HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-1-23, Page 10• er will snow SPides $y+>F.iertha MacGregor j NSAi The regular meeting of Amber, Rebekah Lodge was held on Jan. 16 Wt th- NOW Grand Eunice Aikenhead presiding, aesisted by Vice Grand Lois Jones. PFlanrfor the February 6 meeting were completed when the Lodge will be bolts to Edelweiss Lodge, Seaforth, also District Deputy President Kay Wise of Clin- ton. A banquet at the Hensall United Church will be held at 6 p.m., as the Lodge will be celebrating their 36th birthday at this time. Following the meeting lunch was served by the co><ruriittee in Charge. ' Horticultural meeting The Hensall and District Horticultural Society Will be holding its annual meeting on January 23 at 8:00 p.m. in the Hensall United Church. Jack Smith, a Horticulture member, will be showing slides of Scotland and England, and their beautiful flower beds. Also the rose gardens in London, On- tario. Horticultural memberships are $2.00 a year and now members are also welcome. If weather is unfit the meeting will be postpon- ed one week. People Mrs;. Evelyn Schroeder of Hensall, a long time employee at the kitchen at South Huron Hospital, Exeter had the misfortune to slip and fracture her left ankle. Following a few daysin the hospital, she stayed with friends in Exeter. Mrs. Jack Corbett has been confined to her home for the past several days with the flu. IP ECIAL A BUDGET STRETCHER MACARONI & CHEESE Warden Paul Steckle visited Huron Centennial School Jan. 15 to discuss municipal government during Local Govenament Week. The visit was just one of the events to be held in area municipalities and schools. (James Friel photo) SPECIAL! INSTANT COFFEE SEE COUPON BELOW SANKA 8 0= „R KRAFT DINNERS F O R 225 g PKGS. 5.99 CLINTON CO ;PO WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2a,985, --Page 9, Water problems in Egrnandville By Wilma Oke TUCKERSMITF3i TWP. Council will app- ly to the Ministry of the Environment for financial assistance under the water and sewage program to establish the municipal water system south of the Bayfield River in Egmondville, alsoto upgrade the present distribution system in the main part of the hamlet which is north of the river. There are about 10 households south of the river anst--sogie of them have been having severe problems with water shortage, and they would like Egmondville's water piped over to them or a new deep well will have to be constructed on the south side. Tuckersmith is responsible for the water system for Egmondville. Clerk Jack McLachlan was given the authority to apply for the balance of the 1984 road subsidy from the Minister of Transportation and Communications. An ad is to by placed in the local newspaper advising the residents of Tuckersmith that it is illegal to park their cars on township roads during the winter months and as well that the township will not be responsible for any damage to cars that are left parked on the streets and roads. Council has no objections to the severence application of Russell Archer on Lot 40, Registered Plan 133 at Vanastra Park (property across the road from the township office ' . Council will proceed to have the Huron County Planning Department prepare a rezoning bylaw for this Archer property that would accommodate a take-out food service and an 18 -hole miniature golf course and a storage shed, subject to the severance ap- SUPER SPECIAL VW1R _ REDEEMABLE ONLY AT � OfZEHRS iftee- e.p„ea Foo 2,85 �.a 11 mo Y� YOU ET one a Sa .er. "?Dialed Coffee 00970300694, SPECIAL! SEE COUPON ABOVE 750 mL BOTTLES OF ALL VARIETIES OF MOUNTAIN DEW oR PEPSI COLA Aimilmimmommaimmil GROUND COF- 1 SANKA99 . REG OR AUTO DRIP 369 g PKG. f�9 ALL WHITE DOZ. SPECIAL! SUPER SPECIAL,. MINUTE, LARGE, QUICK, OLD MILL OATS SPECIAL! NABISCO CEREAL SHREDDIES SPECIAL! 1.35 kg t�9 -`T 675 g l'.9 OLD TYME 2 FLAVORS SYRUP 750 mL 199 FINE QUALITY ZEHRS KETCHUP SKIPPY l SMOOTH OR CHUNKY SKiPP PEANUT BUTTER 9 TOTINO DELUXE 5" 370g SPECIAL! PEPPERONI OR CHEESE 5 WESTONS FRESH PIZZAS • wEFOITs 259 HOT X BUNS 85 119 REGULAR OR PULP FREE NEILSONS ASSORTED VARIETIES OLD SOUTH FROZEN CE CREAM FROM FLORIDA ff9 GRAPEFRUITaR 355 mLNOVELTIES ,,,,,,ls2.29ORANGE JUICE TIq NEILSONS ASSORTED FLAVORS WESTONS FAMOUS BRAND—ENGLISH STYLE ICE CREAM l I!E 188MUFFINS 8. 890 1 1 LITRE f.99 SUPER SPECIAL UPER SPECIAL SPECIAL! LIQUID DETERGENT w I S 1 LITRE 2.79 FROZEN GREE IAN.T VEGETABLES CORN. PEAS. CUT GR. BEANS, OR MIXELLZpETABLES SUPER SPECIAL DIETRICHS 100% WHOLE WHEAT PURE MAZOLA CORN OIL SUPER SPECIAL BREAD I!I CHOICE QUALITY PURE MARTINS APPLE JUICE 1 Kg. PKG. 675 g ,. LOAF 750 mL 40 oz. TIN SPECIAL! TURKEY -CHICKEN -BEEF SWANSON PIES ;,.>> CADBURY'S LITE 150 g OR 3 REG VARIETIES 300 g SUPER SPECIAL HOT CHOC. 10,s 1087 SAUNNDRY IAL! VAN CAMP BEANS WITH PORK OR NEW! ALL DETERGENT kFI �� 99 STOKELYS DARK RED KIDNEY BEANS HABITANT PEA & HAM SOUP OR PEA SOUP 28 0z 2801 129 1.19 SUPER ,SPECIAL WESTONS PLAIN OR SALTED PEERLESS SODA CRACKERS 400 g PKG. SUPER SPECIAL GRANNY'S BUTT TA SUPER SPECIAL 1YESTONS MEALTYME HAMBURGER OR WIENER ROLLS TS PKG 00 8 LARGE 675 g SIZE KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES OUR REG, 2.49 10 s 0 LIBBYS IN CHICKEN SAUCE OR TOMATO SAUCE $MURF-A-GETTI 15 02 SPECIAL! ROUNTREES AFTER 8 MINTS 200 g SPECIAL! LIQUID DETERGENT SUNLIGHT 500 mL THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: 79? 1.79 1.19 1/2 PRICE PHOTOFINISHING OFFER 12 EXPOSURE R 549 NowSper,.11 2.74 15 EXPOSURE Reg 6 99 Now SOPc,al 149 24 EXPOSURE Reg 9'9g Now Sporial 4.99 36 EXPOSURE Req 1 399 Now Soer,al 6.99 - r NG ill'APA$N'S 'N Yr,TrA1 I' APFp MAT if OR GI OSSV riNisk :,: 1,001: 4• y6;, .16 00, 00 HUNTS REGULAR TOMATO SAUCE 796 nil; HUNTS ITALIAN TOMATO SAUCE 398 ml PRINTED WHITE HI -DRI TOWELS 2 ROL KLEENEX BOUTIQUE NAPKINS 759 1.19 79? 99? 129 DELISLE ASSORTED FLAVORS SWISSPUN YOGURT.,,,,,, ,:2/89? SEALTEST CREAMED 500 g COTTAGE CH ESE! ®S 9 ;() NEW FREEDOM REG, OR DEODORANT 'MAXI PADS SUPER SPECIAL !MPH SOFT STYLE MARGA 2 Ib. TUB HIGHWAY NO. 8 GODERI"CH MOt4., TUES. 9 TO ©P.M. IEt3., THURS., 6RI. - 9 TO 0 P.M. ,AT. 11:30 TO 6 P.M. JOSEPHINE ST. (HWY. BSO. 1) WINGHAM MON., TUES(., Y'/D. A SAT. • E.:3610 P THURS. AI. 'RI. - 8:1•0 TO 0 as-AA—r— r....—sratemonfousel116. KOtEX REG. OR DEODORANT I() 3.99 LIGHT DAYS JOHNSONS FAMOUS I11ABY SHAMPOO 350 2.39 rt,l 1®49 ROLL -0N 75 m OR AEROSOL 200 oil. ARRID XX EACH 139 WHITE, YELLOW, BLUE, FACIAL TISSUE MOCHA, KLEENEX 200 5F, 89° IIIITEF UCTION MWY. NO 4AND NO. 83 ' EXETER MON., TUES., WED. • 9 TO b P.M. THURS., FRI. - 9 TO 9 P.M SAT, . E:30 TO a P.M. proval. Council will renew its membership in the Ontario Association of Comalriittees of Ad- justments for 1985. Tuckereilaith re- appointed its present members on the Com- mittee – James Papple, Steve Rathwell and Jack Bell. An Egmondville lawyer, Ralph Smith, was appointed the municipal lawyer for 1985. Council will ask its department heads to prepare evaluation sheets Otic all full -tune. employees – roads, recreation daycare and administration. Council endorsed the resolution of the Township of Adjala in Simcoe County re- questing the appropriate legislation that will ensure that livestock and poultry pro- ducers are allowed to'shoot without harass- ment and without becoming, subject to in- spection, dogs which are not under the pro- . per control and found upon the premises of the producer..- ' Council re -appointed as the township representative on the Ausable-Bayfield Con- servation Authority — Marvin Falconer; re- appointed Jim Rose to the Seaforth and Area Arena Board; Cleve Coombs to Seaforth and District Hospital Board; and Reeve Robert Bell and Councillor Robert Broadfoot were appointed as the members of Tuckersmith on the Court of Revision on the Nott Municipal Drain (a Hullett- Tuckersmith drain.) George • Townsend was appointed as the chairman of the township Sesquicentennial Valentine -Dance for February 15 and was given authority to apply for the liquor license for the dance. Officials are theme By Margaret Hoggarth KIPPEN - Kipper, East WI held their Cultural Activities meeting at the home of Marlene Bell. The assistant co -hostess was Thea Wisch. Phyllis Parsons read a poem. As this was local government week, Marlene Bell's con- test was on that subject. It showed the ig- norance of the officials both appointed and elected. Joyce Pepper was in charge of the meeting and she introduced the guest speaker Graham Cottrell of Graham's In- teriors of Hensall, who spoke on .Interior Decorating with particular emphasis on the decorating of windows., He showed many samples and outlined their purpose and described the - different types of window dressing. He was thanked for a most in- teresting presentation by Hilda Payne. Grace Pepper had nothing to report for the Sunshine Committee. It was decided to make donations to. the Erland Lee Horne, the Adelaide Hoodless Home, and the Safe Water. Plans were made for the quilt which the ladies will make for the Tuckersmith Competition celebrating their Sesquicenten- nial.. • •,. Volunteers offered to help with the Sport- smen's dinner for which South Huron District will cater. Members also agreed to help with a Fashion Show scheduled for April 24. Mary Broadfoot entertained with a medley of fine music on the piano. Evelyn Workman gave' courtesy remarks. Lunch was served by the hostesses and by Charlotte_ McDowell and Mona Alderdice. Personals The "energetic eight" met at the home of Bob and Frances Kinsman on January 18. This is a newly, formed group who enjoy a rood game of euchre and lively conversa- tion. Ladies' high was won by Doris Hamilton and Men's high by Harold Par- sons. Kippers area residents were among those in the surrounding districts hit by the severe snow storm which arrived Saturday and seemed reluctant to leave the area. Many were stranded on roads in cars and in homes of kind people who opened their doors to stranded. motorists. Kippen United Church cancelled their Sunday services. Visit us in the Clinton Area EVERY TUESDAY Representative: Dave Selkirk an FBDB representative will be in the CLINTON area EVERY TUESDAY. Come and meet him. There is no 'obligation and no costs and your ,business can gain a lot from it. If you're looking for financial alcf in the form of loans, loan guarantees or even selling an equity position in your business, come aid discuss it with us. We have , experienced counsellors who can help you plot a course for growth and success for your business And we can provide you with direction to get government assistance, both federal and provincial, as well as other .vital information. For an advance appointment, call: (519) 271.5650 (collect) Or write 1.036 Ontario Street P.O. Box 878 STRATFORD, Ontario N sA 6W3 La Banque elite ses deux langues officiell Fedbral Business Development Bank services dans les es. Banque federal° de developpement Your future Is our guarantee C'anad'a 1