HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-1-9, Page 19OK OK OK GK GI: OK OK GK OP° CD 0 Y CD ice, CD 0 0 CLINTON NOM -RECORD, WEI NES,,PA , J Y9,1. Paget) dLASSIFIED 12. Real, estate for sale • ALL POINTS REALTY INC. 53 Stanley Street, Goderich Ph. 524-2111'':. NEW LISTINGS AUB'JRN • Alum. .sided bungalow recently remodelled, 2 bedrooms, heated sunroom, large corner lot, appliances included. AUBURN - 11/2 storey home on treed lot, 3 bedrooms. forrh'l dining room, new furnace, heated workshop, you really should view this one! -GODERICH TWP. • 2'bedroom aluminum sided bungalow on 1 acre, walkout from basement. BAYFIELD - Main St., 3 bedroom bungalow, large- 81' x 132' lot, commercial zone, call Gary Rupert at 524-8777 or 524-2111. HIGH ST. • 2 bedroom bungalow, colourlok siding, attached garage, large lot must be seen to be appreciated. VICTORIA BLVD. • 2 storey 3 bedroom home, formal dining room, study, main floor family room with woodburning stove & wet bar, lot & a half with fruit bearing trees & vines, high energy efficient -home. Call now! BLYTH AREA - 5 acres, 3 bedroom home with brick fireplace in kitchen & family room, fieldstone fireplace in living room, rear deck, small barn, drilled well. Call for your appointment. DOMINIC BRADLEY 482-7841 Agricultural Rep BILL STEENSTRA 482.3780• MAKING HOMES EORDABLE,CEiTURX 20 Member: HURON REAL. - ESTATE BOARD MULTIPLE'LISTING SERVICE GK REALTY & INSURANCE INC. 14 Isaac St., Clinton 482-9747 482-3721 also-Goderich, Exeter, Grand Band. BILL COUNTER 482-3687 HAL HARTLEY 482-3693 Here f.; re THREE Priced in the 20's ALL ARE AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY C) 0 0 0 0 Compact, rural, expandable; highway location, 2 bedrooms, detached garage. Call Bill, Cozy.2 bedroom cottage, shaded lot, quiet neighbourhood; priced to allow for improvements. Cal�ll Bill. 0 G) 0 G) Well maintained, 3 bedrooms, detached garage; this property is coned Highway Commercial. Cell Bill. C5 0 WE LIST AND SELL RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURAL -RECREATIONAL AND SEASONAL PROPERTY MEMBER HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD (Multiple Listing Service) GKGI( GKGKOKGKGKGK 26. Help ‘A, anted SALES POSITION EXECUTIVE INCOME - Weekly Training Allowance, commission and monthly bonus to qualifiers. THE POSITION - 'Direct field sales to the public providing MOTOR CLUB BENEFITS that include Personal Accident Insurance Protec- tion. REQUIREMENTS - Previous sales experience. Applicant must be ambitious, have a good car, and be self motivated. CAN YOU QUALIFY? Apply in person to MR. BAUER at the CEDAR LODGE MOTEL, Goderich on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16 at 2 p.m. or 7 p.m. sharp. 26. Help wanted PARTS PERSON REQUIRED With the expansion of our Service Centre in Blyth, we now have an opening for a parts person. The person we are looking for will have a mechanical aptitude. A minimum of Grade 12 is required, and a post -secondary education is preferred. A comprehensive training program will be provided. This - is an ellcellent career opportunity with Eastern Canada's largest John Deere dealer. Apply in person to - 'AVM �JOttN DEEPS ) 523-4244 The Four Counties Arts Commit- tee Is accepting applications for the position of "COORDINATOR" Candidates .should have the following qualifications: o Arts administration experience °Experience In visual and/or performing arts Post secondary schooling •Typing/clerical experience •Type "G" driver's licence, and own automobile This is a term position starting Monday, January 28, 1985 and to conclude in Tate April, 1985. Duties will include the planning organization, administration and other related activities of a major . intercornmunity Arts Training Seminar to be staged in Clinton, April 1985. Applications will be received until Friday, January 18, 1985, 5 p.m. Please forward applications to: County Arts Committee Co-ordinator Position 'c/o P.O. 1146Z tittir "`"-- Clinton, Clinton, Onteario NOM 1 LO 29. Tenders TAX REGISTRATION PROPERTIES The Corporation of the, Township of Tuckersmith will accept tenders until January 31st, 1985 at 4:00 p.m. for 4 parcels of land in Vanostra Park. PARCEL No. 1 - frarne structure in excess of 10,000 sq. ft. including 3 acres of land, paved parking and swimming pool. Present zoning - institutional. Deposit of S5,000.00 in cash or certified cheque. PARCEL No. 2 - frame structure, 3 levet in excessof 8,000 sq. ft., approx. 1 acre of ' land. Presently zoned' Institutional. Deposit of 52,000.00 cash or certified cheque. PARCEL No. 3 - frame structure, 3 level in excess of 8,000 sq. ft., approx. 1 acre of land. Presently zoned Institutional. Deposit of 52,000.00 cash or certified. cheque. , PARCEL No. 4 - 82' x 93' residential vacant lot - zoned Residential. Deposit of s 1,000.00 in cash or certified cheque. Tenders must be accompanied by a development plan and security deposit. Parcels will be sold on an "as is" basis. Lowest or any deposit not necessarily accepted. For more information or viewing of properties contact: JACK McLACHLAN, Clerk -Treasurer, The Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith OMB 117, R.R. No. 5 Clinton, Ontario. NOM 1L0 482-9523 Sealed and plainly marked Tenders will be accepted by the undersigned until 5 p.m. JANUARY 31, 1985 for GARBAGE COLLECTION IN THE TOWN OF CLINTON 1. Contract will run for a period of 3 years from Mar. 1/85 until Feb. 29/88. 2. Contractor will maintain and use a properly equipped truck. Please describe vehicle. 3. Contractor must agree to comply with the Clinton Garbage By-laws. 4. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Further Information can be obtained at the Town Clerk's office. C.C. Proctor Clerk -Treasurer Box 400 Clinton, Ontario KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports, flooring, windows, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone: 482-7676. Ken McNairn.-8tfar PHIL'S refrigerator and appli nce service'. Pro- mpt dependable service to nil makes and models of domestic appliances. Phone 887-9062,-27tf 30. ;Employment wanted NEED WORK DONE? We do it all. Renovations, roofing, siding. drywalling. and all repairs. Free estimates. Jim Carrick Construction. Phone 524- 4338.--02tfar 31. Service directory PIANO TUNING and repairs; used pianos bought and sold. Call Michael Lipnicki •(Wingham) 357- 1049.-34tf K & P Local or Distant Furniture Movers. Reasonable rates. Well experienced. Give us a call at 482-9705 or 482.9505 any time and make an appointment.-51tfaf, JDRYWALL •H,1'.' „I •r ,,r,.,.q *PA )1,,q • S'.npin,t ''d Yu, c nod r e,l,ngs Herb VonAmerxfoort 523-4207 eery Competitive Rates 31. Service directory For Ali Your Plumbing Needs, Contact: CHRIS MIDDLETON PLUMBING (Licenced Plumber) Phone 482-7201.482;3758 Industrial, Commercial, Farm, Residential Reasonable Rates Edward HEARD CONSTRUCTION -Complete Backhoe Service - RR 1 VARNA (519) 565-2987 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS Four modern rotary rigs Phone Seaforth NUL: 52'7'-YYY3T Iiii1YL'°i1`27-0828 • JIM: 527-0775 COMPLETE SHARPENING SERVICE In Clio don, Highway 8 west across from Elm Haven Motel 'phone -482-3305 Chris Brooks Carpentry "NO JOB TOO SMALL Call 482-3830 For a ynur ullding Hoods McQUAID CARPENTRY "Business Built on Service" LICENSED CARPENTER *RENOVATIONS •SIDING *ROOFING, ETC. . *FREE ESTIMATES •NO JOB TOO SMALL 482-3628(Erenings) JACK R. COLQUHOUN (GENERAL CONTRACTING Specializing in: *CUSTOM BUILT HOMES •RENOVATIONS •ADDITIONS •KITCNENS •ALUMINUM SIDING PHONE 482®9506 EVENINGS JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING "Farm and Residential Buildings *Additions and Renovations "Roofing, Siding, Soffit & Fascia PHONE 482-3063 Area distributor for Mak Ito Power Tools l "Built for the Pros", 482-7290 JACK GERRITS CONSTRUCTION LTD. * Farm * Commercial * Residential * Buildings * Additions & Renovations AFFILIATED WITH: CUSTOM SHEET METAL * Fascia & Soffits * •Door and Windcw Jams and Sills " * Metal Covered Doors BIG JOBS OR SMALL WE Tf9CKLE THEM -ALL 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE in all Facets of the building trade WE CARE ABOUT YOUR SATISFACTION KEN KELLER CONSTRUCTION GODERICH 524-6637 [--- 35. Notice to creditors 35. Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF MARY ADELE HOWES, late of the Township of Hullett in the County of Huron, Housewife, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 17th day of November, 1984, are required to file•full par- ticulars thereof with the undersigned on - or before the 29th day of January, 1985, after which. date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notie. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 27th day of December, 1984. E.B. MENZIES, Q.C., Box 68, Clinton; Ontario • NOM 1 LO Solicitor for the Executors-2-4ar 38. Auction sale Richard Lobh Auctioneer CLINTON - 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH MILLER McGREGOR, late of the Village of Brucefield in the County of Huron, Housewife, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 9th of November 1984, are required td file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of January, 5985, otter which date the assets will -be distributed, having regard only"to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 20th day of December, 1984. AUCTION SALE Appliances, furniture, some antiques, oil furnace', 3 pt. hitch •blade for tractor, small lawn trailer,'misc., etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. from 4xeter home plus. additions. SATURDAY, JAN. 12 AT 10 AM 6 ft. 3 pt. hitch blade for tractor; lawn trailer; oil furnace; Moffat Provencal 100 Harvest Gold 30 inch electric stove with full black glass oven door - like new - 3 yr. old; older 30 inch electric stove; '24 Inch electric stove; wringer washer; 2 Black & White TV's; flat to the wall cupboard; large antique jam type cupboard with three drawers; antique dresser w/rnirr•-, china cabinet w/full glass door, old fancy wooden 'dining table; antique table •w/large glass bail claw feet;. two wicker arm chairs; small wooden table; 4 snatching wooden chairs; 2 wooden office arm chairs; 3 sets of 3 matching old wooden chairs; several odd chairs; 3 piece bedroom suite; 3 wooden beds w/mattress; matching coffee & end table; odd tables; 3 small chests of drawers; cherry lamp table; old record cabinet; 3 recliner chairs; modern wooden double bed; Franklin wood heater w/insulated chimney; chesterfield „ & matching chair; davenport couch; chesterfield; large window; lawn swing:. 2 small girl's bikes; Smith Corona typewriter; buffalo robe; - broiler oven; small appliances; record player; small safe; handmade quilts; electric guitar & quantity of blue bubble dishes, records, etc. TERMS: CASH Auctioneer: Richard Lobb CLINTON 482-7898 E.B. MENZIES, Q.C., Box 6EI, Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors 52-2AR 39. Educational FREE 128 Page Career Guide describes 200 cor- respondence Diploma Courses. Start on your new career today. Granton Institute (Dept 5A) 263 Adelaide St. West Toronto. 1.800-268- 1121--46tf 40. Lost & Found. FOUND - Young German Shepherd dog in Goderich Township, Phone 482-92181-2nx DENTURE WEARERS Did you know that it is important in have your dentures examined regularly? Your mouth is one of the most important arm ,4 your body. but often the most neglected when dentures ore worn, -Improperly fitting or neglected dentures can cause severe health problems. The lock of public informotion regarding dentures is alarming and often leads to problems and unnecessary expense. Your local denture therapist (denturist) is a professional specialising in the construction, repair and modification Of dentures and provides this service directly to the public. If you have problems with your present dentures or think of getting new ones,, see your local denture therapist, consultation Is usually free. You will find denture therapists (denturists) listed In the yellow pages. This Information is supplied through the Denturist Association of Ontario and your Local therapist, - 42. Death notice JENKINS At Haldimand War Memorial Hospital, Dunnville, on' Saturday, January '5, 1985, Mrs. Mary Marguerite Jenkins, the former Mary Marguerite Riehl of R.R. 2, Cayuga and formerly of Clinton; in her 51st year. Beloved wife of'Willium Jenkins and dear mother of Bonita, Debbie, Maxine, Jackie, Bill, Rick and Jeff. Also loved by 8 grand- children. Loving daughter of Mrs. Margaret Riehl of Clinton and dear sister of William giehl of Clin- ton and Robert Riehl of Amherst, Nova Scotia. Also survived by several nieces and nephews. Predeceased by her father George Riehl, Friends were received at the Ball &.Falconer Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton on Tuesday from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9:30 p.m. Funeral service was held on Wednesday, January 9 at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Clinton Cemetery. GODERICH 38 WEST ST. (Kitty corner from Police Station) 524-6688 (I/ busy phone 1.800-265-1415)8011 free Horst Feige D.T. By Appointment Only POORTINGA Suddenly on Sunday, December 30, 1984, our Heavenly Father took onto Himself George Poor. tinge of Hensall, in his 73rd year. Dear husband of Sieb (Rimersma) Poortinga. Father of Bertha (Mrs. John Van Soest) of RR 1 Moorefield, James of Woodham, Clarence of Blyth, Henry of Kirkton, Jane (Mrs. John DeWeerd) of Listowel, grandfather of 15 grandchildren and 15 great- grandchildren. Predeceased by his first wife Tryntje Wielenga, and 2 brothers. Also survived by 2 sisters and 3 brothers. Friends called at The Hopper Hockey Funeral Home, Exeter, for visita- tion on Tuesday, January 1st, 1985, from 2-4 and 7.9 p.m. Funeral service was held on Wednes- day, January 2nd, at 2 p_m., from ,The Christian Reformed Church, in' Exeter,.witli�fFev. �ernprd DeJonge.officiating. Interment Exeter Cemetery. KNOX Leslie Thomas Knox of Niagara Falls in his 79fff year. He passed away on January 1, 1985 in St. Catharines Hospital. He was the son of the late William and Rosean Knox of Londesboro and leaves to mourn him his wife Hilda and son Bert, five grandchildren and four great grandchildren all of Niagara Falls andone sister Florence Lud- vigsen of -Clinton, a niece Isobel •Gibson and nephew Bill Chowen. Burial frons Morrise and Son Funeral Home January 3, 1985. Interment in Mont Rose Memorial Cemetery, ` Niagara Fall.-2nx PATTISON At University Hospital, London, on Saturday, December 29, 1984, Henry James Pattison, of Blyth, in his 65th year. Beloved husband of Ruby Casemore. Dear father of Margaret (Mrs. Card Pritchard), of Wingham, Barbara (Mrs. Barry Thomson), of Hornilton, Shirley, (Mrs. Keith O'Connell), of Stratford, Gayle, of Palmerston, Jeanne (Mrs, Michael King), of Wingham, David, of Blyth. Predeceased by one son Billy. Also sur- vived by 5 grandchildren. Dear brother of Dorothy (Mrs. Gerald Watson), of Forest. Predeceased by brother Roy. Rested at the Tasker Funeral Home, Blyth, Ont. where the funeral service was held on Monday, December 31st at 2 p.m, Spring interment Wingham Cemetery: SEDDON At University Hospital, London, pn Saturday, December 29, 1984, Orville G. Seddon, of RR 1, Bayfield, in his 71st year. Beloved husband of Jeannie Graham. Dear father of Nancy and her husband Tom Flynn, of RR 1, Boyfield and Jeff and his wife Sue, of Goderich, Loving grand- father of Jennifer, Tonia, Lisa, Nicole, Ryan and Adam. Brother of Helen (Mrs. Charles Land), of Woodstock. Predeceased by two sisters; Mar- jorie Seymour and Meta Begg, Friends called att the McCallum Funeral Home, Cambria Road at East Street, Goderich. Funeral service was held at the funeral home 1:30 Tuesday afternoon, In- terment Maitland Cemetery. SNELGROVE At Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital, on Saturdctla- December 29, 1984, Orville Snelgrove, of 423 Westrnount Street, Strathroy, aged 77. Beloved husband of Shirley (Wyatt), Dear father of Donald, of Guelph. Brother of Harold, of Clin- ton,.Stanley, of Mt, Brydges, Mrs, Norah Adair; of Windsor, and Mrs. Alice Cordell, of London, Also survived by 4 grandchildren and 1 great- grandchild. Friends were received at the Denn- ing Brothers Funeral Home, 32 Metcalfe Street, Strathroy on Tuesday, January 1, 1985, from 2-4 and 7.9 p.m. where funeral service was held on Wednesday, January 2 at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. John Barrett officiating. Interment In Strathroy Cemetery. HORTON James Clayton of Railway Street, Seaforth on January 3, 1985, In his 70th year. Clayton Horton, beloved husband of the former Margaret Hay. Dear father of Donald of Burlington, Pat (Mrs. Gordon Williamson) of Windsor. Also survived by 4 grandchildren, 1 sister, Mrs. Mae Rowcliffe of Zurich, and 7 brothers Cal of Clinton and Lloyd of Palmerston, Predeceased by brothers William, Jack and Bert. Friends colied at the Whitney. Ribey Funeral Home, after.2 p.m. Friday, until 2 p,m..on Saturday; when funeral services were held. Interment Bairds Cemetery, Stanley Twp. KELLY At his residence in Morris Township on Thursday, January 3rd, 1985, William Earl Kelly In his 52nd year. Beloved brother of Doreen (Mrs. William Tuplin) of Mississauga. Rested at the Tasker Funeral ome, Blyth, Ontario until Saturday, then to th St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church, Blyth for Mass of the Christian Burial at 11 a.m. Spring Interment St. Michael's Cemetery, Morris Township.