HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-2-13, Page 254. People of all ages gathered at the Clinton Arena to watch the Optimist Broomball Tour- nament that was held from Feb. 8-10. The event featured good competition and sport- smanship. (Anne Narejko photo ) Heartbreaking loss By Caroline Watt CLINTON - On February 1 the Central Huron Secondary School's (CHSS) I Senior boy's basketball team travelled to Palmerston where they suffered a heart- breaking 70 - 60 loss. The C.H.S.S. Redmen dominated the court for the first half of the game', outscoring the Norwell Redmen 42 - 33. However, the game saw a complete turn around as the Norwell team caught the visitor's attack. The high scorers for the C.H.S.S. Redmen were Austin Roorda who led the way with 25 points followed by Dan Reidy with 12, Steve Elliot with 10, Shawn Lester and Gary Godkin each checking m with five points. In Seaforth on February 4, the Redmen were faced with yet another loss. The Golden Bears could not be stopped for they dominated their home court and outscored the Redmen 72 - 41 Scoring for the Redrnen were Austin Roorda with nine points, Gary Godkin eight, Dan Reidy five, Mike.Segeren and Shawn Lester with four, Dean Cart- wright and James 'Robson three, Steve Elliot and Don Hearn two, and Terry Cox chipping m with one. The Redmen then found themselves on the road again as they travelled to Stratford last Thursday night. Here . the C.H.S.S. Senior boys engaged in one of their finest perfor- mances this season. An enthusiastic and super -supportive audience encouraged the home team Rams to a 60 - 47 victory over the Redmen. The first half was very close with the Rams leading 33 - 27. However, the Ram's strong, press in the second half enabl- ed them to take advantage of the Redmen and jump on their score. The high scorer for the game was Austin Roorda with 21 points. Dan Reidy scored eight points while Gary Godkin and Shawn Lester, both with seven, helped the Redmen out. ; The C.H.S.S. Redmen stand with a three win, five loss record. February 11 saw the Redmen challenge the St. Mary's Salukies, in hopes of improving their record. This will be the first of two final home games before the play-offs are determined. Carriers clear with conditions Letter Carriers in the Huron Division of Canada Post Corporation (comprising.all of southwestern Ontario). are once again gear ing up to deal with the difficult walking con- ditions they face every winter. • Slippery streets and steps each year con- tribute to a variety, of injuries that result in bulging .lost -time accident statistics. at Canada Post. Last winter in Huron, 245 in- juries due to slips and falls were reported in the Division's 39 Letter Carrier offices. A total of 3,797 work days were lost, represen- ting a direct cost to Canada Post of $581,800: If replacement and overtime costs were in- cluded the dollar figure would more than double. Special grips that are strapped to Letter Carrier's footwear were introduced in Huron last year and were credited with a significant reduction in injuries over the lat- ter hall of the winter period. "Our safety ef- forts will continue but we think further reductions would occur if city 'sideswalks and private walks and steps were kept. clear of ice and snow," said Dan Dobbs, Manager Occupational Health and Safety in Huron. An awareness campaign aimed at .the general public is currently underway in an BEST RATE 5 YEAR RRSP 1..1 3/4 % ROON KEYS ARNA 262-6213 *cot AOC ANHUMIES Lto. BACHERT MEATS 'Try our own smoked pork chops ' for the bar -b -q season" CUSTOM KILLING, FREEZING Cutting & Wrapping KILL DAY ON TUESDAY i'All meat Gov't. Inspected on the farm 1 MILE EAST OF WALTON 887-9328 ..00E717711. GOET'1L'$••• • • OF DUBLIN :. A STORE FULL .OF BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE 'On the Main Street of 3.45-2250 Free Delivery, "IN Tilt NI t OF DOWNIOWIN v AIlNAr' 48?1`103 CLINTON NEWS-RI✓CQRD, WEDNE6DAY, FEBRUARY 113,1985—Page 19 Government giant boosts WomenToday by Sharon Dietz young mothers, she says. The groups will dynamics, community organization skills, Women Today, grassrootsan awareness of the body and its tunctions, a women's ' evolve as women identify their needs.prhythms, needs and symptoms toms of illness; organization m Huron County, has received Isolation, lack of work opportunities, ymp a contribution of $58,345. from Health and stereotype roles, family violence, work, stress factors in women's lives and the co - Welfare Canada to fund a training program small children, marital relationships, lack relation between stress and illness as well for self-help group facilitators. of day care and financial problems are as appropriate responses to dealing with The purpose of the project, Women Being several of the concerns local women may stress; lifestyle changes which could be Well, is to promote the health of Huron identify in forming self-help groups. made to improve women's health; social, County women by training women to The idea of self-help groups came about political fluence andlth environmental inannon-medical l factors hat in - organize self-help groups, which will focus following a workshop entitled Corn- alternatives and supports aoptions,in the on women's health and well being. The pro- municating with your Doctor held by alterna gram will provide the facilitators with train- Women Today lastyear. The response to the ounty. ing on group dynamics, popular education workshop was excellent, especially from The program will be developed through techniques and preventative health. older women, despite the poor weather con- co-operation with Conestoga College of Ap- ditions the night of the workshop. The con- plied Arts and Technology. The facilitators cern at the workshop demonstrated a need will take their training through the spring for all women to have alternative ways of and summer months with the goal of super - achieving well being. vising and supporting the establishment of self-help groups in the fall. Women Today will hire a full time project co; ordinator to design, co-ordinate and pro- mote the training program and a recep- tionist - bookkeeper to provide the clerical support to the project. The issues of stre selflessnes nd low The objective of the training program is to self-esteem manife a wide v of il- train six women, working in pairs, to be lnesses. Women" od y believ s self-help facilitators to conduct self help groups for groups are an effecti way o supporting women in Huron County. The program will women in making healt fifes le decisions provide training for facilitators in group and adjusting to chronic illness. effort to solicit the support of Huron Divi- sion residents. The campaign includes a householder mailing and promotional materials are on display in many Post Of- fices. "We want the public to realize the pain and suffering the injured Letter Carrier goes through. When they know, • we think they'll respond," concluded Mr. Dobbs. Last year's injuries included broken arms and legs, severely strained backs and, in one instance, a fractured skull. Residents are being asked to keep their walks and steps as clear as possible and to use sand and salt when necessary. Women Today wants to encourage a number of self-help groups in the county to form on a wide variety of concerns that local women will identify. The organization believes the best way to do this is to train women to run self-help groups and support them in establishing the groups they wish to form. Self-help groups are already organized in other areas of the province, says Fran Mc - Quail, a Women Today board member, and groups can form for a variety of reasons with the focus being women's health and well being. A self-help group could be a social group for isolated older women or for Women Today has worked from a self- help and networking perspective because it recognizes adult women have the ability to identify and work on solutions to their own problems when given the forum to do so. Self help groups are such a forum. Municipal committees named Thepeople in Clinton who serve you CLINTON - Each year dozens of townspeople volunteer their services to help with various aspects of municipal government. • In Clinton, some 40 men and women work with town council on various volunteer committees. Council, at their last meeting approved appointments and re-election of members to the town's 11 boards and committees. They include: Planning Advisory and Development Committee - Lawrie' Slade, Councillor Charlie Burgess, Deputy Reeve Frank Van Altena, Mike Falconer, John' Rosenlund, Larry Jones, Guss Boussey, John Balfour and Ron Jewitt. Committee of Adjustment - Harry Ball, Steve Brown, Ruth MacLean, Willard Aiken and Evelyn Galbraith. Cemetery Board - Reeve Ernie Brown, Bert Gliddon, Ross Carter, Herb Duizer, Cliff Parker, Harold Black and Frank Cook. Recreation Committee - Chairman ,Ron McKay, Linda Reid, Councillor Burgess, Jim H.unter and Gord Gerrits, Dan Colquhoun, Steve Oliver, Roy Wheeler, Steve Gibbings, Judy Stuart, Barb Crawford and Bonnie Jewitt. Business Improvement Board of Management' - Deputy Reeve Van Altena 'and. Councillor Bee Cooke, Clarence Denomme, Pat Palmer, Steve Brown, Jane Groves, Gerry Hiltz and Janet Buchanan. That's 8800 going down the drain They're pulling the plug on the off -oil grants of up to $800 in March. So it's time to switch to a MegaSave high efficiency gas furnace. And that's just the start of big savings. Because MegaSave is so efficient, it can trim annual fuel costs by as much as 60%.' Before 8800 goes down the drain and more than half your heat goes up the chimney, get off oil and on the phone to your MegaSave dealer. °Actual savings may.vary Harold Wise LIMITED - WISE ENERGY CENTRE - 262 Bayfield Road CLINTON 482-70612 OPTOMETRY R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square; GODERICH 524-7661 JOHN LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527.1240 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00-5:30 Saturday 9:00-12:00 noon Closed Wednesdays BY APPOINTMENT Free parking on premises ELECTRIC ase c\c QJ QYy 1hO9 • ECONOMY •QUALITY • SERVICE 'Big jobs or small, we guarantee them all" 482=7374 CLINTON OR CALL 1-800-265.9255 ASK 078ROR 126ER 6 O. Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee - Councillor Hunter, Jo Winter, Faye Fear, Doris Batkin, Reg Thompson, Nancy Fisher-Vossen and Marilyn. Tyndall. Various other regional committees are represented by town council members and volunteers. Councillor Cooke is a member of the Clinton Public Hospital Board. Councillor Gerrits represents Clinton on the' Holmesville Waste Disposal Site Committee. Mayor Archibald and Councillor Burgess are members of the Clinton Central Agricultural Society. Mayor Archibald, Deputy Reeve Van Altena and Councillor Deeves represent the municipality on the Clinton Fire Are Board. Councillor Deeves is Clinton's representative on the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority and Elmer Trick is a member of .the. Maitland Valley Conservation Authority. New committees okayed At their January meeting, council recommended the establishment of a new municipal committee to represent , the School Car on Wheels and Sloman Memorial Park. Councillor Hunter will represent council on the three person committee. Ron Young will represent the school car committee and a recreation committee member will also be Business and Professional Directory named. A second municipal committee has been established to oversee the development of projects for possible Ontario Neighborhood Imprevement Plan (ONIP) funding. Mmembers are Mayor Archibald, Councillors Gerrits and Deeves, Harold Gibbings and Guss Boussey. CHILD TAX CREDIT If the Child Tax Credit is the only claim you'll make this year,bring your income tax return to a partici- pating H 8,R Block office. We'II accurately prepare it for just $10. And we guarantee it! It pays to be prepared by H&R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS 5 Ontario St., Clinton, Ont.` 482-754V- WELDING 82-754! - REPAIR Clinton Electric Whive-Westinghouse -11--crt p (ri t Appliances Sales and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE 90 ALBERT ST. 482-3646 APPLIANCE and REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482®7032 INSURANCE GAISER-KNEALE INSURANCE BROKERS INC. Insurance -Real Estate Investments Isaac St., Clinton Phone Office 482-9747 Len Theedom 482-7994 Hal Hartley 482-3693 Bill Counter 482-3687 JOHN WISE INSURANCE BROKERS. LTD. General Insurance Guaranteed Investments Clinton Office: 482-3401 Res.: 482-7265 MECHANICAL GBAILEYS , P 0 BOX 29 MILL STREET HENIALL ONT NOM 1 XO HEATING * AIR CONDITIONING * SHEET METAL SALES * SERVICE * SATISFACTION BILL BAILEY • 262 2020 spennt,sts i,. Pulse Combustion Heating ACCOUNTANT_ ' __, W.I.. BUTLER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Trustee in,Bankruptcy Farm Financial Statements —--�- OFFICES 19 Victoria Street, North Goderlch or 3251am524bton C2834rt., Kincardine524-8658 396-7088 5 Ontario St., Clinton 4,82-7541 (at H&R Block) WELDING STELARC METAL PRODUCTS *Iron Railings *Trailers & Hitches *General Fabricating PHONE *Portable Welding Equipment 482-9010 GLASS/ALUMINUM See us for your building propects • Glass and mirrors • Energy-efficient replacement windows •Window & screen repair • Plexiglass • Door service and repairs •Complete range of aluminum siding and building products Clinton Ti N mirror and aluminum products 24 Princess St. West, CLINTON 482-3322 INuILATLON COMFORT ZONE INSULATION LTD. CLINTON BOX 1067 482-3812 - 482-3563 We Have It All! Cellulose, Rockwool, Fibreglass, Polyurethane, Vents, Poly.caulking, Weather Strippin -Materials For Every Need - Houses, Barns, Factories, etc. LET US KEEP YOU IN THE COMFORT ZONE. Also s. ra •aintin; of most everything CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATES GODERICH ENERGY SEAL AND INSULATION Complete insulation of attics,'basements, walls Sealing & removal of UFFI Ener -seal draft -proofing of home replacement windows ventilation of attic humidity problems solved COVERNMENT GRANTS AVAILABLE 37 KINGSTON ST., GODERICH 524-2311 out-of-town call collect FREE ESTIMATES Give us a call at (482-3443 482-7741) and we can help you make odds 'n ends disappear by using the Classified Want Ads! or Clinton News -Record Incorporating The Bayfield Bugle The. Blyth Standard