HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-11-20, Page 7Genuine
Liver ,...Fe
Mut near S>Igu taro of
See Pee -Shone Wrapper Below.
'Pew smell snss(i sesi
4o *eke €e; amgawr.
Fara rill aNe , s
ran Bll,Mll��a
. ¢'r��71@AJa+Yrl'=� {At>STFNYc a�iUATUNtr
is Is. ,roit3* F e.;:c.
"'Oat SICK 1-31 ADie•Gf4E,
a Pleasant, Prompt and :perfect Cure for
o,n4 011 Throat :and Lunt Trouble°.
Obstinate Coughs yield to its grateful,
soothing taction,: and in the reeking, • per-
sistent cough often present en consump-
tive cases ib gives prompt and sure re-
Pittston, Ont.
Mrs.. S. Boyd, l'lt
"1 had a severe cold in my throat and
head and was greatly . troubled with
hoarseness. Two bottles of Dr: Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup completely cured
tee." Pr3oo 25 cents per battle.
Sabbathdray is to worship God
Willie LWoy from home in the stelae
r WAY you Would, ,or realm ousel, to
de if you wore at hoaue.
rrhie expectation, my young friend,
might be all riulbt if it wereeratio;
but, ,as .n, rule, it is net true: Gen-
erally a; sinful young man means a
sinful uuadle ago. A sinful middle
ago means to sinful old age, if the
human body is not destroyed by sin
before tho tines score years he•Ve
been lived. out, The sins of youth
will generally follow a loan and
curse his whole after life, Oh, tray
young friends weo spend most :of
Ie I
e o
' the b
gill lift upon road, �
you to seek divine help and pray and
eontinue to pray that you may 'over
Come the daily 'temptations of the
commercial traveler's life;.
Sermon of Manly Sympathy With Commercial
pool werdtee 4. -yy "` o i ad'',lliiezesk ct
wee. in the y'epr one" ,.}> a o 'ROT"
, �t
nook end TWO, by =lista Sally, . (,
the Dapnrtseoc6 aY .aszioietere, ore i
A despatell from Chicago says :—
•;,, idol, e >reach-
Iaev. 11 orale 7)p 1'1'il,t I'a, t g 1
eel from the iolic:wing text Nehee
in.lab-xiii 20, "So the sellers of all.
Kind of ware lodged without Jerusa-
lem once or twice,"
In ,the scene of my tont cart be
found almost ex. exact duplication of
the invasion . of tate r, ewly settled re-
gions of the West by the knights of
the grip. No sooner did Neliemiall,
the governor, retut•ii from his Baby-
l.onisit exile and rebuild the walls of
Jerusalem, and, ix1alce it a safe .place
in which to Jive than the commercial
travelers r of that day began to nook
towards the J)avidic capital to dis-
pose of their goods. But there was
oris habit about many. of these alt-
commercial travelers which Ne -
cleat Cp
hemiah did net .lila, Some of theta
Prince. Edward Island
Farmer Compelled to stop
clearing up his farm.
pression, when, lie is thrown off his
guard by exultation or disheartened
by a long succession of bitter disap-
1'ointmelats• Many commercial tray-,
eters. do pot recoil() ro;ular t,oiexy.
They work on commission, The more
goods they sell the more utoney they.
receive, The less. goods they dispose
of the less intorno they' have. The
average egrnlnel•eial traveler's income
is apt' to ebb and flow like the tides,
In one town the knight of the grip
znay sell thousands of, dollars` worth
of goods. To every Store lto enters
lxo finds ' a. large purchaser, in an-
other town he may not eve ?deet
e penses. Theo, when. the average
commercial -"reveler has ,what he.
Calls a run of luck, he. is apt to be
unduly elated, kind that elation is
often the means Satan uses to trip
hint up and hurl him: over the pre-
cipice of sin. Or, he has what is
called a reit of bad luck. Ile may
go Olt, wee. altar week, L
NOV. 23.
Text of the Lesson, Isa.
1-13. Golden. Text, Isa.
xxviii,, 7.
to take tlionL (chapter viii, esa, 115),
,ill the prophet cora do is to keep
at them with the iae1^clas offers if.
Pert:home) sortie will turn to i.Iixta. To
reeees'•5, 12, 3.G, wve kia.ve g10ry and
beal�uty; rest plod a�efi•eelonh: and as
sure eotuild;ltien,, but to all TIiIa of-
fers tbey would not givt, head (veeee
12), Compare Iso, xx=v, 15; Matt.
Xiui };;' xxiii, 37; J•o1an v, 40, and
"note that tine great'lxiaudrance on
man's part is simply that he will
not 001115 to (Gael, will not sv,btnit to
God, Will not accept His love, There
is• nothing between the greatest
druxilcaird ole sixa'nei• .of any lti,nd ata,d.
' 0
r u 11 I s .
i k i i, but full salwatioiu x1 G a s
will, lits stubborn unbelief. They love
their ever ways, tied their doings will
trot suffer them to turn unto the}r
r' to
Goa (J:7as, v,': d, lilatl,bau), yet I e
loves and pleads anti, continues to
say, "]:iim rhes collaetb to l,1Ci :1 will
in no tvieo. cast out (Jolla vi, 37),
1 it ei tttd find 1, Woe to the efowpaa: or Pride, to
would persist In arrivitlg at the city : teat n rival, who x•epresent:, .a filet the drunkards of Ephraim, Whose
nafading flower.
trying goods, x ,• beauty
walls on the S tiL>la tth day and t y 1, � cora ylxig tee solos line of g o Y s1a l ious� boon ,y , is a g
to turn God's day of rest into a day have preceded Bim and swept his dis- Saxna,ra stood upon a lteaiutil'ul
of barter find gain, The governor, ( diet , clean. 'l.het discourag'ox?lent sweliinb hill which: commanded . the
the sin of Sabbath l the: means of reeving whole county round—the hill terrae-
in order to stop that the ctrl may also bo wwh e Y
desecration', . oi•clered _tat h y
gates should be closed oC• the night
bolero the Sabbatth and not 'be open --
ed again until the nroirnitlg after.
the -Sabbath no matter how much
these ' ancient commercial tiavel'ers
might want to get in and estops the
dangers of being, murdered by the
robbers wvho nightly infested the sur -
hint. into the cluielcsarids of sin. Tho ed to the top; the surrounding, cottn-
iinminent danger of exultaleo n and try sxxleedld and fruitful; symbol of
disc ointrealt ars the Charybdis moose/re worldly
luxuriance arid
PP 00111- ,'
incl the Scylla, wvllielx;:every pleasure. Not l`ecagn}zing that God
nscrcial traveler has to face.. did all thisr for tlwem and gave then
1 'tn ers threaten a modern pont- all that they had; they became
zl ercitil traveler's life because his proud and self sufficient.- They were
Mind is often 'b0c1ouded. On account like the Babel builders, who said
of>1L -steal debilitation, To be a "Let us build: us 0 city. Let us
1 y tt e
mounding hills, Thus ore read the 11 successful eoixilltorcial tra;*elerfi inalrc us a name lest we bo sea et
words of my text with a clearer in-
terpretation. "So the sellers of all
kind of ware lodged without Jer-
usalem once or twice."
The evil clangers threaten •.a coot -
a y gang men ought to have a PIiy- abroad" (Geri . xi. e.;, • They are also
steal constitution of iron. Ile ought described in Rom. 1, 21 " 'Oen they
to stave the same kind of 110110 axles knew Gods they glorified flim. not
. I� l and sinew which made the OS God; neither Were thanl fol, but
knights of old faniOlO. He ought 'became vafli.fll then imaginations_
ruorci 1 traveler's lite when he
is to be able to digest any kind of anti *. shell ioalisii;heart was d'art
away from home.. They try to aril- 'food, sleep fn hard or. soft 1,edS. ellecld" i he ,crown of pride, the the seller of all kinds of ware Sleep on a hall lounge or on a 0_4,
nhenahe le on the march; they strike chair, or lying upon the baize weeden drunkards of T pterail13 shall be
scat - the _-,.,...sir, of - t • title udder -feet • and the glorious
A. FREIGHT TRAIN. beauty which is on the head. of the
at his heart in a time and in a
place when lie is apt to thins: lie
because no ore will be the wi,ser, as
ought to bo able to assimilate
fat valley shall be a, fading flower.
Hee ouo One commentator says that as a
irregular meals, and Have his night first"ri o it a dainty morsel, might
1 d P g,
e can cover 'u his tricks ; - they .,onle3lmes' even thtice, bei esriui and ,should'I.pllralnl. Mass front slags, tl.te
li h in of cars, and yet be
cense to the lcrtf Ltts of the grip in g hie goods juste ' the fading flower of his .glorious 'beenho
la happy diad •
sell g P
the insinil. r and iongerom times r 'Alas, T well be gone- The tempest of hail and ho
S. nue during the day. i' t re mentioned a .
that evil. temptations sometimes
overthrow Christian people
y rest broken
up once or twice, an
•1 c chz~n�•- be swallowed without cliewin7, so
.Ner13Q#.1sklOsS•pr"edotliinates i11• Wog
rhea, but hell are also stll�je~et to it.
Dxcess of various i ixnds causes it, luso
intellectual toil astd anxiety.
ST. jmnis WAVERS are peculiarly
indicated 113, airy fortis of nervous do -
as th. tope u the entire sy--
i�lity, < , t. ey p
ra' tf? t
tcilr oriel, restore rile x1e1'vc
Coni hey are indica.
uQrlllal' eolx$ltl ,
tees 111 exhaustion, 11tental inertia a11d
senile weakness=
Ilopo of ill gain is the beginning
of 1.050.—J)ozxioeritus.
To be proud of le a..rning is the
greatest igoo ranee .—d ereiny, Tay-
Idleness is the key •of beggary, and
the roast of all evil.—Spurgeon, -
It is a miserable tiling"to live in
t, a s 1
°i lelife o 1
• ' i , S the 'se 1
suspense; p
St if t,
A Word or a nod from the good,
has. more weight then the eloquent
speeches of others--Piutareh.
Individuality is everywhere to be
spared and respected as the. root of
everything good. -Richter. .
The maxi' who cannot blush, and
who has no feeling of fear, has
readied ` the acne of impudence. --
mean nder. •
islutabllity of temper and incon-
sistency with ourselves is the great-
est woakeess of human nature.—
know what what are the Physical llii)icul- esLroy ng s 7 1b "The hells Lail
es 1
, , � i Many, 131 verses ,
tics of a tl arelcr s life! For
va the refuge or lies, anti
Alen are so constituted that every
one undertakes what he sees anoth-
er successful in, whether he liar apti-
tucie' for it Or not -.—Goethe.
The . 100111e:es - suspicions were
aroused, and that night, when the
vouuug loam left the House and t
daughter tante upstairs, she inter-
viewed her. 1
"Elizabeth," she said, sternly,
"didn't I hear Mr. Silnpley kiss you
in the parlor as I cane along the
they are traveling abroad. It is a -Years 11 tvc, off and on, traveled sweep
known lace shit the it lige country as a lecturer, I the waiters shall overflow the hiding "No; mamma, you cphat,' well around the ur 'covenant with death spondees the slaughter, emphatically.
els will commit sins all these trials, • places, and yd r "'Well, didn't he try to Liss you?''
European to at of have had to sutler � •
-I 11 iia disanxiitlled, and Srdur dales- ,
in Paris or Vierna or Rome o1' and stave last and tallied wit the •sell shall: not .stand,,,
Pekin or'.Galculta , ori in many a lonely Inent .with:, l m of
that Carso ,or knights of 11)1 G- ;p and; men., ro verse ll :Cllo of .stands" that they should never dream of do -station in the Inuln}.ght hour an �' Compare
1 . stands rot will
ing, if they were at 1i0Ule aiznoxxg,lwhile avaitiug for a belated rail- , stand •i:il1,tho-l.17 stands
ds an "The
their own friends ord. neighbors, 2lie i road connrction, s
young Dutch Queen 11'illlelmilia illus -1 But, 05531 under the very br phtoSt ! lofty looks of h n shall
brf hu-
t f; ,
slated this ;ter bloui tendency of the -of conditions, toed even though a idled,'and the $
human race to he Worse 9-WILy from loan's backbone may seem. to 'be shall' bo bowedshall edowzi aud
that Lord
ha theyare by their own Made of steel, nature will assort it-. alone s from mart": ay."
home t z
fireside in the gtlaaint. and .1_ ntea; self. .A. conunercial traveler Must Therefore `'Cease ye m
answer which she gave to the Prince always: : pay the price and have ; his Thosei shaind meGair a1ll chooses
for Himseof
of Wales when visiting ,Queen Vic -
!Physical frame rebel at sire hardships mast
toric soma yeairs ago. The then heir ! which it has been Tilade t 111 sl- host be for a crown of ailoryor and
apparent to the English throne ask --i and so 'during those times ofp Y
ed her what she was most impressed • Cal. exhaustion a commercial travel-., for a diadem of beauty unto the rest.
by in 31 ngland. "It is to find that ea an account of the physical lie- due.:of His people.
the English people are so refitted and clo:id/neat •of his hind, is often apt What I3'e will be•to thele they will
gentle and kind and 1'64;1008ly de-' to take a .depressed view of life. IIs also be to ITnn in that day; because
vont in their own homes," she re- is apt to oftenge his
xfand to Gad them.His
He beauty
tsnellrfe upon The mother plied:. "One would nee er have Poem- and in his fellow
ed it from the specixltol-s I have seen that his own life is
net butoo h.littie.tiossand 111(11 elolrylcl itsa.ysheThou Iu the ehaaln
no -
traveling in ilollaecl.'" living alzicl that also be a of
din average n 2,11 calls commit as a use to. his -fellow n111.. My br her, sisalt autd of tl G Loidl andglor l o'pil
rule twenty sins away frown' Borrie, I want
1 t vE]er
^' clrotlTxed i•nto this (Ise . sari, i). alas es spolten 0 ihad.
persisted the mother.
"Yes,, xllalmxta," dL y
The mother spol;.e triumphantly.
"I loiew1 it," side :said. "i)icl you
permit him to do so?" 7 told
"No, naalnlua, I aid not.
him that you had always taught mo
that 7 should not permit any young
man to kiss zne."
"That was right that was right,
111y dear," said the mother, encour-
tsa•ingly. "And what did he .say to
IVi 3T N ]i i4i wlwtsK
t stlatli v " G 1APS,Vi '9i
``-I04tUR� Filh1C110Nt14�RoltGsPf
Y ENRItitTH 6 0' 0 5Tl;l tt�
?ile CorlsT)Tirrlcly ' '
f! in
Dl u L+ h
r•[�lley'colataiu no alcohol, slot beiug
a liquid remedy. heir effect therefore
is not that of a mere stillulant, but
tonic and perIna?Kilt,
Sx, j AMI.a W Arrksts'lisip stotuach,
d`i est food and send the nutria lent
o a;nd this is tale
through sisal bla d,
honest way to get health and strengk t,
the kind that lasts, ` develops and.
breeds the energy which accomplii.h55
, 6 t
a xI
r aYl leas wv
r i .tit
Z sora a t ? P
St. Ta�c:e 'W'ai'era. Ti1aeY faavo
ties wihhen ezap1oyed. 131 metopes
tra nbYeo.i° $zr..s.. T,:Cruse,
E3itraingllazxl, lit::y,
Price in Canada: $1.00; -
Six bottles for $5,00
S . •)a,nes 33'l fersare not a seir•et
remedy : to (he r>unrercus dcctersre
com,,;endang theta to llta y' patients
we mail the formula 1 5a,1 requr'sz,
Where dealers are notsalli ng the
\Vafers , they are mailed ttpoxa re.
eeipt of once at the Canadian
branch : St. .lames Wafers 0a., (158
St. Catherine St=, Montreal
e F4011 THE �oLf •
°0 Recipes or the f,itchen. S'
o Hygiene and Other Niotes
et far the .�llet:sekerper.
tle; 'longer without stirrirg. adct it
teacups brown sugar and boil slowly,
stirring well. In about five minutes
odd butter the size of ail egg ,ttxad 1.
small teaspoon grated nutmeg o
powdered cinnamon as desired, Cook
xi white longer,, stirx•ing constantly.
pass through a sieve mad . servo
either warm or cold. Some prefer u ,
little boiled eider, omitting the b
t -
ter and spice. This is relished with
cold meats, especially cold roast
por]c• a -
Scotch Shortcake—One small to
Sausage with Apple Sauce--Il'or 6 cup sugar, ; teacup butter. ' .cup
good-sized apples make a syrup of 1
cep sugar ': and 1 of water. Pare and
tit x31
- s1Lco e
c rete le
s ax.d
a h a
Pp ,
' zr - u• s of n
rzn s nbo
ut three fo
t tla a
thick. Place the rings, - a few . e,t a.
time, into . the hot syrup, Thiele
should be in a shallow saucepan, to
allow the pieces to be turned fre-, .a tt�ar <iLd apple grated.
cfuently while cooking. Fry the frothy, aidd s g gI .tend
sausage : crisp; pile in center of 1 Put between Spoege when co
_ _ .. ---'- -._....r f __.._... .,,- .,.,ter,
milk , yrolks of 2 eggs, 1 heaping Otto
flour, 1. teaspoon ..ieakuig powder.
Beat the sugar, eggs and better• to a
cream, add flour and balling powder,.
T3alve the mixture sand bake in bat-
tered tins in moderate Oren. Cream:
Whites of 2 eggs, 1. stliall cup .lino
suear, 1 apple. Beat eggs tilt
The girl blushed, but was unciaunt-
"ITe aslcecl me if you had -ev'er told
me I was .never• to kiss a young
snail., ,.
r began to feel that pos-
sibly she had omitted a vital lthk
in of her instructions_
"What did you tell him?" she ask-
ed, nervously.
Mr. Joh Costain, Mininegash,,P. -I., writes:
"In the Spring of 1000I started to clear up a
piece of land, but had not worked many days
beforeI was taken and
was compelled to stop week. The trouble seem-
ed to be down in the centre of my back and
my right side and I could not stoop over.
I get a box of Doan s Sidney Pills and before
I bad taken the whole box I was completely
cured and. able to pronged with my work. 1
take great pleasure in recommending them to
all farmers who are trouble& as i; was." -
ilOe, alma, or 3 for $1.28. All dealers or
'ire Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont.
Have Restored Thousands of
' ` ,.�vad ai Women to
Health and Strength.
There is-
There a is no xleecl for so many `women ft!
suffer pain and weakness, nervousness,
eleepieesness,. aneemiat, feint and dizzy
spells and the numerous troubles which
render the life of woman a need of oleic.
nos and suffering.
Young; girls budding into Womanhood,
who suffer with pains and headaches, and
Whose face is pale and tho blood watery,
wvi11 *wind. 14Siiburrets Wart and Nerve
spills help them greetly duringU1lisperiod,
Women at the change of. life, who oro
nervous, subject to hot flushes, feeling of
pine and needles, palpitation of the heart,
ate., are tided over tho trying time of
their lifo bye the use of this wonderful
It has a•wwonderfel effeot ort a woman's
systom, males pains anis aches vanish,.
brings color to the pale cheek and speckle
to the eye.
They build up the eyntetn, renew lost;
vitality, improve the appetite, make rich,
to ldo ann'b tion feeling,ltweak, tired,
sod, Pett ewe on 0' '01 5i• 26
,V11e'1.2111111at`n, fro , Llm tted,'foronto, Out,
lien he is trayelknp alone, in a 1.1.1 ^ 511
you, if you area commercial 1 I said 1 didn't remember that you
and. a stringer who have diadem iii the hand of thy God" ��
road train, or' stopping El:1011C 111
-312.5t by ellen e '1 he girl. stopped, clue. the ihe chest; before; serving with either
,e far more canny, with loss risk 1ife is '' I' Gad does ova of Israel who will truly trust in Je- broke out to -gently, ' Well, golTion°, :or ire
hovith. I -Te Stinself will be to ahem one', poun el whipped eteane. Sweet, a•s
hotel, . or living, olone with strung-. church, to know. and feel that ..1 e p p ,
41. $ sour apples are good served
vol. Your dear ones are depeodent
a true, divine, etereal glory .in the . "I expect .
upon you: lt is of infieite import- that's what you heard, N.velll
mice whether you do eigait or terone. eyes of all nations. It is, written., inarnma." . in this way.
You raust not let your belief in God, "The Lord sball be unto thee an . Apple Catsup—Pare ;end eol'e a bus
falter when erou need a physician and everlasting light aate thy cud thy . iipe sour applee. Cook in sufficient
I close of medicine and a good rest, 'glory" (isa. lx, 19). "The glory in DIDN'T COILE Orr. water to preveut Owning, using poi--
, celain or granite vessels. Wb.eti cook -
At a public dinner a. careless wait- .
ed, Tub through a colander and ve-
er stumbled when bringing in a boil- turn to the -fire, adding 4 oz salt, -3
ed tongue. The tongue slipped over oz black. pepper, 1 oz cinnamon, a oz
the edge of the dish upon the table -
greund cloves, 1 dram cayenne pep -
around it, elm ring overlappirig the Stuaca Apples — Select, large.
other, and serve hot. Apples cooked smooth apples. Pore them, cut out
in this way make a oice dessert the cores, bet do not make the hole
served cold with cream, either plain run entirely throegh the apple. Take
or whipped. ' - some cold cooked chicken and (amp
Nicely Baked Applee—Take as it line. To each e lb chicken allow
many fair apPlee, as nearly of unie 1 tablespoon. chopped parsley, t
form size as possible, as will fill an teaepoon salt, a little popper and 1
earthen baking dish without crowd- cup bread crumbs. Mix thoroughly
ing too closely. Oore mid prick the and fill the apples. Put a, bit of
skins so a.s to bake readily. rin outter on each and bake in a quick
the centers with swear and if very oven until the apples are perfectly
sour sprinkle some into the dish, tender,
then add enough boiling writer to —
generate steron enough to cook rtod HINTS TO HOUSEKEEPERS.
at the eanio time form. a jelly about Salad nioleing iie variety is a mat -
the apples. Cover tkie dish and ter of habit easily acquired. ;
wisdom. without practice is poison,
cook slowly until done, there remove —
to cool place. When convenient chin so is food withoet digestion
Salad dressing should be kept on
hand in a glass jar in a cool plate.
of -injury to his pesititm and repute-
tioa, than one sin. when be is being
watehed by hiS elm loyer's eyes or
when he is ir daily companionship
'11 a Cheietian mother, wife or
child. It makes an immense amount
ef difference how n, locomotive will You must not let the hond of Satan, the /meet,' (zeee. 11, 5).
7, 3. 13ut they also have erred
act when it is on tho down graele touch you and leaa you into the,
hoe paths of sin when your head echos infaego wine (Ind through strong
whether or no the engineer has clrink are out of the way. The
Sect control over its powerful \Vesting
I'd911.ocitlYie°ilii'r pdriogpeesillvweoi°117allOsnle'ef011s0 tlt•i0e priest and tho prophet have erred
house brakes. It makes an innneaSe
greatest gelierols of the ag'es was de-, tbrough strong drink.
amount of differetice with some of us Those appoiaterl to be Watchmen,
fettled in battle and driven into ex-,
ev•hen we are heading toward tile
ile because the niglit before the bat- to deliver His people, are blind, ig-
open drawbridges• of sin whether or
t e opened he was writhing in Pile° norant, loving to slumber, talking in
no we have our loved ones near bY, 1.
veho are ready to eeach. out their
hands to help us close the throttles
and appla? the spieitual brakes, so
that we CEtql halt before we have
gone too far and it is
- "Never mind.," said the chairman, ,
. Let boil five minutes, and seal or
bottle in stone or glees'. This is
e, original, and is our favorite catsup.
guile" (slip of the tongue).
burst Tbe flavoring III£1,3T be 17(111.02.
The joke was received -with a
steal torture produced by a midden, their neer, lookino to their own
NITA CIC gale saYlng, e will 1111 ourselves
I witb strong drink, and to -morrow oqic: bad no knowledge of Latin, yet
or laeghter. A. gentleman. pi esent, PP a eam.—P are
OF DYSPEPSIA. nice apples; clearter or out into
But though the swift mo-ving cur-
rents of daily influences An a com-
mercial'. traveler's lite are apt to
flow in the wrong direction, tvhen lie
is away fi•one home, yet thot is no
valid excuse for his yielding to
temptation. In the first place; God
has • distinctly .declatad that he will
never allow soy temptation to conic
nigh 'us which is ,greatee then we
tare bear, if we will only throve our-
selves upon his mercy and plead and
centime) to plead for divine strength.
Mighty as are the temptations the
commercial trw'eler meets with
what he is ,e,tvay front homee the
divine power which th. at his dia-
triranph. over every opposing force,
But there is still rumther eeason
wh,y the commercial travelea, should
not yiele tie the temptations whie
sow what boisterous merriment it 1
smaller pieces if tbe apples ore very
ceased, secretly •determined. that he l'e ea taking care •to have pieces as
would repeat the whole performance •-'"''..- '
Immo and aii,n his guests a great , a white eloth in bottom of steamer.
Mauer a commercial traveler has' shall be as this day and inlich more
been defeated in life?s spiritual bat-
tle because his health has becoine
knights of the grip, be very, caret 1 ail v; 21). All believers are priests,
of your physical bealth, for youlr and eur °race's are, "Be not .drunk
spiritual happiness and faithfulness with wine w,herein is excese, but be
may be destroYod, through your phy- filled with the Spirit" (I.Pet. 9;
reercial traveler also unless he ogee_ wine." The vine has its roots in
tb •th 'but the True Vine is He
spieitually the who came down from heaven.
Lord's day. It, is -eery easy -agent 9, 10. Whom shall he teach knowl-
Sebbath inornilier •cornee, in the lit- edge, and whom shall. he motets to
tie town where the commercial trav-1 understand doctriee? Thole that
clot- hos to sPend ath Sunday, for 'are weaned from the milk. and drawn
him to say to himself; ''Well, I Wiese from the breasts"? .
I will not go to church. to -cloy, el These 'wine loving, worldly wise,
will stay in met rooln and read the eell suleicient, Cod despising people
morning newspaner or write SOMO sneer at the teacbieg of the prophet
letters." lt is very seductive after' and ask if he thinks they are .chilel-
a hard week's work for the eorne ren just weaned from the breast?
mercial traveler to go to bed Sat-: Dees he think they will endure his
nrelay night with the intention of , lthelese repetitions atid uaceasing
staying there elatil - half -past 10 clatter? They do not want hie
Pr11 the same size as possible. Put
at his next little dinner party at 1,11---7
!Lay in the apples as evenly as ems -
laugh at his wit. sible. Cover. steamer tightly, and
steam until tender. Try with a sil-
ver fork, and when, soft, remove from
fire, and arrange apples in as many
ktight of toe. glop is nee. In Order, to. save time, to brecte, the' alone and to have the Holy One 01
turally a Stronger meet, meatally, 'Lora's 'day anel take the Sunday Israel cease from before' them (Ise..
MOrally and 1111YeleellY than the tritio for the next town, Or, if it, xxx, 11). The carnal afield le no
average 3' W 11 0 le cenePelled te lane:morale' traveler is spending Sun- I better to-daY, told the time hos
stay at 1101Tie . and work, le taaes chief a large eltY, it is eery eatey, eome when Many win not endure
that, out of airiosity, he might go Pries consider those who eelieve the
The occasion nal:toed. e
had instructed the waiter to let it
dishes as are. needed, taking
did so, to the gt•eat dismay of the sauee
care not to break the pieces. Sprinkle
uests with sugar and set away to cool.
brains, and. lote braine 1.0 be a)
to sell goods away froM home. The
time is past when. the great mor-
ello:AS think that. any drunken,
ganibling, blitsphemiug employe is
geed enough to go 1112011 the road.
The einployers to -day d_einand that
their commercial trovelers he men
of cbaraeter, of brain, men with the
nioral stamina. to -say yes and no.
And, young man, the mere fact thot
you ate a dal/menial traveler is
proof positive thot you have charac-
ter enoegb, by the grace of God,
to be able to eaglet any' temptation
Which you may „
for him to go and hear tho different soand doctrine (ST . Thn iv 8) and
to see the-greaa tragedictes ceet the: whole ward of Geed to be trileaeneel
part of a, "I•Taxn'et," or ao "Othel-i and ignoeant in their estimation. lee
lo," re "Richelieu" or a. "Dr. •Tekyli 1 ti, letter just to hand from South Af-
Irice., the writer says that a mit:is--
Tliougli all those attractions may ter remOrked to him teat
be veey faSethaillig, yet, my friend, 1 hie Was too much. theology awl too
, u must reneelnber that- tea tale little Christianity,
' • Mena teachers in theological senrin-
traveler alike wl•iea he is budYea up
With greet suceuee, an,d. When he is which beset tee coneritercuel traVelei
disteukagect hy great de-'' daring the 101ig, lonely houre el the
''011, never mind, cried the
cheerfully, "it's only- a lapsus
To his. great disgust and ast
meat, however, nobody seercied
it, and now he is suspicious
to see , le teaspoon vanilla extraet.
that Ina; 2 tablespoons cream over each
eel -clewing have gone . wrong
The popularity 0E the snail as an quiekly). Boil'until soft, but do not
,Puddings nia.de with Milk, anti
baked long and slowly, will jell as
they cool.
White of eggs, beaten -to a stiff
froth, should be lightly folded into
cake mixture the last thing.
Just befere time to serve take 1. pt
nice sweet cream, whip until light,
add 2 tablespoons sugar, a.nt.1
dish of apples and serve. This is a
very vice dish for supper.
.Drown Apple Sauce—Pare And
quartor sia large tart apples or the
same quantity of smaller onee (pip-
pins are best because, they cook so
article of food is not confined to stir. When the liquid turns a eleae
Paris, but extends throughout anther, aS it Will do if boiled a lit -
Aeries,. Dr, ledrard, lerentli
writer,' in a pamphlet says that 90,-
000 pottade of snails are sea daily
to Paris from Poltava Berguncly,
and led Oa aromatic herbs to On- •
prove their flexor. Tliei r market
price is from two to three iranee
per hondrecl, while those from the
hedges, woods, and o r este being
somewhat lase. The proprietor of
ono snaileoe in the eicluiter of
Dijon nete over 1,000 trance an -
11-18. This is OW rest wherewith
ye toay cause the Weary to rest, and
Lhis is the i•efreshing, yet they would
uot hear.
ness so Ile will epeale to ,thent by
those Who in their estimation are
stammerers. The WO1'd of God, to
will be turned. into a SerieS of pain-
ita sufferings—a. Menlo to break
ti•ieOl. a net to snore 1,110111, a trap
Worship of God does not consist 10
al ceriosite or ie. lying in .bed on
the Sablecith clay, bet -in Work, hard,
conscientious worle, fol. the Master,
The old adage tells us that "Setan
litle to hunt the 'lathy Moe, but the
iadoleat, Man luinte the, devil,"
Therefore, my brother, the easiest
watt to overcoloe the temfetatioes
RepresentOtives of the Smith fa-
mily have applied for spate 'for e
buildieg et the World's Fair at St,
Louis, to be the headquarters of the
vieiting the txposition. ,02/1.e gen-
la,000,000 Smiths in the world.
Blood Bitters has the most natural actiek
ma the stoniath, levee, bowels and blood of
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stich disea,ses as Dyspepsia., Constipation,
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to Burdock Blood
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If yon have trattsgressed against the laWs ot
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and private di,§eases havo wrecked thousands of
and be cured. V041. gnat..
Toledo, says: "At -ttie age of 1 4, X learned, a bad
pronilsed to cure nte. They got thy rueney and' I still,had the diSease. I had given
up hopentlten a friend advised sue to consult Drs. itott ft., who bad anted hint,
no pay,. Alter taking the Nevr Metlted Treattnent for six weelts I telt 111re
wan. The drains ceased, 'worthy veins disappeared, %turves- grew stronger.. hair
slopped out, 'urine beclfrie clear and Irty Setnal -organs titalized. • I Was
entirely cured by ler. Itennedy and recommend hint front the bottoat of ety heatto
foe raniie Treetwelit, 1\10 01714.)S, U0 PAY.
Cor. Michigan Ave. and 'Shay Stre41. Dtitdit, MieL.