HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-12-12, Page 19Page 18-(J .I TON NEWS; -RECORD_ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12,1984 1. Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your out -of -Canada Medical In- surance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Ratte^bury St., Clinton. Phone482-9300.-44tfar RED POTATOES for sale. 482-3460.-444f FOR SALE: pair of boy's hockey pants, size 12, $10, pair of boy's Bauer junior supreme hockey skates, size 41/a, $40. both worn one season, in excellent condition, phone 528-3232 after 5 p.m.-45tfnx FOR SALE - Downhill skis (brakes included), poles $125.00. Ladies' ski boots size 8, $25.00, call after 6 p.m.--482-3712-47tfnx FOR SALE - 12 string Fender Guitar and case. Ex- cellent condition, $130.00, call after 6 p.m.-482- 3712.-47tfnx IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON HOCKEY JERSEYS - $10 UP. Buy direct from the factory and save! Peter Upton Jacket Works. Call toll free 1-800-661-6461 for your free catalogue. -47-510 APPROXIMATELY 50 cord dry mixed hardwood for sale, $25.00 a cord picked up. Coll Bill Smith 482-3349.-49,50x 10 H,P-. Canadiana lawn tractor for sale, 42" blade, tire chains, 36" mower, power weed eater. Package deal. Phone 565-2462.--49,50 HUMANE LIVE TRAPS, cedar fence posts, cedar kindling. Phone 482-3842.-2eow tP __lFIE THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAYFIELD BUGLE CROSS COUNTRY SKIS, Karhu 215; car radio; 8 track play; speakers; tropical birds - Finches, budgies, parakeets, and lovebirds,565- 2479.-50x PORTABLE DRYER in good condition. Phone 482- 7229.- 50x USED and OUT -OF -PRINT books. Enquiries in- vited and answered. Andor House Books. Elora St. W. Box 235, Teeswater; Ontario, NOG 2S0.=50o $ SUPER YEAR-END PRICES $ Surplus inventory by Quonset building manufacturer being sold. at LOWEST possible prices. Won't be undersold.. No Gimmicks- Serious only call (416)221-7353.-500 WINTER GROWING STARTS NOW. Metal Halide 1000W. $199. Heater 16,000 BTU $114. Over 20,000 products for indoor, greenhouse and hydroponic growing. Have tomatoes for Christmas. Lots of Christmas gifts $2 -'$5Q. Send $2 for catalogue to Western Water Farms, 1244 • Seymour Street, Vancouver, V6B 3N9 (604)682- 6636.--50,510 STEEL BUILDINGS Manufacturers clearance. Limited quahtities. Buy Now. Immediate or spr- ing delivery. No' interest or storage charges. Substantial discounts during sale. Call toll free 1- .800-461-7689. `(Area Code 807 Cali (705)335- 5972.--47-50o - NO. 1 WHITE HONEY, in your containers, $1.00 per pound, over 30 pounds -95 cents per pound. Alec Ostrom, 482-7287.-48-50 t'hlltalll '�1; 14.villl:I: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS Al tides for sole 2 Yord sole 3 :.Drage sole d Antiques for sale 5 Cors lot sale 6 Trucks for sole 7 R V s for sole 8 Mor,ne 9 Automoti.e 10 Pets tot tole 12 Real estate for sole 13 Mobilo homes 14 Recreational propernes 15 OutoI'town properties 16 for rent 17 Aportmenls for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room 8 board 21 Conoges for rent 22 las lot rent 23 Commerc.ol properly for runt 24 Wonted to rent 25 Wonted to euy 26 Help wanted 27 Wanted .general. 28 Bus,nessopportumty 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Servicediredory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auct,an sole 39 Educational 40 1ost'5 Found 41 Tog.ne away 42 Death nonce 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Morr.ages 46 In memoriam 47 Cords ofthanks SOC DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACINGI AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 0 482-3443 - MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 1:00 a.m. to $ p.m. 1. Articles for sale WEEKLY SPECIALS! see our ad in "FOCUS" Clin- ton Boxed Meats just off Hwy. 4 north of Clinton, 11/4 mile south of Londesboro, watch forlour sign. Call collect 523-9508.-42tfar APPLE BUTTER - no sugar or spices added. Huron Ridge Acres, R.R. 2, Zurich. 565-2122.-49-51 ar USED HONDA 1500 W portable generator. Used 31/2 h.p. Honda engine. Used 2" water pump P.T.O. truck type 140 p.s.i. Steve Argyle Lawn and Garden Equipment,Bayfield, 565- 2800.-49,50ar BELGIUM ENDIVE • (WITLOF) now available through March. Also apples, pure Cider, kale, red and white cabbage. Visscher Farms, 3 miles west of Exeter on. Hwy. 83. Phone 237-3442. Clos- ed Sundays. -50,51 ar LIKE NEW: Women's 'white Bauer figure skates size 8 in carrying case, $25.00. Used boy's Bauer skates, size 1, $5.00. 1 aluminum storm and screen window 331/2 x 67; $10,001 oil burner with oil tank, $25.00. 2 used G78-14 belted snow tires, $30.00. Phone 482-7676.-50ar ALLIS CHALMERS mono frame 5-16" trip beam plow (4-5 bottom),excellent shape. 529-7607 after 5 p.m.-34tfnx PINE, SPRUCE AND BALSAM CHRISTMAS TREES, USED SKATES for sale, reasonable, 139 Queen 5' to 9'. Neil Edgar, Hwy. 86 east of Whitechurch, St., Clinton, 482-9412.-48tf 357-24'40.-49,50 REALISTIC turn table with pre -amp, 6 months old,. value $240,' selling for $120 or best offer. 523- 4431--50 - IBANEZ 6 string black and silver guitar, almost new, with case, $350.00 or best offer. Call 482- 3308.-50tf • SEVEN PIECE Maple kitchen outfit, excellent con- dition, almost new, 482.3187,-50x MESH fire screen., brass, 36" x 28", $12.00; light wogon wheel, 44", refinished, excellent condi- tion; kitchen table, 60" x 33", ready to stain; cherry drop-leaf table. 482-9627. -- 50 MOVING'SALE: cross country skis; poles; boots; stereo turntable; amplifier; tape decks; loud speakers; color television; AM Tuner, disco lights; antenna rotor; cameras 35 mm SLR, lenses, accessories,' flash; 8 mm . movie and editor, 120 folding; HO trains, track layoiut; good quality microscope with accessories; chemistry set; console chord organ; sewing machine; sofa beds; walnut dining table/chairs; wood couches/tub chairs; swivel rocker; coffee/end tables; specimen house plants; National Geographic 1970-82. Phone 482.7846. -50x • N'ew FILE CABINETS with locks - two drawer let- ter only $59 and four drawer legal $99. Cash and Carry. Ideal Christmas gift. Lovers New and Us- ed, 254 Adelaide Street, South, London (519)681- 2254, Mon -Fri 9-5, Sat 9-12.-50o POTATOES, onions, spy apples. Huron Ridge Acres, R.R. 2, Zurich, 565-2122. - -49-51 ar GUNS GUNS GUNS Our low, low gun prices have to be seen to be believed. Also our "BIG DISCOUNTS" on brand scopes, reloading equipment and components, gahte calls, stings, cases, etc...Remit '1.00 for our December Sales List to: LOVETT'S ROD 8. GUN CENTRE 541 MILL ST., DEPT. C KITCHENER, ONT. N2G 2Y7 Christmas Special! MAXELL UDXL-11 OR XL -11 CASSETTE TAPE 2/$6?9oR 10/$32!° Now 'till December 24 VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE 22 Isaac St., Clinton 482-9333 Th. Woodburaer Shop TUES. TO FRI. 6 pm to 1 pm SAT, 10 on, to 4 p:r Dungannon 529-7949 DISCOUNTS ON STOVES, INSERTS, CHIMNEY FIREPLACE DOORS with cbstomer pick up or FREE DELIVERY ATC Honda three wheeler, 110 model in ex- cellent condition. Phone 523-4408.--49,50 A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT. The Huron Historical Atlas, an interesting gift with lasting value, would be a treasure for anyone who has ever liv- ed in Huron County. The Atlas will contain over 300 .pages of stories of pioneer families, Huron churches,organizations and businesses. Township maps will show names of farm owners. Atlas gift certificates are still available for $45 each from the Atlas office, County Court House, Goderich,.N7A 1M2 or call 524-2950.--49,50 APPLES, red and white potatoes, Spanish and cooking onions, bulk cookies, cider, apple but- ter, honey, plastic and wooden barrels at Art Bell's Fruit Farm 524-8037.-50,51 ar • 1982 HONDA MB5 motorcycle, new last fall, less than 200km, selling price $450 is half of new list price, 523-4564. Also 4800 watt electric heater new last fall $75--50,51 FRESH APPLE CIDER, and crisp Macintosh apples available for 'your Yuletide enjoyment at Don Middleton's Whitehall Farm, R.R. 3, Clinton. Phone 482.9838,--50,51ar CANON CAMERA SALE! Just in time for Christmas, see our ad ,on page 3 of this issue FotoPros Clinton (between Town Hall and Main Corner).-50ar ATV 200 with back carrier, best offer. Phone 482- 3224. '---50 FRESH dressed Muscovy ducks for sale. Phone 482 3176,-50,51 • FARM two wheel 8x4 utility trailer, licensed, $200. Can be seen by calling 565-5341. 50x WOOD VENEER DRESSER with mirror and mat- ching head and foot boards with roils $100 or best offer. 482-3070.- 50 WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quantity. Will deliver. 482-9250 C & E FURNITURE NEW d. USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY '/2 Tile south on Hwy . 211 GODERICH 5247231 We even take trades 1. Articles for sale SKATES FOR SALE: one pair men's size 8 and boy's size 4, excellent condition. Phone 482- 7467. -50x 82- 7467. -50x CHRISTMAS TREES for sale $10 at 193 Townsend St., Clinton. Project of Wesley -Willis Church Youth and First Clinton Rovers. -50x GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE - Village Market Gun and Tackle of Underwood are closing their doors and everyting must go by Sunday, December 23, 4 p.m. Rifles, shotguns, ammuni- tion, scopes, gun cases, binoculars, clothing, down riggers, fish finders, rods, reels and fishing tackle. Phone 368-7182.-50-51 NEW PAIR MEN'S brown checked pants size 34; new brown sport jacket size 40; brown sports jacket size 18; Moto -ski 440 snowmobile 482- 7029.-50 FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING at its best - The Lighthouse Gift Shop, Blyth. Musical items and other gifts. See our half price sections. Open dai- ly 10-5. 482.3079,-50 1A. Snowmobiles 1980 ARCTIC CAT Panther snowmobile, on in- jected, 1400 miles, asking $1800. Call 482- 7221,-50-1 1982 YAMAHA BRAVO 250 phone 482- 3251.-50,51 - 1980 ARCTIC CAT JAG3000, fan cooled, oil injec- tion heated" handlebars, tack and speedo, studd- ed track excellent condition, $1400. 482- 3861.-50x 5. Cars for sale 1980 MALIBU, 83,000 km-, V6 engine, P.B., P.S., good condition, $4250. Phone 482-3909.--48-50 1975 FORD WAGON in good running condition, needs very little to safety, $650, phone 523- 9696. 50 1974 TOYOTA COROLLA 1600, two door coach, 59,250 original miles, new exhaust system, will sell as is 565-5250.-50,51 SACHS DOLMA!? CHAIN'`. , SAWS Sales and Service at FRASER'S SALES AND SERVICE HWY. 4 - JUST NORTH OF BRUCEFIEL 482-9286 A. For Sale HAY for sale; 600 bales, good for horses, no rain. Phone 482-7426--50 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS , Victor Hargreaves Clinton -u2-7311 Barry Miller Exeter - 2334717 Kirk ton - 221-4203 Gregory Hargreaves 362-2411 * FOR SALE * • COOK'S WINTER JACKETS Children's Sizes $17.00 For information contact: Hensall 262-2410 Centralia 228-6661 Kirkton 229-8986 Walton 527-1540 **Limited Supply** Sponsored by Cook's Social Committee D. Livestock 8. Marine WANTED - small calves either dairy or beef; cows dairy or beef; also, veal or stockers. Phone 357- 2861 .--48-51 Attention Farmers WE PAY 520.00 TO 150.00 PER HUNDRED WE13HT FOR OLD. RECENTLY INJURED OR DOWNER COWS AND STEERS. MUST BE ALIVE AND DRUG FREE. MARK LEIS & SONS LIVESTOCK TOLL FREE 1-$00-263-4110 24 hrs. a day, 6 days a week. Servingthis area since 1174. THE GODERICH POWER SQUADRON offers boating course to commence the 1st of the year (consists of small boat handling, power and sail). All persons interested phone 482-9748 or 524- 2578 prior to Dec. 23--50,51 12. Real estate for sale E. Farm Services WILL DO relief milking and chores, $7.50 per hour. Phone Peter Hamming 527-0179 evenings.--43tf HORSES BOARDED • large box stalls and riding arena. Phone 482-9951'.-50 TWO STOREY brick commercial building close to main intersection, Hwy 8, Clinton. Excellent loca- tion, lot approx. 52 x 132, now containing two shops, three apts., owner retiring. Apply 482- 7082 or 482-9410.-49,50x FARM FOR RENT BY TENDER. 120 acres on Maitland Concession Township of Goderich. For- ward tenders to Mrs, Linda Jones, R.R. 2, Clinton, Ontario, NOM 1L0 prior to December 20, 1984. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ---49,50x JUST LISTED: 142 FREDERICK ST. Refurbished 3 bedroom home with detached, heated garage and 16' x 32' above ground pool. Features patio doors to deck and pool, built in dishwasher, washer and dryer all included. List '53,000. NEW LISTING Newer 1,040 sq. ft. 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Vanastra; includes 1'/2 car garage and features a 38 foot rec. room in full basement. '35,000. RE -LISTED Back on the market as Vendors are moving to the country. Partially renovated 3 bedroom in a pleasant location near Separate School. Large eat -in kitchen, renewed living room. '32,000. BRUCEFIELD 1 '/2 storey family home, main floor laundry room, 12' x 18' sundeck. List '26,000. 5 BEDROOM IN LONDESBORO 74 ft. by 140 ft. lot with 16' x 24' barn or workshop. '22,500. HOBBY FARM 3 bedroom 2 bath one floor home with. large barn on 3'/2 acres, No. 8 Hwy. '52,500. BUILDING LOT OVERLOOKING RIVER 3.25 acres , on Bayfield River at Egmondville. 510,000 or best offer. ATTENTION BUILDERS 5 lots On town as one parcel. '26,900. 116 MARY ST. '19,000. Small 2 bedroom, well insulated. BLYTH 1585 sq. ft. rancher with attached double garage, main floor laundry, fireplace, rec room with bar. High 60's. NEED 4 BEDROOMS? Let us show you this renovated Ontario St. home; renewed kitchen; 1'/2 baths. Accurately priced '32,900. NO. 17 ERIE ST. N. Small 2 bedroom cottage, ideal for singles or retirees. List price '20,000. 202 HURON ST., CLINTON 1700 sq. ft. home in tip-top condition. Paved drive convenient location,' natural gas fireplace, 4 pc. and 2 pc, baths, house well insulated. '42,500. FORECLOSURE SALE 3 bedroom in. Vanastra, '17,900, easy terms may be possible, JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR MEMBERS OF THE HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD John L. Duddy Russ W. Archer Office 482-3652 482-3733 or' 9428 482-3766 •LUCKNOW GODERICH OWINGHAM ULYTH 11.4; i,INTON BAYFIELD*V aSEAFORTH • MITCHELL • ZURICH • EXETER STRATFORD 12. Real estate for sale REAL ,ESTATE LTD. 1,000 HOG OPERATION, 1 floor home, 3 acres. 8,300 BASIC LAYER QUOTA, modern home, 67 acres workable. DAIRY FARMS -several available APARTMENTS - 5 unit, good condition & location. INDUSTRIAL ZONED LOTS - '/2 acre, 1 1/3 acres, 3 acres &'22 acres. - INDUSTRIAL ZONED LOT with brick office type building. INDUSTRIAL ZONED 5,000 sq. ft. building. in Vanastra. RESTAURANT FULLY EQUIPPED. going concern. COMMERCIAL ZONED LOT, Highway loca- tion. COMMERCIAL ZONED PROPERTY, quonset hut, highway location. COMMERCIAL ZONED PROPERTY near the post office. 40 ACRES with bush near Holmesville. 50 ACRES WITH BUSH near Bayfield. WORKABLE ACREAGE & BUSH, river fron- tage, near Auburn. 150 ACRES, 130 WORKABLE, Brucefield area. 100 ACRES, 83 WORKABLE, House & barn, Tuckersmith Twp. 2Y2 ACRES, house, barn & shed near Clin- ton. 80 lin-ton- 80 ACRES WITH COTTAGE, some bush near Bayfield. NEAR THE ARENA - 4 bedroom home, large lot, '24,900.00. 122 HURON ST. - 3 bedroom home, garage, '26,900.00 201 HURON ST. - nice 2 bedroom 1 floor home, carport. 175 HURON ST. - cosy 3 bedroom home, treed lot. 62 WELLINGTON ST. - attractive well kept cottage. 103 JAMES ST. - duplex or single family home, close to downtown. 98 PRINCESS ST. W. - 4 bedroom home,. large lot, carport, '29,500.00, will rent. 102 HURON ST. -.3 bedroom home, dining room, large lot. 133 HURONST. - elegant 4 bedroom home, many extras. 56 GIBBINGS ST. - 4 bedroom brick , garage, very attractive. 49 HURON ST. - Bric.k duplex, very nice in- terior, zoned commercial. 260 ALBERT ST. - Raised bungalow, family room, double garage, plus. MODERN HOME, a lot of square ft., ex- ecutive style, large lot. 1 FLOOR HOME, separate shop, 1.3 acres, outskirts of Auburn. RANCH' STYLE HOME, double garage, 1 acre near Clinton. MOBILE, SLEEPS SIX, set up at Pine Lake. SPLIT LEVEL HOME, POOL, large workshop near Clinton. EXECUTIVE STYLED 1 floor home in Blyth, large lot. EXECUTIVE STYLED HOME on river in Bayfield. 20 OUEBEC RD. VANASTRA, a deal at '20,900.00 76 VICTORIA BLVD. VANASTRA, open concept '22,000.00 37 VICTORIA BLVD. VANASTRA, Florida room, '24,900.00. 15 VICTORIA BLVD VANASTRA, 5 bedrooms, '28,000.00. AN EXCELLENT STARTER HOME close to downtown Clinton only '19,900.00. Call Harold Workman FARMS, HOME & COMMERCIAL Cllntbn 519-482-3455 Call Peter Damsma FARM REPRESENTATIVE - POULTRY SPECIALIST RR 5 Clinton 482-9849 MAURICE :1i:1 i] I; I i,1 REAL ESTATE LIMITED 34 STANLEY STREET S24-2066 GODERICH 'We May Be Number One! But - We're Still Trying Harder,' CALL US -TO WELCOME YOU HOME LOW INTEREST RATER!. A 1984 EXPENSE AND A 1985 INCOME.. WHY NOT BUY A FARM NOW! GODERICH TOWNSHIP - 40 Acre Cash Crop & Hobby Farm - 30 x 40' Barn, Shed, 2 Miles from Lake Huron. Priced at '100,000.00. HULLETT TOWNSHIP • 3 miles from town on paved road • 68.8 Acre -Hog & General Farm 30 x 70' Farrow to Finish 25 Sows. 4 year old Raised Ranch - Ponds and unlicensed Gravel Pit. Priced at '139,000. OPEN TO OFFERS... HULLETT TOWNSHIP • 100 Acres • 90 workable with possibility of more, older home plus 2 barns & Shed. Priced to sell at '150,000. HULLETT TOWNSHIP - 149 Acre Cash Crop and Hog setup for 85 sows with upright silo being built, feed tanks, motor mill, 2nd floor in barn set up for hogs. 1750 sq. ft. New brick bungalow with full basement. Priced to sell at '259,000.00. STANLEY TOWNSHIP • 11/2 miles South of Clinton on Hwy. No. 4 • 4.8 Acre - Hog Set up for 900 Fat pigs - 1'/2 Acre Apple Orchard - 500 Trees, 10 Ton Bulk Feeding Tank, Auger, Liquid Manure Holding Tank, Pump. Priced at'129,500. STANLEY TOWNSHIP - 50 Acre Hobby Farm 2'/7 Miles from Lake Huron, 25 Workable, Creek running through farm, 3000 trees planted in 1979. Good location for pond and building site., Priced to sell at '55,000. STANLEY TOWNSHIP • 150 Acre, 120 Acres workable Hog & Cash crop - 2 Barns, shed & garage, 11/2 Storey older 5 bedroom Yellow Brick Home, Farrow to finish 38 sows - Farm Credit Mortgage of '96,000. until 2000 plus at 91/2%. Priced to sell at3250,000. FOR OTHER FARM LISTINGS IN HURON COUNTY CONTACT: t-- DIANNE ALEXANDER 565-2513