HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-11-13, Page 7S LUTE Ec Genuine C rter's Little Liver Pills. Etiluat Bear Signature Or See FaceSimile Wrapper Below. Tory smell end as easy to nine as sugar. FOR NEADASNE.: FOR DIZZINESL FOR DILIOUSWES-0. TILYEI OR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIM. F03 TEE COMPLEXION RIM MILEIVEF . NILS! XSJJZINTIISZ MUST /UiVGiyp trentimeralyw'N'Veretallety9140,---- CURL- SICK HEADACHE. ITTERS AKES PE MANENT CUR,ES Of such severe diseases as scrofula, running sores, salt rheum or ec- zema, shingles, erysipelas and can- cer, as well as boils, blotches, pim- ples, constipation' sick headache, dyspepsia, and alldisorders of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and blood. , Burdock Blood Bitters always does its work thoroughly_ and com- pletely, so people know that when B.13.B. cures them they're cured to stay cured. t MILBTUILN'S A.re a combination of the active principles of the most valuable vegetable remedies tor dis- eases and disorders of the Liver, Stoma& o.nd Bowels. elek Headache, Jaundiee, 13eart, burn, Ca,tiereh or the StornaolaBizzle ness, Blotches anci Pimples. Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach,,Watoso - Brash, Liver Complaint Ballow er , bituddy Complexion. • Sweeten the breath and clear away all waste and poisonous matter from the sy,stene • Pelee 20a a bottle or 6 for el.00. All dealer orTaz .T. MILBURN' Co., Limited, Toeontre Ont.. Backaches of Women. Not one woman in twenty has a strong back. Etaokaohe Is the ory et Weak glithisys for he!. . • ack-eolie lathe warning note of moots more serious trouble to come, If not at- : tended to Immediately. Backaphe ean be cured quickly anti permanently by using •DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. . . The great and well known Kid- ney remedy. They have cured thousands of WOrrieh. They will cure you. Mrs. R. L. Lane, Mapleton, N. B., wiites : "1 was greatly troubled with Ba.cknche and pain in my side. I Saw Doom's Kidney Pills advertised, so thonght 1 would give them a trial. After the first box I began to feel better and r took two Mere to Snake a complete cure. I consider Doan's Kidney Pills a good, honest, reliable medicine for all kid - mar tronblos and oan highly recommend them." Re, per her or for $1.215. Jill dealers or Tun DoAa 1C.Inxbx PILL Co, Toronto, Out. RELIGIOUS OPPORTUNITI "Thou Art Weighed in the Balances and. Pound Wanting." Zoteree omelette; to'itet, of the ,Psrliamento IUL1I oL Iaby1un hold 'high the bele ateade in the rear ores alwerarel Niue nee' mooswi which he eveighed Bel- ched and L'wo b Williata mite et Toronto, et • tJS Depteuneet of tigykuntaxa, Ottawa.) 042741r, the king of the Chtddeans, Cod weighed .•that life by a Stand- - teed entirely dilTereat from that: with A deepateh. feoni Chicago sayswhich he would. weighthe life of an liev,'Frank De WittTattimge preach- ignorant, brutal Africau cannibal, ed 'from the following text; Daniel teught from the days of his youth "Thou art weighed in the bah. that it was right and honorable to ance and fouud wanting.", . •eat the roaeted flesh of his captives 9•31'eso words wee& spoken in the: and -Slaves: •God Paced in one ,of the 'scales di .his balaneee all Bel- royarbanquet hall of the Most fam- shaizai"s inenite ophortunities for pee :capital in the east. This is " Itcentidus, cor- doing gooct as the inie,lety. ruler of rupt, luxurious, AbaLtelbis pabylon; the wealthiest capital of the east. Babylmi the pride of' the •ClieldeansO Babylon the wonder Of t.he world! Otesias tells us, that Babylon WAS sixty miles square. That nieans its exen, was more than oneethied the size of the modern city. Of London, the English bee hive, with its 5,000, 000 inhabitants. It was of such vast wealth that within its eentral temple was an idol made of solid gold, which alone .was worth.. over tIgo0,o00,000. LLs$urrounding walls were 65 feet high and wide enough to allow four charioteers to 'drive their sixteen chargers abreast upon . top of them, while the moon shimmered upon 2150 'Watch towel's ana tipped with light the spears of hundred§ of sentinels and shone upou le hundred • gates of solid brass; which swung open to let friend§ in and clanged shut •to keep enemies out. Steradieg upon the heights of the frieneds hanging gardens, which Neb- achadneezar, the king who had court- ed Amytia among the hills of Ecba- tame had theown up to humor. -a. Whim of his queen, we can see off in the distauce the mighty river Euph- rates •flowing through the midst of the metropolis and cutting the eity in twain. Along the wharfs' of the river were daily heard the cries of the sailors unloading from the ships cargoes of merchandise and .lood- stuffs as Well as the geld and silver and myrrh and precious stones im- ported front other lands. In .tho, center of the capital we can also see where the engineers had •gathered the water of this Mighty river into a large artificial lake forty miles square. This lake was wide enough and deep enough to harbor all the modern navies of the world. In it all these ships of war could drop their anchors, fold their white sails and float,. • SIDE BY SIDE IN PEACE. Tho boulevards of this ancient: eiteo werespillared . with • statuary. The streets euciecled the busy' marts where merchants wrangled for barter and gain or led down to the magni- ficent bridges which:spanned the riv- er. These bridges were flanked with Palaces, where ''beauty. end Wealth loiterocrawey the lazy hours or sang themselves to sleep,' .cradlecLin the graceful gondolas, which gently pressed the waters into ripples or.. copeemptuously turubled the foani from off their crested breasts. Every- where artesiau wells tossed up the waters into fountains, shining through which the sun arched . the flowers with rainbows, while birds of brilliant hue; whose ancestors had been brought from tropical ,clinics, stopped their singing' long enough to quench their thirst or to cleanse their' gorgeous plumage. There to the 'evening hour these fountains lift- ed up their lips, while their cheeks blushed, into a der:peed for the good night kiss of the totting sun. • Due wo must hurry onto-night and uot Heger over the scenic -.de- lights of this famous capital, for 3. Olfl goine°to lead you into the eoyal banquet hall, where Belshazzar, the king of the Chaldeens, is giving great feast to a thousand lords of hie ezingdoin. Ile is giving this beast. to -night in a hail decorated with the- trophies of conquest and the trie. =ph •of art, with the aherhythmic with song and redolent with incense, • with the faces of his deturancestore pictured. upon the Walls or chiseled by the sculptors in marble :of -purest white. Ho is; this feast in a • banquet 'hall where the- sandaled foot strikes mosaic; floor .or sinks inte softest rug; where, under the iight, • the. precious , stone e sparkle and gleam. as the jeweled hand of an.ar- istocrat pushes hack the tapestry or lifts the golden chalice to the Hp. The. king is giving thisdrunken feast to, . show his .pontempli•for the be- sieging areaY of Cyrus, the Great; which for nearly two long years had fruitlessly laidrsiege to his thet • . SEEMED IMPREGNABLE. . Bat at last, in this banquet hall, at this famous feast, when the in- toxicated eye became more brilliant than the diamonds glittering upon the naked throats of the assembled gusts and the flushed cheeks- redder' than. the wine, cup, there appears a-. marvelous eight. Out of'Space there stretches a hande-an . armless, bode.. loss hand—and . with the finger of - this strange hand for a. •pen a hid, don power writes there awfid, words of doom upon the wall ,of that bait-. quet ball. • It is to interpret one of those Words, '"tekel," which Means "Ulm art weighed in thebahuices and art found wantiego". that I • am. to -day preaching this seremn. T• preach' upon this .one word becauso. these fatal fivo. lettees annotineed to Belshazzar, the king of Alia -Chel- -deans„ that eight that he had to die. God'e balances' always have' ae- eordant Weights. Ile weighs every marl according to the work • which he has given him to. do. ito Weighs ev- ery Man ili proportion to the ielig- ious opportunities- that have sure routuled his PhSt iito. He weighs ev- ery Mao' with reference to the Chris- tian home it which he was born arid to the prayers of Christian Men and Women which have beea uttered in his behalf. Gerd weighs a man not Only' with .regarct.to his sinsof cent - mission, but also as to- what he Might have aceompliehed for God had he applied- himself for his Di- vine -Master as he should have done. i 'When God in °I.hie royal etinceuet to dilute the spilled wino With hu - Man pre aiicl to change the floor into eie aesereoir at blood, . Then the lightse1 the robot began to 'dim, .and,i0erew ',darker and':cherker eand 'blacker and . blacker Untilit heet it seemed as though we were incarcerat- ed in the dungeons of the eternally lost and the destroyed. • _So; , eleeing; I 'Plead. with :.:You to flee frootethe banquet hall, of 'sin, I again invite yen, into the other banquet hall where Christi the Divine Bri4ogromil is to be married to the chueeh, lilee.bricle. I would invite yen:into thab banquet hall, which is filled with the great multitudes of the redeeineO. 1: would ,,earnestly vile you into that banquet hall, which is filled with the .great mul- titudes of the. te'itteened.,- X • would earnestly invite yeee,..t0 come, because there is a vaecinflitiree at that gos- pel banquet table which, I am sure, has been reserved for you. It is in God placed ie that elm Reale all Bel- the centre of a group of your loved shazzar'S opportunities for knowing ones. It is right next to your saint - and learning about the true God and ect mother and father arid wife and sister andchild, and by the looks of .your loved., ones .I' think. they:are Waiting for You: 0 sinner, are you ready to -day, to leave the revelers of sin and to quaff the water of life, which wilt fit you•for entrance among' thesainted hosts, or -shall you, as 0 result 'of this spurned' gespel . in- vitation, be weighed in the balance, and forever found Wanting ? God is even now holding htgh.the bal- ances. May every one of us, by ,the PoWer .. of the :Holy Spirit, ;decide "heeir 'the •balaticeS of God shall, be moved I May we, one. and all, •• de- cide- that the' scale of sin, through the 'countervailing weight of •• the cross,: shall go up and not go down! rns DIVINE LOVE. 13elshaeaar-was not as Sonia •suppose. the 'heathen ruler o!0 heathen na- tion, Ile was the grandsonof the Nebuchadnezzar, whose femous prime minister was Daniel, .the 'Mighty Mart of God. Le all probabilitYhhe had heard from Daniel's own. Ups the commanchrients of the God of the Jews, and hew that pod had Pro- tected the prophet ahd closed the mouths ef •the 'hungey • wild heciate When his -serVant was. thrown MU the lion's den. Daniel, at the thus of which I speak, was about eighty years of age. Be could havo. testified and .in all probability aid testify to Belshazzar how the love of the true God ehad cared for,his believing child, now for nearly fourscore years. So the word written on the wall of that banquethall was the record of a test. Belshazzar'§ opportunitiee of leading a godly life had been place ed Ii one..scale,'and when the evil ef- fects ef the life he did lead were put hi the other scale.it bad gone down like a flash. That WaS the inevitable HOW A PERSON DROWNS. May Sink and Rise Three Times ,or Never Rise at All. Few popular fancies are of such wide extent as the belief that a per- son Must rise to the' surface three times, no more no less, before he reselt. Fie hed. -been "weighed In 'the' can possibly &own- There is little -ground /or this puppositim, haialiee .and found wanting. _ though 'et; -'1:fittS10.4'p. almost•univer7 Oal- Ged's balances' weigh • eVeey hull - sally bellevii.dm for •generations. The Videal at the times when. he feels truth •is ••that,..a drowning person may sink the first time never to rise again.- It all depends upon the quantity of water he swallows when he sinks and the size of his lunge. The human body in life nature.* floats while the lungs are inflated. .As long as one keepshis head 'above the sur- face of the water he. can float, face up, without having to move a. hand or foot. e But as soon as a person sinks he gulps and imbibes a quail, tity•of.:Water„ If, after he has wale. lowed water,•,.he. has any 'air left.- in his lungs, he: -Will:kite again, and will oontinuo to sink ana rise alter- nately until all the air is expelled from his lungs, when he will drown. • In most cases .the frightened. vic- tim of an accident swallows enough water when he first sinks to leave him in an exhausted condition, but as there is still air left in his lungs he finds himself on the surface again. Each time he -shake,- howev- er, the supply of air. in' his lungs grows lees, until ultimately there is no longer a..sufficieht quantity to support, him. , PEARLS OF THOUGHT. • ireterieedent'Of God as %hail Ai when he feels dependent upon the divine mercy. Never in all his life did Belshazzar consider himself -more independent of his eneiuies than on the occasion of 'this • sinful feast. The capital of Babylon was stocked with provisiops enough to supply the city foe many years. The bat- tering; rams of the besieging army had made no impressioa et all epon the bronzed gates. • The walls were too highto scale. For two long: years the Persian hosts ha.4. been couducting e • Ri.'11:le • Siege. Mit his- tory tele' that On the 001.6 of the famous feast, while the king and his princes and a thOUSand aristocratic lords of his kingdom were drinking themselves ['reek, Cyrus, seeing his opportunity, turned aside tho worse of the River Euphrates and in the early hems of the morning marched along that river bed, under the great ,bronze gates and along the great boulevard's, until at last • his seldiers, With drawn- swords, broke into that banquet hall, and changed the wassail of wine into • • 'A CARNIVAL OF BLOOD. So, my brother, at the verytime when you feel you are meet secure end nan 'sin witl. the greatest safety God is watching your secret sin and he is decreeing that you niast die. •Oh, man of sinful habit:, hearing to- night of Belshazzar's banquet hall, do you • not feel that you caa never escape the scrueing of God's all see- ing eye, never be independent of his inexorable scales 9 While we live od'.s balances are never put away. His all seeing eye is always watching us, even in the most secret of places... He watches is in the niost sacred Places of our chambers, in the office, when we go down the street, wherever we may be. No On is. a, secret sin to God.• He knows all ahd sees all. The same divine sallies that weighed the sinful life if Belshazzar in the Nine qieet ball' 'Of 'the Baby' lonish capital are continually weighing us, no matter wheec WO may be.: - What a blessed and transporting thought this should be that we can have all our sins outweighed 1 We would not dare for one' instant to preach a sermon upon God's balances at Belshazzar's feast undese we could place the greatest.emphasis epee. this idea.. It. wouldbe appalling to de- piet the • horror of a, ,sinner's etern- ity; unless' at the same time , we-• When moral courage feels that it could elTer a pardon for all 'sins to is hi the right, there is no personal all people if they.would only all be daring of • which it is incapable. -- willing to be cleansed of their sius Leigie.13'un1. in the blood of the Lamb. There Is He that, fancies himself very en - no need ,of, any Belshazzar of sin lightened, ,because he sees the claL toeday being found wanting when he ficiencies of others, may be very ig- he weighed in God's balences if he noyairte bOcause he has not studied will • only, let the. erosseof Jesus his oven.—.13.1:11Wer. , Christ he placed in the scale • op - posit° to that which is piled high with his past sins. • THE S. S. LESSON. INfitnTATIONAL LESSON, NOV.. 16, . -- TeXt .` of the Lesson, ‘Ttidg, ii.„ I- n. Golden Text, Ps. cvii,, 19, • 7. And the people served. the Lord all the , daS7s of Joshua and all the days of • the elders that outlived •Joshua. SO it is also written in Josh :veto, 81, arid it Seems to be given as a reason for this that they • had seen all the great works of thel.lord that He did for.Israel, But now we come to a different story. • 'The book di Joshua tolls of victory in tho land,. This book tells of sin,- 'judg- ment, repenta,nc� and dell -ear (Mee. Their sin was 'disobedience in tnak- ing league with the heathen rather than manifesting' the true God, the God of Israel to then!, 'The great sin of those who bear the name. of Christ to -day is that instead ,of ing sepal:011d unto Him they are in league with the world lyieg ia the wicked one (3. • John v, 19; Rom. e(n, 1, 2), 8-10. There arose another genera, - tient after them, which know not the Lord nine yet the works which He had done for Israel: • Joshua and all that generation having passed, away from this pre- sent • scene, their successors must have known the Lord, who brought their fathers into, the promised land, but they had no heart for Him. They did not.' like.His ways, Elis right- eousness, His dominion over them. 'Like their descendants long after- ward, they acted as if their hearts said, ,"Speak unto us smooth things; prophesjr deceits; cense the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us" (Tea. xxx, 10, 11). They are repre- sented to -day by a vast multitude of churchgoers, many of theni church members, who will not endure sound doctrine (If Tim. iv, 8), yet profess loyalty to Christ. They profess that they know God, yet in works they deny Him. Patience is the, king of content. — Motif:Met. Few things are impossible to dili- gence and skill. ---Addison. • When faith is lostand honor • dies, the man is dead.—Whittier. The last. -pleasure in life is the sense of discharging our •duty.a-IIa.ze. lett:- One lie must be thatched, With an- other or it will soon rain through:— Owen. There is not a. passion so strongly rooted in. the lieman heart as envy. Not to. return a benefit is the -great- er. sin, but not to confer it is , the earlier.—Senece. To see what is right, and adte to do it, is want of courage, or of prin- ciple.—Conincies. •. • ••• • , The earnestness ,of' lffe is ,the" .only passport to the satisfaction of Mo.—. Theodore parker. •• -wit5e • man neither Suffers himself to be governed, nor attempts to gov ern others.La .Bruyere.. •0 ood humor and generosity carry the day with the'popular heart--; all the. world over.—Alexander Smith. Defect in manners is usually the, defecteof - fine perceptions. •''Elegance conies of no breeding, but of birth.— Tilmerson. .ntit- in all -Mit 1,11.St tilt'Ot* thei'0 Wri.s molly, a sea heartonnedy a hope- less despair, To ine Belshazzar's feast is better described by the 'art: it by whom I eaw ,it pictured at 'p o , -N.Y., in the World's Pair 19eh Ushered into a dark 1'00111, we sat there awhile total darke TIMELY TIPS. • Tinware car. be cleaned readily by rubbing it with a clamp eloth dipped in wide; rele heiskly ancloWipe dry. According then. housewife who has made the experimeot, a thin coating of van:45h applied to ordinary straw Matting will keep it looking fresh and now ancr adO to its durability. nese. Then, by the magical effect of A vegetable strainer of enamel lights, it eloWly became brighter • that.onay easily be clamped to the and brighter, until, upon the side of Me wall, WO could see dim figures bogii to f orm themselves. They leoeed at first like - HIDEOUS PHANTOMS. Then. tis it became lighter and lighter; until the Whole' neon glchered. With light, NW) saw the inside Of it huge • palace, T1tor0 Wer0 the bread stairs leading upward, Vero • were - the • bodies of Ilion and women lying prostrate Upon the floor, amid over- turned tables and spilled deeanters and,,broken furniture. It Was a, Scene of grendeue, but also a Scene al filthei beetialities. Ie the centre a ow staircase stood the hdrrified king, with stvained eyes looking at the lettere ef fire binning . them-: selves on the wall, while off in the distance could be Seen the Persian Soldiers With &Wen s‘vords, ready side 'of the sink is ono of the genu- ine convenieeces for the licetisewife noW en the market, To take flint stains from. cotton muslin or ,any light article take the stained' article and dampen it. Then burn a, little suirhur, holding undee the 1 damp; portioti .of the cloth and the stain Will vanish. To clean varnished Paint, take the tea leaves whieh are left lit the tea- pot, pour some,hot watee ever them atid let thein steed ten Miniites. Then poor the tea, into a bazin. Wash the paint With a clean flannel, and dry with a clean cloth. ; UNKINDLY COMMUNICATIVE. Nt Caele-,"Ciare. holds her age Mrs. Casie—"Yes; bat She tells everybody else'." • ved Baal . and Ashtaroth. ._11e3.8. They torseok the Ieed and ser The Lord., God who ,brought them out of the land of Egypt, .who led them through the Reci Sem on. dry land, who overthrew the host of the Egyptians„, their enemies, who fed them.with manna'all through the wilderness journey, who, divided Jor- dan before them and gave them the good land with Vineyards and olive yards tind homes for which. they labored not—God, who did all. this for them and gave them life and breath and all things, Hine they for- sook and fell into the ieloltitry of the people round about them, who knew not God. Thus they worship de- mons and not God (I Coe. x' 20; • Pout. 17), for it. is the devil who turned Adapt and Eve front God 'and even asked the Son of God to worship him,,who is back of all this turning away from God, and His truth and His worship and who is working so bard in Our day in many theological seminaries and pulpits to turn people away from. God. 14,•15, Whithersoever they went out the ho.nd of the Lord was Against thein for 'evil, as the Lord had said, * -* * and they were great - 3y distressed. The testimony of one' oE their rulers about - a thousand years after this was, "The hand of our God is upon all them for good that seek but His -.power and His wrath .74)45t ch -15 T ot Nt IEEMNT°BLOOD41WillT al ori5 8NAX0K° NIVE 05 TH 141e414/ tiOnfni tiordlealrlo Bosiorr, 'IIHBRITAIN AmEmcit. a', Druggisrs &Chow Pritce Itt Canada : ;11,00 ; Six bottles for $5.00 a emsereim. • Women ancl men vvito suffer fron weak back or pain in the lumbar region should take ST. JAMIie WA- It.FX.S, Which possess remarkable cura- tive influence on functional derangor;„ ments of the kidneys, and exPif;) special tonic action on the wholf urinary systetn, ST. JAMES WAFERS cure blad& t troubles and pains of mieturition, helping the flow of urine and clear- iug it from any sediment. S'r. JAmgs WAPAns are also a potent sexual strengthener, • ST. J'Antus W.A..MRs help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and' this is the honest way to get health and strength; the kinft that lasts, develops and breeds the energy • which accom- plishes much. 4,The value of $t. James Wafers cannot he overestimated. en the amoat obstinated casesof kidneys and thluary troubles thOY have rendered me remarkable sweets- aes-v Dr. Charles XL Powell, Irltzgeraid, Scotland. Sl James Wafers arenot a secret • remedy : to the numeroue doctorsre- eommendiug Mem to their patients. we mail the formula upon request. Where dealers are not sellingthe Wafers, they are mailed upon re- ceipt of price at the- Canadian branch,: St. Jamas Wafers 00„ 1728 St, eetherine St., Montreal. faseio09gpoeseeoenceeetSe@ 0 FoR THE HomE 4 4rot 0 •fp Recipes for the Kitchen. e o Hygiene and Other Notes 9 for the tlouselcee per, ill)0064110601064€00601.8980(9t TESTED RECIPES, LTickory Nut Mancaroons—One cup hickory nuts pounded in a mortar, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg and a. half, 2 taebrleanspd.b o,on4sk.e.. flour. .-then drop dessertspoonfuls on greased ra- pPotted Elem.—Potted ham is made by chopping A 'cupful of cold boiled ham fine, using some •o1 the fat. Mix a tablespoonful of flour in cold wa- ter. Then stir in the ham and a tablespoonful of mustard and pack in a mold. • Flavorings—Orargo Peel, especially the batter, Is lemon valu- able for flavorings. Peel the • fruit thinly, dry the parings slowly in the oven and store in a. tjii for future use. It will be found useful for cakes, puddings and other dishes and will save more expensive. flavor- "inv. Brazil Net Candy --Use 9 cups sugar and -} pt water, put in part of white of an egg to clarify sugar. Let this boil a few minutes and take off any scum that rises. When the sugar begme eto candy, drop 1n. is against all -them that forsake minced Brazil nuts, • axid when well (Ez. 22). in Lev. xxvi mixed spread on buttered plates. and Deut..xieviii God gave an abund- ant. Warning as to what Ile would Salmon. Loaf—Take 1 can salmon, do 11 they forsook Him, but for all 4 eggs beaten light, 4 tablespoons this they sinned still .and believed melted butter, and 1 cup bread not for Ills wondrous works. They crumbs,. Chop fish fine, and season believe not in God and trusted not to taste with salt and pepper. Stir Innis salvation (Ps. lxxviii, 82, in butter with a silver fork until a 22).• The Whole 1311)1e teaches that smooth paste is formed.' Beat the since sin. entered the carnal lilted is bread crumbs into. tho. eggs, thou enmity -against God ; theheart is work all together, form into a loaf deceitful and ." desPerate1Y ; and etearn 1 hour. Serve cold, sliced every imagination of his heart is thin. only evil continually (Rom. vine 7 ; Jer. xvii, 9; (len. v, 5). 16. Nevertheless the Lord raised up judges which deliveeed them out of • the baud of those that spoiled cream, epr er to taste, and table - thein.' • ' epoon flour Mixed in a little cold , • We have. just referred to the won- milk. Tut back on the stove, and derful sinfulness of man and his let it boil; till the oysters are cook - rebellion against Cod, but tbe Bible ed. Take off and add the yolks of 3 is full of the more wonderful love of eggs, well beaten. Pour over a God, who loved us even when we platter of hot toasted crackers. 'were dead, in sills, who commendeth Serve hot. ITis love toward us in that while we Walnut Creams—Take 1 cup granu- n-ere yet sinners Christ died for -us lated sugar, ,cup hot water. Boil :(El)h. ii, 4, 5; Rom. v; 8). That quickly for two or three minutes, or "Goo is Love" is the great founda- until it jellies in water. Cool it, tion truth of Scripture, and, being 'OM. heat' very' fast until it hreems, such, He is not willing that any spread on flatter, halve and put on should perish (1 John iv, 8, 10; It walnuts. .Put 1 oz, oe 1. -square .cho- Pet. iii, 9). Maley a time Tie turned mine° on it bowl over tea.kettleeand His anger away front this people, Melte then add.l.teaerfOon pulverized nhfl, being full of compassion, Ho sugar, • Piece butter size of walnut. forgaee their iniquity and destroyed Dip the walnut dreanis into this and them Mt (Ps. lxxriui, 88). He 'dry on sheets of paper. ,This amount sought and ,fhwed Adam end Eve Will make 40 Walnut creams, with 3. when in their Sin they Waxed away pound of walnuts. from Illm, and Ile has ever since Frosting—Put 1 cup pulverized sue been seeking and saving the lost. ' gar in a bowl; add 2 teaspoons 'sweet 11-19. They ceased not from their milk. or 'cream. Stir well, ar d if not own, doings nor front their stub- Sufficiently moist to spread easily, born way. keep adding milk: very slowly. When With many sinnings. and rer entings oi the right consistency, spread •on they went from bad to worse. "They ehe cake. Oela.vor to suit taste. By mocked the messengers of God and first letting the white frosting "set" despised His words and misused Hie PrOphees entil the wrath of - the Lord; arOSO against. His PeoPle till there was • noaeremedy" (11 Chron. xxxvi. 16), Very long lie bore With them, but finally He Sent them into • cap- tivity .for seventy years, ;After EEc eestored • them from. Baliorlon•and they again becante a people, though, not as before, He sent to them Ills' Own -Soo, bet they rejected him and crucified Min, and' now. they are I Seattered among ill. natieas entil Ire 'shall come • again in ilis glory, and then they, will rceeive ilint and be a r igh teens nation from that tittle forth. They " will blossom and butl ; and 11ll the face of the earth with freit (Matt. xxill; 38, 89; Isa. xxv, I 8; Xxvii, 6; le; ni). How Wonderful is the purpose of God •and how sure' of fulfillment (1s0.xiv, 24; Ps. ! xexill, 11), ITow Mich of heaven ' upon earth every child of God might have if only willing to walk humbly ' with' Trim 1 (Deu t. xi, 21.; Ps.' I xXXI, 1346). We Otter into rest When we cease from our own works, Oyster Fricassee ---Melt 1 cup but- ter in a frying pan, put in 2 qts of oysters. Let them boil up onee, and reniove from the stove., Add 1. cup a little, one can work on fancy de- signs in pink „or chocolate. Anothen nice frosting or tilling, made with( . eggs, is as follows . Beat the white of 1 egg to a stiff froth, add the grated pulp of 3. largo sour apple: Sweeten to taste with granulate4 sugar. Spread between the layers and on top, using any plain cake( baked in sheets. • The filling milk,. 'hi belled. Sweetheart Dumplings—Four cape, flour, el cup bread crumbs, 1 cute - Meted suet, 3_ teaspoon baking powder, 1. teaspoon salt. .3. cog brown sugar. Mix into it stiff paste with cold water or milk, and 'divide into six equal -sized pieces; making each round like an an apple. Those of the family or -their friends wha • have sweethearts, -let them write thee names down on. a, 'slip • of White- peeel per and let the different slips be pushed into the ". -carter of eac11 dumpling, with the finger, and then covered. Pop into it pot of water and whichever dimpling rises to tht. top first after water boils, that ont shall surely be the first to be mare Iried; .cer - if one "has . two or three !strings to her bow," the different !names can be ineerted into dump-. Hugs, and the first that rises to the 1 top will b.e ,.....the........_favoreLone. IA RELIGION OP LAZINESS. Russian papers give particulars • of an extraordivary religious `tonimunie ty in Kieft,. whose chief tenet is idle- ness. They are known as •the Male, fv6aulid nteal,Cori hi.iutofii..om the name of their, a.do Malevaning, who was released front a lunatic asylum _ in 1872 and straightway began bit.. propagate his strange sect. Basing themselves upon the parable of the lilies which "toil not, neither da they spin,' the Malevantehma reject all work except that of the house, hold,- wear coarse, sombre garments, and restrict themselves to a diet of bread and cheap fruits. --iftehaletX They regule.te the action of the , heart mad Invigorate the neritree. They build up the run down aye.; tam as no other remedy will do. They cure Nervousness, sleeplessness, Brain Fag, Palpitation of the Heart, After Effects of La Grippe, FaiSt ot. Dlrazy Spells, Ansetnio, General DebilitY and all trou'ales caused by tho tern being run down. They have cured btherS. They will cure you. Me. per box or 3 for $1.25. All dealers or Tho T. Itliburn Co11L1in1to1,ToontoOuL • *z:15.144Pt: IC4 khc,ili'K KA MilirsVailif SINFUL HABITS IN YOUTH MAKE NERVOUS, WEAK, DISEASED MEN. THE RESULT Ignoranceand folly inerouth, overexertion of mind and body iaduced by lust aud exposure aro conetantly wrecking the lives and future happiness of thoesarids of promising young men. Some fado and wither at an early age, at the blossom of manhood, while others are forced to drag out a weary, fruitless and melancholy existence. Others reach matri- mony but Iind no solace or comfort there. The victims aro foiled in all stations of life—the farm, the office, the workshop, the pulpit, the trades and the professions. Nervous Dobtifty and Seminal Weakness are guaranteed cured by, our New Method Treatment or No Pay. You run no risk 28 years in Detroit. Bank security. MIRED WHEN ALL ELSE FAILED. Do mom usod without written onetime oe atn 33 yews of as,0 aud lean:led. Whoa young I Addeo gay life. Mealy hidiscreilotik end beer mosey I became weak Ifni nervous. Tidy kidneys bee.Se dffeeted and , feared Bright's Disease.. Harried Life was unsatisfactory and „,(A" my home tunhappy. X tried everything—all failed till' I took treattuent front, rors, Kennedy & Itergan. Their 'New Method bath nth up mentally, physically and sexaallp. X feel and act like a mattin every respect. They treated me id* years ago. They are hottest, skilful and responsible financially, ad why patrotthe Quacks and Fakirs when you am be cured by reliable doctors."—W. A. Belted. GURESGURRRNIROOR AD PAY, 6113011011011P100-00,88 FIV-ONSIO1 BN!{Reelr Rome Trawl, Drs. Kennedy 4 Kergan, '12:11t,Ymtc.' 4.