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Exeter Times, 1902-11-13, Page 3
lFWorth !lowingfr *1+1414-14.14.11,144-1444,1444t 1«14-11„ x..Y1,1 1444 44t Man is subject to 1,212 different v diseases. Artificial pei','is aro;_ made from fish scales. An average Britisher is as strong as two Iiiadoos. A diet of garlic is a wonderful aid. to the complexion. An ordinary brick will absorb six - tool/ ounces of water, Breton sheep aro -.not much larger than, a fair-sized hare. 'There are four millionaires in Eng land to one in Prance.: There are 725 ancient castles on the banks.' of the Rhine. A lean should weigh 26 pounds for - every foot of his height. There are over 91,000 stitches in an ordinary white shirt. , One-third of the people who go mad recover 'their senses: The hair of the head grows faster inSUmlmer than iu winter. Man is the only animal that pos- sesses a real nose and chin, In mining accidents one death in four is caused by aftcrdamp.' Forty-eight kinds of house -fly have bcen classified by naturalists. Wxen and sheep fatten better in company than where kept alone. .A. fine ostrich is calculated to yield $2,500 worth of feathers. Tight, unventilated hats aro one of the chief causes of baldness. It is estimated that 49 per cent, of the days in London are wet." London has over 500 railway sta- tions, exclusive of goods depots. Orange juicy is one;pf the best dressings for black shoesor boots. One pound of sheep's wool is cap - ,.able of producing une yard of cloth. ,l.1 Hearing, as a rule, is more acute with the right than with the left eaf. Prussian blue paint is made from the ashes of the burnt hoofs of horses. The chance' of two finger prints being alike is not one in sixty-four billians. The average of wrecks in the Bal- tic Sea is one every day throughout the year. la London there are more fires on Saturday than on any other day in • the aveok--. Whitewash made of quicklime and woad -ashes will destroy moss on tiles. ' The various countries of the world use 13,400 different kinds of postage stamps. The eel has two separate hearts. One beats 60, the oth,ea' 160, times a- zainute. 7.11e Mexican dog has no hair. The hot climate makes such a covering superfluous. One thousand tons of soot settle monthly within the. 118 square miles of London. Forty-four. muscles are called .into pinv .in the, production of the hu-, man voice. Some of tho insurance companies of Paris refuse to insure people n:ho dye their hair. Boiling meat is lass wasteful than baking, and baking less west ful than roasting. Great Britain has 1,951,000 do- mestic servants, earning £68,500,- 006 per annum. In London each ;day 400 ,children are born, and 250 enter school for the first time. Silk is considered unclean by the Mohammedans, because itis the pro- duct of a worm. `rhe smallest bone in the human body is in the lenticular, seated in the human ear. • . The ants of South America have, Peen known: to construct a tunnel three miles in length. Bread as a daily article of food is used by only about one-third 'of the population of the ,earth.,,, There is no case,' on record, of a, man having comin'itted •a`:crlrfr'e with a pipe or cigar in his mouth, To . drink sweet milk after eating onions' will purify, the ,breath .so that no ocldul will femain.: ,. To prevent. etoclelegs .weeringr at the heels,' line the 'flacks of shoes with a piece of 'black velvet. The cost of firing a single shot from a 16 -inch gun would pay a private soldier for five years The standard of .height . `'in the I3rltisii Az,'nly is greater than in any other array in the world. The roar of a waterfall is pro- d/teed almost entirely by :the burst- ing of millions' Of air: -bubbles. More steel is used inthe maim - facture of rens than in' all the sword and gun 'faetorie3 in the world. The average French person uses; 6' pounds of soap in a year. The aver- age English person uses 10 pounds. Prisoners when arrested in Moroc- co are required to pay the police - mall for his trouble in taking them to gaol . Mushroom's generally consist of 00 per cent. water, but the remaining 10 per cent. is more nutritious .than bread. Each year about £10,000 is ex- pended in sprinkling the 'str'eets. of London •with sand, to prevent horses Frh d;in supping• . So difficult is the art of cutting gloves that most:, of the principal cutters areknown in the .trade ., by "- •nettle and by fame, - ' • - Tile difference between a planet and a sta.i' is this : A star shines by its own light, a planet bylight re - fleeted by; another holy. Japanese_ florists have succeeded in cultivating a rose which 'looks red in the sunlight and white, in ,the shade, ' The ,iraii'e, armadillo, and porcu- pine pine have no vocal, cords, and are, therefore, mute, Whales and sett p t vette, ft a a19•o t nict,le, s�, } .flim al 11.1.18Slan family Monies, ' it is Lite custoni to carry the tiro front the hearth of the . old house in a cl'rsed' vessel 1:0 the new residence,. In the Belgian -Parliament, When n member is making a long speech, he . MP beeV led with branrly- n,'4.Cf-tt'ator Ota. v tft t fl fip er IYteu eX- penso. TEN o FEST IIOR$ L There has just died at Oakenholt, near Mot, North. Wales, a horse at the advanced Age of forty-three years, said to have been the oldest horse in 1 e 'land. The horse, handsome black charger, , wan the property ,Of Colonel l3ridgfor'd' many Piero ale,, and: was sold to the late'. W, geaton, if The Priory,, MeierCrurnpsall, • w110 at •his,, death' made Provision for the animal to' live in quictnen and' luxury''at + the farm in North Wales. SEASONABLE :' ABITIOE CHANGE OF WEATILER DISAS TIZROUS TO MANY PEOPLE. Bad Blood Makes'' You Liable to. Cold -A Cold Makes You. Liable to Twenty ' Diseases -How to Protect Yourself. . Changes of the season affects th healthmore or less perceptibly. -`Piz effect of the hot summer weather ot the bloo'cl leaves it thin-R,nd'watery and now that the weather is change- able this makes itself disagreeably felt. You, feel bikers, dyspeptic and tired; there may be pimples •or ©rup- ticins of the skin; the dampweather• brings little. twiuges of rheumatism orneuralgia that giro Warning of the winter that is coining. If you want to bo bride and strong ler the Winter it is new that you she ltd btiild up the blood, and give the nerves a little tonic. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the greatest of all blood -making, nerve -restoring tonics; fled will' make you strong and stae'o off the aches and pains of winter if you .-take then 'now. - Mr, James Adams, Brandon, Man., is one of the thousands whorl Dr. Williams' Pink Pills htyse restored to health and strength. ;.Ile says : "It is with deep gratitude that 1 acknowledge the benefit that I have derived fi•oln the 'use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, Be- fore taking the pills niy health wars much shattered with rheumatism, nervous depression and sleeplessness, For fully twelve months I rarely got a good night's "sleep. When I bega:i the use of the pills it, was with a determination to give thein a fair trial. I did so, and can truthfully say What I could not wish for better health than I now ertjoy. I shall al- ways speak a good world for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Poor blood is the cause of most diseases. Good, blood means health and strength. Dr. Williams' 'Pinsk, Pills do not purge -they simply make pure,,• rich blood. • That's why they cure .'so many diseases. But you must' always get the genuine with the full nanie "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" on. the wrap per around every box. Sold by all druggists or sent by mail, post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes„for $2.50, by writing direct to the Dr. •Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville] tint;. • Sunlight Soap will not burn the nap off woolen's nor the surface off linens. YRED1ii•C1'i,4s EXPIENSZ Link ter the Gauen Ser. see esemeeeetoreretureroreeetee PRIZES OF THE BRITISH BAR, Incomes of Some of the Leading Lawyers. The Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain -is Second only in position to the Archbishop Canterbury, and he enjoys an income of x10,000 ' a year. The Lord Chief Justice of England has a salary of £8,000 a e year. • The Master of the Rolls has to a salary of £6,000 a year, and the .Lorca of Appeal in Ordinary have , the same.' The Lords Justices - of the Oottrt of Appeal and the Judges of the High Court earn £5,000 a year each. The Masters of the High Court, the London Po- lice Magistrates," and tho County CClurt Judges s u „e earn £1,500 a. Har each. The Masters of the igh Court aro chosen either from barristers or from solicitors, but all the other office holders to whom: we have alluded must Have •come from the bar. Tho Attorney General makes much more money than any of these digni- taries. Ilis salary is only £7,000, but he has fees as well, sometimes to a very large amount. The Solici- tor General has £6,000 a year, be- sides eshis fees. Of course, sc,thedouble work, legal and parliamentary, which these officers have to under- take. is most arduous, requiring an iron constitution and a mind that requires but little time for rest. The private practitioners in some few cases make'largcr incomes than any of the official persons at the bar. It is not indeed many who make "five figures;" but there may be always one or two leaders who arb aohiev- ing this. The leaders who are chief- ly before the public in ordinary cases do not often make more than from £5,000 to £6,000 a year. Larg- er fortunes are frequently made by men who specialize in patent cases, who are engaged in rating appeals and. compensation work, or who practice their profession at the Par- liamentary bar. T.INC. AS A GOOD SAMARITAN. Sends His Own Nurse to Care for Sick Young :Man. , King Edward, in his antiheroes acts of -kindness and charity, .is not a man to let his left liarid• know -what his right hand doeth. As an in= stance this story is told by,a core raw/indent: • The Ding recently learned that a young man William Donald, employ- ed in Edinburgh, had come to his Balinoral estate'hoplesslee ill of the same trouble tlir6ugh which the Bing recently 'Passed, to be nursied by his mother. The Icing sent his physi- cian; • Sirs James .Ilett,:;. to ascertain if anything could be done, but the great doctor found he nset1 unable to .do' anything. The King,• then vis- ited the cottage himself, saw ,.the youth- and expressed his deep sym- pathy for him.. Then he told Mfrs. ,Donald that .the nurse wile iiad attended him through his serious operation and illness was still with hien, and that he would send her every day tte dress the son's wounds:. and make him:con/fort :bier also t}httt a water bed would be sent from ' 13allizoral ' Castle, He added that if she could suggest anything to please her -son.- it would be care- fully attended to. SJ.vel THE BABY. R . Mother Telis.lifow: Many Threatened Mile 'May Be, Preserved. • TO-ihe loving mother Iio expense is too great, no laboa too severe, if it Sill preserve the health of her little nes.. Childish ills are generally' li)nple, bet so light is baby's hold on life that it is often o known tlgc' of the right thing to do that turns the Lice at a, crisis. And in I:aby's 'illness every crisis. is a criti- sal one. "1 think the, timely use.- et serof Baby's Own Tablets would save pally a dear little Itfe,'l writes Mrs, I.'. B. Bickford; of Glen Sutton, :due. "1 take pleasure in certifying io the merits of these Tablets;• as 1t lave foun.d there a, sureeeed rel]ablr, refnedtr, lily baby was troubled with a/digest:ion ' at teething time, and. was erose and r•tistless. rl'he.use '.of llaby's Own Tablets (rade a, wondet•- kkil ' .ch.ange, and I am glad to re- commend them ' f o others." R'fo t+iherfi who use these Tablets never aftere. Ward resort to btirsh ptii' ativee, that tripe and torture baby, nor to the so-called "soothing" preparations that, often, contain poisonous opi- ates. Baby's Own Tablets are pfba- Fant to take, guaranteed to be harmleee. Send 25 cents for. if t 11- sized box to the Dr. Williams' Mc-, dlcine Co., Brockville, Ont., if your druggists does not sell. them, • Italy hat 406 pl'itteee, . over 450 dukes, 960 marquises, besides 3,700 counts, tend nearly :3,000 inferior nobles. loord- "3rour lawyer made some pretty severe ch :r again the e p y ha grey agar cif H+I'tt''•s. This t We offer Ono Hundred 13b1lar9 leeward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by 1-lall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Oi• EN.1;Y is Co., 'Totedo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known 1''. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions t o s mrd financially able to carry out any obligations made by their' firm. 1rt9ST Fx 'DR (1AX, Wholesale Druggists, !Poletlo, 0'. WALDING, it INN A N lb • t1ARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, 'Toledo, U. hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter tally; acting directly upon the ,blood r<nrx • mucous surfaces of the .system. .'estimenials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. lSoid •by all druggists. hall's ,F airily Pills are the best. • Ncryoue Employer -"Thomas, I• -wish you wouldn't whistle at yrour work."' Office l oy-"I aix't working, sir I'm only just tchistiing." FROM TORONTO. • and Canadian points to New York and Philadelphia% The beet route via Lehigh Valley. Railroad. Ser- vice the best, scenery, unsurpassed. Pullman palace sleeping cars, din- ing car servi.ce,meals a la carte. The only line from Canada landing pas- sengers' near all European steam- ship docks in New York, saving pas- sengers, for Europe a long and ex- pensive transfer. Route of the Black Diamond Express. Day train, try; it. For ,tickets, Pt/llynans and fi.n tiler particulars call on Grand T'unk Agents or en Robt•. S.. Lewis, Canadian • . Passenger Agent, 88 Yonne street, Board • of Trade build- ing, Toronto. First Stranger -"I say, that's my uurbre]]a you have !" Second -Strang e -"I don't doubt„ it, sir; I bought it ata p awnsli ro. o. .," ' SOM.ET1:IING TO REMEMBER.. When traveling you she u]d hear in mind the road and the trains that will take you to your destination in the fastest time, and in the most coihfortable manner. The Grand" Trunk service excels in both par- ticulars, and passengers from, To- ronto to, Montreal, Buffalo, New York, Detroit anti Chicago, will find the _day trains equipped with wide vestibuled coaches, handsome Cafe Parior and Dining Cars serving ideals "a la carte." The night trains carry. Pullman sleeping cars to alt . above points. You can leave Toronto ,for Montreal and east at; 0 "a. nee and 10 p. ni', for Bufl'alo and New York at 9 a. nl,, 4.50 and 6,15 p.• in. and to Detroit and' Chicago' at 7.35 e., fn., 4.50 'p, zn.- and 11,20 P eve Tickets, reservations, . etc., . at city pfiice, 'northwest corner Ding and Yonge streets. Vienna; has the largest public bath in Europe. It is 578 feet long, and 156 feet wide, It can accommodate 1,500 people, Just a it eJt Little Pain neglected, may produce chronic I3;heumatisin or Gout. bust a little Backache may create Lumbago. Just i. a little Sprain S 11 isenlot lees nt•akea3 Cripple. just a little 13rulse May do a, lot of damage. Just, alittle Headache may be the forerunner of I1'oura.lgia. Just a little St. Jacobs Ail, applied in time eul'cs promptly nd permanently Aches and Pains. other fellow, didn't he ?" ,Small- ET wort "3r -e -e -e -e ; but you ought to c ust a, little caution; just a little ort. Years of Pleasure against deo how he eh*rjotl inot'y ' S' ears of Iain., Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces9 and is soli only in lead packets. lack9 fixed and Gre4na 'epee tea drinkers try "Sala.da" Green tea. MONOGRAMS ON I']IIA.araiS. At a large dinner party given in London the Peacheis placed on the table bore the znonogrdm of their owner traced distinctly in the vel- vety bloom, In order to produce this unique effect, letters were cut from paper and pasted on the poaches while growing. When the fruit was ripe, on removing the paper letters the monograms were found picked out in most delicate green, the rest of the fruit • being rosy a.Itd deep hued. In nearly every street in Japanese cities is a public oven, where for a small fee housewives may have their dinners 11 n ors an cl suppers cocked .for them, A WELLAND I��ff�' O(Y .BQ9J�UNAjj'{' i HE SAYS HE IS NOW FEELING BETTER THAN IIE HAS FOR MANY YEARS, An Open Letter in Which a Promi. nen t. Citizen Gives a Strong Recommendation for . Dodd's Sidney Pills, a Remedy Which He Says Restored Him to Good Health. Welland, Ont., Nov. 8. -(Special. -Mr. J. J'. Yokoni, grocer and pro vision merchant of this place, has given for publication, an open letter as follows; "For a year or enore T had been ailing with Kidney Trouble, in • ail of its worst forms. I had a very depressed feeling in my head and 11L- tle or no appetite; a constant feel- ing of langour, • and I became great• ly reduced in weight. "At times I was entirely incapaci- tated. "1 have spent considerable money in medicines of different kinds but did not get any good results. I also doctored with a physician of vast experience but got no benefit. "At last I became discouraged and hopeless of ever being well again, Ono day by luck I heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills aiid -began to use them. "From the first they seemed to suit,. my case exactly, and when I had taken five boxes my old trouble hacl entirely disappeared, and I was feel- ing better than I hael in many years. I am now in splendid health and able to' stand great exertion, in fact ray general health is better than it has been in a long time. "Since m recover I have y told many others 'of Dodd's Kidney Pills and how they cured me to stay cur- ed. Many .of, them say it semis im- possible and yet they know it is true." • (Signed) J. J. YOKc?Ai. Mr. Tokom has been a resident of Welland for•years, and is known to every man, woman and child in the town. Ile was born in the neigh- boring :township eigh-boring:township of Crowland, with- in three miles of his present home, and is known as a man of Christian principles who would not make a statement that would in any way be misleading, ti,u00 GLASSES A DAY. In the production of common watch glasses the glass is blownin- to a sphere about 40 inches in diam- eter, sufficient material being taken to give the desired thickness, as the case may be. Discs are then cut out from this sphere with the 'aid of a pair of compasses having a diamond at .the extremity of one leg. There is a knack in detaching the disc af- ter it has beon cut. A, good work- man will cut 6,000 glasses a day. BANK OF, Ii`,RAN0 0 Ei`eortAV33R, The engraver of the Bank of France is not to .be envied 10 regard to the conditions under which ho works. The bank hi about to issue a new thousand -franc note, and the engrave er has been working at the plates for the i,a$t eighteen months. Each morning he arrives at the bank, where a special room is reserved for I hire, Hero one of the most trusted, of the bank's messengers receivee 1' hila, locks hien. in, and mounts ' guard'outside the door,• In the ev- ening all the plates and accessories are put in a box, which is sealed up and transported to the vaults be- low, where it is locked up for the night. Minard's Liniment Cures La Grippe The average temperature of Great Britain has eject:, 1 1-8 degrees in tho past 50 years. WABASH BAILII,OAD During the meatus of September and October, trill sell one way sec. " and class tourist tickets at greatly reduced rates to California, . Wash- ington, Oregon, Utah, Monlaua, British Columbia and other Pacific Coast points. Tickets will be sold via all direct routes. The Wabash is the shortest, best. and ',iulckest route from Canada to the above points. Finest equipped- Ias.sengez trains in America. Rates, time -tables and all parti- culars from any ticket agent, or J, A. Ricbardson, Dist. PaSeenger Agent, N. E. Corner fling & Yonge Sts,, Toronto, and St, Thomas, Orli. The income of the gambling estab- lisltinent at Monte Carlo fell off last year; • • 1. ioard`s Liniruent far Rheumatism' Crapes contain from 12 to . 26 per cent. of sugar-inore, that is, than any other fruit. ENOLISII SPAVIN LINIMENT removes all hard, soft or calIa#z sed Lampe and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spathe, Curbs, Spliuts,Itin, Bone, Sweeny Stifles, Sprains, Sore mud Swollen Throve, Combo, etc. Save 2.5© by use of ono bottle. wet" Fantod tho moat wonderful Bleceish Cure over known. hold by all druggists Italy began the silk industry in the fourteenth, century, but in 1750 Franco surpassed Italy, and bas since kept the first position. For Cres. Fixer+Tears. ea OLS AVD /7E41 -Tarte Itsl�;3r, -)0 Nlnsls.'s F.00thiiryt,9yruo boo ]feta up,o•4ar Qe'ei' ern gy fears by zillions of e%0llnere farvtnbi.P chilpim ,rAr'r�`,b Lerthlne wit% pertae: eireeE,,. It t99Ei;oa the cltii,, to tors the goons, alleys ell pais. sues teTaii:ealle, ala{ is 'he Bost rehedyj tar pigrnccev. Ia prim -ant to the Lame. 80l3 by drueciets in evert part of ,the weed.Twenty-Are canto shakily. Sts %%leo is I:t•,•,r:tnµla)rlc. 2a sure and telt for Mrs. Y,'Insie'ri's 9oot1:ir Syrup. ani take no other clad. Several species of moss, a lily, a poppy, and a nasturtium are lumin- ous at night. Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co. 0e ntiamen, -Th eodore Dora is, s customer of aline, was completely cured of rheumatism after live years of suffering, by the judicious use of A1INARA'S LINIMENT. The above fact can be verified by writing to him, to the parish priest or any of his neighbors. A. COTE, Merchant, St. Isadore, Que. May 12th, 1808, The hawthorn comes into leaf earlier than any other British tree. 1t has been known to be in leaf by February llth. Birch comes next, and elm third in the list. r,oa ASR'IRASLE P8©D FOS MRitlTAlNl55 ROBUST SIALTH -1)1 401,9 01•IMATe5, di we n acre =oae as Victoria" si 16t i1� Qi1t lot" q r 7.2 OLL, CANADA SOW Eltiparh tent with ether end in orleir D. railtls, v -ii, :P—. -°sr- '!44 •. n.••y,.,y,,,• -N ,pr, r.nct. .>. The Bricie-"I don't what to have any -trouble with you, Bridget." The Cook -"Then, mistress dear, let me hear no complaints 1" Mi'fard's Liniment the best hair iteitorer Gerreary is the only European kingdom which by its Constitution on has but a single "Minister ; he is called the Imperial Chancellor. Lever's Y -Z (Wise Bead) Disin- fectant Soap Powder is better than other soap powders, as it also acts as a disinfectant- Employer-"I isinfectant Emp]oyer-"I shall expect you to earn your salary, remember." New Office 13oy-"Oh, if that's all you expect me to earn, the job'll be easy fora boy like me."' Minard's Liniment Is the hest, The highest mountain in the moon is at least 85,000 feet in height; that is 6,000 feet higher than Mount Everest. .01 TN1E P.1087 P0l'ULAIt ©e TIFalog, CALVE T'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. Preservesthe tesih, Sit ata,wthe breath, Streragth'tsae Lie Teacher To send for ofrCo . plate Sheet Moak Catala>;u.es and Special Rates. We arc equipped to supply every Music Teacher in Caaede. IV NEE. WHALEY,. ROYCE 3'..7,6 Malo Street,153 Voago r`n a'C Wl'1NIPEG, MAN. TOi2Ocl'i er, DINT. YOUR OVERCOATS and faded Sults would look better dyed. If no agent of oars In your town, writs dh-oct iLietresl, Box 253. �RITl$H AR9YRIOAN DYiING CO. Montreal. .db. W 321 .Br' , c —c'c 21.e31E (31-3SiE usi� c -- Stand: rel American Wicks AND -- lamp Cll. Kids:eagle emir. EMIL •P1h9s.1i.Ja Wire! 1153 WQOD a fried '9. lrr`rrAz ©EPY(a -168 RANI' STREET-1l0RON Dam iii n LltleStoarnottIO Moetaaaa l tc Liverpool. toatca to Ldv- pool. Portland to Liverpool: Ylo Quceus. town. - e,eed nest steemssate. superior eaeomatere fat all elates PreattogorL 04 1°0" epd etttekft eeIt lxc alPafl 1n�,!)o��tier Ia s Login 'z to+ and: b aan e d SYd CI • Zoo r.� 9 res coa a1 p 4t aE a a ai aft' =tf ' eaters apply res s g sa, to any 4 Y� 1p1Y ttyyss pR r aae of Nso Caraway, or Bli avis 2 clo, D. forreaeo k0o.. 7f ds t. -Beaten, caSetleelazarortlalilt aLri' ERT8 B'FA$U 17 CYt istr s r p0 Yt14 tgni laftpt and 6s4t3 A#rleao 'Wq. k7oi1. piyiex ram•, Wt ` Writot iar4 ftrt ; 1.ie a nedd eat UND ,3 j S A. 6"!'?r$C'!YC do$6:t.a'Tookagro. Wet >' red dtladiade m aUre. W 1?ev entptyonatee, pay highest IIFicey. + y d zo pit prelep1l cerredide Po Les co! 17 Catlat'arAve., Toronto. SAUM ©tfrleeOl� Softeners at ilitArtts Canada Idlg ullct'c Terakt is Wtita 1eilfree .hiem p ULT Y. We cap handle unlimited Teat/titles • Hist -class dry )kickedPott tr•, ail erect 10,0e0 Turkeys and Chibkens toe • 1111 our order trade. APPLES. We have a trade that will take aux' iuancity of first-class, properly packet$ Rples, and we can cakecare of them. e bare maple storage. W4"0rsolsxbsnda�y•otic b burst, L"4Gs, HoNB.4• oNloss, nsews eat otreer produce for Itan. The 0A SO c.OL91318318I1 GG,, Li rilte-- Ser. Wast Market and esllarne Ste, TORONTO,, ror:esponden o invited. i s Natural F v' F ebahed 7 nicht. t AR 'd ap . Is� at rete3ava7 res !i fi Q qct �ter>igy ¢may i�qc int ekes tri r�,ttp, �-:j,� '[� _ellC;rtll 3r Lifi$c31;', Cfg� , 71533155 337 ss.' It p1l zd as '•La: a'pu . t�' d. es�d#• 7ea Yra�i6. • M,,;°teas r• s"+'Y Fh. c`'a 3''e'i+t5 r, .• +c: -r Tots llloem do -Lis elna- talntne XSrooek RAd Locket is e (Sift to eve- ry pare** answerfog this nde'r. tlassisnt. the - we want to send you an Absolute Gift, you would read every word of this Adver. tisement, and answer it at once. SEND us your name and address on the below request, and we will take pleasure in sending you free of any charge this exquisite gold finished and hard -enamelled Fleur -de -Lis Chatelaine Brooch and Gainsborough Locket. This is a princely gift beim' finely gold finished and sells regularly at $'I.00 The Secret -Locket opens and will hold two pictures. It is the embodiment of artistic skill and beauty. The present is unconditional, it being a bid for your friendship and good -will. With the Chate- laine Brooch and Locket we will send you ten boxes of Standard Electine Medicines to sell, if you can, at 25 cts. each; then return us our money and we will give you absolutely free all idze following magnificent premiums : One Genuine Solid Gold Shell Ring, set with five simu- lative Rubies, Emeralds or Opals ; one Nethersole Illusion Bracelet ; One Imported Parisian Belt Buckle, *and a complete set of Table Tennis (the mast fascinating and popular game in the world.) Never before has there been gathered together such an array of beautiful and distinctive premiums for so light a service. Our ;medicines and premiums stand squarely on their merits and are satisfying in every respect. We know this from thousands of testimonials from everyproviuce praisingourremedies and expressing delight with our splendid premiums. It will be to your advantage e to reply at once -don't - Il L ut it off till 1 �'to-morrow but write ny ly now before you forget it. Remember, all you have to do is to sign and return the attached request to day ; the Chatelaine Brooch, Locket and Medicine will be promptly mailed postpaid, and even if you d nots au 1 theMedicine vsell cd1 in tic eyou at leasthave t. Chatelaine a rdo 1 Brooch and Locket for simply aking the effort. Do not hesitate, you can count on our fulfiillin,' every promise to the letter, and you will. be more than satisfied. Lay`'down this paper and write us IOW. The Electine Medicine Co., Limited, TORONTO, ONT. Mny We Hemel You One of These Y Reeuest for Fleut.de.Lis Chatslatillet Brooch, Gainsborough Locket, and Madiaine. .6LECTINk MJSJ,ZCIN.E 'CO, LIAIII'RD Perm*, aA r,, ant. , hl rix Ar` ry. S Tau raft! of Aar arae J•7 ,. /' y a7 .rte-.Ctt ChirBel w«t. /Br•diaeh e ket s7 n JO , >� r trr,rAl cod Acxes' ! , t �trstirrthfart' .h of rs'i,vs.Jars" ramothers crixtli,r,,¢rY•ftret)Zl7eerrrt- d'cirec r.ela, 5 yyecas Ms At,rxs,r aria the andrt'fanstfarg Oat f gat k }•cciiafa* Mk air - twee e SOU G.MdShells-deaf Riser, a IColkerrefe hires! t llrrattlt ase dart N7cd ,I'ir iskrs lteltSrrakleta etaca6a feicseteffab Tricia*. f r iltoStlltherusefi iset rnillre rris 10 josi iv/Mtn tkirty imp, ltd€ s etttik Mc Chattlgpn€. '.atk clad Latkat as e ` t- ronc you. iSCY4thG » ... ....,... 0141.0..............a». .t ddreess tl • wlida year nano and setdress very very' piataly. Our remerfic,9arC*leetinrz,itt er,irerGranuies,ii1tctftsr• Idbcyrle555,Oltetttie111ned and 'rime 15uilacrs, lEtectinerueum° Zenitulto Tablets, litcetine 1i t f1yc 'reeled. • 1