HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-2-13, Page 26Page 20-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13,19135 1. Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your out -of -Canada Medical In- surance at C.A.A. Travel Agency. 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton. Phone 482-9300.-44tfar RED POTATOES for sale. 482:3460. -44tf _HUMANE live traps, cedar fence postscedar kindling, snowshoes. Phone 482.3842. 2eowl FOR SALE : a) quantity of mixed firewood b) quantity of cedar poles and posts suitable for fencing. To be tendered separately. Closing dote February 22, 4 p.m. 565-2476 or 565.5279.--6.7ar NORTHERN FOOD TREES: Old-fashioned apples. pear, apricot, nut trees, shrubs, evergreens seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue $1 Golden Bough Tree Form. Marlbank, Ontario. KOK 2L0 • -7o GUN BARGAINS - Save up to 40 by subscribing to "The Gunrunner". the Canadian monthly newspaper for ' buying, selling and trading modern and antique firearns and accessories. Subscription: $15 per year. to: Gunrunner. Box 565T, Lethbridge, Alta. T1J 3Z4. Sample copy $1,50. Don't delay - get on our subscription list today, --7o GOOD USED RAILWAY TIES & TIMBERS: Pressure 'treated; ties in uniform quality bundles: fir timbers up to 10" x 18" x 32'; delivered semiload lots only; phone (204)725-2627, office hours. 7o USED STORE ISLAND and wall shelving, glass shelving, showcases, counters, steel adjustable shelving, pallet racking. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide •Street,' South, London 1-(519)-681 - 2254. Mon - Fri 9-5, Sat 9-12. 7o POLAROID camera, $15.00; 18" Sunbeam electric snowblower, $55.00; GE drum type humidifier, $40.00; two 14" radial tires, 515.00 pair;. deep fryer, $8.00; two r'hatching bedspreads suitable for child's room, $10.00 pair. All items irt.good condition. 524-9916. No calls Saturday or Sunday. -7 CHOICE LEAN BEEF by fhe side. Ready for freezer, government inspected, farmer's prices Phone Frank Falconer 482.9128. 5eow • COLD SPOT 17.1 cu. ft. frost free, green refrigerator, A-1 condition. Phone 523-4511. 7 ONE 14" METAL LATHE, 6 ft. bed, with two 4 jaw chucks, two 3 jaw chucks, one face plate and steady rest. One 2 h.p. motor (new). Sixteen speed drill presses with and without motors. Wood band Saws, 14" and 20". Wood lathes and copy lathes, all with motors. 6 inch jointers. Metal cutting saws, belt sanders. Full line of tools. Grinders 'it h.p. and ' h.p. Office desks and chairs. Metal vises, 4"', 5" and 6". 4 drawer file cabinet. 10 contractor table saws 1'., h.p. motor, 12" contractor • 2 h.p. motor. "No cheaper place to buy." 27 Picton Street East, Goderich. Phone 524.8602.--7ar APPROXIMATELY 1000 piece Lego collection $25 remote control model car $10: skis .and boots, curling shoes; kerosene heater and drum. Call 482.7846.---7x C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 mile south on Hwy. 2 1 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades USED TV /.APPLIANCES All fully reconditioned We have several 26" COLOR CABINET CONSOLE TV's Floor models. Reconditioned. 2 - 19" BLACK & WHITE TV's $99 1_ 12" BLACK & WHITE TV Used 20" '49r TELEVISION/VCR/ STEREO STAND '150.Reduced to clear Used Smith-Corora ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER $50. APPLIANCES - ADMIRAL 13 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR $299, McCLARY 14 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR '375. 15 CU, FT. CHEST FREEZER $149. 24" MOFFAT RANGE $50. 30" RANGE s 199 30" FREE-STANDING JENN-AIR RANGE With regular elements, barbecue, convection oven, lots more. McCLARY AUTOMATIC DRYER Multi -Program $20.0. BEATTY AUTOMATIC DRYER $150. Six Program GROVES T.V. & APPLIANCE CENTRE "We •°ervice what we salt" 18 HUIRON sr. CLINTON 482-9414 LASIFIE-- •.LUCKN..W 6008R101 .WING1440' R 5 yFI$L ° S .RYTH �MtTlClifE1;I, a�URlfaitf , EXETER STRATFORD THE CLINTON NEWS.RjCORD-THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAY FIELD BUGLE p _� CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIbNS 1 Articles for sole 2 Yard sole 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for sore 5 Cars for sale 6 Truck's for sale 7 R.V.'s for sole 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room 4 board 21 Cottages for rent 22 Lots for rent 46 In memoriam 23 Commercial property for rent 47 Cords of thanks 24 Wanted to ront 25 Wanted to buy 26 Holp wanted 27 Wanted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice 10 credtlors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educational 40 Lost ♦. Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 50' DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 4824443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.a,, to 5 p,m: 1 . Articles for sale MOFFAT gas range, self-cleaning oven, gold; gas water heater, glass lined, pipe and fittings in- cluded. 482-9643.--7 WEEKLY SPECIALS! see our ad in "FOCUS" Clin- ton Boxed Meats just off Hwy. 4 north of Clinton, 1 ' ,, mile south of Londesboro, watch for our sign. Call collect 523.9508.-42tfar Wood burning stove. Phone 482-3312.-5tfnx . ' TWO 14" snow tires mounted on Dodge Dart 'rims, asking $50.00. Phone 482-9984,--5tfnx USED SKATES for sale, reasonable, various sizes. Skate, sharpening $1.00 per pair. 139 Queen St., Clinton, 482-9412.--48tf WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quantity. Will deliver. 482-9250 APPLES - '5. bushel and up; APPLE BUTTER 8. HONEY - 10% ,OFF; ORANGES - No. 168 • '1.40, No. 138 - '1.75, No. 113 - '2.40; LEMONS - 4 for 50'; KETCHUP - '4.75 100 oz. POTATOES - 50 Ib. bag • '5.; GRAPEFRUIT 3 for '1.00; COOKIES - 5 lbs - '3.75, turnover's, chips, etc.; APPLE CIDER - '1.75 gq,llon: PORK & BEANS - 19 nz tin 70'.ART BELL'S FRUIT FARM 524-8037 We deliver. Closed Mon. -Tues. 1 WINTER CLOTHING DP TO 5 CHOOSE FROM COATS, GLOVES, BOOTS, ETC. 0 % off AUBURN 526-7262 BELGRAVE 523-4454 5: Cars for sale END OF SEASON SALE Now is your chance to save pri all Stoves & Fireplace Inserts LIMITED TIME OFFER You may qualify for an additional 50% grant (up to 800.00) from the Canada oil substitution program which is to be cancelled soon. The Woodburner Shop DUN.GANNON 5?9.7949 Tues. to Fri. 6 pm to 9 pm Sat. 10 am to 5 pm or by appointment 1 A. Snowmobiles Vieweis 1979 NEW YORKER, excellent mechanical condi tion, loaded, 57,000 miles. Call 482-7014 between 6-8 p.m.-7ar 1965 CHEV MALIBU, excellent condition, Southern car, will safety, best offer over $1,000. 523-9452.-7x 1973 AMERICAN Motors Hornet, priced right for quick sale. Phone 482-3682.-7,8 6. Trucks for sale 1972 BOA SKI 292, new track with ' one year guarantee, well maintained. $400.00 or best of- fer Phone 523-4278. 7 1981 DATSUN KING CAB 4x4, 5 speed, silver grey, rear bumper, radio 56,200 certified. Call (519)482-7919 before 6 p.m. (519)262-2686 after - Hensall,--7 1977 GMC. 350, power steering, power brakes, recently painted, certified, runs on propane. 482- 7034,-7 .5, 1975 SKIDOO Olympic 340, new track and sliders this fall engine rebuilt last fall. Asking $450 or host offer Must sell 523.4465 ask for Ron. ---7,8 8. Marine TIME SHARE, a completely equipped 26'sailbo t from Bayfield and enjoy 40 days';.of.. sailing throughout 1985. For details contact Brian at'Boat Share 519-433-9473 evenings 519-681-8573 or write to 102 Josephine St., London, N5Z 3P3.-7- 12 gemmeeaS 10. Pets for sale PUREBRED Beagle pups for sale, born New Year's Day. Phone 482-9209,---7x 16. Articles for rent PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stacked, Call N.J. Corriveau. Zurich 236- 4954.-16tfar A. For Sale FARM Commercial Trucking Pole Barns, domes and all steel buildings; doors, insulation, etc. Do i1 yourself or we'll erect. Call collect Rinegold Building Systems (613)473-2883,-7o Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AY 12:30 P.M. All closws of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton - 412-7511 Barry Miller Exeter -935-1717 Krrkton - 229-62115 Gregory Hargreaves 269.261, 16. Articles for rent give yourself a lift In one of our fine vans cars $2 1 95 trucks prices start at •weekly & weekend rates available • 20' van truck available , olid ,°10.a061 CVO." INCLUDING FREE 100 KM 12' van truck available 24-841 TRICKLAND 334 HURON RD., GODERICH 17. Apartments for rent rWanted WANTED TO BUY -Wheat straw. Phone 482-7196 at noon hour. ---6,7 - WANTED TO BUY: feed, barley or mixed grain. Phone Gerald Hayter 262-5E154 around meal time. --7 1 WE BUY late model TRACTORS 'for wrecking, burned; damaged or just tired. Fawcett Tractor Supply Ltd., R.R. 2 St. Marys, NOM 2V0. (519)284- 2379. - 7o • WANTED TO RENT: barn suitable to house breeder chickens. Clinton. Blyth or Brucefield areas starting approximately April, 1985. Call 482-3981 collect if necessary. •-7 D. Livestock TESTED boars, sound, Durocs, Hamp-Cross Reasonably priced. 2317. 5-7 FOUR sows for sale, Phone 482-7975. 7 aggressive. Yorks, Hamps. Duroc, York -Cross Hemp. Call Bob Robinson 345 - due 10 days to 3 weeks. E. Farm Services WILL DO relief milking and chores, 57.50 per hour. Phone Peter Hamming 527-0179 evenings. 43tf BROAD SPECTRUM SWINE PROTECTION Use the Mecad'ox and Pro-Bonminth team in your starter/grower feed and obtain brood spectrum control of scours, roundworms and ascaris pneumonic. -7o FARMERS WANTED who are paying too much tax or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today! Appointment times available to process 1984 tax returns in your home. FARM BUSINESS CONSULTANTS, 2109 Oxford St E.. London, N5V 2Z9. 'Call toll free 1-800 '!65-1002. In business year-round. -7o APARTMENT for rent, suitable for older person or couple. Available February 1st. Phone 482- 3878.-4tf ONE bedroom apartment for rent in Blyth, utilities included in rent. Phone 482-9210.-5tfar 12. Real estate for sale !BERG Sales -Service -Installation "Barn Cleaners •Bunk Feeders 'Stabling •M'anure Conveyors FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives R R 2 BLYTH 1187-9024 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. BROILER QUOTA, Beef barn, 250 acres, 170 workable. 1 FLOOR 3 BEDROOM SIDED HOME, attached garage in the 30's. BRICK & FRAME HOUSE, with apartment, easily divided, double car garage. LAYER QUOTA, modern home, 75 acres. Price reduced. COMMERCIAL ZONED LARGE LOT, highway location. COMMERCIAL ZONED BUILDING. with rental income. FARROWING BARN, good house, small acreage. Near Clinton. ATTRACTIVE 4 BEDROOM HOME on 1 acre, pdved road, in the 30's. 100 ACRES, 83 workable, river frohtage, • house and barn, Tuckers,nith Twp., $135,000.00. HENSALL - 2 bay service station, ideal commercial location.• r. BLYTH -' 3 bedroom home on a large lot, $29,500. 1,000 HOG OPERATION, 1 floor home, 3 acres. TRUCKERS WORKSHOP and modern home with pool near Clinton. DAIRY FARMS -several available NEAR THE SCHOOLS, 2 storey brick & frame home with apartment. LARGE STEEL BUILDING zoned industrial, on a paved road MARY ST. - 3 bedroom 1 floor home, large lot. 529,000.00. INDUSTRIAL ZONED LOTS - 'h acre, 1 1/3, acres, 3 acres & 22 acres. INDUSTRIAL ZONED LOT with brick office type building. INDUSTRIAL ZONED 5,000 sq. ft. building in Vanastra. • RESTAURANT FULLY EQUIPPED, going concern. COMMERCIAL ZONED PROPERTY near the post office. 40 ACRES with bush near Holmesville. 50 ACRES WITH BUSH near Bayfield. WORKABLE ACREAGE & BUSH, river fron- tage, near Auburn. 4 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING in excellent condition. Close to downtown. 195 ACRES. 1.80 workable, brick house. 2 barns, previously dairy, 2 sheds, McKillop Twp. 2'/ ACRES, house, barn & shed near Clin- ton. 80 ACRES WITH COTTAGE, some bush near Bayfield. NEAR THE ARENA - 4 bedroom home, large lot, '24,900.00. 122 HURON ST. - 3 bedroom home, garage, '26,900.00 201 HURON ST. - nice 2 bedroom 1 floor home, carport. 175 HURON ST. - cosy 3 bedroom home, treed lot. 02 WELLINGTON ST. - attractive well kept cottage. 103 JAMES ST. - duplex or single family home, close to downtown. 98 PRINCESS ST. W. - 4 bedroom home, large lot carport. $29,500. 102 HURON ST. - 3 bedroom home, dining room, large•lot. 133 HURON ST. - elegant 4 bedroom home, many extras. 56 GIBBINGS ST. - 4 bedroom' brick . garage, very attractive. 49 HURON ST. - Brick duplex, very nice in- terior zoned commercial. 260 ALBERT ST. - Raised bungalow, family room, double garage, plus. MODERN HOME, a lot of square ft., ex- ecutive style, large lot. 1 FLOOR HOME, separate shop, 1 .3'acres, outskirts of Auburn. RANCH STYLE HOME, double garage, 1 acre near Clinton. MOBILE, SLEEPS SIX, set up at Pine Lake. EXECUTIVE STYLED 1 floor home in Blyth, large lot. EXECUTIVE STYLED HOME on river in Bayfield. 20 QUEBEC RD. VANASTRA, a deal at '20 900 00 76 VICTORIA BLVD. VANASTRA, open concept '22:000.00 37 VICTORIA BLVD. VANASTRA, Florida room, '24,900.00. 15 VICTORIA BLVD VANASTRA, 5 bedrooms, '28,000.00. Call Harold Workman FARMS, HOME & COMMERCIAL Clinton 519-482-3455 Call Peter Damsma FARM REPRESENTATIVE • POULTRY SPECIALIST RR 5 Clinton 482-9849 KGKGKGKGKGKGK" OK REALTY & INSURANCE INC. 14 Isaac St., Clinton 482-9747 482-3721 Also Goderich, Exeter, Grand Bend. BILL COUNTER 48203687 HAL HARTLEY 482-3693 7. iii` 0 le 0X 7 0CD g CI 7 0 0. WE ARE PLEASED TO OFFER 7 FOR SALE 5 RECENT NEW LISTINGS. u. Three are 3 bedroom modern brick • x bungalows, one with attached l7 garage; another is an older frame 3 7 bedroom bungalow, well maintained a. and located on a double lot; the fifth LLX is a "one of a kind" which defies 0 ,a. suitable written description - must be seen! . Pictures of these appear in our office display window and Hal or Bill will be pleased to provide all the (. information. Y G.K. Realty are preparing another flyer of the listings.? Y• of all four offices which will be off the press in mid February - Watch for it. XIli, •WE LIST AND SELL 0 IRESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURAL -RECREATIONAL IC AND SEASONAL PROPERTY Y MEMBER HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD Y (Multiple Listing Service) �. '6'1( -- GK OK GK GK GK GK GK NEW LISTINGS! LJ >7C 01 MAURICE GARD-I-N-E R R E:A L ESTATE LIMITED 34 STANLEY STREET GODERICH 524.2968 'We May Be Number One! But, We're Still Trying Harder!' CALL US -TO WELCOME YOU HOME Rea SNOWDEN ACRES.- 1-'/2 storey 4 yr. old brick,)3 bedrooms, separate dining room, 17' x 18' kitchen with pine cupboards and deck off main floor family , room, mud room. Reduced to $75,000. CHRISTY ST.: Aluminum sided, 11/2 storey. 4 bedroom cottage, large' kitchen/living room combined, 1 block from lake. Priced to sell at $47.500. . 165 JAMES ST., CLINTON - 2 storey Insul Brick, 4 • bedrooms, familyroom, aluminum storm windows. Insulated under Gov't. Grant, new roof, playroom 17'/2' x 11', laundry- hookup in kitchen, . new ABS plumbing & copper pipes.) '28,500. MAIN ST-, VARNA • 1'/2 storey aluminum sided and windows, 3 bedrooms, familyroom, new roof & insulated, - numerous fruit trees, upstairs balcony. OPEN TO OFFERS -MUST SELL. '29,500. WOODLAND CRES., SNOWDEN ACRES • Vertical Sheathing, 200 AMP., 4 bedrooms, family room, 2 cedar decks off patios, -creek through lot with mature trees. Year round livino.'42.000. LIDDERDALE ST., BAYFIELD • Brick front Aluminum sided bungalow, 16 x 24' living/diningroom. 3 bedrooms, insulated ceilings, walls & floor. 100 AMP. 2 blocks from Lake. '42,500. LIDDERDALE ST., BAYFIELD - Brick front aluminum sided bungalow. 3 bedrooms, laundry room. wood stove in living room, storage shed, TV antenna, etc. Electric heat '43,900. ' HOUSTON HEIGHTS • Brick brown bungalow. 1260 sq. ft.. full basement, separate dining room, 3 bedrooms, roughed in fireplace in basement. laundry'hookup and tub. '59.900. HWY. NO. 21, BAYFIELD - Red brick ranch ,style home - 3 bedrooms, laundry/bathroom combined, parlour Stove 10°/4 interest for 2 years to qualified purchaser. Well supplies water 1o4 homes at '100/year. '68,000. STANLEY NO. 1 • LAKEFRONT COTTAGE - Modern kitchen, hardwood floors in living room. also fireplace and propane furnace. 2' bedrooms with another room used as 3rd, list of furniture included, 2 baths. '76,000. SARNIA ST., BAYFIELD - 2 storey yellow brick. 4 bedrooms, family room off kitchen, patio doors from family room and dining area. laundry room, mud room. built in oven, burners : dishwasher, full basement, 3 baths. '78,500 HWY NO. 21, BAYFIELD • Brick raised ranch, 6 yrs old Separate dining room, 4 bedrooms, 32' x 22' family room with field stone fireplace •and book shelves across one wall. Included in p'tice: washer. dryer and all lighting fixtures. '79,900. HAMILTON ST., BAYFIELD • 5 yrd. old angelstone brick. aluminum soffits, fascia, windows. Separate dining room, 4 bedrooms, central vac., immaculate conoition. '89,500. 1 MILE SOUTH OF BAYFIELD 'ON HWY. NO. 21 • (?aised brick home, 1040 sq. ft. on each level. Spring fed creek on 9 acres, barn 14' x 24', 4 bedrooms, 22' x 17' family room, walk out patio from. kitchen above garage.'115,000. DIANNE ALEXANDER 565-2513