arrive to complicate the scene, and Daniels discovers the garage and its denizens are not as 'simple as they seem. In addition to these five exciting .plays, plus the best theatrical and musical artists in the country, the Blyth Festival also offers all the extras - . Country Suppers, art galleries, Country Fair, workshops, Gourmet Dinner - which make the Blyth ex- perience so very special. Brochures for the 1985 season, containing full details and ticket order inforr ration, will be available Th mid-March. On sale now until June 8 are Blyth Festival voucher packs - which result in savings of up to' 30 percent over regular ticket prices! The Box Office opens for single ticket sales after May 17. For further information, please con- tact the Box Office from Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. at (519) 523-9300 or 523-9225. Happy 3 i st Birthday DADDY (STEVE) Love, Wife, girls and Boris ATTENTION 1tBuck Private Happy 31st Birthday From Your Companions NOTICE The Clinton Public Hospital is holding their Third Annual Dinner and Auction on April 13, 1985. Anyone wishing to donate items for the auction (antiques, paintings. ctc.) please contact the undersigned or any Auction Committee member. M. Walden, Chairman ` Clinton Public Hospital Auction Committee 524-9309 or 482®3447, ext. 54 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TN( S ARI COLUMI3IA PICTURES CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO A NEW COMEDY FROM THE DIRECTOR ANIS STAR WHO BROUGHT YOU " " ER R • Ci00111IC11 • 524.7111 • • • FBI. -SAT. at 7 & 9 Sun.-Thurs. at $ pm • WITH Dudley wogs Ann Reinkirt• y Array Irvin. WED.-TIHRS. FEB. 20®21 at 8:00 pm The first time seems like the worst time, but It's the one time you'll never forgets • • • • • • •, • • • • 404140e4041404040ee40e00A144e 9041004E NOT SUITABLE N� t- 1LDREN SEXUAL ACTIVITY COARSE LANGUAGE • • • • • • • • • • • • • A • c • • • • • A • ,4.e••40404001i••A400•40 ID 0