HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-12-05, Page 116Descriptions of Courses and Programs
client, community mental health and
illness, client contracting, pain manage-
ment, palliative care, family assessment
and care planning.
Offered at:
Thurs. 7-10 p.m. 8 wks.
Feb. 21 $24 Location: Doon Campus
Holistic Health S
This course is designed for health
professionals and interested individuals
wishing to learn about holistic therapies
and the objectives of holistic health. It
will acquaint the participants with the
principles and practices which stress
the positive aspects of living and
working. It will also present the benefits
shown by holistic health care systems,
including recent research findings.
Offered at:
Wed. 7-10 p.m. 10 wks.
Jan. 16 $30 Location: Doon Campus
Psychogerfatrics A
Society's changing attitudes toward the
aged and the emergence of - aging as
an identifiable stage in the life cycle
provide the environment for the devel-
opment of psychogeriatrics as a spe-
cialty within health care practice. The
extent of psychological, and psychiatric
problems in 'the elderly necessitates
attention to their unique psychodyn-
amics. This course provides an over-
view of the aging process as it relates
to mental health and illness. It will
include mental health assessment and
the management of common psycho -
geriatric problems seen in the elderly in
hospitals and in the community. The ,
emphasis will be on the interventio`s'
health professionals should find most
useful in working effectively with the
aged and their families.
Offered at:
Tues. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks.
Jan. 15 $36 Location: Health Sciences Division,
40 Green St., Rm. 556
Mon. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks.
Jan. 14 $36 Location: Health Sciences Division,
70 Westmount Rd., Rm. A4
Wed. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks.
Jan. 16 $36 Location: Health Sciences Division
This 385 hours program is designed to
provide registered nurses with specialty
knowledge and skills in critical care
nursing. Independent study, classroom
participation and supervised clinical
experience will encourage students to
utilize the nursing process as a frame-
work for practice. Core I content will
include professionalism and leadership,
psychosocial response to critical ill-
ness, crisis management, communica-
tions, ethics and legalities as well as
patient teaching and rehabilitation.
Based ' on the broad principles of
homeostasis presented in Core 11, stu-
dents will develop in depth knowledge
and skills in care of the critically ill
patient through study of pulmonary,
cardiovascular, neurological, renal and
gastrointestinal modules. Through a
flexible curriculum design that inte-
grates the distance education model,
the program will • meet the learning
needs of both experienced critical care
nurses and those who may wish to
move into this specialty area. Challenge
exams are available for some of the
Current College of Nurses of Ontario
Certificate of Competence as a Regis-
tered Nurse is required for program eli-
This program will be offered in the
Winter of 1985 at the following loca-
Doon: CORE II Homeostasis
Guelph: CORE 1I Homeostasis
Stratford: CORE II Homeostasis
For further program information please
contact the College Campus nearest
you, or the Program Co-ordinator at
653-2511 Ext. 321.
This program is designed to build on
the previous knowledge and skills of
the registered nurse to increase com-
petency and skill in psychiatric nursing.
The program includes a review of the
current state of psychiatric nursing and
expanding roles in practice, mental
health - mental illness, conceptual
models of care, therapeutic modalities,
including one-to-one relationships and
clinical syndromes in the adult popula-
Through supervised clinical experience,
"students will have the opportunity to
apply knowledge and skills in the
practice area.
The program will also provide a flexible
opportunity to pursue individualized
goals. Eligible applicants will be em-
ployed in the field of psychiatry or
nursing equivalent. The program is 492
hours in length and takes approximate-
ly 1 Y2 years to complete on a part-time
basis. No classes are held during July
and August. The following modules are
offered in the Winter of 1985:
Module I
Psychiatric Nursing: State Of The
Art .
This module traces the history of the
nursing care of the mentally ill from
1800.'s to contemporary times. The
changing role of the nurse is discussed
in its relationship to the Mental Health
Act, 1978, and ,to the legal rights of the
client. Verification of nursing functions
and, those of other mental health team
members will be •explored. The utiliza-
tion of current nursing care delivery
modes are compared. The student is
encouraged to begin examining his/her
level of, self-awareness, as it relates to
his/her current practice. (No Chal-
lenge) 18 hours
Module 11
Mental Health And Mental Illness
Theoretical frameworks are presented
in order to add the cognitive knowledge
base that nurses bring with them to
psychiatric nursing. From this, the
nurse, can extrapolate a personal ,phi-
losophy for nursing practice, and ap-
praise their reactions, . capabilities and
limitations within these frameworks.
(Challenge Available) 28 hours
Module III
The Therapeutic Process And
Conceptual Models Of Care
This module focuses on the therapeutic
process and how the decision to use, a
certain model or models of care is
made. The specific tasks and activities
used in psychiatric nursing are de-
scribed within four models of mental
health care. How a psychiatric nurse
seeks relevant clinical data, formulates
or makes a nursing diagnosis of the
client's problems and decides on a
nursing treatment program is explored.
(No Challenge) 49 hours
Module IV
Nurse - Client Interaction
The therapeutic use of self is a key
asset in psychiatric nursing. Attitudes
and human qualities that facilitate the
therapeutic relationship are discussed,
along with specific steps and tech-
niques in interviewing and relationship
Through use of group tutorial, students
are provided with the opportunity to
discuss format, communications issues,
utilize other students as learning re-
sources and gain feedback from peers.
This module runs concurrently with the
clinical module: Nurse - Client Interac-
tion. 21 hours
Module V
Clinical: Nurse - Client Interaction
This clinical placement gives the psy-
chiatric nurse an opportunity to employ
the skills and knowledge acquired in
establishing and maintaining a 'one-to-
one therapeutic nurse -client relation-
ship. 120 hours -
In the Winter of 1985 Modules I, II, III
will be offered at Guelph, Doon and
Stratford. Modules IV and V will be
offered in Guelph.
Challenge Exams
Note: Challenge Exams are available
for the R.N.'s who feel they have •
Sufficient knowledge and experience to
bypass a module.
For further details please contact Bren-
da Kitching at 653-2511 ext. 321.
Fee: Phase 1 Modules I through V $236.00
Phase II Modules VI through X $256.00
The Registered Nurse - Refresher
Program is a three hundred hour