HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-11-13, Page 81
It's the backing we give our store news that inspires confi-
dense in this store. That's why our weekly announcements
always carry so much weight. We fulfil every promise we
make. Goods and prices are described accurately. We tell
you plainly what to expect, and when you come you find
things exactly as we say. Even then our responsibility
doesn't cease. The goods bought must give satisfaction or
money will be refunded.
$1.00 for ladies' nice black Neck Ruff
trimmed with tails, a bargain.
$1.50 far ladies' black coney Neck
Ruff shaped and trimmed with tails.
$2.00 for ladies' black Neck Ruff
trimmed with natural head and tails.
Very swell.
$3.50 for ladies long Mountain Bear
fur Boa. •
$2.00 for Ladies' natural grey op
posum neck ruffs, trimmed with tails,
Ladies' Fur Coats, the largest stock
in the county. Some very special
values. Extra large sizes, and very
small sizes. Can fit out and suit
any purse.
35c. for black health flannel, correct
for ladies' wear, the kind that doctors
15c. a yard for soft taffetta neck rib-
bons 4 inches wide, lovely quality,
50c. a yard for a dandy quality of 54
inch homespun dress goods, greens,
$2.75 for ladies' gray opposure neck browns and blues -This is a snap.
ruffs trimmed with tails, a beauty.
58c. a pair for large flannelette
$3.75 for ladies' dark grey opposum blankets, extra quality, the kind that
Neck Ruff, trimmed with tails and feel good and wear like iron.
heads. 12 yards of heavy twill flannelette
55.50 for ladies' very swell grey op- for $1.00, fancy stripes all colors, this
posum Neck Ruffs, shaped and is without a doubt the biggest flanne-
trimmed. lette bargains we have ever offered -
Ask for a sample.
30, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45 and 50c. for
boys' worsted hose, all double knit,
the best looking and best wearing
boys' hose that we know of, your
money back if they are not more than
$6.00 for ladies' silver fox Neck satisfactory. •
Ruffs, natural head, tail and legs, a
$5.00 for ladies' black opposum Neck
Ruff, with heads and tails.
$5.50 for ladies' bright black op-
posum Neck Ruffs, with beads and
7 yds. for $1.00 -Pure wool indigo
dye, double fold, Cheviot Serge Dress
$8.75c for ladies' thibbett Neck Boa, Goods, -biggest snap in the trade.
long and fluffy.
$12.00 for ladies' long
Sable Boa, a daisy.
50c. the waist end for very swell
American American opera flannel -An shades.
$1.00 a yard for new plaid silk for
Ladies' Caperines, twenty lines to waists. Oh ! But they are pretty.
choose from and every Caperine a Don't forget that we control the
bargain. great Ahrens Grain Calf Boots for
Ladies' Fur Gauntlets and Muffs, boys and girls, absolutely water proof
swell range, all big values. and as soft as a glove.
810 0118H MORE J. 1. 8TEWfRT
P•1111=1.....oseememen0 Anew
Sovereign Bank
of Canada.
Capital Authorized
Capital paid up
President t
Gen. Manager.
urs Mount Albert Stirling
Clinton New Market Stouffville
Exeter Ottawa Sutton,Que
Milverton Perth Toronto
Montreal, Que St. Catharines aUnloo Que.
interest paid on deposits of 51.00 and
upwards, Compounded half -yearly,
Deposit 'Receipts issued,
Money loaned to Partners on
their Own Notes, at lowest rates.
Drafts bought and sold, Money
Orders payable anywhere in Can-
ada, issued at very low rates. Collec-
tions made at reasonable rates.
We make a specialty of Ne v York
and Sterling Exchange. Get our rates
before buying or selling.
A general banking business tran-
Solicitor. 118anag erl'
For Marriage Licenses,
Genuine Castoria always bears the Signature
of Chas. 11. Fletcher.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Casto,i
When she was a Child, she cried for 2,astoria.
when she became Miss, she ctung to Castoria.
When she had Children,she gave them Castoria.
Wedding Rings,
Watches, Clocks
Spectacles Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisementa accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week..
THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1902
The TIMES office is the place to get
your job printing.
Notice R. N. Rowe's change of add
in this issue special bargains in furni-
Miss Nettie Martin attended the
Jessie McLachlan concert in Parkhill,
on Wednesday.
For lame back and kidney deran'ge-
ments, use Dix Kidney Pills, Sold by
0. LUTz, Exeter.
The flag floated from the spire of
Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday
last in honor of the King's birthday.
An energetic man can earn from $15
to $18 a week selling our goods. Large
demand. Write for particulars. 0. R.
FEGAN, Fenwich, Ont. 3-2m
The services in Trivitt Memorial
church on Sunday last was again taken
by Prof. Berges„ of London, owing to
the continued absence of the pastor,
Rev. Mr. Ten Eyck.
Ruffs, Caperines, Ladies' and Centle-
mens' Fur Coats. All New Coods for You
+41 EX . T. :+: It T I M ,L'!.
Mrs. Shaw is ,seriously ill at M r. Wnr
Mrs. Wm, Bissett is visiting friends
in Wyoming.
Mrs. Thorne left on Friday last to
visit friends in London.
Miss Kerr who has been dangerous-
ly ill of appendicitis is recovering.
Mrs. Spicer, with has had another
attack of poral Y s.b, is somewhat bet-
Mrs. Williams, of Mitchell, is the
guest of her niece, Mrs. (Dr.) Ander-
J. E. Tom, Inspector of Public
schools is making his official visit at
our school this week.
Mr. H. Shapton and Miss Alice
Wood spent Sunday at the home of
Miss 'Wood's parents. Elimville.
Mrs. Richard Pickard after a pleas-
ant visit with her daughter in Brant-
ford has returned home.
Mrs, T. Bissett, Jr., and son, Isaac,
attended the funeral of the late Wm.
Taylor in Wyoming on Tuesday.
Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson after a pleasant
visit of two weeks with relatives in
Mitchell returned home Saturday.
Mr. J. P. Ross, of Chatham. spent
Sunday and Monday in town the
guest of his brother, Mr. D. A. Ross,
Mr. Will Cook left on Monday
morning for Oshawa, where he has
secured a position as clerk with a dry -
goods house. •
A number of Exeter's citizens at-
tended the anniversary tea -meeting
of the Methodist church, Kippen, on
Monday night.
Councillor Davis left last week for
Gravenhurst, Muskoka where he will
remain for some time in hopes of a full
restoration to health.
Conductor Fitzgerald, of the Lon-
don,Huron & Bruce, who has been i11
for some time at Victoria Hospital.
London, with blood poisoning,. is re-
ported tobe very low.
Mr. H. W. May, who for the past
two years has been teaching school at
Sharon has resigned his position to ac-
cept a situation as book-keeper in a
Wholesale House at Toronto.
Remember the concert in Gidley's
Opera House on Nov. 28th in aid of
the Union Cemetery fund. The best
local talent has been secured and a
good entertaininent promised.
On Sunday Nov. 16th Rev. Mr.
Stuart B. A., of Knox Church, London
will preach the Anniversary sermons
in Caven Presbyterian Church, and
you are specially invited to attend
those services.
Legr-On Monday, between the
scliool`house,,onAndrew et. or on Main
st. from Presfiyterian church to North
Exeter, a gold watch chain with $2.i
gold piece attached (with initals) the
finder will be suitably rewarded =-b7
leaving wrth Mrs. Blasdell; Andrew-st:
Mr. G. Bissett received the sad. news
on Monday morning of the death of
his nephew, Mr. Win. Taylor, of
Wyoming. Mr. Taylor was a fre-
quent visitor in Exeter and had many
friends who will regret to learn of his
death and whose sympathy is extend-
ed to the sorrowing relatives.
The Weekly Mail and 'Empire is
offeringthe to
choice of two
artogravure pictures"The Doctor" and
"Contentment" to their subscribers.
Our subscribers can secure either of
these two pictures and the Mail and
Empire to the end of next year for
only 75 cents by ordering direct from
WWe have not advanced the price of
our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco,
Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew-
ing tobaccos are the same size and
price to the Consumer as formerly.
We have also extended the time for
the redemption of Snowshoe tags to
January ist 1904. -TRE EBIPIRE To
Ladies' Black Coney ,ruffs, 48 inches Misses grey and black combination
long, 6 tails, good value for....$1.75 Caperine, very nobby, for $3.75
Ladies' Black Coney ruffs, very wide, Misses Coney and Astrachan combine, -
45 inches long, 6 tails, for $2.00 tion caperine for $3 00
Ladies' Black Opossum ruffs, electric Ladies' Black Astrachan Lamb
finish. 49 inches long, 4 opossum caperine. fine curl, 2 tails for 55.00
tails for $2.75c
Ladies' Brown Fox and Silver Fox
ruffs, 7 inches, wide, 51 inches long
beautiful goods for $3.00
Ladies' Canadian Sable ruffs, electric
finish, 51 in. long, 6 tails for56.00
Ladies' Electric Seal ruffs, 36 inlong
4 squirrel tails, for $6,00
Bishop's Men's Fur Coats, wear
guaranteed, from....$15,00 to $25.00
Ladies' Black Astrachan coats, Ger-
man dye. guaranteed, from $25.00
Ladies' Electric Seal caperine, medium
long front. 6 tails for ..........$6.00
Ladies' Electric Seal and Bear com.
bination caperine. high collar. 56.00
wg de
shoulder cape for .. .....
Ladies' Electric Seal and Astrachan
combination caperine, extra long
front, high collar, 8 tails for$8.50
Ladies' Black Opossum caperine, extra
high collar, very long front, wide
shoulder cape, 8 tails for $12.00
to 537.50 Ladies' combination Astrachan and
Ladies' Electric Seal jacket, German Seal caperine, roll ' collar, wave
dye, bought to sell at 550.00 cut shoulder cape, long front with
tc .....$40.00 squirrel tails, for ...... .......$13.00
Irr 'Remember all our furs are not over four weeks old.
A Smart Boy Wanted to Learn the Business. Apply to box "M"
ie6 a Specialty.' One Door North of Postofflce.
Talbot's Bazaar
t ---
.3 Our window on Thursday will +
4' be filled to overflowing with
Beautiful Pictures
+ of every conceivable style.
'1'You should make sure of see-
. ing them. A little frame
'1' around them is all they need
+1,. to make them welcome in any
+ home. See them. 10c each. 4.
'1' Your choice.
Next week for two days we 'I'
will have on display a line of 'i'
°ii, Pictures at 25c each. They ,°£i.
•3• will be advertised later.
+ When in the store ask to see
+: our Christmas China. .4i.
+. Some new Dates to hand. No •t•
-i tedious waits in getting dates- •
g. here. They are ready tor you
. when you ask. Oranges,
� Lemons and Peanuts also. +
Talbot's Bazaar4.
Wedding Presents a Specialty.
WANTED -A smart boy to learn the
mercantile business. State age and
qualifications. Written application to
be sent to box M, Exeter, on of before
The Ontario Liquor Act sets forth
who may vote at the approaching ref-
erendum in section 3, which is as fol-
lows: "The persons entitled to vote
upon the said question shall be all
persons whose names shall appear on
the voters' list used, or which would
have been used had a poll been held
at the next general election of mem-
bers to serve in'the Legislative Assem-
bly, held after the passing of this Act,
as entitled to vote, at the said election,
and should have been from the date of
the said general election, and until
the date of voting on the said question,
residents and domiciled in the province
of Ontario, and whose names are duly
entered in the poll• books to be used
for the purpose of the voting under
this Act." It will thus be seen that
all persons who had a vote in the last
provincial election, on May 20th, are
entitled to vote on December 4th next,
providing they are still residents of
the province.
The R. i6Kar Go.
Here's a Great Opportunity
For You to Buy
, . Your Winter Needs at Bargain Prices
To advertise our Three Large Stores at Exeter, Hensall and
:Dashwood, we are going to' give
a Brand new, highest grade, size•
$450.00 Heintzrnan Piano
YOU MAY become a competitor for this Magnificent
Instrument by simply purchasing $3,100 worth of goods
for cash or produce at either of our stores at Exeter, Hensall
or Dashwood.
Look, for Announcement of Grand Recital later
Full particulars as to mode of giving away Piano may be
obtained at any of our stores We may say that no member
of our•firm or any employee of our firm or any Piano Manu-
facturer or dealer will be allowed to compete for or obtain
this piano.
This beautiful piano, which is the same, as the one used by the
Prince and Princess of Wales, on their recent visit to Canada,is now
on exhibition at our Exeter store,
This Competition is Open to Everybody
5o pairs best. quality, heaviest weight, grey and white
Flannellette Blankets, per pair . 5 / o
25 dozen ladies' full fashioned Union Vests and;Drawers
regular: price would be 40c each, our price .... .... 25c.
25 dozen ladies' plain and ribbed Cashmere Hose 5c
regular,3;5c for ... 2 2
20 dozen men' fancy wool fleeced Shirts and Drawers
the regular 65c kind for.... 50e
Great Clothing Purchase
Days call for changes in Wearing Apparel
and oar store has just the goods you
$1.25 line in red, and blue wrapperette for $:1.0Q,
$1,25c line, heavy wrapperettes made :with deep
frill and lined waist, newest patterns, sixes 52-42.
$1.75c line, the finest we have ever shown in
,g4 re uilar wrapper patterns. Nobby goods.
Ladies' underskirts from $1.00 up to"$4.75. very
Choice Flannelette Underwear
. We Jaye just opened up an immense stock of high grade,ready--
to-wear•ctothing which we purchased at a low rate on the dollar...
The goods are all new being manufactured for this Season's Trade,
but'the manufactnrers were too late in getting them,out hence these
great bargains.
15 only men's grey frieze Overcoats, fine quality cloth and, ; best trimmings,
made up in new style with Silk Velvet Collars were made 1l . ( r75
to' sell at 510.50, our special sale price I I
15 only men's: grey beaver Cloth Overcoats, best Farmer Satin linings, silk
velvet collars, • made in fine Raglan style, were made to sell q n 5 t'1
at $13.50, our special cut price 1 LJ'+ 4J
10 only men's Wail Cloth Raglan Overcoats, made up with yoke, black silk
• velvet ',ollars, heavy wool serge linings, finely tailored, a i2+�
gentlensan's coat, intended to sll for $16.00, our price
20 only boy`s' Freeze Reefers, well lined and made the regular i�
$3,50 kind for �+� -
50 pairs men's heavy Etoffe Pants, the kind you pay $2.00 for 1.50
regularly, our price
20 onlymen's all -wool Tweed Suits. new pattern, well made np-to- 6�''ss
date best linings, well worth $8.50, our special price V•5�
Wp.,have lots of other lines equally good value. This will be
a rare opportunity to get you winter outfit cheap, high grade too.
GroGkerg,Gias&ware Bargains
Regular $12.50 Dinner Setts for $10.50
Regular $9.50 Dinner Setts for $7.75
Regular $3.25 Chamber Setts tor $2.45
Regular 50c Gass Setts for.........40c
Regular 50c Glars Pitchers for 35c
Regular 35c Glass Pitchers for. 25c
Grocerij Snaps
41bc best Currants for. 25c
Regular 35c Black Tea for... 25c
Regular 35c Green Tea for 25c
7 lbs, best Tapioca for 25c
4 lbs. best raisins for . 25c
High Glass Fars at TaKinu Primas
This is the best fur season to date we have ever had.
We placed large orders early before prices had advanced,our
customers are now reaping the benefit.
7 only, Ladies' Black Astrachan Jack- A great line of Ladies' Electric Seal
ets, nice glossy curl, and well Coats, fine satin lined, made from
made, regular .$25.00
$25.00 especially selected
$33.00 coats for tt�� GG1I !!JJ
10 only, Ladies' full size black Astra- 10 only Ladies' conbination electric
than Caperines. The kind you'll Seal and Astrachan Caperines
pay $5.50 for else- tiDQ 175 satin lined, worth $ CSS 5®
where. Our price y7 • / $7.50 for •
5 only, • long bear boas very new 25 mens' specially selected Fur Coate
and stylish and a big $3.7m in all the most popular furs from
bargain for $I8.00 to 60.00.
Our Stock of Queen Quality Shoes is Complete.
Ask to see them.
Stylish Mantles
Ladies' new cut / coats in grey shades
well made and lined $5 00
special at t�7
Ladies' new cut '1 coats in fawn an
black specially well tailored and
lined regular•. 510.50
coats coats for Vr
Ladies' 40 inch coat with large, bell
sleeves, farmer satin lined. A very
nobby garmet it sh ou 1 d be
price.... .............. .. ta71
Corset covers, white, pink and blue, at 25c and 50c.
Drawers, white, pink, blue, grey and stripes.
Good quality at 25c, 35c, and 50c.
Gowns in all colors and prices. See our speciaf
gown. It's out of sight. Only 50c,
Full line of Black Satana waists, lined throughout
at $1.50c, $2.00 and $2.75.
Our big stock of Furniture is up-to-date in every way.
If you have furniture needs prepare to fill thele now. Styles
were never prettier nor prices so low. Inspect our stock
and select now.
Bedroom Suites
Fancy Chairs
Iron Beds
Dining Chairs
Parlor Suites
Extension Tables
Couches and easy chairs at easy prices, Curtain Poles
and Trimmings. Give us a call, and if we have not got
what you want we will soon get it for you.
Wes. C. Huston
Furniture and Undertaking Rooms, Gidley's Block.
In anokier column will be
noticed advertisements asking
that all persons having claims
against the estates of the late
John White and Miller J. White,
send in their'chlims to this office
on or before tha 15th of Novem-
ber. It is necessary in order to
properly adjust these estates that
all our subscribers 'wand others
who are indebted to the TIMES
should settle their accounts on or
before November 15th; 1902.
NoTIcis. -Will the party who took
the wrong parcel from the Express
Office some few days ago kindly return
the same and thus save further trouble.
Special Bargain"
To reduce our _extra large
stock we will offer special
bargains for the balance of
Remember Christmas
is Coming
Undertaking a Special.
We have not advanced the price of
our tobacco-. Amber smoking tobacco -
Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew, GO TO THE
ing tobaccos are the same size and
price to the Consumer as formerly. Exissra
We have also extended the time for
the redemption of Snowshoe tags to
January lst 1904. -THE EMPIRE To-
"Canada for Canadians," the watch-
word of the Conservative party for a
quarterofa century, breathes a spirit
of national development to the reali-
zation of which Sir. John A. Mae-
donaid and his successors have de- 4
voted their best efforts. It is a policy,
Canadian in the broadest sense, It
has no special significance East or
West, but stands for the advance-
ments of interests best calculated to
make Canada one of the leading com-
mercial centres of civilization. It is
based on a patriotism which is intol-
lerent towards provincialism in feder-
al questions. Its direct object is to
make the West an important factor
in the development of the East, and
the East a guarantee of progress to
the West. "Canada for Canadians"
has a claim on all men of broadened
ideas, and its realization depends al-
together on insisting that our own
affairs be paramount in the eyes of
the administration. -
DIyrsioN CounT.-J edge Doyle pre-
sided at the division Court held here
last Wednesday, and Ches. T, Brooks
acted. as Clerk in the absence of Mr.
Snell. The following cases were dis-
posed of:- Sterling ys. Hanna and
Grafton, garnishee. - judgncnseat by
consent for plff. F. W. Gladman for
plff., L. H. Dickson for Deb. 'Christ-
man vs. Stewart and Kuntz, garni-
shee, Judgment for piff.-J. G. Stan -
Nobby Dress Goods
150 yards all wool Zebeline cloth in
black, greys and colors full 54 inch.
wide, regular $1.25 $1.00
par yard for.....- �p
200 yards heavy hop sacking cloth,
comes in all the leading shad -50c
es, special at
500 yards heavy tweed dress goods
the regular 35c kind 25c,
150 yards 27 inch. pure silks, black,
white and all colors 50o
bury for plff. Hawkins vs. Powell
Our Milliners are very busy leave your orders early. and Buckingham, garnishee, judg-
ment for plff. - F. W. Gladman for
plaintiff Snell vs. Wilson and Peart,
garnishee. Judgment for plaintiff as
against both for inll claim and costs. Bettor..... y .... to lo_,.
J. G. Stanbury for plff. F. W. Glad- Tues .
man for garnishee. Jaques vs. Bel- Eurkeys .,....
he R. Pickard
back andChickensperfi'tent for Offrand costs- JGCoStanbury for plff., F. W. Gladman for wool.:.. ... ,».....it ill
ni bee, 15ried ppies.. .. . b to'
Gar 0 Pork live woight .... ..-,. '.. i6b.6x to $5,�6
We pay highest prices for Produce, Butter 17c, Eggs 19c.
Roller Mt
For Pure Manitoba
Family Flour ORO
Pastry (princess)
Wheatlet (BreakfastfoocJ)
A good supply of Mill Feed
and Chop always
on hand
Give our Flour and Feed a Trial
and be convinced that it
is all right.
Roller and Plate Choppers in uSe_
to suit customers.
fif RV EY ' E3I.O3
Exeter, Nov 6 1902..'
Wheab per bushel new ....r 56 le 67
Oats news
Barley....... .. .. ! 'to 0
Peas ».. ,70 to 78-
Direct Importers.