HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-11-27, Page 1ter
it. ++*++++ II+++4++ +4.+++•F- i•i' 4.+44+4+++++++f++++++4+44
e 14..
• Steel Ranges
#i; Coal and
Wood Cook
;�. Stove Mats
Air Tight
tE1' ,,
i{� v
c �
G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Conveyan-
cer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, and
Insurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal doouments
'l' carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money
4' to loan on real estate at low rates of interest.
+ Office at the Pest Office Ilensall
•l• BRIEFS. - Dr. Joseph Norris, of
'i• Detroit, was in town last week. His
4' ' health has been very poor of late,
4. though he is now somewhat better.-
`' At a meeting. of the School Board. held
"1' on Saturday night, Miss Murray was
re-engaged to teach for the coming
year and Miss Florence Reynolds' ap-
plication for the room now occupied
by Miss Stevens was also accepted,
Miss Stevens is retiring from teachingg•
owing t0 throat trouble. Our Boar
•f. are to be congratulated on securing
'1' such an efficient staff. -Jos. Hudson
and daughter of tvlarlette, Mich„ were
;p • here last week. -Jos. Hudson, of Hills-
+ green, will move into the house recent-
• ly vacated by Geo. Scott. -The Ep-
,'1l.worth League of the Main street
:l• I Methodist church, Exeter, paid our
Hensal I
�, \ J :: • 4
Purnlace Work a Specialty 4
1TO awkiri� n I
W.28++4.+'F'++++++++44•t4. ++++++++44++4.++++++++++++4
You 6a11 nave
a warm rime
All winter in one of Taman's
Suits and Overcoats. Never a
better line of Real Good Ones.
Never a better line of Moderate
Priced Ones, Never a better
line of
Then there is this certainity, if
you buy a Suit and Overcoat of
nie, you get as good a one as theFowLE
price you pay can buy, and if
the fit and workmanship don't
prove satisfactory you get your
money back.
,s -ices go from *12
We want your Clothing Trade.
W. W. Taman.
Mercliarnt Tali or.
We Can
that our stock of Fall
and Winter goods is
unequalled. See . for
Fresh and
- Salted Meats
Having purchased the 'Butcher
Business from Mr. J. T. Manning,
...AlCve solicit a share of your patron-
age. We keep the
Best of Meats
both fresh and salted, always on
hand. Orders delivered promptly.
John Twiss, for some years in the
employ of T. F. Coleman, salt manu-
facturer, was instantly killed on Satur-
day last in Coleman's stable. When
found his hand was holding the elect-
ric light wire to which was attached
an incandescent lamp. Twiss leaves a
widow and eleven of a family.
Russell e
BRIEFS. --Mr. T. McCullough, of Ful-
larton, intends building on his lot .
south of here for the accomodation of
his wood cutters. -Municipal matters
are already discussed.J. L. Russell, the
present Reeve, is retiring, and will
probably run for County. Councillor,
and Oliver Harris, the sudor member
of the remaining board„ will enter the
contest for the .Reeve's chair.
league a friendly visit on Monday
eyening last, supplying the program
which was an excellent one and was
enjoyed by,. all. Refreshments were
served at the close of the program,
which, needless to say, all enjoyed.--
njoyed.-We are pleased to learn that Dr. Medd
is improving, but it will be some time
before he will be able to resume his
work. He is expected home some
time this week. -Mr. Wm, Dougall, sr,
was in Belgrave and vicinity during
the past week visiting relatives and
friends. -Mr. Cornelius Cooke was
united in marriage to Miss Minnie A.
Hemphill of Wroxeter, on Wednesday.
The ceremony was perforined by Rev.
Mr. McKelvie, formerly of Hensall, in
the presence of the immediate friends
and relatives of the contracting par-
ties, -We have this week to chronicle
the death
of Mrs. Sutherby ather
home here on Friday evening last. She
had been in her usual health up to a
few days before her death, which gave
quite a shock to her family and
friends. The remains were borne to
Carmel Presbyterian church on Sab-
bath afternoon last, where a funeral
service was held, and was largely
attended. The remains were after-
wards interred in the Union cemetery
at Rogerville.. Much sympathy is felt
for the family in the loss of their
mother. -Mr. Peter Triggerson has
purchased a fine strip of land, nearly
three acres, adjoining his own land,
The purchase was made from Mr. G.
0. Petty, and will now give Mr. Trig-
gerson nearly five acres of fine market
garden land. That he makes good use
of it is evidenced from the fact that
during the pasb summer he raised from
a strip of his land 14,250 pounds of
onion sets and 807 pounds ;of picklers.
TThe former at 4 cents apound and the
latter at t• a cent per pound, netted
the handsome of $574.27, which serves
to show that, under favorable circum-
stances, such as a good season and
good cultivation, the fine results that
can be obtained from a small strip of
land and will no doubt, be encourag-
ing to others. -The friends of Mr.
Frederick G. Bonthron, youngest son
of Mr. Robert Bonthron, of this vil-
lage, will regret to learn that he is
very seriously ill at Sault Lake city,
and fears are expressed for his recov-
ery. We hope however that he may
yet experience a change for the better.
-Dr. J. Blacken. of the Queens has
put up ahandsome sign. The letter-
ing being done by Mr. J. Steacy,
painter, and reflects much credit upon
him as an astist.-Mr, Teddie Clausen
left here on Tuesday morning for
Moosejaw, Assa.,'to join the rest of
the family who . are now residents
there. The good wishes of his many
friends accompany him. -Mrs. Nellie
Gorby of Seaforth.,formerly of Hensall
was in thevillage this week renewing
acquaintances. -Mrs. Geo. Thompson,
As I have purchased the
stock of Groceries, Crockery
and Glassware from Mr. Jos.
Case at a rate on the dollar,
and having ordered new
goods am prepared to sell
all Crockery and Glassware
at cost. • -
We have a full line of new
and Fresh Groceries, Break-
fast Foods, etc.
Case's OId Stand, IIENSALL•
St. Joseph
BRIEFS. -The St. Joseph Land and
Improvement Co. intend constructing
a fine race course on the Charettee
farm which they recently purchased.
-A number of carpenters are at work
completing the big St. Josephblock.-
Dr. Routhier has taken six of N. M.
Cantin's children to a college near
Montreal. -Mr. David Spencer dispos-
ed of 34 acres of his farm to Dr. Routh-
ier for $3,450.-H. Bourrette ' has
opened a boarding house in the new
Bissonette block, -It is reported that
George Campbell will open a lumber,
near and wood yard in the future
having disposed of his general store to
L. G. Routhier, who takes possession
at once. -The cement walk in front of
the big. block is completed. - Mr.
Lebeau is buisy making a half mile
track and has several teams and a
number of men busy ploughing,
scraping etc.
THE --
enchants Bankof Ca
RAST A L (all paid up)
TEIOS.:I ySBEUoueral Manager
E. F, 11EBDEN,
Superintendent of Branches.
Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on
Savings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts.
Letters of Credit issued available in China, Japan and
,other foreign countries.
W.. CHISM�C�L.Mf �
of near Londsborough, accompanied
by her sister-in-law, Miss Thompson of
Clinton, were in the village last week
visiting relatives and friends. -The
LaDell Concert Co. will give an enter-
tainment on Monday, December 1st,
in Miller's opera hall. The talent is
good and the attendance promises to
• be good. -A temperance meeting. was
held in Miller's opera hall on Wednes-
day evening of this week. -The meet-
ing was very largely attended, and
much interest is being manifested as
the date of voting draws nearer. -
As au evidence of the extent to which
Dutch set onions are grown here,
Messrs Ellis and Smallacornbe have
shipped 35 tons this season, which at 4
cents a pound will bring the growers
$2,800, This does not include the
shipments of E, Rennie, J. W, Ort -
vein and others, which would bring
the quantity close to 50 tons.
BRIEFS. -The recent fine weather
has allowed the farmers of this ..vicini-
ty to push the fall work along 'the
most of the roots are harvested and
plowing is being rapidly completed. -
Last week a meeting was held to or-
ganize for the temperence campaign
and an energetic committee was ap-
pointed to • see that the: voters were
got out on the fourth of next month,
-Miss Grace Grigg is visiting Mrs. A.
Bowslaugh.-Miss F. Essery visited
friends in Exeter on Sunday last. •
Office hours to a. m. to i p. m. Telephone
connection with main, Oleo in Lucan.-Cont
ralia, Ont.
BRIEFS, -The annual meeting of the
Bible Society, which was held in the
Oromarty Presbyterian church last
Monday eVening, was well attended,
and the addresses given, by the differ-
ent ministers were eicellent.--Mr.
Sadler, who has been away to Muskoka
has returned home, bring ing with him
a couple of deer. -Miss Maggie, Morris
is visiting friends in drediton.-Messrs.
Ed.•Kemp and J. Scott, who spent the
summer in Manitoba, are home again,
both looking wellafterr their trip. -Mt
HarryTempleman left ,last week for
the Old Country, where he will visit
his parents and friends. ; We wish him
a pleasant trip and a safe -return, -The
Staffs Methodist Sunda. School will
start at 2.30 o'clock unt further no-
tice is given. -Rev. Mr.; Doherby will
preach on Sunday evening. Nov. 30th,
at 7 P. nr., on the subject, "Why I
should vote for prohibition and the
Ontario Liquor Act of 1902.?.,
S trustees
The of S. hNi, 5, Usborne,
have re-engaged Mr. Peter Gowan as
teacher for the year 190;3. This will
be the twelfth year
Mr:• Gowan will
have taught in this
sec on. Having
learned to value his s rvices, the
people are not yet villin to part with
BRIErs.--Miss Armstrong, of Exeter
spent Sunday with relatives here. -
Mr. Wm. Levitt, of Exeter. called on
friends hare the forepart of. the , week.
-Word was received here on Satur-
day last of the death of Miss Josephine
Russell, of Chatham. The young lady
was only 22 years of age and died on
her birthday. She was to `have been
married on Wednesday of this week
to Rey. Mr, George,, rector. Her death
was caused by pneumonia'front which
she had been a sufferer tor four weeks.
The sympathy of the entire communi-
ty is extended to the bereaved ones,
• Anderson
BRIE>is-Miss Lena Perrin, of St,
Marys, is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Jas. H. Robinson. -Mr. F. J, Eppiett,
is engaged with Mr. L. Cameron. -Mr.
and Mrs. Gunning, of Whalen, were
theaeste ot Mrs. F. Gunning last
week -Miss Lucy M. Hyde is 111 with
bronchitis. -Miss Sarah and Margaret
Anderson were guests of Mrs. T.
Roadhouse, of Kirkton, last week. -
Mr. Bob Atkinson after spending the
last three months out West returned
home last Thursday. Mr, H. Arm-
strong, of Science Hill, Sundayed ab
Elmdale farm. -Mr. Chas. gyde is im-
proving the appearance of tris farm by
erectinga new fence along the front
of his premises.
-. Shipka
BRIEFS. - Miss Clara and Lydia
Finkbeiner left on Tuesday last .for
London where they intend remaining
the winter. Mrs. Turner, of. Park
Hill has returned Home afl isitapli
ant visit with her daughter, Mrs.
John Sharp. -Mrs. McGinnis, who has
been seriously ill, 19 able to a around.
again. -Mr. Wing is impr..ving the
the appearance'of his store cry much
with new windows and a randah.-
Our merchants are very usy this
week taking in fowl. Mr. ,and Mrs.
Hariton, of Exeter, spent S �_ day and
Monday with friends here.-h•Miss -Ber-
tie Finkbeiner leaver this •week for
London where she intends to remain
for sometime.
Hay Township
Municipal matters are again being
discussed, The many friends of our
respected and well tried councilman
are moving in the direction of asking
his acceptance of the nomination for
County Councillor, Mr. John Torrance,
who has so ably filled the position has
signified his intention of not being a
candidate on account of net being a
resident of the division. With this in
view Wm, Count with hislong and ,
valuable experience as Township
Councillor is sought to fill the position
of County Councillor. Should he con-
sent to run he will Certainly meet
with a hearty support frpm all parts
of the division. We understand of
late he has signified his intention of
running and will no doubt be elected.
With Mr. Wm. Lamont in Stanley
and Mr. Wm. Cobsil in Hay the divi-
sion will no doubt be ably and well re-
WALLAOE-0AIRRNs A very pleas-
ant social event took place at the resi-
dence of Mrs. John Cairns, in this
township, on Wednesday,, the 12th
inst. This was the marriage of Miss
Helen Cairns to Mr. James Wallace,
of Comber. The ceremony was per-
formed by the Rev. Mr. Cranston, of
Crornarty, and was witnessed by a
goodly number of relatives and friends
of young couple.' The cere-
mony Y g
mony and. congratulations over. the
guests sat down to a sumptuous
dinner, prepared by' the worthy
hostess. The bridelooked very
pretty, dressed in her going away
suit of brown broadcloth. Her pre-
sents were numerous • and costly,
among 'thein was a pretty marble
mantle clock, paintings, draperies, cut
glass and silverware. The bride's
uncles and aunts gave he cheques.
The happycouple left for thea home
in Comber, and the good ' wishes of
many friends will follow them.
Lit h;
BRIEFS -On Wednesday afternoon
of last week a large number of friends
assembled at the home of Mr. Justice
Mellick, Bronson -line, ib being the
marriage of his youngest daughter,
Miss Mabel, to Mr. Isaac Hodson, son
of Mr. Joseph Hudson, Parr line. The
ceremony was pertorined by the Rev.
VV, r, Yager, of Zurich, after which
all sat down to a symptuous repast
and did ample justice to the good
things provided. The presents were
both costly and numerous and testified
to the esteem in which. Mr, and Mrs.
Hudson are held. 'Sour correspondent
joins with their many friends in wish-
ing them a safe journey through life,
WoonnN WEDDING. -,-A. , pleasant
time was spent on Monday evening
of last 'Week at the residence of Mr.
Levi Stelch, when a number of frie Ude
assembled and celebrated the anniver-
sary of their wooden wedding, A fowl
supper was served, after which the
evening was spent insocial converse,
games etc. The friends of 112r. and Mr.
Stelch are a uniton in wishing them
many years of happiness and prosperi-
C'i,rand Bend
Hamra- On Tuesday, Noyenibbw
llth, the home of Mrs, Louis Wolper,
.A, B. line, Stephen township, was the
scene of a pretty butuiet wedding
when her eldest daughter. Fanny E
was united in marriage ..to Mr. P.
Mallard, The ceremony was perform-
ed. by
Rev. Mr.
ere inp
► the pre-
sence of only a few intimate frieds,
Tho bride wbo was assisted by her
sister, Miss Mary VtWalper, was very
becomingly attired in a white cos-
tume, trimmed with deep cream ap
lique and ribbon. • .Mr. Prnest Mol -
lard, brother of the geooni,was
groomsman. The young people were
the recipients of many congratulations
from friends. - Mr, Frank Allen is
very ill at present. -Miss. Annie Rae -
burn, of St. Franks, is the guest of her
aunt, Mrs. Win. Patterson. -• Mr. E.
Shaw and Mr. J. Gravelle' have gone
to the Soo, The latter will be very
much missed by the ladies. -Mr. Geo.
Zapfe, of Usborne is visiting under
the parental roof. -The Methodists in-
tend holding their annual Christmas
tree on December 16th.
F - her.
Large etock of Lumber -pine and hemlock,
170,000 feet of hemlock lumber for barna eta,
also shingles. lathe and cedar posts. `rices
reasonable. -JAS WILLIS, Yard : East side of
R. T. or T. MEETING. The Royal
Templars of Farquhar :have secured
Wiggins, ns of Toronto,
gg , organi-
zer•for the Woman's Christian Tem-
perance Union, to speak in the Tham-
es Road Presbyterian church, on : Fri-
day eveping, Nov, 28th, in the ' in-
terests of the Referendum campaign.
People will do well to hear this gifted
and eloquent speaker,
*auris. -Mr. Wm. Stewart has re-
turned from Wallaceburg, where he
has been buying and shipping apples
for Mr. R. S. Lang this season, and re-
ports having a good time. He says'
he never heard prohibition mentioned
in that locality. -Mr. and Mrs.' James
Hackney, who have been .on'the -sick
list, we are pleased to hear • to , be
around again. -Ma. Samuel McCurdy,
one of the few remaining of theearly
, settlers, is reported to be in a very Tow
condition,, 'Tis r:' r. ,z,.4;
bci1s`a; .off U•od'erich, were visiting
old acquaintances this week.
Exeter Municipal Council
Council met at call of Reeve, at
Town Hall, Nov. 21st. Absent Coun-
cillor Davis.
Minutes of previous meeting read
and confirmed.
Wood -Muir - That the following
accounts be passed and orders drawn
on treasurer for same: Thos, Welsh,
labor, $10.28 ; Alf. Taylor, do, 63c. ,-
Wm. Anderson, do, $9.38 ; Thos.
Flynn, do. $11.25 ; S. Handford, do,
50c. ; Fred Gillespie, do, 75c. ; Walter
Westcott, $8.75 ; Ernest Flynn, do,
$3.45 ; James Murray, and Co., ac-
count, $6.50 ; James Creech, stone
hammer, 75c. ; Fred Knight, nails,
22c. ; W. J. Bissett, charity to Mrs.
Sutton, $9.00 ; do, Mrs. McIntosh,
$2.00 ; Queen lily Oil Co., gasoline,
$9.75c. -Carried. -
Harding -Muir -That the clerk be
instructed to notify the county en-
gineer to repair the fence at south
east corner of bridge on Main street,
Wood-Levett.^That a reward of
$10.00 be offered for the apprehension
and conviction of the perpetrators of
the outrage to the person and proper-
ty of Mr. Anderson, principal of pub-
lic scilool.-Carried
Harding - Muir- That a reply be
published to:the vote of censure pass-
ed by the public school board at its
last meeting. -Carried. -
Wood -Harding -That the council
adjourn to meet Dec. 5th, at 7.30 p.
m. -Carried,
(Too late for last issue)
BRIEFS -Messrs. Thomas Merkin
and Jonathan Brock, who left here for
the harvest in Manitoba have returned
home the former being employed in
London while John is in Stratford at
the Grand Trunk car shops. -Miss
Bessie Morley, who has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. Jeckell at Smith's
Falls, has returnedhome.--Mr. Harvey
Sutherby has secured a position with
Merman Kyle, of Zion. -Mr. Daniel
Hodgson has purchased a handsome
organ from Mr. S. Martin, of Exeter. -
Our blacksmith, Mr. Hodgson, is doing
an extensive business and has lately
finished building a number of fine
wheelbarrows. -We learn that a num-
ber of Mrs. J. V. Milson's former ac-
quaintances, of Olandeboye, gathered
at her home here one evening last
week and a jolly good time was spent
by all in games. and music and after
a sumptuous repast all returned home
feeling well pleased with their first
visit to the hostess and new home. -
Mr. Joseph Morley harvested over 35
bushels of Dawson's golden chaff
wheat per acre and which tested 62
pounds to the bushel in Lucan. Such is
the farming clone at Whalen. -Mr.
Pidd has lately completed the stables
for Messrs. Daniel Hodgson and Jabe
Milison and which gives perfect satis-
faction. -Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gilbert,
of Brinsley, Visited the former's sister,
Mrs. Jabe Milison on Sunday. -Masers.
Wm. Brooks and Paddy McGee spent
Thursday of last week in London. -
Mr. and Alma'. V. Milian) spent Fri-
day in the Oity.-Richard Lingard and
it m. 11lorley spent Sunday in the
Forest City. -Mr. and Mrs. J, Wright
spent. Sunday at Centralia visiting
Joxly Wxwc & SONS
SIiG' rira 1t You Melfi
You may secnre the above offer by ;buying $5.00, worth of
goods at our Special Cut Prices as advertis4., For sample Frame
and Portrait see our win
Y It
o d
w ul b.
appropriate a
present to your friends- for Xmas Our grocery lines are
complete and goods are A r.
We give 3 lbs best Raisins for 25c.
4Ibs Cleaned Currants 25c.
9 lbs Rolled Oats 2oc. •
2; packages of Malta Vita or Force 25c
2 cans Red Brand Salmon, 25c,
Try our Japan Tea's at 25c and 40c lb
Our customers claim them to be .: the
best they ever purchased for the
5 lds our 25c Japan for 1.10. Just
wholesale price today.
All kinds of Produce
wanted. Get our prices
before selling.
Do you want an Overcoat 9 We
have just got in Raglans and Black
Dress Overcoats, Extra good- quality
that were bought at a big reduction to
clear lines. Will give you a bargain.
See them before yon buy.
We would like to call your attent-
ion to the fact that we have a variety
of Men's and Boys' Overcoats that we
are clearing oat at about half, price.
In -Men's they are going from $3 to5,
Boys' $2 to $3. They are real good
coats and you will be surprised to see
the bargains we are giving. Don't
miss this offer,
NM 9c for Dress Turney, 6c 1of Geese, 7c Duck. Briiig i'��
'a Gis :" Li T ON
The following was the menu at a re-
cent New York dinner;
to have a
May no
.. CLAM-
orous spirit of• evil entrade.
erabuudant be your pleasure.
May you never complain that
the times are out of
May you take your full share
of the
;.anet hi shont,,4;4..
everything which eat -
happiness ; and in all things
get your full
And may all your troubles
end in merriment.
Mr. A. Taylor, of Blyth, who has
been carrying on business there for
the past`2o years, has• decided to re-
tire .
Mr. George Habkirk, of McKillop,
near Seaforth, dug and completed 40
rods of tile drains on his farm this
fall, notwithstanding the fact that he
is 79 years of age. Mr. Habkirk did
not do this as a matter of necessity
but as a matter of choice,.as he likes
to have his hands as well as his mind
Last week R. fiotham's driving
mare ran away from the Royal hotel
stables at Seaforth, as she was being
hitched by the hostler, Miss Ada
Drake, niece of Mr. Hotham, w3.,s in
in the buggy, but sprang out when the
animal started. After a short run,
the frightened animal turned on to the
sidewalk and fell, badly fracturing her
shoulder blade.
Th Clinton New Era says : There
are four places in this neighborhood
that are known by dual names, and
the use of these names sometimes
cause confusion by people misdirecting
letters. The village of Kinburn has
the post office name of Constance.
The village of Manchester has the
post office name of Auburn. Leeburn
near ± oderich, has the postal name of
Dunlop, while Smith's Hill is known
in the mail service as Carlow. Now it
so happens that that there is a Mil-
burn post office in Lanark county ; a
800T8 AND SHOES 111 GO8T
J.Hiig Clear -it -1g, Salle
Boots Shoes and' Rubbers
Our entire stock of $gots Shoes and
Rubber's will be cleared out at great-
ly reduced prices. The _goods as a
all new and up-to-date, all co ue
Cleared. Out This- Monti.
Now is the time to secure your Vail
and Winter Footwear : at prices that
cannot fail to interest you.
Blue and Beek
make dressy and service-
able clothes. We have
an excellent stock of
Serges in now. Come in
and look them over.
Next Senior's.
Leeburn post offiice in Algona ; a
Manchester post office in Ontario
county, and a Smith's Mills which is
very much like Smith's Hill when
written, in Stanstead. People some-
times direct letters to "Kinburn"
which they intend for "Constance"
or sometimes to "Manchester" which
they intend for "Auburn," and so on,
causing delay to themselves and an-
noyance to mail clerks. This could in
a measure, be overcome by the public
sticking to one name, as for instance,
using Auburn instead of the more
familiar "Manchester," and the same
with the other places, and in the course
of time they would be known by the
one name only.
CK F... nut
International Stock Food
We have lust received a big shipment of . this. celebrated
Stock Food put up in pails and packages.
50 cts. and $3.75
:erbageum Stock Food
25 and 50 cents per package.
Hersee's • Stock Food
50 cents per package: