HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-1-23, Page 19• Clinton Guides welcomed five new members into their group this week. In a special fly -up ceremony five Brownies ( centre y were promoted. They are (front row, kneeling) Andrea Fitzgerald and Carla Caldwell. (Behind) Luanne Stevenson, Cherilyn Bylsma and Jennifer Buffinga. (Shelley McPhee photo) • Legion Auxiliary plays a vital role By Al Welch CLINTON - Legion Ladies Auxiliary membership is open to any woman of good .. character whose services were terminated under conditions other than dishonourable; or a woman of , good character who is -the - wife, widow, mother, sister, daughter or granddaughter (who has attained the age of majority) of any person whose services were terminated under conditions other than dishonourable. "Any person of good character who is the wife or daughter of an associate member - voting (under the --,provisions contained in the general bylaws of the Royal Canadian Legion)- or of aperson who is or was eligible to be an associate member voting .as heretofore stated and who has attained the age of majority tinder the laws of Ontario.': - 394 Auxiliary units attached to our bran- ches with a membership of over 30,000. Underwriters of the Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary Bursary Program with annual awards in the amount of $125,000.00. Donations -by the Awdliaries.to the Bu - sary Program averaging $125,000.00 annual- ly and supportive of the many branch bur- sary and scholarship awards. • :.� - e 1pual conte lltig1,tp g l�ntar}o om- mandSeivice Bureau operation. - An active sports program for their members. - Supportive of the many branch projects and activities within their communities. Social Programs The Auxiliary plan social events to meet the needs of the members and their guests, dancing to relive the memories, the sounds of the big band era, rock and roll and the music of today, something- for everybody. They host dinners, branch anniversaries; Remembrance Day, Legion Week, honours and awards, etc. A -special thank you -from Vice President Comrade "Gordon Tait for all the help on Ladies Appreciation Night, to Chef Paul and all the crew. It was very much appreciated not only by • Comrade Gord and Entertain- ment Chairman Comrade Eric Switzer but was most appreciated by all the ladies. There was a very good turnout for "Rob- bie Burns Night" on -January 19th. A special thank you goes out to Comrade, Bill Marsh for filling in for Tony Nova due to the storm. Coming Events Veterans and Seniors Community pro- grams seminar willbe held Saturday, January 26, 10:00 a.m. at Durham. Provin- cial Chairman Derek Pite will preside. Anyone wishing to attend please contacti Comrade,Steve Maguire. Luncheon meeting held for 28 UCW members CLINTON - The Afternoon Unit of Ontario ,. Street Church enjoyed a smorgasbord lun- cheon in the ladies' parlor at noon on January 9 with 28 members and four visitors , present, • Prior to 'the meeting Lula Merrill col- lected -the dues with 16 paid up members and 15 life members. ' Leader Marion Powell • opened the meeting with a thought entitled "At the Year's Ending". The minutes- of the December meeting were read and adopted as read. Roll call was answered by 21 home and 11 hospital calls. - - The offering was taken by Lula 'Merrill and dedicated by Marion Powell. The general meeting was held with the Evening Unit and they took charge of devotions. Gladys Van Egmond entertained with her musical talent arid had several ladies take part. Mr. Pick showed a film "Korea time for a change", which was enjoyed by all. Lunch was provided by, the Afternoon Unit. , Thegeneral meeting of -Branch 140 will be held Monday, January 28th. • The Zone 'C' Spring Convention is Sunday, March 3, at Branch 140, Clinton, at 2:00 p.m. Diamond Jubilee Seminar will be held Sunday, February 10 at Branch 140 Clinton, time 1400 hours. Notice to affiliate members, dues must be paid by‘ the end of this month January 31. Unpaid dues - card will be removed from membership board. Sport Results Results from euchre play at the Clinton Legion bn January 15 included: High score, F. McCowan and D. Evans with 87 each; Lone hands, Ed Beziare and R. Flynn with 5 each; Low score, B. Grigg with 52. There were 11 tables present. Zone 'Bowl Off Saturday, January 19 at -Goderich Branch 109, Clinton Legion "A" team won trophy and advance to district finals in Preston on February 23: Also "B" team placed third and. will also advance to district finals in Preston, February 23. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23,198,5—Page 17 Saddle Club pick officers By Lisa Watt The Se and District Saddle Club is back at It again in hopes for a successful 1985 season! The Christmas Party held on December 2 at the Kinburn Hall was a success. The meal was delicious and the weather was very co- operative. After the meal, the annual meeting and election of officers was held. The new 1985 Executive is as follows: President: Kathy Patterson, R.R. 1, Bornholm; Vice -Pres.: Connie Moore, Box 726, Mitchell; Treasurer: Sharon Telfer, R.R. 5, Goderich; Secretary: Lisa Watt, •R.R. 1, Blyth; Directors: Alf Moore, Box 726, Mit- chell; Lorraine Peck, R.R. 3, Kippen; Linda Petrie, R.R. 1, Sebringville; Norma Riley, R.R. 1, Seaforth; Joanne Sholdice, Box 1114 Seaforth; Beth Thomson, Box 732, Seaforth. At the last executive meeting on January 11, two major functions were discussed and finalized. The first is a winter snow party. This will be held at the Brodhagen Community Cen- tre on Sunday, February 17 at 2:00 p.m. The snowdate is the following Sunday, February 24. There will be cross country skiing, skating, cards and games. You are asked to bring something for the pot luck supper, your friends, and lots of enthusiaastn! Refreshments will be available and all the cutlery is supplied. The cost is only $2.00 per single person or $5.00 per family. This event promises to be a fun -filled social afternoon with your support. Everyone is welcome! If you have any questions contact Kathy Pat- terson 345-2861 or Linda Petrie 393-5543. The next function, on Sunday, April 27 is our Annual Poker Rally on Horseback. Many prizes will Ile awarded and more in- formation will be given at a later date. Anyone yvishing to become a member is asked to contact: Seaforth and District Sad- dle Club, c/o Lisa Watts, R.R. 1, Blyth, Ont., NOM 1M0- (519) 523-4428. 4-H as popular in Huron During 1984, 1,579 4-H projects were com- pleted by 944 members in Huron County. Projects included livestock, horticulture, fitness fare, quilting, computer, personal finance and leadership. Responsible for the 189 4-H clubs held in the County were 255 dedicated 4-H leaders. 4-H is open to everyone between 12 and 21 years of age; and is an excellent opportunity to develop various skills and make friends. If you are interested in finding out more about the 4-H program, call the Rural Organization Specialist at your local Agricultural Office. WE'RE MOVING February 1, 1985 to 44 Ontario Street Clinton John Wise INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. PRICES WON'T BREAK THEBANK Colgate Pump 100 mi - S 59 ANNUAL WINTER SALE CONTINUES New Spring Arrivals LADIES' AND GIRLS' WEAR: MAIN FLOOR MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR: SECOND, FLOOR Listerine Mouthwash 500 ml. Flintstones Multiple Vitamins with Extra C 60's 39 99 Efferdent 96's Contact gC, 20's S Jergens Lotion 400 mi. 99 Panti Liners 30's 29 $399 s $259 Always Maxi 3 99 30's Always Minis $ 2 9 9 e Color Reprints are on now for 3 each 110 126 135 and Disc flim TRIANO LE 1SCOUN 172 The Square, Goderich/Main Corner. Clinton/Main Corner, Seaforth 1r Toronto' Greatest Escape! Your Choke of Weekdays or Weekend Package for Two INCLUDES: 03 Days - 2 Nights •Deluxe Accommodation 02 Free Full Breakfasts Daily •No Charge for Children under 16 sharing same accommodation PLUS •Free -in -room Movies •Free Parking -,Free Ice •Games Room •Health Club opening early 1985 OVERLOOKING BEAUTIFUL LAKE ONTARIO The Inn offers 145 air-conditioned rooms, each with private balcony and a view of the surrounding park- lands and Lake Ontario. Complete with Coffee Shop, Dining Room, Lounge, Entertainment, Room Service and Gift Shop. Heated Pool, Patio, Jogging and Cycle Paths. Exhibition Place, C.N. Tower, Ontario Place and other major attractions are only minutes away as is the City Centre. MEW MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED FULL TRAVEL AGENCY COMMISSION •$49.00 per person - double occupancy -Cnd. Funds by advance reservation only. Subject to availability. Prov. tax and gratuities not Included. Valid until June 30, 1985, RESERVATIONS — PHONE OR WRITE LAKESHORE (416) 763-4521 l (� N 2000 Lakeshore Blvd. W. end Conference Centre Toronto, Ont. M6S 1 A2 4