HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-11-13, Page 2END The Jury •Says Geral flton Is Not Coullty of Murder. • A. I.40ndon .doSaatah says; • Gerald, Siftoa stepped from the prisoner'e • box on Saturday night a free man. „ 'After one V tho • most- stensational '1I1 in the history of this. country', • tho yeunge.ramaer waa fond, net guilty O A coquet:, .the enormity .-of which, etartied the whole countrysido nearly two yeare and four months ago. ThiS WiLS fairtores tacolia .Isourteon Montag- .ago. •jury. V his peers disagreed, standing 9 to 3 for his convietion. The result of Sat- urday night: came, therefore, as a good deal of a • surpriso to the Crown. The same 'evidence had been submitted to the jury on this um. - f4011 as upon the last, and nenoug th witnesses agalust the • prisoner was the alleged accomplice of the accused, now awaiting sentenco for his part in the tragedy. The dey was occupied almost en- tirely with the making of addresses to tho jury. The only witness call- ed was the wife of elle prisoner. She created a great deal of sympathy by her demeanor in the box. Her evi- dence was the giving V. a flat con- otradietion to some points against tho prisoner that were very import- ant, among then being tho state- ment of Herbert, that tho bargala made with him to aealst in the kill- ingwasmade at the prisoner's cow stable on the morning of the tat - ay. Mr. E. Is. 13. Johnston's .address to the jury was a very powerful ap- peal to the. sympathies.. The prison- er's wife sat at her husband's side 'just - without ..the Prisoner's. box, when counsel began his address, but Judge Britton ordered. her away. Mr. Clete summed up for the Crown, and made a clever arraign- ment of all the important points. Xis lordallip was very lucid in hio eadress of one hour, and although not unfair, what he had to eater woe very largely against the prisoner. The case was given to the jury Shortly before five o'clock, and whoa three hours and twenty minutes lat- er they had not. returneta the judge sent for them. Foreman Gillies re- ported that they bad been unable to agree, and that there was no hope of an agreenieut. la this he was confirmed by Jurynmn ....wood, of Lumen. When the wife of the pri- oozier heard the announcement shc gave vent to a wail of grier that struck into every heart in the court- room. RECEIVED WITH CHEERS. Judge Britton sent. the jury back to further consider their verdict, while Ile should coneider what to cit with them, he the event of their fail- ure to agree. In half an. hour the jury eent word that they were again ready to return. and as they filed iuto court their decision was plainly written upon every face. When the foreman. announced in a loud tone that he found the prisoner not guilty, there was a scene of wild enthusiasm in the court -room. crowd - ea as it was almost to suffocation. Men waved their hats and women their handkert.hiefs, aud cheeri . rent the old nunn in which many murder trials have occurred, but among which this is in many particulars unique. The prisoner was tilt' 1110St e0111PO:-,0a num in the room. 1. few • minutes thereafter he stepped from the box. the judge merely felling him that 1 he jury had taken a very mere ciful %Jew of his ease. On the Orst NAM. in the jury rionn tho jury :11 OOd 10 for acqnittal end • 9 for conviction. The evidence wes then discussed for an hour or neon, • end another ballot wet taken Oloe time the jurs etood 11 fer ivied and 3. for conviction. Aral remained until they eoe:er, .110 • runt -room, and were salt et„ that point the jure:meg, 1101iiing out yielded. era; ,;11%*: 'Were t'llahlini to ITIVrifi:' rt. ;:r.:::1,..11611•.; 1,\Wdiet. The jury reagneo vision largely ;gem tea ril-aenea -e? blood stains in the bere werl credit that. waa reek. eesee of the Mordent: in ceeeeenarera -de forged will. : Sifton vain 4t h••: aa ten eoree. his fattier -al -law in khle eatee. 'Re lead . to be carried free: era erkt, r? house , havitig eneeal tearer TT tremendous nerenee •steale fere agethe he lied been raibjectod.--- ft is tierlar- • stood that Ile will fleortly lease, fa -See country. with the. releoed, fbegiuninte life over again. Walter lIerbert riti be sentencedSt the port coert, in Ounuary. OUR TRADE WITH. BRITAIN. I natures for Latit Ten Monthrt Show Large Increase. A Londou despatch nays :-Angloe Canadian trade centinues 1 o ad vara, The Board of Trade retures for ten nu m .24 (9 /I a ( Plier PA I OW thu following increases : Diatish importe from aanitria-Cat- tle, 42R,000; bacon, 425,000; hams, L120,000; butter, 4218,000; cheese, 4312,000; wheat, 4841,000; wheat flour, 4238„000; sawn wood, 4307, - WO: horses 410,000. The decreases were : Sheep and lambs, 48,000e eggs, 450,000; oats, 4170,000; • peas, 4127,000; maize, £8,000; Sewn wood, 4117,000. Imports of calmed salmon totalled 41,012,000; conned lobsters, 000, ..blaparte :to Canada increasedas foilowei : Malt, 45,000; Wool, 44,- 000; cotton pieta goods, ia9,000 ; linen piece goods, 65,006 a. talk, 46,000;. woolen th4filleS, Z08,000 ; worsted tisanes,. 472,000 ; carpets, 48,000; cutiery„Oti.,000; hardware, 47,000; pig. iron, 401,000; bar iron, ;444000; railroad - iron, 0107,000 ; alitetts boiler .plettes,. 447,000;'• .ged- vautzed shcote, 474,900 ; tin plates, 4.69,000; met,' eitenight iron, 445,- 000e unWroughe steel, 4221,009; :uo- OUS TRJA Wrought, MA.' aS,000; haberdashery, iV75,pOO. The decreases were 1 'Spirits., 41,- 000; cement, 421,000; earthenware, 46,000. Exports tar 'apparel and slope, waa ter-proors totaled 4.2a,00();. not wa- ter -proofed, 4248,000. •The 'October statement .V the gen- eral trade of 13rItain shows increases fee e12,014,,500- In imports, and V5, - 88L000 in exports;..' Thee nutet signitieant feature of the imeoet side of the Board .01 Trude returns is the hirrettee of $0,820,- 765 in the value of raw materials Lor textile manufactures. Other largo increases are a2,883,770, itt dutiable articles or feed and drink, and $2,- 960,840 in amemfoctured articles. Tho. largest increase in exports is $2,886,060 in metals andarticles manufactured therefrom. WILL HAVE FULL POWERS Duties of New Appointee to Re- gulate IrerragratiOn. A Montreal despatch says :-At last session of Parliament an order in:council was passed by the Federal Government, giving power to all pro- perly authorizer.' agents of the Gov- ernment to see that no person came into this country suffering from any contagious or loathsome disease. The orderin-Coursal has now been suP- plerneuted by the aPpointrnent of Dr. W. L. Ellis, who was in Montreal on Friday, and who waited upon the Dominion. Immigration authorities. Tho duties of Dr. Ellis will be of the most comprehensive character. Ho will have power of examination at aal ocelots of call. 'He will be able to order the deportation of all un- desirable persons from a medical point of view. He wiEL in the case of. contagious or leatheome disease, ac- quaint. the nearest • immigration agent, who will at once put tho ne- coseary machinery in maim to have the rejected person seat back by the steamship company to the place whence he came. ON HIS WIFE'S GRAVE. Suicide of a Dore -anion Poilce Offi- CEA'. An Ottawa despatch says: W. W. Walters, a. Dominion policeman, cone-. milted suicide in Beechwood Ceme- tery on Sunday afternoon with a shot from a service revoivee. Watters • had been on night duty on Parlia- ment Hill, but went home at 6 a. m. Ire retired to rest, and on rising at noon complained to his wife that he did not feel well. She advised him. to go to the doctor, and he said he! would. Between 4 and 5 o'clock hel was discovered deed in the cemetery within 80 yards of his first wife's grave, with a bullet througli his right. breast. Wben the body was discovered Walters was lying on, his back with his overcoat under his head as a pillow. it. is supposed he need the shot, tben threw the revolv- er away, walked a little distance and laid down and died. No reason is advanced for the deed. Watershad been off duty for some weeks, but resumed on Saturday night, and the men who saw him in the guard -room seal he was quite cheerful. Welters was born in Quebec. He leaves a Widow and two children. HEAVY TIMBER CUT. The LumbermenPromise to Break the Record. A Montreal despa.tch says: Traf- A Toreeto rieepoketh ergese Reeeet. lie at the port of Montreal has in - reports fee ge, ga.aeo j !neon__ ereased very largely this year as leeer ,.. ,tc.erlr:/iYarc:,,,I with laet. From the open- . . ...„ re ee. lag' of atesoaTation to the int of . eetotarer eke harbor dues collected ereoergeel to $240,53.1, as compared -o1ele trelOO,416.- for the same period; e .r„•• ,„f 01, ;„,o to This makes an increase , ,...• .i,„ elleleoftle for dee preeent year. The f!- esearly altogether in the . COUNTERFEITERS CAUGHT. Operators in Toronto for Eighteen Months Past., , . Toronto deepatch tys Fete some months past the frequent trips of one William Stewart to points out of the city, and from the Ilayaianol House,. 355 Wilton aventte, where ho livecl, to' a .certoin, oddresa on You& street, have caused the polico to sus- pect that he was catatected with the produceionof the many counterfeit $1 and $2 Dominion Governmeut notes whiclt have been passed itt tho city during the past • yeer and a half. The .discoveries made by De- tectives Forest and Duncau.on Thurs- day night showed that there were ample grounds for their 'suspicions. Late Thursday night they visited the Rayenand House and discovered a complete .counterfeit plant. The dis- covery was followed by the arrest of Stewart and of Anson Raymond, who owns' the hotel, and his wife, as being parties' to tho counterfeiting. Counterfeit bills have been taken to the Detective Departniont daily dur- ing the pat eighteen months, most of them having been passed at the T. Eaton Company's store. 'nest are all at the department,and the officials aro satisfied that it can be conclusively proven that they were run off tho various plates which were secured itt Thuroday night's visit to. the Raymond House, $30,000,000 FOR WHEAT. Manitoba. Farmers Will. Enjoy Holidays. • • .A. Toronto despatch says: "Thir- ty millions of dollars to be divided up among the comparatively few farmers in Manitoba 'alone is a con- siderable sum of money for them to have to opeed, and .I expect there will be quite a number of people up there this year who will take ad- vantage of the Christmas excursions for a trip to Ontario, and to visit the .old homesteads," said Mr. Jas.' Hartney, Manitoba Emigration Ag- ent. Mr. Trartney estimates that the Manitoba farmers will easily realize that amount on this year's . wheat crop alone, outside of what will bo coming to them front other crope.. There is a very large acreage, for in- stance, of Mex. This will mean a. considerable increaso to the "income of the farmers this season over for- mer seasons. Many of the farmers., it is pointed out, are already well- to-do men, and will not need to mar- ket all their crops this fall. They have in many instances built gran-. arias of their own, and aro thusable to hold on to their. crops. In this way they are not only serving their own interests, but helping the rail- ways, which couldnot be expected to provide granaries for all the crop. "The farmers have to help the rail- ways out in this way, and they are now able to do so," says Mr. Hart- ney. Reports so far received by. Mr. Hartney from those of the harvest-; ers who have returned to their homes in Ontario indicate that they aro; well satisfied this year with the re -1 stilts of their trip to the Western wheat fields, Wages are high, and the difficultiesas to transportation I to points where the men were wanted I was obviated this year by tho new arrangemente ruade by the railways. THE MARKETS Price, or Grain' • Cattle etc • • lu Trade Centres. • Toronto, Nov. 11. a- Wheat-- The iaceipts.iiiVfair. -the millidental/0 iS' good and the market is firm at 68c !to MO' for No. 2 red and white pest and middle. freights. (loose le steady at 600 for No. 2 east. Spring wheat is steady at 670 for No. 1 oast. Manitoba wbeat is steady at 88e to 83.1ec for No: 1 ltard and 81Sc for No. -1 northern grinding ill transit,. . Flour -.Is steady; cars of -Ontario 90 per cent, patents he buyers' bags are quoted tet .$2.67a to $2.72-a east or middle freight% Ohoiee brands aro hold 15 to 20c higher. Manitoba flour is steady at .81.3.0 for cars of Hun- garian Patents and $3.80 for strong. bakers., bags included, on track To- ronto. Millreea-fs in good demand and firmer at $15 to $16 for cars of shorts and $13 for bran in bulk east or middle freights. Manitoba mill - feed is steady,. at $19 for cars of shorts and $17 for bran in car tots, sacks included, Toronto freights.. Barley -Is firm at 43c for No. 3 extra and 40e for No. 8 east or mid- dle -freights. Buckwheat. -Ts steady at 58e to 54c for No, 2 east or middle freights. -Rye-Is steady at - 48c to 49c for No. 2 east ot. middle freights, Corn -The market is dull and easy; Canada yellow is quoted. at 61c. .American No. 8 yellow is quoted. at .66c for cars on the •track here. Oats -Are in fair demand and stea- dy at 31c to 310 for 2. white low freights to NOW York, and No. 1 white are quoted at 32e east. Oatmeal -Is steady at $1 for cars 'of bags and $4.10 for bbls.. on . th _track ' Toronto, and 25c more fo broken lots. -Peas-Are steady at 72c for No, east and 71c middle freights. TRAFFIC TO MONTREAL. Navigation Returns Show Increase of a44,000 for Season. •.71 ; • ''“•+•+- :+'+ • ;4 .4,0,1 , 412 ...a... • ° ,;.e.T- • , eole- • ;,„. . •. • . , f:;'..0; *IA !!",.•...". e;4,t1X..!, ;6;4'; il'art: 'Se ritt.le a-Ar,e. d fee e a a' ore mere 1,ide' eaa iliaa a month. Ome ee aio 1.-0reeeen. tataleing tteehef1 f7 .?. (31 ee-orkteert. ask0ei soa eer.00le. had rev:11,04 fdaar to.e...etaore THREE HUSi3ANDS KILLED • 11 All Met Viedent I/eat/via-Widow /5 23 -Years OM, A Grand Rapids, Mieh., deep/del says a -IT -eel Otto tate killed in Joy - field Township, Mitt' 'Thompgonvillt,, 0/1 Th•ureday, by a tree falling on him while at work in the woode, lje wee married but two numths ngt, to 11O: widow of Pal. Crandall, who Witt; drowned it little more then a year ago, Otto Wag her third hueband, the first husband also having been killed by it. falling tree. Mrs. Otto is but 23 years old, THE BEEF WAS BAD. Exhaiestive Test Made on Caaa- di an C onsi ginneat A London despatch says :-A War Office offieittl interviewt°d. With 'refer- ence to tho condemnation of a con- signment of Comedian canned beef (luring the South African war, atoid : "Such was done only after the most exhaustive ana fairest. of tests." Prof. Itebertscm, who witnessed the expert tests at Woolwich, said : "I am•convinced that; the Canadian /tacking leaves rnueli to be desired and shall communicate my opinion to the proper quarter." neeerk to eke xparts itiereasing only rya tea.; ariaaoro ETTER TIMES IN JAMAICA. onstaraent l'iopes to Repay fle•ItiA60e. Loan Next Year. .1k.r111iSt a. ii6i.patell been cot,- - veened espeetal tj give au- ' teace-ge0 tee the Govererearet to make lee stegra. pleratere, /suppler/Jen- e;ao fo, the Imperial greed., arid thus ten: iertir fleioataa rif the ityliwo- . aeri.ei....g the abr,iitie,r/ (ef (bit • "fhe Clevernor an- ff, great SOi.Pilft.e,OriOnt. ix/ .the anteef.e.rx, aim reveroic ineren.e,- kg by .SeaoOebeie. it: 1.1in hiat half of 1 he rt.'sar, 4ts tar'ffsgle to coffee atol GovernInerit below: torxt ,;elts/r fo reioxy the loan of $100,1/00 olitetined laet yr/tie from the 1.trijenerti exchequer, ROLLED DOWN 300 FEET. Accident to Passengers in Colo- rado Stage Coach. A Curay, Col., despatch says.: The stage. coach whichruns between this Place and Red Mountain met with an accident . .near hero on one Of tho steepestegrades of the road, and toe gother with the 11 passengers, roll- ed down the mountain side, tance of 800 feet, One of the hor- ses, was killede ancl all the passengers wore injured more or less. —+ THE MELANCHOLY CZAR. • His Condition. Said to Be 'Creating Auxiety. A Coeenhagen despatch says: Ac- cording- to information received at the Danish Court, Emperor Nicholas of :Russia is greatly depressed itt mind, and is inelanchol,v, His con- dition bas created anxiety here. 2 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter -There is a . good inquiry for all choice lots in dairy and creamery, and prices for these are firm.. Laege rolls are being offered vow, and aro selling at 16c to 17c. The general market is steady, with no changes in prices. Creamery prints ... 20c to 21c do solids, fresh made 19c to 20c do earlier makes 17c to 18c Dairy tubs and pails choice 16c to 17e do medium 14c to 15c 'do corathon ...... 12c to 121c do pound rolls 17e to 18c. do large. rolls ... 16c to 17c Cheese -There is -no change in prices, and the market is steady, with a moderate amount of activity; Jobbers quote leve°e at 111c to 12c and twins ,at 12e to 121.c. Eggs -The demand for strictly fresh gathered is well maintained, and the supply is no more than s'uf- ficient to meet the wants of the trade. Prices are firm et 1.8c to 19c. Splits and seconds sell e, at 13c to 15c, and -are moving freely. Limed eggs bring 17c to 18q. Potatoes - Market is active • and firm. The receipts are not very large and the excellent inquiry con- tinues. Car lots on track here are selling at 80c to 85c per bag, and potatoes out of store are firmer at 95c to $1.10 per bag. • Poultry -Offerings are rather large and with a continuance of mild wea- ther the market is easy. The move- ment is not very active and low prices aro often quoted to hasten sales. The range of quotations is unchanged. Chickens are selling at 40c to 50c per pair for otd, 50e to 65c for young, ducks at 50c to 70c Per pair and geese at 6c to 61c per pound. Turkeys sell at 8c to 9c for old and 0c to 10c for young. Beans -Neer York, ploy. 5. - For the last few days the best lots of pea. beans have brought $2.45 per bush- el; there are some old lots let, for which $2.30 to $2.35 is the general price, some holders asking $2.40. Baled Tray-, Offerings at outside points are liberal and the market is easy. Dealers still report a, great scarcity of rolling stock. Car lots 011trackhere are quoted at $9 to $1.25lecr 'Baled Straw -The demand is mod- erate and prices are steady. Car lots on track here are quoted at $5 to $5.25 per ten. PROWS19NS. The market is firer, with very lit- tle business passing The opening of the season for car lots of dressed hogs has Ind to a. sort of awakening, .but no aativity has been displayed in any quarter as yet. There is a. good demand for all kinds of hog pro- duct. Quotations aro unchanged. . Vork-Canada shore cut, $24; hea- vy mess, *22e ;Smoked and Dry Salted Meats - Long clear bacon, 11a to llac; • hams, 3.4c; rolls, ic to 12e; shoul- ders, 11ac; batiks; 15e to 16c; break- fast bacon, 1.5c to. 1.6c; green meats out of pickle are quoted at lc less than sxnoked" . Lard -Tierce's 10ac, tubs .3.1c and pails 114c.. • . nee... - BUFFALO GRAIN MARKETS. Duffel°, Nov. 11. - Flour -Firm:. Wheat -Spring unsettled; No. 1 hard spot, 771c; winter quiet; No. 2 rod, 76c. Corn -Dull and weak; No. 2 yellow 64; No, 8 do., 684; No. 2 corn, 62e; No. 8 do., 61a to 61ae. Oats -Weak; No. 3 white, 380; No. 2 mixed, •31ac; No. a mixed, 81c. Dar- 1ey-4710 to 58e, Rye -No. 1 ill store, 54e asked. Canal freights - Steady. EUROPEAN GRAIN MARKETS. London, Nov. 11, - Mork Lane Miller Market. - Wheat, foreign dif- fieult of sale, langlieh dull; corn, American, nothing. doipg, Danubian, steady; flour, "American, 'quiet but steady, English quiet, Paris, Nov; 11, -Wheat, steady; November, 211 arm; March and June, 211 15c. Flour, steady; November, 292 85e, March and June 281. . . A IvrIsla. 1ltikella5Ela. • • ,. • Toronto, Nor 1l, - Businessat. the Toronto ,eattle market to -day was fairly good,, but there ,wasno. particular ,brisidnese. The a delleend for all gratlee, excevt, theeleweste was moderate; and the -choicest lota were snapped up quickly-. There was an average supply and the wants, of the buyers were soon satisfied. Prices held steady -and -there•wereeno impertant changes. Mitclt cows wore strong and better prices. were asked, There WrIS no change in•sheep, lambs, calves or hogs. The total run was 70 loads, • includina 977 cattle, 1,- 283 sheep and lambs, 20 calves and 1,159 hogs. • We quote: Export cattle, choice, ovt -.$ 4.40 to * 5,00 do medium ....a... 8.75 to 4.40 do cows, - 0,00 to " 8.50 Butchers', •export ..,. 4,50 to 4..75 do picked ...,- - 425 to 4.50 do choice ... a. - 3.60 to 4.00 do Medium 8..00 to 3.60 • do common ... 2.25 to 2.75. Bulls, export a heavy -. 13.75 to 4.25 , do 3.50 to 8.75 • do feeding .... 2.75 to 0,50 do stock .., ... 1.75 to, 2.50, Feeders, short -keep 4.25 to 4.50' • do medium -- .... 3.75 to 4.00 do light ..- - • 3.25 t� 3.75 Stockers, choice ..., 2.75 to 3,25 rio commen ..... 2.26 to 2.75 Mitch cows, each... 85.0,0 to 52.00 Sheep, export ewes, . • ewt V.. 8.25 to. 8.40 Bulls, per cwt ,..... 2,50 to 2.75 Culle, each ,.... 2.00 to. 8.00 Lambs, per cwt... 3.25 to, 8.50 Calves, each • ..., _8.00 to 10.09 Hogs, select, per cwt .- 6.00 to 0.00 do fat, per cwt... 5.75 to 0.00 do light, per cwt... 1.5.'75 to 0.00 do stores, per owt 5.50 to ;.0.00 do sows, per cwt 4.50 to 0.00 do stags, per mat 2.00 to 0.00: CANADA'S POSTAL BUSINESS Annual Report of the Poatoffice • • bepartmetra • An Ottawa despatch says: The animal report of the Dominion Post - Office DePaatinent.shotes a. surplus of $5,109 dating the fiscal year, and this despite -multitudinous additions to the service. Last, year there was a deficit of $410,184: This year the increase in revenue amounted to 13466,933, while. the increase in ex- pense was only .$45,640. The net revenue for the year was $8,888,126, and the expenditure $3,- 888,016. These ngures do not ina elude the revenue and expendituao of the Yukon mid Atlin districts.. On June 30 last there were in opera- • Lion 9,958-- post -offices; an increase of 124 compared with ,:the year.pree sious. • The mail 'matter posted dur- ing the twelve months included 218,- • 628,000 •letters, 26,843,000 register- ed letters, and 7,411,000 free letters, an increase of 21,973,000 letters. There was an increase of 6 per cent' in the vette of stamps. sold. During the year there was an • in- crease of 184,492 in the number of postal notes issued, and an increase of 1,446,129 in the number of money orders. .The total value of money ordersis- sued was $2,7,549,402, and postal notes $1,459,015. The Savings Dank deposits totalled $11,382,085, an increase of $290;936. The with- drawals amouoted to $10,617,070. The balance remaining to the Credit of depositors • amounts. to $42,320,- 209, au increase of $2,369,397. The city of Toronto does the larg- est postal business in Canada, the gross revenue of the office being $700,806, while that of Montreal was $191,351, • - KING'SINTEREST IN :RELAND Telegraphic Briefs From All Over the Globe. CANADA. , 'Indications • .'point to the' erection. 1 a big furniture factary in Berlin,. Winnipeg dealers hove decided to sell anthracite coal at $11' per ton. Three nightwatchmen have been orlded to Berlin's police force. It is reported et Montreal that the Kingston Locomotive Works may be incefed to Longue Pointe, Que. The Experimental Farm, Ottawa, shipped 88 barrels of apple* to Eng- ittad, which netted $3 per barrel, The Page -Hersey Iron & Tulle Com- pany has been 'Incorporated with $500,000 capitol and head oflices itt Guelph. The Dominion revenve for the first Sow- months of the current' yeae. is $20,991,788, and the surplus is 136,- 509,507.. • Thomas A, Rall,London, deft it $70,000 'estate, • $10,000 of which was bequeathed for Children's Home in that place, • Stratford city bouticii has voted to submit a by-law to the •peonle.. for the purchase of the waterworkS sys- tem at it coet of. $95,000. The Dominien.Goverzunent has pur- change property on Maio street in Hamilton, and the Costoms .oxarran- ing dvarehouses will be enlergecl. on the site. The Canadian lqorthern Railway expect to carry .25 per cent. of the wheat crop, say .14,000,000 or 15,- 090,000 bushels,. against 8,000,000 bushels healed:fast Year...." • ' The Hamilton School Board , will, accept' Hon. Richard llarcourt's pro- position 'for .the,esta.blislunent cd.' a classeni ,doinestiO Defence; in -coonee, tion, with the Normal College. Chief Logault, of the Montreal po- lleehas admitted' to the Pollee Com- mittee the truth of the atlegation Clothe has received -at his house •on several occasions the liquor seized in disorderly houses,. aneountin.g to 15 bottlessif chaMpagne andeight dozen - • of beer. • Windsor will likely be called upon to vote 'on. two by-laws covering an outlay of about $85,000 at the Jan- uary elections. Of this,amount $45,- 000 is designated for the construc- tion of it new city hall, and $40,000 for the construction of sidewalks ler alt parts of the:city. 'UNITED STATES. • Two men were. killed byea fire in the 'Nada Vork lames office oneSsetma day. By blowing open a vault in the bank at Greenwood,. Wise, robbers se- cured $11,090. Plasterers who have been on strike in New 'York have returned to work at $5 a day. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark strap- ped.. themselves together and then juniped• to death. in the Oswego ca- nal the. other day. • • George Cook, an, actor, is dyioasin. an 'hospital •.at Toledo,. Ohio, from the effects -of .cigarettes, bis skin turning black. • . • The 14 -year-old son of Wm. Zah- renhausen, of Pipestone, Minn., set fire to a straw pile, jumped into it and was burned to death. • Rev. Walter E.; Bentley, tea years ago a noted 'actor, has just been or- dained 16 the priesthood of the Epis- copal Church by Bishop Potter of New York. •' The U. S. Treasurer's report show§ that •the net ordinary revenuesor the year -were $562,478,283, and the expenditure $471,190,857, showing a surplus of $91,287,376. The grand jury at Buffalo, on Sat- urday 'returned a,n indictment of m,urder a,gaifist Dr. Leland Kent,' charged with causing the death of Miss Dingle, a Canadian. At Baltimore Monday doctors grafted ,egg insmbrane upon the arm of a German woman who• had been accidentally . deprived of about 16 •siceuare inches of skin. It adhered immediately, , and the experimenters expect that it will prove ate excellent substitute for human tissue. • W. 3. •Chappelle diod at Dubuque, Iowa, .73 years old, one of the- old- est theatrical limn in the world. He was manager of Ford's Theatre at Washington when President Lancoln was assassinated, and was ono of the first to reach the side of the wound- ed President, climbing over the foot- lights to the President's box. GREAT BRITAIN. Consemailoo is practically un- known: at Thorntou-le-leaoor, • York- shire.Otitor 1,061 inerabers of the Del - fast police • • force .503 are Raman Catholics. • Sir MarcusSamuel was iormally installed as Loial ,Mayor of London. on Saturday. . Nearly 100,000 barrels of „Cana- dian apples. were landoa last month at Liverpool. .' • . Two Mormon missionaries' are now endeavoring to make converts in. the Harrow district, " — • a. • , CaMbridge has been chosen as him meeting place of the Drielati Asaoci- talon in September, 1904,: Whew at Dundee Mr. Aadrew •Car- negie WaS made • a member ,of • the ancient certif. V bonnetmateers, Universal penny fares See' to bo tried for six months on the Sheffield •municipel electric tramway systene. • Eyelet endeavor is being made in England to enlist men for the aloyal Horse, Field and ,Gareison Artillery. • Sir WiiIiani Treloar has been grant - :ad the use of the London Guildhall for a Christmao entertainneent to poor children. •• ,” Del tieh.. Brine,in eampeti tion with U, S. firms., obtained a 4700;000 contract for electric traction rail- ways in Slianghei. The ISIng has authorized a medal for officers of the mercantile marine who assisted in the conveyance of troops to South Melee. . The Diellop of Duette/10 in a lettee to his incumbents, nays efforts to cope with •tile china ()NTH are rather e ladetoing than gaining force, . Resp onsible f or • New •Searetarekss : • •- • A .London despatch says:- The Ministers ore surprised at, the King's. activity in afraire, • He takes -the' business ef reigning aa seriously as. the German Emperer, scrutinizes • appointments in othe church :and civii service,, and has definite aderte respecting the policies which the reSponsible. Ministers - ought to adopt. no is generally credited with being active in bring- ing the Doer war to 0, close, and it is now asserted that he has 'been complaining to the. Ministers of the condition of :Ireland and that the ap-pointment of a new „permanent secretary actS been made in deference to his .wishes.These rumors are accompanied by forecasts of a Cone- plete revision of Mr. Wyndhain's land bill,„ and the semi-official announce- ment that the King will visit Ire- land in, semi -state during the 'spring. armada's Postal Dusineste CODFISH MARKET. Conditions Cause Loss in New- foundland Fisheries. " • •++, A St. John's, Nfld., despatch says: Owing to the congested, condition of the dried fish onarket in Europe and Brazil, thepeice of dried codfishhas 'dropped from 15 10 25 'per Celia "in the local marretowul some geades.of codfish aro virtually. unsalabO. .This situation. refotTit in serious 'lose to Newfoundland fishermen, and a,gen- eral shrinkage -in tbe value of ' thia season's catch. *••••••••••••••••!...+7,* • RATES I3Y NEW CABLE. - Will Cost 56 Cents a Word to Aus- tralia, • An Ottawa despatch. says: Sir Wilhinin MuTock received a cable mes- sage on Thursday morning front Lorcl Statile:ono stating that the (therm" for cables from'all points in Canada to all 'points in Austvaila and Now Zealand ovee the new es- tabliehed Pacific cable is to bo 56 cetits per Word, every; word to be cotinted.., Pi Wales has practically doubled itii population in the last sixty years,. The Iveatia„ from Boston, haa ewe, arrived with one of tile largest ce,. goes ever shipped from that port. It includes S8,000 barrels or aPPles, record shipment of this fruit. The last Gazette contained a, liet of 991 societiee, councils an.d other bodies who sent congratulatory raea., alegge to their MajostieSoon the occa- sion of the coronation. • The Duke of • Connaught; wail neare ly being thevictim of a serious motor car accident while .procceding from Killarney to Mallow recently., ran ear eves dienbled but the Duke escaped. The Secretary to the Admiralty an- noueces that the department will mate a, very substantial iraprove- merit, both in the amount, quality and time of serving the food to -the sailors. • The Dfullingar. Board of Guardian*, recently made a Contract for oatmeal which was in excessof another tone der. When called on by the looal Government Board to furnish an ex.' planation of their action they re. plied that the successful contractot. Was a United, Irish Leaguer, 0 -- GENERAL, An eight-hour 'working day has been instituted ie all Russian State workshops. poveral Zulu members of the Sal- vation Array are now onalheir way -to England. • • •S, • `Closer commercial relations be- tween Britain and. Afghanistan are desired by the Ammer. , Reports .have -Wen received front Odessa that the Czarina issuffering front profound melancholia.. • Shakespeare's "King Lear" has been traeslated into Japanese, and will ebe. peaforraecl shortly at • Ky-oto. The new Japanese budget estim- ates -the revenue a-6 $129,000,000, aud the, expenditures at $131,000,- 0,00,, • • a Mutton is being imported by .A.usea tralia from Argentina, asthousondeka of flocks of sheep have been wiped out by the drouth. Sir •C. Paul Chater has decided to. commemorate the coronation by pre- senting it. colossal bronze statue of the Kigg to along Kong..., •:-Mias Ethql Ielootitee an English lady, who has tafeen the 'degree of M.D. at Leipzig,.is;alie first lady doc- tor. to graduate .tet the uoiversity. Just as he was afieut to abandon prospecting at Redbank, Victoria; a, gold miner named Willett. turned up a nugget weighing 24 omicese • _ Twenty thousand dollars' worth of gold, silver and bronze has been found in the hut of an old beggar woman ..who has died at Chabet-el- Amem, •Algeria. • • 4 MORE ALCOHOL USED. Amount o f Spirits and Beer Drunk in Past Year. An •Ottawadespatch says: The' annual report of the Inland Revenue Department for tho year ending June 30 last was issued the other day.. The earantatY;' of spirits wear during the yeat was 8,236,147 proof gallons; a as 'compared with 2,652,- 708 proof gallonsproduced in the previous fiscal year. The revenue for the -year was $11,483,871, pom- pared with $10,608,708 last year, an mcrea.se of $820,173. Tbe raw ma- terial used itt the prodactiou of spir- its during the year was 41,897,871 pounds oC rye, ;3,432,066 pounds of . pounds of (le, 8,482,066 pounds of malt, 413,165 bushels of oats, and 20,4:70 bushels of wheat, . The peo- ple drank more spirits and beer last year than they did in the previous year. The quantity of spirits con- sumed was .796, against ;767 last year. a -Baer, -5.102, compared with 4.787, and .09 'wine, compared wita, Al in 1901. The consuraptian �f tobaccowas the same as:in 1901, the figures being 2.494. The number of cigars used during the year was 151,780,516, compared with 141,- 096,880 last year. The cigarettes were • 134,238,034, compared with 121,388,584 last year, so. that while there were *considerably mere cigars and cigarettes ueed during the year, cthoen,susionmecei. 'quantity of-eta:Mee was r••• NEW PARK,FOR OTTAWA.. Embraces Rideau Hall' Grounds and Rockcliffe Ranges. An Ottawa' despatcb says : It is said the ,Government hap 'en •diew.tbe erection of a park, national in char - actor, at the ,eastern end of Ottawa, egaal, in size to the Experimental i arin wlntdi eeinPrises about 450., acres.. The scheme is intended to .. embrace .Rideau Hall, grounds, com- posed of 82 .acres, and the Rockliffe range, about . 350 acres M. extent. The. Ottawa Loprovemeot Commis- sion has secured options on all tile property ot the rear .of ehe Govern- ment E01.1$0 groundsasome 100 acres. Part of,the groperty acquired would beleveled and converted into an im- mense plain, on which it would •be possibee to review at least 20,000 lioops.' At PreSerif there is eo suit- able ground on which such -a large body,of men can be maimeuvred.Phe field would be adjagesitnjegethe Rock- liffe ranges. • EPIDEMIC OF MEASLES. Ten Thousand Died in a District • of Russia. A St. Potereberg .despetch says: The population of Kametchatke.', the peninsula Oil the extreme northeaet eOriler of Asia, has been decimated by measles. • 'The, diseaSe has fallen with especial virttlenceetipon the 'vil- lages in the country districts. The entila population of the village; of„. Chirost, numbeeing 700 ;souls, clati ef the disease. The efadeinic lias claimed 10,000, victims. But de- spite this the air season has etea the beet for fifteen years, about 6,- 000 sable pelts having been brought to market ixt Kamtsehatsk and Pet- eropaelovsk. •