HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-12-05, Page 107Descriptions of Courses and Programs child-rearing methods which encourage mutual respect and equality bettween parent and child. This course is en- hanced with manuals, charts and cas- sette tapes. Study methods consist of discussion and exercises reflecting common con- cerns of parents. The Guelph course is more intensive in treatment of subject matter. Offered at: Cambridge Thurs. 7-9:30 p.m. 5 wks. Jan. 31 $20 Guelph Tues. 7-9:30 p.m. 5 wks. Jan. 22 $20 Milverton Tues. 7:30-10 p.m. 5 wks. Mar. 5 $20 Location: Milverton Public School Stratford Wed. 7-9:30 p.m. 5 wks. Jan. 23 $20 Location: Health Sciences Division S.T.E.P. The Teenage Years S Are you having problems communicat- ing with your teenager? Are you won- dering how you will ever be able to break down those teens' emotional barriers? If you answer yes to the above questions, the S.T.E.P. Teen course may be for you. This course goes beyond the S.T.E.P. Program. It still encourages the concept of mutual respect and equality but discussions will also include topics such as under- standing your teenager and yourself, personality development, building self- esteem and discipline problems. Offered at: Guelph Thurs. 7-9:30 p.m 6 wks. Jan. 24 $24 Listowel Wed. 7-9:30 p.m. 6 wks. Jan. 30 $24 Location: Listowel District _ Secondary School Stratford Tues. 7-9:30 p.m. 6 wks. Jan. 22 $24 Location: Health Sciences Division Understanding Your Child This course will focus on the child from birth to twelve years of age. Through the study of child develop- ment, you will gain an understanding of your child's behaviour. There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion of issues and, concerns regarding the everyday experiences of your child. Offered at: Doon Wed. 7-10 p.m. 10 wks., Jan. 23 $48 • COMMUNITY SERVICES Career Orientation/Action Program N Use our unique career planning service to choose a career that's right for you. Through interviews, discovery activities, and research, CO/AP aims to help you discover what employment path is best -for you and what skills you need to start along that path. Free Information Sessions are scheduled according to demand. If, after attending the Informa- tion Session, you decide to pursue the Program, the fee is $100.00. Sessions are arranged on an individual basis in the evening. Offered at: Doon, Guelph and Waterloo Note: For more information telephone 653-7460 between the hours of 12 noon and 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 12 noon and 4 p.m. on Friday. Child Welfare Children, as well as being our greatest resource, are the most vulnerable seg- ment of our society. Recognizing their special status, the Provincial' and Fed- eral Governments have reviewed old and introduced new legislation and regulations affecting children. This course will provide a base of knowl- edge in Child Welfare for child care workers considering a career in Child Welfare, social workers, volunteers, foster parents, board members and other interested community members. Offered at: Guelph Mon. 7-10.p.m. 10 wks. Jan. 19 $30 i Employee Assistance Programs The course would be of benefit and should be directed to managers of personnel departments and the staff of their departments, union executives, union stewards and union representa- tives, EAP co-ordinators and members . of EAP committees in businesses and other organizations. The course would be of benefit to organizations with employee assistance programs in operation and also for organizations considering the establishment of an EAP. It will use films, EAP materials that . have been developed by the Addiction Research Foundation and other organizations, ' reference reading and •bibliography. The methods of in- struction will include . lectures, small group discussions, general class dis- cussions, questions, role playing and experimental learning activities. Offered at: Guelph Thurs, 7-9:30 p.m. 10 wks. Jan. 24 $40 Human Development A This course will be of particular interest to anyone working in a Human Service area. The course materials are designed so that you can study at home at your own pace. You will also have the opportuni- ty to attend group seminars for discus- sion and to view video tapes which will enhance the written materials. You will study the normal growth process from conception to death in- cluding physical, social, intellectual, emotional and behavioural develop- ment. You will also gain an understand- ing of how unusual or abnormal deve- lopmental or behavioural patterns are developed. Enrolment is limited. Please contact the Continuing Education Of- fice at 271-5700 between 12:30 and 8:00 p.m. Monday to Thursday for more information. Offered at: Stratford Wed. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks. Jan. 16 $60 Loci tion: Health Sciences Division Separation, Divorce & Beyond S. A practical informative course for many people, separation is a time of Toss, loneliness and facing new demands with very little support. This course will offer up-to-date ideas and give partici- pants an opportunity to share common experiences and concerns. Offered at: Doon Tues. 7-9 p.m. 6 wks. Jan. 15 $18 Location: Kitchener YWCA Guelph Wed. 7-9 p.m. 6 wks. Jan. 23 $18 Stress, Anger And Ourselves S I'm so mad I could scream! But I might wake the baby .... But what would everyone think? Stress is part of our lives but it need not control us. We : can learn to recognize stress -causing situations and we can learn to handle them better. When we are in charge we feel better, we are better, people,. better parents, better friends, and most of all we are happier with ourselves. We will talk about what makes us angry, how we - feel and what we want to change. Join us. Offered at: Guelph Mon. 7-9:30 p.m. 4 wks. Mar. 4 $15 St. Marys Thurs. 7-9:30 p.m. 4 wks. Jan. 31 $15 Location: St. Marys District Collegiate and Vocational Institute Note: No refunds will be issued after the course starts. Supervision In A Social Service Agency S The college must reserve the right to determine whether applicants for this course have a Diploma in Social Ser- vices or equivalent and/or experience or current employment in a human and social service agency (i.e. child care, child welfare,' mental health, vocational rehabilitation, corrections, welfare, health, education, housing, community service, family service agencies). Throughout this course, the principles and practices of supervision will be applied to human and social services agencies through the use of case material, lectures, class discussions, role playing and audio visual materials. Offered at: Doon Tues. 7-10 p.m. 10 wks. Jan. 22 $30 35