HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-11-20, Page 4be M olsons Sankt
(lnepreoratee ter eat et Perliateset eves)
Read Moe, Ma atreat,
Capital tell paid — $2,504,040
R . mad -.. .�
q . 150
08 Prranclaos le •Ontario, Quote% Alberta,
aaiit Calumb%and Manfta ti,
Open Every Lawful Day from 10 a. M.
to 3 ea m.; except
Saturdays, 10 a. in. to 1 p. m.
Farmers Sale; Notes cashed or col-
lected, Porins supplied on application,
I)ra'fts on all points in the Dominion,
Great 13ritain a,nd United States
Bought and sold at lowest rates of
eg "hange.
Deposit; of $1,00 and upwards receiv-
ed. Interest compounded half yearly,
and added to principal June 30th and
Deoexixber 31st, Deposits Receipts also
issued and highest current rate of
interest allowed,
Advances make to farmers, stock
dealers and business men at lowest
rates and on mostfavorable terms.
Agents at Exeter for Dominion
for:No em
ker 1
TU.ESAAY .. , . .•
'%S UttsAAv
FRIDAR........ , . 7 14 21 £8.
8,ATUBDAY 1 8 15 '2 :.
2 9 16 23 80
$ 10 17 24
4 11.18 25
5 ' 12 19 26
6 13 20 27
(I)t telti4ti t
We are sorry to learn that Conduct-
or Fitzgerald, of the London Buren
and Bruce line, who has been off duty
for some weeks through illness, died.
in London hospital Wednesday even-
ing, last, the result of an operation
performed 013. him.
The Goderich Lumber Co. has con-
tracted to supply 210,000 feet of lum-
ber for the storehouse being built
by the Lake Huron and Manitoba,
Milling Co. The Lumber Co is putting
in a dynamo to enablethem to run
ten hours a day during the fall.
At a meeting of capitalists in Win-
n ipeg on Saturday it was 'decided to
form a company for the manufacture
of Portland cement to the daily capa-
city of a thousand barrels' Mr. T. S.
Hobbs, of London was elected a di-
rector of the company,.
John Atkinson, residing near Sarnia
reports to the Forest Standard having
picked over 150 quarts of ripe straw-
berries since Labor Day and sold them
at a
good price. The berries were all
picked from plants that bore fruit last
summer. Very few fruit growers can
equal this in Ontario.
Raw silk to the value of $1,316,000
has reached. Vancouver from Yokoha-
ma on the ` steamship Empress ot
China. With the arrival of the
Empress of China the aggregate re-
ceipts of raw silk from the Orient at
Vancouver within forty dayswillreach
the grand total value of $5,941,000.
A mass meeting of Toronto Metho-
dists will be held shortly to inaugu-
rate a movement to raise a special.
fund of $50,000 for the extension of
home mission work in New Ontario,
the circulars state that this amount is
to be raised by December 28th, if
possible. Already a donation of $5,-
000 has been offered toward the fund.
Sir Wilfred Laurier left this week
for a visit to the Southern States,
where it is hoped be may recuperate
his shattered health. The Premier is
avery sick man.. So serious is his con-
dition, that his most intimate friends
fear that he will never again take an
active part in politics. His condition
after his return from England was
rendered worse by the serious differ-
ences in cabinet circles and it will be
some time at least, before -the Premier
will be able to attend to his duties.
Hisretirement from tbe leadership
will not be an unexpected event.
Asked regarding the case of Walter
Herbert, who pleaded guilty of assist-
ing in the murder of Joseph Sifton,
for which Gerald Sifton has just been
acquitted at London, Attorney -Gener-
al Gibson said
that Iierbert would be
brought up for sentence at the next
London assizes. After the sentence
it would be for the Minister of Justice
to consider bow far the sentence
should be mitigated in consideration
of Herbert's evidence for the Crown
at the Sifton trial. However, the
verdict of not guilty in the Sifton case
]eft Herbert's testimony disbelieved
by the jury, and complicated the case.
Your Hctir
y ago my hair was
falling out badly. I purchased a
bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and
soon my hair stopped coming out."
Mitt Minnie
Hoover, vier Pat7s, Ill
Perhaps your Otlr
had thin hair, but that is
HO reason why'you must
through u
g o c gh ill6 with llalfp
starved hair. If you want
long, thick hair, feed it
with Ayer's Hair Vigor,
and make it rich, dark,
and heavy.
smell toftle. MI druggists.
your drtlg�
ist cannot' ot
supplyyou,sernd tui o & dollar and We will
oto•i of the a
Yotme rest 0 eSS be, A.dr
J. C. A CO,
1 H
NlI the Haws ot Interest to
limps Readers ilapAening
In MN Gountias
The action of Carter's Little Liver
rills is pleasant, m i id and natural.
They gently stimulate the liver, and
regulate the bowels, but do not purge.
They are sure to please. 'Try them.
The twelve "year old son of •Mr,. Jas.
Nanegmon, of Bullet, met with a sad
accident on Thursday of last week..
He was splitting some kindling when
a splinter of benilock flew up and
struck his heft eye. When the splinter
dropped it took part of the eye with
it and the sight it gone forever. The
surgeon is Hopeful that the .sight of
the remaining eye inay be preserved.
There is nothing better for children's Coughs
and Oolds than Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
It is very pleasant to take and always cues the
little ones' coughs promptly.
Mr. Herman Bubolz has disposed of
his farm on the .Rippen road, south of
E mandville, to Mr,Andrew McLel.
lan, of Hibbert.: The farm contains
29 acres and was sold for $3,000. It is
one.," the niost comfortable homes in
the township and will be occupied by
Mr. McLellan himself. lie gets posses-
sion an March 1st.. Mr. Bubolz thinks
of going to Hensall to reside.
Dr, Kennedy, . of Wingham. has
purchased from Iran Renton & Ten
Broec of York. auay and
New i o X rays
large statical eleetricel machine. The
usefulness of the X rays has recently
been largely extended and is now be-
ingusedwith success i
treatment of cancer, many skin
diseases and other heretofore intract-
able troubles. By the use of the X
rays, a surgeon can determine the
exact character of the fracture, and
limb is set can look through
bandages and splints to determine if
ends of bones are in exact position.
Mrs. Wm. Graham, Shep ardton .Oat., writee;:
"I have given Dr. Low's Worm Syrup to my
boy. time and again and And it a good worn]
medicine. It is nice to tako and never makes
the child sick like powders," Price 250,
After a long and painful illness,
Mrs, Duncan McGregor, of Seaforth,
passed away on Sunday last the 0th
inst. She had reached the advanced
age of fifty eight years. Her maiden
name was Catherine McLeod. She
was the 2nd daughter of Mr. Murdo
McLeod, late of McKillop. She was
married to Mr. McGregor about 35
years ago and they continued to live
on a farm in McKillop untilabout
two years ago when they retired from
farming and removed to Seaforth.
Mr, McGregor died about ten months
ago and in that time Mr`s. McGregor's
life was also despaired of, but she ral-
Iied far a time although she was never
able to overcome the trouble to which
she was then subjected.
Mxlburn's Sterling Headache Powders,eontain
neither morpPine nor opium. They promptly
cure wick Headache; Neuralgia, Headache,
Headache of Grippe, Headache of delicate ladies
and Headache from any causo'whatever. Price
10c. and 25c,
Much surprise and regret was felt
on it becoming known that Mr. Isaac
Rattenbury, of the well known Rat-
tenbur. hotel,Clinton had departed
this life Mr. Rattenbury was ne of
the most widely known men in the
county. He was 58 years of age and
it is said was the first male child born
in Clinton. For many years he . was
connected with the hotel there, which
bore his name, and which:is now car-
ried on by his brother, Mr. Joseph
Rattenbury. He was also extensively
engaged as a horse buyer. Of late
years, however, his health having
failed, had almost entirely retired
from active business. He was a man
of genial disposition. and was well lik-
ed by all who knew him, He was
never married, his nearest surviving
relatives are his brother Joseph and
two widowed sisters, Mrs. S.H. Rance,
sf Clinton, and Mrs. R. H. Read of
London. He was an uncle of Mrs.
R. S. Hays, of Seaforth.
To do justice to this number, which
for beauty and utility, touches the
highest mark, it would be necessary
to print the entire list of contents. It
is sufficient to state that in it the best
modern writers and artists ace gener-
ously represented. ented. The book contains
over 230 pages, with 34 full page illus-
trations, of which 20 are of two or
more colors. The magnitude .of this
December number, for which 728 tons
of paper and six tons of ink have been
used, may be understood from the
feet that 91 presses running 14 hours
a day, haye been required to print it ;
the binding alone of the edition of 915,-
000 copies representing over 20,000,000
sections which had to be gathered
individually byhuman hands,
If there ever was a specific for and
one complaint, then . Carter's Little
Liver Pills are a specific for sick head-
ache, and every woman should know
this.Only one pill a dose. Try
Mr. Geo. W. Carter, of McGillivary,
on Tuesday while doing some chopping
in his woods had the misfortune of
giving his foot a very bad cut, nearly
rine two of his toes. The wounds
eve g n
though not considered dangerous will
his him to h s haixsefor sevoral
day s,
Abox otMilburn's Rheumatic Pills, will be
sent free to any one Who sufrers from Rhenma•
tism,.Sciatioa.Lumbago ,or Neuralgia if they
have never tried these pills before. Send 2c,
stamp for postage to the T. Milburn Co,
Limited, Toronto, Ont,
The new steel bridge over the Sau-
ble, hear Ciandeboye, is nearing com-
pletion. The steel work will be finish-
ed by Thursday and the cement com-
pany will then startiaying the floor.
When completed it will be one of the
bridges ire this section o the
finest. r if
country. The Stratford` Bridge Com
pang has the contract.
Papers have; been signed com-
the agreement wherebyereby
is to have a new orgati industry.
The new concern have taken over
the Canadian Veneer 'Works plant,
and will proceed at once to emerge it..
"op rtut�ity es.
the. thee£.
Shoe sols{'robbery"
prevails`ecause ;t
can't be discovered till
the shoe,is worn out
The MA.ker;' price
stamped on the sole=
pledges value ' up to
that price in—
">. .
T'h SlaterShoe"
`doodygar ootid
E, J, SPACKMAN. General Agent
Plans are to be prepared without de-
lay, and it is expected that the manu
facture 02 organs will be begun within
a. month or six weeks. The number
of hands -to be employed at the outset
will be fifty, but if pros}iects hold
good one hundred skilled mechanics
will be engaged before the year is out.
Messrs. Manning and Sherlock, form-
erly of Clinton, who have been with
the Doherty Company for years, are
at the bead of the new concern, and
they are backed by heavy capital.
Young and Old Are Delight-
edwith It.
The purest, most delicious. health-
ful, nutritious and altogether the most
satisfactory breakfast cereal ever plac-
ed before the public is Malt Breakfast
Food. .Have you tried it ? If not, you
'are missing one of the luxuries of life
that costs little money -an agent that
keeps the digestion of young . and old
in perfect condition as..no other break-
fast Food can do. Malt Breakfast
Food is economical one . package
makes a meal for twenty-five- people.
Recoinmended by thousands of phy-
sicans as a true health Food. Your
Grocer sells it.
' Perth
The selection of the county council-
lors which is made up every two
years, will be the feature of the muni-
cipal elections next January.
Mr. W. J. Knox- an old St. Marys
boy, brother of Dr. A. A. Knox, has
been appointed as Science Master in
Leamington High School.
Mary A. O'Connell Middle Stewiacke, N. S.,
"I have used Laxer liver Pills for serious liver
complaint and they have done me a world of
good making me smart and healthy."
Palpitation of the. heart, nervous-
ness, tremblings, nervous headache,
cold hands and feet, pain t, pa n in the back,
and other forms of weakness are re-
lieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made
specially for the blood, nerves and
The death of Mr, Sohn Nagle of S.
Boundary, Blanshard, occurred on
Wednesday, Nov. 12th, in his 66th
year. Deceased had been ill about
nine weeks with typhoid fever, Mr.
Nagle was born in Ireland, and emi-
grated to Canada in the year 1842. He
was a -member of the R. 0, church and
was well respected. by the community
in which he lived,
Mrs. Htnnesson,' Binscarth , Man., writes :
"I have used. Ha gg yard's Yellow Oil for Sore
Throat, Cuts, Scalds and Frostbites for a- long
time and consider it the best house hold remedy
made,'r Price 25 cents, all dealers.
Rev. Mr. Stout, of Kirkton, and
Rev. Mr. Armstrong, of Millbank,'
were appointed delegates by the Bis-
hop of Huron to visit the Atwood
parish and see what could be done in
the way of •re -opening the church
there. The reverend gentlemen in-
formed the Atwood Bee that after a
careful examination, they decided to
leave the matter in abeyance for the
The initial steps have .been taken
toward the establishment Of a big.
cement works to be erected near St.
Marys. Options for the purchase of
two hundred acres of limestone land
and fifty acres of clay have been se-
cured and the organization of a oom-
pany will be proceeded with at once,
The plant will be erected in Bien -
shard township, north west of the
town limits, and the proposed works
will be the largest in Canada,having
a capacity of fifteen hundred barrels
a day.
r .
Chlldren Cry
You can make your bar.
nese ad soft es a glove
Sind xd toUgh as wire by
using ETIREIKA Kier.
nese 051. You can
leegthen its fife—tnaka It
fast twice as ions ltd 1t
ordinarily would.
Y 4. 1.»�
L +:aKA
Hatless Si
makes a poor looking
meek liknew. Mde
puce, heavy bodied oil, es.
pectnily prepared to With,
ntAa4 thew a other
Vold everywhere
In sand—lith kt�ed
Reds by nirElt1M sit edit 1.
s Cele7 Compound
The Only Medicine that Pre-
vents a return of the
Terrible Disease.
Rheumatism, which~ does its terri-
ble Work in the muscles, joints and
tissues, is caused. by uric acid' which,
gathers in the blood. To get rid of
this poisonous acid which produces
the irritations, pains, agonies, inflam-
mations and swellings peculiar to
rheumatism, Paine's`Celery Compound
8h01i1d be used without delay, No
other medicine gives such prompt,..
cheering and happy results. It is the
only medicine that prevents a return
of the dreaded disease. Paine's Celery
Compound braces the nerves, the
blood is cleared of all irritating poi-
sons,lissue and muscle are built up and
the digestive organs perfectly toned.
not treat with indifference Do fife a ice the
SS, l
slightest seeeptans ; early use of
Paine's Celery Coniponnd will prevent
weeks and months of suffering, Mr.
Cr, J. McDonald, Cornwall, Ont., writes
as follows :
For three years'I suffered terribly
from rheumatism, It seemed to me
that I was forced to endure all the
agonies and pains that a mortal could
possibly es fromdisease.
i ibly experieuce p i n the disea e,
While suffering, I tried many of the
advertised medicines, also doctor's
pressriptions, but never found a cure
I secured a supply o f` Paine's
a s
Celery compound, It worked like a
charm, and seemed to strike at the
very root of my trouble. I am now
cured c allpains are banished, and in
every respect I am a new man.
Although the date of the Referen
dura, Dec. 4, is rapidly approaching,
there is much public apathy on the
subject which doubtless arises -froma
feeling that to attempt to carry it is
useless in view of the impediments
with which the Referendum was
weighted by its. authors, In cue op-
inion a mistake has been made by the
temperance people in not ignoring
and repudiating the whole affair, ' be-
cause it was framed with the deliber-
ate object of making it impossibleto
be carried. We question if the tem-
perance cause would not have been
stronger had its advocates continued
to stand on their dignity and to refuse
to have anything to do with the Re-
ferendum to the end that failure to
carry it Could not be quoted in deri-
sion against them. The effectiveness
of the efforts to rally temperance senti-
ment to the support of the measure in
the face of these considerations can
only be guessed at until after Dec. 4th ;
but since the leaders' of temperance
sentiment have not repudiated the Re-
ferendrnn but haye set out to endeavor
to carry:it, there may be a possible
surprise in store from the extent of fer-
vor and determination that may be
There is much difference '
e of o inion
about the workabitity of a prohibitory
law, but there can he none as to the
fact that the bar -room evil is a women
tous one. Groping about for a weap-
on, against this evil the one naturally
grasped for is that of repression, Most
of those who condemn resort to that
weapon,' although they theoretically
admit the evil, are mute when asked
for some other solution. It is probable
that most of suchhave no real sym-
pathy with temperance advocacy of
any kind. Moral suasion is a good
weapon, and it is a question if it is uti-
lized as much as it ought to be, but
after it is utilized to the utmost extent
it is yet inadequate to :meet the issue.
The argument holds good for repres-
sive measures as a supplement to the
Few of those who think deeply on
the subject and who have a heart for
the sufferings inflicted by the state -
countenanced drink traffic, will be
able to resist the conviction that to
vote a negative . on. • the ' referendum
would be unpatriotic,; selfish and heed-
less' of the dearest interests of others.
Whether all such will vote yea depends
on their view of the effectiveness of
the measure and of the state of pre-
paredness of the people in general to
support and insist upon its execution.
But there is also this to be said, that
even refraining from voting is practic-
ally a negative vote and equivaieut to
a declaration of desire to thwart any
advance movement. Stratford
A blotched, pimply. disfigured face,
feeling of exhaustion, wracked nerves,
headache and a dull brain. The proper
cure is one Ferrozone Tablet after each
meal. Ferrozone clears and beautifies
the complexion by making rich, pure
blood. It restores the enfeebled brain
and unstrung nerves to a healthy con-
It invigorates all the physical
and- 'mental powers, and brings:
strength and ambition to the d
eP ress-
ed. Refuse a substitute for Ferrozone
—it's the best tome, rebuilder and in
gorator. known. ., at Drug-
gists gists or Polson , 50c.
Priceo., Kingston, Ont
There is no disposition' to deny cred-
it to Sir Wiliiam Mulock.for a fairly
pvactical management 'of the postal
department, though the press of the
country. have a feeling' that his treat-
ment of postage matters relating to
then, is somewhat petty. Inother
respects Sir Williams methods' have
been harsh and overbearing. .But on
the whole it is gratifying to have re-
duction of letter pottage, e.'
p g to 2c. with-
out a department deficit, fie Should
proceed riow with certain reforms;,
such as introducing rural postal de-
livery, and should also hove in the
direction of public ownership of tele-
graphs and telephones The Liberals
have gone back altogether on "free
trade as theyhaveit in England"
m.y he they would substitute public
telegraph and telephone service "as
eBay have it in England." The money
order systema is' also antiquated. ,In
getting an express money order there
none of the circumlocution about
either getting an order, or cashing
Quo, that there is with a postal order.
This process should be simplified and
r4r .
Swollen, aching joints, muscles are
stiff and sore, every movement amain
panied by pain, The most potent rem
edy' is Poison's Nerviline, which has
five times tbe pain -subduing power
of any other preparation, Apply the.
Nerviline copiously, rub it on well and
then bind in a hot flannel bandage.
This will cure theworst cases in a
short time. .Try Nerviline for Rheum-
atism, Neuralgia, Sciatica or Lumbago
—it's all right and only costs a quarter.
Dr, Hamiltons Pills. Cure Coestipation.
Mrs. w aterson and Mrs. Lavers of
the Ootario. W. C. T,. U. madea good
suggestion the other day when they
proposed that the Association pray;
for editors. The Lord knows they
needlit,"not because they are
wicked than other people, but because
they need so much patience and
strength and self-control; to battle
against the variouspeople "who come
into tell them haw a newspaper
should be run ; and to argue with oth-
ers who ask for the booming of - some
business scheme which they aver, is
purely a matter of news, and of.de-
cided interest to the public ; and to
pacify men have a lot of trouble in:
proving to people that they have to
pay good money for paper and ink
and presses and motive power and
type -setting, and therefore cannot
afford to give away the paper free,
and that it is absolutely necessary,
that they sell space in order to keep
bread in thecupboard and ;escape)
being sent to jail for debtor vagrancy.
Then there is the tax gatherer to ap-
pease and the insurance man to pay
and the gas bill to settle regularly,
besides other trials incident to life in
this troublesome .world, Oh, yes, by
all means let the ladies pray for the
editors, with special petitions that the
luckless scribes may be endowed with
patience.-Sa. Thomas Times.
The marvelous cures of Catarrho-
zone are being mach talked about.
Thousands are daily recognizing the
exceptional merit of this simple inhal-
er treatment, and instead of running
to the doctor with their winter ills
they protect themselves by. Oatarrho-
zcne ; it kills colds in the head in ten
minutes, quickly relieyes Catarrh,
13ronohitis, Asthma, Lung Troubles,
and cures even though all other reme-
dies have failed. Catarrhozone•is very
pleasant, safe and convenient to use.
Its best recommendation is its enor-
mous sale; try it to- day. Price $1.00, 25
small size c., at Druggists.
We have completed clubbing' 'ar-
rangements for 1903 with several of
the leading newspapers. A11 of the
following with the exception of the
dailies, will be sent to any address from
now until January lst, 1904, for amount
named. The rates will be as follows :
The TI14MES and Family Herald
and Weekly Star from now to
January, 1904, for $1.75
"Purity" and "Alone"—two beauti-
ful pictures -axe given to all subscrib-
ers for the aboye price. See sample
pictures at this office.
TheTtntns andtheWeekly Globe
The Tints and Montreal Witness
from now to Jan. lst, 1904, for..$1.65
The TIMES and Weekly Mail and
Empire from now to Jan. let
Theabove includes a choice of two
handsome pictnres entitled "The Doc-
tor" and "Contentment". Samples of,
which may be seen at this office.
The. TIMES and Daily Mail and
Empire, morning edition, , for
one year for .$4,25
The Thins and Daily Mail and
Empire, evening edition, for
one year for. 53.25
The Tmrxs and the Presbyterian
for one year for $225
The TIMES and The Ti eekly Sun
from now to ran. 1st, 1904 for$1.70"
The Tmuas and London Daily Ad-
vertiser for one year for ....... , $2.50
The TIMES and .London Weekly
Advertiser for one year for3150`
The TIIIIES and Toronto Daily
Globe for one year for...,:.. , . , $4,25
The above includes a beautiful cal.
ender in colors, that is easily worth
fifty cents.
The TIMES' and Toronto Daily
Star.for. . n
The Txa1Es and Toronto + Daily
News for 2,50
The TIMES and ]+"arming World
for., . 1.85.
The Tx
nt.Es and Fanning n g -for..'.
The Tieing and. Christian Guard-
ian for..... ..
The TxllxEs and Free Press, morn-
ing edition, for ... 3.25
The Txi'xMS and Free • Press, noon
or eS:eningedt%on, for......,.,. 2,�0
The 7'rexes and Free Press, week»
1y e,iition, for.. 1,75
St isnot
yet et CP
oma le
An oi,
e wishing G paper e or
ma azi''
not in'the above list will please Inquire
et, the office for subscription price,
+' 4 t ra. r,. .ere•
eteeit"linelleeltaiU iii:e eellieenllillell"flOtan Wren
sitaliatiritittieloocianclRe ula
Hit Ovasonac115 ari iBowe of
Bess. alidlIes. tttontains neither
O 1tun,Nor"pl iffG ' 1A r' teraL
NOV AB G tID'rid
onoafais•1.Z6•.Sil1 PITfSER
,int iS
�• tn,ra
iinl ratl�'oM�4.fcdm+
Apertectilemedyfor Constipa-
tion., sour Stomach,Diarriwea,
Worills,Convulsions,Feveris .,.
news and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tac Smile Sigpatislte of
FAQ.$I1.YI1 -r
Oastoria'is put up in one -sire bottles only. Tt::
is not gold In bulk. Don't allow anyone to soli;
you anything else on the plea or promise that it,.
is "Plat as .good" and "will answor`every paid,
poso," See that you get 0 -A.$ -T -O -$-1- A, .
The faa-momalICIO?'
is a
ov tl+
+ ''1014- :W-4 a 4:1? -''7$0 ,1.• c.0',v" ;i"ie e
r The King of Ranges— DUCK'S 7t3
or HE day has gone past
when a wise woman
will put up with an inferior
cooking apparatus. She has
heard of
T e Carrugated Oven
and her neighbors tell her what it will do.
If by chance you do not know the merits of The "Happy
Thought,' you owe it to yourself to investigate. See the Range,.
look into the firebox and Sues, 'weigh the covers, ,rote the patented
dampers, the ventilated, illuminated oven, the corrugated oven plates,
and all the different features that make this Range so different and
se superior.
You don't know true household comfort if you don't know
The "Happy Thought" Range.
Write theManufacturerrs for Illustrated Catalogue.
Sold W. J. He amara Exeter.
by 1
Reduced to FIFTY
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Centralia .... .. 8,1 5.60
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Kippen 9.60 6.25
Bruoetleld 9.58 6.33
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Wingham arrive 11.10, 8.00
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Olintcn 7.47 4.25
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Exeter 8.35 5.02.0
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