HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-11-27, Page 5t+�
For Getting a Beautiful Watch,
and ,Chain Free. --No Mon.
ey Required.—Every Mali,"
Womlan,. Boy, or Girl has
the same Opportunity un
der our System.
In order to have Dr, A'tuold's Eng-
lish Toxin Pills placed in the hands of
all persons safferingfrom bad health
we make . the following most liberal
If you will send us your name and
address and agree to sell for us twelve
boxes of Dr. Arnold's English Toxin
Pills at 25c, per box, we will give you
absolutely Free ' a beautiful
Watch and Chain in either Ladies
or Gents size, or your choice of twenty
other premiums such as fine sets of
Jewelry, Rings, Violins, Mandolins,
Tea Sets, Sateen Skirts, Cameras, etc
Remember we don't want • an
money until after you sell the Pill
and you don't have to sell any mor
than 12 boxes to get the premiums
This is a bona fide offer from a reliabl
concern that has given thousands o
dollars worth of premiums to agent
all over the country, Remember als
that Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills'
are a well known remedy for all dis-
eases of the kidney and bladder,
Bright's disease, diabetes, rheumatism
nervous troubles, and female com-
plaints, and are for sale by all first
class druggists and dealers in medi-
cines in all parts of the world. Yon
have only to show them to sell them.
You are not offering something that
the people doretaknow. Our watches
are the regular standard size. for Lad-
les or Gentlemen in Nickel or Gun
• J Metal, Cases with handsome illumin-
ated dials and reliable time keepers,.
Watches such as no lady or gentlemen
need be . ashamed to carry, and
they will be sent absolutely Fre
to all who sell only twelve boxes
of those wonoerful Toxin Pills,. Write
at once and be the first in yourlocality
to earn one of those beautiful watches
and chain. As soon as we receive
your letter or post card we will send
you post paid twelve boxes, together
with •our Illustrated Catalogue and
beautifully colored card with your
name and address on as. our autboriz-
. ed agent. Bear in mind that you will
not be asked to sell anyinore than the
1 2 boxes and we don't want any
money until after you have sold
them. We bear all the expense and
are only making this liberal offer as a
methoc of ady'ertisiug Dr. Arnold's
English Toxin Pills. Don't delay,
write at once and earn a beautiful
w present for yourself for Christmas.
Dept. C. 1. •
50 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont.
the floor, but this should be covered
with a veneer of one' art cement to
twocre _part
nett, flne
lean sand, 7•' a extra fl e
hrd finish is required use equal parte
of cement and sand.
Before laying the stable floor a good
foundation should be prepared. It
should be made firmand solid by the
addition of gravel or small stones
,thoroughly pounded down and the
floor shaped its is required for the sta-
ble. It is hest to have a slight slope
from the manger to the gutter, The
plan of cow stable which is generally
preferred has a square gutter two ft,
wide and eight inches below the level
of the stall' floor. This gutter is first
made and: the • cement laid in it.
Than a board mould is put up and the
cement put in behind the boards and
theboards left there until the cement
gets firm.
In laying concrete only as much as
can be conveniently reached, say a
piecefour feet square Should be laid at
one time. All the studding necessary
in the construction of the stalls should
be set on flat stones and the cement
put round them. Great care should
be taken when laying cement to thor-
oughly pound it down. After the floor
is finished it should be sprinkled with
water especially if the weather is dry.
This should be done every day for a
• month. It will probably take from a
e month to six weeks for a floor to har-
den properly, and suffi.eiently to use,
e and it will not become thoroughly
f hard for six or seyen months after
S having been put in. Large stones can
n , and should beused in the construction
of concrete wall, if pains are taken to
see,that they are covered with at least
two inches of cement on either side. A
concrete wall one foot thick is suffici-
ently strong to carry any barn. This
makes a thoroughly warm and dry
stable wall, Fine stone from •a. stone
crusher is an excellent material from
whiclt.to make':'concrete. A. barrel of
rock cement will lay 55 squ'l re feet of
4in. floor. Good qualities of Portland
cement should do more than that.
By the use of corrugated sleepers
made like railway rails it is quite prac-
ticable to snake a good floor which
would forst the ceiling of tbe story
below, The sleepers should preferab-
ly be made of iron, and laid sufficient-
ly close to make the structure solid.
Such a floor prevents any leakage
through to the space beneath.
Wherever a farmer is building 'new
barns, or changing his stables, the
question of the use of concrete for
floors and walls is a liye one.
In a country where lumber is com-
paratively heavy, concrete is not like-
ly to come into general use for making
walls of barns, but for flooring it is
without question the best and cheap-
est substance that can be employed.
Its first great quality is its durability.
Properly put down it is practically
indestructible. Then it et water tight,
and will help in saving all the liquid
voidings of the animals, and this in
farm practice to -day is a most import-
ant matter, Fully 50% of the fertiliz-
Mg value of the manure is in the liquid
portion. By having concrete floors
.nd using plenty of absorbents this
can all be saved and put on the land
where it will do the most good.
Concrete is a mixture of clean gra-
yel or pure sand and cement. .
- La
y g concrete floors, does not re-
quire skill which an intelligent tar -
mer cannot supply.
First mak
e a
solid smooth fioor, Y2 . ft. square, . two
inch lumber preferred. Then a box
without a bottom should be made in
which to mix theravel.
g and'?cement.
This can.be made of such a 'eine as 'to'
-accurately measure the gravel or,
sand. The grayei'and cement are then
into i
put nt this box in
required, the box taken eff, and the
mixing of cement and gravel or sand
thoroughly done with a shovel. . It
should be shoeelle
d over twice at any
rate, while it is dry, and shovelled up
into a cone ; then before applying the
water the cone should be pulled down
making the mixture in the form of a
ring, leaving a hollow in the centre
bare to the floor. Into this water
should be poured, and
dry gravel l an
cement turned from the outside of the
ring to the center. This will be pulled
out again fr+ent the center and more
water added until the mixture becomes
of the consistency of thick porridge,
so it will be run down and not be soft.
The proportions in which :gravel or
cement can be used depends somewhat
sin the strength of the .cement. With
good Portland cement, one part of
cement to six or seven of gravel
could be used for bile lower part of
a2C52137=3 "•••>_,n.r. a..•"CM_qac•=!:R51izZcx :.:AYvmJ:s.`kJ:.
• Itt11 Stuffed Up
nog condition of many sufferers
from catarrh, especially in the morning.
Great difficulty is experienced in clear-
ing the head and throat.
No wonder catarrh causes headache,
Inipaire the taste, smell and hearing,
pollutes the breath, deranges the stomF
ach and affects the appetite.
To cure catarrh, treatment must be
• constitutional—alterative and tonic.
"I was i11 for tour months with eatarrb
to the head and thtoett. Had a bad Clough
and raised blood. I had become dis-
oouraged when illy he:sband bought a bottle
Hood's Ser.'tapertlla and persuaded inc
to try it. I advie'ta all to take it. It has.
cured and built Ina up." MRs. 'Teen Bu-
DOLPH, west Llsc,o,ymb, N. S.
Hood's Ir& :i' irsaparilia
Cures catarrh—it soothes and Strength-
ens the raucous membrane and builds
nip the whole syste4n.
Hundreds of. packages of butter are
rejected each week by expert butter
buyers in Canada, simply because the
color is bad, The shade demanded by
home consumers and for export is the
June golden tint which can only be
produced by Wells, Richardson & Co's
Improved Butter Color. Other colors
sold by some dealers are poor imita-
tions, and must continue to give
trouble and cause loss of money to all
who use them. The Government
creameries and schools and the most
experienced creamerymen and dairy-
men in Canada use Wells, Richardson
&, Co's Improved Butter Color at all
seasons for the production of prize but-
ter. No mud no impurities,,; every
drop pure and clear. All druggists
and dealers.
Quebec has developed' in Eon. Ray-
mond Prefontaine and Ontario in Hon.
James Sutherland twopublic men
who are alike in their main character-
It is possible that Mr. Prefontaine
has larger powers than Mr, Suther-
land. He has a certain -French bril-
liance which Mr. Sutherland lacks but
they are both politicians of the mani-
ulator type
Liberalism has fallen on evil days
if the great prizes of politics in On-
• tario and Quebec areto
a go to Mr.
Prefontaine and Mr. Sutherland. Que-
bec Liberalism has developed Mr, Pre-
fontaine. Ontario Liberalism b t has
merely tolerated Mr. • Sueherland in
minor position to which he has been
raised by the accident of . Sir Wilfrid
Laurier's favor.
The position of first Minister from
Ontario has been filled in Liberal Gov-
-ernments by a Mackenzie, a Blake, or
a Mowat. Whether the Liberals or
Tories are in power Ontario bas • a
right to insist that a partizan of large
qualities shall be her chief re r
tiye in the Government at Ottawa,
If Sir Wilfrid Laurier were a strong
man he would exert himself to find an
adequate successor to Mackenzie,
Blake, and Mowat, Sir Wilfrid proves
his weakness when he attempts to
thrust Hon. James Sutherland into
the position of First Minister from
Ontario.—Toronto Telegram.
Rev. Irl, R. Hick's 1903 Alma-
To say that this plendid work of
science and art is finer and better than
ever is stating it mildly. The demand
for it is far beyond all previous years.
To say -that such results, reaching
through thirty years,' are not based
upon sound sense and usefulness, is
an insult to the intelligence of the
millions. Prof. Hicks, through this
great Ai andfamous manse, his a ons f amity
and scientific ' journal, Word and
Works, is doing a woric for the whole
people not approached by any other
loan or publication. A fair test will
prove this to any reasonable person.
Added to tbe most luminous course in
astromonyfor 1903, forecasts of storms
and weather are given, as never before
for every, clay in the year, all charm-
ingly illustrated
harm-inglyillustraterl with nearly two hun-
dred engravings. The price. of single
Almanac, including postage and mail-
ing, is thirty cents, Word and Works
with the Almanac is $1.00 a, year,
Virrite to Word and Works Publishing
Co.,2201 Locust Street, St. Louis. 2'Io.,,
and prove to yourself their great val-
Ohllaren Cry for
loss of Flesh
When.youl can't eat break-
fast, take Scott's Emulsion,
.1 hen you can't eat bread
and butter, take Scott's
Emulsion. When -'you have
been living on a milk diet and
want something a little more
nourishing, take Scott's
To get fat you must eat
fat. Scott's Emulsion is a
great fattener, a great
strength giver.
Those who have lost flesh
want to increase all body
tissues, not only fat. Scott's
Emulsion increases them all,
le h, blood and
For invalids, for con-
valescents, cuts, for consumptives,
for weak children, for .all
who need flesh, Scott's
Emulsion is a rich and coo;
fortable food, and a natural
Scott's Emulsion for bone,
flesh, blood and nerve.
We will send you
a free 'sample.
Be sure that this picture
in the form of a label is on
the wrapper of every bottle
of Emulsion you buy.
Toronto, Ontario.
50c. and $1; all druggists
There is nothing better for children's.Coughs
and Colds than Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
Itis very pleasant to take and always cures the
little ones' coughs promptly.
Rev. Thos. Voaden, a Methodist
minister, of Woodstock, has written
to the Hamilton conference withdraw-
ing from the Methodist Church. - He
writes that he has become a Dowieite,
and that his sympathy with Dowie's
work is incompatible with loyalty to
the Methodist Church.
Palpitation of the heart, nervous-
ness, tremblings, nervous headache,
cold hands and feet, pain in the back,
and other forms of weakness are.re-
lieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made
specially for the blood, nerves and
Harry Ross was found dead in grain
in the Farmers' elevator, at Kincar-
dine, on Friday of last week. Grain
was being -loaded on cars, and Roes
was alone in the building shoveling in-
to the shute. He is supposed to have
been seized with a weak spell and to
have fallen headforemost into the
On December 1st the ratepayers of
Brussels will vote on a by-law to loan
$5,000 to Lockridge Bros., for ten
years, without interest, to aid them in
the enlargement of the Brussels wool-
len mill. The town is to have a mort-
gage on the property and the loan is
to be repaid in n equal al annl ai instal-
ments. nstal-
Wm. Beer, for the past four years
principal of the Dutton public school,
has been appointed principal of the
Kincardioe model School, at $700 per
annum. Mr. Beer was a general fav-
orite; being prominent ilodge and
church work. He will assume his new
duties after Christmas.
A steer
was soldn• the t e Toronto cat-
tle market last week which came from
near Winnipeg, and weighed 1,840 lbs.
Probably If it .bad not been for the
necessary hardships of the journey he
would have weighed very near a ton.
The price realized was $3,80 per cwt.,
the 1't
ua t not
q. y
TheNovembercrop bulletin issued
Saturday night by the Ontario De-
partment of Agriculture states that
thep ast has been on whole the wh e the
hest season which the farmers of the
Province have bad for many years.
The average yields of the principal
grams was considerably above the
average for the past twenty years.
Fruit generally was very abundant,
and prices for farm products were
above the average.
A fugitive deer found its way to
Kincardine last Thursday morning:
South of the G. T. R. station, he tonic
to the water and swam out into the
lake. Two parties went after him in
row boats and rucceeded in lassoing
him about a mile and a half from land.
In the excitemet of the chase they had
forgotten that they were all unlicensed
The man who made the catch pleaded
guilty and ryas' fined $20 and. costs.
The others were let off,
your liver
ery i
snt act
well.You suffer from bilious-
nessconstipation. Ayers
Pills directly on the liver.
For 60 years they have been
rd y
the Stands Family P111.e
Small doses cure. All drug¢lste.
Want your motto:ache or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black t Then nee
se o1.. er tweeters en 11. P. HAu. ♦ Co.. NAAIWA 11.14.
t1'Er. fl X E. T .Ea TT Oat,
ItLr, Tarte appeared at a banquet 1
Montreal, with his leader, Mr. Laurier
and received. fully as warm a race
tion as Mr. Laurier. In his speech Mr
Tartespoke boldly in favor of ()Anada
for the Canadiaattr, and his recoanmen
dation to his heaverb to carefully rea
the constitution elicited loud laughter
:Mr. Tarte i9 having heaps of fun, now
that he is free of Government cares
and has returned to his old love, news-
paperdom. If La Paerie does not cause
same pronilnent Liberals to say more
f than their daily prayers it will be be-
t cause Mqr, Tarte i3 net feeling extra
1 well,--Bobcaygeon Independent.
FOR OVlil2'StXi`X 11'lAktS
�AN OLP AND 'WELL -Tiepin Rtaatsnr.—lkfr..
Winslon'e Soothing Syrup has been used for
over sixty years by millions or mothers for their
children while teething. with perfect,.ucue•,,.
It soothes the child, --on eu., thtl,sun,,, Allay.. ail
for 7)iarrbcea. It is pie sant to the taste remedy
by druggists in every part of the world, 28
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, ne
sure and take, id . Winslow's Soothing
syrup and ask for an other kind.
In political circiee it was considered
as settled that, the West York election
trial for which had been set down fot
Nov. 28, and the Addington election
trial which had been fixed for Nov. 59,
would be sawn off, the ane against
the other, but tc-day information was
received that au elector named Van -
Innen, in Addingtau, bus . been inter-
viewed, and kicked against the saw -
off, hence the plans of politicians had
to fall down, The lawyer, Tames Baird
for the petitioner in the West York
case gave notice to -day at Osgoode
Hall that he would tile particulars in
the case on. Monday, This means that
the West York trial goes on Nov. 28
without fail. It isnot known what
will be done in Addington, though it
is likelythe trial will take place on, the
date already fixed.
Hon. leer. Tarte; continuing in La
Petrie his oampaign for a higher tariff
cites the magnitude of the beet sugar
industry which is being established. in
Ontario. He forecasts that about 1905
the industry will have reached such a
state of affluence that Canada will be
able to dispense with the-, expenditure
of the $9,000,000 sent annually to for-
eign countries for sugar. To arrive
at this result the industry must
be protected, as it is in the United
States, otherwise capital will not be
invested. He points out that the
American tariff on refined sugar is
$1.05 a hundred pounds, compared
with a Canadian duty of $1.24, and on
the two other grades of sugar $1.68
and 1.82 respectively. compared with
71e and 77c. With the aid of a high-
er tariff there is no doubt that -the
industry would prosper.
A read Letter from a lady whose
Th stand was Dissipated.
The annual report of the Inland Re-
venue Department for the Dominion
for the year ending June 80 last was
issued last Thursday: The quantity of
spirits produced during the year was
3,234,147 proof gallons, as compared
with ,652,708 proof gallons produced
in the previous fiscal year. The rev-
enue for the year was $11,433,871, com-
pared with $10,608,708 last year, an in-
crease of 5820,173. The raw material
used in the production of spirits dur-
ing the year was 41,397,871 pounds In-
dian corn ;; 9,449,057 pounds rye ; 3,432,-
063 pounds malt ; 413,465 oats and 29,-
470 wheat. The people drank more
spirits and beer last year than they did
in the previous year. ,The quantity of
of spirits. consumed per head was .796
against .767 last year. Beer 5,102 corn-
pared with 4.737 ;• and .090 wine com-
pared with .100 in 1901. The consump-
tion of tobacco was the same as in
1901. The number of cigars used dur-
ing the year was 151,780,516, compared
with 14I,096,889 last year. The ciga-
rettes were 134,236,034, compared with
121,383,584 last year, so that while
there were considerable more cigars
and cigarettes used during the year,
the same quantity of tobacco was con-
longaccepted acc pt d and often quoted,
fails to stand investigation. How
frequently is it said "You cannot
have too much of agg ood thing."
Butwhat about
medicines . You
'know the medicine is good, but
you seldom wish the dose were lar-
ger; you generally wish it were
are exceedingly small, but they are
also exceedingly effective. They
are a gentle laxative. They are a
nerve tonic They e cure indigestion.
Fifty Tiny
Tablets --so Easy to Take
Twenty-five Cents
MEW 11111111011101 11111111111101
The council of the Corporation of the County
of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in
the Town of tioderich, on Tuesday the and day
of December next, at 3 o'clook, r. M,
W. LANE, Clerk.
Dated at Godoricb this
15th day of November, 1902.
:RUM the .Best -it Pad
fe Radon graduates have accepted good '3
0 positions nt $10. 515, £50 and S00or 4
month, and n few days ago an aptllica• t8
tion was received offering Ono of .our
graduates of lest term a salary of $800
O per annum.. This is the ldnd of evidonco
yen aro looking for as to the best school 0
O to attend. Catalogue free, Enter this 0
p month if possible.
t1 Principal, es
How She Cured flim with a Secret
" I had for years patiently borne the disgrace,
suffering. misery and privations due to my
husband's drinking habits. Bearing of your
marvellous remedy for the cureof drunkenness,
which I could give my husband secretly, I de,
cided to try it. I procured a package and
mixed it in his food and coffee, and, as the
remedy was odorless and tasteless, he did not
know what it was that so quickly relieved his
craving for liquor. He soon began to pick up
flesh, bis appetite for solid food returned, he
stuck to his work regularly, and we now have a
happy home. After he was completely cured I
told him what I had done, when he acknowl-
edged that it had been his saving, as he had
not the resolution to break off of his own
accord. I heartily advise all women afflicted as
I was to give your remedy a trial,"
for reply.
A Lady who cures her llllsband of
Ids winking Habits writes of her
struggle to save her home
"I bad for a longtime been thinking of trying the
Tasteless Samaria Prescription treatment on my
husband for his drinking habits, but I was afrakdhe
would discover that I was giving him medicine, and
the thought unnerved me. I hesitated for nearly a
week, but one day when he came home very much
intoxicated and his week's salary nearly all spent, I
threw off all fear and determined to make an effort
to save our home from the ruin I saw coming, at all
hazards. I sent for your Tasteless Samaria Pre-
scription,and put it in bis coffee as directed next
morning and watched and prayed for the result.
At noon I gave him nnore and also at supper. Ile
never suspected a thing,and I then boldly kept right
on giving it regularly, as I had discovered some.
thing that set every nerve in my body tinglingwith
hope and happiness, e
p s and abei bright e
sprad out before me—a peaceful, happy homea
share in the good things of life, an attentive, loving
husband, comforts and everything else dear to a
woman's heart • for my husband had told me that
whiskey was vile stuff and he was taking a dislike
to it: It was only too true, for before I had given
him the full course he had stopped drinking alto-
gether, but I kept giving him the medicine till it
was. gone, and then sent for another lot, to have on
hand if be should relapse, as he had done from
promises before. He never has and I am writing
you this letter to tell you how thankful I am. I
honestly believe it will cure the worst cases,"
A PluyYoung Lady taus o>l>R
Herselfof the Liquoher
A portion of her letter -reads as follows:—
ollows:—" My father had often promised mother to stop
drinking, and would do so for a time but then.
returned to it stronger than ever. One day
after' a terrible spree, he said to us : ' It's no
use. I can't stop drinking.' Our hearts seemed
to turn to stone, and we decided to try the
Tasteless Samaria Prescription, which we had
read about in the papers. We gave him the
remedy, entirely without his knowledge, in his.
tea, -coffee, or food regularly, according to
directions, and he never knew he -was taking it.
One package removed all his desire for liquor,
and he says it is now distasteful to him. , His
health and appetite are also wonderfully im-
proved, and no one would know him for the
same man. It is now fifteen months since we
gave itto him. and we feel sure that the change
is for good. Please send me one of your little
books, as I want to give it to a friend."
and pamphlet giving full particulars, testimonials and price sent in plain
sealed envelope,,Correspondence sacredly confidential. Enclose stamp
Address The Samaria Remedy Co., • 3 Jordan Street, Toronto, Canada. ,
DR. W. Ha CRAHAM9 Late fling.et. West.
No. r Clarence -square, corner Spadina avenue,
Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases, and makes
a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Ulcers, Etc.
PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari-
cocele, Nervous Debility, etc., (the result of youthful
folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture of Long Stand-
ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without
pain and all bad after effects.
We have unlimited private fonds for invest
went upon farm or village property at lowes
rates of iuterest.
I have a large amount of private funds
loan on farm and eiliege till crli, r 51 =1 l r
of interest,
Barrister Main St. Exeter.
Diseases of Women—Painful, profrise or suppressed menstruation,
ulceration, leucorrhoea and all displacements of the womb. 5 Pack of Cards Free.
OFFICE Ho17is-9 a, m. to;S p. m. Sunday 1 to 8 p. m.
In the Surrogate Court of the County
of Huron. In the matter of the
guardianship of the infant child-
ren of Samuel Madge, deceased.
Application will he made to the surrogate.
Court of tho County of Huron. before the
Judge in Chambers, at the Court House in the
town of Goderich, after the expiration of
twenty days after the first publication hereof,
on behalf of Lena Mary Hackney, of the
township of Usborne, in the said County. far-
mer, for an order appointing the said Lena
Mary Hackney guardian of Norman
Gibson, Edward Percy, Alfred Gordon, and
Annie Maud. infant children of the said Sam-
uel Madge, deceased.
by J. G. STANB1r7RY. her solicitor.
Dated at Exeter, this, 11 th day of November,
A. D. 1902.
Of David Mitchell, late of the Town-
ship of Ribbee , in the . County' of
Perth, farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0.,
1897 Chap. 129, that all persons having claims
against the estate of the said David Mitchell,
who died on or about the 4th day of Novem-
ber, 1902, are required to send on or before the
10th day of December. A. D., 1912 by post pre-
paid to J. G. Stanbury, B, A. Exeter P, O.,
Solicitor for the Executors, of the said David
Mitchell, their names,
ccu a -tions with particulars of their claims and a
statement of their accounts and the nature of
the securities (if any) held by them. And
notice is hereby given that after the last
mentioned date the said executors will
proceed to distribute the assets of the said
deceased among those entitled. thereto, hav-
ing regard only to the claims of which notice
shall have been given b e ai en as above required, and
the said executorsshall not be liable for
the said assets nor any part thereof to any
person or persons of whose claims notice shall
not have been receiyed by, them at the date of
such distribution.
Jc G. STANBURY, Exeter, Ont. Executors,
Dated at Exeter, Novl8th,1902.
Of Samuel Madge, late of the town-
ship of Usborne, in the County of
Huron, farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter,
129 R. S. 0„ 1891. that all persons having claims
against the estate of the said Samuel Madge,
who died on or aboutthe a f N
w 1st. day e ov., 1902
are required to sond•on or before the 10th day
of December, 1902, by pont prepaid or deliver
to J. G. Stanbury, B. A.. Exeter P. 0., Solici-
tor for the Administratrix of the said Samuel
Madge, their names, addresses and occupa-
tions, with particulars of their claims and the
nature of the socuritiesl(if any) held by them.
And notice is hereby given that after the
last mentioned date tho said Administratrix
will proceed to distribute the assets of the said
deceased among the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of which
notice shall have been given as above re-
quired. and the said Administratrix shall
not be liable for the said assets or any
part thereof to any person or persons of whose
Nelms notice shall not have been received at
the date of such distribution.
3. G. STANBURY, Exeter, Ont.
Solicitor for Administratrix.
Dated at Exeter, the 13th day of November,
"Christmas Box"
Full of 111 onderful, Things
Portraits of Actresses, 20 PopnlarSongs
ell= Magic Telescope and Picturbs, 50 Amus-
ing Experiments, Love's Puzzle, 20 Rebuees,100
Funny Conundrums, Book of Lovo, Game o
Letters, Magic welting, 324 Jolly Jokes
Itecoipt'foe Moustache Grower 100 Money Mak
ingg Secrets, ILO Toilet and Cookinglteceipes, 255
Selections for Autograph Albums 10 Model
Love Letters, How to Tell Fortunes,' Dictionary
of Droams, Guido to Flirtation, Magie .Age
Table, Lovor's Telegraph, and our now Cat, or
Xmas Tovs, Books and Notions. All by mall
PRE E. for 5c, silver to pay, postage,
A, W. KINNEY, hl• T•,
Yarmouth, N.S,
Y 7
Forest Genf
Business( Ming
London, Ont.
Business Law, Writing Correspond-
ence, Typewriting, etc., thoroughly
taught by experienced teachers at the
Forest City Business and Shorthand
College, London, Ont.
We have no difficulty in placing
competent pupils in good positions.
College re -opens Sept. 2. Send for
PANY, of Toronto ; also for the Pam= Ernie
NSIIRANOE. COMPANY, Of London, England ;
and ' rq
JY . BAC WIIIN u M. D. M. O.
• P. 5, Graduate Victoria dniversity
office and residence. Dominion Labora-
tory, Exeter.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers,
Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsone
Bank, Etc.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
Successor to Elliott & Gladman)
1 dman
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public,
Conveyancer, Etc,
Money to loan on Farm and village
properties at Lowest rates of interest
SzbunwAN, L. D. S. AND
D. S. D. D . S., Honor 'Graduate
of Toronto 'University, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after effeets, Office in Fan -
son's block. West side of Main
and send it to us with 5 cents in silver and yet,
will get by return mail a GOLDEN BOX OA
iG onemonthathantenythin else Amos ice
' A. W, nearer, E. T.
Yni reruth, N,
EXETER—Wo offer for sale On reasonable
tomes, that very desirable residential property
known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated
on Lot No• 80, south of 'Huron Street, Exeter.
There is Greeted upon the land, a comfortable
and comnlodiolis brick dwelling also . the
necessaryouthouses. The house is in good re-
pair and has 9 rooms. The lot contains an sore
of land and is oxeollontly adapted for garden
ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup-
ply of hard and soft voter, Tho property is up
to data and the terms easy. for particulars sp-
ree to bioirsoN & CARLING barristors Exeter
or to A. E. HOOPED, ROW P. 0., Penne,11,
A., proprietor.
One Pack, "May IC. U. Home," One Pak
"Escort" One Pack, "Flirtation" One Pace'
"Hold -to light." One Pack "Our Sofa Ju
Holds Two. Sample of 21 other styles, with
book full of notions. Send 5c silver for postage,
Yarmouth, 8.N.
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University
and Royal. College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario, with honors Also Postgraduate of
Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with
honorable mention.
Everything known to the •Dental Profession
done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al-
luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in
the neatest manner possible. A perfectly
harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac-
Office one door south of Carling ; Bro's store
Exeter. Ont.
Do you dant a Buggy?
We have the finest stock in town
A11 the latest styles, in the newee•
Our prices are low as can be found
for first-class material and workman-
J F upsell
Two Doors South Town Hall,
Two second hand Upright
Pianos and one Square Piano
for sale cheap.
New Pianos and Organs
always in stock.
Seillu W61111168
Our experience in the Sewing
Machine Business, (12 years) is a
guarantee of our goods. We
carry in stock the best the market
affords, • Needles and Repairs for
all kinds of machines always in ,
stock. Music in Sheet and Hook
Call and See us,
It will Pay You.