Exeter Times, 1902-11-20, Page 5IMMEN
or Getting a Beautiful Watch
and Chain Freek—No Mon-
ey Require&—Every Man,
Woman, Boy, or Girl has
the same Opportunity un-
der our System,
In oeder to have Dr, Arnold's Eng-
lish Toxin Pills placed in the hands of
all pennies saffering frona bad health
we make the following most liberal
offer If• you will send us your iearae and
address and agree to sell for us twelve
boxes of Dr. Arnold's English Toxin
Pills at 25c. per box, we will give you
absolutely Free a beautiful
Watch and Chain in either ties
Or Gente size, or your choice of twenty
• Other premiums ketch as fine sets of
Jewelry, Rings, Violins, Mandoleas,
Tea Sets, Sateen Skirts, Chimaeras, etc.
Remember we don't want any
money until after you sell the Pills
and you cloe't have to sell any more
than I 2 boxes to get tbe, premiums,
This is a bona fide offer froin a reliable
condi-ern that has given thousands of
dollars worth of Oren:dun:is to agents
all over the country, Remember also
that Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pille
are a well known remedy for all dis-
eases of the kidnee, and bladder,
Bright's disease, diabetes, rheumatism
nervous troubles, and female com-
plaints, and are for sale by all first
• class dreggists and dealers in amed
eines in all parts of the world. You
baye only to show -them to sell them.
• You are not offering something that
the people don't know. Our watches
are the regular standard:size for Lad-
ies or Gentlemen in Nickel •or Gun
lletal.Oases with handsome illumin-
• ated dials and reliable thne keepers,
watches such as no lady or gentlemen
need be ashamed to carry, and
they will be sent absolutely Fre
to all who sell only twelye boxes
sef those wontterful Toxin Pills. Write
et once and be the first in yourlocality
•;o' earn one of those beautiful watches
nd chain. As soon as we receive
our letter or post card we -will send
ou post paid twelve boxes, together
with our Illustrated Catalogue and
beautifully colored card with your
name and address on as our authoriz-
• ed agent. Bear in mind that you will
• not be asked to sell any more than the
1 2 boxes and we don't want any
money until after you have sold
them. We bear all the expense and
are only making this liberal offer as a
• method of adyertising Dr. Arnold's
English Toxin Pills. Don't delay,
write at once and earn a beautiful
present for yourself for Christmas.
Dept. C. 1.
50 Adelaide St. East,Toronto, Ont.
(Withapologies to M. ro. H. Dueuen.)
nee/ aaisaa' —
"It's a great mistake, Hennessy,
that you're not r furrnier with a new-
• fangled rayligion ly your own, like
the Dookeyboors," said Mr. Dooley.
"Might there be auny money in it?"
• asked Hennessy, eagerly.
"There might be money, and more,"
said Mr. Dooley. "There might be
houses and lands, and horses and
, cattle, ad ivrything ye can desire."
"Is it a rayligious managrie ye be
thinking iv starting?" aek-ed. Mr. Hen-
• "It is not," said Mr. Dooley. "Ian
no imithator, Me frincl Sifton's in th!
business, and there's not room in it f'r
• two iv us,. And it's harried wurruk
Clifford has to find attrafetions f'r his
Ae, own show. He's always searching f'r
new specimens. 'There are only. one
hunthred and sivinty-two different
rayligions in Canada,' says Clifford,
sand the county is famishing fr more.
Let us kape grafting new varieties on
th' stock we hey, and we'll divilop th'
xayligious products iv th' counthry,
and give the sile the advantage iv
rotation ly crops.'
"So be saaches th' wide world over
•f'r sthea,nge and outlandish rayligions,
smd whiniver he finds one, nothing
will dohim but he must have a tribe
iv th' same in thTerritories that he
-vales in -We' West. If Sifton has hie
way, Penedo, will yet have th' greatest
living • .colliction iv anehunt an'
motheen rayligions in th a- wurruld.
• Then it'll be a _grand countbry f'r
sane, self-rayspectiog man with a fam-
ily, to stay away from."
'Is it a rayligious maynia that Mis-
ther Siftori laa,s?" asked Mr Hennessy.
"Not on your tin -type," replied Mr.
• Dooley. It's the salary mayiaia, he has
,loike the test iv the bunch. Do ye re-
• membeeth' iliction iv ninty-six whin
• th' Layberals sthumbled accidentally
into office? Whin th, rayturns came
in Larryer says, says he, 'We're Mete
ed.' ,Ilieted to sthay at bailie again. I
suppose,' said Oartheite. 'Ellyn a bit,
• says Larger. We're ilicte3 to dhraw
big salaries., to thravel in Europe, to
give conthracts to our frinds, and jobs
to our faredlies.' 'It can't be thruen
•says Cartbrite. 'I've waited too long
Get the Most
• Out of Your Food
--Iteu•dert-tp anli can't if yoar stoniach
is weak. • A weak stomach does hot di-
gest all that is ordinarily taken into it.
• A gets tired easily, and what it fails to
•digest is wasted.
• Among the signs of a"., -weak stomach
• are uneasiness after eating, fits of nor -
Vous headache, and disagreeable belch-
"I have been troubled with darepepaia tot
• years, and • tried every retnedy I hoard of,
• but never got anything that gave nie relief
• WAS 1 took Hood's Sarseparilia. I cannbt
• praise this Inedieine tee highly for the good
• it bag done Ine, 1 alwayS take it in the
spring and fail and would not be without
• It." W. A. Neataar, Belleville, Ont.
• Hood's Sarsaparilia
• Strengthens and tones the stoinaeli and
;the whole digestive system.
th' glad. tidings. name believe
till ell roe rilatiVea is aPPdinted t
dilice, and I have big eielary Vr doe
ing FYe shall ' hese trine,'
say e Larryer. 'Yell be me Ministher
iy Thrade end Commerce. •'Thet's
lolke year spacbes, my bye ; it sminds
latrgee but. there's nothing.to it.' ,Bot
we'lllose our jobs pt th' nixt ilectione
says Carthrite. talle blue nalla'
says Larryer, 'I've a plan to aygin-
eat becountbry. Th' treble with
Canada is that it's Oil) intelligent, and
what's worse, Ws too British. We'll
bring in some furriners who doe't
know us, tier anything else, and we'll
theeaten thitu with plague, and
fainine, and tbe wrath iv him if they
don't vote for us,'
"Men Larryer sint f'r tilifton, and
hesal's, 'Go sarch th' wide wurruld
over for queerpeople and queer sects,
and believers n all kinds of strange
docthrines, and bring them here be
hook or be crook. Pay -them, well me
bye, th' whole treasury is yours, bar-
ring what your colleagues Want. We
must And a rirnicly tr th' pathriotisen
and th' common since of this countbry
which has too long kept us out iv
office.'" '
"And how did they get tin Dookey-
boors to conae?" asked Mr. Hennessy.
• "It was in this way," replied efr.
Dooley. "When they were discover-
ed, Sifton wint to the Czar of Rooslaia
and asked f'r his lowesb priee for the
entire settlement. • 'They're very
pricious to me,' says tin Czar, pretend-
ing to • be anxious to kape tbirn.
•They've characteristics that make
thim indispensable to nee.' 'And
what are theer pecoollarities?" asked
Satan, 'They always vote as the
Government tells thine.' says the Czar,
with a wink at the crowd iv Nihilists
and the detecives that, was watching
them. 'Theo we must Wive them,'
says Sifton, 'or we'll perish. As th'
Naypoleon iv th' West I demand that
you let these payple go.' At this the
Czar trimbles violently and says. 'If
its Naypoleon that ye are, take waa,t
ye want and go. it'll be chaper than
burning Moscow agin to get rid of ye.
The only condition I require is that
they must niver come back.'
"Then Sift= calls upon the Dookey-
• boors to follow him to Canada. But
th' chafe among thina says, "We can-
not lave tba land iv Our -persecution,
where our fathers were persecuted be-
• fore us, and our chilthren have the
right, to rise up and be persecated af-
ther us. We cannot sacrifice th' com-
fort iv posterity unless we are called
• to carry th' faith ilsewbere be wan if
• the prophets.' Min I'm your pro-
phet,' save Sifton. Who are ye?' ask-
• ed the Dookeyboors. `Shure I'm th'
prophet Jonah in the flesh again,'
says Sifton. •I'm th' Jonah iv th'
Layberls party iy Canada.' 1s that
why they call ye th" Ministher iv th'
Intayrior?' asks the chief praste.
'Thrue Fr you,' says Sifton. "Twas
then.I got me first insight into the
daypartment. Come over, good pay-
ple, and help us in Canada, where
there is nothing but poor baynighted
Christians, and not a Dookeyboor in
all the broad land.' 'Then we'll go,'
says the chafe Dook, if our enshunt
rights and privileges is rispected, at
five dollars a head, men, women and
children, spot cash on delivery iv th'
goods.' 'Done,' says Sifton, you're
dirt chape at th' price.'
"So they came to Canada, Hennessy.
me bye, but et's • shamefully deca,ved
and disappointed that they are.
There's not enough persecution in the
enthire hemisphere to mate th, ray-
quirements iv six iv them Dookey-
boors. They're out iv their natural
element. Life is too dull and too aisy
fir them. So I'm afrade they've gone
clean daft fr.lack iv persecution."
• "And why don't the government
send Sifton to make some more spach-
es to them?" asked Mr. Hennessey.
"Shure that would be altogether too
much cruelty," replied Mr. Dooley.,
"And besides he's otherwise engaged.
He has discovered th' Stundests, th'
Molocani and. the Enochites in Roo-
shia, and he's hot after them. Then
there's th' horse worshippers, th' moon
gazers and the • ether climbers to be
captured. He's a busy man is Mis-
ther Sifton. He's another Christo-
pher Coylumbus. I'm thinking iv
_helping • him myself be inventing a
new religion. They'll be the Dooley-
ites. They'll do no wureule between
Monday and Saturday and rist on.
Sunday from, stheir layborse They'll
ate nothing but mate and vigitables,
they'll drink no whiskey with water
in it, they'll wear nothiog but cloth-
ing; and 111 be their prophet and
their treasurer." -
"Isn't th' wurruld growing too old
and too wise for new ra,yligions?" ask-
ed Mr. Hennessey. •
"Not a bit of it," said Dooley,
"There's' a new wurruld born iviry
day iv the year." --Mail and Emphe.
Exeter Public Sch001 Board
November 17th.— Meeting held in
Town Hall, at 8 P. M., with all the
members present. -
• The following is the order of busi-
ness duly submitted and approved:—
Per Chairman„— Minutes of pre-
vious m e air*. •
Per Repairs.— That the locks, gates
and registers required had been secur-
ed and plased.
Per Grounds and Sanitary,— That
the defect in drainage had been
Per Secy.—That the High School,
fees for the term amounted to $88 00.
• Per R. N. Rowe and W. Carling, --
That tbe following a,ecounth be ap-
proved: Thos. Ilartmoll, labor and
material, $5.40 ;fl. Spackman, hard-
vvetre, oil, eta, 811.02.
'Pea W. Carling and W, Treyethick.
--That this Board views with concern
the silenoe of those in authority to the
violations of the sacredness of person
and peoperty within the limits of -this
village, and do hereby record their
judgment that the recent hallowe'ein
outrages should be made the subject
of inquiry by the council of this vil-
lage ; also that a proper and sufficient
resvard shonld be offered for the de-
tectien and conviction and legal pun-
islunent of the perpetrators. They
also record their jildgrnent that the
effective ptotection of the person and
property of every law abiding citizen
is the first duty of those in power.
And tbe negleee of providing proper
means for such protection a cause
• "When the butter won't
come put a penny in the
churn," is an old time dairy
• proverb. • It often •seems to
work though no one has ever
told why.
When mothers are worried
because the children do not
gain strength and flesh we
say give them Scott's Ernul.
sion. •
• It is like the penny in the
milk because it works and
because there is something
astonishing about it,
• Scott's Emulsion is simply
a milk of pure cod liver oil
with some hypophosphites
especially prepared for delicate
stomachs„ •
Children take to it naturally
because they like the taste
and the remedy takes just as
naturally to the children be-
cause it is so perfectly adapted
to their wants.
For all weak and pale and
thin childrdn Scott's Emulsion
is the most satisfactory treat-
ment. •
We will send you
the penny, I. e., a
sample free.
sttre that this picture in
the form of a label ts on the
*Tap.U.r3,1 °you buY•
f every bottle of
Toronto, Ontario.
50c. and $Loo ; all druggists,
demanding the censure of those re
sponsible and further— that the coun-
cil of this village should place on re-
cord that it shall be held to be and
that they shall use all necessary legal
means for the future. for the im-
mediate suppression Of all distur-
bances of the piece and quieb of any of
its citizens through attempted chari-
vari, hallowe'en or other unlawful
causes ; also that a copy of this resolu-
tion be submitted to thee council by
tile secretary.
Per W Carling.— Adjournment.
J GRIGG, Secy.
• BUTTER f011
Your success and profits from but-
termakieg depend largely on the qual
ity of coloring you use during the aut-
umn and winter. seasons. If you use
Wells, Richardson & Co's Iraproved
Butter Color, your butter will bring a
higher price than if colored with any
of the imitation colors now sold by
some merchants for the sake of large
profits. Poor colors produce a bricky
shade, rancidity and a raottled appear-
ance. Any of these. results will con-
demn your butter. Wells, Richardson
& 00'S Improved Butter Color always
gives the natural June tint and never
fades from the butter. Ask tor it and
take no other make.
• Sale Register.
tion sale of fa,rm stock and imple-
ments, at lot 25 concession 4, Us -
borne. Sale commencing at one
o'clock sharp. Wee. 'Masora prop-
rieior ; B. Brown, auctioneer. The
farm, consisting of 100 acres, with all
modern improvements, if not sold be-
fore will also be sold at anction.
WanneasnAie Nov. 20r1e—Admin-
istratorai sale of farm, farm stock and
implements. Mr. Thos. Cameron has
received instructions to sell by public
auction on lot 18, con. 6. Usborne, ori
Wednesday, Nov. 201h, 1002, at one
o'clock P, AL, sharp, the following val-
uable property, viz: -5 horses, 30 cat-
tle, 10 pigs, poultry, all kinds, imple-
ments; silo and other fodder to be fed
on prenaises and other articles. Also
good 103 acre farm if not sold before.
See bills for terms of sale. Tiaos. Ceet.
neienv. Auctioner ; Ones. E. Haexaav,
for Aclininistrator Saan'i Madge, Esq.
triMr. Tarte's paper, La Patrie, an-
nounces the illness of Ron. A. G. Blair
arid declares that another cabinet
shuffle will thereby be neceseitated.
• Your Tongue'
If it's coated, your stomach
Is had, your liver is out of
order. Ayer's Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your dys-
pepsia, make your liver right.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
2$c. Alt druggists.
IYatit your moustache r beard a beautiful
brown or tick black? Then use
BUCKINGHAM'S DYE k)r,itshkeets
soots. op leftuoatets OW Pi. I% HALL 4 Co4NAst4I/A
A.NNIVIalaSABY SKR vicEgi,—Tbe
ilivenary seryicee in conneetioa with
the Methocliet clutreh of alio place, eu
Sunday and Monday last were innoog
the best in the history of the church.
The sermon by Rev, Dr, Gifford, of
Clinton, ton Senday afternoon WAS
listened to throughout with rapt at-
tention, The fowl slipper on Monday
°I' "in g Til=19 77:f:' lidecidedsresub;
cess. - cl
'Rev. E. Millyarcl, or Exeter, and Dr,
Gifford, Much regret was felt at the
absence of Dr, Medd, he leaving been
taken ill while taking the seryices for
• Dr. Gifford at ()Beton, The pi oceede
in ell amminted to $175.00,
Changes in pOStal regulation,
brought into force last Saturday, pro-
vide that publishers of newspapers
printed and publiebed. in Canada and
transmitted by post under the provi-
same of the POSD Office Act, as amend-
ed by 91 Victoria, chap. 20, may en-
close with the folds of euch news-
papers as are addressed to subscribers
or uewsclealers, chromos, lithographs,
priets or engravings, and have the
papers containing sub enclosures
transmitted by post at the rate of one
cent per lb„ prepaia on the following
con di ti o ns :--(a) Each newspaper may
contain not more than one such en-
closure ; (b) the papers with the en-
closures mentioned lutist be issued
from the offiee of publication of the
newspaper ; (c) at the time -when sach
papers as atoresaid, containing such
enclosures, are teuclered to the post
office for conveyance by post, the pub-
lisher must in writing notify the post-
master of the office at which they are
so tendered, oa their containing such
enclosures, and, • if he fails to give
such written notice, the rate of post-
age on said papers containing such
enclosures will be two cents for tbe
first four ounces or fraction thereof
and one cent for each additional two
ounces or fraction thereof.
• Another change provides that the
postage on seeds, cuttings (but not
cut fioevers) bulbs, roots, bedding -
plants, scions or grafts shall be two
cents for the first, four ounces of frac-
tion thereof and one cent for each
additional four ounces. The former
rate was two cente for the first four
ounces and one cent for each addi-
tional two ounces:
WLNDSCOR=In McGillivray-, on Nov. 8,
Mary Windsorin her 75th year.
Roarasorr—On con. 3, Blanshard, on
Nov. 14th, John M. Robinson in tbe
77th year of his age.
SIPPLE—In Detroit, on Nov. 16th,
Clara Sipple, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Phillip Sipple, of Zurich.
Giasox—In Usboree, on Nov. 1,81b,
Ellen Sophia Kernick. wife of Mr.
Andrew Gibson,a,ged 35 yews,' day.
ISAAC—SWEET—At the parsonage by
the Rev. R. Millyard, Mr. Will Isaac
to Miss Ada Sweet daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Sweet, Exeter.
Although • the Medicine business
should, above all, be carried on with the
utmost conscientiousness and sense of
responsibility, the -unfortunate fact is
that in no other is there so rauch hum-
bug and deception. The anxieties of the
sick and their relativ,e3 are traded upon
in the most shameful manner; 'impossi-
ble cures are promised; many prepara-
tions are abso lutely worthless, and some
are positively dangerous to health.
.As a consequence, all proprietary
remedies are regarded with suspicion
by many people, and the good suffer
for the bad. •
Vor these reasons we announce that
our proprietors are the principal share-
holders in
.1.11e7ITED •
which will, we are sure, be an ample
guarantee of the truth of every repre-
sentation made concerning
The fron-ox Remedy Co 14d.
Walkerville, Ont.
I have been prescribing Strong's
Pilekone for the lasb eight years, and
have had better success with them than
with all other means. Wei. Wool).
num M. 0., London, Ont,
Price 81.00, For sale by druggists
or by mail on receipt of price,
W. T. STRONG. Manufacturing
Chemist, London. Ontario.
The council of the COrporation of the County
of Buren will meet in the council chamber, in
the Town a Goderich, on Tuesday the 2nd day
tit December next, at 3 o'Clook;
• W. LAE, Clerk.
Dated at Goderich thiS
15th day of N Ovomber, 1002.
Rttend the 136st-it, Paps
a cent graduates have accepted goo den
• petitions at $40, $45, $50 and $00 per
ID await, and a few daYS ago an aPlilloa• 0
II lion was received offering one of our 0
graduates of last tettn a salary of 4800
W por annum. This is the kind of oVidencto
dB you are looking fiOr as to the best school AI
40 to Weed. Catalogue free. Enter this 0
e month it possible,
O 0
• Principal0
A Sad Letter from, a, 1.0y Whose
Husband Was Di,selp0tatl.
Hew Sho PIIP134 ifita with a Seeret
" I he,d foryears patiently borne tbe disgrace,
suffering, misery and privations due to ray
husband's drinking habits. Hearing of your
marvellous remedy for the cure of drunkenness,
• which I could give my husband secretly, I de-
cided to try it. I procured a package and
mixed it in his food and coffee, and, as the
remedy was odorless and tasteless, he did not
know what it was that so quitrkly relieved his
craving for liquor. He soon began to pick up
flesh, his appetite for solid food returned, he
stuck to his work regularly, and we now havea
happy home. After he was completely cured I
told him what I had done, when he acknowl-
edged that it had been his saving, as he bad
not the resolution to break off of his own
accord. I heartily advise all women afflicted as
I was to give your remedy a trial."
A Lady who cures her husband of
J110 Prinking HabitS Writes of her
•struggle to save ber home
111 had for a toeg time been thinking of tryieg the
Tasteless Same= Prescription treatment on my
husband fer his drinking habits, but I was afraldhe
would discover that I was giving him medicine, and
the thought unnerved me. I hesitated for nearlya
week, but one day when he came home very much
Intoxicated and his week's salary nearly all spent, I
threw off all fear and determined to make an effort
to save our hone from, the ruin 0 saw coining, at all
hazards. I sent for your Tasteless Santana Pre-
scription, and put it In his coffee as directed next
morning anti watched and prayed for the result.
At noon I gave hira more and also at supper. He
never suspected a thing,and I then boldly kept right
on giving it regularly, as I had discovered some.
thing that set every nerve in my body tiegling with
hope and happiness, and I could see abright future
spread out before nie—a peaceful, happy home, a
share in the good things of life an attentive, loving
husband, comforts and every:Ming else dear to a
woman's heart; for my husband had told me that
whiskey was vile stuff and he was taking a dislike
to it. It was only too true for before I had given
him the full course he bad' stopped drinking alto-
gether, but I kept giving him the medicine till it
was gone, and then sent for another lot, to have on
hand if he should relapse, as be had done from
promises before. He never has and I am writing
you this letter to tell you how thankful I am. I
honestly believe it will cure the worst cases."
A PitiekY Young Lady takes oil
Herself to Cure her Father
of the Liquor Habit.
A portion of her letter reads as follows 1—
" My father had often promised mother to stop
drinking, and would do so for a time but teen
returned to it stroager than ever. One day
after a terrible spree, he said to US Ws no
use. I can't stop drinking,' Ourhearts Seemed
to tura to stone, and we decided to try the
Tasteless Samaria Prescription, which we bad
read about in the papers. We gave him the
remedy, entirely whhoet his knowledge, in his
tea, coffee, or food regularly, according to
directions, and he hever knew he was taking it.
One package removed all his desire for liquor,
and he says it is now distasteful to him. His
health and appetite are also wonderfully im-
proved, and no one would know him for the
same man, It is now fifteen months sieee we
gave Otto hint and we feel sure that the change
is for good. Please send me one of your
books, a.s I want to give it too. friend,"
and pamphlet giving full particulars, testimonials and price sent in plain
sealed envelope. 0 Correspondence sacredly confidential. Enclose stamp
for reply. Address The Samaria Remedy Co., -23 Jordan Street, Toronto, Canada.
• DN. W. H.,CRAHAFtli9 Late of In93);
Ki as St, 'West.
No. i Clarence -square, corner SiDadina. avenue,
Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases, and makes
a ipecialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Ulcers„,Etc
PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility. Vari-
cocele, Nervous Debility, etc., (the result of youthful
folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture ox Long Stand-
ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without
pain and'all bad after effects.
Diseases of Worn en—Painful, prorese or suppressedgmenstruation,
ulceration, leucorrhoea and all displacements of the womb.
• OFFICE ROURS-9 a, M. to:8 p. n. Sunday 1 to Sp. ER-
In the Surrogate Court of the County
of Huron. In the matter of the!
guardianship of the infant child-'
ren of Samuel Madge, deceased. j
Application will he made to the Surrogate ,
Court of the County of Huron. before the ;
Judge in Chambers, at the Cburb House in the ;
town of Goderich, after the expiration of
gvegetructlitlysolfiltren?ejarsrty ohisretn
township of 'Osborne, in the said County. far-
mer, for an order appointing the said Lena
Mary Hackney guardian of Norman
Gibson. Edward Percy, Alfred Gordon, and
.Annie Nand, infant children of the sal& Sam-
uel Madge, deceased.
by J. G. STANBURY. her solieitor.
Dated at Exeter, this, 11 Ili day of November,
A. D. 1902. •
Cif David Mitchell, late of the Town-
ship of Hibbert, in the County of
Perth, farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. a,
1897 Chit 120, that all rrsons havingclaims
against t e estate of t e sa,
id David Rehm],
who died on or about. the th day of Novem-
ber, 1902, aro required to send on or before the
10th day of DeKber. A. b., 1902 by post pre-
paid to G. anbury, J3„...A—Exeter P, 0.,
Solioitor for the sreetitors, oi the said David
Mitchell, their nari es, • addresses and °coupes
tions with particula of their claims and. a
statement of their a ' ounts and the nature of
, the seeurities (if arayv)en• eld by them. And
ce is hereby
mentioned date /he s
proceed to distribute the
deceased among thbse entitle
ing regard only to the claims o
shall ave been given as above r
the said executors shall not be liable for
the said assets nor any part thereof to any
person or persons of whose claims notice shall
not have bereceived by them at the date of
such distribution.
J. G. STANBURY, Esxoelitoeftfls
rOiltr. 'Executors,
Dated at Exeter, Nov18th,1902.
Forest Gitu
BOSIES 8110111MM!
London, Ont.
Business Law, Writing Correspond-
ence, Typewriting„, etc., -thoroughly
taught by experienced teachers at the
Forest City Business and Shorthand
College, London, Ont.
We have no difficulty in placing
competent pupils in good positions.
College re -opens Sept. 2. Send for
Agen for the WEsamx ASSURANCE Coax -
?NY, of Toronto; also for the PRO/NYE FIRE
1 NSURANCE COMPANY, of London, Angland t
that after the last • MEDICAL
-.sets of the said
executors will
T w .BB,OWNIINTli M. D. M. 0.
t;.ehuriirechteoan, ,ohatainevae-
office and residence, Dominion Laborit-
e/ • T • 8, Graduate Victoria .32 iversity
tory, Exeter.
Of Same:lel Madge, late of the town-
ship of Usborne, in the County of
Huron, farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter,
129 R. 8.0,, 1891. that ail persons having claims
against the estate of the said Samuel Madge,
who died on or aboutth let. day of Nov., 1902
aro required to send on or before the 10th day
of December, 3902, by po t idawedeliver
to 3. G. Stanbury, 11 .. xeter P. 0., Solid -
tor for the Adminpffatri of the said Samuel
Madge, . their names, a dresses and occupa-
tions', with particulars of heir claims and the
nature of the securities ( any) held by them.
And notice is hereby gin that after the
lastmentioned date the id Administratrix
Will proceed to distribute t e assets of the said
deceased among the partiegititled thereto,
haring regard only to the laims of which
notice shall have been give as above re-
quired. and. the said Administratrix shall
not be liable for the said assets or any
Part thereof to any person or ncrsons of whose
claims notice shall not have been received at
• the date Of such distribution.
j. Gi. STANBURY, Exeter, Ont.
Solicitor for Administratrix.
Dated at Muster, the 13th day of November,
"Christmas ox"
Full of IA onclerful Things
es= Portraits of Actreasea, 20 PopularSongs
aar Magio Telescope and Mamma, 50 Amus-
ing -Experiments, Love'a Puzzle, 20 Rebuses', 100
Funny CoMmdruros, Beek of Love, Game e
Letters, IVIagie Writing, 324 Jolly Jokes
Receipt for Moustache Grower, 100 IVIoneyillak
ing Secrets, 100 Toilet and Cooklog Reeelpee, 955
Selections for Antograph A.lirtuns, 10 Medal
Love Letters, How to Tell Fortunes, 101citionary
of Dreams, amide to Flirtation, Magic Age
Table, Lever's Telegraph, and oar new Cat, or
Xmas Toys. Hooke mud IVetioes. All by reap
FREE, for 50, silsrer to'postage,
Ill. T..
Yarmouth. N.S.
Children cry for
Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers,
Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons
Bank, Etc.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
S. R. CARLING, B. A. 1.. n. MONSON
(Successor to Elliott & Gladmao)
lorister, Solicitor, Notary Public,
Conveyancer, Etc,
Money to loan on Farm and village
properties at Lowest rates of interest
D. S. D. D. 5,, Honor Graduate
of Toronto University-, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after effects, Office in Pan -
son's block. West side of Main
and send Otto Us with 5 cents in silver arid you
will get by return mail a GOLDEN BOX Of
GOODS that will bring you in Mortr, MONEY
in one month than anything else in anterkia.
A. W. KENNY, E. T.
EXETER—We offer for male On reasonable
terms, that very desirable residential propertY
knot,vn its "The Hooper Homeetead" situated
on Lot No. SS, south of Huron Street, Exeter.
There fa erected upon the laud, a OOnifortable
and commodious briek dwelling, also the
neceasaty outhouses, The house Is in good re-
pair and has 9 rooms. The lot cc:retains de ACTS
of Iteid and is ekeellentlY adepted for garden
ing or arult growing, There Is a plentifal sup-
ply of hard and. soft water, The property islin
to date and the tering easy/stet pattioolars appiy -
or to A. 10. .Erooperc, Row I'. 0,, Penne., 15,
to DIONSON & CARLING barristers Exeter
A., eroprietor.
We have unliraited private funds for invest
meat upon farm or village property at lowes
rates of interest-
. I have a large amount of private funds
loan on from ard villa ae arc/ crtics at law r
of interest.
Barrister Main St. Exeter.
Pack g of Cards Free.
One Pack, "May I. C. U. Home," One Pak
"Escort" One Paok, "Flirtation" One Pacsa
"Hold -to light." One Pack. "Our Sofa Ju
Bolds Two.' Sample of 21 other styles, with
book full of notions. Send 50 silver for postage:,
Yarmouth, S.N.
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University
and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario, with boners Also Post.graduate of
Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (With
honorable mention.
Everything known to the Dental Profession
done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al-
laminum, gold and. vulcanite plates all done in
the neatest manner possible. A perfectly
harmless anaesthetic -used for painless extrac-
Office one door south of Carling ;Bro'sstore
Exeter. Ont.
Do you Want a Buggy?
We have the finest stock in town,
All the latest styles, in the newes
colors. • '
Our prices are bow as can be found
for first-class material and workman-
OfiLL, firiD SEE
J F Russell
Two Doors South Town Hall,
Two second hand Upright
Pianos and one Square Piano
for sale cheap.
New Pianos and Organs
always in stock.
SeW111.0 Md61111110$
Our experience in the Sewing
Machine Business, (02 years) is a
guarantee of our goods. We
carry in stock the best the market
n;fforcls. Needles and Repairs for
all kinds of machines always{ in
stock, Music in Sheet and Book
Call and See us,
It will Pay You: