HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-12-19, Page 40..._, ...... Page 14A-CLINTON DEWS -RECORD, WEDNF.aIDAY.IOECE1VlBER 19,1984 A Christmas A to remember One gloomy autumn's day Santa and his helpers were deciding on some of the gifts to give to all the good little boys and girls. Santaolddered them all to get to work and to quit wasting time. He said if they didn't get this huge amount of work done, that he would confine them all to their now, cell-like rooms without supper. Before long, one of the bigger elves, named .Nick, decided to form a union against Santa. Soon he had all of the elves on his side. He said that they should go on strike to get fair wages, better food, and better rooms. They told Santa of these plans. He became furious, but couldn't stop them from walking out. He grabbed two ping-pong ball guns, but couldn't head them off. The strike went on for two months. Santa could no longer care whether he finished the toys or not. He was becoming more selfish and evil every day. A few days after the two month mark, Nosy, one of the helpers was .looking in on Santa's office with a hidden camera. He noticed that Santa was sitting dazed, watching the telescreen. There was a large, rather handsome man holding a gleaming wristwatch, and chanting some rather odd words on the screen. Nosy traced the message to the South Pole. Nosy told Nick about this. He soon figured out that Santa was being hypnotized. They traced the man's picture in their files to be Santa's long lost, evil brother. Obviously, he had become jealous, and was trying to put Santa out of business. They went and told the rest of the helpers about this fiendish plot. They all joined forces to stop Santa's brother. First they jammed the telescreen's receiving monitor, then they . got Joe the Psychiatrist to de- program Santa. Meanwhile, Nick and Nosy were off to the South Pole. Nosy was very good at working with electronic systems, so this job would be very easy. Nick led Nosy to the central heating system where Nosy switched a few wires around. It got extremely hot in the ice fort. The walls, which were made of ice, collapsed, leaving Santa's brother frozen in the icy waters of the Antarctic Ocean. When Nick and Nosy returned to the North Pole they, were greeted with a hero's welcome. All the helpers, Santa and Mrs. Claus, who had just returned from Florida, joined the celebration. Now they .would be able to finish the toys and be ready to give them out on Christmas Eve. Greg Mayhew Gr. 8 - Holmesville Public School The future will be much different I think that Christmas in the future is going to be hilarious. Everything is going to be, different. For Christmas dinner we will have dessert first then the turkey and all the trimmings. Santa won't be around anymore so Ebenezer Scrooge is going to bring presents to all the youngsters. Instead of a pine tree for. a Christmas tree we will have apple trees. The whole month of December will be a holiday for the kids at school and instead or New Year it will be called Old Year and the years will go backwards. On Christmas morning we all have to go to church and have a birthday party for baby Jesus and sing carols. Ebenezer will not live in Florida. He'll have pretty girls for elves and a good looking girl for a wife because. if he had pretty girls in the north they wouldn't be able to wear bikinis because it would be too cold. Scrooge wouldn't wear red clothes. He would wear purple clothes. The Christmas colours would be purple, pink and gold. Scrooge's reindeer will be pink and Rudolph's nose will be white. When Scrooge comes, all the children will be able to stay up and watch hire comein through the basement window and watch him put the presents under the tree, then go to sleep., Instead of hanging the stocking on the fireplace we will hang it in the window sill and for Christmas each member of the family has to get a VCR Mrs. Scrooge won't make cookies she will make pizzas to put in the stockings. See, didn't I tell you it would be hilarious? Darrell T4omson Huron Centennial Public School Grade 8 Santa's ho-hbing was a little more than this child could bear. Santa arrived at the Blyth Memorial Hall on a fire truck and handed out candies after the children watched films. The event was sponsored by the Blyth Lions. ( Anne Narejko photo) Hoping all the bright days of your Christmas will plow with delight. Thanks. . CLINTON TAXI CLOSED NEW YEAR'S EVE Doug and Juno Howse 482-9334 IF susv: 482-9844 • ' "1 Christmas yet to come There I sat staring at the calendar. My small "R:T." Robot companion blurbed out a series of bleeps and tones. I ignored him. Again he bleeped and blurbed. This time I turned and asked him what he wanted. I realized that he was trying to tell me that my land glider was ready and we were going to go skating in the "play -center" near my space capsule. I often liked hearing about how my grandfather went for a Christmas ride in automobiles, of course this was way back in 1984. Nobody would even think of doing that in the year 2000! In fact, I would never have known about them if I hadn't seen them on the history disk for my computer. Now I went with "R.T." in the land glider, but still I felt troubled. After skating, I found myself back in the land glider. I didn't want to go back home. Mom and Dad were so sad now that grandfather had passed away. This was the first Christmas without him. I had to make this Christmas as special as Grandpa had. Alter I got home, I quickly changed out of my pressurized outfit. Because of the atmosphere on the moon, you have to wear it when you go outside. Then I sat down on my bed and again, fell into deep, deep thought, thinking about what it must have been when Grandpa was little. I figured that it was, pretty and simple, with "real" evergreens instead of the ones that come in a foot square box and to which you add water to make green. Back then you went tobogganing instead of going for a cruise in your land glider. It was then that I made up my mind to change things around here. That evening, after 1 ate my pre-packaged food I slipped out of the space -capsule and over to the play center where all the kids hung out. I clambered up on top of the play equipment and sat down, then a thought came to me. I would make this .an old- fashoined Christmas, just like the ones Grandpa knew. I scurried home and into the storage department of our multi -family space - capsule, and rummaged around until I found what I was looking for. Then I ran all the way back to the center with "R.T." not far behind. At the center I found a deep hill in the artificial snow. I climbed to the top of the hill and flattened myself on top of Grandpa's bright red sleigh and pushed off. I went so clean and fast I screamed in delight. All the other kids stopped playing on their land gliders and turned and looked at me. I stopped so abruptly that I slipped off the sled into the thick glass slides of the dome. Suddenly I knew what it was like to live like Grandpa did, and I guess all the other kids did too because I was soon surrounded by a chorus of kids asking me "Can I borrow that? Oh neat," and "That must be fun" but this was one Christmas I was never going to let modern technology destroy, By Wendy Snelgrove Huron Centennial Public School Grade8 SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT 9 A.M. WED. DEC. 19 UNTIL CLOSING 6. P.M. MON. DEC. 24 UNTIL 6 P.M. CHRISTMAS EVE SAVINGS UNTIL 6 P.M. CHRISTMAS EVE SCHNEIDERS SMOKED 3 BONELESS FULLY -COOKED OLDE FASHIONED HAM HALF OR WHOLE 7.69/kg Z&W BRAND 6.15/kg STORE SLICED COOKED HAM 2.79b Z&W BRAND 7.69/kg SAUSAGE KOLBASSA COIL 3.496. SCHNEIDERS 8.80/kg STORE SLICED OLD FASHIONED HAM 3.991b. SCHNEIDERS 10.10/kg JUMBO STYLE SLICED SUMMER SAUSAGE 4.581b MAPLE LEAF 3.51 /kg VISKING STYLE OR PARA BOLOGNA 1.591b. SHOPSYS 3:06/kg CREAMY STYLE COLE SLAW 1.39b Ib SHOPSY FRESH 3.95/kg POTATO & EGG SALAD . 1.7916. SHOPSYS MIXED BEAN SALAD 1. 79b. 3.95/kg. zehrs fine markets... of fine foods ALL SIZES CUT FROM CANADA 'A' GRADE BEEF BLADE BONE REMOVED BLADE OR SHORT RIB ROASTS 4.14/kg SPECIAL BONELESS! ,BLADE OR SHORT RIB ROASTS FROM A GRADE BEEF 4.81 /kg 2.1Sb lb SPECIAL TENDER CROSS CUT RIB ROAST DR STEAKS FROM A GRADE BEEF 5.49/kg PRODUCT OF SPAIN CLEMENTINES ORANGES 1.96 /kg PRODUCT OF U.S.A. COUNTRY GOLD SLICED (5 VAR.( COOKED MEATS 175 9 D�j� 8 BONELESS STEWING BEEF 5.05/kg 2.29. SCHNEIDERS 6 VAR. SANDWICH MEAT SPREAD ROLLS 250 g 1,38 SCHNEIDERS SLIM 3 VAR. MEAT STICKS 250 q EA A �� (� SCHNEIDERS SLICED PASTRAMI OR CORNED BEEF 3.50 9"PK GS 1 99 MAPLE LEAF SLICING OR STUFFING SAUSAGE MEAT ROLLS 500 9 1.49 MAPLE LEAF SMOKED COOKED HAM STEAKS 175 g 1.99 MAPLE LEAF COCKTAIL 250 g. n WIENERS OR SAUSAGE ' I.67 SPECIAL FROM A GRADE BEEF 6.15/kg SPECIAL SCHNEIDERS DUTCH TREAT, ALL BEEF OR RED HOT WIENERS YOUNG FROZEN UTILITY GRADE 2.6o/kg TURKEYS SPECIAL! 3.04/kg ALL YOUNG FROZEN SIZES BUTTERBALL 'A' GRADE TURKEYS . 1 SPECIAL! 'A' GRADE YOUNG MIRACLE BASTE 3.04/kg ALL SIZES TURKEYS SPECIAL! FROZEN GRADE 'A' YOUNG DUCKS 2.84/kg f.29... NO NAME SLICED COOKED HAM 3.29 375 g 'A' GRADE FROIEN GAME HENS 20 oz. AVG. /49 EA. SPECIAL! FROZEN BRETHREN 'A' GRADE GEESE 3.73/kg 1969b. SPECIAL SCHNEIDERS MINI- SIZZLERS SPECIAL. SCHNEIDERS SLICED SIDE BACON 3 VARIETIES 500 g PKG 5 VARIETIES 500 g PKG 2.49 2.79 HOLIDAY STORE HOURS MONDAY, DEC. 24 OPEN 7 A.M. CLOSING 6 P.M. TUESDAY, DEC. 25 CLOSED WEDNESDAY, DEC. 26 CLOSED BALANCE OF WEEK REG. HOURS MOOt4DAY, DEC. 31 CLOSING 6 P.M. TUESDAY JAN. 1st CLOSED BALANCE OF WEEK REG. HOURS Ib. MAKES AN IDEAL GIFT MULTIPLE BLOOMS POINSETTIAS CRANBERRIES FRESH 12 oz. PKG. JUMBO SIZE PROD. OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES WHILE SUPPLIES LAST WITH WHITE MUM POINSETTIA 7 POT 7.99 ASSTD COLOURS POTTED MUMS POT 3.99 POINSETTIA & MIXED PAN 7 POT 5.99 BLOOMING AZALEAS 6 POT 9.99 WITH DECORATION IVY °N HOOP PROD. OF B.C. CAN. FCY. 1.96/19 RED OR GOLD DELICIOUS APPLES 89,6 PROD. OF B.C. 1 96/kg CANADA FANCY ♦ ANJOU PEARS 89rIb PROD. OF MEXICO 1 74/kg BRUSSEL SPROUTS 791! PROD. OF U.S.A. CAN. NO. 1 YAMS SPECIAL COUNTRY GOLD COOKED ROUND DINNER HAM 6.59/kg 2.991b PROD. OF U.S.A. CAN. NO. 1 RED EMPEROR GRAPES 1.72 /kg 6" POT 8.99 s PROD. OF U.S.A. LETTUCE ROMAINE EACH 89' PROD. OF BRAZIL PAPAYAS EACH 89' PRODUCT OF U.S.A. LEMONS 4/89¢ PROD. OF U.S.A. FLORIDA 1.30/kg 59t LIMES 4/79° PROD. OF ONT. CAN. N0. 1 PROD. OF U.S.A. CHERRY TOMATOES PINT 99¢ CARROTS 51b B 894 PROD. OF ONT. CAN. N0. 1 WAXED PROD. OF ONT. CAN. N0. 1 COOKING 51b BAG 99i RUTABAGAS 2/99` ONIONS � \/±.4 // A \71 FRESH BROCCOLI PROD. OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA SPECIAL PRICES EXPIRES 6 P.M. CHRISTMAS EVE ,MONDAY, DECEMBER 24TH BUNCI