HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-1-30, Page 23!Page 30—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1985 Enterta inrnent Community Calendar BINGO every Tuesday evening at Vonostra Cen- tro, R.R. 5, Clinton 8 p.m. First iagular cord $1.00. 15 regular 520 30 games, three shore-the- weolth jackpot 5200,00 must got Admission is restricted to 16 years and over -- 'ttor WINTER BAG SALE: January 31 to February 2. Salvation Army Thrift Store, 80 King St.,, Clinton.- 4.5 THE SEAFORTH Harmony Kings presents its 3rd annual show on April 6th. 1985 of 8:00 p.m. in the Seaforth and District Community Centre. Tickets ore available from Milton Dietz, R,R. 4 Seaforth. Ontario. NOK 1 WO. $5.00 for adults and $2.50 for children. —5 SINGLES DANCE at Stratford Farr Grounds (Upper Hall) Saturday, February 2:. Dancing') • 1, Music by The Wildwoods.. 5 CLINTON PUBLIC Hospital Auxiliary meeting. Monday, February 4, 10 a.m. Hospital conference room. Everyone welcome. 5 HURON WOMEN Teachers Association. inform°• tion Night for occasional supply teachers, Tues- day. February 5, 1985, Blyth Public School, 4 30 p.m., Exeter Public School 8 p.m. -5 BUS TRIP. Feb. 21 to worlds largest bingo in Cherokee, N.C. S400,000. in prizes. Call Heather 482.3795.--5.6 CROSS COUNTRY Poker Ski Rally Sunday February 3rd. Registration from I 2 p m Bring the family out for some fun and en1oymenr All prizes donated by MacLean Sports Clinton Sponsored by the Clinton Optimist Club Sor STAN•LEE CLUB meets at Vorno Complex rues day. February 5 starting with pot luck supper at o p.m. Special Valentine meeting E.eryone welcome, --5 . EUCHRE PARTY sponsored by Varna 1 0 1 lo35 of Stanley Complex Friday February I -it o 3'.; p.m Ladies please bring lunch 5 WE CARRY Satellite Orbit mayaz,:r(: etc iii i.•` TV program guide New issue e.ei tr` n +r A;. pros. 250 pages Groves r V C' 9414 Sar THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit r . ottend rhe Adult Health Guidance ler the Health Unit office Medical Bu ldr on Wedniiisday February 6 1985 fico p.m. for: -Health Surveillance 2 f, . Anaernia Screening 4 Urine Tester Pressure - Sar )r t; i CABIN FEVER Kingston Winter Ar ' , .:.• Portsmouth Olympic Harbour Kinys'L Feb 2 8 3 Forty distinguished a m until S p m both Boys 5i Farm Show returns to its rural roots GODERICH TWP. - Back in 1972, area residents got their first taste of original Canadian theatre. The Farm Show, a pro- duction of Toronto's Theatre Passe Muraille thrilled local audiences. Part of the play's local appeal was the script, developed from first hand conversa- tion with the farm folk who lived along the Maitland and the 16th concessions of Goderich Township. The Farm Show brought to the theatre the story of rural life in southwestern Ontario. Staged in a local barn, the production told about life in Goderich Township through songs and poems, skits and monologues. It featured a cast of six, including Janet 'Amos, Anne Anglin, David Fox, Fina Mac- Donell, .Milegs Potter and Alan Jones and was directed by Paul Thompson. That young cast has gone on to become some of the most well known names in Canadian theatre'today, particularly with their work through the Blyth Festival. As well, the play went on to earn national recognition. It was. performed at the Strat- ford Shakespearean Festival and played at the International Art Centre in Ottawa.` The Farm Show was performed for a season in Toronto and was toured in Saskat- chewan and Manitoba. In 1976 it played in Vancouver, then went overseas; for a five week debut in England and Wales. Canadian poet Michael Ondaatje took the script, developed it into a film and won the Governor General's Award for his -inter- pretation. •A film version of the play was also featured on CBC' -TV and TV -Ontario also filmed the play for use in the school system. Coach House Press -in 'Toronto printed copies of the play fore study in Ontario' Happy Birthday Wiener (Wayne) on February 1st ...now that you're 31 don't you think it's time to hang up the skates and hockey stick 'for good? Love Debbie, Danielle and Jason G n VALENTINE • r n ,� ' DANCE rP v:,with compeul ens tor King and Queen; C2 Prince and Princess and the start of beards v FEBRUARY 15 V Dancing 9 to 1 a.m. O Seafnr rr and District Community Centres 7 Music" WHISKEY JACK V MUSIC COMPANY V. . - 16 years and older5:00 ✓ 15 vnacs and under 12.00 ~ ✓ Q •A -No Blue Jeans Plaees. �,,, `r�d dvertcs IkN kaavNd tae __ from committee C2 Tuckersmith - Sesquicentennial V V Come Clean Shaven PRINCE Nominee to KING, ' QUEEN, and PRINCESS still welcome' Tucliersmlth Residents Onlyi V ▪ Registration for the Tuckersmith Sesquicentennial (7 beard growing competition will commence at this VV dance, February 15th and continue 10 February en 281h Registration 12 00 Shaving permits S5 00 I>a1>fl1:01>aE>sE>1>E>aDaD.a schools. The Petrolia Opera House opened lh'vaust of The Farm Show and the play also began what is today known as the critically ac claimed Blyth Festival. The play was a role model for the ev leu tion of Canadian talent. It tapped a tie \\ source of 'creativity and helped dev clop more Canadian plays. From the old Bird farm in (;Iiderr,.fl Township, to sone of the nation's greatest. stages, The Farm Show has enjoyed decade of success and recognition. From July 11 to 19. The Farm Show will be returning toitsroots - Goderich Township. for special performances. to bt- hi'ld til con; junction with the township's 150th birthday Original cast members are Wotk,u'.., together to assemble the play that along the banks of the Maitland River The Goderich Township Shed will !r• the stage for The Farre Show and perf.'rin,ini will be held at2and 8p.rn. . Tickets are available at C'anipbell's Wear in Clinton, Phil Main lard \% in ,Goderich and the Bluth Festival, For marl' information, ca]l Gordon Lobb and 1..))'? 7144: Carel party CLINTON - Monday afternoon euchre par- ties at the Clinton Town Hall started this -week. Prize winners for the high .t'ort.< were Grace White and Margaret heyn,ilcls: Low scorers were Lloyd Stewart and Ceacilia Edgar. Cards are played every Monday idiot: - noon, starting at 2 p.m. More participant. are welcome. y' Evolution of a play will be featured at Blyth Festival's first public reading Hat e you et er wondered how a new play Is developed' The Blyth Festival is opening its dour and giving the public an opportunity to attend the first open reading of two new' scripts currently under consider anon for the 1985 season. The reading will take place on Saturday, February 2. 1985 at 1:00 p,m. in the room abt,t'i l7iaut 't 's hairstylist in Blyth corner of -aet-n and Dinsley streets); the er0olit n;:: I )utsley Street. The reading is l)t 11 11/ t., ti' outl Is free of charge. Both scripts are untitled at the moment. The first, by 'Toronto playwright Bryan Wade, is set in Holland during World War II. Three Canadian soldiers, caught behind enemy lines during a reconnaissance mission, seek refuge in a Dutch farmhouse. The script is being workshopped from January 21-26 with actors Mary Ann Coles, Ron Gabriel, Ten -v Harfnr•rt Robert King, James Kirchner, and Patricia Vanstone. The workshop is being directed by Sid Bruin. The second script, to be workshopped I)iisner, I)OX social style to be hell in Holmesville .1 1 anvil( litrx tiuclal' ,t+'ill be held to elehrole the Goder1ch Township Sesquicentennial on Friday. February 15 at .it) pill. in the Goderich Township t'i'lt luunit\ )'entre in Hohnesville. Going out to buy a ureal is commonplace tilt 1'18(i's 1)erades earlier it was rare and si,r 1t was .a treat when a social gathering pr'ovide(l the incentive. Not only. did the :;entlemen but the meal for themselves and their partners but the female portion of this i:,rtnersh!p hi,d to provide the meal in a lig,.rated box.- N„ It„nder they did not eat t it 1ftt ll (t hen t n(1 node the meal and .,,,aglit II b11i k again! l he creator of the Box Social used this method to raise money for churches and glub,. This event facilitated a way for single entlenlen and ladies to meet. The .catlenren 1(i,uld bid on the lunches,and get t.' eat ltzneh (s ith the lady w ho prepared the -he Ih,tt was pia chased. The 01:1 ' c11,rol section No, 11, Union r,inununitt i, sponsoring this box social Nevi‘ 1.a lies are, asked to bring an .hire)-tively decorated box lunch for two. Chet' are to put their names inside and I>•rhaps +ill ilii' non of their choice tvhat the x !auks ilk's - that is if they want to eat with un The lurt•hes will befhr lurt ht :will aurtioned,off to the ntlr ntiui tt nth the highest bid. I he ,,rl;ani7er5 have kept the name of the 'ac1, unneer a -ec•re't'tu this date but he or she (:!! ,-,'1,•ti: ink need .skill dealing with a group hungry fellows. het h"li,Jren are also invited to take part. irk ;tri. 10 bring a hag lunch to share with the btrt s. ,This food, will be spread out on t,,bles and all the children can serve U. 015011. es liefreshinepts will be provided 4f.rr children and adults. ' 11`, 'surprising that since this is 1985 there n't nn activit1. planned w•herehv the' men make the lunch and the ladies buy it. Many groups feel strongly that there should be no job or role stereotyping. Maybe the women in this area don't trust what they would end up buying! After the tables have been cleared, the children will be shown movies and card games will be organized for the adults. The organizers wanted it to be known that everyone, whether a resident of Goderich Township or not, is welcome to attend the Goderich Township Sesquicentennial Family Box Social. If further information is required contact a conunittee member or write care of Goderich 'Township, Box 150, Holmesville, NOM 1I 0. from January 28 to February 1 is a new comedy by Montreal playwright Colleen Curran.- author of last season's popular show Cake -Walk. This new script is about a woman whose political protest activities get her into all sorts of trouble - with her employer, her family, her friends, and just abotyt everyone else! Katherine Kaszas, the vat's w ' Artistic Director and • director of las .season's Cake -Walk and the sell-out hit G rrison's Garage, is directing this wor p. The actors are Mary Ann Coles, Ron Gabriel, Terry Harford' Deborah K_immett, Nancy Roberts, and Patricia Vanstone. There two workshops, culminating in the public reading on February 2, are only the tip of the iceberg. The Blyth Festival has run playwrights' workshops during the summer for several years now but Ms. Kaszas' aim is to make the program year- round. "It is up to the Blyth Festival to act as a resource centre for playwrights, providing them with the space, arid professional directors and actors. The Blyth Festival is growing, not bigger gut better. Both scripts being workshopped at the moment are possibles for inclusion in our summer season but, as with all new scripts, there are a few bugs to be worked out first." Wade and Curran will be on hand for both the workshops and the public reading. It is hoped there will be a third workshop in March and three more during the SW1111101' months. For more information, please call the Blyth Festival at 523-9300, THIS WEEK AT BLACKBEARD'S Every Wednesday Night - starting WEDNESDAY JANUARY 30 "FISH FRY" ALL YOU $45▪ 0 CAN EAT served 0 pm 8 pm. Due to the recent adverse weather and poor sailing conditions; Bleackbeard's is featuring a special CHILDREN UNDER 12.'r PRICE SATURDAY FEB. 2 "STEAK NIGHT" Your choice of -bone or sirloin ,teak. Includes oil-you•con•eat salad bar, plus choice of potato. vegetable and dessert, $695 Reservations ore requested (phone 482.9896) to ovoid long waits. 1 BLACKBEARD'S ;formerly Debbie's Restaurant) • 2 MILES SOUTH OF CLINTON ON HWY. 4 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 7 AM.- 8 PM 1 0 S% �'�'� WEEKEND SMORGASBORD NOW SERVED ON OUR MAiN FLOOR! For your dining convenience Triple K's famous We've moved our Saturday and Sunday Smorgasbord upstairs to our main dining floor. • THIS SATURDAY & SUNDAY FEBRUARY 2 & 3 ROAST TURKEY SALISBURY STEAK LASAGNA Served from 12, noon -8 'pm TRIPLE '.'-K” RESTAURANT Blyth, Ontario 523-9623 Pleasing You Pleases Us Enjoy 3 Hot Dishes! • TME SQUARE • • • • • • • • • • • GOOERKM • S74•M I • • • WED.-THURS. • 8:00 P.M. ONLY REMEMBER 52.00 TUESDAY • • swtspiNa PARENTAL • Th•nt.at Branch On, '11 GUIDANCE • • 7r&9P.M.FRi.-SAT. • 8:00 P.M. SUN. - THURS. • •• • • • • • • STARTS FRIDAY FEB. 1st • •: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SIK cc 11.4XUAl IPINURNOO tl.eetres Stent% Ontario tWRAIINa t%eetr.. Srenth Ont. ••,41.•:40••••••• •••••w•••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I• CLINTON OPTIMIST CLUB I to CRSS -COUNTRY ! •� POKER SKI RALLY Great Prizes: eg. 1st prize is Cross Country Skis!! FUN FOR ALL AGES REGISTRATION: Clinton Arena from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. DATE: Sunday, February 3rd SPONSORED BY CLINTON OPTIMIST CLUB All prizes have been donated by MacLean's Sports in Clinton Everyone Welcome Enjoy the best of the season with a visit to... • SERVED EVERY SUNDAY 12 NOON to 2 PM (htr popular smiths Ruftet is now sten better! Because nm+ sou Gill enjm a lariets of main (nurse dishes in addition In soup, a tarietyof 'salads, cold meats and desserts. All the foo(( and ambiance volt can take in and ill Inv just ant' loss pric e! ( ohne, relax and enjoy Rnnmtiler codas. $1395 per per.nn Reser aborts Recommending! Complete your outing with a Visit to... The Gift Shoppe A unique shopping esperienc e just steps from tht Inn. ()PEN 7 DAYS A WEEK...10 am -5 pm • for Resers,ttinn. 0lt'ase phone: 524-2191 Benmiller inn ., �urvi rn f3l nrtl,llrr ( )nt 111.4 ' kilometers nisi of 1 .101911 - 1lama(n mint% Nn,id 1 Turn north ntf Iiighss,Iv8 1I( f tititE)t'N1)ER THE.l.1 R (1.