HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-2-20, Page 12Wedding fash ions at HurcTview CLINTON NEW&RE QR 1►, MONESDAY, FEBRUARY 20,1 Pagel 11 Fellowship and friQndship HURONVIEW - On Sunday afternoon February 10, friends and relatives gathered in the auditorium where they joined Mildred Brown and family, to honer Mrs. Brown on her 90th birthday, and to celebrate this hap- py occasion. This special day was enjoyed by everyone present, and we at Huronview, wish to extend our congratulations. Marie Flynn and the Huron Strings provided an hour of old time music. Some tunes of bygone days and some of the newer ones were played and held everyone's interest at heart. Reverend Gordon Simmons, assisted by Stu Taylor, conducted A,1glican Communion on Feb. 12. Frank Bissett presided at the organ. Feb. 13, what a busy day it was. A fashion show of wedding gowns and a mock wedding were presented to quite an interested au- dience. The gowns dating back to 1908 up to 1984, were gorgeous and no doubt today, would cost a pretty penny. Some of the ladies modelled their own dresses, while others were worn by staff members. John McTaggart and Stu Taylor escorted the ladies down the walkway, and Gladys Van Egmond played appropriate piano music for this event. We wish to thank the following people for their assistance: Mary's Sewing Centre, and Mary Divok who was the com- mentator, K.C. Cooke Florist for the candelabra, and Bartliff's Bakery for the wedding cake model. Members of staff pro- vided the amusement for the mock wedding. It was an hilarious affair and certainly got a lot of laughs from tite audience. • St. Valentine's Day was extra special as Dix ie Lee dinner was served to residents and staff Thursday noon. This proved such a popular event, everyone couldn't be accom- modated, so many had dinner on Friday. ' The Huronview chapel service was held on Thursday, with Mrs. Prouty in charge and who a1se led in the singing of hymns. Mrs. Prouty led everyone in prayer. Elsie Henderson played for the hymn -sing, follow- ed by prayer and requests. Margaret Mc- Queen and Elsie Henderson sang a duet ac- companied at the organ by Frank Bissett. A Valentine social was held and a lunch of tarts, squares, tea and hot chocolate was graciously served by Mr. and Mrs. Prouty. A warm welcome is extended to Mr. John Craig from the Brussels area, who has come to live at Huronview. To the family of the late Mrs. Ida Col- eman, sympathy is expressed. Lions honor Scottish poet CLINTON - The stormy evening of February 12, could not dampen the en- thusiasm or keep away approximately 75 die-hard Robbie Burns fans at the annual Clinton Lions Club Burns Dinner. ' The dinner had originally been scheduled for January 22, howeim1 it had to be cancell- ed because of the severe storm in Huron County. However the evening went ahead as planned on February 12th and it was a great success. The evening started with a social hour at the Legion in Clinton and. prior to the delicious meal, the people enjoyed the an- nual ritual of the piping in of the Haggis. This event was performed admirably led by Piper Glen McGregor, Tim Collyer, Glen Price and Chuck Wilson. The Address to a Haggis was carried out by Beecher Menzies followed by the • roast beef dinner prepared . by the Legion ladies. Following dinner was ''the introduction of the head table, followed by a sing-siQng of several good Scottish .. numbers. DalnSteyn proposed a toast to the •Lassies which was replied 'to by Jane Groves on their behalf. The guest speaker for the evening was originally scheduled to be Father Nelligan however due to a death of a close friend at the last moment, he had to cancel: However he was capably replaced by Beecher Men- zies who gave a very informative history on the life and times of Scotland's favorite son, Robbie Burns. He was introduced by Steve Fraser and thanked by Eugene McAdam, Prior to the speech and immediately following the audience was treated to some very fine highland dancing performed by Barbara Ellen McLeod accompanied by Piper Glen McGregor. The evening drew to a close with the traditional singing of Auld Lang Syne and some highland dancing by several of the guests in attendance. The Lions Club also wish to remind you that they are still accepting donations to the Ethiopian African Relief Fund and you may make your tax deductable donation at the Royal bank branch in Clinton or mail your cheque to -Box 655, Clinton. The next meeting of the club will be held at the Legion on Tuesday evening, February 26th at 6:30 p.m. Huronview resident Stewart Taylor and staff member Ettie Hugill didn't officially tie the knot. They only posed as bride and groom in a wedding fashion show held at Huronview on Feb. 13. Thirty wedding gowns from 1908 to present day were modelled in the special fashion show. (Shelley McPhee photo) PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" *FILTER QUEEN SALES & SERVICE *VACUUM CLEANERS ISalee & Service to Moet Maheai *FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (For Farm R1 nuemeael •WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES *WOODS FREEZERS *CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS *INSECT & FLY KILLING UNITS (For Indoor & Outdoor Use) *GIFTS & MANY MORE ITEMS VARNA, ONT. 482-7103 The first of the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary Vanishing 1rd Paes was held on the snowy afternoon of Feb. 14. 1{tIore than 40 card players took art_hi the afternoon's entertain- ment. Here Beth Hutton, Barbara Moffat, Marj Caldwell and Lila Webster'play a hand. Last year the card parties raised over $1,000 for the hospital. ( Shelley McPhee photo ) Lenten progra m CLINTON - St. Joseph's Parish, James St., Clinton is holding a five week Lenten program regarding Family Life. The program will run from 8 p.m. until 10 p.in. for five consecutive Sundays. The agenda for the evening is as follows: 8 p.rn. prayers in the church, followed by in- troduction of guest speaker in the church baselrnent, coffee break, and question period. Sun. Feb. 24 - Comrnuication and the Family. Speaker Mr. Don Keillor, Director of Huron Centre for Children and Youth. Sun. March 3 - Main Influences on Youth Values. Speaker Father Jim Higgins. Sun. March 10 - Early Childhood. Speaker Dr. Diane Prats. Sun. March 17 - Spiritual Life of the Family. Speaker Dr. Jim Schmeiser. Sun. March 24 - Aging and Dying. Speaker Sister Linda Lazarus. Admission is free and' everyone is welcome to attend. QUOTE. OF THE WEEK By• our actions we reveal what is g`rowing in the heart. Actions are mirrors of the soul ... Faith is not so much what we believe as what we carry out. Baha'i Faith For rnore information Contact ®rat, 1250 Clinton. Forrner minister di"s Rev. Craig Peters A former minister at First ;:'aptist Church in Clinton, Auburn Baptist Church and Huronview, Rev. Craig Peters, died at his home on February 5 following a lengthy il- lness. He was 44 years old. Rev. Peters of 30 Graywood Court, Kit- chener, was a member of the staff of Inter- faith Pastoral Counselling Centre, formerly on the staff of Five Oaks and a member of Trinity. United Church. He is survived by his wife, the former Violet -McCullough andchildren, Laurel and Kimberley, both at home and Lloyd and Margaret Peters of Trout Creek. Also sur- viving'is a brother Lorne of Toronto and a sister Mrs. James (Sheila) Smith of Mission B.C. He was predeceased by his mother, the former Mary (Mollie) Oxley, February 9, 1954. Funeral services were held at the Trinity United Church with Dr. Allister Kirker of- ficiating. Cremation followed with inter- ment at the Woodland Cremeterv. Ratz- Bechtel Funeral Home in Kitchener made the service arrangements. Robert A McNeil Funeral services were held at the Denning Bros. Funeral Home in Strathroy on February 11 for Robert A. McNeil. Mr. McNeil, 59, of RR 3 Clinton died at University Hospital, London on February 8. Born in Detroit, Michigan on December 23, 1926, he was the son of the late Donald McNeil and Grace Fisher. He is sury°wed by his wife, the former Evelyn Beck and a daughter Mrs. James ( Maureen) Jewell of RR 1 Cottam. Also sur- viving are two grandsons, John and Paul Jewell and a brother Alex McNeil of Toron- to. Mr. McNeil was predeceased 'by two brothers, Kenneth and Paul McNeil. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Donald Wilkinson and interment was held at the Hess Cemetery in Caradoc Township. Pallbearers were Bill McDougall Jr., Scott McNeil, Brian McNeil, Alex Crawford, Earl Milliken and Doug Dawson. WI to hold card party By Blanche Deeves IIOLMESVILLE - Worship Service at Holmesville United Church was cancelled Sunday morning due to the weather. The Goderich Township W.I. will hold a card party February 28 at the Community Centre in Holmesville, 8 p.m. Ladies bring lunch. COMMUNION SUNDAY Sta Andrews Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24 10 cion. SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 60 YEARS Clinton Area ., MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HIGH STREET. CLINTON 482-9441 Goderich Area ROBERT McCALLUM 11 CAMBRIA ROAD, GODERICH 524-7345 The Enterprising Seniors meet February 21 at 2 p.m. in the Community Centre in Holmesville. Rev. Bell would like to have slides, old or new, of good hapening and bad within the Township for a presentation at the 150 Easter Celebrations. Please phone Rev. Bell at 565-2616 or Blanche Deeves 482-9536. 'I 11 & . a1[.ttter FUNERAL HOME LTD. 153 HIGH STREET, CLINTON 482-9441 Mr. Mark Hartman of Bayfield died on Saturday, February • 16 1985. Funeral 'service was held.on ,Tuesday February 19, 1985. BEST RRSP RATES 1 01/2 1 Year Dennis Little 103/4 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years TRANSFERS ALSO AVAILABLE GUARANTEED TO $60,000. NO FEES NNUITIES LTD. *investments* Annuitiesollfe Insurance 53 WEST ST., GODERICH 524-2773 5 Years Frank Little I ('lluuShi1) Bible Chappel 162 Maple StreetSunday Fehruary 24 Clinton 9 45 o m Worship 8 Remembrance 11 a m Sunday School & Family Bible Hour 7 p rn F vPI ' C1 Service Speaker Don Stucky 7 30 pin Tur••. Prayer & Devotion 10 o r11 Wed F nb 27 Coffee Hour Speaker ',/anon Grant United (.)ntario .Street l nii�'(1 (;hurch MINISTER ORGANIST Rev. R. Norman Pick Louise McGregor I I a rn 11 0 m Pubhr Worship Church School Wesley -Willis l 'nited Church MINISTER . REV JAMES BECHTEL BA. • B.D. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24 9 45 a rn Service of Hnlmesville 11 00 a m Service of Wesley Willis Church Services Christian Reformed Christian Reformed Church 2A3 Princess St. E., Clinton SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Guest Minister 10 a•m. Worship Service 3:00 p.m. Worship Service AH Visitors Welcome Watch "Faith 20" at 9:300.m. on Global T.V. Baptist 85 Huron St CLINTON FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH REV GILBERT KIDD Sunday, February 24 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Morning Worship Tuesday 7 p.m. Young Peoples Wednesday 1 p.m. Ladies Bible StLdy 482.9344 Wednesday 8 p.m.+Home Bible Study EVERYONE WELCOME 524-9130 Anglican St. Paul's :Anglican Church Rev. Gordon Simmons, B.A.. M. Div. 1000 a.m. 1st & 3rd Sundays • Holy Communion 10.00 a.m • .2nd 8 4th Sundays • Morning Prayer Nursery 8 Sunday School Available Everyone Welcome