HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-1-2, Page 7as m ssae based on St. Luke By Eleanor Braduoek Middelkamp and Kevin Webster as they 4u u n Wp0An'sWit0telkeld its *mita*) igcited, Our Gifts for Him, i r ll oii PeCeither 10 40 •A recitation, A Shepherd Boy I'd lake to Go(nrnunit,Y blemotial Pee, was done by Ian An ,,.Bryan Gross, dent Mrs. Eleanor Brad- Steven Millian, and gala Milken and The Irteeting opened with readings by Mrs. Teade akker and-Glynis- , nd Glynis - Mary Stewart Collect and 0 Marie Young brought messages of hope and ''Mrs. Emerson Rodger at the remembrance. Greg Park was in charge of p q,.Cally a Little Town was read lighting and at the end pf the program the - fo111}1?Ir <Isajt a welcome, to all visitors and darkened church was gradually illuminated metaheigt, by candles lit by all those in attendance. The guest speaker ` was Rev. Dave ' • CONCERT Thiessen, minister of the Huron Chapel Mis- - Knox United Church interdenominational sionary I church and he chose for his Sunday .school ptesented their annual con - Christmas message - Jesus, the Hope of cert for theahristmas season la1;t Saturday Christmas, basing it on St.. Luke chapter evening in the Sunday school room of the two. He spoke of -poverty in reference to the church. The large attendance was welcom- manger and stable, the shepherds and the ed by the Sunday school superintendent simplicity of their faith and the baby Jesus, Mrs. Allan Webster. All pupils sang the the symbol of hope. In closing he spoke of opening choruses, Bring a Torch, and Jingle the grieving thousands and the starving peo- Bells with Mrs. Fred Lawrence the pianist. pie of Africa. Mrs. Lillian Letherland thank- ed Mr. Thiessen and presented him with a gift. The roll call was the exchange of Christmas gifts in the charge of Mrs. Donald Haines, Mrs. Tom Haggitt and Mrs. John Stadelmann. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read by the secretary Mrs. Robert Peck. Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer reported on the kitchen equipment and a donation of $25.00 was sent to the Huron County Family and Children Services. Mrs. 'Leonard Archambault reported on the 4-H computer course and Mrs. Lillian Letherland reported on cards sent and read the thank -you notes. She was thanked for personally delivering so many Christmas cards and visiting the shut-ins. -A carol sing -song was 'Ied by Mrs. Tom Jardin with Mrs. Emerson Rodger accom- panying on the piano. A reading Bethelehem Then and Now, was read by Mrs. Tom Hag- gitt. -_:: An interesting scarf -tying demonstration was done by Mrs. Robert Peck. She was thanked by Mrs. Tom Jardin and presented with a gift. After the singing of The Queen and grace, lunch was served by Mrs. Tom Haggitt, Mrs. Donald Haines and Mrs. Donald Cart- wright. Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer gave out prizes that had been omitted at the November meeting - anniversary, Mrs. Tom Lawrence; nearest birthday, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock; and going the furthest distance for Christmas, Mrs. TomJardin. CHURCH SERVICE Wall hangings depicting the story of the Christ Child were. hung in place for the Christmas service at Knox United Church last Sunday. Mr. Gary"Shuttleworth-was in charge. The service commenced with a pro- cessional by the junior and senior choirs singing - A Child is Born, and the carol 0 Come All Ye Faithful. The fourth Advent candle of Joy was lit by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer. Worship in music was stressed as the junior choir sang The Little Drummer Boy and joined the senior choir when they sang The Gloria anthem. Prelude and offertory duets were played by Mrs. Gordon Gross, organist and Mrs. Greg Park pianist. Mr. Shuttleworth spoke on the theme, about face, saving that at this Christmas season people tend to make time out from their busyness of the world to remember their creator. The junior choir was supervis- ed by Mrs. Jake Middelkamp and Mrs. Ken Ramsay. The ushers were Peter Verbeek, Roger Cunningham, Greg Park and. Robert Worsell. - CHRISTMAS EVE On Christmas Eve many families attend- ed the Christmas program at Knox United Church where they were welcomed by the minister Mr. Ga�huttleworth. The last Advent candle was lit by Mrs. Teade Bak- ker. The senior and junior choirs, under the direction of Mrs. Barry Milian, Mrs. Greg Park, Mrs. Gordon Gross and Mrs. Allan Webster, brought the mesage in scripture and song as the Christmas Story was pan- tomimed. The angels (Julie Glenn, Sharon Dr. and Mrs: Harry Ceislar, Sarah and Ramsay and Tammy Shuttleworth) told the Patrick of Goderich, Mrs. Velma Mills of shepherds (Marinus Bakker, Donald Haines Brantford and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Arthur, and Bryan Ramsay) the good news. The 'Scott, Rachel and Joel of Auburn. shepherds then went and found Mary and Christmas Eve Eucharist service at St. Joseph (Mr. and Mrs. Dana Bean) at the Mark's Anglican Church was held 'at 7 p.m. manger with the Baby Jesus (Robbie Ar- with Rev. Robin Lyon, rector, in charge. chambault). The organist was Mrs. Murray Nesbit. The Three Wise Men (Lawrence Plaetzer, barge congregation enjoyed the carols Kenneth Ramsay and Allan Webster) played on the trumpet before and, during presented their gifts to the baby as did Don- the service by Miss Angela Schneider. Mr. na Lynn Armstrong, Stuart Bakker, Nicole ,Mark Stackhouse also gave a violin solo and The nursery class, with their teacher, Miss Glynis -Marie Young. sang the Peppermint Stick followed by a solos, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, by Graham Worsell. The Young Teen class, with their teacher, Mrs. Jake Middelkamp at the piano, per- formed a number, Bethlehem Voices, with Anita Gross, on saxophone, Leone Cunn- ingham on the flute, and triangle, Sandra Deveau on maracas and Sharon Ramsay on trombone. The Kindergarten children with teacher, Miss Angela Millian, did a number followed by a duet sung by Susan Dobie and Alison Chamriey. The Grade One class, with their teacher, Miss Tammy Shuttleworth, sang Away in a Manger, and Mrs. Teade Bakker's class presented a play, Christmas Giving. Marty Lawrence sang a solo, All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth, and Lana and Leslie Lawrence sang a duet; I Saw Mummy Kissing Santa Claus. Grade 3 and 4 girls, with their teacher, Mrs. Robert Powell, gave a play, Christmas Is, followed by Grade 5 and 6 boys and helpers - . Nicole Middelkamp and Rose - Marie Young also presented the play 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. Jodi Webster played a piano solo and Miss Lori Millian with her Grade 2 class presented The Animal's Christmas Gift. Janice Webster played a piano solo followed by a play by Grade 5 and 6 girls. To the song, Here Comes Santa Claus, the jolly fellow entered and gave out gifts assisted by Bryan Gross, Kevin Webster, Karen Baker and Donna Lynn Armstrong. SOCIAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Archambault returned recently from a four-day trip to Gattenby, Tennessee where they attended a square-dancing conference. Mr. and Mrs. Peter De Groot of Goderich visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Rodger. Mrs. Viola Raithby and Mr. John Raithby ,were guests on Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs: Norman Vincent, Londesboro: Mr. and Mrs. Reg Shultz of RR 3 Blyth were also guests. Guests for Christmas celebrations last Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Haines, Rachel and David of Niagara Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Livermore, Robbie, Donald and Philip of Fordwich. Miss Lorie Cartwright of Toronto and Mr. Derrick Cartwright of Clinton spent the holi- day with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cartwright and Mr. David Cartwright. Christmas Day guests with Mrs. Tena Empey were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Empey of Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Empey, Craig and Stephen of R.R. 2 Auburn. Prize winners at the weekly euchre party by the Auburn Silver Tops were: -novelty, Mrs. Bernice McClinchey..; high lady, Mrs. Ross Robinson; low lady, Mrs. James Glousher; high man, Ted Mills;' and low man, Jack Lockhart. Guests with. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur and Mrs. Gertie Keller on Boxing Day were Mr. and Mrs. Greg Arthur of Smith's Fall, N R.G. Stoddart of 72 The Square GOLD - SILVERSMITH -DESIG\ ER - also *weaving • glass • CANADIAN AWARD WINNING DESIGNER' GODERICH, ONTARIO 524-4509 L &'A SOUTHWEST °SATELLITE Sales And Service SATELLITE SYSTEM SPECIAL 10' fiberglass Dish 5 Year Warranty Polar mount Uniden 1000 receiver 100 degree LNA Polarotor '2399€!° delivered or... $69?0 month for 48 months •Monthly Leasing Available On Alf Systems •Ho, ODemonstrations Available •Stainless Steel Also Available (10 year warranty) LARRY FISHER 524-9595 *CALL DAY ORNIWI'` the anthem was sung by the choir of St. Mark's. The final Advent candle was lit by Lana Lawrence. Rev. Dave Thiessen conducted the Christmas Eve service at the Huron Mis- sionary Chapel and the singing of ,carols and the reading of the First Christmas from the Gospels made it an inspiring service. Mrs. Mary Rollinson and Mr. Murray Rollinson arrived home on Wednesday after visiting for a week with the former's daughter, Mrs. Alfred Weston and Mr. Weston in Toropto. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Greg Park of R.R. 2 Auburn spent Christmas at Newmarket with their son ,and brother, Mr. William Anderson. We .are pleased to report that»Ted Clark was able to be home atter being a patient in Alexandra Marine 'and General Hospital, Goderich. Man uninjured, damage to car totals $1,500 HULLETT TWP. - Goderich OPP estimated damage to a car in a single vehi- cle collision to be about $1,500 after an acci- dent on Dec. 27. Jack Snieder, 20, of Clinton was north- bound on Huron County Road 8 about 1.2 kilometres north of Concession 5 and 6 when he skidded into the guard rail on the east shoulder. Mr. Snieder was in the acci- dent. not injured I . 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