HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-1-23, Page 20Page 18—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23,1985
Comrnunity calendar
SINGO every Tuesday evening at Vanastra Cen-
tee, R.R. 5. Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card
$1.00. 15 regular $20.00 games, three share -the -
wealth jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission is
restricted to 16 yews and over. -1 tfar
NOON LUNCHEON: Thursday, March 21. Morn-
ing Market Saturday, November 2, 1Q a.m.
Wesley -Willis United Church. -4
BOOK SALE: Wingham Town Hall, room behind
the library. January25, 10 a.m. • 2 p.m. January
26, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Great variety of new and us-
ed books. -4
EUC,J-IRE PARTY: Rescheduled - Tuesday, Jdhuary
29 at 2 p.m. in the Ladies Parlour of Ontario
Street Church. Admission $1 .50. Lunch provided.
Sponsored by Clinton Women's Institute. All
welcome. -4
CARD PARTY of 1.O.O.F. Hall, Brucefield, Friday,
January 25 at 8:30 p.m. Ladies please bring lun-
ch. Everyone welcome. Admission $1.50. -4x
Recreation news
Program s
HURON COUNTY Family Planning invites you to
attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursdoy
from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Huron County
Health Unit. Public Health Wing, Huronview,
Clinton. Counselling and medical services
provided.— l e.o.w.
EASTERN STAR Card Parties at Anglican Church
Parish Hall, Clinton, January 10, 24 and Feb. 14
of 8 p.m. Admission $1.50. Lunch and prizes.
Everyone welcome. —2,4,7
WINTER BAG SALE: January 31 to February 2.
Salvation Army Thrift Store. 80 King St..
Clinton. -4,5
"CABIN FEVER": Kingston Winter Antique Show,
Portsmouth Olympic Harbour, Kingston. Ontario.
February 2nd and 3rd. 40 distinguished dealers.
10:30 o.m. until,5 p.m. both days. ---4o
MINI -VACATION: 2 nights. $64.50 per person. In-
cludes breakfasts, dinners, squash, pool, sauna,
whirlpool. Snowtroils available. Ranton Place
Motel. Fitness Centre. (4 -Star Motel).
Palmerston. (519) 343-3906. -4o
for everyone
in Clinton
Bread Dough Art II
Good news! The Clinton Recreation Com-
mittee is offering a Bread Dough Art Course
Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at
the Town Hall meeting room. This four week
(8 -hour) course will begin Thursday,
February 7 and end Thursday February 28.
Registration is limited to the first 15 paid
registrants. To register please drop by or
telephone the Clinton Recreation Office.
Youth Gymnastics -
Attention Parents! The Clinton .Youth
Gymnastics program started on January 14.
Should you wish to register your son or
daughter in this well-rounded program then
contact the recreation director immediate-
mmediately. Classes are held Mondayevenings at the
Clinton high school main gym land are open
to children ages 4 to 13 years.
Fit Five news •
Congratulations to Troyann Cole for suc-
cessfully completing her Fit Five level 4
program. You too can be part of this "free"
personal fitness program by picking up your
level 1 brochure at any of the following loca-
tions: Arena, Town Office, McLeans, News
Record, Recreation Office.
Shinny Hockey
. Clinton arena shinny' hockey times are
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings
from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. For more in-
formation please contact the arena at 482-
7731. .. _
Monday afternoon euchre
The Goderich Radars. Club will be staging
Monday afternoon euchre at the Clinton
Town Hall meeting room from 1:30 to 4:30
p.rn. All Clinton and area senior citizens are
cordially,; invited to take part. For more in-
. formation please contact the recreation of-
fice. •
Power skating update
Attention Parents! The power skating
course for children ages 8 to 13 has been re-
scheduled to start Sunday, January 27, 3:45
to 4:45 p.m. at the Clinton arena. This well-
rounded instructional is open to both boys
and girls and is taught by Brenda Dupee.
The course is designed to help children
develop proper skating techniques and
form, important in both hockey and figure
skating. To register please contact the Clin-
ton Recreation Office at 482-3398.
Public Skating
Clinton Arena •Public Skating this week
will be as follows: Wednesday 1:00 to 3:30
p.m.; Friday 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.; Sunday 1:30
to 3:30 p.m., and 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. See you at
the Arena.
Break Dancing
Attention Break Dancers! The Recreation
Committee will be offering Break Dancing
lessons for youth ages 8 to 16 years. Two
classes will be offered, both six weeks long
as follows:
Monday 7:00 to 8:.30 p.m. Youth ages 8 to
12; Wednesday 8:00 to 9:30 p.m. Youth ages
13 to 16. .
More information in . next week's
This eight -horse hitch show wagon, built for Walt Disney World by Goderich Township
builder Tom Penhale, is featured on a limited edition collectors plate, being offered for sale.
as a souvenir of the township's sesquicentennial. The Disney family moved to the
Holmesville area from Ireland, during the 1840's. (photo courtesy Hazel McCreath)
A tribute to Disney family
The Goderich Township Sesquicentennial
Committee has paid tribute to the Disney
family and their recurring connections with
the township through a collector's plate.
The Disney family moved to the
Holmesville area from Ireland during the
1840's. Walt Disney returned to the area in
1947 to see the grave sites of his ancestors.
,More recently the Disney Company
sought a builder for a show wagon for use at
the 100th Anniversary of the World Per-
cheron Congress, held at the Calgary
Stampede, in 1983. Having seen the ex-
cellent craftmanship of Goderich Township
builder, Tom Penhale, they commissioned
him for this task. Penhale said they told him,
later they had seen over forty other wagons
and the designer was very impressed when
he examined a wagon in Penhale's shop.
Again the Disney name became associated
with Goderich Township.
Penhale and his son, ftick, were given six
weeks to complete the hitch wagon using
blueprints created by a designer from
Disney World. He said they were allowed -to•
alter the plans, if necessary, since this was
the first hitch wagon designed by Disney
World. Normally, three months are re-
gyyfired to build a wagon, thus many long
deb were necessary. This now famous
wagon was painted (in 18 days) in shades of,.
blue, gold and silver by an artist fro'
Disney World.
The Disney entry won. the World Per-
cheron eight -horse Hitch Championship in
DANCE FLOOR? Louis and
Melanie can help!
Goderich Township
Recreation Board
will be holding
a nine week course
from Thursday,
January 24 at 8 p.m.
Where professionals
will help you step
by step to learn
social dancing at
the Community
Centre in
$35, per couple
For further information
please call Elaine
Think of your
sweetheart's heart.
together. PafTICIPd171017
Be active
Welcome Home
Good o have you
Love from your
Sunday, February 3rd
2:30 p.m.
at the G.D.C.I° West Gym
Adults $2S°
Students $10°
great Fun for .. II!!!
Calgary. A framed photograph with a, pla-
que of this locally built wagon was
..presented to Tom and Carol Penhale by the
Disney Company.
The idea to produce a collector's plate
with this hitch wagon emerged; however,
permission from Disney World was needed.
Penhale was the obvious person to seek ap-
proval from the Disney legal department.
When he phoned California he was flatly
turned down since the Disney naive is rarely
allowed for use by any group. He also called
the designer, whom he got to know well dur-
ing the wagon's construction, and the
manager of the Disney World ranch in
Florida. He said he *as amazed to get a
phone call about a month later from the
legal offices to give approval.
The lady who phoned also was astonished
to think permission was granted. Mr.
Penhale felt certain his friends in Disney
World lent a great deal of support to obtain
this request.
Penhale saw one of the plates and was im-
pressed with its quality. The nine inch (22
cm) porcelain collector's plate has a
sharp, clear image of the hitch wagon, done
in a four colour process.. They are gold rim-
med and are being sold' for $15.00. The
original prder of the limited edition collec-
tor's' item is already half sold. The plates
carry an'inscription on the back.
The plates were felt to show honour to a
very respected name known not :only in
Goderich Township but around the world.
Hop ' 1`11 see
you on the
31'd one.
to everyone for making our
Opening Weekend a success. We
look forward to serving you again.
A special thank -you for the' many
floral arrangements.
Bill and Kathy Dallas
and family
(formerly Debbie's Restaurant) •
I 7AM-8 PM
• THE Man
• •
FRIDAY, JAN. 25th FRI.-SAT. 7 & 9:10 PM SUN.-THURS. 8 PM
Bad day's
best stories
Three winners have been announced as
part of The Theatre circle's "bad day on the
job" competition.
The contest was announced last fall by the
theatre company as part of its plans to col-
lect stories of work experiences for a new
comedy play T.G.I.F. (Thank God It's Fri-
day) being written by Uwe Meyer and Keith
Roulston. The play deals with the problems
four people have in their jobs. The play will
be presented April 18 to 20 at Blyth .
Memorial Hall before going on tour to
Petrolia, Chatham and Owen Sound.
Mrs. Erland Greenwood of Listowel,
Karen Wyld of Ripley and Paul Carroll of
Seaforth were named co -winners of the
prize. Theirs were among a dozen very fun-
ny stories subniitted about work ex-
periences. "We felt the three storiesfor
selected gave the most opportunity
transfer to the stage," explained Roulston.
"While all the stories were very humorous,
many would be impossible to translate to
the stage without losing most of the humour.
As the play changes in writing and
rewriting, even these may not appear in the
final product but they've' given us in-
spiration along the way."
Each of the winners will receive two sets
of vouchers for the upcoming season which
begins with a production of the comedy -
thriller One Night Stand on March 7-9.
The subscription campaign for the upcom-
ing season is now underway. Volunteers will
be selling the subscription voucher
packages at $12 for two plays or they are
available from the Theatre Circle box of-
fice: Box 429 Blyth, Ont. or by calling 523-
LHSS volleyball
'wins and losses
The Junior Girls' Volleyball Team. took
part in their first league tournament of the
season on Wednesday, January 16 in St.
Mary's. They exhibited their skills against
the two opposing teams at Seaforth and
Stratford Central. The team's spirits were
hindered as' their efforts proved unsuc-
cessful against Stratford 'Central where
Central took both games with scores of 15-5
and 15-1. After a short break, the girls
played Seaforth emerging victorious with '
scores of 15-0 and 15-8. Their next game is .
scheduled to be played on February 12 in..
Wingham where the girls will continue to
work as a team with plenty of school spirit to
achieve their ultimate goal.
by Heather Bauman
Goderich Township
Hall, Holmesville
Registration m 11 AM -1 PM
Run starts at 1 PM from Goderich Township Hall, Holmesville
Snacks available after run
For more information 482-7276, 482-7694
ri I I r 1 1 r 1I ,� r i r r 1 I , .1 1 . 1.o r. 1
GOof RIe N
e.,.:f is., i
Showing Nightly
Wed. & Thurs.
8 P.M.
ill 091
tlaa trairelad 61,M a galaxy far beyond our owitill"
He Iss:09,000 years ahead of us. .
► Owed we cannot comp] a enc w
eft to face the one t'orcein`the untterse
,he has yet to conquer.
for the month of January
7 days a week '
10 am -10 pm
except Sundays
open 11 orr1-9 pm ,