HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-12-12, Page 13Page 12 CLINTON NEW
The Kippen East Women's Institute is 50 years old. Three first year members par-
ticipated in the anniversary celebration in Brucfield last week. Looking at the anniver-
sary plaque from Premier William Davis are Grace Pepper, Rena Caldwell and Grace
Eyre. (Wassink photo)
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Women's Institute celebrates anniversary
By Margaret Hoggarth
KIPPEN - The Kippen
Institute celebrated the 50th Anniversary of
the founding of the Institute on December 5
in Brucefield United Church. Guests who
were former members of Kippen East and
representatives from all the Branches of
South Huron Women's Institute numbering
about 100 were registered by Rena Caldwell
and presented with a book of "Helpful
Hints" by Grace Eyre and Grace Pepper.
They were entertained by Pastor Moffat at
the organ, and Mary Broadfoot at the piano
to beautiful seasonal music.
Institute Grace was sung and dinner was
served by the Kippen East members in the
Fellowship Hall. President of Kippen East,
Grace Drummond introduced the head table
and musical numbers were enjoyed by
Joanne Verlinde, Dianna Verlinde and
Susan Lochit. Frances Kinsman gave the
history of the founding of Kippen East and
related some of the accomplishments of the
branch over the years.
Delores Shipton. President of the South
Huron District Women's Institute brought
greetings from the District and spoke on the
work and aims of the District.
Helen MacLean presented the First Year
members of Kippen East ,Carrie Graham,
Rena Caldwell, Grace Pepper, Grace Eyre,
Dorothy Bell with a gift. ,Mrs. Bell was
absent in Florida and Mr$. Graham, the
first president of Kippen East in 1934 was
hospitalized and unable to be present.
The 4-H leaders Eileen Townsend, Joyce
Wilson,Penny Savage •and Margaret
Hoggarth were presented with gifts in
honour and appreciation of their work with
the 4-H clubs.
Mrs. Hoggarth became a Postmistress in
the early days and did a monologue of the
duties she encountered. Ruby Triebner and
Mrs. Caldwell gave theirinterpretation of
saving on Christmas presents.
Mona Alderdice introduced the guest
speaker, Shirley Keller; a well-known
writer in the county. She spoke of life on the
farm in thoscl early days and life as it has
evolved in this day an' � a'!iustmentsthat
people and organizations must make in
order to survive. She was thanked by Mrs.
Kinsman, a school day friend.
Roll call of former members wan taken
and each contributed her memories of
Kippen East. Mona Alderdiee conducted a
draw for lucky members. One of the gifts
was made and donated by Thea Wisch who
is holidaying in Mexico. Kippen East was
thanked by all the branches.
United Church News
Pastor Don Moffat presided in the pulpit
for the second Adventunday. The purple
advent candle was lit, purple standing for
repentence. Pastor Moffat's sermon was
based on "A Church That Behaves".
Barbara Cooper accompanied the singing of
the Christmas hymns on the organ.
The bulletin reminded of Sunday
December 16 at 7 p.m. in Bayfield United
Church, the Candlelight and Carol Service
with special music by Mollie Cox, Don
Moffat and Rob Adams.
s ears about thegift of Chritmas
Guestp Kyle, Karen McCullough, John Rooseboom
streak when they managed to come out on and Bill Towten were the ushers.
top in the close game against Huron Park on The pageant was presented by the
Dec. 5. children of the congregation. Diane Stebbins
Jim Dickins assisted by Bob Taylor open- was Mary with Andy Phillips as Joseph. The
ed the scoring for Hensall in the first period Shepherds were represented by Rick Albert,
only to have Huron Park ice it a minute Shawn Wurm and Scott Gould, and Jason
later. Jim Dickens from Chris Campbell Phillips, Shane Wurm and Thomas Scot -
again scored to open the second period, and chmer were the Wise Men. Angels for the
again Huron Park tied it a minute later. service were Jaime McGee, Jodi McGee
In the third period the fans were kept on and Terry -Lynn Elder with Mary Taylor as
their feet as the boys battled from one end to the lead angel. Representing the animals in
the other. Brian Moir, assisted by Rob the stable were the cow, Jeremy Reid; the
Taylor, scored for Hensall midway through donkey, Jamie Brock; the shepherd, Tara
the third period. With a minute left in the Pepper; the lamb, Kim Scotchmer; the cat,
game Huron Park pulled their goalie to play Lori Gould; the dove, Richelle Elder; the
six attackers as Hensall was serving a hook- dog, Ryan Kyle.
ing penalty. Those reading the background scripture
Jason Imanse was fed the puck by Brian were Tim Brock, Pam Gackstetter and
Moir from the face off and skated to the Chris Campbell. The readers for the
empty Huron Park not to score. Both teams pageant were Derick McGee, Wayne Scot -
played an excellent game. The next home chmer, Elizabeth Thompson, Mark Brock,
game will be Dec. 12 when Hensall will host Jodi Sararas, Lynda Shirray, Gordon
Exeter. Hamilton, and Bevan Moir.
Rebekah Christmas meeting The Junior Choir, with Belva Fuss as
The Christmas meeting of Amber pianist, provided music.,Solos were given -by
Rebekah Lodge was held on Dec. 5 with N.G. Mary Taylor, Jennifer Taylor, Robert
Eunice Aikenhead presiding assisted by Gackstetter, and Victoria Bisback. Mindy .
. V.G. Lois Jones. Lois reported for the Bell and Amy Campbell sang a duet with the
visiting committee. A donation was made to choir as background echo.
the Huron Day Centre for the Homebound The whole choir also sang. Those singing
for their work. Following the meeting there in the Junior choir were Robert Gackstetter,
was a short program of readings and Belva Jonathon Corbett, Jennifer Taylor, Angela
Fuss played several Christmas carols on the Bell, Angela Gould, -Amy Campbell, Mary
piano. An exchange of gifts was made Taylor, Cathy Corbett, Victoria Bisback,
revealing the identity of the Secret Sisters: Teresa Dayman, Ann Packham and Minday
All enjoyed a potluck lunch of Christmas Bell.
goodies. Reading the scripture for the Lighting of
Queensway news • the Advent Candle was Angeia Bell and Lyn-
On Dec. 3 Queensway residents made tree- da Shetray lit the Second Advent Candler
ornaments. They plan to fill the home with The United Church School held their Carol
many homemade decorations for Sing and Christmas Party on Sunday even -
Christmas. ing. The different department, along with
Rev Clayton Kaupfer from Zurich Men- their teachers and some of the parents,pent
nonite Church. led the -Church -service on out throughout the village singing f;§arols
Dec. 4. Elmer Potter lit the, second advent and wishing everyoree a Merry Christmas..
' Upon returning to the church they enjoyed
By Bertha MacGregor
P.C.W. Hold
Christmas Meeting
HENSALL - Carmel Church Presbyterian
Church Women (PCW) held their December
meeting on December 3 with a potluck din-
ner. Rev. Knight opened the gathering with
grace and everyone enjoyed a bountiful
President Mrs. Dorothy Taylor presided
for the meeting which followed. Mrs.
Elizabeth Faber was in charge of the devo-
tional. Mrs. Taylor gave a presentation on
Christmas articles found in the Bible, 13
members took part and ended up with a
beautiful table arrangement centered with a
Mrs. Kenneth Knight was the guest
speaker giving an excellent message on
"The Gift of Christmas".
Business followed and the officers were
elected: President, Margaret Hoggarth;
Vice -President and Secretary, Cathy Bell;
Treasurer, Marlene Bell; Association
Members, • Jean Snell; Glad Tidings
Secretary, Emma 'Campbell; Supply Com-
mittee, Eleanor Thompson and .Winnie
Skea; Cradle Roll, Elizabeth Faber;
Pianist, Edith Belli Cards and Treats,
Cathy Bell; Quilting, Martha MacGregor
and Gertie Moir; Friendship and Service,
Florence Hyde Queensway Rep, Marylin
Campbell; Group Leaders, Marlene Bell;
Cathy Bell, Martha McGregor.
It was decided to install a loud speaker
system and p donation was madeto the
board of managers. Shut-in boxes will be
packed Dec. 12. The next meeting is Jan. 7.
An exchange of gifts concluded the meeting.
Communion Service •
Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted the com-
munion service, at Carmel. Presbyterian
Church on Sunday with Carolyn. Love
leading the choir: Joanne Verlinde•P'layed a
melody of Christmas music on her guitar.
The Arnold Circle Evening '
decorated the sanctuary and had a Thursday was a double feature movie day cookies and hot chocolate. Santa arrived, in
beautifullyheonlighted tree. Choir practices will a"M Qty ofa the Deep". The firsthich explored cvie was chhildr nyschedule having eachinchildd a sit on his knee
d with the
be held or. Thursday evening. The choir will a nice
be assisting at the carol service in Carmel many
was an animated versios of the sea. n of the big candyag forhim.
ach child and thenleft on'
Presbyteriancechurch on Sunday evening classic "A Christmas Carol". his merry way to his next destination.
December 23 at Exeter. •
Friday afternoon residents baked The Young Teens met on Friday evening.
+ + + Christmas cookies to prepare for the holiday The study for the evening was on "Pre-
season. judice" and a film was shown on "In the Eye
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor returned home United news - Of The Storm", Steven McCullough opened
after spending several days visiting with Hensall United Church was filled to the meeting with prayer and•the leaders for
her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. capacity on Sunday morning when the an- the ,discussion. were Pam Mallette and
nual Christmas Pageant and Carol service Sharon Wurm. The next meeting will be a
Don Maclaren, Jodi and Brooke in
Oakville. was presented. David Brock greeted the recreation night on December 21 when the .
Bantams on top congregation and Joanne Moir and Pauline group will be going swimming and back to
' ;Hensall Bantams continued their winning Bell were the senior ushers with Kari -Sue the church for a pizza party.
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