HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-12-19, Page 28discover the true gift:.,
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rock there is a grotto - a sort of low cave. A
nativity scene - e ours - is set behind glass
in a corner. Th a is a candle and nothing
else. When we re there it was quiet. We
worshipped and sang "A Little Child the
Saviour came, the Mighty God was still his
'name, and angels worshipped as he lay, the
helpless infant of a day". Suddenly it was
real - the Bible story of the wrappings - the
gift was received. The Spirit of the Lord was
As we move toward Christmas 1984 our ,
lives are certainly cluttered with pressures,
duties and concerns. We can become so
tangled up in all the Christmas wrappings -
or memories - that we miss the gift
altogether. It just vanishes in the face of
everything else.
So my hope and prayer for you this
Christmas is that you may be able to
discover and receive the true gift of
Christmas - the presence of the Spirit of the
Lord in your heart.
Roo. in the inn
By Rev. Gordon Simmons
. The stranger walked along the street as
Christmas carols blared from the sidewalk
from store to store jostling one another in
their hurry to get the last minute shopping
bargains. Outside a large department store
advertising dolls "complete with birth cer-
tificate" he stopped and stared through the
window in amazement at adults who ap-
peared to be fighting over the dolls, and at
other adults who appeared to be spending
small fortunes for everything from
disposable diapers to fur coats for the same
dolls. Amazed, he shook his head and con-
tinued his journey.
Down the street he came to a computer
store featuring "the latest in space age soft-
ware - buy your child the latest in World
War III simulations - watch the missiles, ex-
perience the thrills - actual simulated com-
mand centre;" and the stranger wept. As he
crossed a busy street his attention was
drawn to a large store that seemed to be
bursting at the seams with joyous people
purchasing large quantities of alcoholic
beverages, while next door a group of young
women huddled outside a door marked
"Abortion Clinic - No Muss, No Fuss - Safe,
Sure." The stranger shook his head and
wept as he muttered, "Fatner forgive them -
for they know not what they do."
The cold damp evening air penetrated his
thin overcoat and clouds of steam escaping
from vents along the sidewalk created a sur-
realistic scene as the stranger approached
the large church in which he decided to seek
shelter. Entering quietly, the stranger took
a seat near the back and watched and listen-
ed as the pastor admonished his people of
their responsibility to look after the poor,
the lonely, the sick, the strangers. The
stranger smiled, the warmth of the place
was beginning to seep into his bones, and he
began to relax when he felt the tap on his
shoulder - "Who are you? What are you do-
ing sitting in my seat? We don't like
strangers taking our .places; get out." The
stranger left.
On the side of the dusty desert road a
young mother sat by the skeletal remains of
her donkey, beside her •stood her husband
watching as a new bcrn baby searched
desperately for the wizened ebony hue,
ebony breast and its promise of nourish-
• ment. They watched, anguish, • fear, love,
hope •and joy etched on their faces as the in-
fant finally began to feed, not noticing the
stranger approach.
".`Water, do you have water?" The young
father handed over the goatskin and the
stranger drarlk thirstily. "Bread, do you
have bread? "9'he young father reached into
his cloak - "Just this, then there will be none
left for my wife and myself, but you may
share what little we have." The stranger
took the bread lifted it high, gave thanks and
broke it. Giving the bread to each, he stret-
ched forth his hand blessed the new born
baby, and, as he did so, his eyes met the
young mother's, and, she knew.
With a smile, and a brief farewell the
stranger left the young people and began to
recall the things that he had experienced in
his brief visitation. He remembered the
blare of the carols, the cacophony of traffic
sounds and shuddered as he recalled the
cacophony of money changers and traders
centuries before; he remembered the shop-
pers and recalled again the curses of the
soldiers as they shoved aside and gambled
for a robe on the hillside and he heard again
the drunken insults of passersby as he hung
there on the cross; as he remembered the
young women outside the Abortion Clinic he
heard again the wails of the women and the
children as Herod's soldiers carried out the
slaughter of the, innocents. When he recalled
the church he felt the warmth, familiarity
and peace of the synagogue in Nazareth, but
then the loneliness, the rejection took over
as he remembered the crow forcing him to
the edge of the precipice and recalled the
loneliness of that other hill.
The young couple watched the stranger
disappear into the lonely wastes of the
desert and suddenly felt a tremendous
peace settle over them as they knew that all
would be right, for with them, He had felt
and shared love.
As the first star appeared in the night sky
a truck appeared by the side of the young
couple and child. A relief worker emerged
and shouted, "Have we got a room in the
Another voice responded, "I think so, is
this the spot for the camp," Yes." "Okay."
Tents, food and tools appeared, soon the
young couple were settled in and the infant
was the centre of attraction as the relief
workers gathered around, and somewhere a
star seemed to shine a little brighter as the
words, "Merry Christmas" rang out from
the little group.
May the Peace and Joy of Christ bless
Everyone this Christmas season.
Why there is Christmas.
C is for the christ child,
H is for the herald angels in the night,
R means our redeemer,
I means Israel,
S is for the star that shone so bright,
T is for the wise men who travelled afar,
M is for the manager where he lay,
A is for all he stands for,
S means shepherds came.
And that is why there is a Christmas Day.
Debra Reidy
St. Joesph's Separate School
Gr. 7
The True Meaning of Christmas
The true meaning of Christmas is the time
that Christ was born. It is when God gave his
only son to us. He will show us the right way
to God and open the gates of heaven.
We celebrate Christmas because it is the
coming of Christ to earth. Christmas is not
the getting of presents; it's the giving. When
God gave his only son to us, He showed us
how to give by the act of love.
Singto Phenavong
St. Joesph's Separate School
Gr. 8
The True Meaning of Christmas
Christmas is here once again...
Bringing happiness to all men.
But least we forget the baby in the manger...
Who saved us all from sin and danger.
So this Christmas remember his name...
And not your favourite toy or game.
This Christmas what you really should do.,.
Is remember Jesus, who was born for you. .
Keith Ducharme
St. Joesph's Separate School
Gr. 7
The True Meaning of Christmas
It's here again,. December 25,
a time for candy, toys and gifts.
Suzy wants a barbie doll,
I want a car says little Johnny, Paul.
Birt what does Christmas really mean.
Not toys, not gifts and not the jelly beans.
The giving of gifts and love to all, •
and the book on joyful faces, five feet tall
To be able to forget the gifts and toys,
to remember Christ and all the goof joy,
The joy of saying Christmas is here;
The beginning of Christ and lots of good
Anne Tyndall
St. Joseph's Separate School
Gr. 8
the warmth
and spirit of the
holiday season
be yours
C o erything 90 o cl
7 Albers SI. • .
Clinton. Ont.
Phone 482-3476
Janet Buchw*,n,
Judy Nahrgang
Grade 3 students at Hullett Central School sang songs and recited a number of favourite carols and Christmas songs, including The
special poems at the school's Christmas concert. The choir sang out Hallelujah Chorus Shelley McPhee photo)
The true meaning of CIi:ristnias
The True Meaning of Christmas
In a stable late atnight,
Over a star shone bright
Here the babe Christ was born
Rapped in clothing that was so worn.
Animals they gathered round
To see the babe that could astound.
Everyone would know
When the babe did grow
This Son that God had given
Would open the gates of heaven
At God's call
He would save us all
Even through the fun
And when Christmas is one
Always remember
The babe is tender.
Lynn Feeney
\ St. Joesph's Separate School
Gr. 8
Christmas and What It Means
What is Christmas some people ask? Is it
a time for giving presents or different gifts?
Is it a time for singing and dancing? All this
hustle and bustle for this Christmas no one
ever thinks about the real meaning.
But what is the real meaning of
Christmas? It is the time, when Mary and
Joesph struggled to find a resting place for a
couple of days so they would have shelter for
their new born baby.
This • baby is the real meaning for
Christmas because He is God's very own
son, Jesus Christ, who is our saviour.
So when out shopping for all those
Christmas gifts, and goodies, or when put-
ting up all those beautiful Christmas decora-
tions, stop and think of the real meaning and
what it is about.
Sharia Lee Ten Hag
St. Joesph's Separate School
Gr. 7
The True Meaning of Christmas
The true reason that we celebrate
Christmas is the birth of Christ. To most
children though, it means presents, Santa
Claus and Forsty the Snowman.
Each year, commercials are put on T.V.
showing items which are available and
would make good gifts. Houses are
decorated with colored lights and people
begin saving, their money for presents.
This isn't what Christmas is really for. All
of this is good as long as the real meaning is
remembered and celebrated.
Greg Dinning
St. Joesph's Separate School
Gr. 8
What is Christmas?
Caring, songs, kindness
Christmas is Giving... when people give you
presents and say, "Hi," or give you a big
Christmas is Caring... when somebody
knocks on your door and you let them stay
for a coffee.
Christmas is Songs... when you sing hymns
and love songs that make you feel good.
Christmas is Kindness... when .you see
somebody en the side of the road and you
pick them up.
Christmas is•Joy... when you are happy and
feel really good and hope nothing happens.
Christmas is Smelling... when your Mother
makes fresh pies, cakes and ch_ck,.n and
Christmas is Sharing... when you share your
love and appiness with your friends.
Christmas is Decorations... when you
decorate your tree and house.
BUT most of all...
Christmas is Jesus... when he was born to
save our sins.
Karen Kipfer
Huron Centennial School
Gr. 5
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To wish you, our valued and loyal patrons, our
most sincere thanks for a happy and healthy
Christmas season. Best wishes to one and all.
Julianne M. Varley, Greg Hern, Donna Gibbings, Sandra Wilson
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