HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-12-05, Page 114Descriptions of Courses and Programs
segment require a pass mark of 75%.
Students who do not achieve this mark
will have one opportunity to rewrite.
REFUNDS: In the Real Estate Pre -
Registration Program Intensive Courses,
each 3 -hour session is deemed to equal
one class. Therefore you must request a
refund before the seventh hour of
classes begins, should you .decide to
withdraw from the course.
This program is a part of the Ontario
Real Estate Association educational
program for registered sales people,
and leads, ultimately, to real estate
broker qualification. Courses may be
taken in any sequence.
The mandatory 40 hour courses Prin-
ciples of Appraisal, Principles of Mort-
gage Financing, and Real Property
Law are offered at Doon.
Candidates must take one of the
following 40 hour elective courses
which are offered from time to time at
Doon. Commercial Real Estate, Indus-
trial Real Estate, Principles of Proper-
ty Management and Rural Real Estate.
Prior to licencing as a broker, there is
an additional course requirement set by
the -Ontario Real Estate Association.
REFUNDS: Each 4 hour session, is
deemed to equal one class. Therefore,
you must request a refund before the
ninth hour of classes begins, should
you decide to withdraw from the
Principles Of Appraisal
Offered at:
Mon. -Fri. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m, and
1-5 p.m. 1 wk.
Mar. 4 $185 Location: Doon Valley Golf Club
Fee includes $21 for text and $20 for
A.I.C. examination fee.
Principles Of Mortgage Financing
Offered at:
Mon: Fri. 8:30'a.m.-12:30 p.m. and
1-5 p.m. 1 wk.
Jan. 21 $150 Location: Rockway Golf Club
Fee includes $19 for text and $20. for
O.R.E.A. examination fee.
Real Property Law
Offered at:
Mon. -Fri. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and
1-5 p.m. 1 wk.
Feb. 18 $150 Location: Rockway Golf Club
Fee includes $19 for text and $20 for
O.R.E.A. examination fee.
Note: To enrol in any of the following
courses, applicants must provide a
photocopy of their current College of
Nurses of Ontario Certificate of Compe-
tence as a Registered Nurse. Recent
graduates of nursing programs in the
Province of Ontario who have written the
last scheduled Canadian National Test-
ing Service Examination to qualify as a
Registered Nurse are eligible to apply.
Recent Conestoga graduates waiting to
write the next scheduled examinations
are also eligible.
Understanding Disease:
Interpreting Lab Tests A
The purpose of this course is to present
the nurse with an outline of the
pathology of common diseases seen in
hospital patients. It will also emphasize
the use of laboratory tests to aid in
diagnosis, and in the anticipation of
hazards to the patient and hospital
community. The course will be essen-
tially practical in outlook, rather than
academic, to develop a more useful
liaison with the laboratory, and enable
the nurse to control ward situations to
the benefit of patients and staff. Topics
will' include hematology, biochemistry,
microbiology and tissue pathology.
Offered at:
Wed. 7-10 p.m. 10 wks.
Jan. 23 $30 Location: To be determined
Oncology For Nurses - Unit I A
This course has been designed to
provide a broad investigation into the
field of Oncology nursing through, the
use of a holistic, process -oriented,
interdisciplinary approach. Participants
will receive an overview of current
concepts of pathophysiology of cancer,
and diagnostic and treatment modali-
ties. Patient and family reactions and
their relationship to nursing process
and management will be discussed.
The role of the nurse in caring for the
oncology patient in . institutions, health
agencies and the community will be ex-
Offered at:
Mon. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks.
Jan. 14 $36 Location: Health Sciences Division,
40 Green St., Rm. 855
Oncology For Nurses - Unit II A
In this course, the role of the nurse is
defined more specifically in terms of
present contexts of practice as well as .
evolving and extended role develop-
ment. Based on the treatment methods
outlined in Unit. I, content will focus on
supportive aspects of the nurse's role
in a variety of settings. It will emphasize
major issues, care components and
skills acquisition that the nurse will
need to address while .caring for the
oncology patient; e.g. - counselling and
care of the dying person, care for
specific needs (problems), nursing in-
Prerequisite: Oncology for Nurses
Unit I, or permission of instructor.
Offered at:
Mon. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks.
Jan. 14 $36 Location: Listowel Hospital
Physical Assessment Skills For
'Nurses A
This course for Registered Nurses is
designed to provide registrants with
knowledge of the fundamental concepts
and procedures underlying physical,
examination of the client, Supervised
lab practice in selected basic tech-
niques will be provided. Emphasis will
be placed on the reasons for the
specific assessment techniques and
interpretation of the results in light of
nursing process.
Offered at:
Clinton (Seaforth)
Tues. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks.
Mar. 5 $36 Location: Seaforth Hospital
Clinton (Wingham)
Tues. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks.
Mar. 5 $36 Location: To be determined
Mon. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks.
Jan. 14 $36 Location: Health Sciences Division,
70 Westmount Rd., Rm. B7
Mon. 7:30-10:30 p.m. 12 wks.
Jan. 14 $36 Location: Health Sciences Division
Pharmacology For Today's Nurse A
The variety of drugs used in the
treatment and prevention of disease
has increased dramatically in the past
two or three decades and continues .to
increase as medical researchers dis-
cover more chemicals that produce
highly sophisticated effects on specific
body tissues and cells. These substan-
tial advances in pharmacology continue
to have an effect on nursing practice.
As a health professional, the nurse
must have a current body of knowledge
concerning drugs and their effects.
This course provides an innovative
approach to the study of pharmacology
with nurse and pharmacist team teach-
ers presenting core content and small
group work allowing students opportu-
nity to apply. concepts through clinically
specialized case studies.
Independent study and discussion pro-'
vides the. student with specific informa-
tion relevant to his/her own clinical
practice. This course is developed and
offered jointly by RNAO and Conestoga
Offered at:
Guelph '
Thurs. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks.
Jan. 17 $36 Location: 70 Westmount Rd.,
Rm. B10
Mon. 7:30-10:30 p. m. 12 wks.
Jan. 14 $36 Location: Health Sciences Divispon,
40 Green St., Rm. B56
Wed. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks.
Jan..16 $36 Location: Nursing Division
Topics In Geriatrics For
Registered Nurses A
See Note Above. Topics will include:
Gerontology, Sociological and Psycho-
logical Implications, Communications,
Activation, Reality Orientation, Commu-
nity Resources, Grief and the Dying
Process. The successful completion of